The Brussels Post, 1912-4-18, Page 3irsotassissessissteeteeeteeteleesseesseeteso. NEW ST1 ENGTH Fashion HintsINTSE SPRING Nature Needs Aid in Making New GLIMPSE O11 NEW MATERIALS A glimpse of 'the new spring ma- terials --only given to a chosen few —shows the salve important feature of the last winter, a soft and rough finish in effect, possibly more ens- ' phasized. Width of material is again reheated, and even the cot- ton and mercerized goods come ranch wider, All the regular goods and -well known materials, of course, are with us, sometimes changed a little and given a new name, but even at this early date there are a few real- ly new materials. The material that will doubtless have the greatest vogue for all kinds of costumes will be taffeta. We have seen much taffeta this win- ter, but it seems so essentially a spring material, for nothing is cool- er or more fresh looking and it is soft enough not to crush. The taffetas show more body, are a little stiffer (a straw that shows fullness is gradually creeping in) and the two toned and changeable effects and various color combina- tions (the plainer the better); will make the smartest costumes. As the season advances the taffetas will show more stiffness, but the change will be so gradual that we will have them before we are conscious of the change. How attractive the linens are! And the newest linens show a loose peculiar weave that also gives the necessary rough effect. This weave, big, • soft, yet close, will be used for the suits and in the finer linens; they are soft looking. In mentioning linens, never make up linen that has not been sponged, for, aside from the question of shrinking, the glaced surface on all new linen is had. This can always be avoided by soaking and pressing (eliminating starch, use only when necessary; and then little), for au linen or cotton materials must be dull finished and never show that high gloss. For the lingerie gown sheer hand- kerchief linen leads. Marquisette is a close second. So many soft, lovely gowns are Been in marqui- sette that it is popular. Then there are cotton voiles and the nets used for the lingerie and other kinds of gowns. There are many fancy ef- fects in marquisette, voile, and net, plain and in colors, stripe, endless figure and flower designs, embroi- dered and dotted patterns and all tlrcee are pretty for dresses of any kind. Pique is a material that is to be smart and is used considerably for general wear costumes and trim- mings. The French dressmakers Bre particularly fond of pique, so we shall see much of it in the im- ported models. It comes in all -width stripes and also figures, but the fine stripes are the best. Many of the street gowns of the richest .satins or satin crepes will have touches of white pique. It is odd but pretty. In the suitings and woolen class of goods there is an endless stock of all kinds and colorings, but the rough loose weaves in - plain and mixed colors lead in style and nov- elty. ,FRE CII WOMEN'S PETITION. Mothers of Eight Want Medal and Pension. French mothers want a Legion of Honor for themselves. A petition to that effect has been laid before the Senate, and M. Royals] was commissioned to report upon it, He now cleeleres that he finds the peti- tion very interesting. French moth- ers demand a pension for each child they bring up, When a mother has. eight children she is to receive a medal corresponding to the medaille militaire granted in recognition of valor, and equivalent to the V. C. The French mothers who bring up eight children ask for the badge of courage, and M. Reynald, the Sen- ator, approves them, but he cannot hit upon a name for the new legion. The Senate is to be left to choose the title, The pension claimed for brave mothersis not exorbitant. It is to be only $4 a year per child, "We commend their moderation," adds Senator Reynalcl, and es spokesman of the committee he proposes the whom to the Ministry of the Inter- ior, with a strong recommendation for approval. f:. THOUGHTFUL. "See here, I wrote and asked you when you were going to pay that old account, and inclosed stamp, but you never answered." "My dear sir, wouldn't it have been a moan trick to use your own stamp to disappoint.yeu 1" Wife (complaining)—"You're not like Mr. 1£nagg. 'They've been mar- ried twenty years,, And Mrs. Ilnagg says het tuabana 18 an ;, tend@x,'f .Husband ""Tender ! Welll, lie ought to be, after being in hot 1v+tiitoi nM that time." Health -Giving Blood In the spring the system needs a tonic. To be healthy you mush have new blood just as the trees must have new sap to renew their vitality. Nature demands it, and without this pew blood you will feel weak and languid. You may have twinges of rheumatism or the sharp, stabbing pains of neuralgia.. Often there are disfiguring pimples or eruptions on the skin, In other cases there is merely a feeling of tiredness and a variable appetite. Any of these aro signs that the blood is out of order—that the in- door life of winter has lessened your vitality. What you need in spring is a tonic medicine to put you right, and in all the world of medicine there is no tonic can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills actually make new, rieh, red blood—your greatest need in spring. This new blood drives out the seeds of disease and makes easily tired men, women and children bright, active and strong, Mrs. Murray Marshall, Zephyr, Ont., says: "I do not believe ,I would ever have been well and strong again but -for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was so weak and nervous that I could not be left in the house alone. I would take weak spells with my heart and think I was going to die. I tried doctors and electric belts, but they dict me no good. Then a friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. To my surprise I soon notic- ed my appetite improving, and from than on I improved rapidly until I was enjoying the best of health, and I have not been troubled with weakness or nervousness since." These pills are sold by all medi- cine dealers or can be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'. Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. STOP MO'JIPII BREATHING. Hose So Built to Offer Safeguard Against Infection. "The habit of mouth breathing must be stopped absolutely," writes Dr. William Leo Howard in Mun- sey's Magazine. "Only by the air being filtered through the nose can you remain germ proof. Remember this: "The Brain channel through which poisonous germs enter the body is the breathing apparatus—the nose and mouth ; sometimes the ear. The germs of tuberculosis, pneumonia, spinal meningitis, diphtheria, polio-. myelitis, tonsolitis, reach the body through the nose and month. "The present state of civilization calls for constant care and watch- fulness in methods of breathing and in the hygiene of throat and nose. Automobiles and trolleys rushing along the city streets keep in mo- tion millions of germs. Heaps of dried manure are churned into dust; its hidden germs are turned out and sent through our window screens and on to our pillows for us to breathe in unless nose and throat are germ proof. "They can be made germ proof only by cleanliness and right breathing. See that there are no growths—adenoids—in the nostrils: Have the breathing perfectly clear of all foreign substances. Wash it seldom, however , and then only to clear it of road dust. In perfect condition the nostrils are germ proof. Salt solutions and other similar home remedies are danger- ous, because the salt or alum or Whatever is nsecl irritates the sensi- tive membrane, and it is this slight irritation which 'gives lodgment to germs." A Tempting Treat— P st Toasties Edith cream Crisp, fluffy bits of white Indian corn: cooked, rolled e into flakes and toasted to a golden brown. Ready to serve direct from the package. Delightful flavour ! Thoroughly wholesome! "The Memory Lingers" Sold by Grodere Made by Canadian Posture Cereal Co., Ltd. Pura rood Factorial Windsor, Ontario, Canada.' MRS. MALDWIN DI1;:UAIMOND Who was robbed of $130,000 worth of jewels while a passenger on the steamship Amerika. A man named Daniel Callahan has been arrested in St. Louis and charged with the theft. PAPA'S CONSENT. She—Isn't it lovely Papa con- sents." He—"Does he, really 1" She—"Yes. Ho wanted to know who you were, and I told him that you were tape clerk at Scrimp & Co.'s, and he seemed really pleased." He—"I am delighted." She—"Yes, and he said we could be married just as soon as you were taken into the firm." F POLITE. "What dirty hands you have, Johnnie!" said his teacher, "What would you say if I came to school that way 1" "I wouldn't say nothin'," replied Johnnie. ""I'd be too polite." 3t BABY'S LITTLE ILLS Baby's little ills are many and need 'close attention. Worms are among the most common of these ailments— there being scarcely a child who is not afflicted by them at some time or other. These, though, can be readily ban- ished by the frequent use of Baby's Own Tablets—the only remedy sold under the guar- antee of a government analyst to contain no opiate or other harmful drug. Concerning them Mrs. Jos. Daigle, Ste. Perpetue, Que., writes :—"Mt' baby was troubled with worms; ho was nervous and had no appetite. I gave him Baby's Own Tablets and ho was soon well again." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents; 'n box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Stich is the destiny of great men that their superior genius always exposes them to be the butt of the envenomed darts of calumny and envy. • Sleeplessness.—Sleep is the great restorer and to be deprived ,•f it is vital loss. Whatever may be the cause • of it, indigestion, new us derangement or mental 'sorry, try a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. By`regulating the action of the stomach, where the trouble lies, they will restore normal conditions and healthful sleep will follow. They exert a sedative force upon the nerves and where there is un- rest they bring rest. THE DEAN'S LESSON. Jonathan Swift, the Dean Swift so well known to fame, dearly loved a joke, and 'constantly inflicted them cm his friends and servants. Some- times they were kindly enough, and sometimes quite the reverse. In "Martha, Lady Giffard," Julia G. Longe gives an amusing example of o the fernier kind. Onto when the deem was travel- ling in Ire,land he found himself obliged to stay the night at a way- side inn. In the manning, when his 'servant brought. him his boots, he saw that they had not been cleaned ; he asked why. "I thought, sir, as you were go- ing to ride, that ;they would soon be dirty again." "Oh!" said his master. "Very we l ; go and see to the horses." The man obeyed,. and in the meantime the dean ordered the landlord not to give him any breakfast. When the man, returned, his master told him to bring the horses round. "But, air," remonstrated the man, "I have not yet had my break- fast." "Oil, that is no matter," replied the dean, cheerfully. "We will start on our journey, for it is eel,- tarn that if' you were to have your breakfast, yon would soon be hum- gry again." .And he took him breakf.astless away, We may sup- pose that he never again neglected to clean his master's hoots when on e" journey., relegs a Iran is chicken hearted he'as seldom henpecked, SOLD CASED SERIOUS TROUBLE BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS BROUGHT THE CURE. Mr. Hugh Martin, Suffering From Kidney Disease for Two Years, Tells How he got Batik his health. St. Hippolyte de Kilkenny, Lake L'Achigari, Terrobonne Om, Qum, .April 8 (Special).—Again the peo- ple of this neighborhood are talk- ing of a. complete cure of kidney disease. Mr. Hugh Martin. Jr., a well-known young farmer, is the person cured, and he gives all the credit to Dodd's Kidney Pills. "My trouble, was caused by a cold." Mr. Martin says, in an inter- view, "and I suffered for two years. My head would ache and I had pains in the back as well. I felt heavy and sleepy after meals. I was often dizzy, my memory was failing and I found it difficult to collect my thoughts. I was also nervous, while heart flutterings ad- ded to my anxiety. "I was a sick man indeed when I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, but by the time I had taken two boxes I was a changed man. Are you surprised that I think Dodd's Kidney Pills a wonderful remedy?" If you have two or more of Mr. Martin's symptoms your kidneys are diseased. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the sure cure. WATER CLOCK AI''1) SUN DIAL. Ancients Used One to Regulate Speeches in Law Courts. As the sun dial could not be read on cloudy days, the ancients used in connection with it the oopsedra (water clock), which had for its principle the measured percolation of water, and the hour glass, where- in the water is exchanged for sand. It is difficult to determine which of these chronometric modes can lay claim to priority. Plata alludes to the water clock in one of his dialogues, in which he declares that the philosophers are far more fortunate than the ora- tors, "these, being the slaves of a miserable water elock; whereas the pbilosophens are at liberty to make their discourse as long as they please." To explain this passage we must remember that it was the practice in the Athenian courts of justice., as well as in Rome, to mea- sure the time allotted to the advo- cates far pleading by means of a water clock. Three equal portions of water were put into it, one for the prosecutor, one for the defen- dant, and the third for the judge. "Does your husband ever lose his temper?" "Not any more. He lost it permanently about two years after our marriage." QUICKLY STOPS c0UGHS, CURES coLns, HEALS THE THROAT AND. LUNGS. 25 CENTS When a man says he doesn't be- lieve in luck, how does he account for the success of other people? Useful in Camp.—Explorers, sur- veyors, prospectors and hunters will find Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil very useful in camp. When the feet and legs are wet and toll it is well to rub them freely with the Oil and the result will be the pre- vention of pains in the muscles, and should a cut, or contusion, or sprain be sustained, nothing could be better as a dressing or lotion. ENDLESS TASK. Knagg—"A woman's work is never done," Mrs,. Knegg—"Especially rotten her work consists iu trying to make a man of her husband." The ingredients of Magic Baking Powder are plainly printed on each package. The makers of the numer- ous alum baking powders never do this, but they have been known to print the words "No Alum" on their labels. This is no guarantee —it is fraud. See that all ingredi- ents are stated. THE DIFFERENCE. "1 never saved. a dollar until I was married." "And now 1" "Now I never have one that T feel that I can afford to spend." ED. 4 ISSUE 1:---13 A. REIGN OF TERMOR. Murder and Attempt* at Murder its Glare, behind. Lord Chief Justice O'Brien, in his address to the Grand Jury of the County Clare at the opening of the ,spring assizes at Ennis, referred to "the reign of terror" that eltisted in sense districts of the country." He amid that in the central por- tion of the county, including Coro - fin and Tulle, there was no im- provement;. He had on the list ono case of murder and three deliberate attempts at -murder. On December 11, 1911, Johanna O'Mara was shot dead in her husband's house. Her niece, Delia O'Callaghan, was wounded in the (lead and eye. Ono of her eyes was afterwards extract ed, and she was disfigured for Life. Having paid a tribute to the Ro- man Catholic bishop of the diocese, who had denounced the outrage, the Lord Chief Justice said that there were three attempts to mur- der in the calendar. Under the heading of threatening notices thorn were nine cases in which no one had been made amenable. If people were not made amenable it indi- cated a general demoralization. He nia-do no adverse criticism on the police. and he wished it to be understood that people in some parts of the, country were so utterly demoralized that they would not come forward to assist the authori- ties. Ho might be very brave sitting there with policemen all around, or people might be very brave in Dub- lin or London, but in the ease of a man living upon a mountain side with nothing but the enemy around him, if he did not come forward to give evidence, was he to be blamed'? CONDUCTOR CURED OF CON- SUMPTION. "Mr. Copeland, Dear Sir, For the benefit of other's I wish to make known what Copeland's Cure for Consumption has done for me. When I commenced taking it I could not sit up in bed, nor keep anything on my stomach. My doctor. and a consumption specialist of Toronto said I had the worst form of Con- sumption, that nothing could be done for me, and gave me only eight or ten days to live. After taking tee bottles of your cure my appetite improved, and that weak- ening perspiration stopped. To -day I am healthier and stronger than I have been for years. I will answer any correspondence. Wishing you every success. David Warnock, Street Car Conductor, 430 Silver Birch Avenue." Every day I receive testimonials like the above from persons given up by doctors, and who have tried a]1 other medicines, but after taking this cure are speedily recovering. Many claim to be cured. As a cure, for Consumption, weak or bleeding lungs, lingering coughs and bron- chitis it is unexeelled. It acts on the stomach as a stimulating tonic. Mention nearest Express office when ordering. $1 per bottle; six for $5. Sold only by Wm. R. Cope- land, 511 Pape Avenue, Toronto. None Too Handsome Lecturer — "I shall introduce in my lecture to- night, ladies and gentlemen, some entirely new features." 'Voice from the Gallery (interrupting)—"If you'd introduce an entirely new face you'd do better." Some persons are more suscep- tible to colds than others, contract- ing derangements of the pulmonary organs from the slightest causes. These should always have at hand a bottle of Bickle's Anti -Consump- tive Syrup, the present day sover- eign remedy for coughs, catarrh and inflammation of the lungs. It will effect a cure no matter how severe the cold may be. You cannot af- ford to be without a remedy like Biekle's, for it is the best. There are times when a good bluff is as effective as great riches. Nlnard's Llniment Cures Dandruff. German Colonial possessions have an area of one million square miles, OnlY One "BROMO QUININE." That. to LA:tATTVE 11ROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. AV, GROVE, Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25o. Nearly sixteen and a half million tons was the world's production of sugar for 1911. When You Eyes Need Core Try Murine L.,- name y. No Smarting—Peels Flue—Acts Quickly, Try it for lied Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus. treted Book in each Package. Murine Is compounded by our Oculists—not a "Patent Med- lcino"-but used In successful Physicians'rrca- Hoo for many yvyears. Now 40,11,0 od top the Pub. lid s5 yoesutos Salve -In Druggists iliobes, 11 0 onet600. Murine Eye. Ran}edy Co., Chicago HER ONE WISH. .ltnaw a young and beautiful woman who married an elderly banker for his money. I met her downtown shopping the other day. She looked wretched," "Aren't you happy 1" . I said, "No, I'm nob," said she. She frowned and added, "George told me if I married him my every wish would be gratified." "Well, isn't it/ Look at your pearls, your motor cars, your sables 1 Isn't your every wish gre,bifted 1" "N'o," said she. "1 wish I hadn't married." Morin LInlfl*Ot tor sets deerYte era, o 0 1 r ` s INTLUENZA CATARRHAL FEVER PINK EYE EPIZOOTIC DISTE.MF R CHRONIC COUGHS Booklet "nintomper; Canscs, Cure and Prevention," 51'RIrt, An drag- gists, ra , viers—harnALL ars. Ill WHOLESALE and DNo a bath,. 61a and i0 a dozen, Piatrlb. SPOHN MEDICAL 00., Goshen. Indiana, U. G.A. COMING APPEARANCES. "An old friend appeared to me very unexpectedly the other day " "An old friend i" "Yes, the bottom of my coal bin." Complete in itself, Mother Graves Worm Exterminator does not re- quire the assistance of any other medicine to make it effective. It does not fail to do its work. EASY. "What did you learn at school to- day, Bobby l" "I learned how to spell 'expedi- ency' with five letters." "Let's hear how you do it." "XPDNC." I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT, Bay of Islands. 7. M. CAMPBELL. I woe curet] of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Springhill, N. S. WM. DANIELs. I was cured of Chronic Rhenmetiem by MINARD-S LINIMENT. Albert Co., N. B. GEO. TINGLEY. IN SAD MEMORY. "Hello, old man l How's busi- ness/ "Sh! Take off your hat when you speak of the dead." A Safe Pill for Sufferers.—There are pills that violently purge .and All the stomach and intestines with pain. Parmelee's 'Vegetable Pills are mild and effective. They are purely vegetable, no mineral pur- gative entering into their composi- tion and their effect is soothing and beneficial, Try them and be con- vinced. Thousands can attest their great curative qualities because thousands owe their health and strength to timely use of this most excellent medicine_ ; Men who attribute all their fail- ures to fate never think their sue- eesse's may be due to the same cause. Ninety-nine miles is the total length of the Suez Canal, and the width is just over 121 feet. Warts will render the prettiest hands unsightly. Clear the excres- cences away by using Holloway's Corn Cure, which acts thoroughly and painlessly. -- Last year 443,531 alien passengers landed in the United Kingdom. Nlnard's Liniment Rollover Neuralgia. AT THE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. "I am looking fora man who man do the chores, sweep, help clean the rooms, be polite, and never be impudent." "Say, misses, yon'se is lookin' fora husband." PILES CURE Writing from Poplar, B.C., ribs. (f. Ranson, proprietress of the Commer- cial hotel, says: " I suffered for years 8 with blooding piles. The pain was so� bad at times that I could hardly walk, and ordinary remedies seemed utterly unable to give me any ease. Finally I decided to undergo an operation, and went to the Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane. There they performed an a operation. For a time I was certainly te better, but within twelve months the piles boeame as painful as ever. I tried liniments, hot poultices, various 'pilo cures,' and indeed everything I could think would be likely to do any good, but still I continued to cufi'er, 0and the shooting, burning, stinginga 12 pains, the dull, aching, ' worn-out 1 °feeling -that the disease causes tion -s tinned as bad as over. "Ono day I read about Zam-Buk and thought I would try ib. The first one or two bozos gave me more ease than anything else I had tried, Bo I gwent on with the treatment. In a short time. I began to feelaltagetltordl difiorenb and better. Well, I went on using Zani-Bak, and by the time 'lied used six boxes 1 was delighted to find myself entirely cured. That was three years ago, and there has been no � return of the trouble, Zam-Buk rte a sure curb for piles, eczema, ulcers, abscesses, eruptions, chapped hands, varicose sores, burns, scalds, bruises, inflamed petehos, and all skin injuries and diseases. Drug- gists and stores everywhere, 50e. box, or lam -Butz Co,, Toronto, for price. 1 PILES CURED 174 6 TO 19 DAYS. Your druggist will tefoadd money If PA%O OINT- MENT or Protrudinours g any iu 6 to IS d,s of oo. 60o In the game of hearts, when a man is in doubt be should lead dia- monds. Mlnard's Liniment Curtis Burns, Eta. FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. TiloliTY ACRE FRUIT FARM—NEAR. .Niagara River, well planted, Revenue 1911 nearly thirty per cont. on pried asked. tBEAUTIFUL FARM OP TWO HUN- . died and ninety acres on Ft. Joseph's Island, with tine house, no -to. date barn and outbuildings. Owner wishes to devote his time to other -business, so will sell cheap for quirk sale. Full Par- ticulars furnished on application. 1113NDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN ACRES .[.B. in Norfolk County; six acres fruit; up-to-date house: new bank born; a very. desirable property et a bargain. T317NDRED AND FIFTY ACRES—WITH A. good houses two barns: ten acres orchard; in County Peel. A real snap. (9, NE HUNDRED ACRES -000D HOUSE L.7 and outbuildings; near Teeewator. A first-class farm worth the more,. A N IDEAL FARM OI' TWO HUNDRED 2-A._ acres in County of Welnngton, with fine brick house; good outbuildings;..can. be bought on easy term. lfilouR HUNDRED ACRES IN COUNTY of Simeoe, with Hundred Acres Good Timber; 20 acres apple orchard; -node Promo House; two Barns. Cnu be bought right. MWENTY-FIVE ACRE FRUIT FARM— Near St, Catharines; Brick House; Barn; twenty Sores planted. Oen be bought very reasonable. Ch NE OF TIDI BEST FRUIT FARMS IN \ St. Catharines District—Fifty acree, thirty of whish aro planted; Elegant House, also Cottage and fine outhuildings. Will be seld on easy terms. ORTY ACRES — ST. OATHARINES Bengal° and Cottage and good out. buildings. Thirty.four acres planted in fruit, and a .money maker, The owner wishes to retire and ancions to sell.. HAVE MANITOBA ALBERTA, SAS. katcl;ewan and British Columbia lands, both improved and unimproved, In quarter, half or whole sections. also in larger lots op to ace hundred thousand acres. If thinking of investing in West. ern lands it is to your interest to consult''- me. 'PhSneSt Main 0999, Park 627. H. W, DAWSON, Toronto. Lir ALF SECTION — FIFTY ACRES broken, three miles from town, dice. ,Ino. Scott. Whitewood, .4. tsk. MALE HELP WANTED, 14' EARN TO BE A TELEGRAPHER OR AJ Station Agent, Big demand for men. Prop Book it explains work and wages. Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. HAY and PAMSCALES. Wilson', Soule Works. 9 Bettis on de, Toronto. .!`I.ANOER, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In - 4i tenni and external, cored without Pain by our home treatment. Write 115 before too -late. Dr. Reitman Medical Co,, Limited, Oolllugwood, Ont, V PN lALor, ld vQU9atNTnU. Elm?. FEATHER DYEING Moaning and omlhty and Rid Otevos 'cleaned Those aan ba Bona by post, la par az; The bast plass is BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO, . Ma;14'IORA'L, PURIM° w"PROOF R CANCER AND TUMOR ..eman tt�ajjn BrBranch: Purifte0,00.,.,. Ortdgeburg, Wiitt. IN :Awl V Z ORIEOSOTRI Sia.1.:ti~a.15.1•21 i'G i1.dt.ota,m Pratt:ot --- Preserve Ee©utlfy Satuploa 02151 Boolkletd on Application JAMES LANCMMUIR & CO,, Elmited 10741 Bathurelt Ste+eet ebSt0N'I'O