The Brussels Post, 1912-4-4, Page 5BU7iINEaSt1 UAIitni,
Vt7f3, Mo01tAoK1hN—
leaner 01 Marriage Ltoonae4, Of.
AO at broaery,'larnuorry street, Brussels.
K. 0. T. M.
110050018 Taut of tbo 0laeoinmes Nu 24
bold their regular meotingn 32 the L.deo
Ruum, Bawler blues, 82 the 1st and erd
Tuesday tyrannise of (mon month
A, 80 ., SIASt 00188, ways welcome.
oxoMA1t1t1AGLt' LLCL1'NS.Ei7i Apemen and hnrgeon;Po.l'Gradune(warm
London (Eng.), New York and Chicago13ofof o HoHow;Atlas. apean) attention to (Unease eye, ear,
1 nose and 1118,000 Lyes tested for glasses,
•®.s Oards
Toaehor of Plano
Studio at Carter's Music Store, one door North
of the Standard Hank. 13rnooels 1-st
1)R. T. T. tv1'RAE
liaoholor or Medicine, University of Toronto
Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy•
Wahine and .Surgeons, 0838,Host-t(radonte
Chicago OI55'o, Ear, Nose and .threat Huepanl,
01nmagu, Ill Lx-liouoo Surgeon to St. Mich.
eel's Hospital, Toronto.
O1110o over 11.. 13, Smith's Drug Store. Tele.
Pbuuo oonneotion w10h Uranbrook at all hours,
Mee le the Pus( Mace, Ethel. 80.4
Y • ban, will sell for better prides, to
Lieber then, m i0013 time anti thee charges
town any other suetiuueein Last Huron or
eta won't ounegu auythlug Uatoa and orders
000 always e0 arratgual 116 this lotion or by
,ors mal sppnoatiop, ANL IANVEYAid1 UUj.
'l ,rt /- 111 111N CLA1R—
V 4' Barr(eter, Hallaitor, 0onveyaneer,
Notary Public, &o. uaioe—Stewart's block
1 door Northof neutral Hotel
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Sank,
SA1t111tl1 MRS, H1LI01T3R8, NOTA11I108.
W, PB00Dyu0T, K. O. R O. HATS
5, L, 810001188
Offices—Those formerly o00apled by Messrs
Cameron & Bolt,
(00DRRI08, ONTA1110.
Royal Mail Steamers
Winter Service
Steamer From St. John From Helifnx
Vtrghlell Alaroh 15th March 10th
Corsican March. 24011
Vretorion March 20(11 March 00th
Tunisian April Ot1t
Stomper Boston PAda nd
Sicilian ,........ March 12th
Scotian March 12t11
March 21st
iieaporion A mil 2nd
First Class, 502,50 572.50 582 50
Second glass, " 697,50 50,60 562.65
Third Ohms, $111.25 552.50
�ocm•.H a' , • - ler and service,
Full information as to rates, eco., on nppli
Mon to
Agent .Allan Line, Brussels,
Our °meses are now larger Thai, ever
before but we have en leveed our quart-
,c5 ere and we have room for it few more AA
5,i students. You nifty enter at any time. Sy
' We have a 0101E of Idle experienced In. AA
ntruotors and oar oonrar0 01'0 the best. 17
Oar graduates succeed. This week `
three recent (a�E�!9 eco t radutu fns informed ?a
Uv d 410 it
' that 1257 hper
nth. positions have
paying 6116, e.
and 5125 per month. We h, dlao rhe de.
partntents —Wrebal, Shorthand
and. Telegraphy.
wl'1Ge fol' 0111' free
cataloger now '
0, A. McLACHLAN, Principal.
417Av<_Sv) 'AvfsAvtrAvr,Y 0.yAtr5Avf. Aav, W..1 „•y:.:
At your home without
pain, clanger or operation.
My methodwill
cure ap-
IJ Y h
arentl o
peless (0(505 no �
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured..'
Why wait until your rup- `
ture becomes strangulated.
when you can be cured ?
Do not wait - Fill in coupon
Ago Time Rup ,... ,..
Single 1)r Double .
Name ............. ..................
Address .
and return to
88 Caledonia 8t.
Dept. A Stratford, Ont.
Constipation brings litany anions
in its train and is, the primary rause
of touch sickness. Keep vim' bowels
regular madam, and you Will escape
many of the ailments to which woolen
Lire subject. Oonstipalioe is a Very
shnpl0 thing, but like Many sitnple
things, nonny lead to serines co1se-
quenees. Na111).33,(ften needs it, little
assistance and when Ohernherlain's
Tablets ate given 3Lh Ale 111,0 1111111'18.
t1013, 11111011 distress and suffering tlnl.y
be avoided, Sold by all det1lert.
Dental Surgeon
Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto
0niverslsy ; L ieentiate of Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, of Toronto Olnee in Smith
Monk recently valuated by Dr Neild.
Honor graduate of the OnraMo Veterinary
College, 'Day and night calls, Office opposite
Flour A1111, Ethel,
tlkai'.h'a rTEme .re QiddA1Y'al2
(40:80 So0'rt1 G01Nn Ncvrn
.Haat ,., 7:07 a mExpress 15:543 a m
Express ....11:25 a 1n I Mail ... 1:611 p 1)l
Express 5:55 p an Express . (1:62 p In
To Toronto
(4 i
Express 7:41 e m
P Expressood 17:57 a l l
Express m r
2'67 ICs ems m
P P I P 7:316 p
Going East - 7:05 a. m. and 8:56 p. m.
Going west - 12:48 and 0:47 p, m.
A18 trains going East connect with 0 P. 11. at
Orangeville for Owon Sound, Elora and T
G. 15. stations.
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent.
istr int1.etus
Joseph 4Vellwoocl has soul his resi-
dence nl Lutver Winglian, (the Silli(k
property) to Wm. Finlay for $800.
Rev, .1)1.. 11'. L. Barber, of Listowel,
preuehed i1) the 51etho(liatChurch last
Semi/win connection with the 01n111-
Vel•8a'y of the Educational Society.
At the regular meeting of Maitland
I O. U. P. it 1.v ,
g , as decided t1
organize a Degree team and Legula.r.,
practice will he held on Wednesday
evening of each week.
-Olio al Society has re -organized, the
following executive being appointed :
President., H. A. Percy ' Vice -Pres.,
H. F. Hicks ; Business Manager, \V,
Fields ; Secretary, E. 0. Haley ;
Measurer, A. E. Llndy ; Cuiductln',
J. Henry Chiistie.
Fred. Davidson It
81. a valuable colt
in a leculitllt 1
net a ler,1 1
hlh jumping
around i1) the barnyard afte3444
r been
let inose front the stable, It fell over as
wlleelhartow and broke its neck. The
animal was valued at $125.
The Epworth Leagues of,1Vinghaul
Methodist church elected (iems cur
the ensuing year as follows ; Plesi-
L A. a1 1 nc r r .,•_
L, H n l 3 11 Art-
, V Pa 1
11etlls (I111 istiatl E1idl'aver, E. II.
Hied ; MT80iunal v, 13. 03 niclashnnit ;
Uln•istiaul 01lizpnsh1 t Frank Howson ;
.tutor e
1 League Superintendent, Miss
illy Lloyd ; 18Ltrary. \Iisa ()tittle ;
Burial, \I 18 133131118.1 ; I l ennui e1.. M.
(31 alt 1)u , Rto, S4 e n e tart', Miss Tibbs ;
03e. -Secretary, P. Kerr ; Piainist, ,l is-
; Asst. Pianist., Miss 10311r0
Bets' ; Ropresenttotive to Dislriet,
meeting John Kerr.
Select your Medicine with Care
Debility and weakness medicine
should be mild and DIP rutuhiug..
31auy pills and pergati('3s are tau
harsh, are drastic net44ad of canal ive.
1 xtessive action is alwayafullo{led by
clepnssiou and knowing this, DI
Hamilton. devised his pills or .t11111 -
drake Ss Butternut s1) as to mildly in-
m•ease fiver and kidney activity, flush
out the eletuentet•v 0im3111, tone and
regulate the bowels. Thus clo UI,
Hamilton's 1
1110 eliminate xliaolls
Crow the body, restore clearness 3 t
the skin, bring strength unci that
sweet restorer of health—sleep. Best
0urdieiue on earth, 25c; per Mix' at all
• Goiierich
1lra. Judgo Doyle and 111 1.) y
laft for 13,ithmuOd Va., tut a 1810.
n1(3utha visit
1),. Walter Turnbull left on ail ex-
tended time- of the Omnst and to visit
his brother 031 Valeouver, He 13118
8,8 81 111 1)1111 1 '
b ells, It 1/1111 Ls '
I )
t . fine
830 Till 011
Feed. Davie, of the Br'tllmvd Hotel,
left for Edmonton and other points i1)
the West,. 111 r, Davis has a4 large fame
at. Irrie'ati, Alla., to which he chip-
ped two cars of very line heavy draft
Mimes a fele:d1)'s' ago.
SAD CASE —A wide cieele of friends
ttitd relatives was shocked on \Vednes-
day of last week My the LLIInnal3Ce-
meth tht.4t. Miss -_Care ie GI•tthatu,
Huron Road, had died 8111dt-illy dup-
ing the noon Motu' in the residence of
1188, Grigg, wlet'e she was i1) 31e
habit 1)t talcngdiiinc'' with hwt Pathan,
(1(831 8)0180'. The'ymtmlg woman was an
employ of the Signal stale and was
apparently in her 415112! -health, with
nothing 133 imdic10,'tmly litLMflity. 18) a
sudden taking BMT. A beici' exlmina-
Zion ohowed signs of poisoning, 334143
Dr: Hunter, enrolee, decided Viral
1111 iliqueot 13e10 advisable laud at WW1'
oati1uletl enquiry for any facts be'llo.
ingon the case. A jury W118 8111pau(0
100 and two sittings Were held, the
following facts being brought out
On Wednesday morning she had
bought atHlilt's clang store 1.0 I'ti n
grains of at(vcl3niue saying she %vigl
ed Jo• poison 0, eat, and the u0(13(I
legal fnrulL1I1341+s being eunpli(d with
Mr. }1111k,' k1eltviog the family well,
had 110 susltiuiom that anything wits'
tvton3. .lust at noon deceased (vent
ap scants over the Signal Alice and
asked for a cup to gilt a drink, and
thengoing into the 3oiirrl (03,131, .1113
i,ls,y there sowed 101 enquiry as to
whether anythingwets the matter,
but she (eine (1(11vn 141 1111', and 3( ('nl 10
dinner 118 usual. At the 110t1se sale.
took only a cup mf lea, and then going
up stairs was full loved by Mrs. Grigg,
who found Ler i1) cauvulsions lying
011 the floor of the baath-ronin, and
d8a111 took place in as few Clinches,.
The 800(.0110/, of her asSu ia3es 081 the
Sorted MILT Khc,tved that for (104131)
101110 00'011480 had been brooding Ove,
11ua3ina'y nen tet,., (mill though there
was net rudlea.Mu 411' the eats 041(11)38
she evidently ,vas Peeling deeply, this
being ropflum ad by hula which she
wrote, I'Munt1 :tate. her dearth, in which
she an1ouu(ed her tielet'tuivatiou
to (ouunit suicide. Arnie hearing the
evidence the jury gave 11011. ver(13(t
11341 ile1"useil heti take') her own life
while in as stale 1)l' dementia. (sullied by
r•eligimie (111(11134.
"0131 baby eri(s I'ot (illunberlltill's
Gough Rented 3," writes Mrs, T. 13.
Kentll ick, 13,asace G31. "11 is the boat
cough remedy o1) the market fur
coughs, 0)31315 maid (roup." Formate by
all dealers.
\Vn1. and Mrs. Gettig. left 3.)(uddy
of last Iveek for P43rvust, Sask., where
they will reside.
:L.s. Piaan3 13eune1t and little
daughter, of Om I.333tn, are guests at
the Milne or .1l:•Jelin Bennett.
J,18 ,3.1(Qnhu'rie who has leen visit-
ing his miller Mere I'or the past few
IYe,'Its re1llPlied 11) his 1 1n1118 in 38011"81
on 111 I 13day.
3318. (Itrv.) 4V, McLean anti little.
(laughter, of 1-Lu11+('83', are al. peseta
111 11 visit to the fie tiler's patents, A.
and 11(0. Rider here.
Athol, SICKh Brie visited with his
parents 13'I',-oswatel, prior to leaving
for the 1V8a where he will be engulf,-
.ng31. r-
ed i1) the lightning end business.
S Creighton moved his family last
week Lothe Taylor i
width he 1.e•
cent•ly purchased.
He has resided
here all his life 011(1 his many f: tends
wish Biot 81100888. 1V8 understand he
is going strongly into the Dairying
1+'LAx MILL BY-Law.—At a very
largely attended meeting of the rate-
payers held 033 Industry Hall Friday
evening for LMe purpose of listening
111 n ooilin
1.l u o > ..nLn a of
411 Geiger, o.
I I bet, f
Hensel!, to stat'( a flax x1111 here, iL
was de 3 tiled to 01111)110( the by-law by a
vote of 48 13,0 and 3 against. 153r.
Geiger w115 here mud he and Reeve
Milne explained the peopositiol, 1
which auks for a loan of 1115000 to be.
paid back in ten equal payments.
The vote on 1 he By-law will tdlte place
Friday 1231) (net. There will be a fix -
('1 ee • le
I assessment n1. of , 00
0 01 ,
�1 She1.D e1..
p P
1.y open which taxes will be paid.
Don,* Use Creasy Liniments
A century ago they were popular.
To -day p8eple want something easy
to apply, certain in results, and above
all a Oleate liniuleut. %Viten Nerviliue
is applied 3101188 anal paai11 disappear
as the pines absorb its 0001 'ling heal -
1(1g propel tie8. Nei ((line penetrates
o On, core C are " i' l68 Ivan ease,: instantly
end leaves n (01y.
1)d smelling 31 1 041-
n 1
4400 behind. Guoll to 1 ake 111, capital to
tub nn, and five tittle., mt•ae powerful
in destroying pain -1 Ian, any oily lini-
ment. Dim't rail to get n large 25e
Airs. A L,isilii
1 Laird visiting '
ttw friends 1
n 1
118 1
13011, Kine. has moved to his faun
mn 1118 I1)th con.
Gl ulys H,dunts, of T,ncknmv,
is visiting at the house of AVM's. H.
1 irla)nillun, 5811. who rot• snm8
time has been s(rionsly ill is meek
int proved
138 H. 543 038118118 t& 00. stripped a
elm'lieul of pennies which brought
$1 00 a Mag,
15, Lambkin, 2u1 non., of Ilowiett,
w heel b has ee i Haid upwit nem
i. utile to b8 3'U1 again,
5V, \V. Evans, manager of the
Unice Trust ('nntpany, of Winnipeg,
is visiting at the lu01le of his father,
John Lynes.
Mrs. T„ 311.8 Perk his, ))sell OS, tenet
of the late Henry P3.1 kinsnod a lifx-
Iengresident of Gerrie, died
'I'hnrs,lsy after an illness extending
103'1 some ti opt, 51i0,• Perk 1110 is sur-
vived by 3%
•daa h
tors, Misses
Eleanor and Edythe.
SAVED FROM storm period, central o1) the 18111Ihthpossible far Northward, are among
the plobabilities. A reactionary
101111 16111, is at the center of the Met,-
38(17 (mriud, 11)1(0(21' 6110 luol't:asiug
sCnaiu 1)l 1.3144 Venus pet' nd with 1130081
i 0.015 i e 1)L,
AN OP tai a tmt' n1. 1e 6(31
E �
As this psi 0011 cuwes on, the heroine -
ow Mrs. Reed of Peoria,Iiis Aug IoudiLioms, the temperature will
Escaped The Sur- rise very high µ1d severe (Amens of
wind, rain, hail and thunder will pass
gL'OI6r5 Ir+1tAife EtLslwardiy across the country, on
and touching the 1411 and 151h.
i The Venus period is central nn the
Peoria, Ili.—"I wish to let every one
know whatLydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable
Compound has done
forme. Fortwoyears
I suffered, The doc-
tor said I had a tumor
and the only remedy
was the surgeon's
knife. My mother
bought me Lydia E.
f} Pinkham's Vegeta-
iljifj ble Compound, and
today I am a well and
healthy woman. For
months I suffered
from inflammation, and your Sanative
IWash relieved me. I am glad to tell
anyone what your medicines have done
for me. You can use my testimonial in
any way you wish, and I will be glad
to answer letters. "— Mrs. CHRISTINA
REED, 105 Mound St., Peoria, Ill.
Mrs. Lynch Also Avoided
1 281'd, and the moon is at gi eatest
North, declination and perigee on the
21-51 sou 22011. This astronomic con-
dition calls for steady wind currents
from the South, low barometer,, very
high temperature, ending 011 electrical
stones, heavy rain and destructive
hail storms in wide sections. Totna.
does will visit 175100116 parts, especial-
ly in Southern regions ; snow and
sleet squalls will most likely 7)811
many sections Noiihward during this
The reactionary storm period 0en-
tlal on the 2511i to 26th being at the
center of the Venus period, threaten-
ing and stormy Weather, 0unti1ued
from the preceding period, will most
likely lead up to the 26111 and 20th and
thence forward into the closing days
of the month, causing u long spell of
stormy and unsettled weather.
There will be a marked increase in the
severity of storms on and touching
the 25th and 20111.
In cases of rheumatism relief from
pain makes sleep and rest possible.
This may be Obtained by applying
Olrawberlain's Lini
meat. For sale u by
all dealers.
Jessup, Pa.—"After the birth of my
fourth child, I had severe organic inflam-
mation. I would have such terrible pains
that it did not seem as though I could
stand it. This kept up for three long
months, until two doctors decided that
an operation was needed.
"Then one of my friends recommended
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound and after taking it for two months
I was a well woman."—Mrs. JOSEPH A.
LYNCH, Jessup, Pa.
w o suffer from female ills
should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound, one of the most success-
ful remedies the world has ever known,
before submitting to a surgical opera-
MOVED AWAY.—Wm. Dulnlage, of
Got has closed his hotel in Gerrie,
pulled up the pump. nailed up t,11e
windows of the house and the barn
doors, and gcue to Harriston, where
he has leased On hotel,
MArRInroNIAL.—A pretty wedding
was solemnized in the Methodist
parsonage, Gerrie. Wednesday of last
week when Miss Sarah V. Hamilton,
third daughter of J. 1011d Mrs. Htuuil-
tnn, was 151811•ied to Laughlin F.
Ashton. Only a few of the immediate
relatives 5
aP resent•.. The bride
Wile given away ' 111111111W,
a het
g Y by
R S. Hamilton of
131 us (d.•
s v The
(er811n5 was pt't formed by -Rev J.
\V. Hibbert, til• mid Mfrs. Ashton h•ft
111 as honeymoon trip to Strafford,
London, and other points and Will be
at home 10 their residence on con. 0,
•aaftetl April 10.
Ltun shoulder is nearly r
t Y allva S duc-
to rhenlnat.ism of the 41ulseles and
ck e 1
quickly ly 70.1(15 U the free application
nberla(n's Liniment. Pon sale
by all
Stormy Weather for April
A reactionary storm period falls
ceoli'ally o1) 11144 3rd anti 4111, but
storms of thunder and rain may de,
velum aL clay or two earlier, The Ven-
us equinox, also earth's equinox bear
upon this period, making vett' active
storms possible and probable,
A regular stoma period covers 1310.
0th to the 11111. Ohdmge to mush
wnluler 'with falling Milometer and
threatening clouds, will appear \Vest -
ward o1) the 641 and 701 Ind (luring
the 8tii, 011 and 101 h, these conditions
will grow into a4ctive storms 1)r rain,
wind and thunder, as they pass East-
waard.ail rain H to a Dud thunder, with
marked chop 181 temperature and snow
`•1:531.110,e1.,158 'd:, V?: .*wir
Confined to His Home for Weeks.
BLOOD POISONSaro the most prevalent and most serious diseases. They enp the
very life blood of the victhn and unless entirely erne -Rated from the system will cause
serials complications, /lowers of.lieroury. It may suppress the symptoms—our NEW
A1.sTilOD cures an blood diseases.
YOUNG Olt MIDDLE A64» MEN.—Imprudent note orlater exece8ee-have broken
down yotlr'systcm. You feelIbo symptoms sterling over you, hfontalty, physically and
vitally you are not tho man 7041 used to be or should be. sill youhoed the danger signals?
lAD9R Aroyonovieitmy Iiavoyoulostllopo4 Areyou intondin4 to aarry7 Iles
74400 hood boon 4100at has
have you any iv0 1111823 1)r Naw t lnrron
1'aa.tmnnsi' w..l 001.0 you. What it Inas done for others it {ad do for you. Consultation re,
Gene. No mat`or who has .(rented you Fatherhood." for 00 honest o)' neon Fmo of Cl ergo,
Books Froo—"Boyl1Ood, Manhood, l'atkerhood," (Illustrated) on Diseases of Mon,
heaea or •'nv.+'eoco, Everything Confidential. Question List and Coat, of Treatment
a9 work severe straining
evil habits in
youth brought
t o
'Varicose \,u0 1 Worked hard the ecungwould become
Boere.nd I was of 01,011 laid up fr a week at a time. Ity family
3t otct neralme operation nsY only Yhono—tu4I dreaded it.
taxi several specialism, but soon found
out Local they to bolter n
rogues. L e day accb to lock u ;on all doctors as work
o nluc than
rogues, One toy dI lines asked vis why I was oft work . mucor and
I end him mhe y oondit..ko treatmentcd
com himself
self 310 &
they wore
oquare 0.04 s treu1, 8 'room them lf and knew
158)00005 .Yruz and, pro r I as so Cann and gob Tom Npw
mmnoo month'stre mMen( I a ss me somewhat age and
the 5(lz ed treatment
ment for t I was somewhat discouraged. rewarded.
with aenmpletecure. for d o ly earn SI.: a1. and was I' machine
shop op 00:nmptreatmen. I doled rn earning
cora Sid a 'week in a machine,
IwIobaroroffeerskne sowI1.m alUabl ftr and n1.. loose a day.
I w allsutfetmskiiew of your anluable treatment.
11 -
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St.. Detroit, Mich.
i err N O'H� I C @' All letters front Canada must be addressed
to our Canadian Correspondence Depart
t .
"'• meutru, Windsor, Ott. If you testes to
see its personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
no patients i1) our Windsor camswhich are, for Correspondence and.
Itaboratory for Canadian busines8 only. Address, all letters as follows:
wilco (tor nor nrivato address. J
The Galt Reformer of March 23rd,
speaks us follows of the demise of R.
G. Malcolm, of that town, who resid-
ed i61 Brussels for a number of years
raid wasengagedttl the furniture
business and %
5 u vas well and favorably
known :— The death occurred this
morning a1. 5 o'clock, at his home at
85 Gilbolnt ave„ of Robert Malcolm,
one of Galt's best known men. The
110 WS of Mr, 1Malcoln's death will
mule as a shock to his Inauy friends,.
as few were aware that he bad been
sick. Deceased had been ailing fur
the past 12 shays from pneumonia,
The late Mr. Malcolm was fu his 00th
year and was horn i1) Galt and spent
his boyhood clays here, leaving Galt
when a young faun, but he returned
about 12 n1.1s years ago and has lived
I1el'e evel' since. Deceased was a +8011
of the late Robert -Malcolm, one of the
early settlers of Galt. The late Mr.
Malcolm was a cabinet maker by
trade, but was employed for a num-
bed of years as Et patter n-rnaker at the
MacGregor 41.Gunplay w ks, t
nt of
lute has been employed A.' 4i -
by 1 c
us u. a5 issurvived A IL n Deceased t ed stn { 1 ed b
y his
wile and one (laughter, Miss Nina, at
home, and two brothel's Andrew, of
Gala, and George, of Brantford ; three
hair brothers, Gordon, of Hespeler ;
John, of Galt, and William, of Tor-
onto ; anti two half -Sisters, Mrs. Hun-
ter, Pollock ave., and Airs. W. Kitch-
en Pollock ave. I1) religion, ton deceased
vasa devout member of Central
Presbyterian 0110(111, and was an Eld-
er of the chill h. u
c Funeral on Sunday
afternoon at three o'clock from his
late residence, to Mount Pleasant
1enletery. Service at the house at.
The Kincardine Reporter adds:—
Many Kincardine friends will regret
to learn of Mr. Malcoln's sudden de•
(nine. He 3V115 a resident of Kincar-
dine for a great wally years and sold
out his 1111)11 ole and undertaking
business tai Thos. Inglis. He learned
Che trade of cabinet making with E.
Miller. He was a member of North-
ern Light Masonic Lodge for 40 years
and the Lodge sent. R. 4V. Bro. M. J.
McPleeson to Galt to represent it at
the funeral which took place o1) Sun-
day afternoon and was conducted by
the. Galt 19asonie Lodge, about 100
081(1 bet's beimg present. Deceased
was a Cousin of Andrew Malcolm, of
this town who also attended ed the
Following are additional particulars
not to hand when THE POST
%vats issued last concerning
deceased 1— An Ottawa &spalrt'
saysRev. T. G. Thom-
sen, Ph. 13 Presbyterian minister at,
West born i5 dead. He was up and
'Lemuel el Friday -morning as usual wont
shortly before had been chatting with
l.he doctor. He had been stkffe,•it1g
with a slight cold but he was in good
spirits only as few minutes before his
The 1 761 1.t
e e (1euLletl u
g ,a
le,tveta.31 1vIdo1.v Jt 1 1 n
1 1
TI mist a was
formerly pastor of a ohm eh 41Hamil-
ton aual�tt Vaokleek Hill andin earlier
life engaged in mission work in the
\Vest." Some years ago he was
pastor of Duff's church, AlcKillop,
anti afterwards of Union oha•c.1,
lieucefield. Ile lesig)i1d the latter
charge to go to Vatic) in British
Golumbia, when that city was in its
embl vatic 0uudil.ion. Ile opened Ole
first Presbyterian church in that city.
He was ail earnest able preacher and
was much . and deservedly respected
by all who knew him, alt's. Thom-
son who survives her husband, was a
dnnu titer or the late 'James Spence,
MT many years a leading resident of
the village of Ethel, in the township
of Grey. Mt, Thomson's dt'4t.h was
very sudden. ' A week previously he
soll'ever, ft nm an attack of acute hull.
gest ion Sbot it wits en meted 11e bad
fully recovered. On the morning of
his deal h ho seemed to be in perfect
hrvaiih alio) 111 the best of spirits and
felly enjoyed his breakfast. About
len o,'pl(,('k 1)0 NIIs. Thomson
and he
w{er. itis Aire at tend e t a Y l i Ig to some
household (1u11188 he soddenly eon).
pltttl (41 nl' feeii)lg unwell and before
assist,'une cn0131 be procured hiassed
away. ' p
Struck by Lightning
Noal.hy describes the celerity of Pla-
na in
ubnam s Cern Extractor. li,pnts 801118
out: in 81101't. order, Causes no paid,
I(.m+rs no seat', Rod gives pt t•fecl antis.
fa0131nn Iteintnii her there -Is nniyone
"best"--•LhaL's Pu1uau's--fifty years
i'ill use.
Sriwio has arrived. You may not be
able to hal vest the first crop 01 p is plant
for a day or two, but the baseball sched-
ule has been published.
Mr. Andrews praises Or.
Mono's Indian Root Pills.
Mr. George Andrews of Halifax,
"For many years I have been troubled
with chronic Constipation. This ail-
ment never comes single-handed, and I
have been a victim to the many illnesses
that constipation brings in its train.
Medicine after medicine 1 have taken in
order to find relief, but one and all left
me in the same hopeless condition. It
seemed that nothing would expel from
me the one ailment that caused so much
trouble, yet at last I read about these
Indian Root Pills,
That was indeed a lucky day for me,
for I was so impressed with the state-
ments made that I determined to
give them a fair trial.
They have regulated my stomach and
bowels. I am cured of constipation, and
I claim they have no equal as a medi-
Por over half a century Dr, Morse's
Indian Root Pills have been curing con-
stipation and clogged, inactive kidneys,
with all the ailments which result from
them. They cleanse the whole system
andpurify the blood. Sold everywhere box. 2
at Me.
U BR 0
Talwe MARK h.La,aTGRle.
00001D 1,144
Is strongly fire -resisting
— rated first-class by
Fire Insurance Com-
panies. t l no [
p t will t ignite
from sparks or burning
brands, and has saved
many a building. Made
in 3 Permanent Colors
—Red, Brown, Green
—and in natural Slate.
Sole Canadian Mfrs. 75
s10io s eooms of Canad LI
, mtled, Mantrrai.
Pe Ament, Brussels.
Mail Wanted.
A good all rotted form hand, by the seer
preferred.' flood wit11 sleet( searesly a y
pumping or milking to do ; pl000nnt plane to
1100 ; tenkpernteman preferred. Present 311135
On Ord year. Apply stating tvngg00, e1. Ppereen.
ally, to DAVID 17ILNE, Ethel.
rakes travelling a pleasuee
because ('01r'ect time is then
a necessity. Yours may be
a capable time -keeper, but
by incompetent repairing
you have lest faith in it.
Bring it to us, We will re-
pair Lhe worst wrecked
watch and we will do it
The Jeweler
G Jones
To feed Butter Fat
Payfor which we will
pay $35
cwt., to hogs for
which you can get only from
$6.00 to $7.00 per cwt. ?
Well now, if you are quite
sure that it does not con-
sult, us regardingthe pur-
chase of a Guaranteed
Closest Skimming Cream
Also regarding Ole dis-
posal of your Create at
Highest. Market Prices.
�1 k,
i' is
1111. clauc
4'+•4.•4•e+•4.•4•w`'404•4+4.04'0+O.1.94. 0+4,444,44.0+.04..Y.+4.444-04,44•+
91Vai l
New Wall Papers are in and we
are prepared to show you our Pat-
r Itime. Theyare much
to 1 s arty �
superior towe have ever shown. an y
New Designs, extra good quality Paper
and prices very reasonable. All we can say is
that you should call and see them before buy-
ing. The Papers will do the rest.
We have a few patterns left over at cut
prices. Odds and ends for one room clearing
at almost any price to make room for new
4 s
'e•+•+•+••N•+ 4.stel•e+•er•+•+,+* 1.0041.,0-1.004)4.111411
High Grade
I have the DEERING Agency and am prepared
td give the farmers the best service in all kinds of
this splendid make of Farming Inrplements.
Grain Binders Drills
Corn Shredders Plows
Corn Binders Beattie Bros.'
Corn Huskers. Litter Carriers
Mowers Gray's High-grade
Hay Tedders Carriages
Manure Spreaders Petrolia Wagons
Hay Loaders etc., etc.
Pianos, Oi'gans and Gramophones.
Sewing Machines Cream Separators
MaxwellW h
Wa s ] in ig Machines •
Waterloo Threshing Outfits Gasoline Engines
Full line of International Implements.
Blls'Now is the tittle to make ynitr, selection. Kindly give 117e a
chance to figure with you before planing. your0i•d.1',
S. earter,