HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-6-13, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS. W li, MaORACIIEN— • leaner of Marriage Lioenaea, 01. ace t Orouur T u uruba r arra Y, r y 04 BrussO , K. O. T. M. Brussels ,Tout of the Mita:aboea. No. s4 hold their regular meetings In the Lodge Boom, ilae'kor Block, on the 1st and 8rn Tuesday ev1ttutugs of eauli month. Et always welcome. 8011BBCowA. AI1N, It, It WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND. 1BSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee In, the Post Mice, Ethel, 80-4 JOHN SUTHERLAN lNanaANO¢, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 1.41 S. !300TT AS AN AUU'1'ION- • KI:n, will soli for bettor. Priem, to better men in less time and lass ohurges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge auythirg. Dates and orders Dan always tie arranged at thio Mem or by p ere mai npplloation, ilea AND CONVEYANCING. YYM b41NULAIE— • Barrister, Solioltor, Oonveyaneer, Notary Public', &a. 018oe—Stewart's Block I door Nor th of Oeutral Hotel, Solioltor for the Metropolitan Batik, ItOUDFOOT, HAYS & SILLORAN BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETU, W. Pasun,osT.1S. C. R C. HAYS a, L. KILLORAN Othees—Those formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron & Holt, Gonsataa, - O1ITARIO. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season MONTREAL 7'O LIVERPOOL T.'1'. S. 8, '•Victorian" and "Virginian" T. S. S. "Tauisinn" and "Corsican" Settings every Friday MONTREAL TO GLASGOW T. 8. 8. "Grnn.pinn" and "Hesporinn„ T. 8. S. "Smmdinev)an" and "Protorlat " ;innings every Saturday T > HAVRE & LONDON Service of moderate priced one class cabin 111) 11 tonage. Saltines every Sunday 1 information a0 to r e. 0n a ll . Ful tee al n pN a tion ter W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line, Bruaaele. ,F.m�y,puArowv .z......r 1 M1y Business CO118 eS olose for vacation during July and Aug- IR: est but the large and popular i� ELLIOTT • 7� TORONTO, ONT. -® av9 does not, Students desiring Strictly ( High Grade Training for choice catalogue are terinvitedo i youwritec for our catalogue. Enter now i you can. Our graduates readily get employtn ant. Oor. Young and 2t W. J. EILLIOTT, Alexander Ste. f Principal. �F n 0/(ii,jusCENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. r ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE g Our graduates are up-to-date and 0, practical, We have a large staff of ex- ! pe'benced inatruutors andour gradu- ates get the high grade positions. We do, more far our graduates than does any similar school. We have three do - 0,, - pnrtnrente — Commercial, Shorthand �` mid Telegraphy. You owe it to your. self to know what we are doing, Get ,t�, our free catalogue at once. �, D. A. MCLACHLAN,Principal. 6 „� ,rortyr1?ev,.lyb`:� y�'a�a�:a�11��r rar_.e Sovereign TRADE MARK REG. Sheathing Felt contains no oil or tar. Is clean, odorless, waterproof, germ and vermin proof and . practically indestructible. Makes houses draft -proof, easy to heat, and comfortable in any weather. Colne in and see ft. 76 Sole Canadian Manufacturer THE STANDARD PAINT CO. Of Canada,.hlmited, Montreal. P. Ament Brusselsl. That Dry Gough le Grorohltle If neglected it will weaken throat and finally reach the lungs. Nothing simpler than inhaling the healing va- por of Catarrhozone. Its action is like magic, se liel pftil, so easy to apply, Be done with bl'onchi I s' t a t0u11>efor all tittle! Caterrhoznne does cine the worse cases, will core you ton, Sold everywhere, 25c, and ;$1,00 ander aleso- Itlte guarantee of satist'actioc, it.1)..ile.elle/,J.f►.I►L.*.A.s heel i.e a Funeral Director and Embalmer I Orders promptly and care- inily attended to night or day, Phone 228, Y. r011 W. H. LOVE ETHEL, ONT. eqrT7T1'77T"1'T1'74 Businose Cards DR, T, T, M'RAE Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy- siefana and Surgeons, Ont. Post-g6raduate. (Malaga Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Chimed, Ill: - Ex -House Surgeon so St, Mich - eel's Hospital, Toronto. Office over P. I4. Stnith'e Drug Store. Tele- phone connection with Urunbrook at all hours, ' DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physician and Surgeon; Post Graduate courses London (Hug.), New York sad Chicago Hos• nose and throat, Eyes ial ten st difortglassee, ear, DR, HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate. Dental Department, Toronto University ; Licentiate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Office in Smith Block recently vaunted by Dr, 'Fetid. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Ootlege, Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduote Department of Ophthal- mology, MaOor,niok Medical Oollege, Chicago, III„ is prepared to test ap ea and itt glasses at her (Aloe over Grower's Reataurent, Brussels, Wednesday, Thursday,Friday and Saturday every second week. Ofice hours 10 to 12 a, in. and 1 to O p. 111. In Toronto, at 71" Spading ave., remainder of time. Phone 1210 GROIN, MIMS HatA er r BRUSSELS GOING SOUTH GOING Koltun (dell 7:07 a m 'Express ass 10:65am xpress 1:25 it 1:52 p m E2m Express 2:56 p Express 8:52 p m C .TWOI4SN Pa1CIPIC WALTON To Toronto To Goderieh Express 7:41 a m I Express 11:27 a in Express 2:57 p m I Express 7:22 p,n WROXETER Going Beat - 7:05 it. in. and 0:55 p.111. Going West - 12:40 and 9:47 p. m. All trains going East eOnneot with C. P, R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. ' GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. focal Rays . . �,�ei.US It �. v THE MODEL FARM — Amulet Ewa,.. K'al 1 1. • at t n [o ne Expert t r Ex a men al Farm m P Guelph will be run from Kincardine I, 11enfryn inclusive on Sattnday. Bend lost rickets are good to return the following Monday, thereby enabling ex c tr•aionlmts to visit points further East if they desire. This is the popular outing of the season 7 and is educative as well Saturday, on See Guelphane 22nd. J There is one medicine that every family should be provided with and especially during the Summer months ; viz, Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is,. alinost certain to be needed. It costs but a quarter. Can you afford to be with- out it. For sale by all dealers. SUMMER HOURS,- Dont forget that the i$unrner schedule is Dow in vogue at Brussels Public Library and will con- tinue during June, Tuly and August. Library is open 'Tuesday and Saturdey afternoons and Wednesday and Saler. day evenings from 7 3o to 9 30. Save yourselves trouble by keeping this lime table in mind. EAST HURON. CoarNEavA'rivE•s.—The Liberal Conservative Association of East Huron Eati tt on tvi II hold its annual meet- ing in Brussels 'Town Ball Pricier lime 14th commencing at 2 30 p m hllectiot of officer's and other important business will come before tate meeting, Addresses will be delivered. by Jas. Bowmen, M. P , and A. H. Musgrove, M. P P. A full nttendence is requested. P W. Scott iS President and C. G. VanStone, Secretary. The woman of today who has good health, good temper, good sense, bright eyes and a lovely complexion n the result of eorreet living and good digestion, wihs the admiration of the world. If your digestion is frailty Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will Correct it. For sale by all dealers. WIdoTERN FAIR LONDON, ON'rAR10 The mauegemeut of the Western Fair, fitrildon, Outario, are sending out this week 'heir Prize List, Entry Forms and other kind of advertising matter an. noun lu c t air corohi Exhil iti0 n in g b g September. The dates are September 5111 to 14th This le the oldest Ex hibition in Canada and it is becoming more and more popular encla year. The prize list contains Some more veru valu- able information for intending Exhlbi tors From the breeder's standpoint this is one of the best Exhibitions held. as a large number of buyers always at- tend in order to secure the best animals that can be obtained. The parade of the Live Stock daily is something pf great interest 1114 attracts large crowds. Stockmen sh01114 ineitttle Ibis Exhibt• 11011 in their list. Write t11e Secretary, A M. Hunt, London, for prize lists and all lofoimatiou. FORMER B0USSELITL+ WINS SCHOLAR', SHIP —The Langdon, (North Dakota) Courier Denmcrat, of May 15th, speaks of a former 14111 501ite in lite fol- lowing complimentary terns which will be pleasing to the many old Iriends of the Dickson family more partieulerls as Miss Allio's birthplace was Brtissels :— Miss Allte Dickson, eldest daughter of Attorney and, Mrs. W. B. Dickson, of this city, was awarded the scholarship to English and History, valued at $100; when the 13oai'd of awarllR named Abe winners 1140E 'Thursday, for the stele University fellowships and 0cholerehips for the School wear of ren -13. Mtn' Dicltsnn WAS a gradtrateof the Lanesio11, iligh School before et:terinlg the state university and the merited recognition she receive.l I o t week at •rho hands of Me board of n tdrds brings with it s s pa i ll boder end dietinc ion owin g to i�IOR EL .� N i ct I the feel that she was the 01117 under• + 0111Y these graduating uy r1 who have (I - rendY gracuttedwere .e eligible for fellow c nate to L honorednetv1I an award. of�Y KY, sbip,, of these there were aye awarded, most of them going to be university mei nut women There were two sebolar- shiJts respelled, one of titl50 value, in biology and altentisury, went to truss Mabel O:son. 'I 1, wholnis Been teaching' during the past year nt Gilbv, and the r other (history and English of 5100 value to flies Allis Dickson, '13, who is , ruching RL present near ONuabroek. Miss Dickson was 111e only tinder•: gndnate bemire(1 with an tiwaid. Help Near at Hand Is what, you want when sickness happens at night. OAR you possibly find the equal or Neevilitie'r Earache, 100thathe and ntim'algia disappear 111 a jiffy, Rub it 011 and away flies the pain. Forcretmps, vomiting- Or indi• gestion, all yon need is ten drops in sweetened water. Sick OP well you'll find Nerviline invaluable in you!! house. Get a large 25c. bottle today, Moncrieff SCHOOL REPORT.— Following is 17otauefr School Report for month of May :—Sr. IV.—Elwei' McKay, Noble Schnook, Stuart MnQnarrte. lutes mediate IV.—Lot:Lie1eKay, Harriette AlcQuartie. Sr. IV.— Mary Brown, Viola Schnuck, Arnold McKay. Third -Mary Smith, Inez McKay, Ora &IcKay, Pearl Cumming Flossie Aleutian (equal) Sr. II.— Eddie Machan, ArchieMauii, Willie Mechpsn, Marie Livingstone, Katie Howard. Jr. II.— Gordon Meehan, Hetty Mantle, Helen McQuarrie, Elijah Mantle, George Brown, Earl Meehan, Forrest McKay, Allan Smith, Bede Sanders, Sr. I.—Mary Machan, Elvie AlcKay, Loraine McKay, Flora Mann, Alillie Pride. Jr. L—Willie Mantle, Flora Smith. Laura Melville. Bei.'va Speiran, Maggie Pride. 1M1. )rDNA 1McLIaLLAND, 'Teacher. It is tvor'se than useless to take any medicines internally for rnusculur or chronic rheumatism. All that is needed is a free application of Chamberlain's Littinteitl•. For sale by still dealers. Molesworth Ars. B. Urquhart is holidaying with Mnlenworih friends. Mr. Wright. 10 visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Henry Armstrong. Misses Grainger and Fraser ace visiting the Queen city this week. SCHOOL REPonT.—Fallowing is the report of S. S. No. 16, Howick and Grey. Examined in Hist., Geng., Lit„ Spelling, Writ., and Arith. Mat kegiven in per cent En trance— Robb. McDonald 83. Sr. 1V.— Lawrence Hislop 78. Jr. IV.— Maria Bennett 79, Verne McDonald 77. Sr. I1I. A.— Myrtle Bennett 78 Jea e n I' ii. i n1.. DoigSl G iwt Hisl '70,II Itle Yen PY 04. 13.—Carl Gr•aiuger 89, Lloyd Armstrong 00, Tames McKerehar 54. Jr. III Mabel Robertson 55, Victor 13otvinan 49. Sr. IL—Della Doig 70. Jr. 11.—Roby Grainger 77, Harbie Bowman 73. Pt. IL—Bldg Bennet 95, Gordan McDourdd 94, BBillie Patrick k 89. Sl I—Maggie ong 8BiMabel Bowman 82, Howard Granger 79, Allan klcRerchar 62, George Hislop 02. Jr. L—Elsner Thompson, George Sharpin. Primary Class— Francis Bennett, Evey Hisinp, Russell Sharp - in. E. Evops, Tettcher. What About Your Kidneys? Your back taches and fairly groans with the. distress of kidney trouble. You're discouraged, but mustn't give up. The battle can be quickly won when Dr. Hamilton's Pills get to work. These kidney specialists bring new health and vitality to young and old alike. Even one box proves theirmar- vellous power. Continue this great healer and your kidneys will become as strong, as vigorous, as able to work as new ones. R . emember this Dr. 1'Ilnniltntt's s Pil 1 are y purely a tldo t v Beta r L , they cure liver, bladder and kidney trouble. They will cure you, or your money back. Price 26e. per box, at all deal - Listowel • Town Council did a commendable act in prohibiting bops front running up and down the sidewalk in small expl'e85 Wagons, Ws, a iits . A 5.Gl I mid Mrs, H. Herns- tvoeth were in Berlin lest week attend- ing the Puttee/11 of Ales. Grills' uncle, the late J. Glued, Among the names of those who have passed 111e second year examina- tions in Faculty of Arts at Toronto is Miss H. F. Hay. Rev. Ii. M. Langford, rentor 01 Christ church, who has been residing r or Division street sines coming to Listowel, has taken up his residence of Inkerman St. East. Ed. eters of Wallace, rcentlY sold to Gunns Ltd.,Listowel, ane fleece of washed well weighing 14 lbs. This is wool of exceptional quality, as the average weight runs from 6;f to 9 lbs. Council made a grant nt 535 to the Athletic Association to help defray expenses of the celebration on May 24111. Constable was inetrricted to slop all delivery , wagons and other vehicles from rntrt/ing on the side- walks except when provided with rubber tires. A mostenjoyable time teas spent at the house o1' Bev. .1. Geach, pastor of the. U. 13. (7ongregatioltal church, Listowel, of Wednesday • (:vetting when a htrge number or his congrega- tion assembled to cangentMit te him on attaining his ,60th. birthday and to shote their gaol will and appreciation of his many stet ling qualities in a tangible feria. The address was read by C. Is Heath and eiset,sy chair Wvas' presented. Assessor McMillan has returned his toll to Town Clerk Bright. Ile finds population as under :-fisnmar'tt Ward 519, Gladstone 456, Viotot'io 382, Duf- Mein 550 tend Lansdowne 340, total 2206, There were 0bit thsand 2deaths dnring the year lin to the time of his Vigil.. Total Aesesamettt is 51,028,604.. The business RESCSNtnclit; is $102,158 i 1 taxable 15100280 518,200, ` exempted Recommends Lydia E. Pink - harm s Vegetable Compound for Backache,Nervous- ness, Headaches. Lyndon, Ky. — "I bave been taking LydiaE.Pinkham'sVegetable Compound for headaches, neuralgia pains, backache, nervousness and a general run down con - clition of the system, and am entirely re- lieved of these troubles. I recommend your remedies to my friends and give you permission to publish what Iwrite. ". —Mrs. H. VON RODEN, Lyndon, Ky. When a woman like Mrs. Von Roden is generous enough to write such a let - tar as the above for publication, she should at least be given credit for a sin- cere desire to help other suffering women, for we assure you there is no other rea- son why she should court such publicity. Canadian Woman's Experience: Windsor, Ont.—"The birth of my first child left me a wreck with terrible weak spells, but I aol glad to tell you that I do not have those weak spells and I feel like a new woman since taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound. lam now well and strong and can do my own housework. Ido not take medicine of any kind. It was Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound that restored me to health."— Mrs. ROBERT FAIRBAIRN, '72 Parent Avenue, Windsor, Ontario. If you want special ad fee rite to Lydia E. Pinl-bant DlodicineCo..confi- t C (confi- dential) Lynn, Hass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by 4 woman and held in strict confidence. property, $1107,475 ; total value liable for school rates only 5;231,000 and total amount. of taxable real pi operty, 5777,571. The actual valve of the real property is $186,476 and of buildings 5721670. Bluevale Mrs. A. 1MlacEwen, of Mortis, has returned to her home, after spending some wet'ksh i w k her daughter gl Isar Ales.. Smith ill Detroit, Miss Hall, travelling Secretary of the Young People's society in Ontario will give an :address in Knox Church Sunday evening. REV. V P. SWANN TRe1NBFERR LD.—tit u recent meeting of the executive committee of the General 0cnferene of time 11:lethodistclrnxch, Rev. Francis Swann was transferred from the Lon- don to the British Orderable Confer- ence. The transfer was made at the earnest request of Mr. Swann, t who left Bri n de to take charge f •h gg o the mission station at Kitamaat, B. 0. He was accompanied on his journey West by Mrs. Swann, who has been appointed assistant superintendent of the mission. They will be assisted in the work by Mr. Swann's sister, Miss Swann, who was sent to Kitarnaat a year or so ago by the W. M. S. Mr. TAKE A WiTH YOU ! EVERYTHING FOR KODAKERY AT OUR STORE J. R. WE N DT Jl7WELLII1.2, and ENGRAVER Wroxeter .. i Swaim was pastor of the Dungannon oireeit for two years, moving later to Auburn, Bluevale, 11u1rnesvllle, Ful, miller .and Br'igden, Both Mr, and Airy. Swann are peculiarly adapted for the work being richlyendowed with faculties of adapting them- selves to their environment, wincing their way into the hearts of those will) whore they come in o0ntttot and binding their love with Uon1 sthat never purl', 'J he reverend gentleman and his beloved helpmate have many ' friends in Huron who wish them all succeae in their new field of labor' on I the Pacificeonet, -4444. Whooping cough is not dangerous when the cough is kept loose and ex- pectoration easy by giving Chamber- lain's Clough Remedy. It has been used in many epidemics of this disease with pel'fectsciccess. For stile by all dealers. Morris SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is the school repos t for S. S. 15'o. 10 for the month of May. St. lV.—Exam, in Written Read., Arith., Bead., Writ., GeoS., Rec. and Comp. :—Total 700, Maggie Richardson 442, Harvey Outt 422, George Moffatt 413, Walter Messer 407, Teressa Robb 374, *Moffatt Miller 201. Jr. 1V.—Geog.. Read., Gra., Rec. and Comp., Spell. Total 400, Zelma Purvey 364, Viola Mac- Leod. 319, Mary Miller 229, Herbert Powell 205. Sr. III.—Sarre subjects as Jr. IV.—Maggie Breckenridge 203, *8elall Breckenridge 88. Jr. ITL— ixam. in Road., '1'Vrit., Arith., Spell., Rec. and Comp.— Total 350—Addison Fraser 218, Hazel Robb 217, *Melissa Johnston 156, *Harvey Robertson 162, *Alex. Shaw 131. Sr. III.—Same sub- jects as.Jr, III.—Total 350— Rettia Turvey 222, Elva Ramsay 215, Christie Forrest 197, *Verna Johnston 139, *Churchill Welsh 109. Pt. Il.—Stand- ing based on general work— Very Good— Spading Johnston. Margaret ivfiller. Sr. I.—'Excellent— Gordon Moffatt, Harvey Johnston. Very Good—Gertie Robertson, Janet Miller. Good—Laura Johnston. Ist B—Very Good— Harry Robb, Margaret Mar.- arg Dougall, Duncan ern D. u all. 1st A. g � n g JLxcellent Louiscl+tneei Jessie ares - ser. Those present every day were Viola 11fcLeod, Zeltna Turvey, Elva Ramsay, Herbert Powell, Addison Fraser, Harvey Johnston. B. B. BRYANS, Teacher. Grey SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is the school report for S. S. No.10 Grey. for the month of May :—Class V. Total 400.—G. Speiran 349. Entrance Total 750.—H. Denman 701, G. Whit- field 619, E. Bathwell 529, M. Cox 322, S, Machan 305. Sr. IV.—Total 500.— L. Lake 392, *S. Speiran 223, °M. Inglis 210, *G. Henry 84, *F. Holten. beck 52, Jr. IV. -5G. Inglis 293, *B. II be k 43. Sr. ollenIIL-0. S eitan c 43S, *L. Whitfield 350 *S. Balt P 291, "1. Love 109. Sr. IL—M. Speiran 400, L. Ward 371, 0. Neabel 328, A. Neabel 239 H. Whitfield 238. Pt. IL—Ex- cellent—V.Inglis, Eric Whitfield,G. Whitfield, 11 Wend, E. Speian. Goad—Edgar Whitfield, H. Neabel, L. PaLtertnu, B. Inglis, Ai. Stevenson. Pt. I.— Excellent— V. Michel, G. Speiran.—Good—R. Patterson. Prim. Excellent—M. Henry, G. Neabel 0. Whitfield W. Ward R.Speiran, A. p 1 ' ld..—Gad—M nx E. Love, �V lttfte o 0 v , 41 Ward.—Fair— M.Hallenbeck, E. Ellicott, L. Patterson. Those marked *missed one or more examinations. Average attendance 38. NI. BROTHERS, TEACHER. Ford mach Alias Norma Oook has graduated as trained nurse. We congratulate her. Samuel and Airs. Johnston celebrat- ed the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding on June 12th. The annual picnic of the Lutheran church of Knrtzviile will be held in Dell's bush on Friday, June 2101. Women's Institute will hold their supplementary meeting at the home of Airs. Jos. Davidson on June 22nd. Ernest Jacques, Divinity student of Huron College, Loudon is enjoyinga g well earned rest at his home on the 13th con. Thursday afternoon of last week Wm. Reid's horse had an exciting runaway and got quite a bath in the Maitland. Mr. Reid tied the animal in the Presbyterian sheds, but some- thing frightening it, the animal broke loose and ran away passing down the street past Mr. Bunston's at a furious 'lace. It ran through the river into Fred Seiefert's field, continuing in. its mad career up the bill to the road fence, down the fence to Sotheran's bridge, where it attempted to ford the liver on to the road, but the river was too deep and the current too strong. Horse and rig were carried under the bridge where they betaine separated, buggy being left, there and the horse swimming clown to Sotheran's flats, where it was soon eta turgid. The buggy was fished ont and was found to be badly damaged. The buggy tap was left behind at the sheds, The horse was vitt much the worse of the exciting rullaWtty. Blyth Miss Bridget Kelly, of London, is at present visiting with relatives here anti in A'Inl'ris. G. M. Chambers was appointed delegate to the 'London Conference held at St. Thonias, Ales. A. M. Babb, wh(r'has been on a visit to her smother, Mrs. H. Mc- Qnarele, has returned to her hotel in Teeswater. • Miss Mnrlel Ohellew is visiting liar Sister 111 'Toronto, and from there is going to Ogdensburg, N. Y. She in- tends being away abort. tt month. 311o, Barr met. with a had loss during the electrical storm of Mon- day night, having a thoroughbred. a t' r• 1 o Ula In heifer nncl calf sirvu:k by lightning, iie refused 5800 for there a short thne ago and valued theist at 18500. They were insured in the Formosa Mutual Insurance On, The Aulherstbut'g Echo speaks of Mrs, Aiilis' sort -in-law as follows :— Rev, 1'. It, 0l,Ystiftle will occupy the pulpit of Malden Metholist cloud) next Sunday morning and evening, and experts to preach his farewell sermons the followingSunday, .lane 17th, Mr, Ciysdale eas been trans- f'ix'ed to the Albertan Conference and 1 BRUSSELS Granite and ar le Forks ALLAN LA HERSEY N E Proprietor op r or Manufacturer of IGH - CLASS SS - - MONUMENTAL 0 w.Rl in all kinds of Granite Cemetery Work Promptly Attended to Phone 23 All Work Guarantood will take up the wore in the West during the coming year. A very successful Greeting of three interested in Hee culture, was held on A. Carr's lawn Saturday afternoon, when Nit'. Shrank, Inspector of Apairies, for Burton and Bruce gave am interesting demonstration on wax rendering by a new patent process, he also spoke 011 the evil effects of foul brood, bow to detect and how to cure it. Mr. Haberer, of Zurich, spoke on "Wintering Bees." These addressee were instructive and all went away well pleased and considered they had received a great deal of useful in- fo'ntation. Besides the focal bee -men Mr. and Mrs, McNaught, of McNaught and Mr. Brown, of Port Albert, were in attendance. Rev. Colin Fletcher, Thames Road Usborne,left last week to attend the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church at Edmonton. D. Donaldson had the misfortune to fall from Alex. McKee's house, Dun- gannon, 011 which he was working breaking one of his ribs and cracking another. Sick Headaches---* are not caused by anything wrong in the bead, but by constipation, bilious- ness and indigestion. Headache Powders or tablets may deaden, but cannot cue them. rDr. Morse's a Indian Root Pills do cure sick head- ache in the sensible way,by removing the constipation or sick stomach which caused them. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are purely vege- table, free from any harmful drug, safe and sure. When you feel the headache coming take Dr. Morse's 42 Indian Root Pills Soule of the tanners in Lowick are i preparing to britt In buckwheat as they could not get the hued dry enough to sow the other Spring grains, are 'colts a Qniteanutnbel of young g. dying tlis Spring i bat olet looalitheuatism is the commencement and the wind-up isnot far distant, A painful accident befell Win, Thompson, blacksmith of Dungannon. Itseeurslie was making an elm:nit:a tion of a horse's foot outside' Itis strop when the animal kicked him on the head and knocked Ilial to the cement: walk, A Woman of Faw Wards Airs• 1:Iarry 14. Bye, Main street North, Mount Forest, Ont., writes :- Your remedy for kidney, bhtddor rand stomach trouble has given me great relief. have taken three boxes and now feel like living and better than I have felt for years and I give your FIG PILLS all the praise, for they are the best I have ever tried," AL ail dealers 25 and 50 cents, or The Fig Pill 00., St. Thomas, Ont. Sold and recom- mended in Brussels by J. Fox, Drug- gist. ►.NADLA:N _PAc HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, t Saskatchewan Alberta Special Tran, leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 2,19,311 MAY 14, 28 JUNE 11, 25 JULY 9, 23 AUG. 0, 20 SEPT. 9, 17 Second clan Gekete from Ontario station, to prieapal Northwest points at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winnipeg and return $34.00; Edmonton and return 342.00 and to other points in proportion. Tickets days from going date. oorl to return within 60d• s ¢ ¢r SPINCARS TOURIST SLEEPING tie ugh to Edmonton via Saskatoon, also to Winnipeg and Cala ry vu Maia Line an a9 excunton,. Co fortable berilu, fully tempped with bcddlne. can 6e maned at moderate rata through tocol agent. Early application must be made. ASK FOR HOMESEEKERS' PAMPHLET containing rate, and full information. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Anent or M. G. MURPHY. Dist. Paw. Aat., Termite. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS H. L. JACKSON, Agent BRUSSELS fly New Perfection 01-1 tl r ^C G d - as iF 1ul C NIIII9 11111 nw��911111111111,sil1 " l s a s favorite are ; Points of Ad arta e With thl Wam n 1 u g It uses all the heat. It cooks evenly. It doesn't smoke. It will bake, boil, toast or roast. It is made with 2, 2 or 3 burners. Get rid of heat and save fuel by investing in a PER- FECTION. It means a cool kitchen and coal nil is the cheapest cooking fuel you can use. We will be pleased to show you the stove and explain its easy working by a call at our store. WILTON & GILLESPIE , Cook MEN -YOU NEED EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES NAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR SYSTEM The nerves control all actions of the body so that any- thing nything that debilitates them will weaken all organs of i. the system. Early Indiscretions and Excesses have t. ruined thousands of promising young men. Unnatural nit.... Drainsaap their vigorand vitality and they never develop' to a proper condition of manhood. They remain weak..' ]lugs, mentally, physically and sexually. How you fool? rl Aro you nervous and weak, desPoudeut and gloomy, specks ea with dark circles under them P y, Weak back, kidneys irritable, pailntatsgu of the heart.,^ , bashful, debilitating dreams, sediment Murillo, pimples en the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn ex- • pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy r, end strength, tired mornings, restless nights, change able moods, prematuredeeay, bonepaias, bels loose, oto. I. Thio is the conditionsur New Method Treatment is GUARANTEED TO CURE We have treated Diseases of ]lien for almost life- time and do not have to experiment. Consult us FREE OF CHARGE and we will tell you whether you aro ourabie or not. We guarantee curable cases of NERVOUS DEBILITY. VARICOSE VEINS, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, GLEET, BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free Booklet on Diseases of Mon. 11 unable to call write for Wonderful Nervous System QUESTION UST FOR HOME TREATMENT 6I� i�,Se , e N Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Midi. NOTICE ATI Ietters from Canada utast be addressed �ir to our Canadian Correspondence ondence De art- ees� most in Windsor, Ont, p If you desire to see tie personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our, Windsor olScea which aro for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windfor, Oat, 'rite for oarprivAto nddress.