HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-6-20, Page 1VOL. 40 NO. 51
W. H. KERR, 1?•r%rielor
New Advertisements
A new R. SPOW.
(ilii wanted -Tim P
Notice—Wm. Thorny o ,
Jest n little orf --Jae. Pox.
Teacher wanted -B. Payn.
(laid piece les$.-91nc PORT.
Norm for sole -J. J. Pollard.
Poultryfountain-Er/inter Bros.
Faror sale -Walter L. Breokom Age.
zstrid Setts
The Annual Garden Party of the.
ti Methodist ebueoh, Bluevale, under the
auspices of the Willing Workers
Society, will take place Wednesday,
June 28th. on the church lawn. An
excellent tea will be served by the
ladies, from 0 to 8 in their best style.
Music throughout the evening by the
Wingham Citizens Band. Coxae and
enjoy yourselves.
r Mrs. R. Black spent Saturday in
Thos. Hemphill made a business
trip to London on Saturday.
Fred. Davey attencled the Anglican
Synod in London last week.
Chas. Pope, of Brussels, spent Sun-
day with relatives in the village.
J. Little, of'Toronto, •is a visitor at
the home of R. Black this week,
Thos. Musgrove sr. is spending a
few weeks with relatives in Detroit.
Miss Cassie Harris, or 'Toronto, is
the guest of her mother, Mrs. Geo.
' A. S. and Mrs. Snider (nee Alice
Irwin) left on Saturday for their bonne
in New Liskeard,
y. Mrs. Anthers and 'children of Buf-
falo, are guests of thetoruler's parents
L. and Mre, Cliff. •.
Mrs, Gordon Elastics of Turribervy,
has been appointed organist of the
Presbyterian church.
Mrs, W. M. Robinson left Loi.' BaI,tle.
ford, Sask„ on Saturday where she
will spend the Summer.
Mr. Stalker, of Wingham, was in
charge of the High School examine -
tions held here last week.
Andrew Brewn,'of Amherstburg, a
former resident of the village is visit-
ing friends here at present.
J. 0. and Mrs. Staples, of Treber'he,
Man., are guests of the tatter's grand-
parents, Thos. and Mrs. Sage. '
Mrs. Win. Elliott, of Turnberry,
left on Tuesday for a six weeks' visit
in Winnipeg, Calgary and North
Misses Ritchie entertained the choir
-of the Presbyterian church last Friday
evening. A pleasant feature of the
evening was the peesentatiot by the
choir of a silver bake -dish to Mrs.
Oloyn Higgins, nee Jessie Moffatt,
who, until her recent marriage, had
been organist for a number of years.
John and Mrs, Robinson, of Ford•
Melt, called on friends here on Tees-
da .
Mrs, Gavin Davidson entertained a
nanibee of friends to tea last, Fri-
day evening,
Miss Jennie Thompson, of How ick,
is visiting her sister, Mrs, Koehler, of
Ayton, at present.
A number Of our villagers attended
W. S. Sandersou's barn raising, in
Howlett, Tuesday' afternoon, Mr,
Sanderson is replacing his barn which
was destroyed by flee last Summer.
Tho, following refers to a former
well knciwn resident here :—John
Hartley, principal of Clinton Model
school for the past five years, has been
appointed to the Vankleek Hill
bilingual school. Mr. Hartley is a
Huron boy, being born in Turnberry
township, and received his education
at Harrrston and Owen Sound col-
legiate, and at Toronto Normal and
Hamilton Novena college. He taught
nt Wroxeter public school for five
years, ;at Blyth Oontiuuation school
for half to year and at Clinton Model
school for five years. He was a
Prominent worker in the Anglican
GARDEN PARTY.— Arrangements
ale being made for bolding- a Garden
Party 00 the church and school
gronnds on 'Wednesday evening, June
26th. 13zoadhagen Band will be in et-
tendahe& and a good program provid-
ed besides. Solos will be given by
Miss Graydon, of Streetsville ; Miss
Fairy Robb and Mr. Rutherford, of
Brussels ; and Will. and Jno. Hamil-
ton, of Atwood ; readings by Miss
Harrison, of Moncrieff ; Bag pipe
selections by R. Inglis, of Glitch,
Scotland, and W. Mann of Moncrieff ;
and a Fancy drill by the school child-
The Y. M. B. 0. won the Tootr'Ball
contest on Wednesday of last week
b' 5 to 0.
Ethel Women's Institute sent a good
delegation to Jamestown on Wednes-
day afterhroon.
On Wednesday Jane 28th the Y. M.
B. 0. and the choir of the Methodist
church will -hold a Concert at which
a good program will be given.
An old and well known former resi-
dent of this locality is here on a visit
in the person of Chas. Dobson, of
Kansas. It is 26 years since he went
away but has not been forgotten by
any means, Mrs. John Bose, is a
daughter of Mr. Dobson.
ORANGE SERAION.— Sabbath after-
unoz, Tune 23rd, Rev. D. B. McRae
will preach the annual sermon to
Ethel L. 0. L. No. 631, at 2.30 o'clock,
in the Presbyterian church. Members
are requested to attend and visiting
brethren will be cordially welcomed.
prove.:. the
q y
of the
workmanship in
/P the
THE HARTT 800'1 & S1ibE,-00;
rR ED.ANCrON, Nn 111111 t'n
Cannda'e Rest Shoe,nkcr.
Sold only by -...samm,
Tailor and Gents' Furnisherg Brussels
Keep the Concert by the Y. M. .13,
A. and f choir c 1
h n the Methodist church
in mind. A fine pinwalegarn will be
rendered, Date el Wednesday of
next week, 20th inat, See tJte bine.
The annual Sabbath School pie -1110
undox' the euepices of the Presbyterian
Sunday School will be held ill the
Jackson grove on Dominion Day. A.
good program of sports will be pro-
Alex. Bremner and wife, of Astoria,
Oregon, are here on a visit. Mr,
Bremner hacl a sick spell with typhoid
fever for two months but is recruiting
in good shape. They are welcome
Lead bu ry
A good number frost) here took in
the moonlight excursion to Goderich
last week and repels a gond time.
Alfred Stafford and Noble Forbes
ate said to be going to manufacture.
bee boxes and may add cutlery also.
Dcn't forget the Garden Party at
the home of D. and Mrs. Crawford
Thorsday night of this week. A good
time is expected.
Miss Jennie McGavin is writing at
the Entrance Exam. at Seaforth this
week. Three pupils from No. 9 are
also writing, viz Nellie Roe, Alice
Knechtel and Alex: Dennis.
Other Blyth news may be read on
page 5 of this issue.
Rev. Mr. Durrant. of Belgrave,
preached in the lbletliodist church last
Sabbath evening.
A number of Blyth people were at
Detroit on the BX001.SiOit last week.
Among them were Mrs, A. Carter anti
Messrs. Taylor, McMillian and Wat-
last week the annual meeting of the
Blyth Telephone system was held in
the Industry Hall. Following were
elected on the Board of management :
—L. Hill, President; A. Elder, Sec,-
Treas. ; Directors, 3. Brigham,Wes-
ley Beacom, H, H• Hill, Russel 'Rich-
mond, Jas. Laidlaw, R. G. McGowan,
N. Campbell and A. W. Sloan ; Audi-
tors, W. Laidlaw and I. Fingland.
Mrs. ,T. Bennett is the efficient opera-
tor at the Genteel and is assisted by
Misses Hazel Bennett and Mabel
Nichol. Cn'y is in good shape and
everythioe in apple pie girder. There
are about 400 telephones with more to
follow. At present more cable is be-
ing put up in Blyth.
See Belgrave news on page 5.
Dan. Halliday is back from th
Mrs. Code, of Trowbridge, visite
her daughter, Mrs. (Dr,) Stewart,
Farmers' Excursion to Guelph o
W. a & B. Saturday of this week.
Orville Taylor, of Calgary, is vial
i.ng his uncle, Postmaster Taylor
John and Miss Mary Grainger, o
Brussels, called on old Mende her
during the past week,
W, I3, and Mrs. Smith, of. Toronto
were visitors with Dr, and Mrs. Stew
art while on an auto pleasure trip.
MO's, Hugh McLean, of Hensel', an
.. son, Joyce, were renewing old friend
ships here. They were former real
Belgrave 'Women's Iustitote sent
good delegation to Jamestown 01
Wednesday afternoon to the annua
District meeting.
Smoot, Pro-Nia.—An event of no
small interest is the school pit -nit tc
be held Saturday afternoon of thi
week in Chas, Wilkinson's grove
The regular old fashioned sports plu
foot races and an exciting Base Bal
Last Sabbath evening Rev. Mr.
Fear of Blylh, took the service i'n the
Methodist church and gave a flue
practical discourse on "The call to
discipleship and one responsibility if
the refuse." Some good plain things
were said.
SILVER AntuvEIteenT.—Next Tues•
day afternoon the W. F. M. S. of
Knox chur'cla will celebrate the 25th
anniversary of their Society, the
gathering assembling at 2 o'clock.
Mrs, (Rev.) Feegu'ten, Pt'esident, will
occupy the Min iv and Mrs. (Rev.)
Perris, or \\ inghrun, President 0
Maitland Peesbyter'ial, will give an
address. Invitations have been sent
to Brussels and Wingham Auxiliaries
and a I epresentali ve from each will
express greetings. Miss Irvine, of
Shanghai, China, lute been invited to
give an addreas on her work and a
floe time is expected. A musical pro-
grain.will be rendered.
Stumm 141'r]ETINe,—A most success-
ful meeting of Belgrave Branch of the
Woman's Institute was held Tuesday
11th Inst ab the commodious home of
Mts. Dan. Geddes,•wben in the neigh-
borhood of 65 ladies attended. Meet -
ng opened at 2.30, the President, Miss
Jenny Oole, presiding with neatness
and dispatch. Atter the bushiest of
the meeting had been transacted a
ood program was rendered, open -
ng with a fine solo by Mrs, Will.
Proctor. Miss Mclliurchy, of Har•
'ist0n, was introduced to the audion4
00 gave, an address nn the subject of
,Explaining one individual• attitude
owar'd t -11e. °thee Norman, which is. our
ieighburhood' from the view point
f sicology. Mrs. D. t ledcies and
Miss Ethut Scandr tt t endercd an in-
trutnental duet which was highly
ilppresiated, Mrs. .(tiiev,) Ferguson
v0recl the meeting with a Solo after.
which Miss Allen, of Jarvis, Ont.,
poke for a short time on "Hygiene."
oth the visiting ladies have .their
objects well i
c v 11 n baud from
a Scientific
s entific
pa°int of view.
e Miss Gracie
Scott' gave
a choice instrumental selection, Artet•
ie customary vote of thanks to the
peckers and to Mra. Geddes for the
eneronsuse of her home also to those
assisting with the musical selections
aoh number being worthy of speeial
once, the meeting Was brought to'a
and refv s.
e l mcuts1Yer'e served.
, •
vc d.
22 were reeeived for membership,
making 47 mimes on the roll which iR
a good foundation to begin the year
The residence of Thos. Marshall, 911
line, Morels, has been greatly improv-
ed by a new dives et paint.
Miss K, Telrco. and J. Buchanan ac-
companied by Miss Hetherington, of
Wingham, Su»dayed in Meliillop.
Messrs. Thainer and Rowland en-
joyed a holiday to Detroit last week,
going on the extorsion from Goderich.
Thursday's moonlight Excursion
from Goderich permitted a number of
young people trotn this locality to
discuss the arrangements of coming
matrimonial alliances,
berry Festival will be held on the
Manse lawn, Walton, Thursday even-
ing June 27. Program will consist of
the following excellent talent :—Reci-
tations by Miss Dickson, Seaforth ;
Violin Selections by D. Ewan, Brus-
sels ; Solos by Miss Graydon, Streets-
ville ; aliss Jessie lfcLauchlin and
Lorne Eckmiei, Brussels ; Wm.
Brown, Fellarton ; and Master Albert
Payne, Blyth. elections by the
Hiawatha Male Quartette and Wal-
ton Choir. Seaforth Brass Band will
supply a musical program. Supper
served from 0 to 8. Everybody wel-
come, Admission 25c, • children 15.
Rev. R. A. Lundy, chairman, -
DAMP. The big camp grounds out-
side of the town is the Mecca towards
which troops froin all over Western
Ontario have gathered and the largest
training camp ever held in Western
Ontario is under canvas. The ad-
vance parties did their work well and
everything was in readiness for the
men, who went into training, The
Twenty -Sixth Regiment marched to
Goderich. Everything here is natur-
ally bustle and hurry; with so many
teen. The sight is a very gay one,
and many of the partite;: were given
hearty receptions on their arrival.
Out at the camp gronnds the staff is
busily engaged looking after every-
thing and issuing orders. Active
training is on and the military in-
struction and drilling counnenced
Monday. A small army of conks is
looking after the feeding arrange-
ments. The "white city" rapidly as-
sumed orderly appearance, for as fast
as the detachments arrived they pro-
ceeded to their quarters and unpack-
ed. It is surprising in how short a
time such a large body of men can be
ready for training after their arrival
on the camp gronnds. There are
many hundred horses to be looked
after and tons of fodder is stored a-
round. The.animais have been bought
or hired from all parts of the district,
As in the past, arrangements are com-
pleted for the men in camp receiving
their mail quickly and the postoffiee
has its own staff looking after the
handling of the letters.
The Western Hospital Toronto, will
have Dr. Fired, Bryans on its staff.
We wish him a good time.
Several pupils from this locality are
writing at the Entrance examination
this week and we hope they will be
The 100 acre farm of Walter L.
Breckenridge is offered for sale. It is
in good shape. Advt. may be read in
another column.
W. Holt will take nobody's dust
now that he has secured a motor
cycle. He handles it like an expert
and can go like the wind.
Trustees of S. S. No. 4 Grey, are
asking for a male teacher, whose
duties will commence after vacation,
See the advt, in this issue.
Dr. W. E. Bryans and bride, of
Oarmangay, are here on their honey-
moon and are receiving the eongrat.
illations of many old friends.
Plisses Jessie and Elsie Strachan
were visitors with Detroit relatives
during thei past week, going by the
Greybonnd fermi Goderich last Fri-
Jamestown was all alive on Wednes-
day afternoon when the Women's
Institute and Farmer's' Institute met
here. The visi tors. appeared to have
a good time.
Last Monday Bernice Payn cut a
gash in the thumb of his left hand
while using a .jack knife that has
given him considerable pain. We
hope he will soon be o. k.
Farmers' excursion to Guelph Model
Farm Saturday 22nd inst. Train
leaves Brussels at 8,05 a. m. and re-
turn fare is $1.25 good to come back
the following hfonday if yon wish to
pretty wedding was solemnized on
Wednesday,June t li
Farm," the home of S. and Mrs. Snell,
when their second daughter, Miss
Jean, was united in marriage to W.
41, McDonald, of Jamestown. The
bridal patty took their places under
an arch tastefnity arranged with ferns
and flowers, where the ceremony was
performed by Rev. Ma Wishatt, B,
A. of Wessels, in the presence of
only the immediate relatives of the
eouteactieg parties, Bride, who was
given away by her father, was be-
comingly attired in ri pretty gown of
cream, Marquisette with tulle veil
fastened with a wreath of Omegas
blossoms and carried tt shower bocr1 ne t
of white carnations and ferns. Wed-
ding Me.relt was tendered by Miss
Tena Snell, sister of the bride, who
aril' a
wore i dainty dr'e
ss of white
Janet Millerad
nt e a eharmilies ]foto
flower girl and ring bearer and was
dressed in a pretty gown of white
embt'oidery, After congratulations
were reeeivecl the guests sat clown to a
bouuti1111 wedding supper prepared by
the hostess 111 her usual gond style,
The present were costly, beautiful
and ueerel and bespoke o the
ery hi
rates in which the young couple 3
held, Our best wishes follow Mean
Mrs, McDonald to their home a
Council meeting will
ll b
s Monday at the Township 3all.
The sunu w school is te in eonrec
t lion with
S, S, No, 8, will be Held in
H. Atwood's grove 00 Friday, June
288th. Amusements will consist of
swings, races, &c. Everybody we!-
come. Lunch supplied by the ladies.
Refreshment booth on the ground,
Charlie Raker, who went West this
past Spring, has located at Edens,
Sask., North of Battleford, whore
he hes secured a houlestead. They
are at present 75 miles from postoflice,
railway and town, 250 miles were
travelled in a wagon by the company,
camping out at night en route, Mrs.
Eaket ie well pleased with the country
and says there is abundance of good
land, plenty of fine timber, excellent
water and lots of game, both annual
and fish. A new railroad is being sur-
veyed through their locality. A
small crop will be put in and a log
house is in course of 'erection. We
wish Mr. Eaket and family success
and will be glad to hear from them,
Season is backward.
Another wedding or so expected.
Jno. and Mrs. Clegg visited A. 0,
and Mrs. Dames of Brussels,
Rev, Mr. Fear. of Blyth, occupied
the pulpit of Sunshine church last
Sunday afternoon.
Last Sabbath afternoon ' Ttev. Mr.
Durrant, of Belgrave, took the service
in the Jackson church,
A. cement wall is being built under
one of A. McEwan's barns, 3rd line.
Mac. lilies to have things comfortable.
Quite a few talk of going to Guelph
on Saturday of this week on the
Model Farm Excursion. It makes a
line outing.
Report says theft(' lire may supply
the bride for an eligible bachelor in
Hallett but we wont say anything
more about it just now.
In the line of improvements Jaynes
Jackson, 9th line, has reshingled his
house and Thomas McCall, 8th line,
has put a new roof on his barn,
S. S. No. 6, Morris, known as
Anderson's School, intend holding
their annual pio-nio in Richard Arm-
stiong's grove on Tuesday Suns 25th.
The trustees of the Gosman school
section are asking for a teacher, duties
to commence after vacation. Miss
Coward is the present incumbent.
See advt, in another column.
A driving shed 20 x 50 feet is being
built by Hugh R, Elliott, of Brussels,
for Simpson McCall, 7th line. It rests
on a cementfoundation and matched
lumber is used so that a neat job is
the resulb,
urday of this week the Annual Farm-
ers' Excursion will be run to the
Model Farm at Guelph, A special
train will be run and tickets are good
to come home on any train Monday,
It's a delightful spot to visit for a day
and a large delegation should attend.
Time table of train and fares from dif-
ferent points is given on page 4 of tills
week's POST. A hint worth ahundred
times the fare may be secured by a
wide awake visit to the Farm, A
large number talk of going, Half fare
for children up to 12 years, Give the
boys a chance.
Tim BRIDGE BY-LAW,—The vote for
and against borrowing $23,000 on
debentures to erect bridges in Morris
township was carried by a good
majority on this 8th hist., although
the vote polled was not large. The
record as tabulated is as follows
Div. For Against
1 29 8
2 26 6
4 25 3
5• 37 5
6 40 0
Total 194 24
No. 6 is holds first place polling the
largest vote for the By -Law and not
a ballot against.
Olear the track for Guelph on Sat-
urday of this week.
Miss Hazel Rnzell is visiting relatives
in Toronto for a few weeks,
Miss Jeanet McNair was a visitor
With old friends at Detroit during the
past week.
Misses Beatrice and 0110 Armstrong
and Chester, were visiting old friends
at Lucknow,
A Garden Party is being arranged
in connection with Roe's church to be
held early in July.
Wm. Brewer purchased the old flax
mill boiler, Brussels, and will utilize
it fora culvert pipe on his farm. It
will serve the purpose fleet -class.
A number were at Jamestown on
Wednesday attending the annual
meeting of the Farmers' Institute and
the Woman's Institute. They had a
good time.
Saimaa PIo-NIa.—S, S. No. 4 and
the Howiok Boundary school will pic-
nic in T. R. Bennett's grove on Fri-
day of next week, •28th inat. They
always have a good time.
The infant son of Robert Locking,
12th con., died last Sunday, aged one
week, and was buried Monday in
Brussels cemetery. Rev. D. Wren, of
Ethel, conducted the service.
Of muse you are going on the Ex-
cursion to the Model Farm Saturday
of this week.. Special train, low fare
and tickets good to Dome home Mon-
day. See further particulars on page
Miss Duncan, a grand daughter of
L. and Mrs. McNeil, 14th con., who
itas been attending College in Toronto
came on Wednesday to visit them.
Her patients live at Estevan in the
.4. Garden
Party will be held on the
grounds of Huh Richmond n
Dominion Day, under the auspices of
Union Church Sunday School. Tea
served from 6 to 8 o'clock, Program,
Sports, etc,
SEcs'Jose Pro-NIC.—The annual picnic
of S. S. No. 3 will be held in A. Bish-
op's grove 8111 con., on the afternoon
of Friday, Juno 28th, A lively time is
promised. The arrangements of the
past years will be followed,
James Denman left on Tuesday last
for a pleasure trip to the West, He
was accompanied by his daughter,
Miss Mamie. They will visit ab
Olcotoks, Calgary, Erskine, Edmonton
and other points. Their many oid
friends here wish them a safe journey
and an enjoyable time,
Wed o last wee e a f la k Bliss es Annie
Mitcheli, of Kellield, Sask., formerly re
of Grey township was married to Jno.
Bielby, of the same locality, also a la
fnrmet' Grey and Mo'risite. The b
beide is a daughter of Richard Mitchell en
and the groom a, son of 'rhos, Bielby. c
May their joys' be many is the wish 1 ea
of old blonde here, p
R. A. McDonald took in the moon-
light Exoursion to Detroit.
Miss Alice Wilton, of Brussels, is
visiting friends in the village,
Miss Julia Baker and Miss A. Wil-
ton spent Sunday on the 18th Con.
Mr. McKenzie, of the McKenzie
Medicine Co„ Lucknow, was here this
Mrs. 0. W. Keeling and Lorne
Keeling, of Cargill, are visiting at A.
J. Helm's.
Mrs. Rathwell, of Lucknow. is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. George
Rev. D. B. &ICRae will preach to the
Orangemen at Ethel next Sunday
The Model Farm Excursion on Sat-
urday will attract a number from
this locality.
Rev. Mr. Peters, of Milverton, is
taking the service in the Methodist
church next Sunday.
Quite a number attended the I. 0.
F. service in the Methodist church at
Ethel last Sunday evening.
We are glad to report that Jacob
Reymann has nearly recovered after
his mishap by a kick from a horse.
Miss Mamie Cameron and Miss
Myrtle Grasby are trying the Entrance
examinations at Brussels this week.
Huether Bros., have completed the
cement concrete foundation of their
new barn and expect to have the rais-
ing•in the near future.
Invitations :tie out for the marriage
of Miss Norma Sperling to Ray Fear,
of Morris township, Wedding to
take place Saturday of next week
Mr. Knight,
Henry Gorsal
business calls
t, of the Dorenwend
Toronto, assisted by
itz, made several local
ill this vicinity Iasi
We are sorry to chronicle the death
of a well-known man in the person of
H. T. Switzer, at Portage -la -Prairie,
Man., on May 15th, He was born ab
Peterbot'o' 70 years ago next July,
and when grown to manhood took a
position in London, where he made
the acquaintance and married Miss
Lizzie Mason. Shortly afterwards he
located in Forest being. employed as
foreman in Wren & Cos. mills, for
nearly 20 years and since held the
same position i0 a Milling Co, in Sea -
forth and Atwood. During this time
he won for himself the reputation of
"a good workman." From At-
wood he went West and has since•
been in failing health, suffering with
diabetes which dually caused death.
He was a Methodist in religion, a
Conservative in politics and almost a
life long member of the Loyal Orange
Lodge, standing high in the Order
where he had many warm friends
both before and during his recent ill-
ness. His wife pre -deceased him some
years ago. He leaves one son and
three daughters, all of Hamilton, also
a sister, Mrs. Pollard of Listowel, and
a brother, Chas. Switzer', of Plenty,
Sasloc to whom the sympathy of the
community is extended.
TooN.—A pretty wedding book place
at the home of Inspector and Mrs. J.
E. Coombes, of Saskatoon, oir Tues-
day, June 4th, when their niece Bliss
Myrtle Evelyn McDonald, daughter of
Anthony and Mrs. McDonald, of
Oranbroolc, that, became the wife
of John Mooney, of Lfoydmineter.
Rev. Wyley 0. Clark, of Knox church
performed the ceremony. The bride
looked very sweet and pretty in her
bridal robes of cream silk gloria brim -
ed With satin and pearls, embroidered
veil, orange blossoms and carrying a
briquet of cream roses and Lily of the
Valley. Bridesmaid, Miss Laura
Smith, of Saskatoon, was becomingly
gowned in white embroidery, with
touches ofpink,and carried c e a bnquet
of pink and whte carnations. Little
Miss Jeune MCEwsn, daughter of
Mayor McEwen. Kindersley, in her
white silk lace gown and white slip-
pers, acted as flower girl, The groom
was attended by 13. A. McEwen, of
Prince Albert. Groom's gift to the
bride was a sunburst of pearls ; to the
bridesmaid a _pearl pendant ; to the
groomsman a Flower -du -lute pin, set
with pearls and to the little flower
girl a pearl ring. Among those who
attended the wedding were t Anthony
McDonald, father of the • beide; Mrs.
T. Mclitven and John Curt, James.
town, Ont. ; J, J. McEwen, GOderiolt ;
Mayor T, M. McEwen and Master
Kenneth, Kindersley ; William O.
Meliiwen, and James R. Cult, Prince
Albert. The happy couple
were the
cipient of a large number of valtt=
able presents among them being a
rge rocker upholstered in leather, a
rase bed, silverware, cut glass and
any other usefni arti'oles. After the
eremony was comjileted the guests
at down to a ewoptuons repast pre-
axed by the hostess. The table dec.
orations were carried out in pink and
white,the b ices cake beingbanked
wih owers, on a center leeg
American Beauty Roses. Evening '
wee spent in games, social chat, Ansi
music, Bride and groom left amid a
shower of rice, and confetti on the 6 a.
rn. train to spend part of their honey-
moon with Garfield and Mrs. Long in
MoRorie. Mr. and Mrs, Mooney will
in fu tura reside in Lloyd mins ter and
will be at borne to their friends in
The popular Excursion to Guelph
Model Farm is billed for Saturday,
22nd inst., tickets good to come home
the following Monday. Snpecial train
will run on Saturday leaving
0113.05 and Ethel ab 8.20 a. m. Tickets
are $1,25 from Brussels and $1.16 from
Ethel. Children under 12 years wi11
be half fare. This makes a fine outing
and the extended time gives a chance
to visit friends further East.
5vvRY farmer, either young or
more advanced in. life, should take in
the annual excursion to the Experi-
mental Farm at Guelph on Saturday
of this week. The features of the trip
are—a special train, low fares, tickets
good until Monday , and a day of in-
struction and practical knowledge that
should put into play many hints con-
vertable into money-makers in a
speedy manner.
There is no dearth of Garden Par-
ties, Pic -nits and Excuzsions this
month and those who attempt to
patronize the majority of them will
have a busy time. While some dis-
count using such gatherings as money
makers there is no doubt bub that the
cultivation of our social natures is of
real value and these functions do much.
to cushion the seats occupied by the
good people of Huron and adjoining
A PLAN is on foot. by which Barris-
ter Rowell and a miurber of Ontario
Liberals will tong the Northerly por-
tion of the Province and see for them-
selves the land so much in the public
eye. Meetings will be held and ban-
quets tendered at the various points.
A practical acquaintance with our
Northerly heritage in New Ontario
will he of value to the Liberal M. P.
P's. and aid them in discussions in the
PROBABLY never before in the his-
tory of this Province have the various '
official church bodies pronounced as
positively on public questions as have
been resolutions passed expressive of
support of the proposal of N. W.
Rowell in connection with "Banishing
the Bar," at the gatherings held oil
June. There is no uncertainty
about Mr. Rowell and` the leaders of
the various churches have anew hope
in the policy he has so cleanly enunci-
17NTIL the railways can arrange 0.
more prompt and rapid method of
getting excursionists to their respec-
tive homes after the day is over thero
will be some difficuly in securing
testimonials of satisfaction' from the -
patrons. As au instance the steamer,
Greyhound arrived at Goderich Mon-
day night at 11.30 o'clock and the G.
T, R. train supposed to leave on curl-
val of boat did not pull oub until 1.30
a. m. Who was to blame for such
a tedious and long delayed sta3t is not
known to us but it is an injustice to
the travelling public that should nob
be allowed to exist and. mars mueh'of
the pleasure of what otherwise would
have be a most enjoyable outing.
The denseness of the railway officials
to supply desired lnfoematiou of the
hour of departure of train is one of
the marvels of the 20th century,
Somebody should get after the delin-
quents and stir them up with a sharp
-Church Chimes
Rev, E. H. Croly 13, A , of Wingham
will take charge of the services at St,
John's church next Sunday, June egrd.
Next Sabbath the regular services ill
the Methodist church will be conducted
by Rev. J. R. Peters, . a University
student, of Milverton, The pastor is
in Muskoka but will be home for the
following Sunday.
The Junior Lesgue will told their
annual picnic on Friday afternoon,
28th inst. They are asked 10 meet at
Mts. McCauley's and go clown the river,
Persons attending are asked to prepare
whatever best suits their for leech,
After next Sunday Rev. A. C, Wish-
art will tette six weeks holidays and will
go West visiting Edmonton, Calgary,
Banff end other points of interest, His
work will re supplied, Rev, Dr,
Murray, ofToronto, ,finites the first three
weeks, We wiser Rev. Mr, Wishart a
pleasant vacation.
The last Con
Class of 't
John's church attende
d service in
last Sunday evening to mark the art
nlversary of that event„ The rector'5
sermon was au earnest appeal to re-
mind thein otheir f t r privileges and re,.
spousibilities at 'Christieu soldiers and
scrvatits, The class was entertalned at
the Rectory Wednesday evening and e
very enjoyable tihfe Is reported,