HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-6-6, Page 1ti
VOL. 40 NO. 49
W. H. KERR, Pro/»ietor
New Advertisements
Roxnll—F, R. Smith.
Brooch lona—Tom Pgsm.
18onoy wanted—Tele POW.
Teacher wanted—Wm. Hall.
Auction sale—J. J Bhennun.
Pups for sale—Jas. D. McNair.
Farm for sole—John '1' Dickson.
Oil nook stoves—Wilton & Gillespie.
Mishit gears
At the Woman's Institute meeting
held at Mrs. Thos. Simpson's, on May
801h, prizes were awarded to youug
girls in a cake baking contest. Miss
Agnes Stewart, daughter of D. F.
Stewart, carried off the honors for
dark cake and the first award for light
eake wenb to Miss Ella Fraser, daugh-
ter of OouncillorFraser. Some young
fellows will be in clover one of these
days in securing A 1 cooks along with
many other. qualifications.
Rev. Mr. Cook is at St. Thomas at-
tending Conference this week.
The Young Peoples' Guild of Knox
church intend installing a gasoline
light plant into the church.
E. W. Bruce and daughter of Tor-
onto, were visitors with his mother,
in the old home at Bluevale, on
' Victoria Day.
Rev. T. A. Bell and Mrs. Bell of
Molesworth visited at the Manse on
Friday. Mr. Bell conducted pre-
paratory service in Knox church.
Seventeen members were added to
the church at the communion services
on Sabbath,
blow snapped the stump off, bat nob
before about $50 damage was done to
the car.
The damage caused by the recent
flood has been repaired, and both the
dim and breakwater are in good
shape again now.
Dr. McKay, of Seaforth, conducted
both the morning and evening ser-
vices at the Presbyterian church
Sunday, He is taking the place of
Rev. Dr'. Perrie, who has left to at-
tend the General Assembly meeting at
Mayor Geo. Spotton recently went
to Whitechurch, where he addressed a
Targe audience on "The Life of Abra-
ham Lincoln." Mr. Stalker, principal
of the pnblic school here, went with
him, and gave an excellent solo. Mrs.
George Hanna was accompanist.
Dr. Whitely has received his new
James Shera's house is almost com-
plete and is afine addition to Gerrie.
Mrs. George Dane, of Toronto, is vis-
iting at the home of M. and Mrs.
Rev. R. E. Collis, and Mrs. Richards,
of Wroxeter, were visitorsatDr. Arm-
Court of Revision Was held last
week. Only two cases were appealed.
This speaks volumes for the excellent
work of Assessor Leonard. •
Capt. and Mrs. S. Keine, Mrs. Koine
sen., with Miss Martha Keine, all left
for the West. Quite a company was
at the station to bid them farewell.
Mrs. Keine, sen., is about 82 years of
Rev. J. A. Walker, of Whitechuch,
was the preacher for the day in the
Methodist Church on Sunday, June 2.
Being Epworth League day the young
folks had the church beautifully deco-
rated. The services were very interes-
ting: Rev. J. W. Hibbert was preach-
ing in Heneell, and during the week
will be in attendance at the London
Conference in St. Thomas.
Mrs. Nichol is still very seriously ill.
Mrs. Fairish, of Goderich, who was
recently operated on, is progressing
Mrs. Leonard Walton, who left the
hospital last week, was obliged to re-
turn and is very seriously ill.
Mrs. Win. Sneath, who went ander
an operation recently, is now out of
Mayor George Spotton had a close
call from being seriously injured,
when, while out motoring his car
swerved and crashed into a tree
stump. The accident was caused by
Mayor Spottnn losing control of the
machine for a few seconds, when he
turned round to close a door which
he noticed had got open, and was let-
ting a rug fall out. The force of the
Other Jamestown news may be read
00 page 5 of this issue.
R. A. Pryne, of Brussels is expected
to officiate in Victoria Hall next Sun-
day evening.
Miss Mary Kenna ban, of Baden,
has been visiting at the home of Wm.
Moses and friends in Brussels.
SCHOOL REPORT.—Following is re-
port of S. S. No. Grey for May, 1912 :
—Se. IV.— Total 500. L. Frain 369,
P Pityu 320, E. King 224, L. Bi'ytuis
216, 11I. Smith 193. Jr. IV.—',Total 800.
E. Johnston 144, '"G. Holt 92. Jr, III..
—Total 800. A. Johnston 220, *G.
McEwen 144, "G. Selling 30, "M.
Burke. Jr. II.—Total 300. A.. King
188, B. Lake 170, J. Thomson 121.
Sr. L—Excellent—A. King, F. Hayden
E. Balfour, E. Hamilton. Jr. L—Ex-
cellent—W. Bal font., M. McEwen.
Good—B. Holt, S. McDonald, R.
Jacklin. Sr. Prim.— Excellent — E.
Fraser. Jr. Prim. — Excellent—G.
Pttyn, S. Xing, M. Thomson, B. Hay-
den, S, Raynard, F. Selling, P. Jack-
litr, T. Ballingal. Good—L. McKay,
A. Jacklin, L. Jacklin.
HARRY 0. Moms, Teacher.
cordial welcome is extended to all the
ladies of the oolnrnunity, Belgrave
Branch looks forward to a N. 1 time
next Tuesday.
By the first draft of stations of the
Methodist Confeienre Rev. Mr. Lack -
laud is clown for Wioxoler and Rev.
L. Martine for Walton. The list is
subject to correction up to the close of
Oor i l e'en ce.
The 32nd anniversary of the corner
stone laying of St. George's church
will he remembered by a special ser-
vice next Sunday, June 9th, at 8 p. in.
Preacher for the occasion will be the
Rev. Prof, Wright, M. A., of Huron
College, London.
The action of Mi. Mille' in closing
up his hotel bar during Victoria Day
celebration here in connection with
the corner' stone laying of the new
Duff's church was favorably comment-
ed upon although it may have meant
cotlsidel'able loss to hull with so large
a crowd in the village.
meeting of Walton Women's Institute
will be held in the A. 0. U. W. Hall
here on Thursday, June 13th, at 2.80
o'clock, Miss H. McMurchie, of Har -
vision, will address the meeting on
"Social responsibilities," and "The
other. Woman." In addition there
will be a good program and lunch
served. A. full attendance is urged as
a fine time is hoped for.
AUCTION SA1.1, or Cows.—On June loth
at 1 p. m., et Hill's Hotel, Belgrave, a carload
of cows and young cattle will be sold by
auction. J. J. Shannon Prop., Thos. Brown,
Mrs. James Lowry, of Seaforth, is
visiting with Mrs, D. Sproat, of this
The Presbyterian Sunday School
and the Guild of Knox church are
planning for a Garden Party.
Rev. Irlr. Pearcy, of Londesboro',
will preach at the preparatory service
to the Communion in Knox church
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Richard Procter was at Ingersoll
this week attending a gathering of
Rural Telephone enthusiasts. Mr.
Procter is a pusher in the same line.
In the absence of the pastor next
Sabbath, Miss Wellwood, of Wing -
ham, who is a Missionary in China,
will address the congregation. She
has an interesting story to tell.
Win. Wightman is home from the
West. We hear he did not buy any
farm lands there and we are glad of
it as we do not wish to run any chance
of losing him from this locality,
Harry Hopper is away to St.
Thomas to attend the Methodist
Conference in session this week.
Res. Mr. Durrant is set down for
Ashfield and Mr.. Fitzpatrick for
WOMDN's INsTITuTE,—The Summer
meeting of Belgrave Women's In-
stitute will convene meeting at
the home of Mrs. D. Geddes, Tuesday
of next week, at 2.80 o'clock. An ad-
dress will be given'by &Ilse MuMnrchie'
of Harristonon "The Other Woman."
The speaker is a graduate of Toronto
University and also in Domestic
Science. A program of music and
literary selections will also be given.
Refreshments will be served. A
Wm. and Mrs, Bray were visiting
relatives at Hamilton.
Mrs. 0. Raynars.was visiting rela-
tives aid friends in St. Marys during
the holiday.
The Foresters will attend service in
the Methodist church a week from
next Sunday evening.
Dad. and Airs. Eckmier, of Clinton,
wore welcome visitors here during the
past week. They were formerly rest=
dents of Ethel.
Quite a crowd from here will wit-
ness the Brussels—Wingham League
Foot Ball match at Brussels next,
Monday evening.
Mrs. Jno. Ballantyne, of Brussels,
and Mrs. W. 3. Hunter, of Oshawa,
were visiting their sister; Mrs.
Bremner, this week.
Next Sabbath R. McKay will con.
duct the services in the Methodist
churches in the absence of Rev. Mr.
Wren who is at the Conference in St.
Thomas. John Bryans is also at
Oonferenee as the lay representative.
The Foot Ball match between the
Young Men's Bible Class of the Meth-
odist church and the team from the
Presbyterian church was a tie. It was
played last Saturday evening. Next
Saturday evening eleven married men,
captained by .Archie McDonald, will
tactile tine Y. M. B. 0. Game at 7
The Trustees of S. 5, No, 7 had their
annual meeting last week.
A. Reymann bee sold two more of
the Baker wind mills. Some people
seem to know a good thing when they
see it,
Oranbrook Court of the 0. 0. F.
will be represented at the High
Ootut, which sleets at .Hamilton next
week, by Ed, Fulton, Chief Ranger.
A new bank barn, 52 x 00 feet, is
being erected by }Nether Bros„ East
of Crarook. `The contract is in the
hands of Jno. Petah, of Brussels,
who is quite a pusher.
HURT. Michael Raymanu was
seriously injured on Wednesday by
being kicked in the head by a horse
in the stable of F. Balfour. He was
putting the :harness on the animal.
Horse was fortunately not shod.
A. Reymann was in Oargill and
Walkerton this week.
Fred. Oster has cut down the shade
trees around his house.
School report for past month may
be read on page 5 of this issue.
John Gorsalitz has the contract for
cleaning out the Locking drain.
Sheep washing is the order of the
day, whether they need icor not.
Robt. Tyex•rnan is agent for the Sup-
erior Barn Equipment manufactured
at Fergus.
John McNabb was awarded the con•
txactfor putting in the new Bement
abutments on the 14th eon.
Jas. McLean, of Elbow, Sask., son of
Archie McLean,16th•con., was brought
here for bnrial last Tuesday.
Inspector Field, of Goderich, was
here last week looking over the work
at the "Knowledge factory."
E.C. Dunford
Taller and
.e r,
Reeve Reis is attending Co. Council
in Goderich oris week.
Idiss Cora Sheriff, of Wingham,
spent Monday with Miss Millie Harris.
Mrs. Fred. Davey and daughter,
Margaret, visited over the holiday in
A. H. Moffitt and family visited
with relatives in Otven Sound
for several days recently.
Mrs. W. H. Brawn and Mrs. T. G.
Hemphill returned from Toronto on
Monday where they had spent a few
Ameeting of the shareholders of the
Wroxeter Market Scale Co. will be
held in the. Town Hall on Friday even-
ing at 8 o'clock.
The many friends here of 7. J.
Stephens, of Teeswater, will regret to
learn of his sudden death which oc-'
mewed in Hamilton last Saturday ev-
Rev. L. and Mrs. Perrin, of Moore-
field, called on old friends here on
Wednesday. The former officiated at
the Higgins -Moffatt wedding at Mor-
risbank in the afternoon.
Two section men, Ohas. Sproal and
Wm. Patterson, were rather seriously
hurt last Monday morning by the up-
setting of the lorry on which they'
were working. Mr. Patterson had
his face badly cut and Mr. Sproal fell
o0 a crowbar which made a bad gash
in one of his limbs.
The King's birthday was not ob-
served here, only by the Bank. Every
person else attended to business as
Miss Bessie Taylor left for Portage
la Prairie, where she will be married
to E. Mason, a former Blyth boy,
who is now manager of the Bank of
Hamilton in the West.
Farmers are complaining greatly of
the 'excessive rain. The fruit men
claire it will hays the effect of causing
a great deal of the fruit to fall off
after it forms, as the stems will be
L. Small. B. A., conducted Sacra-
ment of the Lord,'s Supper in the
Presbyterian church on Sunday morn-
ing and in the evening preached his
farewell sermon to a packed church.
The Methodist elnsed their church in
consequence a great many from there
were in attendance. Mr. Small in a
few remarks before the sermon spoke
feelingly of the kind relationship that
had always existed between himself
and the congregation during the fivd
years of his pastorate. Restated that
he would. ahvays keep in remembrance
the kindnesses shown hon while here.
He and Mrs. Small and family left
el r his new charge,
Monday Iles
p , g
Next Sunday Rev. Me. Hare, of
Kenora, will occupy the pulpit, and
Rev. -Mr. Pearcy, of Lnndesboro' as
interim moderator, will preach the
pulpit vacant.
Neil D. McNair and wife were visit-
ing at Guelph for several days last
Reeve Livingston and Deputy Reeve
are Brown at Goderich this week in
attendance at Huron County Council.
Mrs. Alex. Stewart, 16th con.,
who has been very ill several times
with gall stones, is improving nicely
we are glad to say.
Mrs. James McNair 14th con., while
visitingat the home of her sox -in-law,
A. Perrie, took i11 several weeks ago
but we are pleased to say she is now a
great deal better.
Persons interested in the Smillie
and Grant drains have been served
this week with copies of the By-law.
Court of Revision will be held at Ethel
on Monday, June 24th.
Would people please remember, that
the Beauchamp creek is not a grave-
yard where dead horses, cattle and
pigs are to be dumped to the danger
and disgust of people who live near
tl ?
L. McNeil, an old time resident of
the 14th cot., who has been 00de'
the Dr's care is able to be about once
more and we hope he may soon be
real hearty again. Ile is 80 years of
Mrs. John 'Houston and three. child-
ren, from Manitoba, are visiting at.
the home of James Houston for the
present. They intend to sill for
Scotland on June 15th. Mr. Houston
expects to visit his parents later.
The trustees of S. S. No. 6, are ad-
vertising for it teacher to succeed the
present efficient instructor, Clayton
Procter, who takes the home school
in Morris. People in the section are
sorry to see him go.
Last week a barn raising wits on
the program' on Jas. Speir's farm, 12th
con., 49 tneti were in attendance under
the direction of J. Abram, of Belmore,
an old friend of Mr. Speir, their
ac qt
mtauco dating
bank 88 years,
feet added,
if cella 1 and 17
Barn has b
martin it 60x68 with .po9t e 27 'feet 6
inches, When conpleted Mr. Speir
will have great accommodation for
crop and stack.
To so comparatively few comes the
opportunity of celebrating the 50th
anniversary of their .marriage such
an important event is usually regard-
ed as one of the red-letter days of the
family concerned. Jno. and Mrs.
Mooney, old, well known and worthy
residents of this locality, had
the good fortune to live to
see their Golden Wedding day,
and enjoyed it with their
eon, W.1. Mooney, at the home of.
Mrs. Mooney's, • brother, Robert
Stretton, 714 Keele street, Toronto,
where the day was delightfully spent
and many reminiscences brought to
mind of 50 years ago.
Among the guests present were the
following who attended the wedding
at Strettouville, near Uxbridge, Ont.,
when on May 23,1862, Rev. Mr. Giant,
of Port Perry, tied the nuptial bow.
Mrs. Richard Kirbon, of Newmarket,
aged 81 ; Mrs. C. G. Exnbury, aged 76,
of the same town, both of whom are
sisters of Mrs. Mooney• Alrs. John
McMurray, of Uxbridge ; Robert
Stretton, of West Toronto and Mrs.
John Robinson, of the Queen City.
Miss Francis Stretttpn, (now Mrs.
Barbary) was bridesmaid and Wm.
O'Brien, of Whitby, deceased, was
groomsman at Mr. and Mrs. Mooney's
Mr. and Mrs. Mooney were the re-
cipients of many good wishes over the
glad occasion and the day was one of
very pleasant association as the com-
pany was royally entertained. The
groom and bride have enjoyed' good
health, although during the post
Spring Mr. Mooney had an attack of
pneumonia. They have resided cnn-
tinuotsly 011 their fine farm, one mile
from Brussels, for 50 years, excepting
for seven years spent in Pennsylvania.
They have only one child, W. R., who
is engaged in mercantile business in
Toronto. The farm was taken up
from the Crown by Mr. Mooney's
father, aud they have a most comfort-
able home.
Mr. Mooney, who is in his 74th year,
is a Oanadian by birth, first gazing on
Canadian scenery in the township of
Kitley, Leeds County. Mrs.
Mooney is a native of the Emerald
Isle, born 70 years ago and tante to
Canada when a child with her par-
ents, the late Robert and Mary Stret-
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Mooney attend
the Methodist church and
are enthusiastic member of
the Orange Order. Mr.
Mooney filled various Municipal offi-
ces of responsibility, was cur the
School Board for many years and did
bis work most efficiently.
In addition to pereous mentioned,
other relatives and friends joining in
the Golden Wedding celebration were
Mrs. J. S. Kendall, Gadsby, Alta. ;
Miss Minnie Mooney, of Weyburn,
Sask. ; John McMurray, Uxbridge ;
W. J. and Mrs. Oroxall, John and
Mrs. Robinson, Chas. Martin, S. E.
and Mrs. Embury, Dr. Chisholm, ex -
M. P., for East Huron of Toronto,
and Mrs. A. Coulter, Weston.
After an excellent and elaborate
spread a short program of congratula-
tory speeches and musical numbers
was given the company separated
hoping that Mr, and Mrs. Mooney
may be spared to one another and
their wide circle of relatives and
friends for many years to come.
Out of a large family of brothers
and sisters Mr. Mooney is the only
one remaining in this locality, the
other surviving members living in the
SOCIAL. -The annual June social of
the W. M. S. of Union church will be
held on Friday evening, June 14th.
A good program of music and recita-
tions by local and outside talent is
being prepared. Rev. Moorehouse, of
Aron tton, will deliver the address.
He is well worth hearing. Refresh-
ments close of
will be served : t
wants t
the program. All are cordially in-
vited to enure_ and spend an evening
which will be both pleasant and
profitable. The pastor, Rev. Mr.
Wren, will occupy the chair.
SOHoor. REPORT.—Following is the
Report of S. S. No. 3, Grey, for May :
—Per cent obtained. Entrance.—
Katie McDonald 72, Stuart Grant 01,
Millie McFarlane 52. Sr. IV.—Eliza
Bishop 64, Bessie Smith 42. Jr. IV.—
Marion Smith 75. • Jr. I1I.—Harold
Cardiff 92, Oharlie Smith 81, Jim Mc-
Farlane 46. Jr. Il.—Willie McDox-
ald 82, Willie Smith 01. Roy McFar-
lane 41, Mary Young 41, Annie
Deitner .10, Geo. Bishop 81. Pt. IL—
Elsie Smith 68, Charlie Deitner 82.
Pt. I. Good—Sarva Cardiff, Clifford
Cardiff, Oamex'on Striroban. Fair—
Elizabeth Suiitlx, Willie Bishop.
M. H. MOARTER, Teacher.
Vote for the Bridge By -Law on
Reeve Shortreed is attending the
Oo. Council this week,
301111 Anderson, of Wareham, Grey
Co., was visiting his son, James Au-
derson, 5th line.
The Courbof Revision did not have
much work. Alfred Button, lth line
had his assessment reduced $800,
Miss Cora Speir, of Harriston, ac-
companied by Miss Jessie Lamb, of
the same town, were visiting ab Miss
Speir's parental home for a few days.
Miss Annie Gerniss has been seri-
ously ill with pneumonia but is melt-
ing slow prom ess toward recovery.
Her many friends hope she will soon
be convalescent.
'.l'he !Trustees of S. S. No. 5 have en-
gaged Clayton Procter as teacher for
the coming year at a salary of $500.
Mr, Procter has taught 2years arid at-
tended 1110 Normal School, Ile has
done good work ie Grey totvnehip,
where he is now teaching and is leay-
ing a higher salary. We wish him
success as he takes up the reins hand-
ed over by Miss Cornish next Fall.
The 4th line bride is not in good
shape since the freshet of the Spring.
West cement abutment cracked from
top to bottom owing to the tinder -
mining now the
p waist a
g by the
bridge e
has dropped c
considerably owing
to the damaged abutitieit. The latter
will have to be rebuilt and the steel
superstructure straightened up.
I Sr.—Iaxcelient,—J, Turvey 319, A.
Johnston 278. Peal Jr. Excellent,—
M. Warwick, F. Brewer. Good—B,
South, L. Gern les,W. Seileis,
I, FRAirS, Teaclhev-
Next Council meeting will be held
on Monday, llihiust.
Saturday of this week the polls will
be open to express an opinion on the
desirability of borrowing $28,000 on
debentures running 20 years and bear -
log interest of 5 per cent, Freehold-
ers, whether stale or female, have the
right to vote. A straight majority of
votes polled will carry the By-law.
It is not expected that, many will ob-
ject to vote for the loan as it is the
easiest way of paying a big debt that
roust be incurred without making it
burdensome to the people.
SCHOOL REPORT.—Following is the
report of S. S. No. 3, Morris for the
month of May. Classes examined in
Geog., Hygiene, .History, and daily.
wot Names arranged in order of
merit :—Entrance Class.— John Pass-
more, Ernest Michie. Sr. IV.—Ivan
McArter. Jr, 1V.— Gladys McNeil.
Sr. HT.—Norman Speir, Elsie Connon.
.1r. TTI.—Florence Kerney, John Me -
Neil, Russell Marks, Maggie Olark,
Annie Alcock, Annie Little. Sr, II.—
hlaegaret Ilanua. Mary A1eNab, Lilian
A1cArter, Margaret McNeil. Jr. II.
—Florence Nichol, Jitn Duncan,
Wilmer Keruey, Everett Nichol,
Allan Speir, Clifford Marks. Sr, Pt.
I.—Excellent—Stanley Marks. Good
Mary Alcock, Marguerite Little. Jr.
Pb. I.— Excellent.— Eldred Miller,
Verena Clark. Good -Florence Brad -
straw, Aunts Clark, May Cook, Rollie
Marks, F. Byry ors, Teacher.
TIME.—b'ritiay of last week at 5 p.
in. Alexander Comren, 5th line,
passed away after a long and serious
illness, extending about 8 months
caused by gangrene. He was in his
72nd year and was born at Peterhead,
Aberdeen, Scotland, June 20, I840.
In the Old Land he spent his earlier
years as a farm hand and at the age
of 27 came to Canada with his mother
and other members of the family, his
father being dead. They spent 2
years at 'Whitby and came to Morris
township where, with the exception
of afew years in Grey, deceased has
resided. 25 years ago last November
he married Miss Mary A., daughter of
the late Alex. Nichol, of the 611a line
of Morris, and she and a family of 3
sons (Charles, of Milestone, Sask.,
Alex. and Charles at home) and 3
daughters (Mrs. Charles Workman,
Brussels, and Misses Jennie and Alice
at home) survive. Deceased was a
Presbyteriau in religion and a Liberal
in politics. Funeral took place Mon-
day afternoon and was conducted by
Rev. A. 0. Wishart, of Brussels. Pull -
bearers ,were five brothers-in-liixv—
Robt., Alex., Edward and Jas.. Nichol,
and Alex. McNeil and Mr. Oonnon's
son-in-law, 0. Workman. Interment
was made in Brussels cemetery. Jas.
Oounon, of Oypress River, Man., is a
brother to deceased.
The Trustees of S. S. No. 8, Morris,
have re-engaged Miss Frain for the
coining year at a salary of $565,00.
Invitations are out for the marriage
of Nesbit Hamilton, a well known
young gentleman, of Atwood, and one
of Morris Township's fair daughters,
Miss Gertrude Duncan, 4th line. The
ceremony takes place Saturday fore-
noon of this week.
The vote on the Bridge By-law to
borrow 823,000 for building bridges
will be recorded on Saturday of this
week. Polls open from 9 a. m. to 5 p.
m. Every person qualified to vote
should poll it early in the clay and
mark the ballot "For the By -Law."
Old residents of the 7th line moved
to Brussels last week in the persons
of Wnt. and Mrs. McOall. They take'
with them the best wishes of the
neighborhood. By rural telephone
their old friends hope to frequently
visit with them in spirit if not in
bodily form.
At the last raeeting. of the Township
Council George A. Procter was ap-
pointed Weed Inspector, to be paid
20 cents an hour when employed.
Mr. Procter will fill the bill and the
work to be done should tend to im-
provement of clean farms in Morris.
Two years ago the new iron bridge
with cement abutments was built on
the 1st line, known as Cruickshank
bridge. The freshet last Spring play-
ed havoc with the abutment so much
so that Ohas. Campbell has the con-
tract of blasting it so as to get it out
of the way. 50 feet will be added to
the bridge by the Hill Co., of Mitchell
and a pier will add to the support.
Estimated cost of the whole work is
from $3000 to $4000.
SCHOOL RRrowx.—Following is the
School Report of S. S. No. 8, Morris,
for terns since Easter, Denotes
exatn.'lnissed :—ltlltranee. Examined
Comp., Geog., Wr, Reading, Writ-
ing, Arith. Teta 500.—Pass 300. F.
Turvey 411, G. Wilson 883, A. David-
son 476, L. Turvey, 982, Sr, IV.—
Exam, ie Arith„ Gram„ History,
Seen., Lit. Total 500. Pass 800.—
M. Thynne 422, 0. Joltnstoti 420, J.
Bosman 882, G. Agar 804. 3r. IV.
Same Subjects, lass 240.—L. Brewer
282,"). 111eMichel 40, Jr. I11, Exam.
in Lit., Spell„ Geo., Writ. Total 400.
Pass 200, S. McMiehsl, 258, *E. Sellers
247, *G, Brewer 230, 0. South 182, *L.
Turvey 98. Sr. II. Exam. in Lit.,
Atith., Spell. Writ., Geng, and daily
work. Tote( 650. Pass 390.— 13,
Warwick 010, C. Mustard 524, 0.
Soueh 499, C. Bosman 407. Jr, II.
el la
Same e allbJ P i xsa 890.E G
aT ti 1 ea
Ll l`
406. IGtxnt s 401,Gl
Yell 39$
Gat nils 222.L Part TI Daily Work—
E Forbes 201 1 Gallagher 198 D
Conference is in session at Sb.
Thomas and the draft of the Station-
ing committee which is under correc-
tion, indicates the changes as follows
-London, Wellington street, G. N.
Hazen ; Oenteunial, Ii. A. Graham ;
Hyatt Avenue, J. E. Millard; Empress,
Avenue, T. W. Oosens ; Memorial, S.
A. Anderson ; 1lidout street, J. 0.
Reid ; Juncticin, Fred. Maiming until
college opens.; Dox'chester, Lc. A.
Fear ; Byron, W. J. Rooke ; Mitchell,
J. W. Baird ; Atwood, L. W. Reid ;
Kincardine, A. J. Langford; Wroxeter
R. S. Lackland; Ashfield, J. 7. Dur-
rant ; Bervie, ]inrtox 0. Robinson ;
Belgrave, I. Kilpatrick ; ()proton, On-
tario Street, S. J. A1lin ; Holmeaville,
R. J. McCormick • Blyth, George
Jewett ; Nile, 0. 0. Causens ; Walton,
F. L. nurture ; Exeter, James Street,
W. G. H. McAllister ; Parkhill, H. J.
"(Then ; Hensell, Robert Hicks ; Oredi-
ton, Selby Jefferson ; Sylvan, A. 7.
Snell ; Aliso Oraig,.J, }Lasser ; 'Lacer),
T. T. George ; Woodham, W. H. Me-
Tavish ;Kirkton, R. 0. Burton ; Kerr -
wood, R. L. Wilson ; Warwick,'
Harvey Kennedy ; Arkona, John
Ball ; Brooke, Byron Snell ; Mount
Bryd es, A. 3. Agnew ; Oil Springs,
5, V. R. Pentland ; Sarnia Devine
Street, W. J. Ashton ; Wyoming, 3.
W. Priug.g ; Windsor, London Street,
S. L. Toll ; Walkerville, W. G. How-
son ; Maldn, G. C. Clifford ; Harrow,
0. F. Olark • Ruthven, J. B. (Jerrie ;
Woodslee, T. B. Ooupland ; Learningg-
ton, J. 0. Winker ; Wheatley, R. F,
Irwin ; Romney, W. Patterson ; Pelee
Island, John Mundy ; Blenheim, G.
W. Dewey ; Cedar Springs, W. It.
Osborne ; Wallaceburgg, B. T. Fergu-
son ; Ridgetown, J. E.Holmes ; Guilds
Harold Williams ; Highgate, G. J.
$err.; Tharnesville, S. Mtlxworthy;
Wax'dsville, William Godwin ; Glen-
coe, Richard Hobbs ; Lyons, W. E.
Darling •Vienna, S. Quinn ; Kinglake
S. 0, Edmunds : Yarmouth Centre,
W. Conway ; Orwell, 3. J. Sinclair ;
Fort Stanley, W. R. Vance ; Iiarwich
H. J. Fair ; Dover,' T. J. Allen.
The annual report of the Statistical
committee will show a total member-
strip of 52,2117 in the London Confer-
ence. The small increase of 170 over
last year is; explained by the move-
ment to Western Canada. The total
number removed by transfer was five
hundred greater, than the number re-
ceived, The total revenue from all
sources was $508,217, au increase of
$46,440. For Missions, $74,119, an in-
crease of $1,470 ; for Oonnsxionttl
funds. $128,122, an increase of $4,185 ;
for circuit ppurposes, $816,150, an in-
crease of $37,158 ; for Ministerial sup-
L �59 an inctcase . 51 6,
1 946
ort$ ,
> f
Of 1,611 marriages, 475 of ionic thttrr
one day, tools lace at the Windsor'
McMiebel 152, A. Gelhaghee 137, i'ttr6 Central Methodiet church,