The Brussels Post, 1912-5-23, Page 1Oat VOL, 40 NO, 47 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1912 W. H. KERR, Proprietor New Advertisements Rodake-E R. Smith. tth, Money lost - POST. County Oounal-W, Hale, Ouff link found -Tl. POST. Moyole torenI -3, 3. Agnew. Teacher wanted -A,. D. Grant.. Warmer weather A, t3MvahaBulo Berl am service -John lSinclai . Servant r wanted ke. Sinclair. Rog for service -Luke cru 0'e , W iI Notice to argdibora-Fred, F, Wilson, Corn Sing Spreader -N. S, MoLnuohlln. first xxt ra Belgrave Several from this locality attended Maitland Presbyterial at Wroxeter on Tuesday. Trinity church talks of holding a Garden Party on June 25th on the spacious grounds of Garner Nichol- son, 4th line, which he has kindly of- fered for the occasion. rut titerP at • 'tt. rs again. c I a u Molesworth Hugh Elliott has returned from the West. Misses Elliott, Thistle and McDonald Sundayed with Miss Annie Robertson. W. and Mrs. Coates, of Trowbridge, •Id e g, with Thomp- son. n ed i + w Mr, and Mrs. hot - P son. The young ladies are very much pleased to see George Newton back again. A fere changes in the teaching staff of the neighboring school, will occur at mid.Summer. Miss Johnson and Miss M. Thomp- son and Alex. spent Sunday with Molesworth friends. Oranbrook A. Reymann ie getting ready for cutting fence slats. Mrs. Raddatz and daughter, Bar- bara, are visiting in Berlin. DMiss Dora Watson, of Belgrave, spent Sunday with Miss Muriel Spare. ingg Otto Schnook has been appointed Patiimaster for beab East of Oran - brook. Cranbrook stores will close on Fri- day afternoon except from 4 to 8 o'clock, Will. Baker has engaged with his uncle, G. Baker, to work at mason- ing this Sumner. Rev. D. B. McRae and Wm. Camer- on attended the Presbytery meeting in Wroxeter on Tuesday. The Women's Missionary Society sent a largo delegation to the Con- vention in Wroxeter on Tuesday. Wroxeter Rev. M. Lindsay returned to New- bury nn Tuesday. Miss May Hogg, of llowick, spent Sunday with Mrs. Thos. Savage. Miss Bessie Ritchie returned from Galt on Saturday where she ha8 spent several weeks. John Stewart and Miss Jean Stewart visited for several days recently with friends in Toronto. Wm. Sanderson, of Toronto, is the guest of his parents, W. I3. and ibirs. Sanderson, of Turnberry. Arrangements are being made for a good day's program of sports to be held here on July 1st. At a recent meeting the following officers were appointed :—Pres., W. E. VanVelsor ; Vice Pres., Harry Brawn ; Sec.-Treas., D. McTavish ; Oolle otors, W. J. Mather and W. Rutherford. Ina its 1 of the rust weather P e r there was1 alarge attendance when the test P yCerial of Maitland met here on Tuesday. At 10 a. m. a devotional meeting was held by the W. F. M. S. led by Mrs. James Rae. Miss Thomp- son, of India, gaveati address in the afternoon and Rev. A, 11. Armstrong, assistant Seel etery of Missluus in the evening. v n. g Blyth Dat TAI WELL.—Dr. Nelsoal Tait, of Toronto, formerly t U Blyth, 3 Lh who u U has been suffering from blood poisoning contracted aftee an opera- tion had twooints of his left fore- finger removed Sunday morning and is reported by the doctor who has been attending him as getting along very comfortably, The congregation of St, Andrew's Presbyterian church, Hespeler, has unanimously decided to extend a call to Rev. J. L. Small, pastor of St. Andrew's church, Blyth, to fill the pulpit made vacant by the removal of Warmer Weather We are now well prepared with an excellent range of seasonableoods for the Summer trace. Our stock is large and well assorted and we invite your atten- tion to the completeness of the ranges shown. —x— The most papillae lines in Dress Goods, Silks, foulards, Voiles, Mullins, Ginghams, &c. —x— A full stock of Kiel, Silk and Lisle Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear. Special values and a large selec- tion of new goods in Ou stain Nets, Muslims, Madras and Lace Curtains. —x— Our Staple Department is com- plete with a full rouge and beet values in Cottonades, Shirtinge, Grey and White Cottons, Sheet- ings, Pillow Cottons, Toweliugs, Tablings, &ic, —x— Men's and Boys' Suits, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars and Boots. —x— Our aim is to present a choice assortment of the tnosb correct goads and best values to be batt, pr -June Standard Patterns and Fashion Sheets now to hand. AiStrachan Rev, A. J. Stewart to Kew Beach, Rev. kir. Small ht es peenb t as or of t 1 P e Blyth (Meech for h tiel nr ten cava and well y enc is known and appreciated in this coun- ty, Huron Presbytery will meet at Clinton t r l 4 i not ica of 1 t week to deal Y it, r v 1 the call. I1. A B1eiu DLnrON8TRATaoN is to held in the apiary of Alfred 13, Oarr, Blyth, Friday, May 31st, commencing at one o'clock sharp. The purpose of this denionstratiou is eo explain the nature of Foul Vinod and show how bo cure 11, talso how to save the,. rax from the combs by means of the wax press. The Inspector of Apiaries will take charge of the proceedings, assisted by sncressful local beekeepers. Be sure to come and bring your neighbors. Ladies specially invited. If you are mit a beekeeper please tell all your friends who are, Moncrieff Miss E. Luaus has been engaged as teacher for h c the �nuc� x111 tie school n ti's oo for the ensuing year at a salary of $550. Listowel Listowel defeated Wingham on Saturday afteeuoon by the close score of 1-0 in the first Hough Chip contest. The name was played under very un- favorable weether conditions before as large crowd. Saturdaywas the bwelfth time Listowel hadefeated challengers for this renowned cup. Both teams were veryevenly matched and it was about the middle of the second half before either team scored. J. M. McCutcbeou, of Stratford, ref- ereed the game to the sebisfaction of till, The following is the schedule for In- terinOdiete districb No. 5, W. F. A. May 29—Poole at Listowel. June 3—Listowel at Milverton. 10—Milverton at Poole. 17—Poole tet Milverton, 24—Listowel at Poole. 28—Milverton cat Listowel. The following schedule has been arranged for the Atwood -Walkerton district in the Junior series of the W. F. A.:— May 81—Atwood at Walkerton, June 7—Walkerton at Atwood. ' 10—Atwood at Walkerton. 14—Walkerton at Atwood. Jamestown J. and Mrs. quit were visiting rela- tives in Howick township, Mrs. D. McDonald went to Wrox- eter on Tuesday to the Maitland Presbyterirl held. there. James MclJwen and daughter Ger- aldine, of Goderich, were here during the past week for a visit. A fine specimen of Percheron stal- lion has been purchased by Nelson Hayden, of this locality, from Kidd Bros., of Listowel. The horse was imported from France and is called Incident (82,586.) His route is given in this issne of Tim POST. WOrvfIIN's INSTITUTE,— Jamestown Branch of the Women's Institute held their Anneal Meeting in Victoria Hall last Thursday afternoon, 10th inst. Considering the wet weather the attendance was very good. Secretary's report for the closing year was read which showed favor- able progress and a neat cash balance on hand. Matters of importance to the I iistituts were discussed and the newly elected officers for the coming year were as follows :-. Presidenb, Mrs. D, M. Miller ; Vice -Pres., Mrs. A. Bryans ; Secy. -Treat:, Miss Flossie Scott ; Directors, Mrs. Thomas Smith and Dirs. John Cn ' tL, District Dir. eetot Mrs. Thomas n as Smith Aud- itors, itora Mrs .Duncan McDonald and Mrs. Robt. Homilton. A hearty vote of .thanks was tendered the re- tiring President and Secretary, Misses M. Stead= and I, Bryans, for their Sold Only by Truly.., a stylish and nobby effect i ; . c :n an= Oxford. Af co m citable least too. . ,-. A heavy seller Mg DE Canada. C. Dunford reivammisigiebansusiesamossembeasammteggeo Tailor and n Furnisher, Brussels yetices. Meeting closed with the National Anthem. Nextee w k J' no. Cott and his sister, Mrs, 'T, Mel.wen will leave for a holi- day visit of 6 or 0 weeks with relatives in the Weal. The latter 1 8 u las sons out there twoof them 4 L v ern beingat Prince Pti Albert. J. E. (Joombes, formerly of this locality, is now a resident of Saskatoon where Mr. Cult and Mrs, McEwen will also put in part of the time. Btuevale Joseph Burgess, of Woodstock, visited at his home here recently. Miss May Powell, of Turnberry, is at present visiting friends in Btuevale. Miss Nellie McNaughton, of Turn - berry, visited. at Wm. Maxwell's recently. Mrs. Russell Andrew, of Wroxeter, spent the week -end at the borne of S. Paul's. Mrs. Hothridge and daughter, Bella left for Hamilton recently, where l w e they will reside in the future. Roy Patton has been relieving Jos. Masters as G. T. R. agent. Mr, blas- ters is confined to his home through illness. - W aiton Rev. La kl nc M•, t t a i attended Dis- trict •t m e elm at Clinton this week. CORNER STONie LAYING.—A grand Corner Stone laying of Duff's church, Walton, will be held on Friday, May 2411i, at 2 o'clock p. in. Rev. Dr. 11. P. McKay, of Toronto, Moderator of the Presbyterian church in Canada, has been invited t0 perforin the ceremony, Addresses are erected from Revels. Messrs. TticLean, Ripley ; Wishart, Brussels ; Ferguson, Bel - grave ; Lackland, - Walton ; Small, Blyth • Pearcy, Londeeboro; Oars - well, Winthrop ; Larkin, Seaforth ; Shaw, Egmondville ; and McRae, of Oranbrook. Also from Messrs, W. Proudfoot, M. P. P. ; J. Bowman, M. P. ; A. Hislop ; T. McMillan ; J, J. Merner, M. P. ; W. H,. Kerr ; and Reeves Livingstone, Shottreed and Govenlock. Music by the choir. Special offering will be taken. Sup- per served by the ladies from 5 to 7.30 p, m. Refreshment Booths, games and sports. All welcome. An excel- lent concert in A. O. W. Hall at 8 p. m. under auspices of the Walton Bible Plass, .A. good program by. home talent, assisted by Miss Sinclair, Mr. Higgins and Mr. and Mrs. Fulton, of Brampton ; Miss Whitfield, of Union ; Mr. McDonald, of Oranbrook ; and Miss Harrison, of Moncrieff. Everybody welcome. Rev, R. A. Lundy will be the chairman. Ethel FLODR AND 2iED.--duet arrived a ear of each of feed wheat, oats and bran and shorts. A stook will be kept on hand and may be had at the elevator at the G. T. R. or at my house. A car of cement on hand. W. 0. Semmes. Ethel, Council meeting here next Monday, lyh's. Jacob Kreuter and Jack are holidaying at Detroit. bliss Grace Eckmier is visiting her brother Harris, of the Standard Bank, at, Ailsa Craig. She will also visit Stratford friends. Rev. Mr. Newcombe, of Clinton, formerly of Ethel, is again able to be about after a somewhat severe illness and his daily walks ars rapidly build- ing him up. R. J. Mills has purchased the Mrs. Gill property between Ethel and the station and with his family has taken possession. He will make a number n improvements, f Mr Mill ' t s sot Thomas, has leased e th homestead, meat ad North of Ethel. The ladies of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society of Ethel Presby- terian church were disappointed in not being able to get to Wroxeter to the Oonvetion last Tuesday owing to the rain and muddy roads. Tuesday of this week the first ship- ment of 30 boxes of cheese for 1912 was made from Ethel factory. D. M. Scott, of Ingersoll, was the buyer at 18e cents per pound. Prospects • are good both for make and market which will be good news for the patrons. Miss Haddock, who a couple of years of so ago spent some months with her aunt, Mrs, D. Eckmier, in Clinton, has passed her final examina- tion at the Brandon hospital and was awarded a silver medal.. The exami- ners reported that Nurse Haddock's papers were of a very high' order re- flectiug much diligent study. Following are the alms for Ethel Women's Institute for the coming. term :—President, Mrs. (Dr,) Fet n - son ; Vice -President, Mrs. J, Cole ; Secretary -Treasurer, Miss L. Hall. An interesting program has been mapped out that cannot fail to aronse interest among the ttretnbers. IF you are not a member you should join at Once. TEAOH ,L'R TEAM/MG.—The following are the results of the Teacher Teeth- ing Class in connection with the Methodist Sunday Sehonl on the new Testament : Mary McLelland 82, Ida Cole 85, Mrs. S. 5. Cole 00, Carrie Sanders 69, Lizzie Hall 78, Mrs. Wm. Sletmnon 89, Jack Slemmon 94, Rnbt. McKay 85, Charlie lIansauld 07, Edith Milne 87, Russell Love 77, Beatrice Bateman 90, 0, EdmineItnl 91. At the Quarterly Official Boatel of the .Ethel circuit, which )net recently, vary gratifying reports Were made from ell departments of the church's work, the year just closed being one of the hest in 11ist0r y of the church. Present total membership is 286, an c incretase of 28. In all departtuents of 1 finance a very substantial increase h Was reported with indications (Inutile. ed prosperity. Missions general bund $870, Missions W, 111. S. $168, Eduea- tlonal $40, Counexional $88, Sabbath 1 School Aid and xt h or D er yt ) $22,Tem- perance and Mural Reform 10 Do- minion lk $ , minion Alliance $50, China Famine. •& ` /►�•,i6,.o.,.e,®-fie I Oh girth Chimes Sports in Brussels Do Victoria Day' riwit hdrawo rr Owing to the long continued rain leaving Victoria Park unfit for ball games the Committee have. decided to withdraw the program of Sports arranged for Victoria Day but hope to put it Ion later. Sorry but it cannot be helped. Union—J. K. Baker and W. Whit• field. Roe's—J. Ames and R.e- a ra s n. siDis ric o t t visior — t s. Ethel—1VIre. W. Simmer). Mrs, W. Hall and S, Chambers. Thelon,— Mrs. T. Whit- field, Mrs. W. Whitfield and Mrs. J. K. Baker. Roe's,—Miss L. Bryans, 14lise L. Jackson and John Pearson. Local Preachers and Exhorters, Robt. bleKa,Y, Geo. Bateman, R. 3.Mills, s , Melvin 1 vin S emanon and Alex, Kerr. W, E. Sanders was elected Recording Steward and John Bryans to attend the District meeting at Teeswater. The circuit is enjoying a good measure of prosperity and face the new Con- ference year with every prospect of a good year. The pastor, Rev. D. Wren, has been very cordially invited to return for a third year and hat, ac- cepted the invitation subject to the approval of the Stationing Committee. Leadbury Mrs. Sarah Hewitt was calling on old friends on the 12th and relating past experiences. A. Knechtel, Forester in Domin- ion Government, was visiting his brother for a day last week. Jas. and Mrs. Dennison are visiting at the parental home of the former. Mr. Dennis is an employee of the O. P. R. office department and has been transferred from Ayr to Orillla which place he goes to after afew holidays. The Sunday schools at Leadbury and Bethel have been organized for the Summer months, John Scarlett act- ing as Superintendent of the former and Thos. Leeming jr. for the latter. With plenty of life and earnest en- thusiasm each place should be inetrn- mental in moulding the minds of the young making better citizens for this rising nation. Morris Township Council will meet next Monday. It will be Court of Revieion also. Mrs. Joseph Smith, 0th line, who was visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Oaldbick, at Cobalt, has arriv- ed back home. While playing on Monday at school, Alvin Badgley bad the mis- fortune to fall and put his shoulder out of joint. We hope he will soon be o. k. A letter from John Jackson, -Wawa Hill, Sask., formerly .2 this township, says "Dverybody is well around here and getting along well with seed- ing." Many old friends about here hope Messrs. Jaokson will have a bum- per cro On Satp. urday, June 8111 the electors will be asked to vote on the Bridge By - Law Law wherebY the 4 t t e Council ask authority n borrow t bo t a w 23 000 on 20 Y $, year debentures to be spent in build• ing bridges and making improvements to same. Polis will be open from 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. at the custornery muni- cipal polling places, with the regu- lar Deputy Returning officers. It is likely a good vote will be polled, RUNAWAY AoonmiNT.—W B. Wil- kinson, Huron township, former of Morris, hada rather bad accident one day last week, When coming out of his gate bis horse became frightened et au auto, and in his endeavor to cuDLrol the animal, the line broke ; so the horse ran away with Mr. Wilin- son in the rig. It jumped a wire fence of W. 0. Smith's and with the horse nu one side of the fence and the buggy on the other, it was caught. There teas a slight damage dune to both buggy and harness, but neither Mr. Wilkinson not the horse were hurt. Grey A few weddings are near ab hand. Township Council will meet next Al outlay at Ethel. lfiss Jeanie Bell, of Morris, was a visitor with Miss Hazel Rozell, 9th con. Win. Rands, 12th con., has been, laid off work owing to damaged ribs, received by a 11t11, W. 3. and Mrs, Thompson, of St. Augustine, wets' visitors at James Armetrccng's, 10th tun., this week. L. (1110 Mete Wheeler are away to Southampton to visit Russell and lt•Its, Wheeler, their son and daughter- in-law, over the holiday. A young couple living notlmore than tete miles Cionw here, apparently enjoy this wet weather, But if you want 10 kbnw ittote about it ask Bob, Thos. Stevenson, 100 con., arrived home from his Winter's sojourn in California. He thinks the Pacific Coast is the place to escape the cold. Mrs. Grant and MissJean, 14th OD, 1001 a visitors at the manse W ini - tam, for a few days with the former s Pother, Rev, I), Perris, and family. The Tt ustees of S. S. No, 8, Grey, are asking for new teacher after the holidiaya owing to the resignation of Miss Mary McArter. Advertise. nlent may be read in this t oe of n y as lH Poli. Fund $25, pastor's salary $050, Fol 0 Lemieux (Liberal) was elected to lowing were elected as Stewards for the Quebec Legislature by acclamation the coming ye�ar :-»Yllthel,-John Me- in Gaspe, the Conservative catrdidate re - Donald, A, McKee, W. E, Sanders, tiring. Preparatory Service in Melville chnreb an Thursday afternoon of this week at 2.30 o'clock when Bev. D. A. McLean, of Ripley wnllP rt acr, Com- munion muniou mil( be observed on Sunday morning.' Last Sunday Rev, Mr. Wishart dis- coursed on "The Christian's Hope" at the morning service and continued the short series on "'Phe Garden," taking the "Barren lig tree" as his topic in the evening, As a result of the ballot taken for 6 representatives from the congregation of the Methodist church to the Official Board S. Bailey, Dr. Hamilton, W. H. Pryne, S. T. Plum, R, J. Hoover and S. Carter were elected. A membership competition is on the program in connection with the adult organized Bible Class in the Methodist Sabbath School, It will conclude in tbree weeks e s w iib theP robabilitv of a class banquet. F HGilroy and S Bailey are associate teacheas. Among those who attended the Mait- land Presbyterial at Wroxeter on Tues- day from Melville church were Mes- dames Deadman, D. B. Moore, Strach- an, S. C. Wilson, McGuire, Fox, Elliott and A. D. Grant and Misses Jessie Elliott andJch essie Metau 1 iu Rev, Frank E, Powell, rector of Chesley, has been appointed rector of the church of St, Baroabas, Chester, He will assume his duties on June 6. Mr, Powell has done splendid work in Chesley, having built up a strong parish. He was gold medalist in elocution at Huron College, Western University, He is fortunate in having an excellent „helpmate and coworker in Mrs. Powell, who was formerly Miss King, an honor graduate of Trinity University. The reverend gentleman is a son of Reeve Powell, Turnberry. People We Talk About Jno. Elliott bas taken a position in Stratford. B. S, Scott spent the week end at Listowel visiting relatives. Mrs. S, Slemmon, of London, is the guest of Mrs. J, Leckie, ot Kelvin Grove. Mrs. W. A. Grewar is renewing old friendships at Stratford, Hamburg and Waterloo, Postmaster Scott and J. C. Tuck were in Clinton last Friday on a busi- ness trip. Mrs. John Emigh, of Blyth, was a visitor here with Mrs. Will. Einigh, James street. Mrs. Frank Webber land daughter, Eth 1, of Jackson, Mich., are visitors with Mrs. Leckie, Robert Lowe, who went West with e shipment of horses, is back to town and ready for another jaunt. T. 13. MoEwan and Lorne Eckmier visited over Sunday at A. McEwan's, Black Creek, near Stratford. Reeve McKay, of 'Puckersmith, and wife were the guests of A. and Mrs. Smith, John street, for a few days. W. Emigh arrived home from the West Monday evening. He says there has been no shortage of rain out there. Beverly Oaten has been laid up with something akin to sciatica but is great- ly improved now we are pleased to lay. James Maxwell is visiting in Michigan. Rumor has it that he will not come back alone and THE POST hopes it is true. 1. and Mrs. Lawson and Athol Mc- Qusrrie motored from Goderich on Saturday and visited relatives in Brus- sels and locality, c ty, Mrs.oho t s l Hunter has not been as well even as usual during tate past week, She has been confined to bed for the past 4 months we are sorry to state. Charlie McMillan and Misses Rhea Emigh and Vinie Bowman visited relatives at Wingham last Sunday. It was a very wet rain on the way home, jack Leckie arrived home from Varsity Tuesday night and Will. Strachan Wednesday. Both boys have enjoyed the term but will not object to a holiday. Mrs. Voddeu, sister to Mrs. T. Hay - croft, of Brussels, recently underwent a surgical operation at a Wiunipeg hospital for cancer. We hope she will be favored with speedy convalescence. Miss Laura Leatherdate left on Wed- nesdsv for a trip to Winnipeg to visit her brother Will and renew other old friendships We wishher a pleasant stay and a safe return. She was ticket- ed by H, L. Jackson, B and Mrs. Gerry are away to Orono and Toronto on a holiday visit, At the former place a family reunion will take place on Victoria Day. It is 72 years since Mr. Gerry first saw Orouo on landing• from Englaud as a lad, Miss Nellie Ewan met with an acci- dent by which injury was done to two finger nails, She teas opening a gem jar of fruit and took a knife to loosen he rubber hand when it slipped catch- ing the +hails. It was a sore experience. Justice Murphy and Mrs. Murphy, of Vancouver, 8 C.,Renounce the engage- ment of their sister, Mies Violet Camer- on, to James L. Itinerate Barrister, of Goderich, The wedding will take place veru quietly in Toronto in the early part of June. 0, A Deadman is away to Merlin, Kent ('o., in connection with his apiary there, He will be abient for a couple of weeks Mr. Deadman has purchased 30 or 40 colonies of bees and will keep them at his home property here in addi- tion to what helhas at Merlin, ACCIDENT TO LADY.-- Mrs. J. F. Stewart, is Comm avenue, Tol-otito, fell from a moving 'car at Queen and Sorauren avenue, Wednesday of last week, Red sustained a severe nervotis. shock. Mrs. Stewart is a sister to Reeve Leckie, of Brussels, and was a former resident. Many old friends wish her a Speedy recovery. Two sawmills at Bung Inlet owned by Graves, liigwood & Co., were burned, A Russian named Chessick fell from a hanctcur at Loudon, Oet., attd was fatally injured. Archie McK ch 'e, small.boY, was s t drowned a Brampton, Eight motorboats were swept away in the flood at London, Ont, The continuous rains are damaging Toronto marketg ardens. 'Phomas Rowntree, Petetboro' 'oldest citizen, died at the age of 94. Over six hundred degrees will be con- ferred at the University of Toronto con- vocation. J. S, Carstairs, Conservative organ- izer, will accept appointment as in- spector of Customs. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. AN order has been issued by the post- office Department to the effect that no advertisements or notices of any charac- ter may be posted inside or outside of postoffice buildings. THURSDAY of last as waek. J Glover,of Toronto,demonstrated wlrat could be done with a coal oil stove at Wilton & Gi11e spit's hardware store, A goodly company were in attendance and took in tbe practical usefuluess ot the Perfection stove, WNAT about going to Camp at Gode- rich with tbe Volunteers ? There are vacancies in Co, E. fora e Dumb r of young men The pay is from $1o0 a day up and camp opens on June leth and lasts eo days. See or telephone Cola Sergeant McKinnon who can give you other information, Brussels Postomee, Howlett Mu•ru.L,—Owing to the de- mise of James Edgar, one of the pro- moters of the Howick Mutual, it be- came necessary for the Directors tofill the vacancy until the next annual meet- ing. This they did by the appoint- ment of Hugh Edgar, of Howick, a son of the deceased gentleman aforemention- ed. Mr, Edgar should make a useful member at the Board as he is well post- ed on many points owing to his father's long incumbency. Instead of Board meeting on the last Saturday of each month at Gerrie they will in future convene on the 1st Tuesday of the month in the Company's head office, Wroxeter. The change of place is made necessary so as to have at band any documents on file in case of necessity or books of reference which it was found impossible to carry to a meeting ontsioe of Wroxeter. A good Board room is fitted np in the office for theconvetiieece of the Directors and the public generally who may have business to transact, Soars LEAP,YEAR Hurts.—Pick out a fat man, They wear better in the long run and then to they are easier to land. A fat man is tender-bearted and simply cannot refuse an offer of marriage. Never mind the looks. Don't wait until you find a Greek God. Grab off a homely one while the grabbing is good, The homely ones are the ones who bring home the pork chops. If you cannot support the young man in the manner to which he has been accustomed be honest and straightforward about it and tell him so. Never lie to the young mat about your salary for when be learns the truth there is apt to be trouble. Be sure that your approach is all that it should be. Everything depends upon that, When you ask a young man to marry you don't go about it as though you. were ordering a ham sandwich in a one- armed restaurant. Be pleasant and polite about it. Approach him with Met and let him find out your true nature, after it is too late for him to back out. FAREWELL TO Geo. FERGUSON.— Teeswater News of last week speaks of a grandson of Mrs, 1. Ferguson, of Brus- sels,as follows :— it came known When e W became that FergusonF George e was about to:leave the town for the West, a num- ber of his friends decided that the 00- eurrence should be marked by some thing tangible, that something taking the form of a banquet and last social evening together. At the Grand Union Hotel about 20 of George's friends gathered, feasted and listened to song and story, recalling events of bygone days and altogether an evening was spent not soon to be forgotten. After everybody had done ample justice to the good things on the table. Wallace Johnston was elected chairman and the followittg toast list was proposed and responded to :—"'Plie King" by singing the National Anthem ; "Our Country" by John Dick ; "Our Town" by J. Far- quharson and A. Mackay ; "Our Bunch" W. Ballagb ; "Business Interests" by G. H. Hasenllug and R. E. Campbell ; "The Ladies" by W. Redburn and Jas. Little ; "The Professions" by Dr. Fer- guson ; "Farming Community" by F. Ballagh and L. Thacker 1 "Industries" by A, Little, To the toast of "Our Guest" everybody joined in singing "He's s Jolly Good Fellow," after which G. H. Hasentug presented George with a pair of pipes and case as a slight memento of the esteem in which he is held. The recipieut made a neat reply, thanked the friends for their ap- preciate gift and pleasant time provid- ed and said that be hoped to be back in Teeswater at some future tithe and meet "the bunch" Rgain. The singing of "Auld Lang Syne" brought ,the pto- eeedings to a close, No young man ever left Teeswater who was better known than George Ferguson. For the past is years he has clerked with his father in the hardware store, In .the capacity of clerk he became very intimately acquainted with a very large circle and as a helper to the tinsmith, he has beet 00 almost every farm and in almost every house In Culross and •Teeswater, 'There are few hurdwate Oaks that uuderstaud the business better then he does and being attentive and courteous he was a friend of every- body who entered the store. That he will prosper in the West is the Wish of his many friends here. Mr. 8ergusoh left Thursday morning for the West, He was met at Boltotr jet, by Will. Hasealitig , who, sn a be severed co n- uectton with tie Peoplesstore,has bean visiting et his home in Milverton. 'They will go by boat to Fort William, sailing &ell Pert McNichol. George is getup as far es Calgary and Will. will see What is doing in 8081o110011,