HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-6-13, Page 7ROYAL BORN PAS Remain trot Ireland fore long, the polio der inth in PearsO One of sent Hour next six stabulary of the Im by it. T lacy -the ed the pelioeme They ar you will months' troops in them. All pi fighters, t aa,moeg tit Comped very keen ly rejects conform trance. For all nation is the mei veloping is suffici date, and cation is c enter the The R "Peelers" ed in Irel FOOT The form majority, the noun try distil about $3 quarters, chance of time. Unlike men, .the rifles, pis when no powers of Tthe R. Ireland w lin, whey police for perhaps worrying against or pacer This is against ev ning. Th paid sent' warning lice, aril on their hidden "' the tread dere it ex them una matter. The di every ale ways of r know wh step tope They !lav secret set to their d les away .genet'. When police -pr armed me they tan -piece-me, away up route not enemies, bog, can Boots a bog, 'and see a let out after their way their soc There a officers of trier insp and inspe ion' goner 41800 a y DS cons sergeants Under laryof Ir ed en 188 the "Bar "Peace Queen Vi the farce al Irish O cognition in counee breaks. "Pop P' "Yes, I "When what is h "An or "And w deal, who "A Dui Hl Mr's, hat, Hent Mr. Sts 'How 1 "Why, "What'. bird or fit" amen o 'cars, world n hard taon to baht' ant !emended AND reel 0 a the island Carona, at n, e an a1 got at ks R15H CONSTABULARY' — „ l IGH E is AND MUST ; DIFFICULT TEST. — Under Parliament's Con- Regardless of Homo Rule. may govern herself be- but England will still payIn g who keep law and or- Green Isle, says a writer l n is Weekly. the provisions of the pre -Pa. e Rule Bill is that, for the the Royal Irish Conteing shall be under the control Aerial Parliament and paid he Royal Irish Constabu- R. I. O., as they are call- over -are Ireland's e as fine a body of men as and anywhere; with three barracks training no the world would• better Iced men, strong, born hey arc chiefly drawn from e sons of small farmers. to enter the service is applicants are sternin 1vP d who do not absolutely all the demands of en- ranks the medical exami- exceedingly strict --even of varicose veins de- .n after life, for example, to "plough" a Candi- a good, elementary esu- of all who would force oven as caTastables. I. C. -"Bobbins" and dthey consists ofrarly call- and -consists MOUNTED MEN greet earewho axe in stationed inh tmvms men serve in the coin- its, Recruits start at a month, with barrack and every man has the earning a good pension in most other British police- R. I. C. are armed with Cols and swords for use cessary. They have the both military and police. GOOD HEALTH FOR YOUNG GIRLS nil Fed the New Blood Dr. wli- 9 iman lialns Pink Pills Actually Make, Perhaps you have noticed that "teens" our -daughter in her 'teens has developed a fitful temper, is rant• less and excitable, That she coin- plains of weakness and depression, feels tired out after a little oxer- tion, appetite variable, comply ins of hadaches and is growing pale. In that time is leading her on to the march hood, and that at this period a great responsibility rests upon mothers. Y These are symptoms of anaemia- that is bloodlessness and anaemia - time should be lost in increasing and en- Aching the blood supply. Unhoal thy girlhood almost always leads to unhealthy womanhood. All young girls in their teens need the help of. Dr. Williams'Pink Pills, whish en- rich and increase the blood supply, and give sickly drooping girls the brightness and chasm of perfect health. In proof of this Miss Zola Gordior, Morrisburg, Ont,, says : T was pale and bloodless and suf- fered from many of the symptoms of anaemia. I would tire easily and s. suffered appetite fromesas frequent poor andIcwas very le and ealy discouraged• The medicine I was taking •did not seem to help me, and then one day I read the story of a young girl who suffered similarly and was cured through the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. I got three boxes of the forts and started to takee they were done I began to feel better and look better. Then I totfore half a dozen more boxes, and be- fors they were all used I was en- joying tEW. he best of health, and have continued to do so since. My young brother was 'troubled with rhenma- tism, and they completely cured him. „ Dr. Williams'Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or can be had by snail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. m Wax sahib was left un lotected l CRAB'S WALK O 98 MILES."�' ' :` against the £nee animw', which leaped upon flim and bit him on the brow and sleek. Pea nice a minds courageously usly put both'his hands. into the animal's mouth held its jaws open, and ?hon followed a struggle between and leopard which resulted in the leopard being thrown to the uanc! Cha Iiunwar Sahib, grains, • ettin has humin k i getting g knife from Msons attedant, whin had came to his a9- slstanco, despatched it. the tussle, in addition to the bites on the lase, the Kunevar Saesearch. bib received Coble bad wounds in the hand, but medical assistance was ectal avail bio and he 's Y aa RiNGING THROUGH ' QUEBEC PROVINCE ANOTHER 11LARVELLOIJS CURE BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS `y Ludger Coto's Backaelro had level• opal into Bright's Diseases and Pains and aches were Ills portion -Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him. St• Yvon, Gaspe Co,, Que,, May 27 (Special) -Once more a wonder- ful cure has sone the name of the -- Homing Instinct AS Shown by Some Rcoent FxpexImentse Y g trtSome ardinkthe movements and 6 the homing instinct of the edible crab were presented to the Eastern Soo, Fis'lesies Committee, says the Landon Standard, Dtlrin filo past two years Fidler nepgectar H. Dennison has been carr in out in- carrying of the eons- on mitttege,tand the rresul s of his work cannot fail to be of considerable use to those eoncerned in biological re- g In the course of an exhaustive report he stated that between July and September, 1910 nearlytwo r ;. , - t " ' , '^` r k I 4,�, ��rd. , ,a r i /'' 41111 r. 'G! 'X 1^ SN��� • °a +iN a ^.�r eft + ix �• 1 t . f° S;, t%° • iRr ni f. ,,,i:..,a+ � • '- r s' r I+,^ t ; �r r ��t. 'n= ..,i ° {' a�• tilA . r; 1 xr a ra 'ray• a., 1'�^ rte, �. .,- " ,,: s • r •" A o � at � ', 'r• rE ' *, 1, k ,t ?: ,y �,'' '' •{ v rt • -. �k � ' yt se 't '* w itlil .. , a f. ..x . $ progressing satisfactorily, old Canadian Kidney Remedy ring• thousand crabs were capture, and 3 through the Province of Quebec, after bean labelled were g again eat FOR ELECTRIC RAT TRAP, . _ Roy of Seventeen to Get Big Swn for Invention. Eastern capitalists are to give a sum in the aeiGhborhood of $100,- Mr. Lud er Cote, a well known re- g silent of ' this place, is the man cured and the story of his cure in his own words is as follows: "For four years I suffered from Backache, stiffness of the joints and finally Bright's Disease, I could not bend my right leg on account free along the Norfolk and Lincoln- shire coasts. The crabs had re- cantly cast their shells, and new ones were then in process of hard- ening. Rewards were paid to fishermen upon returning the crabs when re- captured. They were returned to y �j Nj, 1G'ji '1°1-ff�, fir. k c �) ►: r1 l,P C/J e PINf '' DISTEMPER EyE CATARRHAL FEVER ANu ALL Nest Ourea the sick and seta as apreventativeAND THROAT DISEASES the tongue. Safe for brood mneand aothers, Best Aidney uld given to caws a, bottle; MOO dWHOLEoALE DRUGGISTS. and harness SPORN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Goshen, lad, U. S. A. 000 to Benjamin Card, a 17 -year- the in hip knee. 1 the distances from old farm boy of Markesan, Wls n sin, for rights in an electric rat trap which he has invented. Ex- pa'i' nts indicate that the 'trap will perform a service that will ri- vol that of the Pied Piper of Brown- 's poem. g P Young Card Lias always had a leaning toward invention. His mother ones put him to shellingBnClca,che, beans, and son afterwards foun him running them through a ma- chine that did the work of a thresh- er. When he learned that there to be had from a rat of pain my and had terrible pai•ns • in the • region of the bladder. My eyes were swollen. I was always tired and nervous and 3 took n0 pleasure in life, "Finally, I decided to try Dodd's KidneyPills and the effect was marvellous. Six boxes cured me coin fete] " P Y• neglected, develops in- to Bright's Disease. The one sure ures is to cure tae toBaelscape e its to tit first starts with Dodd'a Kidney Pills. '1 sea at varying the shore, and up to the present 21tfwf>k, per Dent, of the labelled crustaceansinter had been recaptured and full data tail lllaated. With regard to the Norfolk crabs liberated in the places from which theywere originally obtained, g Y 52 were recaptured within one mile of their first home, but one travelled ttaanee of 08 as statute mile Near! three hundred had travelled onl three or four miles from where they' were originally taken, . rtHrrrt W -..w^sat,:c+:?mow s E ae •�s,a use a;r , '.;*.w,ti ,.,- "'°'dN �® ,;i PoM r g r�° a ,: ®'!` Prevendcs Cholerra, and Saves the Llttie Chicks A little chick is just like n little baby -its basil, deppends on it» food. Impro[ 'orfe<ding a pent the way fel disease, CI i ken Cholera. Roup, Apoplexy, can do prevent sad cured pop by feeding INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD. M chickens had Cholera until Bone of their combs were turning black.• Auer using a few feeds of "International Poultry Food,' I -never lost ' another fowl, and Cholera has left my picnics. -J, P. BARNETT. Give all your chickens n daily feed of "International." It keeps them wells fattens u knd broiler° -makes hens lay all the year round -keeps the wekN vigorouep and . insures raising the little chicks, fed'"Into you Poultry make out of your y�L a, 25e..50e.fand c5p 51.00 aour CAAtC. dealers everywhere. Kj Y $6, 05 Stock ook, the ? -, greatest book over written for farmers. t es INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD COMPANY 1° was wealth trap, he set to work on that. On lis device there is an i'riviting walk for the rats at the lewd- of which a bait is ;put. A rat will go DUST ON STEAMSHIPS. When at sea, no matter how care- fully the decks may be washed in - —� HAVE YOU A. BAD SORER — If so, remember these facts-Zam- i ; �r j(, Limited >t it ° 's a „ •• '7 -t le x TORONTO A`(„ .J `e` t= ees e +ri` kit. a +: '-.-• u, 1' ' •�' m, i.• r, c `��� — 70 r.` arrangedin the of icol'lect Buk mostwidel *a,,- ewe.t. x 57 A4 ?Axa+f eu a asw; est>ar ui _2st its trap-door fashion. It must put pt dust will byat nightfalltyOn balmtin Canada! Whhasytabet f p g popular scures CHENILLE CURTAINS FARMS FOR SALE. bait, In doing so it pressesa down the' shelf and completes a circuit hund'rneds of tons of coal everyzday, this is assail' accounted for, yet the orres, skinldioasess a d does what is claimed for it. Why not let and all klnde of bonne haaginge, also H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne street, LACE CURT IL. DYE LIKED CLEANED Toronto. which sends a stunning current of electricity through ft. Tlxo current record of „ailing vessels show that the collect more dust than a steam. it heal your sore? Remember that Zam-Buk is alto- write to us about yours. Gold Medalist. I�� MIT TAOII9AND DOLLARS WILL ,J buy hR1TISN AMERICAN DYEING CO., Mk =Montreal buy beautiful hundred sores in NorthuImpleramberland releases a catch on the trip, which is merely one level of a'wheel. The gdaysof weight of rho rat turns the wheel trip and the er, On the voyage of a sailing vas- rel from New York to San Francisco that consumed 97 24 barneis of dust were swept from the decks. gather . different to the ordinary ointments. Most of these consist animal fats, Zam-Buk contains trace fat, County, OouThn ye, including and s in ngthe Stook 4 horses, 10 cows; etc This is a axiom, and can be had on easy terms. Possession at once. until the next catches, body drops into a receptacle, where death will come if the electricity The captain was a man of scientific tastes, and made careful observe- no of any animal or any mineral matter. It is absolute];011 herbal. as 0 111 r tS. G o0D FAR3i8 IN LINCOLN, WELLAND• x Halton, peel. York, Durham, North - timberland, Prince Edward has not already accomplished that. tions, but could not solve the mys- Test how different and 8u- counties at reasonable prices. 4 tery. Some, no doubt, came from parlor Zane -Bilk really is. All Is • SASKATCHEWAN AND Li n1toba d the wear aazd tear on the sails and rigging, but that accounts for only druggists and stores at 50c. box. Use also Zam-Buk Soap. Relieves paean,* lanr OC ,,in BABY'S OWN TABLETS , A MOTHERS STANDBY a small ro croon. To add to the P P mystery bits f cork, wood and sunburn and prevents freckles. Best for baby's bath. 25c. tablet, guaranteed to Rnlr FARMS -ALL SIZES, IN THE F Niagara Fruit Belt. I. C. polices the whole of ith the exception of Dub- there is a metropolitan P ce on English lines, and worst work for ever the force is the war licit distillers of tt4hiskey , a constant battle of wits its, cunning •against me e distillers always have mels out to give them ,f 'the approach of the po- the fact that they carry operations on a sort of P „ in the middle of boggy xounc! ran- tremely difficult to get at wares, -or at all, for that sailers know practically b of the various possible 3 of g their lair. They clod of turf is safe to what one is unsafe, so to s eek a series of o P ' EPPING STONES" istillex and another ser- y' from it in ease of ewer- alarm is given and the obaley fourteen or fifteen n -are hot on their track, pick tap the distillery acid, barefooted, be over their alternative sally land before theirCamp, FOUGHT WOUNDED LEOPARD. pluck' Act of a Native Sportsman in India.County; A notable native sportsman, Kun- was Anad Simesh, brother of the Baja of Kashipur, recently had a remarkable encounter with a leop- pard at Kashipttr in Heed Tal lis- Viet, India. The Kunwar' Sahib was out shoot_ ing and unexpectedly came on a leoliard abort a hundred yards lis -Kellogg's tent from him. Ho fired with his 280 Ross rifle, using a hollow nosed bullet. The bullet struck the beast on the ribs and knocked him clown, but apparently it did himu no vital damage, Tho Kunwar Sahib and his atter- dant, all on foot, followed up the wounded animal to some long grass, from which the leopard charged, making fox one of the attendants. To save his follower the Kunwar Sa- hib, who is conspicuous in a family famous far personal bravery, shott-„ Pmust ed and drew the leopard on to him- self. As the brute charged him the Kunwar Sahib fired alt him again with his 280. The hollow bullet than time simply burst on the skin with- out stopping the leopard, and the bolt of the rifle ammiri the Kun- jamming, vegetable fibre are frequently found ' g keep ����� H. W. DBTINDR Toronto Kerna,ghan, Cart- does it t); ;" Mrs, Wm. „ wright, Man., says : I always use Baby's Own Tablets find them in this sea dust. Where come from I ,. Has his family got a skeleton in its closet?" r`I don't know about `` �a NE HUNDRED ACRES IN OXFORD soil clay loam; throe acres and an excellent remedy for little „„ ones. Thousands of other mo- „ Cucumbers and melons are for- bidden fruit to many persons so what they've got in the closet, but�� they ve got one in a hobble skirt 1 " WRITE NOW FOR orchard. Brink house. Good out -buildings. Will exchange for city, town or village property, or far smaller farm. The West - Ern Real Estate, London. there say the same thing, simply be- cause they have found the Tablets constituted that the least indul- genes is followed by attacks of The Beautyo f a Clear skin. -The PARTICULARS To FOR SALE. the best medicine to' give their little cholera, dysentery, griping, etc. condition of the liver regulates the condition of the blood. A lis- MaG6aran imperial Cheese CO., Craned, MALE HELP WANTED. ones to make teething easy; to ex -'These pel worms; relieve constipation and persons are not aware that they can indulge to their heart's have hand ordered liver causes impurities in the blood and these show them- WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO and Clerks in great demand through• VDAMWAY AGENTS, TE and through. out Ontario and North West. Six months to make baby plump, healthy and strong. The Tablets are sold by content if they on abut- tie of Dr. J. D. D sen- Y Cordial, that selves in' blemishes on she rain. permeiee's Vegetable Pills in act HIS SUCCESS. will qualify you. Day and Mail courses. Positions secured. Free Book PI ex Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto.ins. medicine dealers or by mail at 25 Dents a box ,from The Dr. Wil- , Hams Medicine Oo., Brookville, ter' a medicine will give immediate relief, and is a sure ours for all summer complaints. ing upon the liver act upon the' blood and a clear health skin will , y follow intelli exit use of this stand -Wages, gThat "He's one of our successful your business men.” g so. Ie what way4 ANTED - FOUR FIRST-CLASS mincers. Must be quick and dean. 525,00 per month and board. areas' employment winter and summer. ,Ont tp •. There are over four thousand and medicine. Ladies, who will "Ho succeeded in picking out a Anpirt e• Pride & Sons, Erinaaie, Ontario. PERPLEXING. brewers in the United Kingdom. fully a rOOiate this prime Uali Y pP • P tY these can use them with the father-in-law •with ca ata! to •in - p MISCELLANEOUS. �_ of pies, certainty that the effect will be vest." Foxes WANTED -YOUNG OR When Doris climbed on her fa- Keep Minaret's Liniment in the house, „_ OW. Wm. Pearson, Guelph.. Ont. ther'e knee, it was plain that a deep - "Tommy," most gratifying. A Pill for Brain Workers. -The and FARM SCALES. Wlleoh'a problem was troubling her. said his brother, man who works with his brains is Seale Warks. 9 Hanlon/We, Toronto. "Pa a was it a wise person who said, The good die young'?" "Yes," he replied, "I suppose he hove been very wise. "you're a regular little glutton I How can you eat o much 1" "Don't know; it's just good luck," replied the youngster. Bobby -"Papa's the captain of our ship ad mamma's the pilot." His Teacher -"And what are you?"works Bobby-"I�m the compass, I sups more liable to derangement of the digestive system than the man who with his hands,because the one calls upon his nervous energy �(exoltx. TUMORS LUMPS, etc. In. ternal and external, cured without path by our home treatment. Write us betoro too late. Dr. Hellman Medical Co.,. Limited, Ootttngwooa. Ont. "Well," the child replied, after peso; they're. always boxing me.”while the other applies only his • TON scams GIIARANTEED. Wiisoq's 6 Simla Works, 9 Esplanade: Toronto. thinkin it over for a time I m g ' not so much Surprised about you, but I don't Soo how mama managed Worms in children, if they be not attended to, cause convulsions, and often death. Mother Graves Worm the c muscular strength. Brain fag be- gets irregularities of the stomach and liver, and the best remedy that be is Parmelee's Vegetable i2ROBATIONEItB TO TAKE THREE Hospital. al Canton,0Ohio. ,&ddrreing ss, Suptt..an to get groomed u " p' Exterminator will protect chit- dren from these distressingafflie- can used Pills. They are speciallyCom- HE MANHATTAN EYE, EAR AND T Throat Hospital, will to ,-- CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. tions. At the Yarmouth Y. M. 0. A. Heys' pounded fox such cases andall them to live ,young women who desire, one years training to their special hospital. After ons 'oar's Such is the recuperative power contained. in Copeland's Cure. for Consumption that even the mtYet advanced canoe have been cured by its bonoRo{al action. It can be taken by the weakest patient, to whom it gives n. righting strength as nothing else will. Ti's appetite comes bank. That is The ,�_ Teacher -Don't say, "H°W it is , „ rainin . Pronounce your "g." Little Girl—I know, teacher. Let me say it. Teacher -Say it. Little Gee -Gee; How it is rainiii' 1 held at Tusket Falls In August, I found MINARD'S LINIMENT moat bone- Roial for stn burn, an immediate relief for collo and toothache. ALFRED STOKES. General Secretary. those who use can certify their superior power. - "I tell you advertising.pays." "Well, what is on your mind 4" "Some time ago I advertised for a servtce they may be promoted to a post-. tion on salary or recommended to a gen- eral hospital where they can take the complete course of training school _for nursed references required. POI' furthibr Ayren 8uperiaillendent afeNuraea, 100 210 East 64th St., New York City . flatlntlering through the anywhere near theal. re a great drawback on a is no uncommon eight to velment of the R. I. C,, MOH clistaliers, picking over spongy ground With _ - a �p ® ��� �i17��7� of o t• • • �y'p �IS�gating P'!LI ie�° weakening perspiration stopped. lungs and respiratory organs are healed at the same time. Its efaoaoy to fight consumption, weak or bleeding lunge, lingering coughs and bronchitis to proven beyond doustatbt tbby Whatose I ate, but byw r. ---.- "-^ Soros Heal Quickly. -Have you a Sores persistent sore that refuses to heal1 Then, try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric lost $6 bill, and a stranger 'who had picked one up on the street rester- ed it to me. This morning while looking through an old suit I found WRITE I=rJii, P R I f l 0PROOF LD cu TUMOR CANCERTfi81Ft� ® R N and boot off. re fomr grades among the R. I. C. -cadets, din- eaters, county inspectors ctor° general. The inspec- alshi is worth £1500 to P By Cuticura Ointment, Broke Out on Face when Twelve or Thirteen. iafere Most Embarrassing• Had Tried Everything. s it for those ailments and have been cured. Oopiea of testimonials 00 those who atter Ola in the dressing. It will stop away the Father -What I another new the V I thought I'd lost." AND 118 '�R A fit D Canadian Straiten: Purifier) Co., nrldgoburg, Ont, aeionly havn ingb,o fewDdaysntdo rive,, and are alive and well today, are sent on request. Prime 51 per bottle at your dru • let, or 0ireot from Wm. Copeland, 611 $ape Ave.,Toronto. Canada. sloughing, carry proud flesh, draw out the pus and pre- pare a clean way for the new shin, It is the recognized healer among oils and myriads of people can cep- dress? Daughter -You needn't be cross. I bought it with my own money. Father -Where did you get it 1 Daughter -I old your fur coat. _ meg" Try Murine Eye Remedy rroamertIng-FoolsFine-nets Quickly Try It for Rod, Weal, Warr' Woe and �''t; u lid G Elul t E Read, A 110,0 I ;It: n g sm. ic 10 m, CREOSOTE N33-2.23.043. , �°ea'. a -.m ear. The mon are classed tables, head constables and acting sergeants,. lila title of the Constable U- elated the force was form- 8 by the consolidation of my Cools, iosp and rile Preservation Police." - ctoraa ordered the title Of to be changed to the Roy- onstabulary In 867, of the splendid work done tion with the Fenian out- R r A Nova scoria girl, .noes Monet ntorasb; of west, rteen : When I wee about twelve twelve or thirteen years of age, my taco broke out with pimples• and T tried every- . thing to got rid of them, but failed. Tho pimples were the worst on,my forehead and chin. Thoycamneoutingroupsanddeveloped later into sores. Being on my face they enuscd groat disfigurement, and were most embarrassing. After trying so many remedies without success. 3 caw the Outleara OSntment advei� tired, and I sent for a box. 0 01100 apptiod it to th0 pimples, and in a week I saw a great chaggo in my taco. I,kopt using it, ,goat and in a tow months it rendered a complete Duro Now you canna -tell I over had pimples, thanks to the Cuticula ointment." Miss Mabel Mar, Translated literally from tiie He brew, the word Sabbath means to till that it healed where other oils failed utterly. Countless have been the Ci11Yia , Worked by Holloway s Corn Oure. ss � e itcdi Iao"1010 Ae<111111snEicnnSONlFbt�sI. �p nisaa rrnotfca ror many ynnre, NOW �� ;"' fab anateatad so tion rublfo !MOW by loafs, Mneno Protect — Preserve — Bea u'elfy Sans les and Booklets on Application JAMES LANUi19Ui6 & CO., Limited „ Peat, FIRST STEP. It has a powerof its own not found 1070 s leette•00epnr • Rya Dive In AenPEfo Tuboe, srrc•soa, ar e' Murina Eye Reaatly Co., Chloaoo 18740 Bathurst street TORONTO in other preparations. __ Minard's Liniment Lumbermana Friend, „ Brave you a spare °'gar about • .. .-.._. ACCORDING TO ANALGOY. A schoolboy who gave "a nanny- you, old chap 1 , Certainly 1 But I ;bought you were going to stop smoking, Most of u9 try to forgot the moan things we know about ourselves: g + t ISLE WINDOWS. REVERS „ , Why,• Bridget, you surely dont consider these windows washed 1" c+' COLLA iGE COLLARS Ackaewladaedto r: as the definition of buttress „ So I am, but not too abruptly. my own Mlnard's Linlmant yeas by Physiolans, said rho lady of the house reproach -ONO fully, be nt lido of earer- j lidoproof cel Water - was asked by his teacher how he arriyod at such a COnolnsiQn. I've already quit smoking _Cigars." BRIGHT BRIDGET. "Sure, I washed 'em nicely on the inside, loolk out, , :� evermade. Ark - - -- • • < e and buy All '. „•- If a billy -goat is a butter," ex- Ialned the pupil, "it seems to me P p P , ananny-Beat ought to be a� buttress. Y_ . a�iCi ( '.=� ' , + r N " ;} t�Y "Excuse me, ma'am," said the y, " fasluonablo lady's new cook, buts Would you moind now of I had this r, address printed on me card?" "Why, Bridget," mum, so ye can replied Bridget; "bttt I intlntlOn- P g , "ally lift titin a little dirty on the outside so thim ignorant Jones ohil. g siren nixt door Couldn't loolt in." .-P-in-ii THOS ARLINOTCN o0. n ntl er of Canmtla, Ltd. Instores r direst la zee ria rna:rn aYc"uc � rononTa w� ` (Signed) morsel, 31, 1x11. DISTINCTION. ny Son," a roan take a great deal e celled?" ,; , my boy. hen a woman talks a good tt is she called Z" same,"would Baby'sthat !lab 3 Face Like Raw Beef= "My baby boy lead a largo pimple come on hi§ forehead. It burst and spread an over his taco which soon looked llks a piece of rate beef, all smothered with bad pimpled, It was awful to look at. b'hb poor little thing peed to scratch 1t and cry terrmry. 1 took him to a doctor but ho only gat worse until 5 was quite frightened that hof always be disfigured. Then I got two tins of Cuticula Ointment, together with They had been quarrelling, and, x/ not at all, re plied the lady. "Of course, it is r although hubby was willing to take the blame all upon himself and':. make peace, she was still snippy and inarfforealt. dome over here, Bessie, Aren't you Ctri'botts to know 'what is in this package 1" "oh, not very! I can stand the strain, rho replied bollspice y "WON, it's something for the and 7! love best in all the world, hes it'd coaxingly. "Oh, is that so'? I sup- ✓;, I. ,' y ,,,, ` r , �, :. • e - ■,r.�: �. I ---. a: - � c. 1.\ >e`,� '' S , . (► '1 �� { ,J C% S' . �• 1C'1 D N E` .• Ji , •'.. 5 - P'f . i Q AH ¢N tagA7 s.p 5 / i ,' 1 41q, RIGWT.$,-rJl Ip�4ttlttil, 4iNt3' 1 �.' ii ,' Ipp X41 E ..,;y. •. , j1SI�0 l . L; unusual ; bub this is your Oew home, and if you have a card it is per- fedi' proper for you to put year +lddress On 1t.'' r , „ , Thank ye, ma am, said Erin s brawny daughter, "An'I noticedin • , ye got printed on ycr cards, ma am, , At home on Thursday- Wottldn t hjbe proper for me, ma'am, to have P, r , ,, pr• inted en morne Tuesdays On 1 a, "o a i A ors E! Indian Root Pillsours exactly meet the need which so often >rrisesn every famri fora medicine to open up and regi ate the bowels. Not only: are they effective in all cAsee of Constipation, but they helpl r Cly to brcala•uS up a Cold or I a Grippe b cleaning out the system andpurifyin purifying In the same wa • they relieve or cute Biliousness, Indigestion, Headaches, luteum Ma �o><e oap yp)p BO Cy DVS fa Bf With ataypole :% Soap there tr no g .✓) ° trouble and no mus - d '%4 . (tome dyeing. tp, tt't yy cotton, wool, elk or mixtures. 24 y I colors -wit sivenpy � Nhade.Calort 106. %k,, pluck lie --et your y= dEalnt's pattpaiel , , 1 WAS CHEATED. tyles -l9 that a now silk" Y' • 'les -"Yes clear.” „ Hoch was it?", it was $8, dear,"out Eight dollars and not ribbon rkettle n Di �5 ri a a z v . cued hi Soap, and in cured him, Now of Soap for all my children Lt. Percy, OP, Waterloo bald, , Isle. thltteura soap and 8yy thtou hoot the world, riave mirrored much, fault in any treatment, of each tvttit a 824p, aria ecatp will bo mallett �ddrhse Potter Drug CollimbusAve..Benton, two menthe had quite course I use Cutloute (Signed) Mrs.Al ltd„Aldershot; Eng. Ointment oto sold but to these who lost hope and aro with- a liberal sample booklet on the ekiri trod, on application. Chem. Cbrp., ISD U,8.A. - .then it's .those suspenders pose, s �� P you said .yott necded,l . `•23 THE P illy - . He. is a poor friend who will not stand by you until your last tlollak the ptism and other common ailments, in they fullest sense of the words Or. Morse's Indian Boot Picts aro dY or with bot!ilnl"How to 1)ye'• from Yob Alit tar Mlnebd'i and take no other. ED. iL ISSUE 24 -12 is gone, A Hotetrelho*e1 Remedy 1 y, L, ZENEDICT & CII. tionirotl