HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-3-14, Page 7G•esesseseealesseasseseessesisseestswAssit 'THE WEARY SMILE THAT COVERS !WEN Women aro Themselves to Blame for Much of Their Suffering. You g Folks oessiveessisesesseensesseireofis THE HOUR THAT FLEW. "You are going out, and 1 have - can single thing dot" sighed Robbie, "Arthur will be at home in an hour," said mother. "Let's think of something to do. Pll tell you; Niko this pincushion, and stick in all these new black and white pins." Robbie took the cushion, which looked like a plum rod matthess, and his face brightened. "I know what Pll play!" he cried. "Sokliers 1 The pincushion can bo the p'rade-ground, and I can have a sham battle like the one papa, took us to sec." It took some time to arrange the white pins all at one end of the pin- cushion, and the blaek ones at the other, for the lines had to be very straight and even. Robbie was so busy over it that he hardly noticed when his mother kissed him and slipped away, "I'm going to have the blue and red ones for officers," he said, for- getting that the was alone. "This fat, red-headed one will make a splendid general." It was quite exciting when Rob- bie made the cannons go boom 1 boom! and the soldiers fell over by dozens. The, fat, red general held out to the end, and behaved like a fine fellow. Then Robbie built forts and bar- ricades of black and white pins, from behind which the bine and red soldiers blazed away at each other with great Spirit. The black safety -pins were laid fiat on th•e cushion and held there by the oars four of which stuck out on each side. Blue -headed soldiers crouched in the bottom of the boat, while a tall, white -headed pin stood in the midst of them. So lifelike did it seem to Robbie that he could almost imagine that the tall pin had its arms folded and was trying with eager eyes to pierce the, darkness. "Hello, what's all this?" said a voice in his ear so suddenly that it made him jump. "Why, Arthur, mother said that you wouldn't be here for an hour," said Robie, "and now it's—why, it's more than an hour 1"—Youth's Companion, STORY OF BLACK BEADS. The :Necklace Was Worn By Mary, Queen of Scots. It is generally understood in London, England, among jewel lov- ers and connoisseurs—an increasing and very knowledgeable coterie— that the famous Mary Queen of Scots necklace of black pearls 'worn by her at her execution. at Fother- ingay Castle on February 8, 1587, has been bought for $100,000 by Mrs. Belmont of New Yosk. This necklace has an extraordinary wed romantic hiatosy. It was lost sight of for many years' and Andrew Lang asserts that itwas stolen from the queen'e neck by the execution- er, a dour Scotsman, who knew its value. The pearls vanished from human ken. About three years ago a London woman of title whose husband has a shooting box in Scotland was rummaging irt en old curiosity shop in a small Highland town. She came upon a string of blackish beads which rather took her fancy, and offered. $5 ler them. The offer was accepted. She brought her find, of which ehe did not know the value, back to Lon- don with her anti chanced to be wearing the necklaceono day at luncheon at the Savoy. A man who Was present and who appeared to know .something about pearls asked to look at it, and after examining it easefully, said: "Do you know you are wearing nn histone necklace? 1 have stud- ied this sort of thing rather closely, and I believe these are the missing Mary Queen of Scots pearls," The owner laughed at the absurd su•ggestion, but as a wise and cau- tious woman he took them te firm ef court jewelers, the finest and trustsvorthiest experts in the world, They •examined the necklaoe, fully confirmed the previous opinion, and offered to buy it for $60,000. Milady accepted the price, and to her tired it, be it said, sent $10,000 to the curiosity shop keeper in Scotland, The erstwhile beads—new historical black pearls—remained with the jewelers until recently, when Mrs. Belmont bought them at the afore, said price, The pearls, it seoms, are not in themselves intrinsically very valuable, having to a certain extent perished, as pearls will do, but, their authenticity is undoubted, and anyhow pearls have risen in value in the market at teat 100 per cent. in the last five years. There is a genuine Marie Antoinette pearl necklace now in the market for which the owner .asks $200,000, but no buyer has yet tuned up. t THAT WAS THE QUESTION, "What did the capitalist gay when you told him you had such a promising, scheme 1" "He said it was all right about Its proMiSing, but did it pay1" Women are weak, yet under a smile they will try to hide pain and suffering that any man could not bear patiently. If women would only remember that their frequent failures of health arise from feeble or impure bleed their lives would be smoother and they would lenges retain their natural charm. When the blood fails then begin those dragging backaches and headaches; unrefreshing sleep that causes clerk lines under the eyes; dizziness; fits of depression; palpi- tation or rapid fluttering of the heart; hot rashes and indigestion. Then the cheeks grow pale, the eyes dull and the complexion blem- ished. Women should knowstbat much of this suffering is needless and can be promptly remedied. Purify and enrich the blood through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and your suffering will vanish. Thousands of women know that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have brightened their lives by making the new, good bleed of health, and so toning up all the vital organs into healthy, vigorous a,ction. Here is an in- stance from among the many. Miss Cora Cornell, St. Cathanues, Ont., says: "Ever since the age of fourteen I have • suffered terribly with pains in my back, and eevere headaches. I was also much trou- bled with indigestion anti had to be extremely careful as to my diet, and sometimes did not feel like eating at all. Some two years ago the headaches became so bad that I had to give up my position, which was clerking in a store, where, of course, I was constantly on my feet. I took a position in an of- fice, where I could be seated most of the time, but even then I suf- fered terribly most of the time. Asi the medicine I had been taking did not help me I finally decided to try. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I got a supply, and soon felt they were helping me and I continued taking the pills for several months until I felt perfectly well. Although my doctor advised me not to go back to my old position, I decided to do so, and have not felt any ill effect. I never have backache now, sel- dom a headache, and all traces of the indigestion have disappeared. I cannot speak too highly of Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills and I hope this letter will help someone who suffers as 1 used to." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Freshman—"Who is the smallest man mentioned in .history 7" So- phomore—"I give it up." Fresh- man—"Why, the Roman soldier who slept on his watch.' Unless worms be expelled from the system, no child can be healthy. Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor is the best medicine extant to destroy worms. There are fish in the sea as good as ever were lied about. minartrs Liniment cures nem:1rue. Peckem—"So you want to marry my daughter, do you 1" Young— "Yes, sir." Peckem—"Ilem 1 Are you aware that she strongly re- sembles her mother 7" Young—"I am, sir." Peckera—"Then take her, young man, and—e--be as happy as you can." A Trial Treatment of Cuticura Soap and Ointment Fre to Skin Sufferers If you, or someone dear to you, are suffering the itch- ing, burning, sleep -destroy- ing torments of eczema or other cruel skin eruption, with its embarrassing, un- sightly disfigurement; if you have tried all manner of treatment, no matter how harsh, to no avail, and have all but given up hope of cure, write to -day for a lib- eral sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Thousands of skin -tortured sufferers, from infancy to age, have • found that the first warm bath with Cuticura, Soap and gentle application of Cuticura Ointment bring instant relief, permit rest and sleep) and prove the first steps in a speedy and successful treatment. Ad- dress "Cuticura,* Dept, /01\44 Boston, U. S. MR. ROOSEVELT The former President of the United States, and now seeking nominations for third term. HER FIRST CAKE. She measured out the butter with a very solemn air, The milk and sugar a,lso; and she took the greatest care To count the eggs correctly, and to add a little bit Of baking -powder, which, you know, beginnets oft omit; Then she stirred 11 all together, and she baked it for an hour, But she never quite forgave herself for leaving out the flour! SOOTHING MIXTURES DANGEROUS TO CHILDREN Mixtures sold under the name "soothing" are usually dangerous to the life of the little ones whom they are supposed to help. They contain opiates and narcotics and and sleep prompted through their use is false sleep—to be plainer, the little one is drugged into insen- sibility. The only absolutely guar- anteed remedy for little ones—the only remedy backed by the guaran- tee of a government analyst to con- tain no opiates, narcotics or other harmful drugs is Baby's Own Tab- lets., They cannot possibly do harm —they always do good. Thousands of mothers have learned their value. They help not only the newborn babe, but also the growing child.. Stomach and bowel troubles; worms; colds, simple fevers are all banished by them and they pro- mote, that refreshing sleep so help- ful to little ones. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "A good-natured man was com- plaining bitterly on•e day of his numerous visitors and the expense his hospitality was to him." "Sure and tell you how to get rid of them," said an Irishman. "Pray, howl" "Lind money to the poor ones and borrow money of tho rich ones, and nayther sort will ever trouble you ag'inl" Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is an unparalleled remedy for colds, coughs, influenza, and diseases of the throat an•d lungs, The fame of the , medicine rests upon years of successful use in eradicating these affections, and in protecting man- kind from the fatal ravages of con- sumption, and as a neglected oold leads to consumption, one cannot be too careful to fight it in its early stages. Bickle's Syrup is the wea- pon, use it, - Grace (fleeing from infuriated bull)—"Face him, Percy!. You said you would face death for me 1" Percy—"Eut the wretched brute is far from dead!" PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS, Your druggist will refund inutoy if PAZO OINT- MEET fails to our,, any owe of 'banes, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Plies 3,3 to 14 days. alle BRIDEGROOM IN CHAINS, When Mr, and Mrs. James E. Lake, recently married, returned to Georgetown, Col., after n honey- moon, they were mot at the station •by twenty men. They fastened cowbells to Lake'e ankles and his body, A heavy' chain was placed about his neck, handcuffs paaged 011 his writs, and he was chained to the end of a dray and marehed through the streets, Later he was harnessed to a cart and compelled to haul his wife through the busi- ness part of the town. Chief Fred Parket, of ;the volunteer fire de- pertment, of which Mr. Lake is a member, headed the procession With band. blillartre LiniltIOnt Rsliovss Ntatralglit. TRIS IS INDEED A SEVERE TEST C. IVIATTESEN IXAS HAD ItliE1.7- - 'AUTISM ALL 1118 LIFE, But Dodd's Ritlitey Pills Have Benefited Him so Mush Ile Re- commends 'Them to Othcrl--Why They Always Cure Rheumatism. Heiberg, 33. C., February 20 (Special).—That Dodd's Kidney Pills will euro Rheitmatisr has been proved again and i,gain. Where -the dread disease is Leaking its first inroad's into the system tho cure is quick and complete, Where the rheumatism is of longer stand- ing it takes longer treatment, but the result is always the same. Dodtl's Kidney Pills always cure. Probably the hardest test' Dodd's Kidney Pills have over been given is in the case of Mr, C. Mattesen of this place. It is best stated in his own words :— "I have been troubled with Rheumatism all my life," Mr, Mat- tesen states, "but I am happy to tell you that I have received so much benefit from Dodd's Kidney oPtillosir.a,t I can recommend them to h Here is a case of the longest pos- sible standing. But Dockl's Kidney Pills will surely cure it. Why? Because, uric acid in the blood is the cause of rheumatism, and Dodd's Kidney Pills take the uric acid out of the blood by making the kidneys do their proper work. • "Nothing 'serious the matter with your father's lungs, is there, Jerryl" "I should say not! He's been coughing for 37 years and he can cough louder now than ever." Soft corns are difficult to eradi- cate, but Hollosvay's Corn Cure will draw -them out painlessly. GRAINS OF GOLD. If poverty has its inconveniences it has also its independeoce and se- curity. And would ye partake of bar - vest's joys the corn must be sown in the spring. Look for crosses; and while it is fair weather mend the sails of the ship. The most knowing man in the course of the longest life will al- ways have much to learn; and the wisest .a,ncl best much to improve. Man can scarcely be uncles a greater delusion than to suppose that he can in any instance add to his happiness by a sacrifice of prin- ciple,. The meaning of a song goes deep. Who is there that in logical words can express the effect music has on us? A kind of inarticulate, un- fathomable speech, which deeds us to the, edge of the Ineffnite, and lets us for n moment gaze into that. The world has ne room for cow- ards. We must a,11 be ready some- how to toil, to suffer, to die. And yours is not the less noble because no drum heath before you.whe,n you go out into your daily battlefields, and no crowds shout about your coming when you return from your daily victory or defeat. IA* 9 4 • STOPS 001110118 L'EttlsELVI "Before 1 propose, Miss Plainer, I must know if you have anything in the bank?" `Yes, 111r. Hunter 1 have a sweetheart there; he's the manager. We are to be married next month." Always Serviceable.—Most pills lose their properties with age. Not SO with Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. The pill mass is so compounded that their strength and effectiveness is preserved and the pills can -be car- ried anywhere without fear of los- ing their potency. This is a qua- lity that few pills possess. Some pills lose their power, but not so with Panneleo'a. They will main- tain their freshness and potency for a long time. A boy reading the verse, "And those who live in cottages are hap- pier than those who sit on thrones, ' startled the class by reading thus "And those who live in cottages are happier than those who sit on thorns." BD. 1 IS l'E 10-12 • TOMATO 011,, • The production of tomato oil is an industry of a recent date. The oil is obtained from the seeds, a waste product from the proeees of pre- serving tomatoes, In the Province of Parma, Italy, 84,000 tons of to- matoes have been oon,surned during the past, year. The total production in Italy, representing $8,000,000, of which $2,500,000 represented ex- ports. The 89,000 tens mentioned yield Avesta material amounting to 13,000 itons, four-fifths of this being water, Pressing reduces it further to 4,000 ,toms, consisting chiefly of the seeds, By a. process of cold compression, 18 per cent, of tomato oil is obtained, Tho 84,000 tons of tomatoes therefore yield 600 tons of oil. This oil is very dry and of a golden yellow color, It is used for the manufacture of varnish and as a fuel, FREE TO BOYS Splendid magic lantern (with 12 811(188)1 steam engine (nearly one foot high) with whistle, Sy wheel and everything complete for running; solid gold signet ring, or guaranteed watch free to any boy. Send Your name and we will send you 30 sets of beautiful Easter and other post -cards, to sell at ten cents a set (six cards in each set), When sold, send us the Money and we will send you whichever prize you choose. For selling 40 sots we will give you a "Simplex" Typewriter. We prepay all charges. Address HOMER. WARREN CO., Dent. 122, Toronto. FROM BAD TO VERSE. Little drops of nonsense, Little grains of verse Keep the pessimistic world Frew growing any worse. Ready-made Medicine.—you need no physician for ordinary ills when you have at hand a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. For coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchial trou- bles it is invaluable, for scalds, burns bruises, sprains it is unser- passeci, while for cuts, sores, ulcers and the like it is an unquestion- able healer. It needs no testimoni- al other than the use, and that will satisfy anyone as to its effective- ness. RIGHT. Drill Sergeant (after worrying Brown for two hours)—"Right about fee." Brown—"Thank goodness, I'm right about something at last 1" Try ihrine Eye Remedy No 0mortlug—Feeis gine—dots Quickly. IFFgf0'l'e.MT•1a=0Y1iItg.!%:,1 Ey__ le .101, rickets. r1711111r %Lai 611414 COolta,,rzr...ri..„„cIL 111'1g la NC'11:17"NI 2:,1,rnhtr : Druggists at 81010c par bottle. latrine Ca I' BY"olee lo dooptiu Tubes, ?goalie. Melina Eye Remedy Co., Chlmoo WHY HE ESCAPED. Agnea—Why didn't you arrest the burglar who was found under your bed 7 Gladys — He said that if I -wouldn't have him arrested he'd never tell how dusty he got. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—Thoodore Dorado, a custo- mer of mine, was completely ourod of rheumatism after live years of suffering, bv the Judicious use of MINARD'S LINIMENT. The above facts can bo verified by writ- ing to him, to the Parish Priest or any of his neighbors A. COTE, Merchant. St. Isidore, Que., 12 May, '98. In the State of California, the female vote outnumbers the male by over 80,000. Only Ono "BROM° QUININE." That is LAXATIVE BROM° QUININE, Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 'Creed the World over 'to Cure a Cold in One DE'S,. 250, A DISAPPEARING LADY. This Ghost Was Really Afraid of Something Nn°catwhinign. the way of ghosts is reported to have made its appearance recently in the Nurse's Home at the Manchester (England) Royal Infirmary, and timid nurses and ward -maids have crept between the 'sheets fervently hoping that the weird visitant would not disturb their slumbers. It is no orthodox ghost that is said to have been haunting the nurses' apartments. According to the most authentic story the appari- tion is of ths feminine porettasion, and is clad in a bong black gown and stole, the only relief to its S0111 - bre make-up being its ghastly white face, its long sinuous fingers and blanched lifeless hands. In such a form at all events it is said to have presented itself to a nurse some weeks ago. . She had been out during the evening, and on being admitted was passing along the aortic -ler toward her room when she noticed the figure of a woman a few paces before her. Thinking "the lady" had vials a mistake and Inc] got into the prem- ises in error, •the haatened to over- take "her," and was in the stet of tapping her shoulder when the lihau.vrshosg been seen by several other a"plapttiodlilaLh21:bdta_..nSillrelotirlteelcli th:s iviinara's Lininioit Cures BUMS, eto. DYEING ! CLEANING 1 FARMS FOR SALE CFI RENT. For the very best, send your work 00 3)., "BRITISH ANIEEIDAN DYEING co," Lock for agent in your town, or send direct. Montreal, Toronto, Oitawa, Quebec. 16th. usu'icn Plume All Cows Jost the hind of Ostrich Plume , _eon hunt to pitY a.5.00 for et retail storm. gully 10 I oohos IONA Vers t1;.;dtgiVIItle0a. drooping bead. bona 2000.to-dg, this Opper. Melly for a limited nine only. t113InP7s e7.tTiP.0 money beck if notentiroly pleased, NEW TOM< OSTRICH FEATIIER CO., Inc. Dept. it fifth Avenue and 21d Street, OW York Mount Pleasant Post Office, Lon- don, England, usually deals with fourteen and a hall million letters a week. and half a million parcels. It is Wise to Prevent Disorder. —Many causes lead to disorders of the stomach and few are free from them. At the first manifestation that the stomach and liver are not performing their functions, a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills should be tried, and it will be found that the digestive organs will speed - fly resume healthy action. Laxa- tives and sedatives are so blended in these pills that no other pre- paration could be so effective as they. The estimated wealth of the United States is $125,000,000,000. Ellnard's Liniment for sale everywhere . A PROPHECY. "What's that you are sayingl" asked Mr. Growcher. "I was just reciting about the COW that jumped over the moon," replied his small nephew. "Well, stop it. There's no use of constantly reminding us of how high beef and dairy products can go." African deserts are from thirty to forty feet deep in sand. Mr. J. E. Arsenault, a Justice of the Peace, and station master at Wellington, on the Prince Edward Island Railway, says: "Four years ago I slipped in the station and fell on a freight truck, sustaining a bad cut on the front of my leg, I thought this would heal, but instead of doing so it developed into a bad ulcer, and later into a form of eczema which spread very rapidly and also started on the other leg, Both legs became so swollen and sore that I could only go about my work by having them bandaged. My doctor said I must stop work and lay up. "After six months of this trouble I consulted another doctor, but with no better result. I tried all the salves, liniments and lotions I heard of, but instead of getting better I got worse. "This was my condition when I got my first box of Zam-Buk. Greatly to my delight that first box gave me re- lief. I continued to apply it to the sores, and day by day they got better. I could see that at last I had got hold of something which would cure me,1 and in the end it did. " It Is now over a year aline Zdin- Bosk worIced a mire in my ease, and there has been no return of the eczema." Such Is the nature of the great euros which Zatn-13uk is daily effecting. Purely herbal in composition, this great bairn is a sere cure for all skin diseases, cold soros, chapped hands, frost bite, ulcera, blood -poisoning, veil, dose sores, piles scalp sores, ring- worm, inflated patches, cuts, bustle and brulaes. All druggists and stores sell at He, box, or post free from ZarteDuk Co., upon receipt o± price, sssi•Is Sseee'sgsi tteleist H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne street, Toronto, UNDRED ACRES --COUNTY OP e Y Halton, that is a snap. Ask fog particulars. SEYERAL GOOD FARMS IN enneoll Edward County, cheap. TIULTDRED ACRES NEAR BRAM)). 0. A X IDEAL TWO HUNDRED ACRE 1-1. Farm, with line house; good out. buildings; near Burlington, A GOOD FARE, WITH THIRTY -AMR Xi. Apple Orchard, near Port Perry. A X EXCELLENT HUNDRED -ACRE CA. Farm, near Teeswater, at a bass, gain. 11-11XDRED ACRES NEAR STAYNER-• A.S. Worth consideration; building good and price very low. JJstevsi A GOOD LIST OF IMPROVED Farms in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta. If you want to buy Western Property YOU should consult 02e. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED. A T ONCE—YOUNG MEN TO LEARN 21, Barber Trade; demand for barbers every day; cannot supply demands; let Its teach you trade. Write for particu- lars, Moler Barber College, 221 Queen East, Toronto, MISCELLANEOUS. HAY end FARM SCALES. Wilson'S Seale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. 1'1 ANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ole. 11,../ tern al and external, eared without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too iota Or. nehmen, Collins. want. 003 I", TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's U Scale Works, 9 Bsplannde. Toronto. PURIM WRITE FOR PROOF CURES CANCER AND TUMOR Canadian Branch: Purifico Co., Srldgeburg, Ont. R. It. LYON H. L. PLUMMER LYON & PLUMMER (Members Toronto Stock Exchange) Stocks, Bonds and Mining Stocks bought and sold on commission. Dealers in Government and Municipal Securities. 21 Melinda Street, TORONTO Tels. M. 7978-9 - Cable: "Lyonplum" The Heart of a Plano is the Action. Insist on the —OTTO H!GEL" Piano Action FITS CURED Send for Free Book giving 0. fRuEi 1M PE aDrYti,cutihaer Wo f o Rd -Ef aNinCoHnSe Cure for Epilepsy and Fits. Simple home treatment. 25 years' success. Testimonials from alt parts of the world. Over 1,000 in one year. 1Tor SI.NCH S REMEDIES LIMITED James' Chambers, Toronto. Send for our c$falogue of OEEriR High -Grade ti) With over iso ilinStrations and Valuable CULTURAL DIRECTIONS Free ler the Asking DUPUY & PERGUSON 38 Jacques Cartier Square, MONTREAL "The Most Beautiful Location in New York City." HOPIEL SAVOY Fifth Ave., 58th to 59th Street Overlooking Centred Park Affording a delightful residence, from which all the principal centres of the city are readily accessible. Beautiful minus is with bathroom fiend 11pwaril—tkmblecl, uIlht0I1I0n0o1p00l large parlor, alms bedroom on I Iwthron or larger siteselt,no alloihM sis• 1108110110,00, INAM OVUM 1,1[11,tr1'room CM &Pa./Sri/PAW. .1011N F. RIES, Manager DR. DOW'S STURGEON Off LIM; ENT External epplioation for man or beast. Ilveryone knows of the wonderful qualities in the oil of the STURGEON for sprains, lameness, etc, Dr. Dow's formula Ilea it in its best form. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings, ete., it cermet be equalled, Try it oath and you will be satisfied. Price 25 cents. ASI< VOLIR DEALER. HE SELLS 11'. • The IIrayley Drug Co., Ltd., Sole Props, St John, N. B.