The Brussels Post, 1912-5-16, Page 5YOUR BLOO1t:: IS
We desire to call the attention of all those
aOlieted with any Blood or Skin Disease to
our New Method Treatment as a guaranteed
euro for these complaints. There Is no ex-
cuse for any person Navin a disfigured .face
from eruptions and blotq
ches. No matter
whether hereditary or acquired, our specific
remedies and treatment neutralize all poi -
0011s in the blood and a ofrom f them fr ,
system. Our vast experience is thet
meat of thousands of the most serious and
complicated cases enables Its to perfect a
cure without experimenting. tvedo business
on the pian -Pay Only for the Benefit You
Derive. If you have any blood disease, eon-
sulcus Free of Charge and let us prove to
you how quickly our remedies w01 remove
all evidences of disease, Under the Influence
of the New Method Treatment the skin be-
comes clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches
heal up, enlarged glands aro reduced, fallen
out hair grows in again. the cyan become
bright, ambition and energy ret,rn, and the
victim realizes a new life has opened up to
Send for Booltlet on Diseases of Men
If unable to call, write for e, Question Lt.?
for Home Treatment
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
OT I C AL All letters from Canada must Ue addressed
si ® Y fG to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
® ntentin Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows:
Write for our private address
II. Mea AQ >; -
�(]�� R E N
V I • Ioonor M
of u000y o Licensee, Of.
00o at Or000ry, Turaberry street, Brueeols.
K. O. T. M.
Brueoela ITeut of the Maccabees. Nu. et
bold their regular meetinga !n the Lodge
Room, Baoker Block, on the let and Srd
Tuesday evenings of each month.
Visitors always wolooute,
A, BO SERB, Com. A, MoGUIIRE, rt, h
Mee Au the Pest *Mee, Ethel. 30-4
• gas, will dell for better urioes, to
better men in lees time and lees °barges
than any other Auctioneer in Fast Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
eau always be arranged at this office or h,
rsre ,nal application,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
Notary Public, ,to, Olfioe-8 tewart's Block
1 door North of Oeutral hotel.
Boliolnor for the Metropolitan Bank.
W, raouoP00T, ff. 0. B 0, BAYS
Oaloes-Those formerly ooaapted by Messrs
Cameron do Bolt,
Continuos, 0a'renlc.
Royal Mail Steamers
St. Lawrence Season
Stenmer From St. John From Halifax
Tunisian Friday May 9 klley 81
Virginian Friday May 10 June 7
Corsican Friday May 17 June 14
Victorian Friday May 24 J one 21
Pretorian yattrdny l,iay 4 ,Tune 1
HesperimISaturday May 11 ,lune 8
Scendinnvian Saturday hlay 18 June 12
Grarpian,Saturday May 25 June 32
Sicilian .... Sunday May 5 Jnne 9
Ionian.., .........Stinday May 12 J one 10
0orinthimi .....Sunday May 19 June 28
Scotian Sunday May 20 .1 tine 80
Lake Erie Sunday lune 2 July 7
Full information 06 to rates, uta, 00 eppli,:e-
t1on to
Agent Allan Line, Brussels.
WA. !.div eee±eeeeel'c tieeekevSyp bsiee
lafil4 Business Colleges
oleos for vacation duritegluly and Aug- I
net but rho large and popular
door not. wtntlents dell ring Strictly
reg High Grade Trainingfor choice
matinees ere invited to rite for our 4
El catalogue. Bitter now if you can Our ti
.5 graduates readily get employment. /
dor. Young and L W. J. ELLIOTT, F
Alexander Sts. f Principal.
Mace..44422 xt,'avcv9Ystb,V,cra raaOStr
Our uhesse+are now larger than ever Leat
before but we have enlarged our quart- kre
ere and we have room for a few more
students. You may enter manly time
We have staff Of nine experienced in-
etruotore and our courses are the best. '
Our rad5ntes Rnoueud This week
T � r
three reomtEg end men
t e informed u0
that they
paying t
and. 1.0. per moth. We have re de-
partments Commercial, Shorthand
and Telegraphy.Write for our free
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal.
r t rev' r;y
� ,fit. A .b, .b= eveeveeeeekeee,
mann neeleweete.
10011""N ROOFING
AO" *10-J
is strongly' fere-resisting
- rated first-class by
Fire Insurance Com-
panies. It will not ignite
from sparks or burning
brands, and has saved
many a blinding. Made
in 3 Permanent Colors
-Red, Brown, Green
-and In natural Slate.
Sale Canadian Mfrs. 7e
,11rMON MIAMI elCaaaL,Limlted,MlnIreal.
P. Ament, Brussels
Is there anything in all this world
that is of More impnetathee• to you
than good digestion P Food must be
eaten to 8nat010 life and must be
digested and converted into blood.
When the digestion fails the whole
body suffers, Chamberlain's Tablets
area teat onal and reliable cure for in-
digestio . They increase the flow of
bile, pot• fy the blood, strengthen the
stomach and tone up the whole
digestive apperatue to a nal:mai lintel
health acti0ls, Foe sale by all dealer's,
4 Funeral Director
1 and Embalmer
Orders promptly and care-
fully attended to night or
dtty. Phone 228.
e10"7TY-11-®V-ir®1"®'V- s
Business Cards
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy-
sioians and Surgeons, Ont, : Post.gsmduuoe
Ohmage Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat .Hospital,
Uhioago, Ill. Ex -House Surgeon to St, shah -
iters Hoapital, Toronto.
Office over F. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele-
phone connection with Oraubrook at all hours,
l'hyoiman and Surgeon ;Post Graduate courses
Loudon (Eng,), New York and (Mimeo Ilos.
monis. Special attention to disease of eye, ear,
none and throat. Eyes tested for glunsee,
Dental Surgeon
Honor Graduate Dental. Deparwnent, Toronto
University • Licentiate of Royal college of
Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. 01fioe in Stuith
Block recently vacated by Dr, Felld,
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary,
College. Day and night calls. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Personal graduate Department of Ophthal-
mology, Mo0ormiolc Medical College, Chiango,
L1L, is prepared to text eyes and fit glasses et
her office over Grewar's Restaurant, Bruvoeis,
Wednexday, Thursday Friday and Saturday
every second week Office hours 10 to 12 a, in,
and 1 to 11 p. m. In Toronto, at 11" Spedina
ave., remainder of time. Phone 1219
isl:c,c .etvs
Etna Council met last Saturday,
Win. Heilman has remelted home
from the \Vest.
Population of Ehna township for
1911, was 3,518. against 3,582 iu 1908.
Geo. Greensldes and Guy Hanna, of
Bounty, Sask.. have built a Hew store.
At a meeting of the foot ball club it
was finally decided 1,0 have it team in
in the Junior series of the W. Be A.
At the sacramental setvIce at the
Methodist church Sunday morning,
Rev. J. C. Reid received at ]urge
Elms Cheese and Butter Mfg. Co.
Limited, shipped their April make of
cheese on Tuesday morning of last
week to Lovell & Christmas, Montreal.
Amount realized 81505.30.
Galt Kiltie Brass Band bus been en-
gaged for the 24th of May at Listowel.
The I5th anniversary of the opening
of Christ Church will be observed on
Sunday, May 19th.
C. F, Vandrick has purchased the
general grocery business from D.
Dorm and is now in possession,
Among those who passed the ex-
aminations at the S. P. S. Toronto,
were Austin Ross and L B. Lytle.
A. H. Smith has been appointed
Secretary to the Electric Light and
Water OontnissiMI at $125 per annum.
We regret to have to auuounee the
death of Jacob Large which sad event
ccnrved oe Wednesday of last week.
Me. Large, who wee born in Prince
Edward Island, in 1837 was one of the
pioneers of Listowel
W. J. Pesgusnn, barrister, of
\Viartort, and Mts. Ferguson spent a
day in town at Argyle Place, the
guests of Onl. and Mrs. D,D. Camp-
bell, Mr. Ferguson being Mrs. Camp•
boll's brother, aid both he and Mrs.
Ferguson were former residents of
Listowel. They were on their way
to Vancouver, where they purpose
making their home. Mr. Ferguson's
tleaves \ m tou without a
George Porter .is undergoing a
coulee of treatsuent in the Dansville
8. at111ta1101151, N. Y.
Miss Etta Saults, lnuglhter of Ben).
Sl1isi w hes been
Winnipeg, returned home.
The erection net Masonic
1 of v Alt i
hall or West street has been lesum-
ed the foundation walls having been
comb pleted last Fall.
In preparation for camp on June
170), Capt. - Dunlop has commeimed
dialing A" company of the 331d
Raiment in theof n Hall ever
Wedesdaty evening vy
Crown Attorney Seager received
word that his son Rev. C. A. Seager,
hacl been appointed principal of St.
Mark's Theological College at Van-
couver, B. C. St, Mark's is a Church
of England institobinn in affiliation
with the University of British•
Oolntttbite Y
The first boat to enter' Goderich bat -
bin. this season was the steamer Ag-
awe, It arrived. from Duluth' with •a
cargo of 209,000 bushels of oats for the
Goderich elevator. Starner Neebing
+wag at close second with at cargo of
wheat and oats from the acme port.
It also tullnadt•d at the Goderich ele-
The results .sof Alm annual exarnil,at-
Eki ns of the IiaCnity 01 Applied
Science and Engineering, Uu1vel'8I3y
of To•on6o, were announced hist
week and names of 4 Goderich boys
appeal'. G. le. Elliott completed his
course, passing his examinations for
the degree of bachelor' of applied
science. H. M. Smith was successful'
in his second year examinations in
civil engineering ; J. Archie :Tool
completed his filet year in civil en-
gineering, passing with honors, and
C. K. blacpheeson, who 10 taking .0
course in mining engineering, &leo
was successful.
Permission has been given by the
Militia Department for the fmutat ion
of a new Artillery unit, to be known
as the 3isl, Battery, Cairaditvn Field"
Artillery, with1104(1quarteto atGode='
rich. elle highest rank among lire
antlers of the 111ni8 is •that of miles
and the first 1un.1nr will bee Ilii '
Lew185.146. P. . Andrew ltougvie, "tt'licl
has been chiefly instrumental In the
r t o n
fo at n F the new tan zt i n
m 1 I 1 to
g t
will be tnpt.atiu told Omelet. Me
Donulrl w111 be one of 6110 11eetenan85,
It will he a font guy batter y, equipped
with the new ]8-pounde• quick -firing
field guns, the most up-to-date gun in
the world.
For soreness of the muscles whether
induced lay violent exercise of injury
Obatnbeelain's Liniment is excellent.
This liniment is also highly esteemed
for the relief it ssfoids in cases of
tlreumatisin, Sold by all derriere
Waller and George McMichael went
to Loudon and t clogged home with a
fine touting McLaughlin lieu.
Nits. Morley Ayleswoeth and little
daughter of Tornntn, are visiting her
parents, Fred, and Mrs. Adams here.
The semi-annual Meeting of Howick
District L. 0. L. will be held in Ford-
wich 'Tuesday, May 28th, At the
annual meeting in Gorrie, it was deci-
ded'Ito celebrate the 12th of July in
Mts. (Rev.) Wilmort Mahood and
daughters, Misses Etta and Ruth, of
Sioux City. Iowa, are spending a f087
weeks with Mrs. and Miss Mahood w
town. Rev. W. Mahood came with
then but returned in a few days.
13e11 Telephone Company have in-
stalled telephones in the residence of
Dr. Montgomery. Jos. Beswithet'ikk,
William Wettlaufer, David Pocock
and John Patterson have had tele-
phones connected on. the rural lines.
A. A. and Dobson, of Montreal, are
spending a few days in town visiting
his parents at the manse. Mr. Dob-
son has given up his position in
Montreal and has secured at More re-
munerative position at Lansing Mich.
Tenacious Form of systematic Catarrh
Not an easy thing to cure and a rem-
edy Chat makes good deserves the
credit. Oatairhozone cured Ohas. H.
Webb, of Woodstock, N. B., who
writes :-"For a number of years I
was troubled with systematic catarrh.
It was a velry tenacious form of the
disease and nothuig helped. I used
Catatrhoioneand got relief. To build
up my system I used Ferrozoue. This
combination can't be beaten. They
cured toe." Your case may be chronic
but Oalarrhozone will drive out cat-
arrh anti keep it out. Two sizes, 25c.
and $1,00 at ail dealers, sold under
gu18)0810 tee of satisfaction.
Jame); Onming is lltlprOviog nicely
since having his Huger atrnpatated,
Mrs, John McMullan, who has been
under the doctor's care for souse time
with asevere attack of appendioiti
18 improving nicely.
A meeting of the Blyth Union
Burying Gtutend will be held in In-
dustry Hall, Wednesday evening,
Nlay 22nd, tet 8 o'clock.
Kenny 141c0ornhell, who was learn-
ing the operating at the G. T. R.
station here during the past few
months, left for Port Colborne whete
he has secured a lucrative position as
Miss A. Maude King has gone to
Detroit where she will spend the
month in the Detroit NI. E. Confer-
ence speaking in the interests of the
-Woman's Home Missionary Society
and the Deaconess wnsic.
H. Jacobs and son Charles, who have
been in California for ler year's on
a large orange plantation, have re-
turned to Blyth and will remain for
the Summer. They speak highly of
the climate of California. ' Mee. John
Wilford, who hasalso been spending.
the Winter in California for her
health, also returned house, her son'
Albert nheetiug her at London aid
brought her home in his auto.
She is also delighted with the climate
and feels greatly improved from the
trip. Itis likely she will melee her
Mune for the present with her son at
Wiugbarn -
'I'he annual Meeting and election of
officers of the Woman's Missionary
Society of Blyth Methodist church
WAS 1 itandresulted as follows :-
President, Mrs. S. Gidley ; 1st Vice
Pres., Mrs. R. Whiteman ; 2nd
Vice Pres., Mrs. Jno. Mains ; Rec.
Sec., Mrs. W. Il. McElroy ; Vo•. Sec -
Mrs. T. J. Huckstep ; Treas., Mts. O.
EL. Reese ; Chaplan, Mrs. King ;
Or a
nlst Mrs.
H0hellav • Su
Systematic Giving, Mrs. E. Bender.Andrtc s Mee. 7nlnlou h and Ars
+Supt.t Mission Bard Mrs.s,
Myles Young,.Representatives for
e 1 John-
n ort bra W. Jo ns
stun and Mrs. I. Brown ; Music Com-
mittee, Mesdames Brown, Hagglt,
Burling atud'Ohelluw. Society is in at
prng;essive anndieien with member.
ship intreas'lig,
line. 35; Wm, S. King, repairing
A1J1 pIts bridge con.n, 12, $10.
1u, d; 1. Adair to lair$I bnvas0 t.
Womb,' Midge, 28 07 1. G Hardie
*email Mg mahout Moods Midge, ,S(JGIE8'TIONS $7WJodns'Habdigei,nspe3c.7g Ivl&h-
Jeekine, '
Advice to Expectant Mothers
The experience of Motherhood is a try-
ing one to most women and marks dis-
tlnetly an epoch in their lives. Not one
woman in a hundred is prepared or un-
derstands how to properly care for her-
self. Of course nearly every woman
nowadays has medical treatment at
such times, but many approach the
experience with an organism unfitted
for the trial of strength, and when it
is over her system has received a shock
from which it is hard to recover. Fol-
lowing right upon this comes the ner-
vous strain of caring for the child, and
a distinct change in the mother results.
There is nothing more charming than
a happy and healthy mother of children,
and indeed child -birth under the right
conditions need be no hazard to health or
beauty. The unexplainable thing is that,
with all the evidence of shattered nerves.
and broken health resulting from an un-
prepared condition, and with ample time
in which to prepare, women will persist
in going blindly to the trial.
Every woman at this time should rely
upon Lydia E.Pinkham'sVegetable Com-
pound, a most valuable tong; and invig-
orator of the female organism.
In many homes
once childless there
are now children be-
cause of the fact
that Lydia E. Fink -
ham's Vegetable
Compound makes
women normal,
healthy and strong.
LVeA B `iNx
If you want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkhant Medicine Co. (cond.
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
Woman and hold in strict confidence.
LEAGUE.- The following are the
newly appointed officers of the Blyth
Epworth League for the ensuing
term :- Pi esideat, E. Bender ; 1st
Vice President, Miss S. Beatty ; 2nd
Vice President, Miss L. Carr ; 3rd
Vice President, Miss A. Stackhouse ;
4118 Vice President, F.. eackson ; Ree.
Secretary, Thou ton Fear ; Treasurer,
W. Moon ; Pianist, Miss Pearl Gilley;
Assistant Pianist, Miss Pearl Fawcett.
Now is the time to get rid of your
rheumatism. You will find Chamber-
lain's Liniment wonderfully effective.
One application will convince you of
its remits. Try it. For sale by all
'Minutes of meeting of council held
May 0 ; ntelnbers all present ; Reeve in
the chair. The minutes of last meet-
ing were read and adopted on motion
of Messrs. Wheeler and Moffatt.
Moved by Mr. Rutherford, seconded
by Mi'. Powell, that we rescind mo-
tion of last meeting in respect; to issu-
ing debentures for ten thousand dol-
lars atad building three bridges 00 the
River. Maithrtd.-Lost, Tenders for
bridges were opened and contracts let
to A. Hill & Go., Mitchell, for steel
work and fluor at 32500,00 and to
Duff & Stewart, Bluevale, for abut-
Mei1t'e at 34,40 per yard. Tenders fns'
abutments were received from R.
Vint, Blyth at 3750.00 for work com-
plete, also tender foe steel work and
floor were received from SLraLforct
Bridgge Co. at $2720,00, also from D.
Wet re:replan, Ailsa Graig, for steel
work and floor at $2500,00. A claiin
for broken buggy was received from
Fronk Doyle, Fordyce.- No itctinrl
taken. By -Law No. I5 1912. was
read the first time for issuing of
debentures for the stun of 310,000.00
and the building of three bridges and
ordered to be printed. The following
accounts were passed and cheques
issued :-Municipal Woild, debenture
book,5 ; ex charges and Cas to
$res chage express
40 cis ; Wm.J. Campbell,filling
washout >;atdies
bridge. 5 •Mc-
filling washout B
Line, i
RSsin filling washout Lintcn's
bridge, 39 00 W. S vaustnne re-
pairing culvert
and washout, 35.25 ;
Peter D. King, repairing pairin culvert
Bluevale side road,53,25 ; Isaac
Wsight sr., tepairiug washout B Line,
35.50 ; Isaac Wright jv., repairing 0th
farmers' Attention
Do You Use Fertilizer ?
If Not, Why Not
An exact duplicate for barnyard manure. Five
times as strong as Nitrogen, Phos. Acid and Pot-
ash. A complete organic manure- in a concentrat-
ed form, soluble, available, and easily applied to
your land.
If yon want to increase yont crops 50 per cent. use
• this Special Organic Manure a8 1s used olid sold by
The National Land, Fruit & Pack log One Ltd„ Own•
et+sof 3,090 neves of orchard lands. Local agents -
Brussels Electric Light Co.
`4Ve also handle Flour anci an kinds of feed.
See us about having your house wired for Electric 'Lighting
'while hoes° cleaning is on,
repairing washout gravel
road, 310; John Weir repairing cul-
vert con, 10, 31.75 ; Reuben Stokee,
repairing, culvert con, 10, 11,$1 ; 3,
i P. Wellwood, repairing streets W. T.
P., 315.35 ; Hugh Oasemore, ruling at
1 Yeu's bridge, $5.40 ; Henry Wheeler,
1 repairing culvert W. Bdy., Wingharn
to pay $1.00, 38 ; John McBurney,
work at Oeminill's bridge, $80.95 ;
John McBurbey, inspecting work at
Gewsnill's bridge, 35 ; Thos. Gray,
timber for culvert, 75ets ; Robt. Hogg,
work at 31 Line bridge, 32 ; Roble
Hogg, repairing culvert Wingham
138y., . Wingham to pay half, 318 ;
Thos. Hart, road tvm•k, 34 ; Jos.
Wellwood, Blatuee labor, $2 ; Jas.
Porter, tilling washouts cons. 10, 11,
$0, Meeting adjourned to meet in
Oleek's office on Monday, May 27th at
10 o'clock a. m. and as 0 Court of Re-
vision at 2 o'clock p. m.
,loner BURGESS, Clerk.
Sick headache milts from a dis-
ordered condition of the stomach, and
can be cured by the use of Chamber-
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
Sold by all dealers.
1h•. MacKay has purchased a new
Page auto.
Frederick Welsh has been appointed
Bailiff of the 2nd Division Court of
Huron Connty.
hies. Thomas McFadden, of MOKil-
lop, has Moved to town and will take
up her residence here.
Ata meeting of the managing Board
of the Dlethodisl Church Mies Iva
Dodds was engaged as organist.
J. 13. Thompson and Wm. Sclater,
were appointed delegates to high
Court of 0. 0, F., to be held at Hamil-
ton in June,
I. 0. 0. F. Lodge instituted a Rebec-
ca Lodge on Friday evening. Mrs. 0.
M.F r n
Edwards, of Bricl ebur Gland
President w105 here. :The work was
put on by the ladies' degree team of
The death of John Rogers occurred
on Wednesday morning of last, week
at the home of his sister, Nlrs. D.
Johnston, on James street. The de-
ceased was in his 03rd year. Previous
to going West 35 years since, he con-
ducted a general store it: Seaforth.
After spending some time in different
places in the West he finally went into
business in Winnipeg. He returned to
Seaforth some years ago, and has
made his home with his sister.
You May Be Sick To -night
Without a moment's warning pain
springs upon us. At the outset 11 is
instantly cured by Nerviline. Sur-
prising what fifteen drops of this mar-
vellous medicine will do. It's external
action 1s no less certain than it's won-
derful effect when taken internally.
0£ course Nerviline is powerful or it
couldn't be so peneteatttng, But not
irritating or caustic. There are cher
pain remedies, but when you use Ner-
viline you see the difference. That
difference is this, -others relieve, but
Nerviline does cure sprains, strains,
swellings, earache, toothache, neur-
aIgis lumbago, in fact all muscular
pains. Large bottles 25e. at all deal-
Wm. Isbister, of the Money Order
Department of the Toronto Post
Office, is spending his holidays with
his patents W. and Mrs. Isbister.
Reeve McDonald has been laid up
as the result of an accident at Luck -
now, He was assisting with some
cattle, and in stepping down from a
stall, severely sprained one ankle,
tearing some of the ligaments.
Eureka Bible Glass of Wingharn
Methodist church elected officers for
the new term :-Teacher, J. A. Ater -
ton ; President, J. Kerr ; Vice -Pres.,
H. E. Isard ; Secretary, W. J. Greer ;
Trees., J. McOcof,
Committee Con -
venom -Membership -J.
C-venos-Membership-J. Hewer ; De-
votional, WM. Fessant ; Visitation,
Mrs. Howson ; Social, Mrs. Arm-
The annual meeting of Wingham
Methodist Sunday School was held
and officers elected are :-Supt. P.
Buchanan ; s i
A s slant Su t. G. R.
P +
• Sec.,E. Hammond Smith A H mmo
I ices 'ian W. J. Haines Treas., M.
tt 1e
le. u• tri" u .l . • tq
Zl ble creta the lama r,
gg ;
last year. School has had a P P cos erous
year under the superintendency of
Mr. Buchanan, and has an average at-
tentlnuce of 203. 3185 was contribut-
ed for missions and there remains
3800 in the treasury,
liUTLEDGE- OxaArerAN.- A Most
delightful hurl picturesque May titee
weddit1g was solemnized on Ihulsday
evening at the residence of J. H. and
Mrs. Oltapmall, 522King street, Lon-
don, when their second daughter,
Laura Eloise, became the bride of
Gordon Rutledge, of Montreal.
About 50 guests trotn London, Mon-
treal and outer places gathered to
witness the cereurouy whsch was peer
formed by Rev. W. L. Rutledge,
father of the groom. of Wingham, as-
sisted by the br'ide's uncle, Rev. A. 0,
Grows, D. D., and Rev. Richard
\Vhiting, B. A., of London. At 9
o'clock the bride accompanied by her
father, entered the drawing -xoom, to
the strains of ;Aleudelssohn's Wed-
cling March, played by a group of
hal pees, and the bridal party took
Ode plat0ea betleath a graoe1ui
trelliswork of smilax and pnik and
white roses, with a huge bank of
palms, formttiga pleasing baok3ronud.
rhe bride's gown was pat'tsotslat•ly
beautiful, being made of duchess
satin the 91tiet bordetecl Ju white rose
point lace, and the bodice adorned by
n Hchu of Irish point which formerly
belonged to ,the bride's mother. A
Isatin, and a Juliet veil both edged
with pearls, the veil caught with a
coronae of Ora lige blossoms, completed
the costume, h hu bridal bouquet wee
formed of lily of the valley and meant
bridal roses, with trailers of chiffon
and fern. Miss Mslna Oka tnato who
a1Con >anied her sister, looked charm-
ing in it chess of pale blue silk, trhn-
mecl with l t:binrge of blue, touches of
black velvet, and a 1040 point %ciln,
Mies Chapman carried a bognet of
is prepared to supply the beet
goods in Wiuctmills, Iran and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Pittings, such as Pitying, taut-
er Bowls for stock, &c.
Repairs to Pumps promptly
attended to,
Give me at call,
tains afterwhich they will reside in
A' oB real. the bi'ldr' ' v l n it
I t1 s Lzu e] i se
was of delft. blue broadcloth, with
tt blouse of delft blue chiffon over
green sills. Her hat was Week mohair
trimmed in white, and she also wore
a bunch of red roses,
To Improve IIi.Temper
Relieve the Optical suffering of
corns. quickly done by the reliable
Putnam's Coln Extractor. Beware of
acid,---fieeh-eating substitutes and in-
sist oil "PutnaM's ;' It's the one sure
and pathless curt:,
A. V ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4♦♦.,♦♦♦..♦.♦.♦,,.
A MANN Cranbrook • ♦
� m ♦
pinkroses. The groom was assisted e p e. , We Have
b: _
by his cousin, Barry Vipond, of .
Montreal. Thegruom's mother wore • `��r' i�®'W `M1►:t•
P'►�I e
A tlandsulihe gown of resecla green taf-
feta, with trimming of Hooton lace,
and Mrs. Obapwan's dress was o1
white satin, with black ,jet tunic.
She also carried pale pink roses.
After the ceremony a buffet lunch-
eon was served, the table being pret-
tily decorated with pink roses. The
entire house was beautified with
palms, roses and huge bowls of pink
stocks. Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge left,
on the 12.10 train for a bridal trip to
New York Oiey, and the Green Mourl-
is certainly one of the most disagree-
able ailments which flesh is heir to.
Coated tongue -bitter taste in the
mouth -nausea -dizziness -these
combine to make life a burden. The
cause is a disordered liver -the cure
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. They
go straight to the root of the trouble,
put the liver right, cleanse the stom-
ach and bowels, clear the tongue and
take away the bitter taste from the
mouth. At the first sign of bilious-
ness take
Dr. Morse's 90
s ♦
. WR P® FraserMerchantm
a Tailor
• I3 h U S 5 E L S
♦ •
• •
Why, our Spring and
Summer Suitings,
with all the up-to-
date tones and col-
ors, combined with
quality, at RIGHT
Indian Root Pills ••♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•••♦♦♦
High Gr
Impleme is
I have the DEERING Agency and am prepared
to give the farmers the best service in all kinds of
this splendid make of Farming Implements,
Grain Binders
Oorn Shredders
Corn Binders
Corn Huskers
Hay Tedders
Manure Spreaders
Hay Loaders
Beattie Bros,
Litter Carriers
Gray's High-grade
Petrolia Wagons
Etc., Etc.
Pianos, Organs and Gramophones.
Sewing Machines Cream Separators
Maxwell Washing Machines
'Waterloo Threshing Outfits Gasoline Engines
Pull line of International Implements.
11 -Now is the tante to matte yonl' selection, leindly give Inc at
Chance to figure With yon before placing year order,
"� Agent
. tt a er