HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-4-18, Page 4(L i) G 14fu a` ti$ 000
THU ReLlAY, APRIL 18, 1 91g
u Dom
(Rid �'etow Dominion.)
While the local newspapers of [his and
every other town In these western coma -
dee are "boosting" week in and week
out for the beuefit of their several com-
munities, what lire the business men end
people doing fur the newspapers, for the
latter cannot exist ou words of praise
alone, The best booster a town can have
is the local paper and It should fairly
rggreseut the enterprise of the place iu
which It is published. For iustauce, at
the present time we are trying to attract
attention abroad and to draw peopie here.
A glauce at the advertlsiug column of
the local papers should love au uutslder
some idea of the town's business inter-
ests. Apply the lest and note the uutn-
ber of business interests that do not
carry a line ot advertising in their home
paper, Not oue half of the business
men of the tow0, merchants and manu-
facturers appear to the local papers,,
The papers push and boost week in and
week out In the luterest of all, '. but tar
from all help to support the papers.
Imagine the meatal picture tuts town
would present to the outsider picking up
the paper and glancing over it it the
namef every ev ly business firm appeared 111
its advertisin
columns In a space 1,,e big or
g p
Every business man for bis own and
the general good should advertise regal
arly in the local papers, even if be only
takes au inch space.
The local newspaper should be a busi-
ness directory of the town.
The town has however, several good
advertisers who constantly keep them
selves and their towu to the trout, and
their example should be generally fol-
lust as each month eclipses the re-
cords of the past, March, 1912, has sur-
passed all records of the 3rd
month of the year. The
bulking permits for the month
show au enormous increase over those
of March last year, the advauce being
iu the neighborhood of 8o per cent.
The figures are : March 191 1, 270 per-
mits, 337 buildins;s to cost $1,070,550.
March 1912, 374 permits, 498 buudfugs
to cost $1,779,750. The first three
months of the year closely approximate
the three m111100 dollar mark, being
$12,932,Sto, Bank clearings fol March
also show marked increase, being 40
percent over those of last year as lot -
lows : $108,196,368 as against $77.057,-
787 for the same month last year. Dur
mg the fiseal year just closed on March
31, 1912 the returns from the Winuipeg
customs port of entry touched the high-
water mark and set a new record of
el8 o78, 843.29, an increase of 81,587,660 -
re over toe splendid record ot the pre-
vious year. In practically every month
an increase bas been noticed, March 1911
showing $799 913 44 as compared with
8556,67[ 30111 March 1911.
Western wholesale business in most
lines was in considerably larger volume
in March than in the preceding month
and also larger than in March of last
year. The indications are that general
Spring business will continue to expand
during April. There is a very satisfac-
tory amuu01 of sorting business being
done, especiallvin dry goods and hoots
and shoes. From ail accounts stocks at
country points have been comparatively
small and dealers have recently been
hastening to prepare for what is expect.
ed to be an exceptionally brisk seas.tu as
far as the consumptive demand is eon
earned, There is a steady movement
of all classes of Spring hardware..
To cope with the unprecedented de-
velopment of the West, the Cauadiau
Pacific Ratlway have decided that new
railway yards at Wiunipeg are an im-
mediate net•essity. The site of these
yards it is now
announced issoli e
N 1 act
of the city and the plans involve large
roundhouses, certain shops and another
bridge over the Red river When com-
pleted the yards will be two and a half
miles in length and a half mile wide,
containing over 100 miles of tracks. It
is understood teat the yards will be used
exclusively for the handling of East-
bound freight, so that there will be no
fear of a grain congestion in future
years. The large expenditure of money
to tha big
works and
erection of the bridge will tend towards
the more rapid development of Winni•
peg North andthe adjacent country.
It is expected that the company will
have from I,000 to a 000 men at work
during the course of the next few days,
All the legal r
g equirements sought for
the site have practically been granted,
Homestead entries made at the Do-
minion lauds office in Winnipeg tor
March numbered 166 a9 against 131 for
the corresponding month iii tett. It is
estimated that there are over 155,876
free homesteads open for entry in the
three prairie provinces. This means
that over 2 00 DOO acres s
5, are being
awayb • the overnt e
anut for less
than ten ceuts an acre.
A cancellation stamp advertising the
Selkirk Centennial in conuectiou with
the Winnipeg Industrial Exhibition,
which will commence this year on July
has been
received from m Ottawa Eby
the Winnipeg postoice On all drop
letters and outgoing mail passing
'through the postoffce from now till the
exhibition the stamps will be cancelled.
with this new form, By this grant the
exhihitiou has obtained one of the most
effective means of advertising the Cen•
menial and. Winnipeg's Exhibition will
be heralded to alt corners of the earth_
The Winnipeg Industrial Bureau's
new Exposition Building of Industrlee
and Resources since the opening has
been attraetiug thousands of visitors
daily. An actual count made at the
doors one day last week showed that
betweee the hours of three and six in
the afternoon 5,125 individuals en-
tered the building. A feature worthy
of note is the surprised gratification
of chimes 1
5AL tlenumber and variety of
Winnipeg -made 11118 oo
da exhibited, d. Vis-
itors from United States, eastern Can -
Ada end Great Britain Are much in evi-
den e
C ,and it is fuily clemonsttated that
Exposition is going to attract every
1tratiger to the city. The auditorium
leotbre hall end other rooms previa.
ed Crothe purpose, ale In great demand. '
several timelings almost every day, hay- 0
Wo w„. Help Vou no it, Road Our 4
Guarantee •
ut be i>M le 1 e eel
t u to [
) Y
eaten n mutest) l)ttatt,U \1 (. at.11 a •
redietly that aru
positively guaranteeLau
will evllpletety rlleYe 1611ebLlyl
01' 1 4,
dybpepsut, mettle medicine titled tier-
pug the 101111 will cost the user 210611. •
This remedy hae been 011811 ReYallI •
Dyspepsia T tulets. Oertaiuly uo other
could De inure fair, and uur offer
rhuulde f
b piuu positive thus Rexall
Lyepepste, P34121ets are a UepeLIUtlble
1'l9Well V.
luaswucll ate the luediciue will coot
you. 1Utll1ug 11 it. times nut ulI112I1t yun,
we urge you who are suttet'tug w1141
iuttlgeol1U2 et' dyspepsia to try Rexall
Dyspepsia Tablets,. A 26 -cent box
cuutallla enough, Medicine tor lifteee
days' treatweut, Foe onetime cases
we nave two larger sizes, 511 ceuts and
$1.110. leenleuluel•, yuu Oau uDLtalll
Rexwll Remetnes only at, out. ature-
1'11e Recall Store. le. R..611111,11.
Ing been held during the past week, and
appecatlous tor dates being r, nerved
dally, Eveulug lectures lot men- on
teounteal subjects ale now beteg ai-
raaged for, and ether auUltufmnl attrac-
tions are umdereu11$lneI scion,
Another new Industrial tactory tor
Winnipeg is to Ur e1rele1 uu attska let -
e u
wa avenue the Au
Wes 1 1110 Uiy com-
pany °t 1'Urouto (laving au UUttuced 111011
intention of buiettng a tatge rnuueru
tuuudry at 0000. reinter, have already
been called tor, and the work u. eu1111.05
will start immediately, and wlu Ue teem
pleted this hummer. This touudty Is
cur the maUntacture til soli pipes anti
fitness, the Uemaud for whom to lite
West being so great that the eumpau,
!lave found tuns step neeesspr). rue
cumpauy will give emptuyn,eut, ou cum•
ptetiou of their tuuudry, to over tee men:
rtie new budding wet be bppuslte tee
DomtmOu Bridge structure.
A Case In West Arichat
Ales. A. P. Ferguson, a well kuowu
Cape Bt•etouer, huts cured aethunt by
"Uatatrhuzone." Hee statement is
c0llvincillg : "Although 1 was'troubl-
ed fur years it was ouly recently 1
tried Oaterrhuzone. When Ito attack
81111 ted 1 gut out my whaler and
gut gtiick relief. Feeling stultified Cat-
arrhuzuue would cure, 1 continued. the
treatment till sue bottle was $u10110d,
I didn't use 11101.0 because 1 was cured
and the nsthwa has never returned."
UaLalirhuzuue is suit death to asthma
and bronchitis. Try it and be cum
vinced, Two sizes, 25e. and $1.OU u1,
all dealers.
THE W. f. A.
The 983rd annual meeting of the
Western Foot Ball Association was
held Good Friday at the Y. Al.
0. A., Woodstock, noel was fairly
well attended. Dr. Louis Dueriug,
Presidetlt, occupied the chair and as
Secretary H. W. Brown was late in
coming T. G. Elliott, of Galt, was
elected. Secretary pro tem. The Presi-
dent's auuual address expressed his
appreciation of the good work of the
Association, congratulated the win-
ning and losing clubs and huped for
iucieased success iu the future. The
Secretary, r
tt a ll vi
a d Forsyth, wasY ,
unable tl ble to bereser a
p t o rung to the
death of his wife. The :Secretary was
authorized to send to Mr. 1('ulsyth a
letter of condolence and a wteatlt
from the members of the Association.
The President was authorized to wire
the sympathy of the Association.
elayor Welford welcomed the dele-
gates to the city. The Peeeideut 10 -
plied thanking the Mayor on behalf
of the Association. The following
clubs were entered
Woodstock and Tavistock iu the
senior series,
Hespeler, Berlin, Preston, Brussels,
Listowel, \ r
ton, Alilclwa-v, St.
Marys anValleed St. George in the Iutet-
mediate series.
Atwood, Seafortllland Walkerton
in the Junior series.
Listowel High School, Wingham
High. School and Woodstock College
in the Hough Cup series.
Thele was considerable discussion
in the case of the Woodstock college,
it being thought by some that the
college was
nub in the saute clans with
the colle l
were finally
, The following delegates were pres-
ent, representing their clubs : Tavis-
tock, Geo. Shibley ; 61. Marys, E.
Hardisty and A. Hyde; Atwood, E.
H. Swing ; Seaforth, F. Sills ; Listo-
wel, L. 13. Bamford ; Walkerton,
Norman Huck c Midway, D. J. Web-
er ; Woodstock, E, J, Broom ; Wing -
ham, P. 13. Taylor ; Woodstock col-
lege, P. P. Zeimann.
On motion of J. D. Campbell and
Stanley Campbell, of Owen Sound,
were reinstated and the suspension of
P. Schmidt, of Walkerton, was lifted.
The following P amendments
owin proposed o u(udmeu
to the l
aws of theaue1
and • 421t
gp com-
petition rules came up for C1iecuesi011
and was dealt with as follows:—
Law 12, page 15, after the word,
"touch line" in line 7, add these words
"And at the request of the captain of
either of the opposing teams, lie the
referee, shall appoint a goal umpire
for each goal." Also change the
words, "a linesman" in line 19 to "any
official," To be sent 1,0 annual meet-
ing of O. A. F. L., with the recom-
mendation of the W. P, A,
Rule 6, page 24 : Acid to the rule
this sentence : "Airy team playing a
home game and defaulting the return
game, shall pay the entire legitimate
expenses of the visiting team in con-
nection with such game played, and
also the entire expenses of the ref-
eree." Title amendment was With -
Rule 2, page 32': Add to the rule
these sentences "Any football team
which has collegiate institute, high
school or continuation class students
r'0g ist .
e d aamenthol's shall not be
required' to play matches. during the
period' in which the midsummer de-
partmental examinations are held.
Any teats having suchmembers shall
indicate the same at the time of regis-
tl'atioln." Catrin
Rule_ 6, page 34 t Ohange lithe 1 to
' t' " "
'June 15 and tit Ju
tie 15 to June ae
Fashionable Millinery
Our Spring Opening was a great success and we de-
sire to thank the Ladiesfor their attendance
da ce
and generous patronage.
We aim at the Latest Styles,
Sell at Close Prices
and Guarantee Satisfaction.
A call will be appreciated and we will do our best to
please you ill up-to-date goods.
Mourning Millinery a Specialty. It costs nothing to see our Fine Stock:
Miss M.
E. Ros
Richards' Block Milliner
••••••••••••••••••♦••••••••♦•••♦•••••••••••f♦••••••s •
\VINE4n4.bl TRAIN --A writer to the
Toronto C2lube says :--A great Ineon-
venienee and injustice to the
public Is thearrag.ne t.oFthe
mnliteal 1111 nt ing
)ai both
P 11. and G '1'. It ILlure 2111 time ars
lost for the went, 01 a 111Lie 9041sldtra,
clan on the part of each company,
The officials, I presume, are well
aware of the '
i 1 6LQnbeit and there I i 1 )e allUllld
not be any necessity of bringing this
ton ter before the Railway (Jou)inls•
When a medicine must be given to
young children it shook' be pleasant
to take. Ohamberlaiu's •Oongh Reme-
dy is made from loaf sugar and the
routs used in its preparation give it 1a
flavor similar to maple syrup, uutkiug
it pleasant t0 take. It has no coped -
or for colds, croup and whooping
cough. Por sale by all dealers,
A Henfryn
Mee Ruth En glee was visiting her
♦ friend Mss 1a. lion for the past two
• weeks,
• Joseph Hanna hail the misfortune
4 to lose his wood pile in the recent
• flood.
• Miss Janey Tholnsno, who is teach-
* iug at Fordwiuh, vita spending her
• holidays under the parental roof,
•Special children's service was held
• in St. David's Omni) Sunday at 10 a.
• in. Holy Cow wit t111u1 at 11 aa, m1.
•IVJias Lizzie Bt6tvtiuh'
• oust', ti (titled
nurse of'u I 1 t
e p 1, was spending her
holidays at the 1101110 of her bruthel•,
G. 0. Baw[iuhiuler.
Blu ale
Rule 6, page 84, add this sentence,
"Any subsequent desiden6 registra-
tiuuway be accepted by the referee
before commencement of the match,
provided it is accompanied by regis-
tration fee. and plr0videdit is tender-
ed not later than June 30, but 110 tef-
eree may accept any non-resident
registration on the field of play."
Rule 11, page 35 : add this sentence,
"The referee must inspect the regia•'
tratiou lists of each team befoie the
commencement of the ulat011 "
The following officers were elected :
—President, T. G. Elliott, Galt ; 'First
Vice -President, Frank Sills, Seaford)
Second Vice -President, E. A. Rea,
Woodstock ; Honorary -Secretary, D.
Forsyth, Berlin ; Sei retary-Treastu'er,
13. W. Brown, Berlin ; Executive,
Messrs. McCntcheon, Gunn, Ratcliffe
and Zimmerman.
Mayor Spottou 21111 Reeve McDonald
took a trip through Turnbetl'y Town-
ship to investigate the damage dome
during the recent floods, its it was
rumored that some of the farmers
were contemplating actions for dant-
ages nn the ground that the dam was
out properly locked after. The mat-
ter was thotnughly gone into, and the
mayor is convinced that no damage
dune can be traced to the dam, and
that there is no ground whatever for
any suits. The damage done to the
dam by the ice and swift rush of
waters will, it is feared, cost about
$20,000 to repair, The water has re-
ceded steadily a1ld, people are now
able to start, the work of cleaning up.
This will take some tinge, as au hi-
m edible a:nom1 of debris was washed
into houses by the water, Consider-
able speculation has taken place as to
the owue(ship of a horse anti buggy
which went down the river while the
water was high. The horse had been,
drowned and vitas apparently swept
away from some yard or fence t0
which it had been tied. So fat' no
traoe.of the owner has been twee:•tale
Dulmage vs. Lepard,—An artier for
specific performance of an aggeeelnelt
to lease defendants hotel at Winghniu
to plaintiff, or in the alternative for
damages for breach 0f ageeeulent
heard at Gociel'ieh Spring Asvizea by
Judge Britton and reserved judgment
which is now given ae follows :—This
is not a case far ordering specific per-
formance of the agleeuleut. Cuuesel
for plaintiff said on the argument that
he would be quite willing t1 limit his
damages to those sustained by reason
of not having the hotel for the five
mouthsapt 211 Feb: ebluatyl, 1912, and
be thinks his loss $1000. This esti-
mate is it mere optimistic guess. The
plaintiff cannot recover foe supposed
or estimated profits. •Oil the whole I
think it can fairly ,he said that the
plaintiff lost by defendant's default
$75 40 rid I assess plaintiff's damages at
that. Judgment for plaintiff for $75
with costs On Oonety Court scale and
there should not be allowed to defend-
ant any set off of costs. Twenty
days' stay.
° •
s 4
Agent $
4.•• t•,r••f♦•N+•••••••••••••••••••••••N•
Money Potatoes
Barrels or it
When in town be sure to see the O. K. Canadian Po-
tato Machinery and learn how potato growing is made
extremely profitable and easy.
Cream Separators
Remember in these we lead and are giving values that stagger
competitors. Its easy, holvevet. As We require no train of travelling
salesmen, erecting experts. collectors, etc., we are enabled to make the
cost to our euet101008 correspondingly less. Owing also to 11111. 0)313)e -
what lengthy experience in this line of work, extending as it dues over
the past (nearly) twenty-five years. we are able to select from the
many different makes
offered something WORTH H WHILE'
and also
to get the closest possible prices.
When'needing anything usually sold by agents you will further
your personal interests by consulting us as to terms, ;vices, etc.
••M•'W+•+•+•4•+•9•3••f•+•+•4 •+•+•+•+•+•+•+4+•+•••••••• •
We have made a s
,• peeial effort to secure designs and r.0loriuga of
4 at tistic merit not only in high grades but in those ne low as 5c per roll.
Papers originally Inc now sellingat Sc. Scand Iec
• P 9 y 2 Papers now Sc,
BED ROOMS -We have dainty Florets, producing charming effects,
at low cost.
PARLORS—Beautiful designs in gilt and creamy tones, blues,
Am., in delicate shades. greens,
+ HALLS, DINING -ROOMS, &c.—Flue, effective designs, in iia nifi.
• cent colors, giving warmth, richness and beauty to an apartment.
ostfenovery, nice Papers, from a to 12 rolls,
Remnants that will be sold bargain riees to
• you any rooms not, re-
: Gently papered,'lnet call and let us tell you how little it costs to
• make home bright, attractive and happy.
• Paper Hanging and Decorating a Specialty
•Paper Hanging 212
iopor roll
and preparing n walla
2 PAINTING attended to in all its branches and satisfaction as010126.
Floor Glazing Enamel for sale lit quart cans. Anybody
• ply it. 'Che very thing °a housekeeper wants. Y Y can a p
all Paper
Ordees by 'phone
attended to.•
Gall No. 42.• •
. ♦ ••!••••'i•1••11••11•••$•+•N•••f•t•••i••'G ••N•+.0.1i ♦ .1. .e
Turubrrry township Council met
•Alut3lay April 81h. Members all pct's
eat Reeve 'u
t Lhuir.lit ,'
A ro•
les l t last
Meeting read and adopted on 1111112011
of Rutherford and Moffatt. Moved
by Rutherford—Wheeler that Mr.
.hl1Buruey be appointed to get road
Made passable 011 001 line East of
Bolt's Side'ilad,asquickly as possible.
011'1•ied. Moved by Wheeler—Alc-
Burney that Air. Moffatt, along with
re eesentalive from Wingham, get
culvert on 13 Line repaired as
early as possible. Carried. Moved by
Moffatt—Wheeler that. Mr. Ruther-
ford be appointed to inspect app) oath-
ed to Jobb's laud \•Voutls' bridges and
have same repaired quickly as
possible. Oat vied. Moved by tiic-
13uluey—eluffl(tt that Me. Wheeler be
appointed to inspect all culverts 011
441 line, East of Blnevale Side road
told also all culverts South of 4111
line including South Boundary and
have necessary repairs made. ()He-
eled. The Reeve and Mr. A1ulfalt
were named to inspect the Town Piot
West o1 \\'Ingham and take what
action they thought necessary.
Moved by Ru1herfurd—Mcllnrney
that the tender of the Wiugluun
Times for the Township printing being
the lowest, be accepted. Cat 1 led.
Moved by \Vheeler—ele,13u0ney that
Mr. Rutherford inspect the 31111111-
iug of abutlneuts of Ladies Bridge
and Rohl. Sharpi1) be appointed to
inspect building of abutments at
Linton's Bridge at $2.25 11e1 day 8113),
Carried. Moved by Wheeler— Sic -
Burney that we build flute bridges
on the Maitland river during the cur-
rent year and that tenders for both
steel tvor•lt and abutments be 1101306
10, 1-0 be sent to the Clerk of or be-
fore 12 o'clock noon on the dray of
May 6( th 1 n ext also that ab
By -Law be
;cussed t(, issue Debentnl•es for the sum
o1 $10000.00 fur 20 years at 5% interest.
A vote of the ratepayers will be taken
on the said By -Law on the 8th day of
June next. Carried. Following ac-
counts were passed and cheques is-
sued :—.IDlkin Iiaatl,tggs, wnrkatJobb's
bridge, $8.00 ; .Jas. IS eekley, protect-
ing wash out, 50c ; Theo. Hall,
printing, $25 00. Meeting adj"urned
to meet Monday May 6th at L30 p,
ni, JOHN BURGESS, Clerk..
The Dominion Government has de.
dined to provide funds to send Canadian
Cadets to the Boy's Bisley.
Legislation providing for an iudet,:l•nt
inate sentence for drunkards WAS in too•
duced by Hon, W. J. Hanna.
o Valuable farms.
Tenders will he received by the undersigned
for that valuable farm property sitonte in the
township or Grey, in the Ooilnty of Huron,
oomposid of Lot number twenty-two in tba
Fifth Ooncession and the North halve, of lots
numbers Twenty-three and Twenty -Pour, in
the Sixth Oo"ceealon, containing two hundred
acres of laud, more or less.
No tender will be aonddered untese. nccom-
mtnled by a merited eh( qne for ten per cent of
the Tender, the balance to be paid within
thirty deys after neeeptnnce.
The highest or any tender not necessarily
Th1e offer nff,rde no excellent opportunity
to any one desiring n choice property. at a
reasonsbh' price.
Inimetiinton1s.ession may be had upon the
completion 111 33'• eurohnse. •
Dated this 1(116 day of April A, D. 1912,
W. M. , v
Vendor's of i
$ lotu r
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Special Tralo. leave Toronto 2,00 p,m. on
APRIL 2, EL 30 MAY 14, 20 JUNE 11, 26
JULY 9, 23 AUG. 0, 20 SEPT. 1, 17
Second clan tickets from Ontario Mations to priodpel
Northwest point at
Wisni end .0 urn
twR t $34.00• Edmonton and rete.
$42.00, end to owihin i0 . promniee doe. good to return within 60 d.y. from wino date.
through to Edmontonrta Saskatoon,.bo teVisshpeo
forloCol s
y Jh fMne Luneaow
4 [
ae<urcd at moderate rates through 100in agent.
Early application must be Made.
containing rola and full information.
Apply to 1e.rele C.P.R, Agent or
M. G. MURPHY, Dia, Pau, AIL, Toronto,
is the
root of many forms of
sickness and of an
endless amount of
human misery.
Dr. Morse's
Root Pills,
thoroughly tested by
over fifty years of use,
have been proved a
safe and certain cure
for constipation and
all kindred troubles.
Try them. 4
25c. a box.
e W. H. LOVE
Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Orders promptly and care-
fully attended to night or
. day. Phone 228.
Hair Quickly Stops falling
itching Scalp Vanishes Over -night and
Dandruff Is Abolished
14AGThereE. is nue hair tunic 1,11(611 you can
depend on and that le PARISIAN
It elope falling hair 0r looney back,
Drives (101 dandruff or money back.
Stops itching scalp or money back.
And Jus. Fox, the druggist you
know so well. is the man who sells it,
PARISIAN SAGE is a splendid
hair Blessing ; it is so daintily per-
fumed and refreshing that it Makes
the scalp feel find the minute you ap-
ply it. It is need daily by thousands
of clever wemen who realize that
PARISIAN SAGS keeps their hath
Ineteous end fascinating. If you have
hair troubles get PARISIAN SAGE
to -day at, Pas. Fox's and druggists
everywhere. Lags bottle 50 tents.
Stock for Service
p'A31iwOlt'1'H at1G BOLL .(21)711®— 1'h.
ndersiened will keep for service 00 N35
Loi. 20, 001, 7, tate-rls. It thorougt, bred Tam-
worth hug, Perms, 91.110, to be !mid nt time of
service wish privilege of returning if nu000•
spry, S. WALKER,
19-tf Proprietor.
The People's Column
4.801/810 AND LOT for
ante trent,-As s
L purpose leaving Brusselsshortly
o ty thy and 101 0n 1urnberry.1rret, South, 10
offered for sale or to rent. P050840iolml be
had April lat. Apply 012 eu•e to
Phone No, 80 Brussels.
f„A11,81 FOE SALE,- Catnte of lute James
Ulenoon, being NE Lot •'2, Con, 8 OlOrris
tuwnehlp,.conIuinnlg 100 Beres, 8 aures of which
is bush. Good bank barn and never falling
opting clone to burn, Good 8toult Yarm. Must
be sold at once Far tonna apply at offioo of
Tats Poem, Brussels. 84.4
FAlt91 FOR SALE, -The nl1deralgned•afferl,
for sale his 108 acre far,,,, being .Lot 17,
Oun. 11, Grey township. There are about 80
acres under cultivation 8,145 110188 of h,,r6'
wee6 bush • good buildings, bank barn, well,
windmill, &a; 235 miles from church ; se nuts
from 5)1110111 ; and 235 miles from p00tu0ice.
Possession 00 March 1st. Per further particu-
lars apply on the premises or Orenbrouh P 0.
to CHAS. LOVE, Pt op. Phone 2812 25.8
k -'A1451 13011 SALE OR TO RENT, -The tut-
dersigned °Sera ins fine 200 flare farm be.
Mg Loa, 17 alio 18, Lan, 8, Grey township, Mut.
on Oo., for sale or it not disposed of would rent
to good tenant There are 150 acres cleared,
ba1w100 hush and pester. land. Good build -
togs, cement alio, fences, orehnrd, drilled well,
&a , on lhe premises. Only i3 mile to cahoot
and25 to
l Ethel village. i5 next
Spring in I
B 11011 be
1 en tit once v ° Csold or ne
g xt S rm in
Spring 6.
Per or YurthOr moll t
1 01 In ti 8aLo,11, terand,
cundlt0ona apply Co J.WEL5Iirip..
19.60 Phone 4119 BE11,15.0..
1 OO AURES•ON LAND for sale, 1% miles
-North of 800torth Good clay loans,
all ulearau and
under cultivation. n1. bank Wen,
oamantflouts, large flamu houne, newly paint-
ed ;
ed; good wells at ban and house 1 buildings
331111 fonea In excellent repair. An ideal hope
ehea rthAOppaply !81100) SUSIE GOVIONLOUK,
FA1(81 ®OR MALE.—Being Lot 20, Oen, 14,
McKillop township, containing about 110
acres, all cleared. On the 1nemiues is u brick
house, bunk burn with hug pen combined, and
u new poreur mill for pumping, grinding, &e, •
also good bearingorohni•, ,chliefly Spys, Land
in In extra good state of cultivation, having
been ort
Pped light andlarge stook or both
hogs runt cattle u Cud on
it forr5 l
Boom i.
y Y
1, Pilus 01811 dclwul and 2 ermilespa from
WadtoirU P B stxtl°n. Por further par Mau.
lure Write .7 1i HAMILTON, Walton 1' O.or
apply on the prenthme, 40., 11.
=ARM 11011 SALE being Lot 18 con. 10..
Grey lowuuh
00010)0111g 111 100 acres; 1
awry frame house 211kitchen18x24; frame barn, 90z10, on aGe10alibiing;
good welie • all seeded to grime except 20 nares;
10 Sores ht ilusl11 orehard;.255 mtlen from O. P,
It. station All in stale of oultiv)tion, For
further �91l0111001818. apply to AL ESANDER
BA1R0N, Oren brook, P.O. 15.4,
Telephone 2818
AT A BARGAIN.—W111 dispose of cottage,
IDligabeth street, Bruits:ln, at 6850, ,i greet
b5rg91n In order to Hecare quick sale. 1i39
may be had from Mr..1 Leckie: Icor further.
particulars see Mr. Leckie or write the under-,
signed. 2. S. OA MERON,
10 81, George 191,, London; •
ARM NOR8ALE,—The 100 mere furl,, be -
Mg the property of the late Peter Mei) 0iI,
Lot 20, Oen. 19, Grey, is offered for Sole by the.
undersigned, There aro 85 acres 0180red, bal-
ance well timbered, On the farm there is a'
good banit barn, large driving shed and n non•
fortabl, hoose, Platte in good conditloh and
well fenced. Nor further puarticulaly apply to
3248. A. M0NAIR or ,TA8. D, -Mo AIR; 1110e.
x, O e brook P. 0„ or P. 5, 5(10105, Brea -
Sole. 7-6f
',ARM 5011 SALE, being South half Lot. 00, TT�,
Oon, 4, Morris township, Hiroo Co,, corn-
talning 100n0res mor00r I8),, On the n•em. '`?
see i5 a' frame house, bank 61,'11, Knoll orchard,
Notice to Creditors
IIn the matter of the estate ()fit osopli
( Ill G t IN it
Smith, into ,F l J t i of
[lion ns in Iht room or Ilulou
I 11 iner, l t taatl
Nonce 1H hereby elven, 1111 1%0004 to 8111t11 te
1.111)1 011 tired:tore 11011 of herH hawing 80)118
nitnln01lila iodate of the Hold doreph 5ndlb,
Who died on or.abon6 the twentyeeteentlt day
of March 1012 11'e required on or before
611011th day' ul' May. 11112 to fiend by poet
p 832011, or deliver to le 14 Scott, Breesels,
1' 0., Agent for the I0xecntnra of the tie•
creased, their tllirletinn nod elli'11at11eH, addros-
nn 11 statement! o' Tole
es Coria eget
,f. 111 d 5 t t I thole
s , I 1
t10crOnl'O 111,8812 the :laid estate and nIso om,
nat,re.of the 0800'1 ty Of any) held by thorn,
And 1151) m'
further take notice that after Heel, Met
mentioned date the Exeeuts will erraeed
to dl C67)),to the mist± of the dereneed
amongst the earth s punned thereto, having
regard only to the Moline of whiel, they shall
then have got ,,mice, end that the Raid Execu-
tors will not be liable for the 5014 aseetH or
tiny part thereof to nn,y person 01' 110/80118 of
whose claims notice shall not have been reeeiv'
ed by (hem 11 the time of 01101, distribution.
Dated this nib day of April, 1012,
WIGGt0)1 J, 4GI Exee1r0l•5.
(4/10.0 10 OAr,mltex JJ
Notice To Creditors
In the molter of life Estate of Hartwell
Speirau, late of the Township 0f
Grey, in the County of Huron,
former, deceased
Nonce is hereby given pursuant. to statute
Eha all creditors and others h11,1 115. 01aim9
1l,nins6 the estate of the said Hartwell Spelt -
an Who diad 011 01. about the twenty-seventh
day til May 1011, are required on or before the
tenth tiny of 5104 1012 to mend by poet prepaid or
deliver to the undersign 4 JOxecutos at Pen-
Pryn past office,who aro the Ox00ntoro of the
tleceuserl, their Chrialian and ru1111 0 0s. nd-
th:eas s and deeeriptiens end n tntoment of
their 0183,110 end 00)100,115 440100 the said
e8±8700ol oleo tho nature of the security if
mly held by the
And further tette notice 4h,,t otter each
last mentioned date the Executors will pro -
(feed to distribute the assets of the (10oe0sed
enlongstth0 parties entitled thereto havise6
thenrhave not be
oethat the laid exeou-
toro w'111 not be liable for the sold Pane), 0r
eat• part theroof to tiny person or persons of
wh"He claim+ ,letlee 5),11 not here been re•
noived by them at the time of such dIstrlbu-
Dld nt Gray this eighth day of April 1912.
3005 RptcluAS, tExecutors.
1'IAIl'I'wctT. 2111011,AH,
Mortgage Sate
Of a Valuable
Machine as
In the Village of nrussols, In the
County of Huron
Pursuant to power of sale con taln(d in n cer-
tain Indenture of Mortgage, which will he pro-
duced nt time of sale, there will be offered nt
Paid 1C Auetlon, 0t the Aino lead 110 lel in the
Village of Brussel., in the 001011 ty of Huron,
on Saturday, the Twenty-seventh day
of April, A.D. 1912, nt (es hoar or two o'clock
110 the of6ernoon, by P ti Seat,. 19sq,, A notion -
ser', the following property nnnlposod of part
of Lot number Sixu ) atilt street, in the
lage of Brussels in
the County of Huron,
Upon the )mill and phot, 2 there is erect-
ed as basement
bt oa ltinethen shoo ve, 50 ippe with
n11 modern
below the street nnmel70, equipped with
1111 modem moe engin namely :-One rn-8-10,3
ht,ollo gn),!dla obelus ; Ione 8-ine inoh x 8•fo e
ollow vertical
babe ; one 140 inc shaper ;one
?o• nch ether ith 1. drill ; , rills sh 000then 0 t
together with 7184, tare, drills and other op-
plianceH rtlnne0ted thl"'erith.
The building is prnotionliy new and in a drat-
010598t06en0reuetr, 1a 0011vanioltly and cen-
trally located in the village and is in n11 re-
spects soltel,I' as n gonorel M0rhin0 old Re-
pair Shop. The property will be offered for
sale subject. t0 1a reserve bid
Terms of 8010 -Ten per Cent. of the purchase
money on the day of wale to the Vendor's Sol-
icitor, and the balance within thirty days -
thereafter, wile,, po.neeslotl will be given.
Ivor (nether sortie ilnrs apply to the Auc-
tioneer or to the unde:dulled
A u0tinnoor,
Vendor's Rottener,
Bs 210.
It )
Uaaedthis2rnddnyoPApril A,D,]01211I`i
Foe= rseese ssef sse?: ewes eAe vAvuvAe to Teeeer,
) Many Business Colleges
close lfor yt hit theelnilge end popular Aug -'11
does not. Stnrrnlsdesiring
8toir0110 Grade Training 1lo
poslitions are Molted to write for o0?
9 oatalogllo: Enter now if you can. Our
graduates readily get. employment. 09
pct•, Young mid t W. J, ELLIOTT,
Alexander Stn. f Principal
41:'404'0.6.4644.26 My, 0ie2A6F eirsVgiZ yt
T11011911' ds of ambitious young people
are being natruoted in their homes by
oar Houle Study Dep7pt. You 11127 finish
II 0
at College 1f you tieairo. Pay when-
ever you wish. Thirty Yenta Expor.
tense. Largest trainers in O1nadn,
Motor any day Positions gtorantead.
If you wish to save board and tenni
s'hlle you earn, write for particulars,
Wingham Business College
President s eat
are looking for an invest -
hent that will bring you
large retut'ns write fir
pariiculaa's about Calgary
and Athabasita Laanding,
Aibeeta 14.3110)8 also for ealet
well, windmill, eel All °leered except about
Mid about 50 norms seeded dews: Por price Pt Spring 'Peril\ opens , •n(1tt7,
terms ml s1, l
d 0th r ii !)12, .
4 tfo'mnti3n I
en Sore
Sohool� '1
' .Wile I
t Hd stent, 1.
Oil 2
=ilea from Brnasr=la. 9 rto'eN of Fall
wk nl: Iti
T.treal Estate Broker
1174 Boulevard N. W.
Calgary, Alta.
The Business pSIgeSS
r1 v nn illi
122ore. .iii or if wrItlett,11it1 Brussels, brussels P O. 'Pbooe J' k`DWIN O• MATTFIEWB rrV,
I20. Or F, S. SooEt,BrusNbla, 0 , Prin.
11.tf A.LAU:ILR,Proprietor. 6 , p q q ,Y. p .v$4a'Q,a`f