The Brussels Post, 1912-6-20, Page 4y. 9 •-+;t r - ,.: r!�ra�,:=x::.6'0,,,.51._:. _.,•.•�,:.ui« c? be dust QUfffRtO with S ilio. stress and Sick ri`e Uf%,oDAY, JUNE 20, 19x: Headache Calgary, Alberta, July 13, 1011 • TTHR to a greats e 5 ' time with Biliousness, Sick Headache and Liver trouble, 0 til g ee e t to do me a uy good. I halt almost given up in despair when I decided to e try. . Y e HO PiL S u t After taking about half a box the e headaches stopped and lay appetite a improved. I have just finished the k fifth box and feel as well as ever. 1 e eau heartily recommend Fig Pills for k stomach and liver troubles, s Mae. 5 oN, N s Mai= E�Ls Sold atall dealers in2` and50 cent S d o ,i boxes or lied b The ba Pill Co., ma Y g e. St Thomas Ont Sold and iecoln- e mended in Brussels by J. Fox Drug- gist, - 'OUR INiNN,IPEG LE It's nli te' for a long 1 L t bi t' tl ) s rn d Winnipeg's bank clearings for the firs Week 10 June reached a very high point only exceeded in the case of thre previous weeks during the first fiv months of the present year. The gaS over the corresponding week of las year is 45.35 per cent. The returns ar na follows : Week ending June 46, 191 $29;573.088, The corresponding wee of 1911 was $20,029,579, and in 591 $16,03,995. The increase of the wee iq 1912 over ei f it as in actual w t al fi rut 9 9 e b 8 0. 943,4 9 Phe raid de 1 e rapid. Ye opo lit of the West and the big increase of railroad nail age which has been completed to cop with it is sbowu by the corresponding ly increased railroad schedules at Win nipeg. Ao examination of the )912 Summer time cards of the three rail- roads operating passenger trains in and out of the city, namely, the C. P. R. C N. R.nd a G, T. P., shows that 74 trains arrive at and depart from the city every day, excepting Sundays, when the traffic is lighter. The condition on the C. N. R. and G, T, P. transcon- tinental lines, and the opening up for traffic of all the lines of the three rail- roads now iu course of construction, will nearly doable the Winnipeg service. Of the 37 which leave the Canadian Pacific depot and the Union station daily, 3r are bound for Canadian points, and 6 for the United States. Wionipeg street railroad traffic, too, shows that the demand for passenger transportation within the city is in- creasing rapidly. An average of 'r3o,• 000 passengers is carried daily by the cars ot the Winnipeg Electric.raihvay, according to returns handed in to the Board of Control by the railway com- pany. The crop outlook is encouragitig enough to stimulate trade in all de- partments, Wholesale b us in e s s throughout the West continues active. There is a satisfactory demand for all sorts of seasonable merchandise, and fall placing business is reported to be gratifying. The record being made by building permits in all the western cities is sufficient to indicate the ac- tivity in builders' supplies. Trade in general hardware is keeping up in good shape. in cement there is ap- parently a Western famine. The W. T. Rawleigb Medical com- pany, importers and manufacturing chemists, with head offices in Freeport, Ill„ and branch offices at Los Ange- les, Cal., and Memphis, Teun„ have purchased a site in Winnipeg and will establish a large branch factory here, The site purchased practically takes up an ,entire block. The price paid was in the neighborhood of $225 per foot frontage on Higgins avenue, Arrangements are being made for trackage facilities with the Canadian Pacific railway and plans for the erec- tion of a six story building 25051;0 are being prepared by John D, Atkinson. W. T. Rawieigh, president of the com- pany, has been in the city for several days making fival arrangements for the transfer of the property, while ne- gotiations between Charles F. Roland, industrial commissioner, and the com- pany have been under wav for some time. The structure, which will include a full basemeut, will be built entirely devoted to the manufacture of prop! ier arY medicinsa toilet articles extracts a s andgeneral line of chemical acical supplies and grocery sun, dries. The eighth Winnipeg Horse Show was successfully launched this week, with larger entries, more widely scat- tered contributors, better standards of excellence and more enthusiasm than ever before. The skies were bright but not more so than the faces of the gay throngs of men and women who for hours watched class after class of "his majesty the horse" judged with una- bated enthusiasm. The formal open- ing was an exceptionally brilliant event, the e nt boxee eeingth ronged with beautifully gowned women. When the big doors were opened the building raug to the strain of "God Save the King," and His Honor, Lieu tenant -Governor Cameron and Mrs. r Cameron o drove into the ring and around to their box, When the baud ceased the governor expressed his pleasure in declaring the eighth Win- nipeg Ecorse Show open under such extremely favorable auspices. Provision was made at a meeting of the Imperial Hoole Re -Union Society, field last week in the Industrial Bur- eau, whereby twelve fathers from Bri- tain will soon have their families with them in this country. Altogether there were fourteen applications, of which twelve were approved, To bring the families of these people to this country 1t will cost $2,0 os in transpor- tation. T rays or- tatin 'elle report of the Montreal a] meeting, recently received, now snakes twenty-five cities in Canada to take up the work started in Winnipeg 8 little over a year ago, A contingent,t Exec -score strong, of Western Canaian real estate man left Winnipeg on the night of June r6 for the annual convention of the National Associational of Real Estate Exchanges at Louisville, Ry, coo- menaing June 19 and lasting for three days, Itis expected that after this year the terra Natioual will be changed to In- ternational in the association's title— and it is further hoped that Wionipeg will be the meeting -place for the con- veation in least The Winnipeg men have the whole•souled backing of other Western Canadian delegates 'n pre- senting the city's claims—and there is good reason to believe that victory will reward their efforts in their dir. ection. One of the longest excursion rues will be from the Canadian -North- west, although the party will formally start trent Wionipeg, A number of real estate dealers throughout the Western Canadian provinces convened in the city to accompany the Winn'. peg delegation. Plans are being prepared for the erection of a $50,000 Coliseum to be erected 011 Fort street, immediately south of the Strang block. The build- , ing will have zoo feet frontage on Fort street and A depth of leo feat. It will be of steel frame construction, fire 1 proof, with walls of solid brick ,with Gtone finishings and trimmings, The main floor ot the building will have a height from floor to ceiling of 3o Leet, and will be given over to various forms ofpublic amusement, It will also be equipped for use as a public hats, and will have a seating capacity of 2.000 or more. The auditorium will he avail- able for baugnets, entertaiumeuts and public receptions. In addition to these uses, however. various forms of amuse (tent will be provided much on the plan of the American "dreamland" pa- vilions. An orchestra will be per. manently employed, and regular even- ings will be set apart for different purposes which will include dancing and roller skating. Under the heao of dancing, arrangements Will be made for regular programmes introducing contests and spectacular dancing. There will be "carnival nights" and other special attractions. Extensive and unusually elaborate preparations are now nearing couple• 1100 for Winnipeg's big anneal Fair, this year widely advertised as the "Sel- kirk Centennial" Exhibition, commem- orating the arrival on the banks of the Red river in August, 1812, of Lord Selkirk's first colonists, to the place where Winnipeg now stands. The directors, assisted substantially by the city council, are striving to make this year's exhibition, which takes place on July to to 20, the greatest in the history of this popular auntie! event, The Selkirk pageant will be a marc• moth affair, and rehearsals are now being held. The platform • attractions this year will surpass anything shown in the past, western Canadian mili- tary forces will honor the visit of the H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught, Gov- ernor-General of Canada•- who will open the Exhibition—by full turn out, and will:add greatly to, the brilliancy of this year's big Fair. Mothers, Here 1# 121 A friend and comforter, au unceas- ing aid in every house for the hundred and one ailments that turn up. Nee- viline is too valuable to be without. If some thing eaten causes trouble, if Sts cramps, indigestion or headache, Nerviliue cures, For cold on the chest aching limbs or lame back rub on Ner- viline and get ease at once. Asa fam- ily safeguard nothing is kuowu to ex- cel Neeviline. Get the large 25c. bot- tle from your dealer, HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The June meetingof the Count Couucil opened at oderich on Tues day, 4th inst. All the members were present. The warden in his op- ening address referred to the mat- ters which were likely to come before the council at this session. Through the unusual freshets last Spring the county had suffered considerably and it will require a large expenditure to make the necessary repairs. Besides this a considerable amount of uew bridge work will have to be attended to. In reference co these and other matters he hoped the strictest econ- omy will beobservedduring the Year, so the ex euditut e will be keptt within reasonable bounds, Communications were head from the Secretary of the Ontario Municipal As- sociation hi respect to tax reform.. From Sheriff Reynolds in reference to the Reforestration Act, showing what is being 110186 in this respect in some parts of the province and the advant- ages which will result. From W. D. Woods, of St. Helens, complaining that resident pedlars are not properly protected against non-resident pedlars. From A. P. Westervelt, Secretary of the Winter Stock Fair, asking that a special grant for county prizes be given as iu former years. IFLOin W. Nicholson resigning his position as trustee of Wingham High School. This correspondence was all referred to the proper committees to be eon. eideted and reported on to the council, The road and bridge committee were instructed to examine the Auburn bridge as soon its possible and re- portP at the present session t s s on of council as the s 5n a bridge i dangerous ang emus CO nd1t10Yt. A motion that the council make provision to participate in the good roads grant (lade by the Ontario Legislature was referred to the road and bridge committee, The council adjourned until 1.80 Wednesday. Weelnesclay forenoon the members of 1 the road and bridge committee and a number of the councillors drove over to Auburn to inspect the bridge there, Icor this reason there was no fu'etloou session. WEDNESDAY The council met. according to ad- journment, Deg Shaw, Major of the 33rd regiment of volunteers, on behalf of the regiment, extended a eordial invitation to the members of the council to visit the regiment while in camp, Jacob Iiaberer, Secretary of the Huron Beekeepers' Association, asked for a grant, as did also Wm, Watson, President of the Boron .Mille League Assoeiation. A letter from Dr. Shaw, President of the Clinton. hospital board was read, .A petition signed by the trustees of the police. village of Zurich asked that certain lands be added to the present police village, A deputation addressed the council asking for a grant to assierin Asci( an exhibition of Huron apples int the/I't'ovincial fotticnitute Show Gra d Trunk C Sy System vdyht,UYZY,, 41••.',1,,,•,1.: Stiir-4v;tdV't,SVatuJ ).i't;,V'W.Nit:lZL' EAST NM INSTITUTE Fr elph Wind rriy." l,.' ® .t"er'ernte n tr'Inner ,�•ert tur Jime 27n 1912 following Low Excursion flatus stdill apply Fare Train Leaves IKINCARDINF. 'it 1 85 11,30 u. nu, RIPLEY 175 0:47 LUCKNO W 1 60 7:03 WH1TECHU'ROJJ , 1.55 7;20 WINGHAM 1 tin 7:34 BLUEVALE ' 1 50 7:17 BRUSSELS 1 25 8;05 ETHHEL I 15 8:20 HENI+RYN 110 5:30 Arriving at, Gueiph at, 10:45 a, lir. Children over 5 and under 12 years Half Fare Excursionists Will take Special Exennsiou Train from above )mentioned places to Guelph, Returning passengers will leave Guelph by Special Train at 7 o'clock p. in. Tickets will be issued from all stations, except Henfryn, which ,will he supplied by Con. duct0r on train. All tickets g"od lu return by Regular Trains on Monday, June 24th. A Trip Full of Interest This is the popular trip of the season. Go and see the famous Provincial Agricultural College ; the Experimental Farm, a place of never-ending attraction for' /tgl'ieultni'ists and horti- culturists ; MacDonald Institute and MacDonald Hall, two noted educational centres of special inter est to women ; the - Consolidated Rural School awl School Gardens ; Hou. \V. J. Hanna's Celebrated Fare( Colony ; and the many points of industrial and oommercial hiterest within the City of Guelph. A Pay of Education, inspiration, Recreation, Oa not miss It. Thos. McMillan, R. J. Nelson, Pres, E, Linton Farmers' lust, See, 0. Bruce Farmers' Inst. J. A. Lamb Sec. South Benee,farmers' List. to be held in Toronto next Fall, These several documents 8818 refueled to the propel., committees consider- ation and report, Messrs. Macklin, Proutlfoot and Mitchell addressed the enunoil 'n reference to a publicity scheme for the county of Huron, The mutter vets referred to the executive committee. Mr. Cowley, OM the 1Edneat ion Depaettneut, Toronto, addressed fife enunoil on the necessity of re -arrang- ing the public school i»epeclnrates of Om county and the county of 131 nee advising that certain municipalities in this county and certain u1Umcipttlidee in Hulce be established into an s amal- gamated in- spectorate and that a additional adds ion tl i tt sP employed in- spector be eat to ted fin' th I ai gamated district, and thus relieving the alleged congestion in the work in ether districts. A reaoltttinu by Messrs. Leckie a t 1 and Rees that tate council take steps Ln establish a union sehnnl ins l etorttic between Huron and Bruce as recon) -- Education mended bythe � hu•tnlect cDal t was referred to the Education Depart- ment was referred to the education committee, Messt's. McKay of Tuckersmith and' Livingstone of (Irey, delegates to the Good Roads convention at Ottawa and Messrs. Powell of 'Jiir berry and Petty of Ilensati1 delegates to the Good Roads Assoritation meeting at Tot Dorn made verbal reports. The ie.porl5 were received by the council and a ruoLic») to sed commending 1 1 3 lel a-, sthe delegates 1t s f'oi P 6 e ptloheritar ,i ntern tin and illuminating r e A motion by Messrs. Kernlghan told Govenlock was carried. to the effect, ele o 1.11 apt/veva that the cult t nv )t and heart- ily 11 a dol se th ) t option moved n c t <) a \cd b Y y their delegates at the ((ctn1 meeting of the OntarroGood Itoad, Association ofT'olonto approving of the Federal grant to gond roads eaceordiug to population and that the grant should be given only to roads leading to the various important. centres in the dif- ferent municipalities and not to a Dominion highway. A motion that the council grant $000 to aid in the building cif a Midge at lloimesville was referred to the road and bridge committee. R.l7anstone W818 appointed to the vacancy on the Wingham high 5011001 board caused by theregiguatlon of Mr. Nicholson. Several repot Iswere feud and referred to the respective com- mittees and the co«imil itdjouroed nn - til nine o'clock Thursday morning. THURSDAY The commit resumed business at the appointed hour. Tenders 6or jail sup- plies and a statement from Demist 00 High School as to fees for ptlplls from this county attending that school were 'read and referred 10 their re- spective committees, A. motion iesti'n0t.'lla the engineer to have the beaker brinlge an tate boun- dary between lininn )old Bence built this Summer 11811 is ill it dengem ns condition was referred to the roast and bridgeeomtll'Ltee, A motion of Li viugstone and Glen that e :mintyuuFY assist in building a bridge on the bnnuthu'y of Grey and Elton, tie the %vete). overliows the road me; r•„1 -,'s it -agile its and a nen the, uy l:aibilcisel, and W'illert that the bridge en the boundary between Hay and Stephen, known as the Eleven Mile Creek bridge be built at once, )vera 1efereed to the road and Lo-Idge c8ouu)1teee. Uesels, W. Mitchell, President of lite Children's Aid Society, and Elliott county aged of the Society and Rev. Bir. Ross, of Goderich, addressed the, council setting forth the good wore: being done by the Society and the 1 eel 'of !teed C linauciati SU tippet - On t 80.'1 1 motive Ir ll o f and Bailie a 1 1 6ha I �l'r I • u u the report of the above Society and the request for financial support, horn the county were teferred to the t'xeenlive 1•.01 0' 111 IllPe. Bl r, (1Oey, of Dnngannrnl, fruit in- 81rue! n1 awl Mr. Jlaznlick addressed the council on fruit anti minute, incl the advantages dote 0abletom Hulking tui c�hlbit. 0f Buren fruit at the I'rnvinrril heel show at 'Toxone, Dr. Shitty, lneidilenl, and Dr. Gann secretary of the (dint(( hospital addressed the conned urging the tleslr- ability of and the 1(1008sity foe the cnuneil making it grant in aid of that final it thiol. The report of the 11(11)11)411(1)) commit- tee was teals and considered in t:rlmlilittee of the whole. Tile t•epot't AWLS annealed so as to recommend that the matter of lheformation nN a uew unin» ptlhlic school inspectorate of peels of Munni and Brace he left over for further, consideration at the ) December cassia 1 h The 1 Lu,itlnder 0f lin e/tat %1. , 1 t s az.,oveA of 1 ) - 1 n con 1 ami le e and adopted l by Commit. it. A motion by ileisos Govenlock and Leiper that. the bridge known as the Rowland bridge between the town- ships t and 11eililiop be paid for by the county wits 1efers'ed to the bridge entnmilic0, Tho report nl" the egrutlizatinn com- mittee \Vita 1!/niElden'F•11 in cnrnmitlee of the whole and wait approved of by the enunnit'eeand adopted by_ commit wit bout amendment.. The cnnncil adjourned until 0.80 a. u), lrridny, mitThnv The enunc•il resumed in accordance with adjournment. Peter W, Scott cod N. J. Cnrnpbcl1 addressed the council in lefcretme to obtaining. assistance in bn'lding the Marnoch M idge, which spans the Mtlilltted river. Meaws, Lobb, Sweat and Tebbttl1 timreasecl the arnlneil in rrrercnce to toil in the building of the 11nhttesville bridge, The t-)'tpmt of the special committee 1Vas rNO and meetidel'ed i)) committee ((1)he whore, Clause three of the re- port ens extended 111 read that the maIIet- 1bet refereed 111 be considered al, ) he Doeelnbe t' s0ss]0u. With this amendment, report was passed and firmly adopted by the onnnnil, The repootof the house of Refuge cnllun1](0) was adopted, an 81)18, also the report of the Pittance committee, The report of the county property N1.1111111(4 VP t.nbmitl0d and elluat Faxen amended to read 111a1 :Ill 111]11-. ing be Ina 110. and thus amended was adopted. Ou tuulion of Bailie and (diem: the matter of the Mei-noel)bridge )East, \\ramanosh was refereed to the t„ud and bridge committee, I'1», report of the woad anti in hige lmuiu cc r.ng a,L•pled 1111 hunt a neseli)Pn( On sootiuu ofMessrs. Lindsay and 51eOhwe it was resolved in add 0 fent bridge to the bridge al Hayfield, and said bridge to be erected before rimy next. ' xl ved by Messrs. (Mee:dock and a L• i at 111111 the Rowland� i .•r• be 1)I 1 ) 11, paid fat' by the comity as 110kt51 1'01 by the motion. Moved in !Lilt entlinen1 by .Meets, Livingatoneand \Viuter that the )low. land beidge between Hulletb nod Mc- tifllop be not paid for by the eounty, Amendment carried, Moved by Bimisys. Gillespie tine Bailie that the county give the town- ship f h Y h 1 East h f t l \Vacvr uu 1 ) t sl t un r l grant 1 R 31,000 1n � the aL utluanc of 1e Manumit mit buil t Moved in amendment by Messrs. Glen and Oa:Helot' that no assistance be given by this council for the »1181(i- tenauce of Mat•uoe11 bridge. Amend- ment carried. Moved by Messrs. McGinre and Lindsay that a grant of $000 be made towards assisting to build the bridge near HolmesvilIe. 0001 -ltd. Moved by Messrs. Livingstone and Lindsay that the question of Laking advantage of the Government grant Le assist in enticing better toads be left 000e till we have Wee information IT- gerding conditions of the grant, (her- ded. Moved by Messrs. IlJunniags and Can talon that the tate council nmalec a grant of 31,000 towards the publicity scheme, the money to b0 paid when to competent committee is organized. Moved 10 amendment by Alessis, 'Iiernighan and Kalhfleisch that while approving of the scheme of the public- ity campaign this 00111111 defer any action until the 1nat111 Can be Nature discussed, 53000 lum01 carried. The report of the executive commit- tee was submitted anal adopted with- out amend:net, Moved by Messrs. Ct ntelon and Le- 0kie that to meet the necessary large expenditure on )account ns the Auburn bridge and washouts at Other large bridges debentures be issued for $20000 foe twenty years tand that they be ad- vertised by the treasurer. Lost on a divia10n, Moved by ,Messrs. McKay and Clark that the \Vanden represent Ude conn- 1 oil as a delegate at the Municipal As- sociation convention in Toronto this month. Carried. 7.'lle council adjourned at six o'clock to meet at the call of Lhe Warden. Seaforth G. F. and Mrs. Parkes, of ,Dunnville, and deli hter Violet are visiting friends here.. Ed. Everett left for Calgarry where be has a0eepted a8 position with the C. S. Hymn( Company. Principal Rogers, of the Collegiate Institute was presiding examiner at 'CS/Ingham last week and Andrew Scott was assisting at Clinton. The "Bowlers” will hold their told, liftmen on July S1 t1 and 4111 and 0u t e 'n ofthe rd to de he ev a1 S o r a ban- quet, quet 4o the veteran bowler, ,lames 41e1-1iohael and the visiting howlers. large number n football love's Ari, f 1 tl I attended the mat ch between the Hu - P008 and the 13 0000110)1 Foyers, wlieb resulted in atie, 2 to 2. The forepart of the gable w110 Brut•efield's and the I-luron although stronger in the z011 - oriel half, were tunable to score the ne- cessary goal to win. Some weigh platy Was 11ldulgeel 111 entirely uncalled for in a football match. a� is nox '.el simply I «e toa t 1 the best 1 1 11 ) *nods 'n \-int mils IMP u i, V 1 1, I r h a xl \Voodeti Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wal- - er J3owla for stock, See, l3aapaies to Pumps promptly • attended 10, Give me a call. Ai HAWK I Cranuk 4.04••••••004.0.•040••94,0404.: 4. 0 e Have ,t eri0 0 ii4 a0 4. ° O 0 8 i<. n aL9 H O 0 te ..{ O re9 a 0 11'11\•, (tor Spring' and 0 S(Blinit•r Suitiilgs, withtheup -t0- ua l t \ t 4 _ t) ' tones and col- o "L.. 1111.5 c 1 cl<l t ors, combined with a quality, at RIGHT o PRICES. e e Maitland Bank Short Horns for Salo x(81.8 sr01,011 11 Flhor t Horn tie lla 0 to W moat hl+ old, r,da and r(leo( las, sweat), fund stylish chai,est brecdnli--(`runpbeli loose HUde, Mat !Mantvaaad 'A m011011 lloasies. None betlrr for mill/ told beef. Will 1,o sold lit any rensoli- e, lx alhlt•na'1'1'+nl >)t tflar t la MI'N t DAVID 1. E, EOM, Stock forService 0 "� A1t1101'H. 14081 16RVr,-7,'b O un,l0IH11ignad will ke8p014 for• SE8818(1)3 1o1 N?yn ♦ f,u%en,. Uou, 7, n thorougi-brad Tam• O curth1111g Terms, 4[.00, to Lopaidatumeof O servlcQwlrclr p)t']Ioge of recanting it 1181014• A nary, H, WALRER, + 111-11 Proprietor. m The People's Column Z 4 - OUSI; 6011 SAL11.-A eomfortnblo frnnin ♦ 111 dwelling house with splendid well and • goo) garden. Will be sold at a bargain on • ennh term+. Por further 110011 al8rs apply to • MISS JENNIE BLA1R, Uranllrook, 48.11 • 0 0 s' 4 O Frr: e PI] 0 4 • P Merchant • 0• Tailor 4 e BRUSSELS $ p ♦ 4)044041e4000480444♦040044♦4 J. If. Dorsey, of Duluth, is spending his holidays at )ii- 111)1 house. Joe Sproat has 1el'L for 'Phesealon, where he wili inspect -some 1.11111M7 HM - 111, fol 1110 Sun Company, S. 181111 Orville JnneS and children of Port Saskatchewan are visiting the hatter's parents, Sttwuelancl Mrs, Dick- son and Air, Janes' uncle, O. IC. Milt. ("10' A large number of hoose lovers were in town for the ia0ex and some find dif1ieully Sn getting it ('01(1(1, the hotels completely filled lip mid the llwu•ding- tiouscs unable to lake car)) of any 010The10. leet8forth Ladies' Lown flown/3g Club have reorganized for 11)12, with the following uliic•ets : lionora8ry Pre- sident, Ilt•s, Al, Y. 51elen/ ; honorary vice. President, Mrs, A., E. Colson; President, 51 es, Osco' Neil ; vice-Pre- sitlert, lira. \V 111 Aiden) ; Sereetary- treasurer, 1\liss 8, Stephen ; executive cnmulitt00, Mh•,. F. 1, I3urrows, 1lrs. Geo. A. Sills, Mrs. W. B. Veale, and Miss Caetleo, The date of their tour- nament has not as yet been decided. Whooping cough is not dangerous when the cough is kept loose toad t-x- pee)oratiou easy by giving Chamber. - Cough Remedy, it has been used in many epidemics of this disease with perfect success. For sills by all dealers_ Popular Stallions Following will be the routes of the horses named fur season of 1912 :— HOPEWELL W. J. COOPER, Proprietor MONDAY. -Leaves his own stable, Lot 58, Con. 10, Otey, and goes North riaHe,frvn o Jos. toad Clonal t , 5 dael'S u. Io p • l, 7, Blinn, for ; Men enSonhtoh t1 line, thanWo-t to Geo. 611nnott's, 14th Uun.•fe• night. 0110 80AT -South to T,alrs0 Speiran's tot 28, Oon, 16 0.roy , for noon; then West 213 miles Iden North 245 miles, then to Long's Hotel, Crnnbronk, l•or +light WEDNESDAY. -South to Robt 1tnasto,'s, Lot 15, Don, 18,Grey, for noon; then West to .has. McDonald's, Tat 1, Con, 10, Corey, for of 111. 'IiHt1RSDAY.-North sad West to .Nrnnk 13e11•nes', Lot 15,Oon. 7, Morris, for noon ; then North. via Centre Slderoad to 611, Tine, then to American Hot el, Brussels, fpr right FRIDAY -Will go to Adam Turnbntl's,-Lot 18, Col. 7, 0101, for noon; then North and West to John White's, Lot 18, Don. 2, Grey, for night. SATURDAY. -Rest and Neth to Senhnver's Rotel, Molesworth, Por noon 1 the, South and 11,91v nitsown sto t S hie where xwill remain mull thefollowing Monla11m•01ng, Black Diamond 11„ Anderson uwc Denman Proprietors This well bred roadster stallion will stand for service at the livery barn of Anderson & Denman, Brussels. Sou cords for further par• tkulara or engin re from prnpriotol•5, LOUDON'S FAVOURITE (1)812) 1190793 4. 8. MCGavrn, Prbprietor . Will stand at his own stone, Lot 22, Con, 15, McKillop, for the improvement of 510511, Terms -To insure a fon148 00. t 8801118 8111 th and by ujsse 10 Shows lashis horse won t Fall, beatirst ing the colts that won prizes at Toronto and Doo- don, nod else at Stratford and luttohuli. F r ers' Mint" Do Y OUSE AND LUT loo sale 0r to rent, -AS Ivo purpose 1eavin6 Brussels shot uy my Imnse and lot on O'urnberr street, South, h y tt is o Qr •d (ar le or runt, Possession 1 / as to Pon stm can i ff e n 1 ,o had April lx[. Apply 114 mire to J. W. RE1RNEEY, Phone No, 03 Brussels, CARS FOR HALE, -Estate of Ihte 4511108 Olounan, being N Lot 12, Con, 8, Morris township, containing fee acres, 8stares of which is bash, Good bank be1•n and never falling spring close to barn, (food stack farm. Moat be sold at ole'. For tetvn5 apply at office of Ta 5 Posn', Bruasela, 84-4 �+AB51FOB 8A0E.--5j,lendid 200 acro farm n- in Om Toynahlp of Tookeromltlt, County of Huron, within two miles of Seaforth on Ci, T 11., 111 0115 of the best farming di8(1110 5 of Ontario. Soil best clay loam;75 north Maier atop : In saw... lest state of eotivntim, • well tae drained ; never toiling spring creek near buildings ; substantial two-story hick dwi11- nig ; beotui)nlly situated; heated by fernnco; bath room with hot and cold water ; divided welter; cement (boor; long distance telephone; orchard with spruce )rind -break on West and. North ; good barns with stone stabling,all in first-class repair. Farm in aplelditl tpe to rnfse moncy.m liking crops or 8onld lnnhe line dairy farm or stock farm. Any MI5 looknlg for a good larnt would do well to see this -an ideal country dome. Address 40.4 JNO. T, DW115026, Henf0rth. �' P A BAItGAIN.-Wall dispose of cottage, Elioaboth street, Brussels, 81$060, a great bargain, in order to 500)110 quick sn le, Roy may be had frons Mr. J. Leckie, For farther inirtInlnra see ),eckie00write the under- signed. J 10 ht, George fat , London, 1®® A01(153 OF LAND fur sale, 1153' reties North of Senforth, Good tray loans, all alenr•ed and under olltivation. hunk barn, cement floors, large frame house, newlyaint- ed •t good wells at barn and house : buildings and fences 11) exe01le11t repair. An ideal home cheap. Apply 113)09) SUSIE LOOVlmll,00Ii, Soaforth, Ont. FA12M FOR SA 1111. -The 100 acre farm, be- ing the property of tiro hate ,Peter dleNell, Lot 28, (1m,. 14, Grey, is offered for sale by the undersigned. There are 86 acres oleared, bal- ance well timbered. On the farm there in a good bank barn, largo driving shed and n own - Portable house. Place in good condition and well fenced. Nor further particulars apply to JAS. A. l61GNAfle or JAS., D. MONAIit, Exec- utors, Orsnbrook P.O., or F. H. SCOTT, Bros - 9515, 7-tf =ARM FOR (A0E, being South half Lot 25, 000. 4, Morris township, Huron 00., con - raining 105 acres more or less, On the prem. 18101 iso Prune house, bank barn, good oreba)•11, well. windmill, &o. All °leeredexcept about an acre. School 144 tnilo5 distant. Only 21 miles from Brussels. 000105 of Pall wheat in Hud about 60 acres seeded down. For pricy, terms and Other information apply on the (premises or if writing Brussels P. 0, 'Phone 1.20. Or 1", S. Scott, Brussels. 11-11 A. 1, 10111RR, Proprietor. }Dhll Tl10usn) 115 of ambitious yon) g peoST1.101 are being narue1e,) in 1 h.ir domes our 11°70, Study Dopa. Yon n ny finlit Dull, go if yon desire, PI v whever' 5011 wish, Thirty Ysars0ienro, Largest trainers in Canada,' 1)1(1,',-11)11 any. Positions guaranteed, If yore with to 8580 ben011 and learn while you earn, write for pnrti)Olnre. N VACATION O V CA ION wingham Business College 1200 P TT , 8 O ON President flESMIZMNAS2E•MMEOMM t The Business ,. '4\ Lisumel Calee l 9 1 Spring Term opens Monday, a April 101, 1012. EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Prin. ememenveseaggamtooteeeeivzoimasueva F :r hh'kker ? if Not, Why Not ? . An exact duplicate for barnyard nlonult. Five limes Es strong as Nitrogen, Phos. Acid and Pot- ash, A complete organic manure ill 11 concentrat- ed form, soluble, available, and easil5 r applied to your land. If you wturt. to Mereaso your crops 51) per ems, use this Special Ceg1w)ie Mammy as is used and sold by The National Lend, Pettit* Packing (10„ Ltd, own- ers of 11,00048cM%of of:chael lands, f,0na1 agents--- rL>1ss is Electric Via(.. ht We alio handle Flour and di Kinds of feed, See its (about having your !Moen wired for l+liecl l'ie Li rh111 , Milk *l whiingo cleaning is on, 6 h RE u r e d At your home without pain, danger or operation, My ntethocl,,will cure•ap- parentlyllopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait - Fill 10 coupon Ago•••....,..... '1''rne Rup Single ar Double Nance Address „ . anti return to - J. S. $ M N'°n-1 88 Caledonia St, Dept. A Stratford4 Ont.