The Brussels Post, 1912-4-4, Page 3laseliabeieellefiteanteaseebeteeiebeeee. Fashion Hints Oeveteeezemen,seeesseeeeseaa. PARISIAN HEADDRESSES. Some of the leading Paris coif- feurs have stipulated that curls moat henceforth disappear from the headdresses, while several op- position camps in the same trade are still recommending them ba pro- fusion to their clients. A medium category steps in, partly &swept, ing the views of both extremes. How will the problem be Solved? That is the question. Mondaines, actresses and demi-mondaines have been interviewed on the matter, and these ladies have expressed opinions according to the style of fashions they adopt respectively and according also to their particular type of beauty. This discussion may seem superfluous to many who are accustomed to the new coiffure adopted by a certain category of Parisiennes. This latest hair -dres- sing without curls is a reminiscence of the pre-Raphaelite period when women wore their hair as flat as possible, with the object of making the head appear small. Tho becom- ing waves of the present era make these simplified coiffures softer to the face. A suspicion of a knot of hair appears upon the nape or to- ward the summit of the head at the back. For evening wear the switch is worn high upon the head, con- cealed by an immense tulle bow or an aigrette. jewelry, in this case, is avoided altogether. But as this hair arrangement throws the out- line of the face and the complex- ion into full relief, it is generally patronized by very young women. The model recommended by other coiffeurconsists also of waves, but the latter -rest somewhat looser up- on the head, and are completed at etr the neck by three small curls caught in a cluster, the center curl longer than the other two, giving the im- pression of a loose chignon. In the extreme camp we discov- er a variety of replicas of differ- ent historical periods, one and all adapted to present requirements, and one and all bearing curls. A skilful artist in hair arrange- ment has reproduced a head-dress once favoredby Marion de Lerma. He has retained the idea of placing a few small curls above each ear, so typical of the seventeenth cen- tury, yet the modern version is light and traneparent, and blends admir- ably with the indispensable adula, tions and tiny chignons adopted at present. For an evening reception a triangular piece of thick gold lace studded with turquoises is placed just above the forehead and com- pleted above the temples with five email garlands of gold beads. To aeeompany a visiting toilet of black *charmeuse a rather large cap in swansdown and black velvet, to suit the Louis XIII. coiffure Blind- ed to, is recommended. The velvet appears in a couple of small tri- angular revers on either side, and the crown of swansdown partly hid- den by a massive black aigrette. The fiat manner of arranging the hair lends itself admirably to a novel bridal coiffure. The veil is tightly draped round the head and caught at the nape in a mass of folds. The face remains uncovered; the veil is outlined in front with a narrow fringe of orange buds and tiny leaves. The details of the toi- let with which this veil was worn are most fairy-like. The white lib- erty satin foundation had a silvery sheen visible through the veiling of Alencon lace. The large silver but- terflies that were so successfully launched a month ago at the opera were effectively introduced. One of unusual proportions trims the skirt from the knees downward, completed with a ailver-fringe. A design of .butterfly antennae and wings grouped in a compact pattern was put on the bodice and sleeves. The guimpe was in white tulle, and the short court train, veiled with Alencon and embroidered with sil- ver, had a beautiful lining of silver tissue. HARMONY DESIRED. Wife—"How nice it would be if all things in this world would work in harmony l" Hub—"Wouldn't it, though! For instance if coal •would go up and down with the thermometer.' "What's the matter with your wife? She's all broken up lately." "She got a terrible a,r." "What has happened?" "Why, she was assisting at a rummage sale, took off her new hat, and somebody sold it for 5 cents." A BOY'S REASON. I abstain from alcoholic drinke because, if I would excel as a walk- er, Weston says, abstain; as an oarsman, Haitian says, abstain; az $winulor, Webb aays) ebetain; as in orator, Bright saye, abstain; as a missionary, Livingsthne save ab- stain : as a doctor, Richardson says, abetain; as a preacher, Farrar say, abstain. Aayluins, prisons, poet - ileum cry, indulge,. Dotting rich quick is as &teeter - cue as it is diffieult, SPRING IMPURITIES IN THE BLOOD A Tonic Medicine is a Necessity at This Season, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are an all year round tonic, blood -builder and nerve -restorer. But they aro especially valuable in the spring when the system is loaded with impurities as a result, of the indoor life of the winter months, There is no other season when the blood is so much in need of purifying and enriching, and every dose of these pills helps to make now, rich, red blood. In the spring one feels weak and tired— Dr. Williams' Pink Pills give strength. In the spring the appe- tite is often poor—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills develop tee appetite, tone the stomach and aid weak di- gestion. It is in the spring that poisons in the blood find an outlet in disfiguring pimples, eruptions and boils—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills speedily clear the skin because they go to the root of the trouble in the blood. In the spring anaemia, rheumatism, indigestion, neuralgia, erysipelas and many other troubles are most persistent because of poor, weak blood, and it is at this time when all nature takes on new life that the blood most seriously needs attention, Some people dose themselves with purgatives at this season, but these only further weaken themselves, .A purgative merely gallops through the system, emptying the bowels, but it does not cure anything. On the other hand Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actu- ally make new blood, which reaches every nerve and organ in the body, bringing new strength, new health and vigor to weak, easily tired men, women and childrem. Try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills this spring—they will not disappoint you. Sold by al] medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FRENCH MILITARY SPIRIT. Minister of War Stirs Up Feeling of Patriotism. One of the most remarkable de- velopments in recent years in France hes been the growth of the new spirit of nationalism. It em- braces all classes of citizens, but particularly the general public, which heretofore has been credited with indifference. Paris has assumed the aspect of a military city. Minister of War Mil- lerand has instituted weekly mantles of troops through the streets of the capital with bands playing and the, music of fife and drum is to be heard on every hand. Every appearance of aoldiere is a signal for popular enthusiasm. Thousands follow them on the, march, cheering the flag. Tho old spirit of anti-nnlitheism, which was fostered by the socialists, has al- most disappeared. It is recognized that the Poineaire ministry is the most truly representative France has had in many years, although it is even now rumored that the pre- sent prime minister will not remain in power long. If he relinquishes his place—which the best opinion regards as doubtful—he will proba- bly give way to Briand, who would retain many of the present cabinet. On the strength of this new spirit, one evidence of which is the popu- lar subscription for aeroplanes for the army, has been the announce- ment of Vedrines, a famous air man, that he is a candidate for a seat in the chamber of deputies. He is making a spectacular campaign in the district long represented by Something Extra Good For Breakfast. Lunch or Supper— Post Toasfies Served direct from pack- age with cream. Surprises Pleases Satisfies "The Memory Lingers' sold by GroOtarli Canadian Pastern Cereal Co., Ltd, Windsor, °Mario, Canada, -•- Du Jarclin Beaumetz, formerly ace rotary of fine arts, who has been elected a senator. Mr. George F. Baer. Well-known railroad man and coal operator, about whom centres he present controversy between the operators and minors in the United States. •8'---- A WORLD'S RECORD. Before long the White Star Line will have broken the world'e record by building a liner a thousand feet long. The name of the new ship will bo the Gigantic, and it will well earn its title. When you come to consider that it was only a hundred years ago that the first steamship plied on the Clyde, and that it was a hundred feet long, it can be easily seen what immense strides have been made, in ship -building. If the Sallie progress is maintained, the liner of 2012 will be 4,800ft. long. One of the features of this mam- moth liner will be its practical im- munity from pitching or tossing. A five -hundred -foot ship can only span two waves; but the Gigantic will be able to span four waves of 830ft. each in length, so that it willthere- fore always keep a horizontal posi- tion. BABY THIN —HAD NO APPETITE Mrs. Ulderic St. Georges, St, Mathias, Que., writes: "I am writ- ing to say I am well satisfied with Baby's Own Tablets. My baby was ill and I tried several remedies, but the result was discouraging. He became very thin, had no appetite, hardly slept at all and was extreme- ly weak. I got Baby's Own Tablets and they soon set him right again, till at the age of eleven months he was able to walk and was a strong, healthy child. I do not think there is anything to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones." The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Nothing jolts an egotist like the refusal of people to pay any atten- tion to him. To Men Who Live Inactive Lives. —Exercise in the open air is the best tonic for the stomach and sys- tem generally; but there are those who are compelled to follow seden- tary occupations and the inactivity tends to restrict the healthy action of the digestive organs and sickness follows. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills regulate the stomach and liver and restore healthy action. It is wise to have a packet of the pills always on hand. Hard-boiled eggs take four and a half hours to digest. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc - THE SECULAR SEAL. Archie Sanderson, presenting his credentials to Mr. McTavish, felt sure that the coveted position of as- sistant in the grocery would at once be his. Mr. McTavish read the papers carefully, and then looked over his spectacles at the confident Archie. "It's a vera proud thing for ye to hae this recommendations from the meenister and the Sunday - school teacher," he said, "and 'tis in your favor that ye're a Scotch lad; but—I'd like weel to has a few words from some one that kens ye on weekdays before I put ye to work for me, Archie Sandersom" WHY MAHOGANY IS DEAR. Solid mehogany is an extremely dear timber to buy, and the greater proportion of the so-called mahog- any furniture contains only a thi-a veneer of this foreign wood on its ourfa,ce. The maliogany-tree is a native of South America in which country it grows to a height of a hundred feet. It is of exceedingly slow growth, which mainly ac. counts for its high value, and also It is a solitary tree, never growing in dense plantetions. In fact, tlt is seldom that more than one mahog- any -tree is found on an acro of ground, It takes fully two hun- dred years for e mahogany -tree to arrive at maturity. A man with Morley to burn sell dons starts 0 conflagration. ED. 4A. ALONG THE LINE OF 0,111,0, RAILWAY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS WORK WONDERFUL CURE. Mrs. Ed. Lloyd, Weak and Worn and Wracked with Pala Found Relief and Cure In Dodd's Kidney Pills. Ardbeg, Ont., Mareh 18 (Special) —"Dodd's Kidney Pills have done wonders for me,' so says Mrs, Ed. Lloyd, wife of a well-known farmer living on the line of the C. N. 0. Railway near here. "I was so weak I could hardly walk around," Mrs. Lloyd con- tinues, "I suffered from female weakness and kidney trouble. My heart troubled 500 so that at times I would almost pant with the palpi- tations. I was treated by the doc- tor, buthe could give me no relief. I was sick all over when I start- ed to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, Rheumatism, Lumbago and Neu- ralgia adding to my sufferings. But Doclel's Kidney Pills helped me almost at once. After taking eight boxes I was completely cured." Naturally Mrs. Lloyd wants other suffering women to knew how she found a cure, and Dodd' e Kidney Pills will do for other sufferers jure what they did for Mrs. Lloyd, make new women of them. KAISER IS SUPERSTITIOUS. Insists, However, He Likes Souven- irs, Not Talismans. Emperor William, of Germany, is superstitions but does not allow it to be said in his presence. He wears all sorts of things as charms, calling doing so "love for eouven- irs." Nothing would induce him to lay aside the cuff -buttons left him by his grandfather, and he always car- ries the snuff-box of Frederick II. When he reviews the troops he has a apur picked up at the battle of Bultowa that belonged to Charles XII. of Sweden. King George of England wore all through the recent voyage to India and back a fine bracelet of platinum wire so alight as not to be notice able. It was given him by a friend as a fend from danger and the giver puts all the credit of the safe jour- ney and return to the innocent -look- ing bangle. Ex -King Manuel of Portugal has a number of mascots and gets a new ono from every "lady love." He ehanges them so often that it is difficult to say which he considers the luckiest. Gustavus II., king of Sweden, would be miserable if he missed from his finger a ring that belonged to his ancestor Bernadotte, who rose from the ranks of lieutenant in the French army to be king of Swe- den. Gustavus often walks about his capital, but will turn instantly and go a long way around to avoid a funeral procession. When an old man dies and his re- latives say that he is better off the chances are that he is. An Oil That is Famous.—Though Canada was not the birthplace of Dr. Thomas' Ecleotric Oil, it is the home of that famous compound. From here its good name was spread to Central and South Am- erica, the West Indies, Australia and New Zealand. That is far afield enough to attest its excel- lence, for in all these countries it is on sale and in demand. In Scotland a birth must be reg- istered within 21 days of the HAI of the child. Why buy mixtures known as alum baking powder when you can just as well, and at no more expense, get Magid Baking Powder? The ingredients are plainly printed on each package. See if this is on the others. All Grocers are an- thorized to guarantee that "Magic" does not contain alum. FOREWARNED. New Maid—"Would yez mind giv- ing me a rikemmendation, mum ?" Mistress—"Why, you've just come." New Maid—"But yez may not want to give me wan when I'm lav - in', mum." ISSVE nuts. nErrx GREEN. Moves From Palatial Home to a Humble Plat. After giving New York what she considered a fair trial, Mee. Betty Green has found the metropolis too and she has moved back to a flat in Hoboken New jersey. The richest woman in the world, whose aelf-accumulated fortune is generally estimated at $75,000,000, made her home for years in Hobo- ken in a flat costing her but $19 a month. She made friendship with a large number of neighbors whom she missed greatly after going to New York to live in, a big town house near Central Park, She has now let the city house to her oon, Col. Edward Green, and moved to a humble flat in Hoboken, which she has fitted up simply and inex- pensively. Colonel Green said the other day :— "Mother never wanted to live in the city. I got her to coma with me in the up -town house last August, and at first she seemed happy and contented. But she soon grew lone- some for the old friends in Hobo- ken. "There is nothing in New York life ot interest my mother. She ne- ver cared for the theatre, nor would she ever invade society circles. She prefers the simplicity of her apart- ment, and loves to have the old neighbors around in the evening to sit and chat in the good old-fashion- ed way." BABY TERRIBLY SCALDED. Relieved by Zam-link. Doctor Agreed Zam-- Buk was "Best Possible Treatment." Mrs. Albert Sawy- er, of Midland (Ont.), says:"While living in Brantford last winter my little son spilled a vessel of boiling water over his neck. He was terribly scalded, and we immediately called in a doctor. The treatment did not seem to give the child ease or heal the terrible scalds, so after a week's trial we got some Zam-Buk and ap- plied it. It gave the child ease al- most immediately, and after a few days' use the scalds seemed to be getting along finely. "To reale quite sure that all was right, however, we called in a sec- ond doctor. He said everything was going along splendidly, the scalds were healing and the little one would soon be quite, ree,overed. Then we told him we were asirg Zam-Buk, and he said we 'could use nothing better. Zam-Buk worked a complete cure." Mrs. S. Smith and Mrs. J. H. Teakle, of 73 Brook St., Brantford, who knew of tl-e above accident, and what followed, write; "We certify that these facts are true in every detail." Mothers slionld know that for burns, cuts, maids, bruises, eczema, piles, and all skin diseases, there is nothing to equal Zam-Duk. Zam- Buk is obtainable from all drug- gists and stores 50c box, or Zara- Buk Co., Toronto. TELEPATHY. "I suppose," said the physician, smiling and trying to appear witty while feeling the pulse of a lade patient, "I suppose you consider me an old humbug?" "Why," replied the lady, "I had no idea, you could ascertain a wo- man's thoughts by merely feeling her pulse." The merits of Bickle's Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup as a sure remedy for coughs and colds are attested by scores who know its power in giving almost instant relief when the throat is sore with coughing; and the whole pulmonary region disordered in consequence. A bot- tle of this world -famed Syrup will save doctoe's bills, and a great deal of suffering. Price 25 cents, at all dealers. Temperature of 62 degrees below zero, which is a record, has been experienced in a Polar expedition. laniard' Liniment Cures DandrUft THE PIPE AND THE MAN. Pipes and tobacco play no small pert in the waste of the world's drama,. In fact, you can tell the character of a nation by its smoking materials, and the longer the pipe the more indolent the race. Take the German, for instance. He is naturally slow, heavy, labored; everything he does is performed with great delibesation. He smokes through a short, squat, pipe, the bowl ef which is of vast proportions. On the other hand, the quick, nervy, restless Frenchmen takes a pinch or two of tobacco, and rolls it into 0 minute cigarette, which he puffs for a few moments ad then discards. Britishers have become quicker and swifter in their thoughts and ways, so luso their pipes become shorter. Their grand- fathers delighted in the churchwar- den pipe; it was celled en "elder. man," and was half a yard long. Then. came 0 much shorter pipe, known no 11. ''London straw," and nnw the majority of pipe.ernokers in Great Pritnin are to he found suck- ing a stumpy bulklug'briar. WOMEN ARE ALIKE. Teacher—Whon that boy threw stones at you, why didn't you eome to me, instead of throwing them back 7 Small Boy—Tell youl Why, you couldn't hit the side of a barn 1 A Remedy for Bilious Headache. —To those subject to bilious head- ache, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are recommended as the way to speedy relief. Taken according to directions they will subdue irregu- larities of the stomach and so act upon the nerves and blood vessels that the pains in the head will cease. There are few who are not at sometime subject to biliousness and familiar with its attendant evils. Yet none need suffer with these pills at hand. CLASSIFIED. "This is a sweet state of affairs!" growled the fat woman in the crowded car. "Well," admitted her companion, "it is something of a Marion Bridge, C. it, May' 90, 02. I have handled MINARD'S LINIMENT during the past year. It is always the first Liniment asked for here, and un- questionably the best seller of all the different kinds of Liniment 5 handle. NEIL FERGUSON. HIS ADVANTAGE. "I suppose even a rich man has his troubles." "Yes; but he can always find somebody to take an interest in them." When Your Eyes Need are Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting—Feels Fine—Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus- trated Book in each Package. Marine is compound�d ubsyetiain l'haygICPP,g: tor many years. Noir dedicated to NB Pati- ne and sold by Druggisto 550 and 500 per Bettie. Marino Bye delve 10 AiscptioUntbos, De and fied figurine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Wife—"Mrs. Travelis tells me that the latest idea is to have the piano built into the wall." Hubby (wea,rily)—"That's sensible ! Let's wall up ours !" Corns cannot exist when Hollo- way's Corn Cure is applied to them, because it goes to the root and kills the growth. Germany possesses 35,297 miles oF railway. Minard's Liniment for sale overywners. We are admonished that a good name is better than great riches— but most of us keep right oa hust- ling for riches just the same. PILES CURED IN 8 TO la DAYS. Year drugglet wilt rotund money IS PAW (ANT. MUNT fails to cure any cum of Itchlu, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles la s to 14 ditYS. 600 His SUSPICIQN. "Why did you leave the place in which you were previously empley- ed1" asked the head of the firm. "I think," said the applicant for the position of office boy, "de boss was afraid if I stayed I might git his place." Well, IP THIS isa HOME DYE that AINYONE can use I dyed ALL these DIFF0IRINTdiaNDS s unth the SAME Due. I used ONE. DYEF.PRALL KINDS 000c2 0155052 ' • • OLEAN and SIMPLE 50u&o: n (ming the WRONtii/po ihr 400da 0106600 00100. All Tle 4 from v4rilteV6It4t I)001 l'nosre,,lorc,v,00wo 811510'111 TAKF, TWO HOURS TO TELL IT, "I've got an hour or two to kill I wish I knew what to do." "Just go over and ask Brown how the new baby is getting along." No child should be allowed to war- fer an hour from worms when prompt relief can be got it a simple but strong remedy — Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. Willis—"How's his credit? Does he pay?" Gillis—"Oh, yes! He always pays something down, and never pays anything up." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Tale LAXATIVE BROMOQuinine Tablets. Druggists refund money 1510 fails to Mire, E. w. GROVE'S signature is on each box. Mo. During the last fifty years the death -rate from smallpox has fal- len from 410 per million to 25. telnard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne street, Toronto. FORTY ACRE FRUIT FARM—NEAR Niagara Itiver, well planted. Revenue 1911 nearly thirty per Gent. on price asked. A BEAUTIFUL FARM OF TWO HUN- drod and ninety acres on St Joseph's Island, with fine house, up-to- date barn and outbuildings. Owner wishes to devote his time to other business, so will sell cheap for quick sale. Full par- ticulars furnished on application. HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN ACRES in Norfolk County; six acres fruit; up -to -data house; new bank barn; a very desirable property at a bargain. -LTUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES—WITH 11 good house; two barns; ten acres orchard; in County Peel A real snap. n ND HUNDRED ACRES—GOOD HOUSE • and outbuildings; near Teeswater. A Bret -class farm worth the money. A N IDEAL FARM OF TWO HUNDRED 2-1 acres in County of Wellington, with fine brick henget good outbuildings; can be bought on easy terms. 111 03115 HUNDRED ACRES IN COUNTY A.of Stincoe. with Iftindre,1 Acres Good Timber; 20 acres apple o chard; -ood Frame Nouse • two Barns. Can be bought right. MWENTY-FIVE ACRE FRUIT FARM— A Near St. Catharines; Brick House; Barn; twenty acre, planted. Can be bought very reasonable. 0 'Rt.01&771141,111,1)2•Earlittmascrg, thirty of which are planted; Elegant House, also Cottage and fine outbuildings. Will be sold on easy terms. LIORTY ACRES — ST. CATIIARINES — O Bungalo and Cottage and good out- buildings. Thirty-four acres planted in fruit, and a looney maker. The owner wishes to retire and a.nxions to sell. T HAVE MANITOBA, ALBERTA. SAS - 1 katchewan and British Columbia lands. both improved and unimproved, in quarter, half or whole sections, also in larger lots up to five hundred thousand acres. If thinking of investing in West. ern lands it is to your intereet to consult me. 'Phones; Main 6990, Park 527. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. TMIME ACRES, FRAME COTTAGE, tilts water in house, stable, bon: house, orchard and small fruit, two Morita from London street railway, soil gravelly loam, good buildings, one and half miles to London market. Will exchange for farm, The Western Real Estate. rename MALE HELP WANTED: • 001) POSITIONS WAITING 'FOR .101- ye, og men as Telegraphers, Station Agents, Freight cud Ticket Clerks. We qualify for any Canadian railway. Regu- lar rail.. book', and forms in school. Ivrea Bol (-cuisine. Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. 11 TIMBOLDT, SASE:ATM/EWAN, WANTS homestthenteds,SnrIllelt. emetixtrle fakrrmi.4409 tory in West. Also improved farms 516 to 930 per Dere. Write commissioner, Board of Trade, Humboldt. terrrrei! HAY and FARM SCALES. Wilson', Scale Works, 9 Espistmil, Toronto, ANCEll., TUMORS, LULU'S. ole. in. tarnal end external, cored without pain by our home treatment, Write to before too late. Dr. 015l1111:14, 1+01110it tuned. Out. Le TON SOALE GUARANTEED. Wileon'a 6/ Seale Works. 9 Esplanade, Toreitu,.. FREE As a special introdectory offer we will send a beautiful hand -painted view of Niagara Falls with each 100, package containing 10 Easter or other Embossed Post Cards.. Send lee, io.day. Overland MorohandiSe Ce., DOPti 262, Toronto. CLEANING LADIES' WALKING UR OUTING SUITS Oil, be done portialtlY by our Frown, nrooech, Try it. British Avvorboan Dyeing Go, Montreal, Toronto, Oil aWit and Quebec. PURIFICO "nt'' PROOF 31 U R 5550 CANCER AND TUMOR Canadian Branca: Purlfiee co,, srlOgoburgi 000. 3:4 afla, AT tar Nit la IC Nit omeo8ovig althAlmn..0;31-nsa SibsEtta3ta.,04 rotoot .Pr000rva--- beautify Satnplos and nouletete on Amine:Woe JAMES LANOMUH1 & CO, 0 Llailtad 19itthrtret, Street tortormo