HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-3-14, Page 581141111kati WOWS. K. 0. T. M. Brussels Teat of rue Maccabees. No. 24 hold their regular meetings in the Lodge Rum, abuser 810114, (1a ch, lel and 8rd - Tuesday evenings at 0.1111 munta Visitors ahvayn weloowe,- A. 60.10141, (leu,, A_sasUDlliE, 11.la, WM. SPENCE OONVLi'YANUEIt AND LI'SUER oar MAI 1A.G LIULI' NbEti Oleo in toe Post °Sloe, gliet, 004 JOHN HAiiRIS, Agent flowtok .Mutual Fire lusurauce Ootnpany U15oe and ae,lddnee- WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAND INeUBANOa, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. �e 13. IiOOT'T A8 AN AUCTION - .a... Nan' w111 loll for better prime, ee, 1.c nutter won,la lees 'tune and less charges s than any ether Aunti000, 1a East Baron or • us won't ah bran raged at Dates and orders by can always 1)e atlen. ad at rile office or by porsuoel uppncatton, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. % )11 SINOLAIR- V�• Barrister, 801)81tor, Oenvey611aer, Notary entitle, &a. latae -Stewart's Brook 1 door North 01 Central Hotel Solioltor for the Metropolitan Bank, YI1OtJDFOOT, HAYS & KILLORAN BAR1t18'1NRB SULIOITIRS, NGTAR1148 P CIBLIU, ETU. W. P9ooD8001. K. U. B 0. HAYS 3, L. KILLonAN UJllees-Those formerly incepted by Moyers Uamcrou & Holt. 0ODaatou, ONTARIO. ALLAN UN Royal Mail Steamers ST. JOHN AND HALIFAX TO LIVERPOOL. Steamer From St. John Front Hallex Hesperinn February 24th Tunisian Minch Fit Morph 2nd Grampian Mai ch 9th Virginian Murch 15th March 10th BOSTON—PORTLAND TO GLASGOW Steamer Bunton 1' i4tinnd Biclllan ........,... - Murch 7111 Scotian March 9th Ionian .. March 21st Lake Erie. March 28t1, RATES E OF PA SS AQE First O1 Sa Liverpool ear Sao..647_ .a(1 $2 50 Second )Inea. 411.5 60.40' 66 Third Ohms, $1(1.25 481.25 $32 60 leelrli so • ter and service. Full information as to rates, .1,c., on appli a- tlon to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line, Brussels. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. ,S Oar masase-.are now large,' than ever tf before but we have mils! gad oto' quart - ore and the hove room for at few more Is • students, Tun may eater at au tinge. iy. We have a staff of nine .experienced in- structors and our eon:. are e aa' a . 1 the best. p' Our graduates u" O es su nae.. This week g three rno(nt graduates r e +� informed d 110 Sy andtha$126 per month. have mus- aying have three 470 iv portole pe• month• wl h, S three ,ld i� pnrtulelts — Umnmerofal, Shorthand 50 and Telegraphy. Write for our tree g 4)' w,taloom now vi D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. 0 3�- VIY.4. lxaseosseesseme esshevsavfsAssea eioS RUPTURE Cured At your home without pain, clanger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what .your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your ru,p- turebecomes strangulated when yuu can be cured ? Oo-not wait - Fill in coupon .Age '1'iule Rup Single or Double .......• ..... Name. Address rind return tq J. S. SMITH 88 Caledonia 8t Dept. A Stratford, Ont. Do yeti I(pow t.hlit of all the minor arirne it (.01419 ate byfar the meet 1se clanern ns1 tie not I itself that,' t 1114 cold need lto fear, butt the serious diseases that it 0Sten leade lo,. Most of these are lcnnwn 5(s getm _41i80aaes. Pale 1 L II ' 81' ' , um llm 1.l d eon, nmtpu(n ,are amengiItem. Why not take Chant beelain'6 (Jong] Reiurdy and (•lore you' olild while you can 1' Icor sale' by all dealers. • • Business Cards A FIB OFFER un 67(94LARGE FAMILY I MISS BERTHA ASTRONG YourMonoy Barin if Vetere not 8aoT tie- �j floe „W��� Teacher of Plane !Studio at0arter'sMusic Store, one door North 1 We pay for all 11)0 niedicif le used of ohs Standard Bank, Brussels 84f I (luring the trial, it our reuedy fulls OR, T, T, M'RAE 1300418106 of Medicine, l7nlv0reity Of Toronto ; Liueutinte and 48rad,1858 of the Uollogeof Ph3- 010481/e and Surgeons, Uoc, 1 yusceeectuloe Uhnotlgo Eye, Eat', Nose and Throat tlo.plcul, Oluuna0,141 llskiouse Surgeon to St, Miele Hoapitnl, Torwlco, Olnoe over ins f4, entitles Drug Store, Tele' p11on0 oonneation with Uranbrook at all hours, DR. M F'ERGUS DN &THEL, ONT. I'hy oiclnl cud i;urgeun ; Pu -t (*radunte courses London 118itg h N.•w York end. Chicago How - ingots. 'Special attention to disease of eye, r0r, 11040 nod throat. Eyes tested for glasses. DR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor (Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University 1 Licentiate of Royal Uollegb of Dental 1urge0na, of Toronto 011108 In 8,utth Block recently vsualtud by Dr N'elld. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. BRUSSELS GOING SOUTH GOING NORTH Mail 7:07a mExpress ..... 10:55 a m Express 11:25a m i Mail 1:50 p m Express 2:65 p m Express 8:62 p in eamen'Baar PdYai:1 WALTON To Toronto To Goderiah Express 7:41 a mExpress • 11:87 8 in Express 2:57 p m I Express 7:66 p WROXETER Going East : 7;05a r1). and 8:56 p. m. Going West - 12:40 and 9:47 p.10. All trains going East connect with 0 P, R at .Orangeville fur Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. Mations, GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. istritt news Leadbur Y Irl i e ( to ,d d for Inst week) • • Hr. and \1611. Campbell, from Mani- tnba., are visiting with J. .1. McGavin and family. Miss Maggie Bully is slowly iln- pl.11ving itt health and expects t1 be able to sit up shortly. Wm. Kurolt d was called to Roatoek the latteralt of last v t p s week on ac- count of the death of a relative. Mill 0e) 10mng purposes returning to his homestead in Susluatchewau next week aid Lloyd Dennis speaks of ace compaflying hits. M1.9. Alex. Gndkin, from Gleicl en, Alberta, who (1122 been visiting het mother and other friends here, has 5eturnecl tit het• hones this week. A. young mean who p41as111 the corner had his horse and cutter taken shortly and his good friend had the pleasure 1)t '(t luta in bo me but fortunately the lost property was foetid not 111101y miles away but the auto would be better the next time, Edgar. If you have troubl'e in gett(ug rid of your cold vee may know that. you are not treating it property. There is 110 re,Lsnn why a cold should hang 011 fur weeks and it will not if you . take Ch,unbellai(('8 Cough Remedy. Fur sale by all dealers. Moncriefl Owing to the severe stolen 1111 the dateatnucuilced for the Farmers' In- 00111te the meeting was not. hold. Hope to have hetier luck Ilex! t1113e, Tuesday1 f last week I( I- t ll the A 131111 tnral 1Iseuctou train was at.t.Sic- Naught station where it was visited by 1L good many who 1111 doubt, will derive benefit from what they saw mid belted. - SCHOOL REPORT -Following is the replier of 1Mn)1drieff Srhnol for' tate month of Febrile) y :-75% denotes those taking honors mud 60% plass. Sr. IV.=Noble Schnook 82, Elmet McKay 80, Slues 4 McQuarrie 61. Je. IV. -Lobos McKay 71, Hurries to Me- Quaeri870, Johnnie McKay 09. Sr. III.-Jas.ISIttehanl 75, Arnold (McKay 1411d Viola Schnook 4)k 67.Jr. lIi 1 Howard Meehan 00 Mary (I131w, 04 Ora \Iliiay Ol, Flossie tllilrhttli and Pearl Cummings 58 Jr.H.- Eddie Machan 69, Alchu' Manu 64, Marie Livingstone .62, Willie Meehan 60, Katie 1•inwtard 54, Elijah Alaitte 34. Sr. 1.-Goi don Nlach,411, Helen Mc- Quarrie, George Brow, Hetlie Mantle, Fusel Machan, 13e1.a1 Standee's. The Original corn Cure. No substitute has ever been (revised that gIV4's the quick, painless resells of P011n1m'0 1Jo1'44 Extractor, For fifty years its Buccese has been un- equalled. For safety and, thorough cut's use "Putliam's" only, Morris Morris has supplied a good mane fine horses for shipment. to the 'West clueing the past. few weeks. ,A pretty home wedding took place at the residence of T. Gusman iu Morris, Wednesday of Met week when his youngest dau.;btl:r, \li8s Mamie was :married ti \V Craig of Ile t4iwn- s11ip, by Rev. J. h. Small. The happy couple tate going.to visit herr for some time before leaving for the West, where the geones, is going to elg,age- iii the lively leteill) 500 with his" llvllh- er. SCHOOL 1iEPUR7. '2'110 fellnwing is the settled report foe h S. No. 10,•_ elorris fate She m1)14l14 of liohl'riary and part of January ;-81 IV-- Exam, in Arlth., Ge"g., Lit,, Cies Hiy,t. Total 400 (31enrl;e Moffat 1,226. *HHarve Cott 158, !\'alter tueeeve 151. Jr. IVa. -ILknpl 111 .1,ril(l.-;\Iilggie Iticharll• sou 42. Sl'. III-Ex/in). in Aril.4., Gens,, . Reads, .614.41111.--;1:111 al 850- Viola McLeod 30711uY u1 lute. 245, MarY \1111 1231 Herbert bel1. PI well :dtih Il 111 eelh ces seineee L9 suld4 s olaa1,,.350 bleggle 131te kculid4e 122. Salah 13reekett6ldg0 12(1. 8r, "II Eltaln. iu AYirly.,•1V1148, Rend., Sp11L !:ilial 250 -'M l ldison 1! n asset• 106. *Hemel Robb S0,*111hss,t J.0117iston60,, *Alex.IJ' hale 2rl 1 t 11-_Stlhypcts sit ell' 329 s0)r10R-CIIgirl 250-01t)1st)a .Forrest 143, *.Elva 1tanis_ay 135, *Verna John• to completely relieve you of c0nsli• ration. IVe lake all the risk. You are 111(1, obligated to us 111 tiny 4911y 1\bat 091'1' i1' you accept ' 1 t 1 t or)t )flee:. 'Nut )'s a mighty brood (dateline4, but, we 11112411 e9ery word of it, Could anything be more fuie for you ? A most scientific, columalsettse LI vatwent is Rexall - orde+lies; which are vetted like candy: Thrix active prim:lllitl is at recent' seientifle dis- covery 111411 is odorless, eoloeleSs, and tasteless ; very pronounced, yet gentle luta I)lenslult in union, and partt- cule.tly agreeable ill every way. 'lmy d0 111)1 cause (Iit0•1'11oett, nausea, 11115(110):0, griping, 1)r ally incon- venience wltalevee. Iteaall Orderlies are perticultrly good t'nr cl1ik11en, ltged and delleete (1(1011)8. 11' you suffer from chronic or 1)11 L (•1 a' 1 m habit lU, I I I LI )1li II 4)17 I the ilbBUCia to 111• dependent 1(ehronic ailments, we loge you to Ily ltexall Orderlies u1. our risk, R, member, you- can get them in )3rnssels only at one stove. 12 tablets 10 rents ; 8d tablets 25cenlet 80 tablets 50 rents. Sold only at nue " e sun e- The Rexall Stove r. I. Smi 1.b. stns 132, *Rattle Turvey 53. pt. 1L— Vey Gold- Sparli)1g Johnston. 1st 000d -L11421 (1 .1611(1)181(142, Talose ples- eut every day were Herbert Powell and Elva Ramsay, "Those marked * miseed exams. B. B. BRYAN., Teacher. N'IOVING TO AMK1L .OP.— Robert Forrest, formerly of this township. but living (41 lirnot'nrd fin' the past 8 or 10 years, has purchased the fine I00 (tete farms of A1911. McGregor, McKillop township and will lake pts. session 111 March Ist. A Brinlfuld reporter speaks of Mr. Forrest's leav- ing as fullews :-A vary pleasing event transpired it he Onekahut1 Plow Co. (suite when the fellow eulpinyee8 of R 1lbrrest look 11:111 by surprise and presented 'him with a plow and the hdlowiig address was read : "Dear L 1 lel d -It. 1 is with regret 1.h It we t have leu•ued of your intention 1 ' v to no 0f 1)4)vnlg the employment or this firm, after so many yetlrs of faithful service. \'Ve feel we could not let you g1) without expressing i)1 some way nue good will towards you and the confidence we have always planed 111 you as 11 fellow workmate. We ask y1111 IU,l1'Crpt 1I1i8 plow ars 1a minim - mute 0f your fellow shop -mates and us you wall( up null down the furr,\v 011)1 nuts often think of days gone by. Wishing you every success it pale 11049 field of label. The 1cldtess teas signed 111 behalf of upper machine shop employees by .1.1'. Brown, G. Sage and F. ne111. s." Mts. Forrest was 41 .11is. &melt, of ,\lorris tn\vnship 0118 friends here will be glad tohave the Forrest family nice more residents of 1111rni Un. John W. 84r4.e I•n)ith, Greensboro, Pit., Inks three child) en, null like Inns). eitildren they ft (Ineptly take cold. "\Ve have )rind leveled kinds of cough to,et-( 1).( 4,,," he 81ys, "but have never foetid any yet that did theme as ullu'li good 1)8 Chn)1Ihe•lai1's Cough Remedy." For sale by all dealers. Grey racist Sri\a 1UR3 5191[.- A letter filen 1 t Al Douglas, )1 u;,las, rnuuei•ly of this township; in [emit titlg for THr1 POST ()inlet. date of Mewl) 1st, Buys 1-11 tris having a few days of sharp weal h- et-jssl time bel have had at very (Inc Winter. Since middle of .1 11,110111,31 have (1(111 it 01)114)1(1, d. The yon slimes s1) nal um 1(11(1 bright that the middle of (vet v clay is vet y.pletasaul1 even in real I'1 nn) y 44 enthee. \Ve ate all well: 330500016 REPORT. -The following is 1 b school (sleet for S. S. No. 10, Grey,- fur the month or February Tient 500 -()lass V. -G. Speleai, 428. Sr. 1V. -G.' Whitfield 450. E. Rath - well 435, *H. Denman 374, *M. Cox 274, 5 Al,ohtul260. Jr. 1V.-11. Lake 443, *S. S1Nirun 284, *I'. Hallenbeck 189, 80, Henry lel, *Ai, Inglis 140." Total 400 -Sr. 11I -*B. Hollenbeek 118, *G. Inglis 41, Je.I1L-0. Speirair 314, S Hake 289 L 1lhilfiN( I1 212, Ln 1 ve 95. Jr.1I -M bI :sortL G 0 3 8 , L. Ward 175 E1. Whitfield 149 Pt. IE. -MM. -V. Ltd�*119 Pt. I E. 8psree. G. \1 hit& ll, Lr )o Whitt/0d, 19. Whitfield. Goml-13. Inglis, M. \\'1 18. Primary- Excellent- V. \'• lu.h01. Gild -U, Lights W. Ward. Those mal 540d * Missed late or more 0xau11ivaiois. 1vernge allendance 21. Al. J3ROTIII1RB, Teacher, Tells How She Keeps Her Health-- Happiness pp For Those Who Take Her Advice,, Seottville, Mich.-'' I want to tell you how much good Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg. etableCompoundand Sanative Wash have done me. I live on a farmandhaveworked very hard. I am forty-five years old, and am the mother of thirteen children. Many people think it strange that I am not broken down with hard work and the care of myfan 1 butItellof themgood friend, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, and that there will be no back- ache and bearing down pains for them if they will take it as I have. I am scarcely ever without it in.the house. "I will say also that I think there is no better medicine to be found for young girls. My eldest daughter r hsa taken Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Com- pound for painful periods and irregular- ity, and it has helped her. ''I am always ready and willing to speak a good word for Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. I tell every one I meet that I owe my health and happiness to your wonderful medicine.'( -Mrs. J. G. Joatesex, Seottville, Mich., R F D. 3. Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com- pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harmful drugs, andd to a holds the :seer Y d of being the most successful remedy for woman's ills known. ,17 f td tiff J4-71.1.1'' ./!/, TJABKIRK I8 REEVE. -A0 a result Of the elertiui held on Tuesday, of least week, Robt. Hahkirk is the ne\v Reeve of Langford. The s)1acessfnl candidate headed the pull with 141 votes, and Jos. Laidler and J. VV. Drysdale had respectively 05 and 32. The polls in the various wards wears L15 follows :-Ward 1, Drysdale 11, Hallkirk 1I, Laidler 8 ; \V,u•d 2, Dl ys- daale 1. Hahkirk 44, Lairllln• 10 •;