HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-6-20, Page 5NERV1 US E I Y will u1'you an make a masa o£' NEW ET O TREATMENT w1' mired OUR N W M iii D A a the bloodpurified th t 3' 11 t roto ; the nerves rL loup you. Under ism ease he b im tis esS ba hf l ulcer heal n 'the sapp become strong as steel, Ii that pimples, and clear, energy andFnstthedespondency disappear: the eyes become bright, the systems £allanti nvig ratedO drat tothebody, and the motel, waste i as mental 'You yo alliselfamen;now coria—Do more ailure fDo the system, Sion feel yourself amen and know marninfio Cannot bo a failure. Don't rat qun0ks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. lir- NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter E. Summers relates his experience: "I was troubled with Nervous Debility for many years.Ilagl it to indiscretion and excesses in youth. I beenmo very despondeut and didn't care whether t worked or not. I imagined everybody who looked at tee guessed my seerot, Imaginative dreams at night, weakened me—m9 back ached, had pains in the back of my head, hands and feet were cold, tired in the morning, poor appetite, fingers were shaky, .eyes blurred, hair loose, memory poor, eta Numbness in the fingers set in and the elector told1210 he feared paralysis. I took all kinds of medicines and tried many first-class physicians, were an electric beltforthree mouths, but received little benefit. I BEFORE TREATMENT MOUS induced to consult Drs. Kennedy St AFTER TREATM0NT Kennedy, though Lhad lost nil faith in doctors. Like a drowning mea _L commenced the Nuw nItrnon TREATMENT' and it ouvcd my 1103 The improvomantwas like maK10Slime the nerves. IWascuredmentallyandphysically, Slime sent them many patients and continue to do to. CURES GUARANTEED OR 4O PAY We treat mature VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS DEBILITY', BLOOD AND 'URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BADDER DISEASES and ailDi000.00 peculiar to Men. CONSULTATION FREE. BOORS FREE. if unable to can write fora Question Blank for Home Treatment. Ons.KEN. al. 1. 5 4. f w r ,11+ tEY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold Si., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE A11 letters from Canada must be addressed to otir Canadian Correspondence De art- .:... estesestossmameman trent in Windsor, Ont. p If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Iltstituto in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which .ate for Cortespoitdehce and y r y 10110We ; Laboratory for Canadian usiDess nil Address all letters aa DRS. KENNEDY 4.2 KENNEDY, Windsors Ont,, 1. 7s1tofer nnrerleAteaddpeoo. BUSINESS CARDS. `r� a H. MoOit IE N- 1ssuer alMarrtu o Liconses. 01. ROlGrimery,Turuberry street, Brnas0 5. K. O, T. M, Brussels fecal of the Aluooabeoa, Ne, '24 hold their regular moottt+ge to .tin Lodge ltuom, Buu8er nloaht ou the 1st and lira Taoaduy evootugo of each mouth. Visitors always Wetoome. A. SO u MRS, Cout. A. 51e8Uilrl9, tt, 11, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ince tB the Peat Office, Ethel. 80.4 JOHN SUTHERLAND • Issnanics, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. eel S. 13COTT AS AN AUCTION- le Run, will Boll for bettor mieea, to bettor meu, In less tome and 1096 charges than any other AuoIIoneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything, bates and orders eau always be automat] at this office or by p ureaual application, LESAL AND CQNVEYANCINQ. ‘AT lit, ISLNCLAIR— T 7 • Barrister, BoJloltoy, OODYeyau0Ur, Notary rubilo, &o. Uaroe—Stewart's Block i door North of ()nutria Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank. ptiOUDt'OO'1', BAYS & EILLORAN SAA8E181E118, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, PUB1d11, 19'10. UDRuOT R 0, Bars Pa x. O. W. o Ilmnansx J. L. UlaeB—Pbooformerly Dcs led by Messrs Uamoren & Holt, QoOtatne, U:rento. ALM UNE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season MONTREAL. TO LIVERPOOL T.'2. S, 8, "Viotorhtn" and "Virginian" T. 8.8. "Tunisian" and "Corsican" Sailings every Pride}, MONTREAL TO GLASGOW '2. 8, S. "GTnu.piltn" and "Hesperien" but" ' tor. ' avhu 8. "8unnda, t" and "Pro T.8 Sailings every Saturday TO HAVRE & LONDON Service a moderate priced one class enbin (il) steamers. -. Settings every Smithy a 011 1011311'o - n ion as to rotas io„ Pull inforl at Mon bo W. 14. KERR. Agent Alin Line, Brussels. 7:.. ltivi��rcS_:tdvi.9.. `vat 1 ....,0+?1..... ,,„� t fall Term from Sept. 3rd I Arrange o n r now to enter r the g ELLIOTT 53 TORONTO, ONT. SS�y The oohool that has a greet reputation for giving superior Modems and short - heed training. Graduates get end hold D good positions beonnse they are thor• °uglily prepared, Write f,1' antalogue.• 0- Open ell year. Enter any Nina. dor, Y, Dung and 1, W. J. ELLIOTT, Aloxan lOr Sts. Principal• n i rzeletreeelleitse IseM ereeiri steges s CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE i .4 Our graduates are up-to-date and apractical. We have n large staff a ex• pertained instructors and oat g1'adn• 0 Mee get the high grade positions. We 4.0 more for our graduates then .awls y any similar school. We have tlu'eode- *3 par tments — OonnnercioU, Shorthn101 Fe I and Telegraphy. You owe it to ycan, redia. et self etovwhat wen 1' op G of to know B u� /C' our free atttaingnant once, r: D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. YY - l YuY v_ .vii.) v.A.�2' ,ruY,Avuvd�Sv.O� y,zrdoD'dvi,YA�+...7i...d. J LE TINDE .tARI RE/110F0000. ROOFING of alit<;9t1S . is made In soft, hand' (OBE091AMh H some shades of Red, Brown and Green, as well as natural slate color, These colors are ah integral part of the exposed surface, not painted an. Cannot fade but or wash off. Let us show you samples. Sole Canadian M1re. TfIE STANDARD PAINT CO. of Canada, Limitcd,etentreal. Aga hiriffiRPt9 P. Ament, Brussels W. H. LOVE 4 it Funeral ctor Director and .Embalmer 1 (Eden) promptly and care- fully attended eo light ce. day, Phone 228. 1 ETH EL, ONT, Business Cards DR. T. T. MAAE Bnohc4m' of Medioilne, University of Toronto ; Liaentiate and (01 -adnate of the College of Phy• :miens and Surgeons, Ont, ' Post -graduate Chicago Ave, liar, Nose and '.throat Hospital, Chicago; Ill, Ex -House Surgeon to St, Mich - eel's Hospital Toronto. Office over 1. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele- phone 000808ti011 with Crunbrook au all hours, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. 1ltysiolan and Surgeon; Post Graduate courses London Wee.), New York and Ohioligo Hos• Otitis, Special attention to disease of eye, oar, nose and throat, Eyes tested for glasses, DR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University ; Liaontiate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Oflioe 111 81131111 Si oak recently vacated by Dr, Feild, OR, WARDLAW Honor graduate Of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls, Office opposite Flour 80111, Ethel, MAUDE 0. BRYAN( OPHTHALMOLOGIST' Personal graduate Deportment of Opphthai- mology, Al5Cormiek Medioal.College, Chicago, Ill„ is prepared to test eyes and St glasses at her office over Grower's Restouront, Brussels, Wednesday, Ther doyFriday and Saturdayurdn Y every saoend weals. Office hours 10 to 12 a m. t nod 00a1'n. In3e. a, 11 110tea n t o t 7 8 t Sp ad remainder of time. Phone 1.10 ave., Gd&dl'.lta reDx7R .iJ'dSf4F8'it?y' BRUSSELS G01 a SOUTH GOING oas% Express x pI 1;27 a to Express 10.5is a 1ni 0 - r s 11;25a r Mnll 1160 m Express 2:55 p m I Express 8:52 pm ere igNai0'• .1 a - raC'!%1 WALTON To Toronto To Goderieh 19xpress 7:41 a toI Express 11:87 a in lexpress 2:67 p m Express ........, 7:66 p to WROXETER Going Last - 7:05 a. m. and 8:55 p. m. Going West - 12:40 and 0:47 p. m. Alltrains going East connect with 0. P. R. at Ornngevillo for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. The woman of today Who has good health, good temper', good sense, bright ages and a lovely complexion the result of eotrect living and r ood digestion, ivies the atlitttion of the Wold. 1f your digestion is faulty Chamberlain's S00ntach and Liver. Tablets will Correct it. For sale by all dealers. U to .Clt�. Cl11fS nts WA•rcH the advertisements and save motley. 50 cents gets TILE Pose to January 1st 1913. Feetere0,8' EXCURSION to the Model Warta, Guelph, Saturday, 22nd inst. Special train. M. YOLLICK disposed of the former Rax mill engine to Munn Bros., of McKillop, who will have it fitted up for use. DELEGATES.—W. A, Grewar and W. Martin were elected delegates Iron Western Star Lodge, I, 0. • O. P., Brussels, to the Grand Lodge to meet next August in Hamilton. It is worse than useless to take any medicines internally for muscular or chronic rheumatism. All that is needed is a free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. Weare pleased to notice that Howard Cluff, son of Rev. W. 'T. Cluff, ot Strat- ford, obtained his B. A., at the Univer- sity this Spring. He will pursue the study of law. Rex. Cluff passed the first year's exam. with honor's. • Rev. J. ford, pastae of Wesley church Clinton,was elected ted PresidentofLondou t � Conference, meeting t r t. Thomas,re- (trendy. He will fill the bill well so his a fine preacher, a man of souud judgment, approachable and possesses good execut- ive ability, Brussels is specially interes- ted in him from the fact tbat Miss Helen Ford, who taught iu our school, is a daughter. We wish Rev. Mr. Ford a very happy and prosperous year ill the President's chair, - There is onemedicine that every family11Y 8 houtd be provided with and especially during the Summer. months viz,Chamberlain's ins Dile Cholera and Ditrehoea Remedy. Ib is almost certain to be needed. It costs but a quarter. Can you afford to be with - pub it. For sale by all dealers, WE'VE BEEN TEMPTED Too.—The Harristou Review has a generous offer from a Yankee circus that is going to give a show somewhere to let Us and Mrs. Us in free le exchange tor ten dol- lars worth of advertising. Will the de- geuerete disciples of the great P. '1', Bar- nett' never get wise to the fact that the Canadian printers.are not a lot of Reub- eus who carry bay to the elephant and water to the dromedary to get a pass in- to the show? HARD To PLEASE.—"This rain" I said to Farmer (antes, "will surely boost your little games. It's a good thing for the wheat and you should chortle and re- peat,' He looked around walla gloomy frown. "I hate to see the rain come down ; we farmers want to sow Our oats and cannot unless we sell in beats.' 1 met him later when the sun was shining t111 it took the gun. "Why lookest thou" I aske so tough? This weather surely is the stuff." We need a rain," the fanner said; "the grass is looking brown and dead ; tey squashes scaruoly are alive ; my peas and pumpkins do not thrive." I meet this termer every week add tears are always on his cheek ; be wants dry weather when it rains and when it's wet he still complains ; ole hicks: be- cause there's too much Wind, and says the weather bureau's sinttecl, and when we have refreshing snow, lie springs a little spiel of woe. And when his cribs in authnin st15011 beneath their locale of goideu grain, he stands around and sad- ly gawps about the shortage in his crops; "Hod there been less sunshine and rain," he wails, "I hadn't toiled ill Voh11" I sometimes wobder that the gods don't lame hien with their chestee. ing rods ; they must grow tired of roost- ing» 1{ ingratitude. rude,Com lalnin and in ratitude. AUTOS are getting about as >100Crotl5 at mato roads AS b rglostleso d Ys. The Airdrome sn30ess that has al- 1 twitted the use or C'hamberlain's Collo, ' Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has made ie a favorite everywhere, It Can always be depended upon. For stole by all dealers. DONALD M, Set' DAOEASgn.— The Herald -Times of Gaylord, (Mich.) in its issue of May 3rd, gives the following report of the decease of a worthy citizen of Vanderbilt, Miele :— Donald M. Sly, the well known resident and business mall of this village passed away at 5.35 o'clock on Monday afternoon after au illness of several weeks. Frani almost the very first it VMS feared by his many friends that he would riot be able to withstand the severe illness which came to him, Though not unexpected, his (tenth was a shock to the emirs: community and the most intense feeling of sympathy' goes oat from all to all the bereaved family, Mr. Sly was born at Lockport New York. Ootober 3o, 1859 and wee 52 years and six mouths of age. When a mere child his parents removed to Canada never returning to their old home at the Local City. He carne to Vanderbilt from Otterville, near Wood- stock, Ontario, iu x882 and with the exception of a brief period when he conducted a bakery at Kalkaska. be had remained a resident of this place. In his younger days in Canada lie be. came proficient as a cheese maker and was regarded as one of the most ex- pert cheese makers in the province, Isis services as an expert along cer- tain lines of cheese making being in constant demand throughout the broad section 00 the country. On coming to take up his resideuce here he for sev- eral years followed the occupation of camp cook and then went into the John G. Berry store where he re- mained a1'. He aleck forseveral e s maimed asY the Hixson & Lon thenpurchasedg hardware stock and successfully cou- dueted this business until the building and contents were destroyed by fire a year ago this last Winter. A few weeks later he purchased the grocery and th• conducted business Y goods many nears by George Long which business he conducted u 1 to the time t of his deed] and will be continued by his two oldest sons. He was a mem- ber of the local lodge of Maccabees. Mr. Sly had always taken an active in- terest in the wellfare of the village and the general development of tbis section and had the 'almost faith in the prosperity of the country. He lues a man of strict business integrity and a valued citizen, He was married about twenty five years ago to Miss Fannie Herrick, daughter of Avery and Mrs. -Herrick, then residents of this village. He is survived by a widow and Cour children, ,Arthur W. Sly, Glemu H. Sly, Mays Sly and Del li his mother, Mrs •1 Sly.Also Mot. YY 1 Catherine Sly who resides. with her htor, deng sister Mrs. Luther Herrick of Grayling A g and three brothers, Cyrus Sly of Vanderbilt, J. L, Sly, of Burgess - vine, Outario and Frank Sly who re- sides in Ontario. 'The servicesvices were of a quiet and unostentatious order and were held front the home in this village on 'Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. V, J. Hutton, pastor of the Methodist Church, officiating. Those from out of town were Luther and Mrs. Herrick, of Grayling, ling Charles Herrick, Fenton Mich., Mrs. F. S. Cook, Hartford Mich., Mrs. F. S. Woodward. Northville, Mich., and Charles, W. McConnell and wife of Indian River. When You Eat Too Fast you have indigestion, perhaps cramps, or ill any case the system is overload- ed with matter that should be elimin- ated. Breath gets bad, eyes look dull, headaches are frequent. Why not cleans° and purify the whole system, tvhy not strengthen the stomach, enrich the blood and assist your overtaxed digesti ve ot'ganol Eros• ily done with Dr. Hamilton's Pills their action is Most gratifying. In ev- ery case they give the exact assistance the ailing organs requite. You'll feel e w h a relish sleep file tit it fit and t I like a top; have clear color, and restful sleep if you regulate your system with Dv. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25c. per box, at all dealers• Blyth John Deeholrli shipped 24 cars of hay to the States, which is the best nuu'ket raven with $4 duty. Jelin Hamm was at Mitchell draw - o Is r soldier in the war in r his pension + L !, P between the Nt flit and South, Phoneme Ren is suffering • with bland poi8nn1og in one of his' hands, wiich has hreadynecessitated lane- ing la couple of limes. 11.tmer Nivins, who went West t0 visit hie uncle, Ohl•s. Nivina, teacher in the Provincial Normal School, Regina, has secured a posilioS in that city. Garden Party udder the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of St. &nclrew's church, will be held Wednesday, June 20th, on the ohioi 1t lawn. ilea will be served from 6.80 to 8.80 p. 01. Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Hartley, of Dur- ham, were guests at the Rectory' last week. Revs. Hartley and Fare were in attendance at the Syno'lt. Rev. Me, Hartley 000npied the pulpit in Trinity ohneclh nn Sunday and Rev, Mr. Farr conducted the services ab Durham. J.Iiart'ley, principal of the Public Soheol, Clinton, ems here last week its ex141lI Iter of scpholarstrying for certi- ficates. '.l`he tt'ustoes arranged with St. Geoe'ge's Club for the tote of their monis in which to hold the examinee Hone, so its not to interfere tvitil the Work at the public school, Wednesday of last week a vote of the imtepayees was tarsen 033 a water- works by-htw for the polemist: of of- fendhtg the iron piping over the whole town and expending $4,000. Although the vt3te)�s did not cone out very strong 'there were 1128 that and none against, eo the by -lav carried. Grand Master Poplestotte paid an of- ficial visit to the local I. 0. 0, ail the lodge exemplified the initat• ot'y dogrere after which (the Grand Master delivered his achieves. It was a fine exposition of Odclfetloivship, At the 'Close of the address he p7'e- seeted :13ro. A, '1(11'. Robinson with e gold locket and fob, for work done for rents, $404.75 ; loose collections, 1(802.. 010;8 ' 02; ('1507011 improvement fund, 81420.- 1 77. For Alissiona, the following solus b wore t utrLl'ibuted— *vtretal, $880,70 ; SeI,ior• League., $42L00 ; Juuiur League, $43.00 0 Sunday School, ,10180 ; W. le, M S., $'200.00 ; total fot' eeis- Wif� 4 stone, 51235.10, The total raised for I ;di putgpospa distant the year was ,'G700,Sf3. T'he uwmlterslii is ]low 500. I `i'he 8911001' I$pw0l'1h League 1•eporte ti ib+ membership be'sti 1 01' 100,and feuds raised I 1 1 i 1, $503.00; the Junior League ;(00.80, The Sunday School reports a total working for of 4100, and amount raised eluting the year, 5601.90. The report 10 very eonprelleltaive, end gives all necessary 1nfo1.1010111011 of 1 e1el pts and expenditure. Nine deaths occurred dating the year viz— ll:obt, Rowland, Mrs. Holloway, Mts. Jefferson, Airs. Rutledge, D, Ferrier, Aiiss Anderson, Allan Galbraith, Miss Clara Brock, Ales. Wm. Fessltlrt. Known All Over The World —Known Only For The stood It 1 -las Done. We know of no other medicine which has been so suecessfnl in relieving the suffering of women, or received so many genuine testimonials, as has Lydia E. Finlcham's Vegetable Compound. In nearly every community you will find women who have been restored to health by this famous medicine. Almost every woman you meet knows of the great good it hits been doing among suf- fering women for the past 30 years. Fox Creek, N. B. -"I have always had pains in the abdomen and a weak- ness there and often after meals a sore- ness in my stomach. Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound has done me much good. I am stronger, digestion is better and I can work with ambition. I have encouraged man y mothers of families to takeit as it is the best remedy in the world. You can pub- lish this is in the PaP ere —Mrs. WILLIAM 8. uR UE Fox Creek, N.13. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files containing hundreds of thousands of letters from women seek- ing health, in which many openly state signatures over their own 1 0 Sn Y have f L regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, many of whom state that it has saved them from surgical operations. the Outlet.. Bro. Robinson, in a few remarks, thanked him for the kind- ness. Wingham Miss Lena Bennett, of Walton, spent a few days at S. Bennett's. Airs. S. Irvine and family left last week for Winnipeg where MF, Irvine 1s. Mrs. (Rev.) E. H. 01•oly and Afttster Jack have unen a visit to relatives in Montreal and other points in the Dost, The date for the Snnclay School excursion has been fixed for Tuesday,da Y, July 6th at the time of he Kincar- dine 1 t it y 1 B ' Reunion. Thedayis dine Olc 0qs u likely to he proolairned Civic holiday for Wingham. The members of Mrs. (Dr.) Rut - ledge's bible class met at Miss Cope - land's. and enjoyed ;a pleasant even- ing: They presented Miss Ethel Musgrove, us ober of 'h class a menthe'. the wita andsome fern and brass jardiniere, in view of an approaching interesting event. The annual report of Wingham Methodist church for the year ending April 3011) shows all financial de- mands liberally sustained Weekly offerings amounted to $1613.16 ; pew �0 •. 'vim. TAK WITH YOU V0/ � EVERYTHING FOR KODAKERY AT OUR STORE J. R. WENDT ,A 61.1'nT JEWELLER and ENGRAVER Wroxeter a♦ se Shake Hands with Asthma Awfully distressing is asthma. But worse if possible when combined with Bronchitis. Relieved quicker by Oat- arr'hozone than anything- else—cured so thoroughly by "Oatarrhozoue" that it doesn't return. Catarehozone's hefting vapor is breathed right into the lungs, destroying the cause of As- thma succeeds in the most cbtonic cases. Try it. Two sizes, 25c. and $1.00, at all dealers. Lead b u ry Miss Cora Forbes is home again from Hullett where she was supplying for a te1LChe0 who was ill. Mr. and Mrs. Hackwell are away an a holiday visit to friends in Stratford and Rochester, N. Y., for a few weeks. Jas. McLaughlin is confined to the house and under the Dr's, care for the past few days bub we hope to see him around again shortly. Ladies' Aid of Bethel church held a very a ifCe65f1l meeting at the home of Ars. Wm. Davidson Thersday last where all arrangements were complet- ed for the Garden Party to be held at David Cr awford's on the 201h wheu if weather is fine a good time is proni- isecL Belgrave J. R. Bone; recently elected Presi- dent of the Press Association, is:one of the young and rising men in the field of Ontario journalism. He is manag- ing editor, of the Toronto Star, and is a brother or Win. Bone, of Wingbarn, and a former Wawauosh boy. GRAND GARDEN PARTY.— A grand Garden Party will be held under the auspices of Trinity church, Belgrave, on Thursday evg. June 27th, 1912, at the spacious grounds of W. G. Nicholson, 4th Line, Morris. Supper served front 6 to 5 o'clock. A first- olass. program will be supplied by h II a ' 'al BeA. of W 1 m Rev. L. H. Cl v Y, t; , 1F. 1i. Gilroy, Brussels ; Jno. Melville, L< d ab r ' • Jas. Taylor, or Be 1g 3av e andothers. The well known Ving 110m Band has been secured for the evening. Refreshment booth will al- so be on the >: o r nide. Don't miss Garden Pay the G e 1 rt of the season. Come with the crowd and have an A 1 time. This will be the eighth Garden Party held at Air. Nicholson's and he says this will be one of the biggest and best of the series. Rosy Cheeks for Pare Girls Don't be debarred from strength, don't give in to illness and despair. Ferrozobe supplies tone and vigor through which all functions of woman- ly life are maintained and fortified. From New Richmond, Que., comes the following statement from Mrs, Isidore Boissonertult : "I take deep pleasure in testifying to the powerful influence of Ferrozone. For years my daughter has been pale and sickly --showed signs of advanced anaemia. Her lips got so white and her cheeks so devoid of col- oe T feared consumption, I can certi- fy Ferrozone made an excellent cure and today my daughter's health is the best," 50c. per box at all dealers. and two sons, (Albert 11. and Ford,) Cooper l n ' urvive, err. Uc i e • wt a e oleo 1 e 1 1 p excell°1t habits, fine Christian l C- leland book an active intermit, In everythiu) which he believed was for the public good. The funeral was held onTllursday afternoon and was very largely attended. Servie;es at tlle'houee and grave were conducted by his pastor, Rev, Mr. Andrews. Interment was merle In Fordwlelb eeluetery. V.and Mr's, Radford and Ernest ateeuded the funeral of a relative at Loudeeboro on Monday of last weds, When returning horue, near Belem ve, their horse seuulbled on a 0001w, broke the strap over the hips and the britnb- en fell, frightening the hoose which started to kick. Mr. Radford pulled the horse to the side of the road a- gainst a wire fence and prevented 1L runaway. In getting out of the buggy Ales. Radford, injured her hip and Air. Cemetery Work Promptly Attended to Radford his leg. They made the rest ma y P y of the journey ata slow pace and did not arrive borne till 2 o'clock a. m. The buggy was slightly damaged. Thorne In the flash Even V ale. th e agonym Y of collie, e, it: ever i waiting 1 w c.ut4 sY W v aulf Why 116 stone the forte to of Putualsee 111 Coln Extractor which 1 elievee nemeses, curets tllut'utti,•lily end without pain. For good results tree only Pulliam's. 1 BRUSSELS F Granite and Marble Works ALLAN E. HERSEY proprietor manufacturer c1' BiGH - CLASS - MONUMENTAL - WORK In all kinds of Granite Phone 23 All work Guaranteed e6,,0.44,4,0644464,44,604.04,•000006466000060040000069000 m Do Commercial 6 • • Fertilizers Pay 6 4.4 • • Well ! Probably they do ! But an Ounce of 0 $ Preventative is worth a Pound of Cure. • 0 a 0 ♦ 6 ♦ ♦ 4 •♦ ti e ,r :Corn Car 0 ♦ e6 Have you that Good Brood Mare Insured ? i N. S. McLatch i a i, Get twice the use of that Manure Pile and prevent the depletion of your soil by using the famous PP ♦ 4 4 0 0 der. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 0 0 If out you may 0 prevent a heavy 4 ♦ 6 Agent BRUSSELS ♦ Particulars of this modern necessity of every Well Managed Fame and of the full McCormickict Jil e for the asking. Fordwich Benj. Gibson's blood mare gave adead colts birth to three all being n when found ill the morning. Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church held their animal quilting bee in the basement of the church on Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Wm. McLeod left on Tuesday of la=st week for Brussels, where she will spend two weeks visiting friends and renewing. acquaintances, 1Fnedwich (Meese Company shipped their May cheese at the high price of o111t to a ' 1 Indications S c. et b 1 (P p good season. The factory is all paid free Mrs, John Wallace, sr. was letting down a window and having use of one hand only, she placed her head against the pain of glass and pressed too haul,. as het' stead wenb through the glass, which fell and cub her head badly \Vhile playing ill the yard, building ht ducts pen, Margaret, young daughter of Jas. and Mrs. Johnston, Redgrave, WAS holding a slick fol' her brother, Fowler, to split. He (missed and struck his sister on the centre finger of the left hand, cutting it nearly off. Mrs, Robe J. Gibson and children left for Gull Lake, Sask., to join her husband, and will spend the 8nulmee there. M•rs, P. 10', Doig accompanied then) and will spend the Stemme' it) the West for the good of bee health, Mr.. Doig accompanying thein to Tor cutch OBITUARY.— One of the most de- voted and beloved members of the Methodist church ill lite Fordwich circuit, Edward Cooper, io his 7804 year', was called on June 4111 front his eafthly home to be forever witlh the Lt t'd, POP years he had suffered with a weak heart. Mr. Cooper was born in Toronto Township in .1884 and spent his boyhood days with all uncle et Oshawa, as his father died before he was been, TO 1803 he was married to Miss Sarah \Vellwood of Oshawa, and the young couple cause to Howick and settled 033 the farm on the 8rd con., now 001011pied by Ford Cooper, where they (meet their remaining days. Ills wife pre -deceased him five years raga, Air. 000pet' passing away the date his partner was lthe aid to rest Of a large family only two daughters, (Mrs. 0, I1. leeppatd of Walkerton and Mrs. (1)1.)) Armstrong (formerly ot Walton au now of Oalgary, Alta,) loss by consulting us in time. `.430,,464344006**00400000000000000000000000 New Pertectiori Points of Advantage With this Woman's favorite te are It uses all the heat, It cooks evenly. It doesn't smoke, It will bake, boil, toast or roast. It is made with 2, 2 or 3 burners. Gat rid of heat and save fuel by investing in a PER- FECTION. It means a cool kitchen and coal oil is the cheapest cooking fuel you can use. We will be pleased to show you the stove and explain its easy working by a call at our store. 011/1LTOGIL ESPI woamolotemmemaawArearde