The Brussels Post, 1912-4-18, Page 1#4,
VOL. 40 NO, 42
New Advertisements
Funds to loan -X Y Z.
()hop loot -Tali POST.
For Hule-Davld thine.
Bogs wanted -Geo. Best,
Watch rob lost -Ten POEM
Onto for Hale- W. blonds.
House to ent-Alt Weaker,
Coming -Prof. Dorm:wend.
Rooms to lot -I 0. Richards,
To oontrnotors-A, Maoltwon.
Dlosolution-Walker & Mack.
Oots tound-Alax MoLnuahlin,
The Hartt Sthoe-II 0. Danford.
Again running -Pry ne 00.
Eggs for hatching -J. 8, Armstrong.
istritt littros
NOTES.—School re -opened on Mon.
clay with a fair attendance.— Our
dressmakers, the Misses Driscol, are
kept very busy in them line of work.,
—Miss Alice Smith accompanied by
her cousin, Miss Stella Cox, both of
Toronto visited with Mrs. Menwen a
few days last week. The former is a
niece of Mrs. McEwen's.—Miss Mtu.
garet McCully, returned to her home
this week after speeding the Winter
with her sister Mrs. Geo. R. Wileon,
of Park Rapids, Minn.—Mies Mityrne
Archibeld, of Seaforth'lspent Solidity
at her home in Iffeliilop.—Mies M.
Swallow 18 improving in health. --
Bethel Ladies' Ald will meet next
month at the home of Mrs. E, Roe,—
What about our Bethel League tame-
ing up again ?
Owitig to the illness of Rev. Mr.
Farr there was no sevlee in the
English church here last Sunday.
1)0111; forget the meeting of the
'Farmers' Olnb next, Tuesday eVetililt;
1,0 the Foresters' Hall. Come 11111.1
osplce part in the discuesion.
Next Monday aftevnouti the annum'
stry meeting of Trinity church
111 be held. It. was postponed owing
bad voads and rectiwai slickness.
si Invitation have been received froni
3irn8sels by the Sabbath School tied
erpworth League workers to attet.1
"iktmvention next bliniday afteetmon
L which Rev. Mr. Bartlett, of Tor-
ento will be the director.
D. and Mrs. Sprout were at Bens.
sels last Friday attending the tenets!
of the late NIrs. Eltigh Stewart. De-
ceased was 83 years of age. and was a
sister-in-law of Mr. Sprout.
Brussels Flour Mills
Again Running Full Time
WteeeseE have just installed, at, a very heavy expense, the newest and
latest machinery foe making the Best Flours and ape now
mannfiteturing the, highest grades of 'Manitoba and Bleeder'
Flour. Heretofore all Manitoba Flom. had to be shipped in front some
other mills, but we 11,1•E• 110W, ill it pesitine to Offer an "All Manitoba"
equal to the best, at less cost to the consumer, -
OUR "PRAIRIE PRIDE" at: all Manitoba High Grade Palent
Flour, you will find equal 10 the best, all Manitoba made, being ground
from the choicest Alan:tubs, Speing wheat. Begin by trying a small
sack and you will be mot it than pleased„
"WHITE LOAF" is a Blended _nom made rattan selected White
Fall wheat and blended with the Manitoba Spring wheat. It makes a
choice family floor of highest quality and most excellent fiavite. An
all round flour for either •bread or pastry.
"SNOWFLAKE" a past ry flone 0111t , fop those who desire a light
white crust or cake. Made fetal' selerted White Fall wheat.
Give us your next order Or tell pine dream to y
give ou PRYNE'S
FLOUR and see that you getit. A call im the 'plume to 52twi1l get
us promptly. We deliver any where in town free.
Pryne Milling Co.
pr. We have had the misfortune 10 1)1188 our dam Swept awayhy the
floods but we are not dismayed.: 51018 thine will -be made in
nee and more feed ground than ever. Keep you'. eye on us.
IP 0001' 1"
HERE'S dis-
about The
Fiera Shoe that im-
presses men -favor-
ably. In Style, fit,
Workmanship and
Wearing qualities it
easily raulm first,
& SHOE CO., Vetted
Fredericton, N.H. 63
E. C.
Sold only by
Tailor and Gents' Furnisher Brussels
WOMEN'S INSTITUTE,—.1118 regular
nreetieg of Ilelgettlie Womeies Iii-
etitate convened on Tueeeity after-
noon at the home of, Mis. Bohler,
wheve a very etijoyable time wee
emelt by a goodly teens:Hulse Miss
30111nie Cole gave 1111 excellent, paper
on "How to entertain ;" Mrs. D.
Geddes favored 1111 company with a
choice solo ; and Mrs. Joh 11 Olegg's
reading 011 "W01111.11'S Work" wits
Most snitable, Al the May meeting
a `Taletit table" tvill be one of the
18A1,11res from which good cookery,
etc., will be Hold. Phis place of 'peel-
ing will be the home of Mts. Semi.
Miss Eva Willits left for London on
Miss Mail Harris is visiting Mends
in Hamilton. •
Mrs. T. G. Hemphill is a visitor in
Toronto this week.
Mrs, MeLennati is a guest at the
home of Hugh fi'ilgar, of Howick.
Miss Bessie Ritchie has .gone to
Galt where the will spend a few
The annual vestry meeting of the
Episcopal church was held on Mon-
day evening.
Ernest a ay, of Hamilton, a former
resident of the village, called on
ietide here last week.
Rev. Jas. 0, Fraser, of Knox College
will °reality the pulpit in the Presby-
terian ohm oh on Smiday.
WAY.—M18. X1111111111, widow of the
lette lehti Eilloret, of Seittoieh, died
111, the residents 0) 181' daughter, Mrs.
Brown, 44 Oriole 1 Nue P01111 1)). Mrs.
Killinitti was one of the hest krinems
women ii 5418)011 h. She NV148 born in
Iteland, eame to St. Malys when very
young and final there went with het.
111181441 id to Seaftwth in 1803. She
leaves a large fondly of grown-up
children .1. L. 1Cillitran, of Goderich ;
Dr. Rittman, of Bathurst street, Tor-
onto ; Nies. Prendergast and MIS.
13111%V11. T1,1'11111 ; NISS Kitimat', of
$04111111 11 ; 1411.8 Coreoran, of Duluth ;
mai Mrs. 111e81'y, of IVindsor. The
mired tool; place in Seafortht Mrs.
Killorom was ill with heart trouble
for about twit months. She was 72
years 1.111.
W. and Ales. Jackson spent the
Easter lielidave with friends tIL Tut-
otito and \Whitby.
St, Andrew's Church, which has.
been undergoing repairs for the last
feW weeks, will be re -opened on Sun-
day. 2$1 It inst. Rev. F. A. Robinson,
B. As, Toentito, Associate Secretary
itt the department of Social service
and Evangeli.itn, will be the special
The By-law authorizing a loan of
$5.000 to the new flax milt to be erect-
ed here was carried last Friday and
the new Company will ptoceed to at -
Lend to their p011 Id the 'Arpin at an
early date.. Blyth is to be congratu-
lated oti securing the industry as the
promoters are reliable men.
Rev. J. L. -Small closed- the 5th
year of his pastorate in Blyth With
special sermons last Sunday. Some
of the statistics given were as follows:
Baptisms 48, Mai ringes 31, Deaths 46,
New members 124, Miesionat y con -
LH r.10tm $8 950 I Total revenue
319,011.81. Smttll's text at the
mot :ling service Wits elditheeto hath
the Lord helped 011S."
MATRIMONIAL.— Miss Ida Gibbs,
formerly of Blyth, and Frederick
Johnston were married at, 134) Buvrows
Ave., Winnipeg, by Rev. W. A. Me
Lean, Presbyterian 10)8,84 11', at 4 p.
111. 011 ‘Vednraday April 3. The beide
was becomingly di (-stied in white voile.
They have started housekeeping on
the groottes beautiful farm near
Southey, SeekatcheWan, with the
hearty good wishes of a wide eitcle, of
friends. The Imide was very highly
esteemedin this locality awl Was well
worthy of it. Her 1110)1181 is still a
resident of Blyth.
Bentietts the 18 months' old son of
Leonard l4. and Mt's. Rutten, has been
datigerottely ill with bronchitis and is
still very eick but we hope he will soon
take a tenet for the better, bliss
wendoline Snell, Mrs. Ruttan's :de-
ter, who wee visiting the' e is down
with pneumonia but, is somewhat bet-
ter at 1)011 4)1! writing.
Dieu AT Gourinsau.—We are sorry
to learn that Catherine Martin, be-
loved Wife of James Mel14W011, of
Code' ich, passed away last Sunday,
al 8 tecloek, aged 85 yeare. In addi-
tion to the husband, who is an old
amestotv n boy, there are 2 (laugh teis.
The tweeted took place Tuesday after-
noon. T. and Mis. McEwen and Jno.
and Mrs. Cutt, of this locality were in
attendence. Nr. McEwen and little
daughters will share in the sympathy
of this community in the loss of a
true wife and a devoted mother.
Dia & Steware have begun opera-
tions in their HAW mill.
Miss Alice' Dull is home from the
McDonald Institute, Guelph.
Miss Cora Messer left on Friday to
teach in Beantsville High School,
Roland Henderson spent the holi-
days with his parents and has return-
ed to bis school.
Mrs. (Rev.) W. J. West is at North
Bay wherehet mother, Mrs. J. K.
Gordon, is very low with pneumonia.
15th ANNIVERSARY.— Spertial servi-
ces will be held in Krinx church next.
Sabbath in conneetion with the 15th
anniversary of the induction of Rev.
W. J. West, Id. A. who will preach
moreing arid evening. k pleasant
time is expected on the following
Monday 2211d inst„ when an Anniver-
sary At, Home will be given in the
church peelers. Everybody welcome.
Robert SillOp8011 was Merle from
• Sentinel) Collegiate for Easter.
Last Sabbath evening the service
hi Victoria Hall was conducted' by
,Jot, King.
.tliss Stella Wright attended the
Wedding 01 her el wisi 11, hi iss SMi
• Alma 0111. last week.
John .1111)11811)0 wen t, to the hasp' tal
• this emelt for an operatlo» oii the heel
that has been bothering him.
The \Vomen's Institute will hold
their reettlar niont itly meeting next
l'huveilay afteeimmi, 25111, in
Victoria Hall, Miss Beside Moses
will give puttee "Canade and the
(3,, 1,1(4110148," There will also be a
disenssion on " \ \'11411 (118104 110 4)18)1.
4)40l' 4811811 1111181.1148 eemtire coaxing':
• and everyene 18 11411(1(1 LI) ICP 1)0111111
it. fleeting emnmences tut 2.30
o'elottk Miss Ina-- Brycns is the
, Seesetat V.
1101180 mid M rs, Haoiill 00 1001 tt
vett, siiteeeterul w111.(1 1104 801114 weeks
41 ago 111111 gs a line big part y at, night
111. 11 1,1,11 1' V1.1.:1110111,` th0111-
: 881 t't-; ,1 1118411 lta 1"' 10444))
for Nottnan Atoll:elm anti LIMN. and
M him Eckelmid family e ho
leaving ft:: 'resider, S11811.,. W,11,41'0
!ipose m
hoostestling,. M,e. Eaket
has a hotoestend end Tweemplitto nem
'Pessier Norlutin Mulligan and .5111e,
11111,111.1, 01.1101. 11.11(1 818141 10 A11.8.
R011111 1 ET 111011 4)4.
B. C/, Stokes is visiting in this
loerilit y. Ho disposol of his 11)0 acre
them Item. 181)141 ,44)111)
to joseph
eiolines 4)1 1114 eater' locality, the epic'
being 3560)). Mrs Stokeosided tilos
for the past 8 ,yeate. He may take a
trip to Bay City, Micidgitn. to visit
rehttives alma ibe middle of \itty and
temy go Nom there for a trip through
the West. Mrs. Stokes died during
the past year., •
and showed it in a practical way by
assinning their willitiguese to add an
extra $25 to his stipend. He men-
tionetethat the renewal to good health
WAS ttt 18104 pat Bally due to their
kind consideration'particelarly
volieying 111)11 from Parish duties for
three months. The Woman's Guild,
of St. Gem ge's church met for their
annual business at the same time,
Treasurei's report sbowed a balance
on hand of nearly 365.00. Tho follow-
ing officers were elected :—President,
Mrs. Cameron ; Vice -Pees. Mrs. J.
Bulger ; Sere-Treas., Miss 51. Kelly,
• Trowbridge
pretty wedding took piece at high
110011 on Weduesday. April 10th at
the home of Francis and Mrs. Ooates,
"Riverside Farm," when their daugh-
ter, Miss Christina E and Richard
Johnston were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony, The ceremony
was performed by the Rev. I. A. Mc-
Kelvey, of Trowbridge, in the pres-
ence of about. forty guests, all of
whom were relatives 11 11)0 contract-
ing parties. As the wedding march
wits being played by Miss Edna J.
Johnston, sister of the grolaw, the
bride leaning on the arm of her broth -
11 Ed. Ooates, took her place wide'. a
beautiful arch of evergreens. Bride
looked (that 'Ding in a beautiful dress
of cream embreidered taffetta eloth
tuAl Carried a boquet of bridal roses
and lily of the valley. After the
ceismone the company repaired to
the dining room where they partook
cif all elaborate wedding feast and
humr on, amid the hearty congiatn-
!talons mid gnod wishes of all, the
happy couple left fur their home 1111
the 2nd con. of Elms, where they be-
gin housekeeping with the hearty
. good wishesor relatives and friends.
Wirt. W. Bray was visiting her
mothee, Mrs. Howard, in Benssels,
last week.
W. E. Hanley, manager of the
Horne Bank, Ilderton, 48a8 the guest
of his parents clueing Easter. Willie
Marin, who tvas on the staff of the
above bank, has been moved to Allis-
LEO HUNT.—Last Friday as Wm.
Bray was assisting Joseph Oster, 81,1)
line, in cutting down some poplar
trees his right leg below the knee was
injured by a log rolling 00 11. It was
feared first, it was broken but we are
glad to state that was not the case.
Mr, Bray went to his own home on
Saturday and although the limb is
iftiff and veru sore we hope he will
Isom be able to get about as lively as
ever. Mr. and Mrs. Bray intend re -
Moving to Ethel where theyhave
puvcimeed a property
and intend
making their home.
Miss Steele is visiting in the village.
Additional Oranbrook news un page
Jacob Fischer is laid up with a sore
Rev. D. Perrie, of Winghem, was
visiting in this locality receelly.
Mr. MeGnibess, the new teacher,
411118 delayed in getting here owing to
the death of a sister.
Irwin Hunter sold a fine_ heavy
draft young mare to David Smith,
fith line, Morris at a good figure.
Mrs. McKay has returned home
after spending the Winter with
relatives in Niagara Fells tel Sea -
fort h.
A. McDonald has improved the
front of his stole 'by putting up a
new yerapdah, new windows and a
square front.
VVe congratulate Miss Theressa
Switzer on her success at the Normal
School at Stiatford and hope she will
enjoy her work •better than ever.
Last Sabbath evening Rev. Dr.
Grant, of Toronto. gave it splendid
Missionary address in Knox church.
His visits to various parts of the work
can (rely be franght with good in
stirring up Missiontuy enthusiasm on
account of a better acquaintance with
the woikereatal the work.
Miss Lavinia, Alderson, nvo is at-
tendiog Stratford Business College,
was heee for it holiday visit. She is
well pleased with the comse at College
and expects to get hese diploma at the
close of this term. Russell Alderson,
who 18 employed in the G. T. It rails
way shops, Stratford, was also home
and enjoyed the holiday.
The dedicationaofirn
lie new in
St. Geovge's 010)1111 is 8,11110111keed for
next Sunday. We iiiiditretand that
he 11110111 of St. John's, 1311188418, 18 10
a8818L 111 Lhe 1111.18148.1 pall Or servitoe.
1331 the close of the month it, is ex-
pected that Mrs. John Spence, of
Harding, Manitoba, will some to
' NValton fol' a vssit, acrompanyittg het
mother, Mrs, David Oattipbell, whose
1, 1(1111 14 80111t.9. 11111 111.1111.11V41.
ellsonoe's (MURCIA. -'1'118 an gal
V1`81,ry meeting of St. Get,ege's church
• W118 1101(1 1881. 14101111111 111te1.11001/ 111111
tiotwithsboaling the tentovals all de-
partments were shown tit be in good
1 8i,e1Tidrh:,e1,v"
.lph,. 1311154-1') 4111110 melee for their' 40111 8.1111 111411' 11'
0)1.11.9)1 'rile followitie iitlieere 1%410
11180 111p0111141i l --V4811 01011, T11118
Bolger ,; Hill1•8111011, Goo. Kelly, Chas,
0180, T. Bolger, Jos. Hamilton and
Feed. Delega le to Sy nisi,
.10110 Bolger. Vestry very gratefully
accepted the brass pulpit, the gift of
Mr. and the ittt.r. • Mrs. 14amilton.
rItey also expressed aptwociation
of the emelt of etheir pester arid
ilnee " delight to know he
was In his usnal good health again
The Simpson home has been eold 10
Wm. Bray. of Moncrieff
who is retiring from the farm and
will locate here. The property is
conveniently located.
E'liel League and Sunday Sehool
workers 111)98 1)8814 invited to attend a
Round Table Conference to be held at
Brussels next Monday afternoon, con
ducted by Rev Mr Bartlett, General
S cr. tary of Epworth Leagues and
and Sunday Schools in connection'
with Canadian Methodism.
Following are additional particulars
concerning the demise of bliss Han-
suld, referred to in last issue :—Tues-
day evening 11)8118 (11)1(1 in the General
Hospital, Berlin, Kathryn Mar. Han -
staid, one of the staff of nurses of that
institution. She had an attack of
pleurreptieurnonia, to which she sue-
eurabed after only a few days' illness.
All that 1118(1)001 skill and trained
miming could do were lovingly done,
bn t seemingly her Master wanted her
to be forever with Himself and the
summons had to be obeyed. Her
body art iced at, Tavistock by the five
o'clock train 'Wednesday evening and
interment took place on Saturday at
2.30 from the home of her parents,
Crewed and Mrs. -Hanstild, 10th line
&ere, 10 the MoTavieh cenietery.
TIte sympathy of the entire cotn-
mturity is extended to the bereaved
family in this their 1)0111 01' sorrow.
. 1:
* •
1 We Have em t
t :
• •
: What ?
. 1
. .
• .
•.: Why, our Spring and
Summer Suitings, *
• •
* • with all the up -to-
• date tones and *•
• col-
ors, combined with 4.*
• quality, at RIGHT •
• •
• •
• .
•• W. PI Fraser!
• Merchant
Miss Minnie Russell, 5th line. has
been quite ill with lagrippe but will
soon be all right we trust.
Tenders are being asked for concrete
abutments for the proposed new
bridges to be built. See advt. in this
Miss Elizabeth Irvine, sister to Mrs.
W. H. Ferguson, has arrived in new
York from °bine and will visit here
Misses Ruby and Irene Clegg, who
were home for Easter vacation from
their schools at Ospringe and Troy,
respectively, left last week for work
It 18 estimated that the floods 'did
$3000 worth of damage in the Town-
ship apart frotu the 3 wooden bridges
that were lost. Midge' By -Laws will
be voted on 01 0)1 early date in June.
We notice the 111.11410 of Miss Mary
Fear in the list of successful students
at the Ste/afield Normal School and
wish to 'compliment her on whining
out. She has heed a very suecessful
teacher and we hope the training now
received will prove u great help in her
Finlay Mellor, wife and daughter,
late of 131 ighton, England, have locat-
ed with the family of Jno. Mooney,
Mr. Wiener assisting on the farm.
They are here a month and like the
appearance of Canada and pot pose
• making their home here. We bid
them welcome.
Well done Morris, in the proposed
appointment of a Weed Inspector.
We (loot know who the person will
be but hope he will not be a mere
figure head but one who will wisely
well attend to the duties of his
Mike mull hereby aid every farmer 111
the 1111)011)1)1111 Ly. •
Mrs. Norton Blakey, of Montreal,
was here during the past week renew-
ing old friendships with Mts. Blake,
511) lime The ladies got acquainted
on boned the Alban steconer "Tuni-
sian" 3 years ago in a voyage of three
weeks on the Atlantic Mid by corres-
pondence and occasional meetings
11/14'P 11,41(1011 10 friendship's tie formed
114 the past 041 Shipboard. It Wa5
wife and adult family. Funeral took
place Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Mc-
Gee was highly respected by a wide
circle of friends who admired his in-
dustry, honesty and sociability.
CARD 08 Trumes.—We wish to re-
cord our sincere thanks to the many
who tendered us sympathy and help
in the sickness and demise of Joseph
Smith. Words fail to express our ap-
preciation of the same and we hope
the Father who watches over all and
who directs our paths will richly re-
ward those who were so 'thoughtful
and kindly to us in the hour of our
heavy trial. Yours Truly,
MRS. JOSEPH SMITH Al)!) Faunae'.
W. H. KERR, Propttetor
when the Council will meet ae a Court
of Reviaion on the Asseseoe's Rell.
eraefssr. Unreln
Doinge at the opeeial Council uleete
log on Saturday April ll3Lh, Thuelt—
Fraser--that we outman. 8, By -late to
the electors of bluetits to burrow on
the credit. of the TowuLili o sole of
$28,000 for u term of twenty years,
money to be used 01 the construction
of bridges. Carried.
law—that we letthe consttuotion of
the superstructrue of the teuushine
acid Ulegg's bridges to the Ou.
of Mitelsell, at the emu of $3,100 each:
Caviled. '17huell—Lactliaw—that W.
Elstoo and W. H. •Frasee make ar-
rangements to have the Cruickshank
bridge epaired as stem as possible and
that, the .A... Hill Co. be employed to
do Um: Work, at, let per cent mote than
cost, as shown by the pay roll. Oars
ried. A. a1.e0Eware, Clerk.
Grey •
John H.islop, a well known resi-
dent of Grey township, left last week
for the West where he has taken up
land and purposes making his home.
Mrs. Rislop is still here but tvill leave
shortly with other members of the
family. We wish them well and
congratulate the West on securing
this quality of eettlers.
Last week W. J. Palmer sold his
100 acre farm, Lot 10, Con. 5, to Jno.
Mitchell, who will get immediate
possession. On account of this
change in affairs Mr. Palmer is hold-
ing an unreserved Auction Sale of
farm stock, implements, etc., Friday
afternoon of t,his week. We have
not heard where he purposes locating
but we hope it Will be near by. Mr.
Mitchell disposed of his 50 acres to
James Wright, of the 811) eon.
SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is
the result of the Easter Promotion
EX1.1.111$ of the pupils of S. S. No. 12
Grey and McKillop Union. Names in
order of merit :-.Class,V.—Ada Fulton
Sr. IV. (Entrance) Andrew Colitts,
Sr. IV,—Donald Buchanan. Jr. III.
—Gertrude McKenzie. Sr. IL—Jim-
mie Sinter, Lisabell Suiter. Jr. 11.—
Ernest Pepper, John Pepper, Viola
Clarke. Sr. 1.—Luells, Fulton, Nettie
Pepper. Primer.—Jennie Ritchie,
Johnnie Suiter, Gracie Pepper.
J. B. ROBB, Teacher.
Owen Boland Herald of Anvil 12111,
speaks as follows of fortuer resi-
dent of the 8th eon :—Cancer caused
the death on Supday of Homer
Robertson a well known ;resident of
this district who has been suffering
from the (head disease for some time.
Deceased who was born in Scotland
10 the year 1850 and has been residing
here is survived by his surrowiug
widow two daeghters, Mrs. Phillips
and Mies Edith and one son Albert,
all of Owen Sound. The funeral took
place on Tuesday from his late resi-
dence, '780 8th St. East, to Greeti-
wood Cemetery. The Sun sif Oweri
Sound says :—Tho funeral of the late
Homer Robertson', Whose death 'se-
cured this week, took place from his
late residenee 780 £1th St. E. at two
p. ill. 011 Wednesday, Rev. T. A.
Rodger officiating. Deceased was
born in Kirkinkilla, Scotland, in 1850
and besides his immediate family
leavee two sisters, Mrs. Flatt, of Brus-
sels. and Mrs. Win. Camerom of
Squire, and one brother, Azur Robert -
eel), Of Tecumseh township. Besides
his widow living at 780 8th St. E.,
and Miss Edith Robertson at, home
and one 8011 Albeet of Tecumseh town-
Morris Council
Minutes of ()pupal' meeting held
in the Township Hall, April lst,
iVietubers of' Commit were all preemie
Minutes of taut meeting read and stp-
111111110 f111-418111.1` 11181, W441c, moved. In response to a petiteou
The teeny friends of John Mooney, , from ratepayers it was moved by W.
an old and well known resident of the IL Maser and seconded by W. C.
5111 line, will 104)1 et to hear that he Thuell, thet a Weed Inspector be &p-
lies been laid up this Week with pointed, salary 20c per hour,
eleneleY n1wi although considet ably , defined by the Weed Act, Careied.
hot ter is in poor :Shape , yet, Mr. I Thuell--Eistini--thati W. Fet maim be
Mooney fell some time ago and in- appointed Inepector of concrete work
lured lite side and has not been really at $L80 per day. Oarvied. Fraser—
Pryne Milling Company.
Increased Capacity from 75 to
125 Barrels.
Last week the Pryne Milling Co.
fluisbed the work of remodelliug their
will and the wheels Wertleet in motion
(nice Inure after being shut down since
about the muddle of Jermary. Early
in that mouth the contract, was ldt.
for the complete overhauling and in-
stsAliug of machinery necessary to
make their mill eecond to none. The
head millwright was Robt. Aitchison,
who has had yeses of experience in
setting up new mills, and he had
charge of the installation. In place
of the old and complicated reel system
the mill was chauged to what is
known as the "Plutisifter Systetn,"the
Plansifter displacing six of the mach-
ines on the old system. Suctiou fans
take the dust trent the cleaning mach-
ines and deposit it in a dust room
away from the rest of the mill. By
means of a fan the hot air is taken
from the rolls in the grinding.section
And blown through a large iron tube
into a cyclone dust, collector. All the
wheat is graded as it comes from the
farmers' wagons or trout the cat's and
is run into the different storage bins
which hold about 8,000 bushels of
wheat. The wheat is weighed before
grinding, after which it, Is run through
cleaning machlues which take out all
foreign substances and dust and is
then run thiough a temperiug con-
veyor and tempered with water as the
Manitoba wheat is too hard and brit-
tle to be ground without being tem-
pered„with either steam or water.
atter system is now almost univet-
sully used. It then goes to the tem -
peeing bins where it is allowed to
stand for about 12 hours when it is run
over a delicate weighing machine
known as a "Feed Governor” which
can be set to feed any 'lumber of has.
hels required to be ground per hour.
The process of waking flour theta be-
instead of the capacity being 76' bar-
rels of flour per day it is now Increas-
ed to 125 barrels and by the improved
methods better Hoar as well as more
of it will be produced.
Theft= has been at heavy expense
but expect the results Will amply re-
ward them fur the same.
Owing to the damage done to the
mill dam 11 141 expected that the cem-
ent work ef last yeer will be coutin-
ued so that when completed steam
can once mere be dispensed with by
the utilization of water power. Their
,oppratilianie.stu is worthy of more than
The Pryne Co, have com-
pleted arrangements with an Old
Country firm who agree to purchase
all the flue they can ship and this
with their other specialties and big
chopping trade should keep the mill
hustling and bring the proprietors, we
trust, substantial returns to reward
them for their investment and large
outlay. A town has no better asset,
than a good flouring mill managed by.
men wbo not only know thew busi-
ness but also possess the art of hand-
ling the public. PECS Pose' believes
the Perim Milling CO. fill the bill and
wishes them the euccese their enter -
`Wise deserves.
W. C, '1'. --'rhe regalia meeting of
the W. C. T IT will be held on Wed-
uesday, 24111 inst., in the Public Library.
Mrs. Chrysler, of Braatford, Provincial
Superintendent of Anti -Narcotic depart-
ment in W. C. '1'. U. work, will be
present to give en address, All the
ladies who are iutetested, in the cause of
Temperance are urgently requested to
be present. A collection will he taken
to defray expenses. Mrs, Chrysler will
visit the school and speak to the pupils 1
bligettniseireauel tsseeserritit:'°s°8Aurtii nu .07 LeafstthFeritleabynderveenn;
Aid Sotiety held a meeting in the
audience room of the Carnegie Library,
Rev. A. C. \Mahan,. Pies:tient, in the
chair, Co, Secretaty G. Elliott, of t
GJderich, was present 8113a gave a rim-
ning cemineutary 011 the work he has in
hand. Several local cases were dealt
with in this colnrounity and others are
ender considerceiore " Following Mr.
talk the law. as it relates to
this Stanetv and young people under 16
Years of age was dealt with •aucl plans '
talked over eoncerning the same. On '
motion it wits decided to grant 330 oo,
born the local treastos to alt.! the CO.,
m11111181 iOn Among the tomes dismis-
sed weie to deal with boys and
girls who night1y ade the streets
the curfew bell ; truancy from school
well situp. Ho is 111 h113 74111 yeas. but Laidlaw—that we advertise for ten- supervised phr, grounds. etc. Persons
has been a, hearty man, We hope he dens foe the 001151 PM11,1011 of 2 coectste eemeine of eil!*s the help of
soon be qttite smart again. Culverts on the Mut tay-Lainb drain the Children's Aid Sornity are risked to
A Pionma Dies.--Jaities McGee, and one on the Nichol drain, Lille 5. notify the loco) offices or write Mr.
an old and well kilown remittent of the Carried. Following act:mints were E Won, Goderich al fs al ways ready
1st line, was summoned to the Great ordered to be paid :—Luxton Hill, to respond. Thoae who hatre 4161 Vet
Beyond lest Stinday. He wits 82 years work on West bdy., $7.43 ;J(. Pollard, paid the subseription given at the re-
flf age. Me. McGee lived 011 the 2nd vetnoving, Mee, 8rd line, $11.50 Muni- cent meetieg ie Brussels ToWn Hall itte
hoe for imine time loriatims there over sepal World, Road $3.6,3'; Clete. asked to itattQL: ettreltit2) e„;
40 years ago. He sold his property Pollard, win* on East hay., 0175. ,Gilrow,Treits,`"
there to ex -Reeve Isbister abd moved 00101811 then azijotwned., e t sietdrietees EG.taeta APPlIcatian
to the lst line. He is survived by his meeting will
11.7741 Bathurst Street toitOlterce
L M 111