HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-3-14, Page 4:CHUB 'DAY, MARCH z4, 1912
Brussels Couneli
The Regular meeting of Brussels
Calmed was held Monday evening,
of Iasi week. An the members present
except P, Ardent. Reeve Leckie in
the chair.
Minutes of Inst meeting read and
passed '
Accounts were presented as follows t-
Robt Oliver, sainry &e ,,,, $ 37 30
A. Stfachen, ntiscel)aueous.,,,,1 40
Hamilion & Audereou, street
,vont . 7 0n
Jas. Kornaghan, street work 8o
Chan Meadows, 30
R Dark,
N 'MrCa
2 00
Bi ewer, wood at Hall„,,,,,6 uo
G lileDewell. street work.... 2 00
W. 1i Kerr, printing ... re 25
Moved by A McGuire, seconded by
GeoMuldoon, that above accounts be
paid. Carried.
Constable Oliver reported the revenue
from town scales to be $28 75.
The Garside & James machine shop
and its relation to the town was discus
sed.t w
I as
m ,ved by
A. C. Demes
seconded by Geo. Muldoon, that steps
be takenat0nee to close this business if
the firm does not ;live up to agreement
with the town. Reeve Leckie was .ap-
pointed to call on the interested parties
Knitting Factory By -Law also came
up for review and further consideration
was left over until next meeting of
Council adjnurned after a discussion
of plans 1. keep the Winter road North
and South of Brussels in good condition
Qrey Council
The Municipm1 Council of the Town
ship of Grew met in the Township Hall,
Ethel, on Monday March4th. Members
of the Council were present. Minutee
of previous meeting read and adopted
By-law No 3 for 1912, appointing
Pathmaste,s and dtfliitng their re-
spective Dtvisious, was read a first and
second times.
Fritter- 1'IcArthur- 'That By-law
No 3 few 5912 be now read A third time
and fivall pass d. -Carried.
McArthur- Brown- That Clerk
notify Richard Armstrong, contractor
on the Locking Drain, that Ifsatfslacloe
security be not given fur the completion
of the drain before the next meeting 0t
the Council contract' will be re -let. -
Fraser -McArthur -That the follow
ing accounts be paid -Cat ried.
Municipal World, Assessors' and
Coltector's rolls $15 00
John Speiran, cutting brash Cou
12 7 or.
Wtn. T. Spence, Auditors' sup•
D BxliingaII, refund of (log tax,.. 2 ou
C. Eckmier, commutation of
St etch-- L;,bnr....,6 0o
Tbos. Mills, cleaning out ditch,
Cnn5 .................................. t 00
G. Kramer & Co,. two cuspidors
for Hall .1 00
John McDonald, digging ditch
bdv. Get, and Morris to 00
Edward Fletcher, repairing Mill
Road .... ...................... 3 00
Fraser- Brown - That Council ad
journ to meet Monday, April 8'h. -
Carried. A H. MACDONALD, Clerk.
A deputation, one hunched strong,
representing the W C. T U , invaded
Mr. Borden's 1 ffice at O.1awa, and
asked that tate G, set nment enact a law
prohibiting in Canada, the sale and
manufacture of cigarettes. All provin
ces of the Dominion were represented
in the deputation The ministers pres-
ent besides the Premier, were the Hon
C. J. Doherty and the Hon. W. T.
Mrs. McKee, of Barrie, spoke
on behalf of Ontario She claim-
ed that the recent amendments to the
Act in regard to the sale of cigarettes
had been of liitle use. The evil was in•
creasing, and rine hundred million more
cigarettes were sold this year than last
There were more smoking cigarettes
than ever. but the evil was spreading
anteing the burs. They did not want to
interfere with the men but they did
with the boys. '!`here was only one way
to do this and that was by abolishing
the manufacture and sale of the cigar-
Mrs. Whitman. of Halifax, Honor-
ary President of the W C '1' U. for the
Maritime Provinces, spoke for those
provinces and made the same request
Mrs MacLachlan, of Quebec, said that
the law was nut carried out. Police.
men apparently did not know the law
in regard to sale of cigarettes. Mrs
W. H. Anderson, of O'tawa, spoke on
behalf of British Columbia The Rev
W H. 'rdrobnll, of Ottawa, in behalf of
the Pre.bllerien church, sad the- Rev
C, S. Deeproee, spoke for the Metho-
dists. Mts. Gordon Wright, Dominion
President, introduced the speakers and
wound up the arguememt for the depu-
Premier Borden said he was mach
impressed with the earnestness of the
deputation. He would remind them
however, that one of the worst possible
things in the way of enacting taws was
to place laws on the Statute Books,
Which cannot he enforced. He was
afraid that the control of parents had
lessened in recent Years and that this had
contributed to the evil. He fully realiz-
ed the importance of the mai ter and he
would give the recommendations -
serieus -nsideration,
Ottawa. Feb. 15.
RUINS of Rrruoa,--A meeting of the
House 01 Rrhige eonunittee of the
County Council was held at Clinton re-
cently Metiers Mannings, Rernitlgltan,
Stothers, , Basile, Centelon. -County.
Clerk lane and the house officials were
present In the instieftirti of the house
acid outbnildltids everything was found
satisfactory. 89 inmates are being eared
for et the present time. It was decided
4 ”'
that bli, a 'Harland, wh
, 1 o eels as nrg.tnist
at the Shndev services at the hoose, .
should receive a present of $20 The
attention of the committee was called to
the Mot that several irsrnates Were in res.!
44; e4
V xpn�•++'W°hy,^r!aMr•eiww.ePF!.5si.+.r+,..M�Mr..Prua.9 Ow.x,cvurxw+W.+ean,m- --•-- --.v fs+.M.':,a•.w,<,aa.'..v, +a+4,++•+'tti...a ...+nw+.�,w.wahwMN u 1.44,
rn 4f Her Crown Mf n -Beauty, Leases In
Love and Marr
n IaEo
Ilam itt ceetautly most necessltl Y t
walnut Who could love twin
marry tt bald-headed woman d \Vliet
chat ms e"uld nue array to Miser sue!
a disfigurement ?
A wuuuut'S goal is 050tttlly love autl
tnarrittge. tier• cruwniog gioey is her
hair, the loss of her hair Mars her
beauty, happiness, and sucoese. Yet
right here ill 13ruesels, there are
thousands of women who are negle0-
Liug or iejuriug their hair to such an
extent that it is utuly a mallet of time
when it will be utterly twined,
Many women destroy the beauty of
their hair through Lhuughulesseess or
ignorance of certain facts. They use
em'lingreous over -heated, cu' to excess,
which destroys the mauled oil of the
hair, causing it to split,break ncl
1,, a
enure out They do notaiampoo their
hair Often enough, or ton often.
They use soaps or pt epartttious which
contain iugredieut8 positively harm-
ful to the scalp eturl hair.
As a result of mush treatment, dan-
druff is iucrea,ed, the hale loosens, los-
eseelor falls out, and baldness euul-
memces, unless proper and prompt
precautions are taken in time Then
again, mi,rubes and curial 1 dieettst•s
beteg about unhealthy scalp LI aid
) It'•
b 1w
Y p
Almost any woman may rid herself
of daodruff and diseased scalp and
hair if she will but use tits right
reinedy.' We have that remedy, and
we will positively guarantee that it
will either cure (laud'uff and baldness
or it will not cost the user. anything.
That's a pretty broad stateuleet,
hut we will back it told )trove it with
our own Looney. We will return your
,money if you donut find that Rexall
"93" Hair Tonle is an entirely satis-
factory remedy that will promote
hair growth and overcome scalp and
hair troubles ; that it will grow hair
even un hetid brads, unless all life in
the hair roots has been extinguished
the follicles closed, and Lhe scalp is
glazed and shiny. It gets its name
from the fact that it grew hair in 93
out of 100- eases, where it received
thoroughly hard, impartial, and
practical lest.
We want yon to try Rexall "93"
Hair Tunic at our risk, You surely
cannot lose anything by doing se,
while you have everything to gain.
You had better think this over, and
then come and see us about this offer.
You will be well repaid for your visit
to our store. Preimeutbet•, you can get
Rexall Remedies in this community
rally at our store -The Resell Store.
F. R. Smith.
onseesesseilli*•oY,9•asesesso•eosems•esheoensoestsweese0e2:! Bellg'ravo
e s•s A St. Ptitriek's social will be held its,
theFuestei•' Hitl Jlunday 99801115,
Woman's InstiLn le. .A. good program good Lithe,Keep the date elem. and lonk On I, I'M, a
far Will he peovided and lingth served, Oats! Car CarCarnh
MEMO 82tt"A 0
AU Feeds at Lowest Possible Prices
u •
t •
1 •
ceipt of yearly incomes a p•trt of which
the county was entitled, The maHt't
was left with Inspector Torrance to dr,
with It was decided the' any Reeve
when mak'ng a tl nsnlitrltent should
assist the Inspector in adjusting all
money matters and in disposing of the
property belongiug to the person cum
Brussels School Report
Form III,- Continuation School.
Exam in French, Latin, Science.
1' Yutll . 76 F Clark..........58 5
H Hoover .. .. 71 R Leckie 56
M Yulll 69 K Ament .55
L M teDnnald....67
E Sotherau 64- A Cooper ....... .43
c McKmnnon ...- 62 D Watson. ..... ...43
F Evkmier....... .6,, H Am en 41
W Sperling .60 S Gerry 39
j Menzies 5q S Fox 39
Form II -Examined in Latin, Aritlt.,
Alg., Hist.. Science.
K t ilton .........82 Harold Lowry 46
V Ross 67 C Crooks ..,..• •...44
N Fee 62 5 L Sperling 42 5
J MtLellan,..,,,,64 W Arnietrong•...45
G Kerr .6o E Bark lay ..........38
E Prot ...........60 1, Ws'spn 37
G MsQuarrie..:52 5 R Hall •33
Hazel Lowry...51 s
Form I -Examined Latin, Writitlg,
Gram , Science (2 exams ) -
G Deadman. 89
A Roe. ..... ...
M Mann...... •••77
Lowry 73
W Armstrong, 72
I Mr Lsuchlin,66
B Alderson 65
iElliott 64
W Hoover04
Beryl Oaten 63
L Ballantyne ....62
Ve Lott 62
1 A' nls'rong -. 5r
B MrQi, 'rile 53
Revert, Old en•52
H Wolk 52
W Harris ,.,, so
R Bork lav '•49
F Wood •••• 44
B S Sco'rr, Principal.
Sr IV Daily Wmk and exams in
Gram , Hist., Or. Reed , ('omp., and
Hygiene Honors 75 pet cent, Pass 6o
G Edwards .91 1 Oliver 73
1 MrLauchlin....8t 1 Hallen 'tse .,68
L Jackson . .... 78 R Sh'c'ait ,52
L 'Lowry .76 H Ft'x .•..43
Jr IV. Daily Work and exams in
Arith , Gram., Or. Read., Comp ,
Hygiene and Spell.
R Stewart.. 88 E Rands.,......... 6o
1, Athent .........76 V Ma :reeken..,.58
L Wright .,,., ,,,75 11 Currie ,,.,•,,,,.56
B Campbell 73 A McLat,cnhn.,,st
T McLauchlin,. 66 A 'I'hemsnn ...., .46
V Sinclair - 6t S Me Lancltlin ,.,38
D 11'1. 5611TH
Sr, III. --Exam in Arith.• Gen„ Hist.,
Comp . awl daily work
D Rrns ,,., .,66 W Buchanan 57
1-1 Slewerr ....64 11 Gerrit 56
5 Cameron . ,.,,62 M Carter 53
R Hewitt,.,.......1'9 P Rarklae ....36
L Me('racken,..,53 "F MrNaughton.35
it III -Exam in Lit , Gram , Hist.,
Comp and daily work. Honors 75,
Pass 6o.
13 Wright ...... ..,.75 *A Currie...„, ,. 48
C Rent 66 A Fox ...,........39
R Moore .,e8 5 lemieson .....38
F Hillson... - 55 M Haig 38
H Lott ,., .5f G Thnmpson , 38
Vi Skelton .......48 V Harris - 34
Warwick 48
Ir. Part of Jr, Ill -Exam in Gene'„
Spell , Gram., Arlth, and dally work
Ho)n Ira 75, Pass 6o
M Ross .............73 "S McLauclllin,,.6o
M Danford 75 C Moore. .........
J Pox 70 Il Jaynes 54
M Pawson Gg
';`hose marked * missed exams
B. Hxx»EnsoN.
We are also the Sole Agents for this territut y rm. , y
the celebrated e
Ellatchford'S Calf Meal
(EsteLblished in England in 1800.) A perfect tniih 1
substitute -a result of over 109 years experience in o
feeding calves. Also •
� r
For 'Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs, and
Blatchford's 'Fill the Basket Egg Mash'
For Chickena. Give it a trial awl be nnnvinoed
Sr. II -Seen], Lit,. Arith , Geog ,
Siem., daily work. Honors 75 Passbo.
0 11- mingwav ,••94 A Drage.......... 63
Ras gees 87. G Barker .63
1'I'hom,on 83 V Lowry. ,,,..,.•59
eV Harkness ..,,81 I McNichol . 58
N McLeuchlin,,,7g (.. Anderson. 56
W Roe 54
R Currie.
11 Cameron 68 M Campbell 52
I lainmeson 64 A Cardiff .48
Int 11 -Exam in Lit,, Ment , Arith ,
Spell.. daily work,
F. Burgess 84 W James
i Enagh 68 A Stewart ,..,55
11 Morrie 67 E Hollinger• .....44
1, Conk, •66 1 Lown'. 40
59 Wilton .....65 E Somers 27
V Snider ...... ....65 L.Snider :...,.,..,14
1.• Fume's „••64 G Snider ,.....
I Harkness •..,,,,6o
Jr II Exam in Arith , Comp ,
Nem , Lit., daily work. Pass 6o.
Honore 75.
I) rimmed .,,,..,.q4 C Thomson. ..... .66
G Pope...... .....75 M Oliver..... 48
G. Ross.
Class V -Examined in Arith., Spell.,
Lang , Read„ doily work and Deport.
0 Walker, 90 L Drage. .... .......68
Stewart. ...... ..•73 M Wood , 65
L 13 trklav 7o
Class IV. -Exam. in same.
F McArter 79 F. Stewart 52
51 M5C'aeken....75 LSnider 47
M Fritelev 72
Class III -Excellent --F. Oliver, E
O'iver, M McLauchlin, T Burgess
Good -A Stewart. 13 Hemingway, 13
1`huell, E Moore, B -Came: on,
Close II --Excellent -Lily Flatt, K.
tteL:n'en,'A Ballantyne. Geod.-1i
Drage -
Class I -Excellent.- M Pope, C.
TURNBERwY OouNCIL.-Onuuci] met
nig Marsh 4111. Members present,
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last
meeting read and adopted nn motion
of Messrs. Wheeler and Mollurttey.
Wheeler -McBurney -that Clerk be
instructed to ask Wiughein papers for
tenders for printing required for 1912,
rommeneiug April 1st. Tenders to be
received by Clerk before next meeting
of Heard Carried. Moffatt Wheel-
er -that we greet $10 to Wingham
Hospital. Carried. Whe,'ler-Mof-
fatt-that By-law No, 8, 1912, be pass-
ed for appointment of fallowing fence -
viewers for the rut rent year :-Wm.
H. Mundell, Thos. diLkiu, %Vin. S.
K1111, Thns, Haugh, Samuel Vanstnne,
Jas. E. Nichol, Jos. Lovell, F. Wright
jr., E. Orvis and Rab,. Leathern.
Carried. Rut harfon(1-Moff att -that
we grant $25 to Turnberry Agrirclt ur-
al Society to help build foot bridge.
Carried. McBUruey- Wheeler -that
By-law No. 6, 1912, be passed for the
appointment of following Pnuml-
keepere :-Robt. LNrRague, Jas. Bar-
ton, Jas..). Scott, Hugh Tucker, Wm,
Mines, Jas. Kirton, Peter S. McEwen,
F. W. Wright, E. Oevis, Santee WiI-
liatnsnn, John Mundell and Win.
Maxwell. Carried, Rutherford -
Mnffatt.-that By-law No. 7, 1912, he
passed for appointment of following
Path Ilia etees :-John J. Abeam, Wtn,
A. Mitchell, Philip Dawson, Nicholas
Sohiater, Henry Godkin je., John
Teevitt, Wnr, H. Mundell, Samuel
A•larahall, A'Ihnr tinted h, Andrew
Campbell, Jas. Weir, Wm. Campbell,
Robt. Jenkins, Thos, P. Jarnes, Geo,
Casemore, ,Inhrl liornnlh, Sitml.
Woods, Alex, Forgie, Richard 011 Iti 11-
3(11, Wim Haugh, Frank Carruthers,
%Vin. Deane, Theo. Finnan, W. A.
Mines, John Wylie, Peter McDougall,
Hugh Uasernore, Isaac Wright Jr„
Henry 'Timm, Stephen King, Jas.
]EHiolt, Peter McEwen, John McEwen
jr, Francis Wright 'r., Robt, Hupfer,
James Hislop, John McEwen sr.,
Watann Jewitt, David H. Moffmtt,
Robt. Black, Peter King, Henry Di-
merit, Ed weed Jenkins, John R, Mc-
'Kenzie, 'Wm. Gallaher, Isaac Wright
se., Dtmean MrNaughtnn, Robt.
Hogg. Fr'ank Anderson, Henry ?Jerk -
ley, Jo
hn Love, Wm, Abram, Henry
Muir, Wtn. Leckie, ,Tames Moffatt,
John Mitchell, John Reid, Gen, Sri I
ley. Jos. Wellwnnd, A. Waite, Robb.
Oa mpbell and Robt. Musgrove,
Carried. (Followingt'
ceived for•hr•idge abutments .” Dnif &
Stewart; $1440 or $4.25 per yd; ; Geo.
Barkley., $4.10 fro' one and $4 25 for
ether per y(1, ; •Chas. Btw'her, $1200.nt'
$3.80 per yd• excavation 50 0ts per yd
R. Vint, $1240 or ,$3.95 per yd,
Wheeler- Rutherford - that we ac -
sept, Mr. Vint's tender at $1290, work
In e0lnmenre on or before June ISth
and completed no at before Augilat
10th, next. Carried, Acc'nnuts were
reed and eh0goes flatted' for : - .
hicipttl World, assessment tloticee,
• 0
o Sulti gs
• English,
• Scotch,
In Tweeds, oesteds
and Serges. Olean,
new stock, fresh from
the loom, at rcnsou-
able prices.
=W. P, Fraser'
0 Merchant - 0
• Tailor o
• 0
$1.15 ; Treas. Wingharn Hospital,
gleam, $10 ; Duff & Stewart, snow
plow, 500 ; Turnberry Agricultural
Society, grant, $25. Meeting adjourn-
ed until Monday April 8th, et 10 a. nl.
in the Clerk's office- JOHN Buxton9:s,
Regained Nerve and Vital Energy.
Flour Walton P. 0., Que., comes the
following from. Mr. Nazaire Ht'giu-
"If anyone had told me any remedy
could buildup my nervous system so
well,.I would not. have believed them.
Before using Ferrozobe I was rain
down in nerve and vital energy, and
in very weak health. I didn't get eH•
ough sleep at Hight, fell lonely in the
dayl ime. Ferr"zone has filled me with
energy and nim, Moteased my weight,
and made a new marl of me."
linudreds sell the same stn,y-
Weak and dispirited, everything go-
ing wrong, unable to catch up. They
took Frrv,'roue and all was changed
to health and serenity. Price 50c, per
box at all dealers. -
l'As•1'o)t RaniSlit ester), -The members
of the Lunduu Street Methodist church,
u; Windsor, Out„ remembered Rev. S
1. Attie, their pastor, who is a fernier
Hrussellte, on theoeoasion of his birth-
day, Feb, 27111, by presenting him Nlih
ft baudsonte cut glues vase• The young
people also showered hall With over 100
birthday carat;
Dr. F. 11. 1{albfleisab, a well-known
Reiliu phtsieluu ane President of the
Berlin Hockey Club, who underwent a
serious operation at the Berlin -Water.
Hospital on Friday, is improving
1 Y ovuo
gradually, and his ensues of recovery is
gratifying, Dr Kathfleltch was a form.
er practitioner in Brussels and many
old friends here wish him speedy con•
Atter the conllnuDion thanksgiving
service in the Presbylerian church,
Egmondville, the session counted the
ballots on church union, whie.h resulted
as follows: -Members for 205, against
5 The session the requests 4
t, r nests by
telephone ue Flun me bers
could not
attend and will accept ballots on SOD -
day next, The large majority in favor
of UMW) wet clue to the energies of the
pester, Rev, Neil Sharv,
Many Failures
But Parisian Sage Overcame
Miss Kruger's Hair Troubles
PARISIAN SAGE to not gneran-
teed to grow bait off bald heads but
It is guaranteed by the well known
druggist, Jas. Fox t0 step falling; hair,
emit iutte dandruff and stop itching
scalp, nt money back. Sold in every
town in Catettle by leading druggists
foe 50 cents it bottle. Read 1Miss
Kt:laget's letter,
"PARISIAN SAGE is the best hair
geotver anti ben.utifer and dandruff
clue. I Inst all tuy hair tlitough
typhoid fever; I was almost bald-
1, and IIy scalp was sore as
conld,be. I tried everything, but in
vile. Finally I tried PARISIAN
SAGE and after using one bottle my
hair started to grow and has grow!)
three ,,r forte inches inside of two
months. I advise every woman who
watt l8 benutitid hair to use EAR'S -
TAN 'SAGE" Miss Meta M. Kruger,
Browtltown, Minn.
, Auction Sales
PGamaNTs, 660-F. B Scott, auctioneer,
hos been in+trnoted by the undersigned to sell
by public amnion at 1.44 Lot 22. Oon 0 Morrie,
on Fr'dey, Mnreh 16th, at 1 o'nloak sharp.
the following property, viz 1 heavy draft
hove, rising 6 vaare, 1 heavy draft mare rising
8 years In foal, 1 heavy draft snare riming 10
yearm in foal. 2 heavy draft fillies rising 8 res
6 heavy draft gelding ri-ing8 rears, 1 driving
mare ri+mg 6 vea•s, 8 y 01111 cows 8uppnaed in
calf, 2 hailer-, rising 8 renra in calf, 6 heifers
rising 2 veel•s, 5 ex Ives, 1 brood sow due to far-
row in meroh, 9 pie. about, 8 nlnnttis old, 8
Young plea 8 weeks old, about 150 hens, 1 met
rubber mounted ^Melo ha'nese, 1 set teem
harness, 1 string of bells, 1 ensilage fork, 1 top
baggy new, 1 °titter, I set bob -sleigh., 1 wag -
gen. 1 Clint on Menthe mill, 1 Ma,sey-Hnrrls
binder? -2t est, I Deering slower aft. cut, 1
Niame,y-Sart•ts 113edisc drill. 1 Peter Hamilton
:muffler, 1 set 6•eeotle, diamond harrows,1 hay
rook, t net 2, 0 l goatee, 1 turnip pulper, 1
Keystone loader, about 9 tons of hay. about
Bao bus. good ante, Pnrio, chains and numerous
other articles Sale unr nerved as proprietor
is leavingthe farm, Terme 0600 and.
tinder °ami; over that amnant8 months credit
will be given on furnishing unproved Joint
notes ; 4 per cent. off for ons, on credit
amounts. Say end grain to be well,
ROB 2, DOUGLAS, Proprietor,
AUUTION SALE OF Y017NG 11011556,
011110)0 OOWe AND YIING UATTLe, P,
S, Scutt, auctioneer, has been instructed by
theunderxigned to sell by public auction at
Lob 80, Cou. 14, McKillop, on Wedne.day,
March 20th, at 1 o'uoek, the following vale,.
eulo stook :-8 heavy draft Ivor+es rising 2 yrs.,
1 heavy draft colt rising I y ear, 7 °owe suppos-
ed in calf, 1 farrow sow, 1 steer riming 8 years,
'.' heifers rish,g 8playa,-6 heifers rraine 2 Years,
6 steers riming 2 yearn, 6 +tears ria:ng l y ear,
4 heifers rtetng 1 year, 1 brood sow with litter
of 11, l breed sow will farrow about ante time,
Sale a intent reserve se the proprietor is over.
stocked Perms -All Humus of $10 and under
amid over that amount 12 months' credit will
be given on furnlehhlg ap;)ruverl joint notes ;
8 per cent off rnr moth on credit nmonnte.
ADAM SHOLDIUE, Proprietor.
OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cureou and make a nlan or
you. Under its influence the br..Ln beco.aes active, fano blood purLie.1 so th..t all
pimples, blotches and t:lcers heal up; tae nerves become strong rs eta(I so that
nervousness, bashfully=and despondency dlsatme r • Cam eyes Leonine beielit, tato
face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the mor- 1, physical and mental
systems are brvi;orate], all d:.".tas ec'tso-no more v:ta weste-iro••t the Restom.
You feel yourself anion awl know ,nal r'ane cannot be a failure. Don't let quacks
and fakirs rob you of your hard earned douars,
Peter E. Bummers relates lits experience:
"I was trouLled tt:-h ldervonu Debility
for many years. Ila, it to indiscretion
and excesses in youth. I begrime e:
mu vy
deapondeut and clan care whether I
worked or not I lmagined everybody
who looped at me guessed my secret.
Imaginative dreams at night weakened
me -my back ached, had pains in the
hack et mybead, hands and feet were
cold, tired n the morning, poor m,petito,
fingers were shaky, eyes blurred, hr:r
loose, memory poor, etc, Neediness in
the fingers set in and the doct,r told mo
he reared paralysis, I took a1 kinds or
me ltc:res and tried many flint -class
phyololans, wore an eleotrie belt forthree
moths, but re o:ved little benefit.
BEFORE TREATMENT was induced to cocsett Drs, Kennedy & AFTER TREATMENT
Kennedy, though I had lost all faith in
doctors, Lie adrowninru:
gman I ec': ett the New Memnon TREATMENT and it
saved my lifek. The improvement wee li :omaelc-I bull fool the vigor going through
thonerves. Ives do so.
shave sent them nhany patients
and cot:thew to0 do so.
peculiar to Mea.
CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE, if unable to Dahl writs for a QDestiog
Blank for Homo Treatment.
.i ..
i .
l ,- ,
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
NOTICE A11 letters fr our Canada Must be addressed
l to our Canadian Correa onclen -
mentis Windsor Ont.pIf you desire to
see us personally call at our Medical t ,
Y drrAl Institute ill Detroit its we see and treat
no patients in our Windsor oBices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory , bo story for Canadian htrsiness Dilly. Address all letters as (allows:
-rile for opr private address
le Your Cold Bettor?
its as bad as 9991 ,. the
seems to VV 1 • up-
e help, 3 not 1191 lit L
I l It
p Y I
to-datesprctflc''CttGumhnzouc 'tvhirh
(1,1054 out cold in one da Inhitle
Usual rbozone Itod you will day,
in two minutes. Ooatluui' the teettt-'
meet and ('111e is amen] ed. Nettling,
germ digit l'oyiugand pleasant, nettling
foe colds, 1 h1 oat, trouble mid Uutarrli
cllnlpat'es with Ua6,U•rhnzone, Sold
everywhere, 25c. told 511.00,
TRADE ,rnnn aea,aTeseo.
0000111t teiut
lllt9d19 ROOFING
ARMAAS tN 1011,P111
will not warp, rot, crack,
blister, crumble or rust.
Strongly fire -resisting.
Ru-berrotd roofs laid 21
years ago are still sound
and weather tight, If
you want a roof to last,
Investigate Ru-ber-old.
3 Permanent Colors-
Red, Brown, Green -
and natural Slate. 75
' Sole Canadian Mfrs.
el Canada,
Ament, Brussels.
Stock for Sale
Nine choicely bred Short Horn Balls, 8 to 19
months old, reds and roans, inaludiug the 1st
and end prize winners at East Huron Pall
4how, Are largeand full of quality from good
milking dame; sot by imported sire and ae119
of then) from Imported dams. Clown and beli-
es prize winners 61 heed to select ,roll, I
have 81,0 for ante n 7lnonthe' old filly by 13,i,'.
on Black, imported ; a good worst horse: n few
nalre of grade LriorHter ewes; and n pair of
voting Yorkshire re sows to litter in March, Ther
are out of a litter of N and their dsn, had 68
good living pies at 4 litters, AN Pesd is 'Welt
to be Retiree I will sell any of the ,,lora stork
Rt lowe.t prices and on 9806' tern).
DAVID MILNE. Ethel, Ont.
Stock for Service
undersigned will keep for- set•viee on 8(55
Not 20, Con. 7, M .vis, n thorough -heed Tan,•
worth hog, Teems, MOO, 10 1)e paid at time of
service wish privilege of returning if neces-
sary, 5. WALKER,
19.65 Proprietor.
The People's Column
FARM N021 SAI,E,- Estate of late ,Tames
Ulennan, being 1,14 Lot "2, Con, 8 Mori&
township, containing 100 acres, 8ncree of which
is bash. Good hank barn -and never failing
eking close to barn, Good stock farm. Must
be sold at ones For terms apply itt office of
THE POST, Brussels. 84.4
FA1t61 FOR YALE. -Being Sj5 of Lots 64 and
66, Lion. 1, Morris township, cementing 108
acres On the farm is a goad Meme house, 22
x2555 ; kitchen 18x224 • and woodeled 011x80.
The barn is 80x00; straw abed 00x40; and 1, tin -
to 15x80 Stone wall with goon ambling under
barn. Never-fsitlng wells and good ureharc).
Only 51 mule to school and 0 mile to els, eh of
postom00. Deed may be seen, 'Peron, leaned
on application to proprietor.
Jamestown P. 0,
FABM FOR SALE, -The andereigned teens
Pur male his 100 acre farm, being Let 07
Con 11, Grey township. There are shunt 80
aures under uulttvatoll and 6 acre, or hard-
wood bush ; good buildings, bunk born well.
wiudmUl, &c., 2j5 111111.4 from ohmlcit ;lit un1,
from sohool ;weld 2;4 mile, 1'h 0111 nce.te 5.'0.
Poasesnfon on March 1st, For fru thee purlieu•
Mrs apply on the premises or Orenblouk P O
to CHAS, LOVE P.op. Phone 2812 26a
ARM FOR SA1,16 OR '10S'
REN -The Sue
del'filglled offers his fine 209 „01'e fn Pm, be.
Mg Lot, 15 mid 18, tam, 6, Grey tuanshtp, H 11, -
on Ou , for mile or if notdtepu•ed of wen Id relit
to good. tenant There are 1'6u nares clouted,
Iiet nee bush and immure land Good 6511(1-
in6a,cementsilo fences, °retitled drilled a 911,
&c , on the premises Only j5 guile to schen.
and 255 to Ethel village. Pueseesiol (meld be
given at once if sold or next Spring in leasing.
For farther partlmtlnrs ea to price, terms and
conditions apply to .1. I, WELSH, prop
19.1f Phone 4118 Ethel P.0,
1 00 ACRES OF LAND for stile, 151 mike
ell cleared undo dere'cult•tv,,(ium Sti,,kbarn
cement eo floors, large barn
anlwilouse ; it paint-
ed • good sinwells c baht std house • Meal
and fences in excellent repair. Al. Idwe lir,",•
cheap Apply (Mis,) SUS1E GOVENI,0..R.
Seoforth, Ont.
Palter BOR BALE.--Lteleg Lot 20, Uoa, 14,
Mollnlep township, eunalh,ing "bout m1
acres, till Cleared. On the premt,ie-, i, a brick
hoose, balk barn with log pen combined, and
a new power 0)011 for pumping, emitting, ,yse •
Mee good bearing oraluu•. , °Melly Spys, Lend
ism extra: good state of cultivation, htrving
been cropped' light and large stook of both
bugs and cattle Yeti on it for years Lan,, 10
situated% "lues from sohool end 2 milers front
Welton U. P. R. atution• Nor farther pardon -
le vs write 1. H. HAMILTON, Walton P. 0., or
apply e1 the premises. 40.15
ARM FOR SALE being Lot 19, Con. 10,
Grey TowWnship, containing Me aures; 134
story frame houme 2840 ft,; kitchen 16524;
good frame baht, dOxIW, on stele stabling; 8
good walla; all seeded to grams except 20 times;
15 scree in I1ua11 • ol'cherd; R� miles from U. P.
54, station All state of eultivsthin. For
further particulars apply to ALEXANDER
BARRON,ranbrook, P.0. 15.5,
Telephone 2818.
„AL4 tyIS FOI1 SALE -Being 1,06 4, Oen. 11,
and Lot 0, 0e,. 13, Grey 1'ewnship, Huron
Liu. On theme farms are good-buhldlug'., well
fended and drained., ted, elle geld o e grime
e of worse'; nearly i at on. B Etl eauri te
e good state of is \riI cultivation. Hunt a, a elude to
sohool told to the Whig° of Himmel,• They
will be sold cheap and on easy terms of pity -
meta Apply on the pi emeses,
8•Gf JAS. 13035 Brussels 0.
r., ARM 15021 SAI,E.-The underegaed oifet%
for sale his 100 acre furls, being Nj§ Lot
20, 0on, 0, Morris tuwnslip, Huron Um 66
a0rea DIcared There is comfortable how-%
new bank barn, °reha'd, armed wen, ,e0 g
miles South of Brus els. Pussemeio , ilrxt el
Marc),, 1912. For further pardon lure, as to
price, terms. &o, apply on the premises or
Brussels P.0 told. BEA. M, Prop. 8-4
AT A BARGAIN. -Will dispose or cottage
Elizebeth street, Brussels, et 9x60 a gr ni
bargain, in order to mime 8q11101, axle. giley
may be had from Mr. J. Leckie .For Metier
particulars ase Mr. Leckie or write the under -
!Aped. 2, E, CAMERRON
10 St. George- CAMERON, , Loudon,
FALttO FOR SALE, -The 100 !lore Perin,-
Ing the. property of the late Peter McNbeeil,
Lot 22, Con. 14, Grey, is offered 501,Halo by the
undor•Higa,d. There are 86 anew; elel;eti, bal.
anoe well timbered. On the farm there. ise
bank bare,
large dri
g steed. mid umini.
POItabin hoose.
f,e in good condition y well Ponoed. Nor further jnrtf°ntrs pply to
JAS. A. MoNAIR or ,TAS. D. MBNA R, 81xue
uteri], Oranhlouk P, 0„ Dr F, S. 6100'1'T, Reneaide, 4.11
FARM Iron 1Al,E, Wing South lielf Lo 26,
Oon. 4, Morris townehtp, Boron (Io., non-..
tattling 100 acres mere o' less. On ills Orem-
lees is 8 Prone horse, bank bidet, good orchard,.:.
well, whhdIe lt, &c. All cleared exec t nbdui
en aero 'School 1; miles distnni:. Only 2p'
miira 1lbm Brnesrls, 0 pores erPen wheat le'
and about 60 neves seeded dawn. For ln•iee,
tering and °thee inforthntion apply on tin
11reutoeo or If writing ilveomelo P 0. 'Phone
120, 1206 F, 8,SooLt, Azul, ItliRR,Proptfeta',
y �lted
e .
Highest pelee paid for any
tillal,l.ity el' logs (1$1u and
linsstrood piele'rt•ed) le be de-
livered tit 11'm. Cole's mill,
Sud (111, (Ivey, in. at 1), \1'
l)nuhnr' , 8th Con,
S. a Oo e9 Ethel
nee Inckiug foe an invest-
ment, that .will Ming you
large eetuo•ns t 11�� t t lit for
purlicuhHs about Onl gw'y
mud Allothnskn, 14111111 tl ,
heel t
A.Ihe3•' also foe fcs
R. RE`,t•fER
Reel Estate 13voker
1174 Boulevard N. W.
Calgary, Alta.
'raft y,:r.,elkM.l.;Yi,r,' : z26I.21.y,;rCG✓
Styltere BGsn' turhdoPtohpu,d r f6-
4 (}end nal re n edit "hien, gond OM*tions ,nul the deem,d le fully throe
.s times our supply. 1'hln l''o lege 111
open 1,11 year, .Indents 1111th Intely
taken po•'nlons at Vie, 400, 570 and 3100
hm' month, itntee now Ca elingue
iter Ymi,g nal t W. J. ELLIO
5 Alexuntle' 111* 1 Pr(nelp t
12311FtViFays mv,A. ftxlI2Aytt'av,sa ANt
Horse Fairs !
[tegtlar 3innthly lf..rsr Fails will be
held tlrtsseason as follows -
Leadi,g Local and Outside Buyers
will be present.
ber! .;a tar' efeeille Sas earfeer' it ekve:✓>
Young People
We 0011 prepare ruin for bit-1111'es ab 4r
The li <-
istowel Business College g ;��;
9 end playa you in a geed po'itnn w hen S
O gradn.•ti'
YOU. 111,} a i. r tin, Oily. ,
fi Yr 01Vp4AV,01WS-,1 A4w'25VPD555T5
• ANY �Y TlM
Ona or Enst,em Onla'lo'n High-class
tied poeu lair Bu.turss L,chnoln winch
keeps 011021 tin unghnn t the year Young
people ney'"e01' any tine and coin -
plebe their course without interruption
of midsummer holidays. Yon may
stud,' eller 110111e or partly at home
and dole)) 0t the College. Thirty years'
experienne. Tm1•geet trainers in (Inn -
oda Atlitiet„ti Willi the Connneatul
Ed sea to,•'s Aas05161 len of Uanndn,
Write roe pa rtleulnrs,
thin han Business College
g s Celle
••••••0•60•00090 0,00 00.04.1
• To °
Machinery lelIt US
� ers
and Farmer& m .
♦ 0
The New Machine shop of. the o
• r •
o i9
now 9ettlly for basin 085, and, ♦
• with good eery and Skilled 5 .
117echanice,,we ane in a, position •11 •
to attend to your repal12 pfnrupb. •••
ly tool at reasonable ratee. • •
• If • you will hat ns knew o ri tt Yr
watts we wilt give you honest
•advice and help. if connected a .
♦ with Mmehinety. . a
Give 11s Lt trial and, by corning '
to Byi'11ssnut,wttrlslvea,, :serve time and Moneyfele
Y ,
Melt Street Brusse s