The Brussels Post, 1912-5-23, Page 7TEETH AND GOOD LOOKS
Dental Irregularities Are Changing
the :features of the Race,
Say Dentists.
The theory that the British are
becoming an uglier nation was ad-
vanced in a paper read by William
Rushton at a meeting of the British
Dental Association, says Tlio Lon-
don Express.
Mr, Rushton said he had previ-
ously emphasized the fact that den-
tal irregtllaritic.s had much in-
creased in recent years, and that
they were accompanied by changes
in the jaws. In fact, we were be-
coming an ugly nation, the round -
well balanced face giving place to
the long, thin one. Adenoid vege-
tation and enlarged tonsils had also
greatly increased, and this, inter-
fering with nasal breathing, caused
the mouth to be held open.
He had just read that the presi-
dent of the ,Society of Miniature
Painters bewailed the fact that
was disappearing. That gentleman
attributed the, fact to the strenuous
condition of modern •life, but he
(Mr. Rushton) attributed it to
mouth -breathing.
"The royal house of Hapsburg,"
Mr, Ruston's paper stated, "offers
many object lessons, its long des-
cent, interenarriages, history and
portraits offering a unique field for
the investigator. Dr. Gallippe
says: "The Hapsburgs having
fixed by consanguineous unions a
stigma of 'degeneracy, and having
transmitted it to the families with
which they have allied themselves,
Have thus created a particular hu-
man type by the same process that
a particular typo of animal is pro-
"I deny entirely that the type of
face, occurring in the Hapsburg
family is necessarily a sign of de-
generacy; it is a type met with day
by day ; it is often associated with
large tonsils, adenoids and mouth -
breathing in childhood, and is pos-
sessed by people probably neither
more nor less degenerate than
Dr. Aguilar, court dentist to the
Ring of Spain, said that what had
been alluded to as "the abnormal-
ity of the Hapsburg family," origi-
nated in the thirteenth century. He
had some drawings of the medal-
lions of the twelfth and thirteenth
centuries, and in the portrait of
Henry IV. of Castile the prognathic
jaw was clearly seen, and in the de-
scription givon of the figure of that
king they found the clear definition
of the "jaw thrown forward."
Many possessors of the prognathic
jaw had been brilliant intellectual-
ly, and others had shown signs of
great physical strength and were in
no way degenerate. The peculiar
formation of the jaw in idiots was
clue to the position in which they
placed their tongue. They could
improve the race, and the royal
race, by correcting early any ab-
Dr. E. A. Bogner pointed out that
it was difficult to find any man of
power, any leader of men, who had
not had good teeth, at least up to
Frank Harrison, dealing with the
ill effects of faulty breathing and of
the perversion of the act of sucking
by infante, said that' the prevailing
use and abuse of the "comforter"
were responsible., not only for de-
formities of the face and mouth but
also produced an oxygen starvation
extremely detrimental to the child.
Children who were allowed to in-
dulge in excessive sucking became
mouth -breathers, and this predated
an expression upon the features
which could not be mistaken.
Boys) Ladies in Europe Show
Thrift in 1Ctilizing Old Gowns.
Gift chairs are a fad among cer-
tain women of fashion in Europe.
Dainty designs aro chosen and
carved from rosewood, white wal-
nut, or birch, and they are covered
with silk brocade, which has a per-
. zonal significance to the receiver.
Queers Alexandra has had a set of
small gilt chairs made for each of
her 'grandchildren, and each is up-
holstered in silk, velvet, or brocade,
which served the 'Queen on state
occasions. Almost all ;leo parts of
opera cloaks or outside wraps of
Queen Alexandra, who delights
in gifts of the possessions of her
husband, Edward VII., has had
several footstools covered with fur
sleigh robes or small personal fur
rugs for various faithful friends of
the monarch.
The idea of covering chairs with
parts of gowns has hang been a
favorite keepsake device of .91ee11
Alexandra, and also of her sister,
the Dowager Empress of Russia.
:doth royal ladies .have, for yeast
exchanged chairs and cushions for
Ion)lges and kr dressing tables
Made from scraps of hall gowns and
soon ing oo'veriu'gs,
Thin, Watery Blood Loads to a
Breakdown in Health.
Thin, impure blood is an invita-
tion to sickness. The blood is at
work day and night to maintain the
health and any lack of strength or
purity in the blood is a weakness in
the defense against disease, Aiiae-
t is is the clocbor's name for lack
of blood -watery blood: There may
be an actual loss in the quantity
of the blood, or one or more of its
constituents may lie lacking. The
surest symptom of anaemia is pal-
lor. The trouble is particularly
common among young girls between
the ages of fourteen and eighteen,
but it is also found in women of all
ages, and quite frequently at-
tacks mon. It is nearly al-
ways present and prevents re
covery after grippe, fevers, ma•
laria, and operations and for this
reason a tonic medicine is required
in all those cases to enrich the
blood, build up the nerves and re-
store health and strength. And
there is no other tonic as good as
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, as has
been proved in thousands and thou-
sands of cases, among them that of
Miss Annie Turner, Marie Joseph
Post Office, N.S., who says: -"Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills have been of
inestimable benefit to me. I was
so badly run down that I could
hardly go about, was net able to
help in the work about the house.
As my health grew worse the trou-
ble brought on some species of fit,
and when these attacks would come
on I would sometinfhs remain un-
conscious for half an hour. After
many other medicines had failed to
help ane, my brother got me a sup-
ply of Dr. Williams' Pick Pills and
I began taking these. In the
course of a few weeks I felt much
better, and after taking the Pills
for a time longer I was again in the
full enjoyment of good health. I
feel that I cannot praise Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills too highly and I
recommend them to all weak girls."
You can get these Pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
When the Panama Canal is open-
ed the sea passage from New York
to all American ports north of the
Isthmus of Panama will be reduced
by 8,413 miles.
Relief for Suffering Everywhere.
-He whose life is made miserable
by the suffering that comes from in-
digestion and has not tried Parme-
lee's Vegetable Pills does not know
how easily this formidable foe can
he dealt with. These pills will re-
lieve where others fail. They are
the result of long and patient
stn 'y and aro confidently put for-
ward as a sure corrector of disor-
ders of the digestive organs; from
which so many suffer,
The mere fact that you are not
having a good time while you are
young won't necessarily keep you
out of the county infirmary when
you get old.
Ash for Minard's andat ke no other.
"Women are certainly the mental
superiors of us mon."
"What makes you say that?"
"Seeing my wife spank the baby,
read a book and carry on a conver-
sation with her mouth full of hair-
pins all at the same time."
SA M Covered
ith Eruption
N. Demi
Tried Many Remedies 3 or 4 Years.
Cutloura Soap and Ointment Cured.
A Quebec man, N. Henri Tardit, of St.
Casimir, writes in a letter dated Mar. 81, 1911:
"1 hxd a very bad skin, all covered with
eruption, eight years ago, T have had ail of
both my shoulders covered with it, and the
high part of my arms, and my face, but it
was the worst on my aheouieers, I tried many
ditterent remedies to cure it, but nothing was
any good. At last 1 wont to an apothecary.
130 asked me if I bad ever used °taticura
Soap and Ointment, 5 told him no, and I
bought a box of Cutloura Ointment and a
cake of Cutloura Soap. I used three boxes
of Cutloura Ointment, but I am glad of
the same, for Cutloura Soap and Ointment
completely cured me of my skin eruption
I spread tho Codeine Ointment on all my
sora parts, and I think that in washing my
tee) with tho Cutloura soap, it hindered my
eruption from itching and burning. I triad
many remedies during three or four years
but Outloure Soap and Ointment cured ,nod'
(Sifted) N, Henri 'ramie1lh,oure Soap and Ointment aro' fold
throughont the World, but to those who
have Sufferedmuch, lost hope and aro with-
Out faith is any trsatnicn't a liberal Semple
Of each with re 52.11. booklet on the skin
and 'scalp will be mailed free on application,
Address Potter. Drug 6e ehom, Corp., LO
A4 4,, Boston, W. S..1.
Sight Lost After Seven. They Can
Distinguish Objects.
Curious data have boen gathered
abroad with reference to the
dreams of the blind, It appears
that all droams of normal persons
are sight dreams, and that a dream
is spoken of as a vision. 1£ the
blind have nob been barn so, it is
said they may remember enough of
what they have seen to enable
them to imagine haw things look,
and, when the imagination has free
play in sleep, to picture themselves
as in full possession of tho sense, of
Physiologists •would explain this,
remarks a writer in Harper's Week-
ly, by saying that during the years
in which the subjects possessed the
sense of sight a certain part of tlio
brain had become educated to re-
ceive and 'interpret all these mes-
sages which the eye :sends, and that
when this part of the brain acts
spontaneously in sleep the person
dreams of seeing.
Of some two Hundred blind per-
sons of both sexes who were ques-
tioned, it was found that talose who
became blind before their fifth year
never dreamed of seeing. Of those
whose, sight was lost between the
fifth and seventh year some did and
some did not see in their dreams,
while all whose eyesight was lost
after the seventh year had quite as
vivid dream visions as normally en-
dowed persons.
The fifth to the seventh year is
thus shown to be the critical period.
This period corresponds with the
age which authorities assign as the
limit at which a child becoming deaf
will also become dumb, and also
with the age of one's earliest con-
tinuous memory of oneself.
It is interesting to note that blind
persons dream quite as frequently
as normal people, and that with
these who ,do not see in their
dreams, hearing plays the principal
part. When dreaming of home, for
instance, they will hear the voices
of relatives, and perhaps will feel
the familiar objects in the house-
A mother who has once used
Baby's Own Tablets for her little
one never fails to show her plea-
sure at the result. She at once rea-
lizes that they are the ideal medi-
cine for baby -being absolutely
safe and free from injurious drugs
and at the same time a sure etre
for all the little ills from which
babies suffer. Mrs. P. Theriault,
Pacquetvillo, N. B., writes :-
"Please send mo another box of
Baby's Own Tablets. I was ex-
tremely pleased with the last. My
baby was greatly troubled with con-
stipation and vomiting, but the
Tablets quickly cured her." Tho
Tablets are sold by medicine deal-
ers or by mail at -25 cents a box
from Thea -Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Dogs are being employed by the
Austrian customs authorities to
hunt down smugglers. They are a
cross between a greyhound and a
wolf, and are trained to detect per-
sons endeavoring to cross the fron-
tier with contraband by attacking
the dogs employed by them. The
smugglers' dogs have shown them-
selves of great use in carrying
packets of contraband and eluding
the revenue officers at the .outposts.
Now they aro being hunted and
killed by the customs dogs, which
afterward lead customs officials to
the trail. The, smugglers trained
their dogs by a course of whipping
on ono side of the frontier and feed-
ing on the other. Then the dog -
usually a comparatively small ani-
mal -was fitted with the skin of a
larger dog, usually a poodle, and
the space, between filled with sac-
charin,, tobacco or other contra-
Bridgeville, N. S.
"For twenty years I have been troubled
with Kidney and Bladder Trouble, and
have been treated bymany doctors, but
found little relief, I had given up all
hope of getting cured when I tried Gin
Pills. Now, I eau say with a happy heart
that I was cured.
Write us for free sample of Gin Pills to
try. Then get the regular oleo bone at
your dealers, or direct from us -50c. a box,
6 for $2.50. Motley refunded if Gin Pills
fail to sura National Drug Si Chemioal
Co. of oanada, Limited, Dept. W.14„
Clerk (to woman who has fingered
over everything in the store with-
out buying anything) --"Excuse me,
madam, but aro yotl shopping
hero "
Cust1omer - "Certainly. What,
would I be doing?"
Clerk -"I thought perhaps you
might be taking an inventory."
Ono Gleam of Hope. -Wife -
"Dearest, if you and I were thrown
on a desert island what would you
dol" Husband -"Thank heaven, I
can swim."
]3o sure you understand a subject
before you talk about it --then you
can out out most of your talk.
Keep Mlilard'e Liniment in tale house,
Could Not Work all Summer, and
Doctor Failed to Help, but Cure
Was Quick When He Used Dodd's
Kidney 1911s.
Benton, N.B., May 13 (Special),
-Bordering on the miraculous is
the cure al John McElroy, a young
man well-known here, He was suf-
fering from heart trouble and was
so bad that all last summer he was
not able to do ea day's work.
Docld's Kidney Pills cured him. In
telling the story of his cure, Mr.
McElroy says:
"I went to a doctor who said I
had palpitation, but his medicine
did not seem to reach the spot. I
suffered for over a year and all last
summer 1 was not able to do a
day's work,' My sleep was broken
and unrefreshing. I felt heavy and
sleepy after meals and I was always
tired and nervous, I perspired
freely with the least exertion.
"After I had finished taking the
doctor's medicine, and as I felt no
batter, I read in an almanac what
Dodd's Kidney Pills could do and
made up my mind to try them, Bo -
fore I had finished the first box I
felt different, and by the time the
second was half gone I was working
in the woods and doing good work."
Woman's Industrial Council of
London Start Investigation.
The Woman's Industrial Council
of London, England, is just now
grappling with a solution of the do-
mestic servant problem. To gain
reliable information on the subject
they have addressed a series of
questions to employers of house ser-
vants, asking about their . require-
ments, what they are willing to pay,
what they expect to obtain in the
way of service, what working con-
ditions they provide, and what their
troubles with servants have been,
Another series of questions have
been addressed to domestics, ask-
ing about their experience at ser-
vice, as follows:
1 -Did you have any training be-
fore you went to your first place?
2 -How long have you been in
3 -What are your wages?
4 -How much free time have, you
each day (1) out of the house, (2) im
the house?
5 -How much free time have you
on Sundays (1) out of the house, (2)
in the house?
0 -Have you a bed to yourself?
7 -How long holidays have you in
the year?
8 -Arc your wages paid during
your holidays?
9 -Why did you go into service?
10 -Would you advise any young
friend to go into service? If not,
why not.
Nearly all children are subject to
worms, and many are born with
them. Spare them suffering by us-
ing Mother Graves' Worm Exter-
minator, the best remedy of the
kind that can be had.
If it's the unexpected that always
happens, it's a wonder we don't get
to expect it.
It Rubs Pain Away, -There is no
liniment so efficacious in overcom-
ing pain as Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil. The hand that rubs it in rubs
the pain away and an this account
there is no preparation that stands
so high in public esteem. Thera is
no surer pain -killer procurable, as
thousands can attest who have used
it successfully in treating many ail-
De Broke -"Very sorry, but I
can't pay you to -day. My shoe-
maker has just been here, and—"
Tailor -"Yes, 1 know, Just met
him on the stairs. You told him you
couldn't give him anything because
you expeotod your tailor. Hors's
the bill."
Teacher - "Why, Willie, these
problems are all wrong! What is
the trouble?"
Willie -"I dunno. I worked aw-
ful hard before I could even get
'em wrong."
J0I) 4
Oriental Maidens Weave Their
Thoughts Into Carpet.
The little cottage Oriental rugs
often made by girls who are shortly
to bo married, in Turkey, Persia,
on the Armenian plateau and in Af-
ghanistan, carry with them all the
poetry and mysticism of the, Orien-
tal girl's naiad, as she is, just bud-
ding into womanhood.
She weaves into the rugs almost
her very ..thoughts -so much is the
rug-weavng a part of the Oriental
life, and se little is it a purely com-
mercial pursuit, Time is not count-
ed of value in the East when rugs
are made. Consequently, Ameri-
cans have found it impossible to
compete with the Orientals in the
manufacture of these practically
everlasting products.
In some parts of the -Oriental -rug.
countries, it is considered wrong to
have the rugs 'seen in the making
by Christians, If such an accident
occurs, and one from the western
world views one of the rugs, the
workman offaehs the suspected by
weaving a small white spots in the
rug, to keep away the "evil eye."
' ,Sometimes, when the rug is not -
made for sale, but as -the dowry of
some girl at the time of her mar-
riage, and when 'something inau-
spicious had happened, a little
break is left in the border of the
rug. by which it is hoped that the
devil may escape from the, house-
hold. Were the border continuous,
the Orientals believe that the devil
would run around and around the
rug and never leave the house.
Tolls How It Cured His Wife's
Bad Sore.
Rev. Henry J. Munton, of Black -
folds, Alta., writes: "My wife. had
a very Baca sore foot, which it seem-
ed impossible to get anything to
heal, The sore would heal to a
certain point and then fester again,
and so on. I procured a box of
Zam-Buk, and after persevering
with this herbal balm for some
time the sore was completely
"I have since recommended Zaln-
Buk to several of my parishioners,
and it always gives satisfaction."
Another instance in which Zam-
Buk proved of unequalled value is
told by Mr. N. L. Gerry, of Bran-
don, Man. He says: "I had my
left foot run over by a waggon load-
ed with wheat. The foot was very
badly crushed, and my little toe
and the next toe were laid open. I
applied Zam-Buk, and only had to
miss work for two days. Zam-Buk
healed the wound so quickly that
on the third day I was able to put
on my boot and walk to my work.
In a very short time my toes were
quite healed, and the foot is now
as sound as ever, thanks to Zam-
Just as good for chronic sores,
ulcers, piles, blood poison, burns,
scalds, eruptions, eczema, and all
skin injuries and diseases. 50c.
box at all druggists and stores, or
Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Try Zam-
Buk Soap, too, Ole. per tablet,
Mrs. Kawler-"So your daughter
is in Paris having her voice culti-
vated. Does she intend to enter
professional life?" Mrs. Blunderby
-"Oh, yes, indeed. She is study-
ing to be a, belladonna."
A Purely Vegetable Pill. -The
chief ingredients of Parmelee's Ve-
getable Pills aro mandrake and
dandelion, sedative and purgative,
and have a most healthful effect
upon the secretions of the digestive
organs. The dyspeptic and all who
suffer from liver and kidney ail-
ments will find in these pills the
most effective medicine in concen-
trated form that has yet been offer-
ed to the suffering.
Nautical -"I hear Jones the sea
captain is in hard luck. He mar-
ried a girl and she ran away from
him." "Yes, he took her for a
mate, but she was a skipper."
When Year Eyes Need Care
Try Marine Parc Remedy. No Smarting—Feels
Vine -Acts Quickly. Try it for Reil, Weak,
Watery .Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus-
trated Book to each Package. Mauriac is
unmpounded by our Oculists—not n'Talent Mod -
Wino" —but used In 9aocessfnl Physicians' Pram
ties for many roots. Now dodleatod to the POb-
1 and sold by Drnygists at ice and 60a nor nettle.
Murtha ityo salvo to Aseptic Tahoe, 2fia and No
Marino Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Ono interested listener an orator
hag in himself.
Minard's Liniment Used by Physicians.
Lady (to shoe dark) "I should
like to gat at pair of shoes."
Clerk -- "Yes, ma'am. What
size ?"
Lady -"Size three."
Clerk -"Yes, mat'am, Just let me
measure your foot."
Lady "But I told you the size."
Clerk -- "Yes, ma'am; but we
have 'throe sizes of size three -size
throe for a size. three foot, size
thee° for a sine four foot, and size
three for a size five foot."
Army statistics for last year show
that there were only four foreigners
In the &itiga Arley,
l.\valeeme\' eesela\*e+\raexes ^\"AVM' 1
IZetei\ac'n\nv5,b "t4,S\Vt\
di- oto ilk
Por Fi.l L i phi shtppiye,r earache.
bj !9 d lY� lr•r and Catarrhal Paver.
Sure cure and positive preventive, no matter how horses at any ago are
infected or "exposed,. Liquid, given= the tongue, acts on the Blood and
Glands, creole the poisonous germs tram the body, Curse Distemper in Dogs.
and Sheep, and Cholera in Poultry. t.argest gelling live stock remedy. Cares
La Grippe among human beings and is a fine kidney remedy sac and ix u
bottle; 96 and err a dozen, Cot this opt, Keep. it. Shaw Si to yonr druggist,
who will get it for ycu, Free Booklet. "Distemper, Cauaou and Cures."
SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists end bacteriologists, SOSIITS, IND., UyL a,
$1.00 PER HOUR
This le what yen can make)
!' selling 'Evergrip" Clidint'
Casters, Many of our
agents are making more
Every home. ebureit. hotel, barber shop
a customer. 200 per cent. profit. Full
sample set and agents terms sent for
10 cents. We want a gond agent in
CO., Suite 111, Mali Bldg., Toronto.
Protect --- Preserve —Beautify
Samples and Booklets on Application
1874) Bathurst Street TORONTO
r r,
Awry, Tha Arta course
may be taken by
but students deals
Ing to graduate
must attend one
Short Course for
Teachers and gen-
eral students July
Both to 3ut.
For calendars write
the Registrar
Kingston, Ont.
Arts Summer
July 3 to Aug• 17
Mother -!`Louise, you must not
slam down your doll in her crib like
that. It is just as easy to Iey her
down quietly."
Louise -"It ain't when you're
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery
Cordial is a speedy cure for dysen-
tery, diarrhoea, cholera, summer
complaint, sea sickness and com-
plaints incidental to children teeth-
ing. It gives immediate relief to
those suffering from the effects of
indiscretion in eating unripe fruit,
cuotunbers, etc. It acts with won-
derful rapidity and never fails to
conquer the disease. No .one need
fear cholera if they have a bottle of
this medicine convenient.
"Do you always keep a -smiling
about your daily duties?"
"New; I look grouchy all the
time. Then I ain't asked to do no
extra work."
I cured a horse of the Mange with
I cured a horse, badly torn by a pitch
St. Peter's, 0. B. EDW. LIN1,IEP.
I cured a Marge of n bad swelling by
Bathurst, N..13.
Better a night worker than a day
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend.
A friend may be a person who
wants you to work for him for noth-
ing and board yourself.
Wily suffer from corns when they
can be painlessly rooted out by
lasing Holloway's Corn Cure:
"I try to do my duty," said the
exceedingly sincere person, "and I
do not hesitate to remind others of
their duty."'
"Go ahead," replied the easy-go-
ing citizen. "You may prove to be
a very useful member of society.
But when you get through you'll
have about as many sincere friends
and admirers as an alarm clock,"
Tread softly
Step safely.
Embody the patented features
of Cat's Paw Heels. 150
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street,
Lid buy beanciful hundred acres in
Nortltttmherland County, including Stock
and Implements. There is in the stook
4 horses, 10 cows, etc. This 11( a soap, and
can be had on easy terms. Possession at
Vf Halton, Peel, York, Durham, North-
umberland, Prince Edward counties at
reasonable prices.
t3 Manitoba laude in large or small
l� Niagara Frnit Belt.
H. W. DAWSON, Toronto.
County -Soil, clay loam; frame
house, barn and granary. Priori $1,660.
W111 exchange for oity, town or village
property or for larger farm. Western
Reel Estate. London.
15. and Clerks in great demand through-
out Ontario and North West. Six months
will (leerily you. Day and Mail coureee.
Positions secured, Free Book 18 explains.
Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto.
if 'AY and FARM 80ALE8. Wlleon'e
EL Scale works. 9 Esplanade. Toronto.
ternal and external, cured without
Pain by our home treatment. Write us
before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co..
Limited. Collingwood. Ont.
Bogle. Worke, 9 Esplanade, Toronto.
1C.91 Farmers, Hotels, Factories, Mines.
Boats. 139 Front West, Toronto. Tele.
phone, Adelaide 855.
Men's Suits
Best Work in Canada. Gold Medalist
P. 0. BOX. 233. MONTREAL
filhen buying your Piano
insist on having an
Piano Actiot\
tdiaypoie Soap
Washes and dyes et
one operation, giv-
ing remarkably
clean, bright, fast
colora,Dyes cotton,
wool, silk or mix-
tures. 24 colors,
will give any shade.
Colors 10c, black
15e at your dealer's
orpostp d with b'k-
lel "Flow to Dye'
Irom p, L, BENEDICT & CO. Montreal
Keep Flies
Off Your Cattle
Ueo Cow•Comfort to improve the con.
ditlon rind yield of your cows: $2 per
gallon. Freight paid, (Dilute with 4
gallons of water, reducing the price t0
40o. Dor gal).
Agents wanted everywhere,
Write for terms and ptmphlcts.
SAPHO MFC. CO., Montreal,
-0N TES -
110,100 Toone
From Now York Nov. 12, 1912,
Froin San Francisco Fab, 27,1913
viiii Mndeitat Spain, hair, Esiffpt,
ludic Ceylon, Strode Setllomenb, JeVa,
Pell hi iota, China, hose, Sandwick
bleed., with 0vedaedd AmeiconTout,
OPTIONAL 1 00 buys in Leda
TOURS 1•i Dort Waren
Duration 110 Days (racer
indudiaa0 pII nee«
p onuty exd
nla,ard ed a2natd.
",4e5 noon., CmaltrYlo hot Mede the
Wilk lot :booklet
41.45 BROADWAY. 'N.Y.
or Oscan $teanttlllp A5endy,
5 YOngo St„ Toronto, Canada,