HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-6-6, Page 5BUSINESS UARULL H. MAOTRAQ;a,EN-•- • Iesier o1 Marriage Lleeneea. of - tics at Grocery,Turnborry, street, Stuseels. K. 0. T. M. Brussels ITent of the Maeoabeea, No, 29 hold their regular meetings In the L0,1go Room, Beeper Block, on the 1st and 8rd Tuesday evenings of carob . month. Visitors always welcome, A B , 80.N bbs, 00m. A. S1aGDIRE, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER Or MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee to tae Post °intoe, litho. 80.4 JOHN BUTHERLAN 18501 4110*, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. V S. SCOTT Ala AN AUQrr1ON- • ESA, will sell for better prices, to better men in leas time and lase obarges than any other Auctioneer In East. Baron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this (aloe or by p ora0001 appltoation. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. W M. SINOLAIII- 7 V • Barrister, 8olioltor, :Conveyancer, Notary Public, ho. Uffioe—Stewart's Blook l door North of Central Hotel. 8olioltor for the Metropolitan Bank, pROVDFOOT, BAYS & KILLORAN BARIRIS% ERB SOLI01.'TORS, NOTARIES &tab s ETC. W. PAoODINOT, K. C. R O. Here J. L. HILLOa.N OlBoes—!'hose formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron k Holt, GODanioe, ONTlIUO. ALEAN LIRE Royal Mall Steamers St. Lawrence Season MONTREAL. TO LIVERPOOL T. T. S. 8, "Victorian" and "Virginian" T. S. S. "Tunisian" and "Ooroioan" Sanitise every Friday MONTREAL TO GLAs'GOW T. S. S. "Grnmpian" and 'Booperinn" T. S. B. "Scandinavian" and "Pretorian" Bnilfngs every Saturday TO HAVRE & LONDON Service of moderate priced one eines cabin 111) etennhere. Sailings every Sunday Fall information as to rates, etc., on npplt +a- tlon to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line, Brussels. LIMang Business Colleges close for vaontiml during July and Aug• net but the large end popular Is ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. does not. Students desiring Strictly High Grade Training for choice positions are invited to write for our catalogue. Enter now if you can. Our i graduates readily get employment. Oor. Young and 2W. J. ELLIOTT, Alexander Ste, 2 Principal. ts^Sa cie PRLgeaSefeeretaTsle iteerel's a I 1 CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT., ONTARIO'S REST BUSINESS COLLEGE Our graduates aro up-to-dnte and 0, practical. Wu 1,086, a large staff of ex- perienced instructors and our gradu- ntee get the high grade positions, We do more for our gradanten than does any similar school, We have three de- artmo is — P n Telegraphy. You o it ort al d and onowha YourtVdoftg Shorthand - our to know log we are doing, Get , our free catalogue at mute. jjj�6"'; D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal.. b zw..Avusaruxtrta s�AySd�B vAyS 0v ROESEROIO.T%nC MAMO11te,BTCRCd. WWRlntt"t ROOFING 00 ass will not warp, rot crank, blister, crumble or rust. Stron gly fire -rests ting. Re -bar -old roofs laid 21 years ago are still sound and weather tight. if you want a roof to last, investigate Ru -bar -old. 3 'Permanent Colors— Red, Brown, Green and natural Slate. 76' Sole Cae*dion Mfrs, TRESTANDARDPAINTCO. ROPTIS0'I00jm •I NIALLItnited,Noblreal. P. Ament, Brussels When Your back Hurts O4 course We hard to work. Stoop- ing over hurts, lifting is tedious, and you wonder what to do. Ever- try Nerviline? Nothing like it for weak or lame back, ft penetrates to the core of the pain, eases from the brat application, brings cure; ,that defies a relapse. No liniment is so clean, 80 soothing, 80 8001afln to kill numenlar. rheuntattie, or sdiatie pains. Your dealer sells Nevi/Hine in large 2,50 bottles. Why »o1 toy it. W* / • . LOVE •oN Funeral Director and Embalmer Orders promptly and cave - fully attended to night or 111 Clay. Phone 228. ETHEL, ONT. BusinessCards DR. T. T, M'RAE Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Liooht1ato and Graduate of the College of Phy• sioione and Surgeons, Ont. • Poot-ggroduaco Chicago Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat Hospital, Ohioago, I0. Ex -House Surgeon to St, Mich. eel's Hospital, Toronto. Moo over 1r. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele- phone connection with Oranbrook at all hours, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL., ONT. Physlolnn and Surgeon; Post Graduate courses London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos- pitals, Special attention todieeaae of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses. DR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University ; Licentiate of Royal °otiose of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Office In Smith Block recently vaunted by Dr. Peild. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calla. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel, MA'UDE 0. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, blocormiok Medical College, Chicago, 111., is prepared to test eyes and lit glasses at. her Wilco over Grewor's Restaurant, Brussels, Wednesday, Thursday, Fr1 a y and 10 toSaturday every1 ascend week. Torohours 1to 72 a, ne and 1 to 0 . m. In Toronto,at 110 n ppBowline ave., remainder of time. Phone 1210 Qi xo .Yr .evil /Luz Mir BRUSSELS Go100O $ DTGOING oNO8 1: 20 RT Man 7 a m I Express 10:55 p m Express 11:26 n m Mail 1:50 p m Express 2:55 p m Express 8:522 p m WAL.ToN To Toronto To Goderich Express 7:41 a rn I Express 11:87 a m Expreso 2:67 p m Express 7:56 p m WROXETER Going East - 7:06 a. m. and 8:56 p. m, Going West - 12:90 and 9:97 p, m, All trains going East contneot with O. P. R. at Ormngovillo for Owen Sound, Elora and T 4. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. Oral gas Stems [UNE. Mass Jo. Ross, of Toronto, is home for a holiday. A 0 U. W. Lodge Friday evening "t this week. Miss 1`hurss Gerry was in Wingham for a short 91011. Mrs, Robt. Dark was ID London visit ing her daughtrse. H. Fitzgerald, of Linwood, was in town over Victoria Day, Gordon McDonald made n business trip to Bayfield last week, Miss Lin. Colvin, of Tavistock, spent Victoria Day at her home here, Miss Elsie Wilton enjoyed a holiday home from her school at Elmira, Mrs. Walker, of London, Was visit. ing Mrs. A. Currie, lobe street. C. R. and Mrs. Bennett were visitors with Clinton friends last week. Miss Margaret Hirons is holidaying under the parental roof in Blyth. Co. Council is in session at Goctericlr and Reeve Leckie in attendance, Miss Deily McKenzie, of 1.o014021, was v 9191101' ander the parental roof eve! Victoria Day. You are fully qualified to run an in- formation bureau if yon can answer half the questions a small bol Dau nsk. Gre•tuft Ross a son of Robert Ro.as of Kincardine and grandson to David Ross sr, Brussels, went to Edmonton to join Hug11 Matheson's survey party. It is worse than useless to take any medicines internally for muscular or chronic rheumatism. All that is needed is a free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. BAZAAR,•—'rhe Ladies' Aid Society of Melville thnreh will hold a Bazo i' ill the Town Hall Friday and Saturday lune 7th and 8th. A splendid assort. ment of useful articles and fancy goods will be on sale at moderate prices. Light 181101100o will be served Friday and Saturday afternoons, Supper Fri- day from 8 so to 7 p. n1. at Is cents "MEN are boys grown tall," At a recent dinner in Washington about a hundred members of the House of Representatives who are serving their first terms, forgetting party lines and the responsibilities of public life, passed the evening in a mock debate on a pro- posed tariff on cats, There was g strong feeling that there ought to be a prohibitive ditty on polecats. and some duty on the malt in Maltese Cats, but that catnip and catsup should be placed en the free list, Tho woman of today who has good health, good, temper, good sense, bright eyes and a .lovely complexion the result of correct living and gnotl digestion ;.wins the admiration of the world, If your digestion is faulty Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct it. Fon sale by all dealers. Toe TuSancLas1 jun —'!`here .is notb. ing but teens for the pian w110 steers our ships o'er the troubled sea ; there's nothin but rief for o the Nation's t `a g a on , chief g whoever tied a chief f may be. .Wllarever he does, he can hear the buzz of critics as thick as filen ; anti alt his aims: ate sins and shames, and nothing he does is wise. There's nothing but kicks for tite main wilts sticks four yenta to the White Home chair' dud his stout lieert aches end his wishbone i' v 5t hope breaks And he loses the most of his hair. There's nothing bet growls and the irn0ekers' howls, and the spiteful slings and stems; and the vile cartoons .and the dish of prunes aid a chorus' of tinkers, a0a- • th'mao, pit, we humble skates in our low estate, who friss with our garden easy, thcul.l voc•ly the wuES of [he 019.1 who rose above and beyond the Mass, laud be glad to•dny that we go our way mid quiet 'al d peaceful scenes thankfully take the hoe and rake and wrestle with spud; nod greens. Whooping cough 10 not dangerous when the trough ie kept looae and ex- Ipectoration easy by giving Charnber- aln'S Cough Remedy. 1t has been used i n mach is i' , i -yep lemic�sg this cltseaae with perfect success, For sale by all dealers. Owt: o to the incr.:mad cost of every- thing uece0Ftiry fur the publication of a newspaper, advertising rates aro being boosted in many plat:es. it is likely that on Jan. 1st. 1903, rno`.t of the week. by papers of the provic:cu will be eom• polled to melte a slight raise bn the price of advertising space. Newspaper- men are the last of all business men to increase rates to harmonize with the high cost of living and production and a change will have to be made to pre. vent many of 111e smaller papers from going to the wall. Comers AUCTIONEERS AND PEDLARS.— County Treasurer Holmes has issued the following as the list of liceused auctioneers and pedlars in Huron Co. for the year cninmeocing May 21, 1932 : Auctioneers—Thomas Gundry. Jelnes Stanley, Henry Torrance, John Purvis, C. F. Vandrlck, Patrick Wals 1F-, ] , S Scott, lances Jones, 'rhorlas Cameron, B. S Phillipa, R. mlcClporlts, G W. Walker, D N, Watson, los, White, Alex Morrison, V. R. Vaunorinan, Thos Brown, Frank McConnell) Ed Haagen 'PhosH. Carling, lin B. W. Heavers, � Y. F. g lits Heswetheriek, Ezra Walker Durr. Licensed Pedlars --A Taylor, George Mitchell, A. Oke, W. J. Powell, Albert Horner, john Darroch, F. L, Wiltse, Henry Young, H, D Woods, W. J McCracken, Dune, Mc Donald, R A. McDonald.nald, lames R Cutt Ge0 K. Holland. Robert $haw, John Young, Edwa'd Mitchell, 13 Pere- lman 1, I. Frey YOUR KNITTING — Tending to your knitting— that's the game that wins ' Hustling Forth and hitting up your task with rias being brave mid cheerful. shutting finite boast, never sour and tearful fretting over ghosts 'Pending to your knitting—that's the only plan ; for the hours are flitting swiftly as they can ; soon the :shades will gather,er soon the night will come, then methinks rattler wish you'd hustled some ! Pending to your knitting, in the good old way, while the loafers, sitting, waste the golden day 1 While they heap derision on this wordly stage, you will make provision for your wintry age ! Tending to your knitting —that is the proper game, though the world unwittiug, gives 110 wealth or tame ; though a scanty measure of re- ward is yours. still the sweetest pleasure honest work assures. Tending to your knitting makes !'our soul rejoice, Bet. ter far than splitting welkens with your voice i Better far than growling curses on the land, better far than howl bug where the idlers stand. FATAL ACC [DENT.— John E. Wbb. !Lams received word from Winnipeg that Dalton An lersou, the twelve -year- old son of Dr. 13, A. Anderson, had re- oeuriy met with an accident which prov ed fatal, On Saturday evenigg, Mar 25111, he was riding his bicycle and on crossing the tracks he was run over by a street car. He was at once taken to the General Hospital, but died on Sunday morning, having never regained con- sciousness, Dr. Anderson taught school in Morris township and practiced dentistry in Erteter for a number of years before going to Winnipeg, seven years ago, aunt while studying dentistry rte was a student in the office of his brother, Dr. 11, S Anderson, who had a practice at Mitchell and was a former rye)) Imre n resident of this locality but is now Ibviug in Winnipeg. Mrs D. A, Anderson (nee Miss Minnie El- liott) is a native of Mitchell and lived there till she was married to Dr An- derson and she had quite a number of relatives in Mitchell, The many friends of Dr, Anderson and Mrs, Anderson extend theta sympathy to them in their very sad uerrar;ement, Pay Moro and Got the Bost A cheap flesh burning ooyn re mudy 10 never satisfactory. The best is 1 ttL- nam's Painless Corn Extractor, costs but a quarter, and is guaranteed to cure thoroughly. Use only Putnam's. Walton POPULAR GURLPrE ExcubetON.— The popular excursion to Guelph nutlet the auspices of the Farmers' Institute wilt take place on Saturday, June 8th, over lheC. P. Int- The fare from Walton for the round trip is $1.20, children 00e., with this privilege Of remaining' over at Guelph until Monday, Jti10 100. Excursionists will have a Splendid day's outing, with the opportunity of seeing the many sights at• the Ontario Agricul- tural Oollege ground aid in the pros- perous city of Guelph. The special train will leave Walton by C. P. R. at 8.07 a. 00. Remember the date—Sat- urday, June 8—and Make a point of enjoying the hest trip of the season. See tirne,:table in our advertising columns. Oranbrook SollooL REPORT.—.Following is the monthly!'epoet of S. S, No. 7, Grey, (0raubro0k.) Senior classes., Total 600. Mamie Contemn 492, Myrtle (}rushy 4713, Elsie Spilling 421, Gordon Knight 419, Maggie Petry 417, Made- line Baker 894, *,Billy Aldersnn 300, Iona Steins 246. Oscar ousels) z 236, *Alvin Hunter 230. Ir, 1V.— 'Total 550. 1.474zie Baker 470, Claire Long 449, Marie ]',ung 449, John Schuock 421, Stnitu 1 Noble 860, *Ettt•1 llaymaun 859, *Eric Pennington 105. Si'. IIT.— Total 450. Annie Sntelltlon 852, Al- fred Knight 289, *belie Kreuter 213, *Barbital Fischer 189, *lila hunter 178. J'r. Til.—Total 400, Lvel r h Baker y. 251, Ross Hunter 286, .Eat I Baker 222, ,John bnrlxlldon 203, *Arnold Fischer 96. Report of Jr. Room for the month of May. Jr. IL—Total 600. Knight ht 412,A. Spading W g s71, L. Steins 851, A, Steles 312, A.4McQ.uar1'ie 280, *J. Nichol 227, *W. Sinclair 225. Jr. IL 13-- Total 6500. (4, Alderson 858, *P. Schnook 886, 11. Penningtcin 803, Se. Pt. IT.—Potai 500. E. Darlt 458, M. Geasby 426, P. Alderson 410,. O. Cameron 406, 10, Smaltdon 371, *L, Kreuter 840:' *A. Knight 276, M. Baker* President Miller and Vice President Bryans attended the re talar.' meeting 11u' i 1 He wick Mutual 31 n u iA l' Alslarc 0, at Wroxeter, heft Tuesday, oF _ >�NMolesworth Dllaa Boil, St, Catherinee, apeat the holiday with her brother, the Rev, T. A. Bell. Air. Bowe is busy tearing down lila FROM4510 50 old house which ho ttr ostia tO re- place with a fine brick eot1ag0, Interesting Experience of Two Women—Their Statements Worth Reading. White Oak, Ont. —"AtChange of Life when doctors could do no more and I was al 11 I, given up by my �f'it/ friends, Lydia E. e! tri, Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound came to the front and did wonders for me. I had been having fe- male troubles f or years, my head trou- bled me severely at times, T had bearing downpainsand back- ache and I was very anaemic from excessive flowing. I rec- ommend your Compound highly and do all I can to advertise it as a genuine wo- man's medicine." — Mrs. SYLVESTER MANNING, White Oak, Ontario. The Case of Mrs. Kirlin. Circleville, Ohio.—"I can truthfully say that I never had anything do me so much good during Change of Life as Ly- dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Before I had taken one a half bottle bot e of it I began to feel better, and I have continuedki to ng it. My health is better than it has been for several years. If all women would take it they would es- cape untold pain and misery at this time of life."—Mrs. ALIOR KIRLIN, 358 W. Mill St., Circlevillef Ohio. The Change of Life is one of the most critical periods of a woman's existence. Atsuch timeswomen mayrely upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 298, *L. Berfelz 162, Ptittlary Glass —Excellent.—R. Noble, G. Lindsay, M. Locking, A. McDonald, Good— MMI. Baker, E. Pennington. Those marked * missed one or more ex- aminations. Average attendance for the month 21. F. 1{000TON, Assistant. 51. J. aloGUiwi88, Principal. Jamestown The sawing machine was on its rounds on the 4th of Grey, One of Duncan fileDonald's horses died and another horse is sick. Mrs. Jno. Smith has been on the sick list but we hope she will soon be convalescent. Jaynes Turnbull and wife and Mr's, John Watson. of Kincardine, visited at James Tutnbult's last week. Mrs. A. D. McCosh, of Pine River, and John T. Strachan B. A., of Mild- may visited at Mrs. John Stv'achan's during the past week. Mrs. Thos. McEwen and ex-Oouncil- lor Outt are away to the West for a holiday trip. J. J. McJJwen, of Gode- rich, was also a member of the 'party. We wish them a good time and a safe return. . SO ZLC�, s TAKE A r WITH YOU EVERYT I i -i I NIG FOR KODAKERY AT OUR STORE J. R. WENDT JEWELLER and ENGRAVER Wroxete r Geo, and H. R. Spence, aid. Robert Stewart, left last week for Edmonton. They purpose to spend a couple of ' months in the West, Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed at St, Andrew's church on Sunday, June 9th, will) p1 `spare boL service on the preceding ay, 1 t be conducted by the Rev. Mr, West, of Bluevale. Atwood Rev, Slo. and Mrs. Amos left last week for an extended trip to the Coast, Onuncil will meet at the Agricul- tural hall, Atwood, Saturday, June 15th, at 10 o'clock. W, G. Inglis has been confined to the house with blood poison in the arm, but l8 on the road to recovery, Evilest Krugal vs. Township of Flint for compensation and placing of costs will be heard by Drainage Re- feree, Deo. F. Henderson, at Strat- ford, on Friday, June 7th. At the recent meeting of the Strat- ford District of the Methodist church held in Central 1 church, , cl c Stratford, Rev. J. v Calvin, Reid B. A. B. D., was elected to represent the Stratford District ou the Conference Stationing Committee. Blood, Pure, Rich, Red Rosy glow in the face, sparkling eyes, vivacious spirits are alt the out- come of ut- cu eof gu od blood. No surer way ex- ists of purifying and enriching the blood than to nseDr. Hamilton's Pills. By their gentle action on the bowels. kidneys and liver they filter every im- purity from the system leaving it an wholesome y initis to do the work necessary for the maintenance of health. To be well, look we11, and feel always at your best, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, a truly wonderful medicine for young and old. Price lac. at alt dealers. Listowel Porteous & Calder, liverymen, have installed a nese five passenger Ford car. R. E. McCallum, baker, has cold out to W. D. Sovereign of Otterville, Oxford county. Sunday May 26th, was a happy day in the lives of B. B. and Mrs. Sarvis, when they celebrated the 50th anni- versary of their.' wedding at their home Inkelman. street. J. H. Gunther has disposed of his jewellery business to C. H. Mallory, of Ridgetown, and will in future de- vote his attention to the telephone busi nese. At the Ministerial Association meet- ing it was decided that the services on Sunday evening should begin at 7.30 during the Summer months, com- mencing with the month of June. Wingham Clifford Pugh of Toronto is home for the holidays. J, W. Ansley left for British Coluin- bia where he intends spending the University vacation term, D. Davies, who has for some rima been manager of the Wingham branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce is going to Sudbury, where a branch of the bank is being opened. The new manager here will be E. B. Walker, wholes been manager of the branch at Paris for a number of years. Mg. Walker will move his family to Wingham. Miss Irene Davis has returned home from Toronto for the holidays, having completed her third year at the Uni- versity. Miss Davis now has as her guest Miss Laura Symonds, cs of Bi1dgewatet, Dn land Miss Davis and Miss Symonds had been corres- ponding with each other for ten years and had not seen each other until Miss Symonds arrived in Wingham a few days ago. Wingham branch of the Women's Institute held their seventh annual meeting cin Thursday, May 23rd when the following "officers were elected for the corning year s—President, Mrs. John Wilson ; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Jos. Hall ; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Irwin Pattison ; Sec.-Treasuret, !Mfrs, NV. Bone ; District Director, Mrs, H. B. Elliott ; Brandt Directors, Mrs, H. B. Elliott, Mts. E. Harrison, Mrs. P. H. Deans, Mrs. Thos. Bower ; Organist, 'Mrs. E. Harrison ; Audi- tors, Mrs. M, J. Gillespie and Mrs. John Hewer, There is one medicine that every family should be provided with and especially during the Summer months ; viz, Charnber'larn's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be deeded. It casts but a quarter. Can you afford to be with. 001) 11. For sale by all dealers. Goderich Thomas Gundry left for lois pros- pecting tour of the West, and ere be returns will have sized up the outlook in many of the liveliest centres there, Amsted1101'Ch rade n pa of Court Goderich, No, 32, 0. 0. F., will take place on Sunday morning, June 0, to the Baptist church, where Rev. Mr. Pollock will,preaoll to the brethren. Since navigation opened on May 3, nearly two and a half million bushels of grain have been received at this port, a quantity which a few yea's ago Was onttstdered large for an entire 80110011.A 51Ore of Boy Scouts enjoyed an outing on May 24th. Going by the tnovmnlg trail( to Megaw, they march- ed to B.enmiller. A hungry but happy lot of boys retuned to town on the noon train after an enjoyable morn- ing. Three little lads were before Mayor Reid charged with the theft of flowers from a garden, and owningg tip to the offence, they wete allowed to go on suspended sentence, With a teething to the parents that if brought top A- ; tt't i"144 T,.4 't01`,,:P' BRUSSE4S Granite and Marble Works ALLAN E. HERSEY Pro t ri t r P 49 c Mannfaoturer of RIO - CLASS - MONUMENTAL - WORK In all kind° of Granite t Cemetery Work Promptly Attended to Phone R3 Alt work Guaranteed gain they would be placed in charge of the Ohildren's Aid. Society. Rev. Jostles Hamilton went to Ed- monton, where he will attend the General. Assembly on behalf of Huron Presbytery. Alex. Saunders left on the same mission, and will follow it up by a business trip to the Coast, being absent a month. Friday the Godeh'ich contingent of the A.rmy Medical Corps went to London, under command of Lieut. Dr. W, F. Gallow, to take part in the annual training there which lasts un- til Jule 10. Last year the Goderich men went to Niagara, but this year Warmer Weather We are now well prepared with an excellent range of seasonable goods for the Summer trade. Our stock is Large and well assorted and we invite your atten- tion to the completeness of the ranges shown. —x— The most popular lines in Dress Goods, Silks, Foulards, Voiles, Mnslins, Dinghants, &e. — x— A full stook of Kid, Silk and Lisle Gloves, Hosiery and • Underwear. —x— Special values and a large selec- tion of new goods in Curtain Nets, Muslins, Madras and Lace Curtains. — x— Onr Staple Department is com- piete with a full range and best values in Cottonades, Shirting., Grey and White Cottons, Sheet- ings, Pillow Cottons, Towelings, • Tablings, &c. —x— Men's and Boys' Suits, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars and Boots. —x— Our aim is to present a choice assortment of the most correct goods add best values to be had. 2111r -June Standard Patterns and Fashion Sheets now to hand, A,Straehan to 211 they serve at Loddon, The following are •t' lie' 33. e thA en ' Harry' 'irw I Bateman, Wm. Palmer, Elmer attu- teustayer, John lIo •gartli, Lawrence Smiley, 101)11 Mina, :Lary Hale, Geo, Harr/Hale, Crockett A,1:1. Ingram, I.E. Brown, C01iu Edward, 13xuc0 • 14f00re, Wm, Leitch, Roy 1Valter e, Marry Telford, Elliott Drennan, Lindmrty Burrows, Harold Meeratten. Why Do You Paint? Sometimes from shook or fright but usually because the system le weaken cd and depressed,—it )sticksower to ry-1 react from sadden strain, T 16 condi- tion demands rebuilding, demands nourishment, which is best supplied by Ferrozone. .In every feria of debi- lity Ferrozone is aspecific•. Itfortifies the digestive and assirnnlative power.' of the body, promotes the elimination of waste materials, b ds up tissues, gives energy and resistance, To have rich, i'0d blued, enduring, astrong con- . stitution and lasting good health, use Ferrozone, Sold everywhere in 500, boxes or six fol' $2.50. Ie O. Or FJ EXCURSION VIA Grand Trunk Railway AND THE White Star Une 81.50 Goderich to met cit ' anti Rebturn Steamer Greyhound Going to Detroit =June 14 Return from Detroit, June 17 2A Days in Detroit Detroit Tigers and Pennant Winners Play Balt June 16-16 Goderich Band Moonlight Thursday, June 13, S p. m. For particulars see small bills or ask R. R. Agent. E. H. AY ER, T. P. 4 E. Agt., Detroit. The Detroit Excursion Minerva, Encampment, I. O. O. F., Wingham, has completed arrange- ments with the G. T. R. for the rail part of the Greyhound excursion, Goderich to Detroit, Friday, June 14. A special train will leave Stratford, Friday, 7.80 a. m., stopping at all sta- tions. From Wingham, Belgrave, Blyth, etc., take morning train June 14111, connecting at Clinton at 8.35 a. w. with special train for Goderich. Returnin s twill g special 1 tafn leave Goderich on Monday, June 17111, at 11.30 p. m., after arrival of the Grey- hound front Detroit, running through to Wingham and Stratford. s.salase II PAY WHEN CURE Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RiSKS '.t. %1". - Cured Cured by the New Method Treatment ' P0-" NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT .+ NERVOUS DEBILITY Thourands of Ming and middle•aged men are annually swept to a premature grave through Early Indiscretions, Excesses and Blood Diseases. If you have any et the fol- lowing symptoms coa.ult w before it is ton lata, Are you nervous and tweak, despon- dent and gloomy, specks before the eyes, with dark circles under them,- weak batik, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment in urine. pimples on tho face oyes sunken, hollow checks, caroWorn expression, poor nhemorv, c lifeless, distrustful,.lac energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, changeable moods, 'weak manhood, premature decay, hone, pains, :hair loose, sore throat, etc. YOU WILL BE A WRECK; Our New Method Treatment enn Mire you and make man of yon. 'Under 180' influ- ence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that an pimples, blotches and ulcera disc pear, the nerves. become strong as steel, so that nervouseeaa, bashfulness end des- pondency vanish, the eyve bocomeebright the face full and clear, energy rattles to the hotly and the moral, physical and sexual systema aro invigorated; all drotns Haase—l00 more vital waste from the system,. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you ofyour, hard earned dollars. We will cure you or no pay. •EVERYTIBNG PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL READER: No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Memo. Rooks Free— The Golden Monitor" (llluatgated) en Socrct Diseases of Men. QUESTION LIST EOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REt2UE5'' tS. EN K NED Y&K N Cor. Ntiichi: aft Ave. and Griswold St. Detroit, Mich. r !NOTICE A.11 letters from Canada must be addressed ® to our Canediart Correspondence Depart- sessaserstosumass neat In .'Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see chs personally tall at our Medical Institute in Detroit as me see and treat no patients in Our Windsor offices which are for 'Correspoltdence, and Laboratory for Canadian business only, Address all lettere as follows; DRS. ICENNEEbY •Te 10ENNi bY, Maier. Write for our private address.