HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-6-13, Page 8NEU It would be hard to make a better Talcum Powder than Violet Dulce Talcum. It is something extra and will satisfy the most refined taste. age. PER TIN Insect Destroyers For this purpose we have a fresh stock of Arsenate of Lead Paris Green Blue Stone Hellebore We guarantee these to be pure and of full strength. Now that the blos- soms are off the trees is the time to give the fruit trees their last spray- ing. Let us supply you with the drugs to make up the spraying mixture. The F ' m SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. Toni ,elvs kents HALF of June gone. WILL yon be a volunteer 1 LIGHT frosts during the past week, Saslow. Board Friday evening of this ,week. FAaMEns' Excvasloe to the Model Farm, Guelph, Saturday, 220d inst. Special train. SEE the Brucefield—Brussels Foot Ball game Friday evening of this week on Victoria Park. Orme more the Foot bridge is back in its place where we hope it will remain until late next Fall. NEW verandahs have been built at the home of Mrs. J. R. Smith and A. Strachan, this season. The Pope was 77 years of age on Sab- bath, June and. We wish him many happy returns of the day. A =Iv Ford car bas been ordered by N. F. Gerry, of town, and is expected along one of these days, SEE the pictures of the uew buildings on the Prison Farm, Guelph, on page,3 of this issue and see the buildings on June 22nd when you take in the annual Excursion to the Model Farm, W. C. T. U.—The regular meeting of the W. C. T, U, will be held in the Public Library Hall Friday, June 28th, at 3 o'clock. Topic "Anti -Narcotics," lead by Mrs. John Robb. A O. U. W.—The adjourued meeting of Grand Lodge of the A. O. U. W. will be beld in the I. O. F. Temple Building, Toronto. on Friday 21st., at g a. m, sharp. R. Leatherdale will represent Brussels Lodge. Melville H. M. S., will hold its month- ly meeting on Wednesday, rgth inst., in the basement of the church. A very interesting time is expected as Rev, Mr. Wishart will give a talk on some of his experiences on the Mission field. VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION I Those wishing to attend the Military Camp at Goderich should call at the Armory, one door South of Brussels postoffice, Fri- day night, Saturday afternoon or Satur- day night to receive uniforms and in. structions as to camp, etc. There is still plenty of room in the ranks. ANNUAL MEETING OF EAST HURON FARMERS' 1NSTrTUTE.—Wednesday, June xgth, at Victoria Hall, Jamestown, the annual meeting of East Huron Farmers' Institute and also the Women's Institute will be held, opening at 2 p. m. Dr, H. G. Reed, of Georgetown, will address the formern "Horses," crass," with a demon- stration AGRICUL UR L T A SOCIETY DiRECTORS.^ A meeting of the Directors of East Huron Agricultural Society Directors will be held in the Council Chamber, Brussels, Saturday, 22nd inst., at 2 p. m. to revise the Fall Fair Prize List, appoint Committees and attend to other matters of importance. A full at- tendance is hoped for. J. Leckie, President, W. H. err'S ecre tar . CARD OF TinNxs.—Jblr, Hunter r and family desire to express their apprecia- tion of sympathy and kindness rendered during the protracted illness of and subsequent parting from wife and mother, The same assisted much to cheer and comfort in this, we believe the heaviest loss we could sestain, Yours Gratefully, INC,. HUNTER AND FAMILY. THE DETROIT EXCURSION.—Mine1•va Encampment, I. O. O. F., has complet- ed arrangements with the G. T, R. for the rail part of the Greyhound excursion Goderich, to Detroit on Friday, June 14th. A special train will leave Strat- ford, Friday 7,30 a. In. stopping at all stations. From Wingham, Beigrave, eta., take morning train, June 14th, connects at. Clinton 8,40 a. m. with special train for Goderich. Returning special train will leave Goderich on Monday, June 17th, at 11,30 p. m., run- zing through to Wingham and Strat. ford. Ask R, R. Agent for particulars, TAB JOKE rs ost WINGHAM —Last week the Wingham Times got off the follow- ! ing, publishing the standing of the District with their team at the top of the list : "Wingham leads having Neaten I $tassels 2-1 in Wingliam, Brussels de- ! £sated Brucefield 1-0 nn Brucefleld on I 3rd June. On May 3r, Brucefield in Brucefield defeated Seafortb 2—o. From this we gather that Wingham having beaten, Brussels should beat Brucefield 3—o and Seaforth 5—o. It looks like the silverware for ours. It must be awfully discouraging for the ether teams to play Wingham. What a useless expense.Why not giveeWing• ham the district first aslast and devote expenses that would be incurred to Muskoka Free Hospital," 0 1 what a difference a few hours make as since the aboye "sugar off" was written the mighty have fallen, being defeated by Seafortb by 2-1, instead of 5—o win, and taking second'piece to Brussels last Monday. The Plums silverware eSc- pectattts have tobogaunetl towards the foot of the oleee. Guess the money had better not be sent to Muskoka for a week or so yet as playing Wingham is tot really so discouraging after all even if they do put up an elegant speciman Of 011005 leuatl3big. Quite a number of our horse fauciers took in the Seaforth races this week. A test of the hose in connection with the Fire Brigade is being made and goo or 400 feet of new hose purchased so as to keep our fire protection up to the dot. A NUMBER from town will take in the Excursion to Detroit on: Friday,' per steamer Greyhound from Goderich. Trip is good to return Monday evening, AMONG those from a distaoce who at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs John Hunter were :—G, A. Elliott, Brantford ; Robert Leslie, Hanover ; Mr, and Miss Erred, Auburn ; Mrs. John Mills and Miss Mills, Blyth ; Mrs. Jas. Beatty, Blyth ; Mrs. A. Smith, Sparta ; John Dane, Miss Dane and Matthew Dane, Gorrie. •d PENDANT and gold chain lost Inst Sunday. Finder will coufer a favor by leaving it at TBE Posw. 0 YOUNG pigs averaging about 70 pounds for sale, Apply on Lot 8, Con. 0, Grey. Phone 288. Sao, LOWS, Brussels P. 0. WOOL WANTaD,-80,000 lbs. We pay highest prices cash or trade. Bring along your butter and eggs, KING Duos., Wingham, Ont. MAUDE 0. BRYAN%, Oph. D., will be at her office, Brussels, for practice from Wednesday June 12th till Saturday, June 18th. MONEY WANran.—Can use from 3100 to 31000 and pay' 7 % interest. Good seouri• ty, Address office of Ten POST. COLLIE pups for sale. Apply to JAS. Nein, Lot 22, Con. 18, Grey. Cranbrook P. 0. Phone 480. sale. Been�ussedhone season. Appd ly once at Central Hotel, Brussels. S. J. AGNEw. Dwcrr nqo room to let above stores. Com- fortable and convenient. I. C. RIo0ARns. Waits lawn mowers will not work easy call on or write T. MoGREooa, Brussels. —o— BRUSSELS Shamrock Creamery dis- posed of the May make of butter at 2s; cents a pound. 26 cents per pound of fat was paid to the patrons. The supply of cream Is splendid and the price 51, cents better than last year. Brus- sels factory is all right. ExAMs.•—Lower School examinations on 'Tuesday, Wednesday. ao,i Thurs- day of this week, Miss Buchanan's Primary department pupils were dismis sed to make 'room for the candidates. Normal Entrance and Matriculation exams, begin on Monday. 24th, and con tioue to loth. Entrance examinntions run from Igth to the erst, J. C. Smith,' B. A., of Wingham, will be the presid• ing examiner at Brussels. BABY DIED.—We regret to state that Thursday of last week Clarence P., the bright baby boy of A. G. and Annie McDonald died at Niagara Falls, Ont., aged to months and 7 days. Indigestion and water on the brain was the cause. Funeral took place from the home of Wm, Gordon, Flora street, Brussels, Monday afternoon, In the absence of Rev. A. C. Wishart, the service was conducted by Rev. D. B. McRae, of Cranbrook. The bereaved have the sympathy of many friends in the loss of their little son BAZAAR —The Ladies' Aid Societyf Melville church held a verysuccessful Bazaar in the Town Hall riday and Saturday aftetn000s of last week. Ice cream and a light lunch were served both afternoons and supper Friday which was well patronized. Children's clothing, aprons, towels, pillow covers and a good supply of fancy work and home made cooking and candy were sold. Following program was given Friday evening :— Instrumental solo, Mrs, Holmes ; Solo, Mrs, S. 0, Wilson ; Instrumental duet, Mrs. G, Thomson and 1). Ewan ; Recitation, Dorothy Holmes; Solo, Mrs. Matheson ; Instru- mental duet, Miss Jessie McLauchlin and P, Stewart ; Instrumental solo, Miss Jessie McLauehltn ; Solo, Mrs. Mathe- son ; Instrumental solo, Mrs. Robt. Thomson Financial proceeds were a• bout eir5o. Booltiwo Huaow Co.- The Huron Signal of last week speaks as follows of a speech made at Goderich relative to a movement to boon) Huron County: -- The urgent need of a campaign of this sort for the County of Huron was ad- mirably sat forth in a brief but forceful address by Reeve Leckie, of Brussels, from his place in the County Council Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Leckie de- clared that no portion of the Province of Ontario was more greatly in need of "Looming" than the counties of Huron and Bruce. More than any other coun- ties they had suffered from the exodus to the West. As a consequence lands id these counties were selling away be- low their value when compared with lands in other parts of the Province which were really inferior to our own. There was more vacant land, more land given over to pasture or otherwise un. developed, in these counties of Huron and Bruce titan in any other part of the Province ; and this in spite of the fact that there wits nowhere in the Province a better large section of first-class land and nowhere laud better handled than in the county of Heron. Something should be done to settle these lands, or the results would be serious. Advant- age sltottld be taken of any scheme wilioh Woull advance the prosperity of the County and get back a part of the population that had been lost during regent,yaare. A B usiness Chance is often missed when it might have been easily embraced by Systematic Saving Begin now to prepare for the day of op- portunity by depositing' your savings in The METROPOLITAN RANK ,Of.OO OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. Colt -ROY, MANAGER emiesememer THE Pryne Milling Co., are once more busy at the exteusiou of the cement dam. High water has greatly retarded the work, BRUCEFIELD will play Brussels Friday evening of this week on Victoria Park here. It will be a game worth seeing as the visitors are an excellent lot of Foot- ballers. Our boys deserve hearty sup- port as they are doing well. Seaforth will play at Wingham the same evening and on the results of these two games the District championship will largely depend. Game called at 6.15. BRUssELs WON A FINE GAME,—The In: termediate Foot Ball match Monday evening, on Victoria Park, Brussels, between the sturdy eleven of Wingham and the home team was a splendid ex- hibition of Foot Ball, free from rough play or injury to anybody. Nu one was asked to ornament the "tense" and both teams deserve credit for the gentlemanly game. Brussels had the long end of the play and although only Igoe] was scored the onslaught on Wi ngham's citadel was often very warm, several times a tally being aaved by the sphere striking the goal stakes. The visitors put up a fine specimen of ball and are good strivers. In the second half for a few minutes they gave our boys an anxious time but the lads stood the test and denied Wing - ham the privilege of evening the score. There were a good number of neat combination plays and altogether there was not an uninteresting minute in the entire match. Referee Bamford, of Listowel, was eminently fair and kept both teams well in stand. He followed the ball closely and was quick in his decisions. There was a good attend- ance, and Ito lack of enthusiasm or hearty coaching by the supporters of both teams. The line up was as follows:— Brussels Wingham Hawkshaw.............. goal.................. Wacb ett Anderson Books.. •••.. Parker Armstrong Deeu Sherrie ....... ,....)) ( McEwau W. Scott }tl4 Baekc{ Treleaven Welker ., ) f 8tothers Stephenson ,.......MoKerchat ,Stevenson.. fr .Geddes C. Scott..... Forwards.1 Mills C. Scott. Il .,,, ., ..., .Jones MaMlllan Tolland Standing of the teams in tite district is now TEAM WON Losr To PLAY Brussels 2 1 3 Brucefield 1 r 3 Seaforth I I 3 Wingham I 2 3 Brucefield and Seaforth played a tie game Tuesday evening at Seaforth. A PRETTY TUNE WEDDING.— The Thessalon paper of last week reports as follows ;—The marriage of Miss Pauline Vera, daughtet of W. A. and Mrs. Mc- Ewen, to John Burnaby Thompson, son of W. J. and Mrs. 'Thompson, of Sault Ste. Marie, was solemnized in the Methodist church on Tuesday evening at seven o'clock, Rev. H. S. Lovering officiating. The bridal party entered to the strains of the Lohengrin Wedding March, the bride supported by her father, who gave her away. She was gracefully gowned'in ivory dulchess satin with trimmings of Irish lace and. pearls, a tulle veil with coronal of orange blossoms. Her only ornament was a pearl necklace, the gift of the groom and she carried a boquet of white roses, u o s orchids and maiden hair RI fern, She was attended by her sister, Miss Geraldine McEwen, as maid of honor and MISS Auuiee McKinnon, of Winnipeg. a cousin, as bridesmaid, in exquisitely dainty gowns of pale pink ninton over satin, with trimmings of crystal fringe and leghorn picture hats. with pink roses and lace. They carried pink roses and wore pretty pearl pins, the gift of the groom. The flower girl little Gieene Dobie, wore a dainty white frock and carried a basket of flowers, Allan Huriburt, of Brantford, was best man and the ushers were Roy Jones and Hugh Johnston. The groom's gift to the former was a pair of gold cuff links and to the ushers pearl stick pins, During the signing of the register, lack Leckie, cousin of the bride, sang "Be- cause I love you Dear," accompanied by Mrs. Lovering, who also played the Wedding music, After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. McEwen receiving her guests in a beautiful gown of mauve satin, with silver trimmings and mauve flower toque. Site was assisted by the mother of the groom, iu a becoming gown of rose satin with Persian trim. mings and a flower trimmed hat. Mrs. Oliver, grandmother of the bride, was presentin black satin and point lace, also three sisters of the bride's mother, Mrs. Leckie, of Brussels ; Mrs. McKin- non, of Winnipeg and Mrs, Wm, Thomson, of Thessalon, all in handsome and becoming gowns. The house was decorated with a profusion of flowers and terns, After a dainty stepper the health of the bride was proposed, fol- lowed by numerous other toasts and bright and witty speeches when the pride slipped away to don her travelling suit of blue serge with white broadcloth and hat to match, with American Beauty roses. Mr, and Mrs. Thompson left ou the Germanic to speed their honeymoon in the Past and on their return will re• side in Sault Ste Marie. They were the reeipieuts of many beautiful gifts and the best wishes of their numerous friends. The out of town guests were W. J. and Mrs. Thompson, Miss 'l'hompsoh, Dr, Ketr, 3 and Mrs, Stevorisot and the 'Nissen Slevonsou, of the Seek, Miss Mabel 301 Her, Bruce Mines, 3011 end Mrs, Leek a and Jaolt I,,eekie, Brtfaseio 1 Mr0, V. D, trlaKinu. on and daughter, Miss Annice, of Win- nipeg; Frank and Mrs, Webber, of Jackson and Dr. and Mrs, Coyne, Both- well, The church was beautifully dec- orated for the occasion with white blooms and a large number of spectators witnessed the ceremony. People We Talk About S. C. and Mrs. Wilson visited Howlett friends on Tuesday. Miss Viola Davidson was visiting Wingham frieuds over Sunday. Miss Isabel Strachan is holidaying with Miss Kemp, of Listowel. Miss Vera Wilhee is holidaying with Stratford relatives and friends. j, W. Kerrey, of Guelph, was in town for a few days during the past week, Mrs. E. C. Lowry is holidaying with relatives in Guelph for a few weeks Mr. and Misses McClure, of McKillop, were visitors with the Ross families, J. Hanna and bride, of Henfryn, cal- led on friends in Brussels last Sunday. Miss Ida Kleine, of Seaford:, was a visitor with Miss Vera Wilhee of town, Mrs. W. A. Grewar has been visiting her aunt at Woodstock who is an in- valid. Mrs.ghter . L. Burns and dais Flor- ence, , of Detroit, are visiting with the former's aunt, Mrs. John Long, Flora, street. Mrs. George Robb is holidaying at Guelph for a week or so. We need not wish her a good time as she will have it anyway. Mrs. Harvey B. Churchill, of Wind- sor, is here on a visit to het old home. She is a daughter of George and Mis, Edwards, THE Postr regrets to state that Wm. Gordon in verye is not en J y g rugged health but we hope he will soon pull tip vigor. tothe old ti e ig or. Miss Lynden, of the Victoria Iedustri- alSchool, Mimic°, is enjoying a visit with her old friend, Mrs..,Alex. Smith, John street, Brussels. El THE STIkal NK OF CANADA ,It,pD oPpke, TORONTO ESTABUSHED 1075 k alatemaw • • El M Real I comfort a• p5ECURiTY for both principal and interest is the first essential of an investment; the ability to realize quickly the second. Judged by these standards, a deposit in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal form of investment. '97 BRUSSELS BRANCH, J. R. Rowland, r Ent) Manager. mar Jno. and Mrs. Walker, of Seaford], were renewing old friendships in Brus- sels last Sunday, Mies Daisy Wilson, of Kingsville, was home for a short visit last week. Her foot is getting better. George Brown went to Toronto Tues- day morning where he will spend a while, oombining business and pleasure. Mrs R. P. Field and daughter, of Owen Sound, are renewing old friend- ships in Brussels and Grey for a few weeks, D. McAllister and the Misses Mc- Allister, of St. Augustine, called on Brussels friends on their way to the McDonald—Snell wedding. John Askin and sou Albert, of Hunts - v1111), who were visiting the former's mother in Brussels, and bis brother in Grey township, left for home this week, Will. Strachan and Jack Leckie are receiving congratulations over their ist year at the University. The former won a scholarship in Science and math- ematics. Miss Edna Pugh, of Mitchell, was i here last week attending the Hamilton Duncan wedding. Miss Pugh will be married next week to Geo. Larkworthy, of Mitchell. We are sorry to state that our old friend Abram Cook is in very poor health bet hope he will improve. His weak spot is his heart which has bother- ed him for some years. W. J. Crawford, of Superior City, Min., is here for a holiday visit with his parents and old friends. It is 4 years since he was in Brusaeis last and about 20 since he first left, Mr. Crawford holds au important post in the grain grading deparitnent. J. B. Thompson, of Sault Ste, Marie, Ont., and bride, nee Miss Pauline Mc- Ewen, enjoyed part of their honeymoon at the home of Reeve and Mrs. Leckie, the latter's uncle and aunt. They went on to Bothwell Tuesday to visit Dr. and Mrs. Coyne, the last named being an- other aunt. Grand Trunk R'y System �4�iYDwiY,4Fu7� IPuY�'Ciiy,(�rirvdt�.t$eiY�G5.G4' i9�veYJ�-A�.��Q�'„A.ri,7, y,�',Ari>y.0�i EAST HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE CLIrS lo lr��.��JJ Aad.LL J,� lL �►,�.�.� Guelph Model Finm �w�'7��'7r�,'ITP'o7r7� V'�'r�• Saturday, June 22nd following Low Excursion Rates will apply Faro Train Loaves IflNOARDINE $ 1 85 6:80 a. in, RIPLEY1 75 0:47 LUOKNOW 100 7:08 WHITECHUROH 155 7:20 WINGHAM 150 7:84 BL'UEVALE 150 7:47 BRUSSELS 125 8:05 ETHEL 115 8:20 HENFRYN 110 8:80 Arriving at Guelph at 10;45 a. nt, Children over 5 and under 12 years Half Fare Excursionists Will take Special Excursion Train from above mentioned places to Guelph. Returning passengers will leave Guelph by Special Train at 7 o'clock p. m• 'Pickets will be issued froth.. all Stations, except Henfryn, which will be supplied by Oon- duotor on train. All tickets good to return by Regular Trains on Monday, June 24th. ' womommismom A Trip Full of interest This isthi) popular trip of the season. Go and see the famous Provincial Agricultural College ; the Experitnentai Earm, a place of never-ending atteaet)on for agriculturists aiad bortf- culttlrists ; MacDonald Institute and MacDonald Hall, two noted educational centres of special ititet eat to women ; the Consolidated Rural School"and School Gardens ; Hon. W. J. Hannale Celebrated Farm Oelony ; and the many points of industrial and coknmer•cial interest within the City of Guelph. l nay of Education, Inspire loaf Heareation, no net mks It, Thos. MoMiltaf, 0. J. Nelson, Free. E. 0.112011 Partners' Inst. Sec. 0, Bruce Farmers' Inst. J. A. Lamb . Sea, South Bruce Farmers' blot, Dr. Anderson, of 'Toronto, made a short visit with his old friend Dr, Mc- Rae this week while retnruiug home from addressing Huron Co, Medical Association at Seatorth. Postmaster Dieksou, of Seaford), and Mr. Joues, his sou-in•law, from the West, were in town on Monday, 1`lle latter made a purchase of honey from our "Bee King" G. A. Deadman. We are sorry to learn that R. W. Tuck, of Toronto, formerly a well known resident of Cranbrook and Brussels, has lost the use of his limbs and is confined to bed. Mr. Tuck is about 7o years of age and is a brother to J. C. Tuck and Mrs. D. Robb, of Brussels. We hope to 'soon be able to report, progress. BORN LEATH ERDALB,—In Winnipeg, on June )lull to Mr, and Mrs. W. L., Leatherdale, a son. MARRIED BaYANe— 8i1onu 1OE,-- In the Methodist church, Oarmangay, Alta., by Rev, Robert Pearson, B. A., of Red Deer Alta., on June 8th, Dr, W. E. Brynns to Mies. t7abelle Luella, only daughter of 21r, and Ere. D. F. Shouldice. all of Oermangay. HAMILTON—temose,—At the home of thr bride's parents, on June 18th, by Rev, A. C. Wiabart, R. A., of Brussels, Mr. Nesbitt George Hamilton of Atwood, to Miss Gertrude Pearl only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Janme¢s Duncan, of Morris township, SNIDER—IRwtm1—At the manse, Bluevale, on June 8th, by Rev. W. J. West, M. A., Mr. A. S. Snider, of New Liskeard, to Miss Alice Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Irwin, of Wroxeter. •TBOtlreoN—MOEWRN.— in the Methodist (March, Theaialwn, on June 31h. by Rev. H. S. Lovering, Mr. John Burnaby Thwnp- son,l of Sault 8t. Merle, Ont., to Miss Pauline Vera, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McEwen, of Thessalon. DIED MODorrALD. At Niagara Fails. Ont., on .lune 8th Clarence P., only aon of A. G. and Annie McDonald, aged 10 mouths and 7 days. RoeE,—In Grey township, on June 11th, Robert Rose, in his 82nd year. Sellers.—In Morris township, on .rune 7111 Elizabeth Hodder, relict of the late Joel Sellers, aged 80 years, 8 months and 14 days. BRUSSELS MARKET -- Wheat 31 60 31 80 Oats Peas 1 00 Barley • 178 176 Butter 19 20 EgPotatoes 70 20 Hay 14 00 14 00 Hoge 800 8 00 Wool 12 18 • Fi In Summer the feet ache. perspire 0 • feel damp and uncomfortable, Cool Q • • shoesnete)l enoudgh. iltin stockings help some but • • • 17100 Want real foot comfort use EAa-EM. Q. Dust n little EAB -CM in the shoes, • sprinkle some on thestookinge, Itab- • sorbs ntoistere,and <Meeksperspiration • to a large extent. , Then the feet are comfortable, do not swell, do not aohe. is i • • • se • 3 • • • • • • s It's lino when breaking In new alma, Sumner or Winter. Mattes them slip en easily, overcomes friction at the pinching places, prevents formation of owns and bltetere, Sprinkle top oannisters 25o. Like everything else in the lino of Nyel's remits Remedies this Foot Pow- der Is right, highestuality, liberal quantity, reasonable price, AT FOX'S 8 d, gal 91 9' 801 a+ 601 04 04 •+ � • Drug Store a ••R)®eo•••••0•000•••••••6)0, � Y .5. A. Stewart, of Exeter, receive. , his new 7 passenger McLaughlin autr, last week. Exeter has about a dozen: automobiles. Black Diamond lien Anderson & Denman Proprietors This well bred roadster stallion win atbnd for service at the livery barn of Anderson & Denman, Bruseela, Hee cards for further, par-- tioulare or enquire from proprietors, - The People's Column: TEACHER WANTED for S. S. No, 1, MorrJla - Township, Huron Co, Outlet' to com- mence after vacation App'1ieante are 'Whedl to state salary, qualifications and. experience). Applications received t0 July 10111. _ HARRY FEAR,' Box 827. Seo.=l'rene.,101Jttc1, F: 0, TEACHER WANTED for E. S. 8, Grey township, duties to eummeeo4 titer Sum- mer vacation. Apply, stating sOJ6ry and quill. Mentions, to W M. BALL, 484f at Se ra'reea., Ethel. TBAOHER WANTED, male or Female, for: 8.8. No. 10 Township of Grey, Huron, County, duties ,o commence Sept. 2nd, 1012,; Apply, stating snlery.snd gealifleatfone and, experience if any, to,' ISAAO LAKE, Seo,-Treas., Ethel P. 0;. I AR14f FOR $ALIO.—epplendid200,taere Farm in the Township of TaokeramitP , County of Huron, within two miles of Seeferth on G. T. R„ in one,oS the best farming 41tricte of Ontario. Soiltbaet clay loam ' 78 sates under crop in exeoltent state of oulttvegen ; well tile drained; never failing spring amok near buildings • substantial two-story blink'dwell- ing ; beautifully situated ; heated by furnace; bath room with hot and cold water ; divided °eller; cement floor; long distance elephone' w orchard with spruce wind -break oniest and North ; good barna with atone atabl ng, all in flret-ciass repair. Farm in Splendid lthape to raise money.making crops or would tlninke fine dairy farm or stook farm. Any on looking for a good farm would do well to s3a this—an ideal country home. Address 49-3 JNO. T. DICKSON, .8oaforth. ®••••••••r•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••7•••• ® M Brussels Daylight Store • G. N. McLaren • �yc e • Ua Big Bar, ai is A 6a 1 a in 9 oy� Sui's .., o , s' W E are showing the best range• of Boys' Clothing e' we have e everWorsteds had in Tweedsand 0 W rsi:eds ) t •to light, medium stili m and dark colors made in the best), fac- '•, a tory in Canada. v' • e 3 2 Here's your chance to save money—for the balao aCe of e o May we are putting on sale--- a • s •, 3.50Suits top 2o 4.50&5r '' •, OO •Saits for 3.65 s el Bah 2 niece Sq tgJ, rilet}ium, Boys' 2•Pie'ce Suite in light, •' i g 41 itohr"` IlWpYd& find medulla and darkcolored • wprgtede ; ou boys age 0 to tweeds mud worsteds ; for e 113 yeas ; well made sad per• boys ap,e 18 to l0 va'a7's ; well • Vet $sting, Suits vegetal. • rondo and perfect 11tting. Reg, ' • price f148.0 ; May gale price 4.IIWg 5.00. May sale price - $2:65 v $3.65 • • = 7.50 & &0O Boys' Sults 535 5.011 & 6.00 Suits for 4.00• • Boys' and Youths' 8 -piece Boys' •3•piece Suits with short .21' • Sults with long pants, In dark Boys' in tweeds and Wotsteds ; r; and medium colored tweeds a good choiceoe patterns; Well •' • goodo' linin and to 17perfect ars made and perfect fitting ; for •, g , boys 12 to 17 years boys 10to•' S Y 16 years olcl. 'Reg- Regular ib • 8.00, g prices }37.50 and user prices 5.00 to 000. May e • f May solo price— : rice sale, price— Y p, • • $5.75 $4.00 e R •Big Bargains in Men's Suits: & Odd ®' _,.. d it ants et For the balance of May month. e e New Felt and Straw Hats for Men & Boys@�'. • el • Onlya few L •) ladies' s Readymade Suits Left •, io w Ladies' Suits in Blue and Black Serge and Tweeds ; all t'hisseason's t • best styles, Big reduction in irides fora, 1 the balance of May month, •, • • , •, Na•so a • e r ■ McLaren i.,: e ear• We always pay highest prices for Produce, ' •' 0.1t••ifl•••••••e•••tr•••••••0•••••“•••i le........4.6 0' • $` For Balance of May Month