HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-3-28, Page 7Young Folks RHEUMATIC WEATHER abs Victims Can Cure Themselves With THE VIOLET HUNT. Br, Williams' Pink Pills "Who wants to go flower -hunting With the coming of March people with me to -clay 1" asked Aunt Mary, who are afflicted with rheumatism one morning. begin to havo unpleasant remind - "I do 1" "And 11" "Anal II" err of their trouble. The weather exclaimed Amy end Bessie and is changeable -balmy and springlike Kate. one day, raw, cold and piercing the "I thought it was too early for next. It is such sudden changes of wild flowers; I mean for anything weather that sets the pangs and but common violets," said Alice, tortures of rheumatism, lumbago who was twelve years old and ra- and sciatica going. But it must be ther in the habit of malting objee- borne in mind that although wea tions, ther conditions start the pains, the "Alice need not go if she likes to trouble is deeply rooted in the stay at home better." blood and can only be cured through "Oh, I'll go along," replied the the blood. All the lotions and lini- little girl, hastily. "I like cookies ments in the world can't cure rheu- and sandwiches," matism. Rubbing may seem to ease - "I want to find some 'common' the pain while you are rubbing, violets," said Aunt Mary, "I ne- but there its value ends Only ver have seen any in my life. Como through the blood can you cure on, children." And off they start- rheumatism. That's why Dr. Wil- ed,, a gay little party. After they Name' Pink Pills havo so many had found a shady spot and eaten thousands of cures of this trouble the cookies and lettuce sandwiches, to their credit. The new, rich blood each child started off on the hunt, which they actually make drives When they Dame back with their out the poisonous acid, and rheu- haaids full of the delicate blue flow- maim is vanquished. Hero is an era, Aunt Mary took one of the example: Mr. W. C. Douglas, blue blossoms in her fingers. "This Webbwood, Ont, says: "I was at - is one of the first bee -flowers in the tacked with inflammatory rheuma- world," she remarked. "It and tho tism, which spread through my en - bee came about the same time. The tire system. For two months I was first violets were sweet, which these, not able to go about, and seemed our American wood -violets, are nob, to be hovering between life and but they all date back to the same death. My joints were swollen and family ancestor. Tho busy little my legs and arms twisted, until I honey -maker and the sweet violet expected that they would never re - were made for each other, and turn to their normal shape. The both have been useful to people. doctor seemed to help me, but not Alice does not know that her con- to cure me, and I would be better mon wild flower is quite a traveled one day and worse the next. At b flower person," she added. this time a friend strongly urged moodily. An Or m thrnkin' rf man strap a laces but the queer - "Traveled Alta', hues W. P. Mahy, a former NOT A LINGUIST. "Traveled I How do you mean 4" me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, 'twos yerself had the care av it yez est of all is probably Quito, the member of the local fire brigade, asked Alice, and I got a dozen boxes. Soon af- wouldn't be long foindin out fwat capital of the Republic of Ecuador. who has wonderful cause to be "Do you speak several languages, "I mean it grows in widely cepa- ter beginning the pills there was a it meant. It's French for 'break- The first thing which strikes a visa- thankful for the curative powers of father l" rated parts of the world. In Greece change for the better, and I con- ety-break' ; that's fwat it is! It's tor to that city is that there are no Zam-Bok. He says : "A serious "No, my son," replied Mr. Hen - its name is ion. The Ionian Islands tinned using the pills until I was a lot av little ornamints, and jooga chimneys to the houses. skin disease, broke out on my face, peck, gazing sadly at his wife, "but are so called because. they were ov- quite well again. The mailbag dis- and vases, jiat made for ketchin' in Oharcoal is all that is burned and spread until I was in a terrible Ido know the mother tongue." ered with violets. It has other appeared from the joints. My the dusther an' dragging thimsilves there, and consequently no emoke state. The spots and Tattle ulcera �- names, too; that is, its cousins limbs returned to their natural off enter a poor, harrd-wurrukin' arises. Another peculiarity is that were frightfully irritating, and yet Comfort for the Dyspeptic. - which are really all violets in truth, shape eP �, havd I e savas ed Dr. Williams'm be- gall's oiyes. That's fawt name t the streets are well paved you and smartewhen d.. Shavinged or causedthey blme and exhaustingThere is no lasBdyspepsia,r which are called heartsease and love -in -track manes;goodmay pass days in 'the cit and ne- whileidlenese and three -poets -under -a- ing a rheumatic cripple. I hope my is for the whole lot av' 'em 1" ver see a wheeled vehidey agony, and sometimes I would have arises from defective action of the hood, sometimes." • experience may prove a blessing to There are some carriages into go two weeks without a shave- stomach and liver, and the victim "See, the leaves of this one look some other sufferer."BABY'S to but the are. rarelyused Qui -and I tried home-made remedies, herb of it is to be pitied. Yet he can If .OWN TABLETS Y , salves, and various other prepare- find ready relief in Parmelee's hVe- as like a bird's foot." yon suffer from rheumatism when one of them comes rattling tions,but the sores got no better. getable• Pills, a preparation that has "Why, yes. This is a bird -foot or arny other disease of the blood, CUBE OONSTIr tiiui along, everybody tu3'ns out to look WheZam-Buk was mentioned I established itself by years of effec- violet. That is the name given to g cure ourself to-daywith at it, ns at some curiosity. had little faith that it would be able five use. There are pills that are those whose leaves are divided like �1 medicine Pink Pills. Sold by No ailment causes more suffering A third peculiarity is that while to do me any good. I gave it a widely advertised as the greatest a bird's foot. Then in Europe there by mail at to little ones than'does constipa- the bulk of the population dresses fair trial, however, and the first box ever compounded, but not Dna of is the biflora, two -flower or double 50 cents a box or' six boxes for tion. Hardly a little one escapes in Panchen (a kind of cloak or loose nada such a wonderful change for them can rank in value with Par - violet, and all of you have seen the $2.60 from The Dr Williams' Me- this trouble -many of them suffer garment), and short linen trousers, the better that it gave me encour- melee's. loyely Parma violets. We have to dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. from it continually. The surest a considerable number of people- agement to continue. I did so, and ,,o4tltivate them to get anything so — - ` euro and safest remedy -one that is white men -aro to be seen welkinFAUX PAS. •'` fine." FACT AND FANCY. absolutelyYbe about and wearingfrock coats and in the en, long stoic short, Zam-Buk, , "I didn't know there were so No woman ever guarantedrugs-ised a 's free quite cured Inc." puts off till to- from harmful ee Baby's Own tall harts. These men, the visitor is - Zam-Buk cures eczema blood Old Maid -You eat very little, many kinds of violets," said Alice, morrow what she can wear to -day, Tablets. They never fail -they generally told, are enlightened and poison, ulcer's, chronic sores, piles, M. Smith. "Then, too, they have been close- A ton of apples yields 150 gallons have cured thousands of cases. Con- cultivated men, natives of Spanish ringworm, cold sores, cuts, burns Smith (flattered, and wishing to ly connected with royalty, The of eider. corning them Mrs. Lev. Blanchet, origin, who claim that they form the and skin injuries. All druggists be complimentary)--Ah,ith. , to sit next fico! -de -lis, which was originally Rata horses now wear aluminum St. Racine, Que., writes: "I have naftron of Ecuadorians. Indians, of and stores at 60c box, or pastf roe you is to lose one's appetite. the flour -de -Louis, because a King shoes. used Baby's Own Tablets for eon- course, do not count. from ,Zam-Buk Go., Toronto, for Louis of France, chose it for his fav- Some men kill themselves with stipation and vomiting and have Every white man in Quito who prime. Refuse substitutos, orite and used it as the emblem en work just to get a living. found them an excellent remedy, can possibly manage it wears this the French flag, was really a dark Soap was first manufactured in and I have recommended them to ort of goat and hat to emphasize A NEW PLAN. blue or purple violet, Strange to Savona -hence the French word for several of my neighbors," The his importance and highly civilized Miss Green -How do you manage say, it was the great Emperor Na- it-savon. Tablets are sold by medicine deal- condition, Marion Bridge, C. R. May so, Dz. poleon's favorite flower, also. Retribution is what we are sure en or by mail at 25 cents a box This dress justifies him in calling to keep a cook so long? Do you I have handled MIN ARDS LINIMENT g treat her as one of the family 2 during the past year, It is always the When he, was sant to Elba after his our enemies r will get. from The Dr. Williams Medicine himself doctor, and others in so Mrs, Brown -I should say not! first Liniment asked for here, and un• downfall, he sent word to his Taxi9lieters were used on Chinese Co., Brockville, Ont. styling him; and he also thinks that We treat her as a guest. different kinds oef Lint ani t t°andicl the friends, 'I will come again in the chariots in the third century. '; it gives him a claim t0 come into ESL FERGUSON, springtime,' And they all wore vio- The haunted house should always Some people never learn anything your apartments without being in- The tactful, considerate person let -colored badges, and, used to behungwith Go•belin tapestry. because they begin by thinking they vrted and try to borrow five, cents .often has more power over the lives nay, 'Do you like violets?' as a Filipino maidens make a fine and know it all. from you, of his fellows than the ono of reat- watchword. If the answer was, 'Ah, beautiful lace from the fibre of pine- er native ability. g well, it will come again in the, apple leaves, • The Best Liver Pill. -The action An Oil That is Prized Every - springtime,' they knew they were of the liver is eaatly disarranged. where. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011 "A Grand Medicine" is the ma with the emperor's friends. So you HER INGENUITY. A sudden chill, undue exposure to was put upon the market without omium often passed on Bickle's see, Alice, your common violet is Mettle -If Larksbur made no the elements, over -indulgence in any flourish over thirty years ago. Anti -Consumptive Syrup, and when quite an aristocrat. But there is reply when you proposed to her, on some favorite food, excess in drink It was put up to•meet the wants of the results from its use are onsid- something else unlike other flowers what grounds is she suing you for ing, are a few of the causes. But a small section, but as soon as its ered, as borne out by many persons about this little bluebell. Can you breach of promise 4 whatever may be • the cause, Par- merits became known it had a whole who have'employed it in stopping tell me what it is?" King -She claims that her silence melees Vegetable Pills can be re- continent for a field, and it is now coughs and eradicating colds, it is "Why, the way it hangs its head gave consent, lied upon as the best corrective that known and prized throughout this more than grand. Kept in the down from its stem," said the chil- can be taken. They are the lead- hemisphere. There is nothing equal house it is always at hand and it dren. �� BAD BABY ing liver pills, and they have no au- to it, has no equal as a ready remedy.. If "Yea, you are right," said Aunt SO U� periors among such preparations, you have not tried it, do so at once. Mary. ''Seel that is 'because its ® Investments of British capital in green leaves clasp it. I don't mean Anyway the love of a man fur a Canada exceed ono hunched million There are over 2,600,000 trade CAME NEIII DYINGwoman seldom interferes with his pounds, the big heart -shaped leaves, but the unionists in the United Kingdom, little cap beneath it -nearly half- Only Dna "e appetite. Ninon?* LI/Einem ....res Dandruff. ,_____. way up the length of the petals, so Rnuo QUININE." n'.'il�9D Try �Bki'llle Eye Remedy that it droopo down gracefully and ......................• , That is LA$ATIPE BRO�SO QUININE, Look No smarting—A'aein Rlno—Ante QuleklT. shyly. This is a very uncommon Head Broke Out, Spread itched Arms, iavo d signature lr°a a d GROVE. oDay°d z �� tie �' i �aoi ku°go o annuup ` Wca �k The ed fifty-fourrr 0Cross was establasli- arran arrangement in flowers. Legs and Entire Body.EY p yearsgo.: g So mmdpd a •m,roeuusts-nota "Pataaa Naalain"P„turs21,eneaen,lrh gl- ^Dhat's why poets call it modest He Would Scratch Unt1f. Blood Ran. Many a woman has an old hat on gs. noaianio ii °sac P,iUuo and noidLy No man or woman should hobble and lowly, I suppose," said Alice. One Box of Cuticura0inimentand her tread and a now one on her Draweeat:aaeoepernatio. Mttrae painfully about because of corns "Yes," amid Aunt Mary, "but we mind: a e' ltye solve In Aseptic Tubas, sacatie. p Y NearlyOne Cake of Cuticura Sea murine BYO Remedy Co.. Chime when so certain a relief is at hand must go home now and plant some p. -•- , of these in Amy'e wild -flower gar- Cured Him. Has Had No Return. As a safe -guard buy nothing in Aman who goes out t to meet tion- as Holloway's Corn Cure. den."-Youth'sCompanion. ----s — the .baking powder ling unless all bre will have a short walk. WHEN THEY SHOOT SEALS. k - "When my boy was about three months the ingredients are painted on the Sealskin is a fur that is neves Out old his he rat out with a r , ad broke E wi ash which IRELAND'Slabel. e WEAPON. The manufacturers of the was very itchy and raft a watery fluid, Wo *mania j..lnlmont Curss Eurus, Eto• of fashion, its high The 'shillelah, Ireland's national tried everything we could. but he got worse brands of baking powder in which that it shall be always assuring was an the rima, till it spread to his arms; less large quantities of alum are used BETTER, STILL,arecaugY popular. a comonr on f blackthorn stick,originally and tth camen to as ne near body. The would ot so are afraid to print the ingredients Deacon A. -What our people n ways, but they dtare nver a varietyeec ea- odern times it has been, replaced Tan BO i nlinwe would stuff would the boon buyon the at d asnopMerson would p p need ,greatest caution y any p Magic Bakingra sermons ons that will wake them up.tures and the r b the -more wiry ash 'sapling, The over his tallow in the morning, I had to put Powder is pure and guaranteed nt Deacon B. -Nr, brother, what must be exercised in approaching real shillelauh is a. young shoot of tho mittens on his hands to prevent him tearing to contain alum, they need is sermons that won't them. Evan when they have been sloe, shrub or blackthorn pulled by he took fainting e spowas so llea as It11e were dytngrun down t let 'em go to, sleep, struck by harpoon: or rifleebullet the the roc s from the crevice of sono M- lle was almost a skeleton and his little hands Applicant -"I have here a letter blots' must be fatal and death rock, 3hAfter being trimmed it le were tarts ukn claws. n weof recommendation from ^ � �� \ r Stantane iits, or the animal will placed an the smoke of turf peat, tried t tit`!,urn "He wan bad about 1 had not la ht months d i,ina ter." head --"That's very myood so drop in its hole in the ice and be •which softens the Bard fibro, and down in his cradle In the daytime for a long far as it gods, 'Belt we won't need •';�1 seen ne more. Indeed, the fact when it has reached a condition as while. I washed him with Cuticura soap and 1i. put on one application of Cuticura ointment your services on Sundays. Hage, f�\ that a seal seldom moves far: from e its hole adds onssdoraT to the pliant as rubber is �stiarghtened, And he was so soothed that he could steep. you any references from anybody ' % �. , Y When cooled in the air it becomes as You don't know how giad I was he felt better. who knowsyou the other ✓ hunted, s difficulties. The plan strop and iron.trim- .lt took one boa of Cuticura Ointment and ,Cl six digs �/ �r , , ,,.� Eskimo g Srm as The firm Dratty near,ono cake of Cuticura Soap to curd of the week ir h. usually adopted by01to-sledge. ming process is continued and lvheu pretty I think our boy would have died but ✓ � �� 4 , is to build tip a kind of tent -sledge, it is desired to make a articularly for the Cuticura Remedies and I shall always ��! ■ -�' ? The aides and front are masked handsome weapon the spur, so ef- remain 'a firm friend of them, He was cared Mrs, de Mover -'`Good grade us ! o � .. , with bearskin, the top with the pelt festive is a m 1 more than twenty years ago, and there has This is the noisiest neighborhood" I C \\ -. of hare i me,lea or faction fight, been no return of the trouble. 1 shall be ever got into. Just,hear those ehil- U A �`�°' SE� aE The native hides Within are ornamented with small brass glad to have you publish tide true statement dren screech l" Maid---‘`They'rea, qE K ' " this novel tent and inch by inh nails. of his aura (Signed) Mrs, M, p. Maitiend: . „i.�N M E., •. ro els himself over the ie till he Jasper, Ontario, May 27, 1010. your own Childers; arum, Mrs, de ; �1 BRpkMA'T'tS P$�A i,L p p o '.-'--' • For mere than a generation motherly have Mover -"Are they? How the little ; . , i, H 1'`$ .' t S C P" b. a is near his quarry. The rifle with SMALL ENCOURAGEMENT. found a speedy, agreeable and economical darlings „ d,,, dlN,tt> St' P i0!rl rrlMs which 1e slays his seal is brought treatment for their skln•torEtirod little once da ings are enjoying themselves, i 2 3 g Kate ---"They say a woman as its in outwore, soap and ,Ointment, -Although :. It;;Iil+it ] ton Ilse through a loophole in flee old as she looks. they aro sold by druggists and dealers ever,+ Germany ,possesses 1,500 moving-Tlrllel j sledge covering. Maud ---"Never •mind dear' • We where,aliberatsampieeteach may beobteined icture shows of which r i ' '. Etta from the Potter Drug a Orem, corp„ .. 1 i elf there are ' tall ktta)w ,vou are only twenty -Six." soioiroDa„flCe1IlnsbueAve„i aeton,'U,ti:A. 3tt0 in Gorlin, IIDn odrnty-scvtn and a half feet rs ` the drought of a Dreadnouglit;; GRAINS OF GOLD. ' Purposes, like eggs, unless they be lfatohecl'into 'action will run into rottenness. Work is not onan's punishment; it is his reward and his strength, his The many sensational instances of glory and his pleasure. THAT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS arsenical poisoning has imbued There are men. who see that dig- CURE SUFFERING. WOMEN. most people with a, wholesome pity may be disgraced, and who feel _ dread of the'mineral. These will SHOUT THE NEVIS FROM THE HOUSETOPS ARSENIO AS A TONIC. Austrian. Peasants Make a Practice of Eating It. that disgrace .may be dignified, doubtless learn with astonishment The apple tree never asks the Mrs. Savard Tells How They Cured bench how he shall grow; nor the Her Kidney Disease From Which that in some, parts of Lower Aus- lion the horse how he shall take his Sho had been a Sufferer for Many tris, in Styria, and especially in the prey' Ycare. hilly country towards Hungary, Not only to say the right thing in there the right place, but, far more diff- St. Simeon, Doric!, Charlevoix prevails among the 'peasants cult still, to leave unsaid the wrong Co., Quebec, March 11 (Special).- an extraordinary custom of eating thing at the tempting inoment. Only those w•ho have suffered know arsenic. And they are remarkable When I don't sleep I just count the blessings of perfect health. The for clear and blooming complex - my blessings. That's a splendid joy that it brings into their lives ions, for full, rounded figures, and thing to do, because you fall asleep makes them want to shout the good for healthy appearance. By many before Destrucou tive ct riticism amhe nia d of them. news from 7rsvor so want other the sufferers tops. know the aesenia is swallowed daily through- ger M ” harmful as when it deals with rel]- road to health. Such is the case out a long life and the custom is Mother -"Does Does ou on cookingnd "Say,ack there, when is through genhis glens subjects. For hese every- with Mrs, Alfred Savard of this even handed down from father to e�Mrs. Nubride-9Sometimes.n He soup, have the orchestra play that thing depends upon faith; and when place. on. says I can make the most durable last pisco again.” a ann has lost this he never seeks "I have been a sufferer for many But it is not used solely for im- cake he over saw." again.years with Kidney Disease,"Mrs, proving personal appearance; it is Pride is as cruel a beggar as Savard says, "Reading an adver- said to improve the, breathing,and CRIPPLED WITH RHEUMATISM. want, and a great deal more saucy. tisement telling what Dodd's Kid- gives longness of wind, so thateep When you have bought one fino ney Pills had Bono for a similar 82 'University Street, Montreal. thin and continuous heights may be "Just a word of praise for GIN ercal. g you must buy ten more that sufferer I decided to give them a climbed without difficulty and ex- About fifteen months ago I could not walk ,piece. your appearance may be all of a trial. Six boxes cured me com- haustion of breath, No symptoms across my room, suffering severely with pletely. of illness or of chronic poisoning are rheumatism. I took GIN PILLS and be - .f., H. W, DAWSON, Ninety. Colborne street, What Dodds Kidney Pills have observable in any of the arsenic- come Quite well.' Toronto, WELL NAMED. done for Mrs. Bayard they havo eaters when the dose is carefully SAMUEL LONGMORE. The simple process of discoveringdone for thousands t,f other suffer- adapted to the eonatitution and Write is for free !ample of Gin Pills to the meaning of a foreign word, oers in Canada: The daily papers habit of body of the person using try. Then get the regular size boxes at phrase, by virtue of its sound,tell of aures made by thecal every it. But if from want of material, your dealer's, er direst from tis -60c. a BEAUTIFUL FARM of Two HUB. sometimes leads to peculiart resultsday. They always Cure Kidney or any other cause, the arsenic be box, 6 for 52.68. Money refunded if GIN Jt,soph ae Island, i ninety acres on St. "Shure, an' fawis the briggy Disease and Kidney Disease is the left off for a time, symptoms of dis- with fine house, 5,ho cause of nine -tenths of the troubles PILLS tail to cure. National Drug & date barn and time outbuildings. Owner wishes brag the mistress is all the teams ease occur which resemble those ofto devote kis tune to other business, eo talkin' to yez about, an' tellin' yez from which women suffer. Slight arsenical poisoning. Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited„Depart- wffl sen cheap for- Quick sale. Fall Dsr• to be so careful av it Z” inquired the & meat W.L., Toronto, ticulara fnrnieked on application, cook, of the housemaid, in a large QUEER QUITO. A FIREMAN'S PERIL. HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN ACRES family mansion. "Fant does brig -The penny -postage scheme was in Norfolk County; six acres fruit; g Strange Capital of the Republic ofup-to-date house; new bank born; a very gy-bag mane, Oi dunno 4" p p Row Zam-Bok Delivered Him. first adopted in England in 1839. clearable nronerty ata bargain. "It ain't briggy brag; it's tricky- Ecuador. rack!" replied the housemaid, Travelers in South America see At 215 Fraser Ave. Edmonton, Mlnard's Liniment ter sate everywhere �, SOME CONDEMNATION, COULDN'T HEAR 'EM. The cheapness of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator puts it within reach of all, and it can be got at any druggist's. FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. tiORTY ACRE FRUIT FARM-NEAS Niagara River, well planted. Revenue 1911 nearly thirty per neat, on Dries asked, "When your wife gets angry won't she speak to you?" "Slee won't do anything else." PILES CURED IN 6 To Io DANS. your druggist will refund 'anew if PA7.0 (LINT• NOWT faits to sure any ogle of Ironing, Blind, Beading or Prolrudin2 Pilot fu 0 to 14 days- 65, ' Don't wait until your bread be- comes stale before casting it upon the waters, Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. MAKING A BAD MATTER WORSE. "Your wife seams to be very an- gry 9" "What's the trouble?" "I didn't inquire. That only makes words." ISSUE 12--11 Well Weill THIS ina HOME DYE That ANYONE can use tz / 1 dyed ALL these" DIFFERENT KINDS' Goods �--� of Goods with the SAME bye.' 1 used ONE DYErorALL RINI/Sou es as OLEAN and SIMPLE itis Ura NOehanreoh.hloe h,WIIONGny616th6Caod, U„I,a. to061Wr. All6650,,IMm year nivael,t er De,1.r Pham star OnraatM 6'Ibtty nookialre, 7•h, Jdhhdon.it%hnra,na Oa•, Idmltad, f,lont(Wat, »s:w HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES—WITH good house; two barns; ten acro orchard; in County Peel. A real snap. O NE HUNDRED ACRES—GOOD HOUSE A first -o assand nfarm worth near money. °'ter. AN IDEAL FARM OF TWO HUNDRED acres in County of Wellington, with fine brick house; goodoutbuildings; can be bought on easy terms. FOUR HUNDRED ACRES IN COUNTY of Sinicoe, with Hundred Acres Good Timber; 20 mores apple orchard; -ood Frame House; two Barns. Can be bought right. rrIlwENTY-FIVE ACRE FRUIT PARM— Near St. Catharines; Brick House; Barn; twenty acres planted. Can be bought very reasonable. n•NE OF THE BEST FRUIT FARMS IN St. Catharines District-Pifty acres, thirty of which are planted; Elegant House, also Cottage and fine outbuildings. Will be sold en easy terms. 1 l ORTY ACRES - ST. CATHARINES - Bungalo and Cottage and good out- buildings. Thirty-four acres planted in fruit, and a money maker. The owner wishes to retire and anxious to se11. T HAVE MANITOBA. ALBERTA, SAG• A katehewan and British Columba lands, both improved and unixakfive Quarter. half or whole eeetieihs, :ale larger lots up to live hnndr'd then • acres. 1f thinking of investing' ;in..waot.... ern lands it is to your interest ta Consult m0. 'Phones: Main 6990, Park 627. H, W. DAWSON,Toronto, MALE HELP WANTED. (1 OOD SALARIES EARNED BY STA - tion Agents and Telegraphers. Groat demand for men. We qualify you Qufekly. Best school in Canada. Free Book 18 ex- plains. Dominion School Telegraphy, To- ronto. SOUVENIR POST CARDS, S END roc. FOR 16 BEAUTIFUL POST SmithCards, all different. Agents wanted. nrd Co., Parry Sound, M ISOELLANEO US: HAYHAY and FARM SCALES, Wileon'e Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. Lt ANOER, TOSd0RO, 1.08105, oto. In. terpain by n our home ttreatment. Write ured Dae before too Into. Dr, lsaimae. Uo111aa• wood, Ont. . TON SOALE GGARANTEED. Wileon'er 8) Foals Work9 Eenlnnado. Tamura DYEING ! CLEANING t For tbe vary best, send yonr work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO." Look for agent in your town, or sand direct, Montreal. Toronto. Ottawa. Quebec.. • The Soul of a Plano lathe Actio Qn `, Insist on the -OT,IL O RIGEL9e Piano Action R. A. 100 H. L. PLUMMER LVQ& PL-UMdMER (Mern5 IVbors Toronto Stock Irxahnage) Stocks, Bonds nod Mining Stocks bought and sold on commission. Dealers in Government and Municipal Securities. 21 Maltnda Street, TORONTO Tots. M. 7978-t/ - 'Cable: "Lyonplem•' gond Per Free Dank K]vine FITS full nartiaulnrs of T16011'?: 1 REMEDY the 7 ,in,l Pone Ours for Epilepsy rea Fite. Simple Noma treatment CUR25 years' suoogss, Testimonials from. all Ingotti in Dthna year. et' e world. Over • OO TRENCH'S REMEDIES LIMITED 103 St. Demos' Chambers, Toronto. TIVO CRUISES -0N Tn1}- VICTORIA LUISE ' (IO,tDp Tone) From New York Nov. 12, 1912 fr6na Son Frnsldca 166,27,191k Wdl vldtRehire, SPnin lUtr, El, t. 1551,, Ceylon, Slra11.5eitl;Mente, Arm, FOliveine. Odes, J.vv.n, SandwI,i 'du db With Ove,l,edAmad,,aTem INLAND EXCURSIONS AND BIDE' TRIPS OPTIONAL 117 Dey, in bale TOURS i 14Dey.lnJepid Dura tion 110 Days Each $650 ,, (ineludine ;let w up entity a (Wane. aboard MI Wane. "+4+k nnronW C A,Die file math etre e•". ' ;Prat r leekht HAMBURG.pAMERICAI1ut, 41-45 11>tOADf,'j. N; Y or Doman steantshlp Agency, 03 Yonne SI, Toren le, Canada.