The Brussels Post, 1912-5-30, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS, R. MoORAOBEN-- e leer 1 Mower o Mer 501. at aly, lnrnhorry street, Hr80018 , K. O. T. M, Brussels !Toot of the M60681004, No, 24 hold their rogulllr meetings to the Lodge Boum, Bucker BIOME, cm the 1st and 8rd 68104487 evenings of eaol1 mouth. Visitors always weloowe, A, BO WEBS, Com,, A. MoCt1II12l, n, h WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee lu the Post Office, Ethel. 32.4 JOHN SUTHERLAN D IN40BAR01, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. 1 S. SOUTT AS AN AU .82 i . &a& will sell f e or ander r'Ulla es to bettor any other lose time and East Huron or than any Karg 408610110011n tea Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always ho arranged at this ofloe or by p ers0nal applioat,ou, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M SI.NULAIR- Notary Public, dto..1' UU1oe-StewardeyBlock 1 door North 01 Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank. pLIOUDFOO'i!, BAYS & KILLORAN BARIt164 k1R8, USBtd0, E'PUOLI1TOORB,, NOTARIES P W, PROODr00T, K. 0. 16 0. Eels J. L. Kir1onko Offices—Those formerly occupied by Moser" Cameron & Bolt, GoDonIOn, (JN'rA1tIO. ARAN UN Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season 7'O LIVERPOOL Steamer Prom St. Jolty Prom Halifax Tunisian Friday M'ay 0 May al Virginian Friday May 11) Jnne 7 Corsican Pride y alit y 17 June 14 Victorian Friday May 24 June 21 TO GLASGOW Pretorian Saturday May 4 June 1 Hesperiau Saturday May It June 8 Scandinavian Saturday May 16 June 15 Gramplan,Saturday May 26 June 22 TOHAVRE, LONDON Sioillan ...Sunday M a9 6 Io ....Sunday May 12 Corinthian �� Sanday May 30 Scotian ' Sunday May 36 Lake Erie Sunday Jule 2 June 0 June 16 June 26 Jane 89 July 7 Pull information as to rates, ole, on appli.io- tion to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line, Brussels, Many Business Colleges Bclose for 900061on during July and Aug (ir �! est but the large and popular ,0 TORONTO, ONT. r does not. Students desiring Strictly High Grade Training for choice positions are invited to write for our )� catalogue. Enter now it you can. Our graduates readily get employment, 1:9 Oor. Young and W. J. ELLIOTT, Alexander Sta. Principal. iVaVoNgiIkfirieg ✓T?aV SPR Aima Ya^alrs^a'P" . STRATFORD. ONT. ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE Onr graduates two up-to-date and practical, We have a large staff of ex. patienoed tnstruators and our gradu- ates get the !nigh grade positions. We do more for ourraduates than does i any similar aoboolG, We hnve three de- partments - Commerolnl, Shorthand and Telegraphy, You owe it to your. 1F� salt to know what the are doing. Got our free Ontnlogno at once. KasZeZMIW1 t,V4t5Y4001WYrl ,li D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. 6 ROEBER.O � snot 4112(1(1 aaptrrLneo. ROOFING pilau" gives longer and more Ifem- o0 complete protection, per dollar of cost, than metal roofing, shingles or any other ready roof- ing. With over 300 imitations, Ru-berrotdls still the best, Made in 3 permanent colors - Red, Brown, Green- and natural Slate. Look into It before you decide on that new roof. ' 80 Sole Canadian Mfrs. THESTANDARDPAiNTCO. tit of Canada, Llmlltd,tlonlr A?PUPt LIIWR11PlP P. Ament, Brussels Ie ther0 anythin>,g in all this world that is of more importance to you than good digestion P Food must be eaten to sustain life and most be digested and converted into blood. When the digestion fails the whole body suffers, Ohainberlail)'6 Tablets are a rational and reliable mire for in- digestion. n-di .estion, They fn0108ae0 the flow of bile, purify the blood, steengthen the stomach, and tone up the whale digestive apparatus to a natio el mid health action. For sale by all dealers.•• W. H. LOVE Funeral Director ' and Embalmer . Orders promptly and care- fully attended 40 night tie day. Phone 228. Y ETHEL., ONT. elected "46th the exeepticn of the Vice Pres., and Mrs, elpiolts was elected in Om place 111 3I re. Wfulorre. Report 84 the instilnle showed it to be nn Ih1' best, standf(lg it has been ever siiee its organization. 11owiek Township Oounoil have (W- elded to 111(191' the steel bridge that a nano the Al enteral In 3 01'dwirh and hnve it everted again at Holleran's, where the 2v0ode0 Mend:tiro fell 10tx) the fiver arm weeks ago, A 1.111) Ott Co, of Alitc'hell, have lbe em(trnct. A new steel bridge with 16 foot drive. way and a 6 foot sidewalk will be elected Irl 11)l 61 wli'l,.Thie will please the Il ICO l Ila totality 129 Ole is altogether toe narroW. Just Where the Danger Lies In ninny catarrh tonal's, cocaine is the largely used ingredient ; in cootie- Ihlenee the drag habit may be formed. '14, be really cured of e14t(tl'rh, to do so quickly, safely and pleasaot1y,cloolors Sit) 00tal'i•hozrle is sup0110r to any other remedy, 1t heals sore pieties, stops discharges, prevents hawking, spitting told bad breath -does this by first destroying the cause of the dis- ease. " o o • , experiment., er' east. Citta 1h i nc is act c mnenl 1 i it is a tried and proven cure that is guaranteed for bronchial, throat, nose and lung catarrh. Two sizes, 25c told $1.00 at all dealers. Business Cards I public f 1 i 1 I' y o1d DR. T. T, M' RAE Baeholor of Mediaino, University of Toronto ; Idaontlato and Graduate of the College of Phy- 0(olans and Surgeons, Ont. ' Post -graduate Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Chicago, Ill, Ex•Honse Surgeon to St. Mich- ael's Hospital, Toronto. Office over P. R. Smith's Drug Store. Tole - phone oumlo0tion with 0rsnbrook at all hours. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physician and Surgeon; Poet Graduate courses London (Eng.), New York and 061)0000 Hos- pitals. Speolal attention todisease of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyed tested for glasses. DR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University ; Licentiate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Orrice in Smith Block recently vaunted by Dr. Feild. DR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, McCormick Medium Oollego, Chicago,, Ill., is prepared to text eyes audit glasses at her aloe over Grewar's Restaurant, Brussels, Wednesday, Thuroday, Friday and Saturday every second week. Office !lours 10 to 12 a, in, and Ito 6. 01. In Toronto, at 710 Spadini' ave.. remainder of time. Phone 1219 :ts z xt .ews Bluevale Ladies' Aid of Bluevale Methodist church have decided to hold their (harden Party on June 2611). Turn berry Council suet in Wet -Merles office, at Bluevale, Monday. The 00nrt of I evieion was held in the afternoon. S. E. Porter, son of J', and Mrs. Por- ter, or Turuberry, is spending a few months in Northern Ontario and will return in September to attend the Faculty for the Fall term. He is studying locomotive engineering. MIS. Grace Snell, of Bluevale, an- nounce the engagement of het young- est daughter, Clara Mabel, to Barry S. Vanluven of Oa lgaey. The mer- ritge is to take place in Central Methodist church. Calgary, in the 1(attee part of June. Blyth Blyth Flax Mill Oo., Limited have now over 250 tunes in Flax. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Small enter Mined the choir' of St. Andrew's ehrirch at the manse. Jets. McMurohie has been appointed town Treasurer. He will fill the bill in A 1 style. Win. and Jos. Grey, of Hallett, had the misf0rhule' to lose a valuable im- ported Clydesdale brood mere. Miss E. Gidley, who has been on the sick list for some time, is now able to resume her position in het father's store. The election for the Ladies' Aid Methodist church resulted as follows : Pres., Mrs. Huckstep ; Vice Pres., Mrs. Slater ; Treas., Mrs. P. llaggiit ; Sec. Mrs. I. Brown ; Assist, SecMrs. IV.hi' 1 Jt stn 11'Uha, ]12,111 \ • p S ills. Mains, Mrs. King ; Auditors, Urs. Reese, and Mrs. Bender ; Organist, Mrs. °hallow ; Assist. Organist, Mrs. Newcombe. Now is the time to get rill of your rheumatism, Yon will find Chamber- lain'sLiniment wnnderfnlly effective. One application will convince yon of its merits. Try it, For sale by all dealers. Atwood Jno. Floud, 18111 con., of Elma, rais- ed a fine straw shed last week. Chas. Laidlaw sits successful in passing his second year examinations at the O. A. 0., Guelph. The continuous 1'11161 fttlls'wili likely do considerable damage to the crops on the flat lands in the South of Blunt. Church of England &nutty School Convention for the Deanery of Perth will be held in Mitchell on Thursday, May90th. Trustees of S. S. No, 6, Elmo, re- engaged Miss Bernice Morrison, pees- entfeedhen for anotherye ar with an increase in salary. A service preparatory to Ootnmutl- ion was held on Saturday in the Pres- byterian church. Rev, A, Cranston, 13. A., of Palmerston, conducted the service. Eluia Cheese'(un4 Butter Mfg. Co., Limited,shippcd 249 boxes of cheese be- ing their make for the that part of May to Lovell & Christmas, Montreal. Amount realized $2555.14. Fordwich H. R. Long, a former Principal of Fordwich Public School, has been en- gaged as principal of Victoria School, Goderich. While playing hogk ey last Winter Ed. Strome injured his ankle, Later blood -poisoning set it and he has been in the Saskatoon hospital for the Past three weeks, brit is rem on the road to recovery. His father, Sol. Strome, went West. There was it change fu the Quarterly' Board representatives of the Meth°. !fist (dirndl as 13, S. Cook and Smith Vines resigned, and Elmer Ftt11i8 wee elected for Ford,vich and it Lynn foe Mayne. H. W. Laird was elected Recording Steward wird no doubt'will prove a worthy successor to Mr. Cook, who has hold the position 12 years and was thanked for his years of, service. The annual meeting of the`lVotnen's n t of till 1 r Institnta for the 'aleck 1 1 toes wits held at the home of tyh'o, J. 1)129141. sob. 1.,ast year's 0f11Cer8 Were re• Gorrie J. liemilion, jou„ was in Toronto. Hammond Bros. have opened their sawmill and are very busy. Mo. Perdue was spending the holi- daay with Isis parents at Nottawa. Rev, W. VV. Leech and wife are tak leg up their residence at the home of 311's. James, sen. The small fruit seems badly dam- aged 1211(1 pl'ospects ape not very bright for' fruit in general, John King, who for some time has been in Locknow, visited his home here recently, prior to his leaving for Nee pawn, where he has secured a good position. Victoria Day was very gniet here. Most of the citizens are patting fn gardens its the serum is very late, The young folks took in the celebra- tions at ne.l hhovin r towns. g 4 Sothelan bridge between here and Fordwich, collapsed as a result of the heavy rains. Also a large portion of the sidewalk South of the station caved in. Many culverts have been washed away. Seaforth A I)0RE88 ANI) PRESENTA'PION.- J. 1.), McCallum, ex -manager and ex - cloth matt of the water and light cone, 1mit1ee, was presented with an en- grossed address and a hands0nie den set of three pieces -mission Oak -n1) the eve of his departure for Saskatoon. The gift was from the citizens of Seaforth and was presented to Mr. McCallon at a large meeting of Councillors, business mien and citizens held in the CnrncdC anh 1 he1 Thurs. day G. P. Rogers 1principal � R s of the Collegiate was Chairman ad after a few remarks on the 10701(1 of lir. McCallum since coming to Sea- ftwth some 14 years ago and the able mariner in which the affairs of the town were managed during 1110 three years' terns (1a mayor. He then call- ed on Reeve William Jlnlent, who lead the address and presented the ex-rnat or with the den set. Mr. Mc - 011110m was taken entirely by surprise at the magnificent gift, and thanked the donors in a few words on behalf of Mrs. McOtllluul also. Several of the ex -aldermen spoke briefly, Mr. and Mrs. 6fcCallum left for Saskatoon on Saturday. The engrossed address was a week 8,6 art, and was executed by Jnhu Rankin. Mrs. McCallum was waited upon by Aliases Otiflie Morsel} and Verde Best, and presented with a handsome pin of amethysts and pearls the gift of tiro ladies of Seaforth, on her departnre for her new home in Saskatoon. Your Wisest Courso- If you are caught in the wet. get sore throat, neuralgia or muscular pilin, don't ryait for worse troubles. Begin prompt treatment with Nerviline. It (heves away ail trace of Cold, eases elletlm)1ti8nr, neuralgia and pain. saves you from a lay-up in bed. No 25c. purchase can bring 1110)0 comfort than a bottle of Nerviline ; it's the cleanest, strongest liniment made. Sold every- where in large 25c. bottles. Wingham Gni. Schmidt 1 1 (t S61 ml It lits 1'e 1 In nor bp health recently. iss Earned iffe Musgrove, who has been teaching al Io1)isfail, Alberta, is home. F. 13nrhaiout spent part of last wee!( at North Bay, where he was billed to address a Sunday School. A, H.• Musgrove, Al, P. P,, has re- turned from a three "41''18' trip West t Vat I through Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, The transfer of the agency at rho G. T. R. station has been made. Mr. Young, formerly of Elora, is the DOW agent. Mr. Lamont intends going West. Minerva 1111C8rtllimetl1, I, 0. O,. P„ has completed eerengem('nt8 with the G. T. R. for the rail part of the Grey- . humid excursion, Goderich to 1)etl nit on P11481y,311111'. 14115. P001117 remit this section will,.Iel1Ve Wingliam (01 the regular train at 7.85 3t. m., con- necting with sp161111 at Clinton for Goderich, The e.1r,ir8int) rate, Wing - haul to Gnderich, is $1:20 and Gode- rich to Detroit., $1.50: Returning special wain will leave Goderich a, Monday, Jnne 17, at 11.80 p. m„ run- ning 111(1 \t i, g thlnn h to hrb ham. "Young Men's Bible class of the Methodist 611111(111 held a banquet In honor of their retiring tenc1er, Dr. 1V. J Price, now of Orangeville, The Super'in'tendent, of the Sunday School pteeided. Musical selections. by the. (weber:dem and solos by F, Pill, A. 'C'Vll ford and G. Willis tvet'e appreciated, (aiso Brief addresses by Rev. Dr. R11tleclgo, Messrs. Buchanan, Smith and Morton, A pleasing feature ot the evening, Was the pl'ee- entation by the eines to Do. P1400 of a handsome electric reading lamp,' as a token of approciatien of 1118-affoets for the class, Acco5npanying the lamp, Wad fa suitable address, read by 13ott. Wellwood, G, R, Snut-h, lussistallt. Slept, of the school making the ONTARIO WOMAN'S FORTUNE Freed 1F'rom That Weak, Lan. quid, Always Tired Feel- ing, by Lydia E. Pink. . ham's Compound. Thessalon, Ont. -"1 cannot speak too tighly of your medicine. When my ap- a petite is poor and I have that weak, lan- guid, always tired feeling, I get a bot. 7) tle of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, and it builds me up, gives me strength, and re- stores me to perfect health again. It is truly a blessing to women, and I cannot speak highly enough of it. I take pleas- Ure in recommend ng it to others." - Mrs. ANNIE CAMERON, Thessalon, Ont. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. There are probably hundreds of thou- sands, perhaps millions of women in the United States who have been benefited by this famous old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over 30 years ago by a woman to relieve wo- man's suffering. If you are sick and need such a medicine, why don't you try it'? Ifrit ou want special advice y p v write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi- dential) Lynn, Mass. Yourletter will be opened, read and answered by a erontan and held in strict confidence. presentation on behalf of the class. Dr. Price replied in to few appropriate remarks and added 801110 excellent ad- vice to young men. Why Burn Your Toes? Stop using Acid Corn Salves; use Putnam's Painless Extractor ; it costs a little more, but it's far the best. Use only "Putnam's"-250. at all dealers. Listowel Rev. Dr. Barber and T. Arnie attend- ed the meeting of the Stratford District nfLheMc:h Methodist church, The choir of. Christ church will 1101d RS annual7 ' C n()Il' service all Sunday evening, Juue 8011). The congregation of the Lutheran church are holding their cervices in the Town Hall, while their church on Wallace street is having extensive exterior and interior repairs matte to ft. H. 13. Morphs, K. 0., M. P., has applied to the Postmaster -General at Ottawa for the installation in Listo- wel of a 50ries of letter boxes to be placed at various points throughout the tnwn for the convenience of the citizens. The Post Office Depart- ment has instructed the inspector to report on the matter, - o1' TAKE A WITH 'YOU ! 4°6— EVERYTHING FOR KODAKERY AT OUR STORE R. T J.WENDT LL1i13, and ENGRAVER Wroxeter A meeting leas held IP the Council Ohainb01' when tile toren Baseball League was reorganized. I!b110W. ful(n1)' the olileers 1 ---Pres., Rev, 1.1:. '1 Langford , Vioe-Pres„ V. 0, 131011 - ford Secretary, J, Rattle, 'executive 1'o mr 1 uGtee to be composed of the ' 1'v l 1t, d0f1 i t S(:c'0taa' gaud one member 5 ly J'ram eanh team entered in the league. The league will be run in connection WW1 the town baseball team, the two being finale—eel together and the 4121119 playing waleriltl to be used by both. Three teams Will likely be entered, I he factory, Christ Oh 10011 and a team pleked remit the town. An admission fee of 10e, will be charged for all games, and the Will OM'S of the league t e will la presented with medals at the close of the 40asotl, Rev. H. M. Langford, A, 1). MacDonell and P. J. leiskin were appointed the official umpires. System Requires Frequent Cleansing Not only outside but inside Its well, your body must be frequently cleaned. Otherwise it becomes heeded with wastes that clog tip the wheel0 of health, Much better to net in time. Use Dr. Handl ton's Pills ; theystl'eng- then and regulate the bowel%, assist dige6Lion enrich the blood and there- by fortify the nerves and lay the fonudatiou of lasting good health. Dr. Hamilton's Pills bring vim and vitality so lunch sought for to -day ; they infuse a feeling of freshness and spirit in those who have been ailing tar years. Really no medicine so po- tent. Price 25e at all dealers. Walton POPULAR GUELPH L+'XCIJRSION.- T11e popular excursion to Guelph under the auspices of the farmers' Institute will take place on Saturday, June. 8th, over the C. P. R. The fare Froin Walton for the round trip is 31.20, children OOc., with the privilege of remaining over at Guelph until Monday, June 10th. Excursionists will have a splendid clay's outing, with the opportunity of seeing the many nights at the Ontario Agricul- tural College ground and in the pros- perous 1'i 1 tv of Guelph, e special i P , 1'1 train will leave Walton byP. a C. t 5.07 a. nl.e li mmuber the date-Sat- -Imlay, late-SSGurday, June 8 -and make a point of enjoying the best trip of the season. See that -stable in our advertising columns. Goderich The rails of the O. P. R. to connect with the G. T. R. track along the dock rare nearly all in place, and cars (1821) now be switched to siding along the beach front. The first section of the new front for the commercial dock is being filled with stone, a second section is well runlet• way, and a third will be started at once, The list of newly incorporated com- panies which appeared in the Ontario Gazettee included the following ; "Doby Engine and Boiler Oo., Gode- rich • Oa 1ital $4 ) 0,00 " 0 The contracts for supplies to be fur- nished the military camp while itis in progress next month have nearly all been awarded to local then. W. T. Murrey 12111.! J. F, Andrews will sup- ply the meat ; Jos. Baechler will fur - Irish the hay, oats and straw ; H. J. A. MacEwan was awarded the tender for wood ; Thos. Videan will supply the flour, an 1 d A. J Cooper will supply the coal oil and bread. The King Edward and Huron House will not be granted licenses. Mr. Fetfr,.of the Union hotel (who figured so prominently in the recent un- pleasantness) is given 00days in which to sell out. The British Exchange is granted an extension to June 15, to allow it being sold to some one ac- ceptable to the board. All the other lintels were granted licenses. R. J, 01uff, of as a) of !Led chair- man Clinton,. lP 1 1 lean of the License board. The trustees of North Stteet Metho- dist church have decided on the build- ing of a new parsonage and contracts for its immediate erection will be a- warded shortly. The new residence, which will be a two-story brick, will be built on the site of the present par- sonage, Rev. Mr. Brown and family moved to the house on Nelson street belonging to the Smeeth estate, so that the work of tearing down the old h0nse may be commenced at once. To Mark the close of the present Collegiate term, and prior to 1)16 tak- ing a two months trip through the !Vest, the members of the Goderich Oollegiate Literary Society decided to show their appreciation of their veteran teacher,the Dean of the Institute, Dr. Ha e I. Strang, by me - senting trim with a well executed and suitably framed portrait of himself. as one more of not a few testimonials 15e has received during his long con- nection with the school. Maitland Presbytery P610r P esbytery of Maitland met in Wroxeter on Tuesday, zest May, with Rev. D. A. McLean, Moderator, pre. siding. It was agreed 11186 Presbytery pay Commissioners expenses to the Assembly. 01) the basis of the use of tourist sleepers except 011 ()cessions when Assembly meets where tourist cars are not available. Mr. West gave re. port on Statistics showing an increase 10 contributions to stipends of $2,o4 also an increase in contributions for all purposes of $5,326 and a decrease of i $aro for the Schemes of the Church. Report was adopted and the Convener authorized to have it printed so that eachml y a it y f in the Presbytery may have A. RAVMANN is prepared }pareto supply the hest goods in Windmills, Ira1 and Weeder) Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock, &e. Replies to Pumps promptly attended to, Give me a mall. 9 A, HA MANN Cradling o We liave 'ern! ♦ 4 9 • What •• • • • at • • • 1 •• ♦ • • • ♦ R r •♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4. ♦ e • •♦ • ♦ • ♦ e e ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ e 0 Merchant ♦ • Tailor • • BRUSSELS 0 Why, our Spring and Summer Suitings, with all the up-to- date tones and col- ors, combined With quality, at RIGIHT P RICES: W. P. Fraser s copy. Mr. Perrie reported for the Home Mission Committee stating that he had attended Synodical Committee meeting which met for one hour and a holt when nothing was done but to pass on the grants and discussions to the General Assembly Committee in Tor- onto. No discussion or opinion was ex- pressed by the Synodical Committee. Mr, Duncan was appointed convener of of Committee on V. P. S. Mr. West gave notice of motion for re -arrangement of Hall of Commissioners to the Assembly. The Clerk read communications from a several Presbyteries announcing their intention to ask leave to receive 22 ministers from other churches. Presbytery approved the remit for consolidating the various funds of the church, Duff's church, Walton, was granted permission to mortgage their new church 12061 to change the site. It was agreed that the trustees of Enniskillen church property proceed to the sale of the same. Mr. Armstrong, assistant Secretary of Foreign Missions, addressed the meet - Ing. The thanks of the Presbytery were tendered the people of SVrvxrtr'r ter their splendid hospllality,• W. J. Wino, Clerk. Groateet Female Strengthener on ' Earth ", t ild I1 nl al d4 of Rt Ir1N11 are WILD a runtlowt) and dispirited. 1Vhattbey. n 1'e d w l hal to u'< D•. mule, "416(8(1 1110y regain lIlose lauttll,, ing eyes, bright s[lit'iLs and rosy chucks Perrozooe floes this and more ay A110L. A'. Acleiunsvu, of 'Wb'iftney' Pier, 0G., t.ostilies r "My daughter wain very much mut dew It and had CO) 2iclrrnbli' tr16ulles at. tiole5. Often I war, ata lots Ci' know what to (10. .1 was advised to give het 4err02o11e and I ,lid 00, 1''e11117.01/e (11(112) ed up all the U0111110, rd1c ry daughter healthy 111 "41.1''el'!O'J.One egood 12)1- pe;1tite, 1•e11.gtllafea, et1'eng1gl00es16, 1 eon elder it at medicine every woman 411ra11(1 1180 regularly' if ape wants to feel her best." Rebuild wi111 Ferro - zone, it is the Icing of all cures, Price 30e per box at all dealers. - PUPTU P1 At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long. ruptured. Why wait until your rup- turebeconles strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait - Fill in coupon Age . 'Time Rap Single or Doable Name. Address and return to J. S. SMITH 88 Caledonia et. Dept. A Stratford, Ont. Farmers' ttention � Do You Use Fertilizer If Not, Why Not ? An exact duplicate for barnyard manure. Five times as strong as Nitrogen, Phos. Acid and Pot- ash. A complete organic manure in a concentrat- ed form, soluble, available, and easily applied to your land. If you want to increase your crOps 51) per cent, nee this Special Organic Ala 111 c as is 11121'1 ani sold by The National Land, Fruit & Packing Co., Ltd., meri- er8 01 3,000 wires of orchard lands. Local agents - Brussels Electric Light C.. IVe also handle Flour and all kinds of feed. See us about having your house wired for Electric Lighting while house cleaning is on. NERVOU WEL DEBILITATED MEN YOUNCt MEN AND MIDDI.EAGED MEN, the victims of early Indiscretions and later es cusses, who aro failures In life --t','2 are the . 011)5110 can restore to manh08;1 and revive the spark of energy and vitality. Don't give up in despair because you have treated with other dont rs electric used 1 c and tried various drug store nostrums. belt; Our Now Method Treatment has snatched hmrdred3 teen the brink of despair, has re- stored happiness to hundreds of homes and ha5made successful mea of (hest who were clown andout." We prescribe spccilicrem- edies for each Individual case according to the symptoms and complications -we have no patent medicines. This is one of the secrets of our wonderful 4(191010 as oar treatment can- not failfor we prescribe remedies adapted to each individual case Only towable cases aa- cepted. Wo have done Hosinosa throughout Canada for over 20 Yours. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY Aro yell a victim? Have you lost hope? Are von intruding to marry? us your blood been dlae'exed? leave y01) 809 w7nt(nes54 Our Now Method Treatment will enrryou. What Mhos done for others It will do forgone Consultation Free. 140 matter who 1126 treated yon, write for on honest. b (1111bn Fre of Charge Beolca Free - 'Boyhood, .hone Manhood, 1 1 hood Fatherhood.' (111ustrat ed) on Diseases of Men EADER No NAMES USED WITHOUT tVR) $TEN CONSENT No minu0 on bonen or envie/• epee. Everything' Confidential. Question. Lint and Cost of Treatment FREE F011 BONE DR® ,1 S` W • DY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit Micit6 'NOTICE V4 OT l C AlouertteadCutn CCanoaoasmouudIeaed breop6are esanwaremeseesre me11tuWbidsor, Out. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat 00 patients in our Windsor offices which aro for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows; DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. ,Write for our Devitt° addr008,