HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-3-14, Page 1VOL. 4o NO. 37 8kU)SL'L6, ON1 Ak1O. THUk Dr1 Y, M.AkCH i4 ig12 W. H. KERR, Prod utor New Advertisements Shoe found -Tea Poem. Aiood Root -F. 1t smith, Ar view, tale -War, tate Wall In eer-A McDonald. W or k bug lost -'I as Pose. ()ow for sale -Pet. r 8r, wart Geogrnphr Urn' e -•-,Is) FOX Pegs for sale -W, 13 M,'t'utehron. D n.hionable Milliner) -slaty 13. Rosa. istl:ict tett' Moncrie'fir PROLIPIC•-A sow belonging to Wm. Betty, 101h Con•, presented her owner with 1911E (1 family in one litter, wouldtake o13 , 'o It uul l not long u grow a big y pig family at that late. Suppose the old time record of the faun hod to he maintained. FAME SorD.-Wei. Bray, Lot 20, Coll. 15 Gley, has disposed of his 100 acre flu it to Robert Mol ay for the sum of $4,400 and will take a well earned holiday, Whiny afternoon of next week Mr. Bray will hold a okay- ing auction sale of farm stock, im- plements, &c., with F. S. Scott, of Beussels, as Auctioneer. He has been a resident of Grey township for 22 years and will leave with the best wishes of many old friend B r s s 1. Y Bray may locate in Brussels. The purchaser takes possession at mire so as to get ready for the Spring work. • 1,1 Gerrie Special Lenten services are being held in the Iloglisll dumb. Mrs. Barrows of Tempo, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Hibbert al the Methodist parsonage. The vote on Ohuroh Union taken in the Presbppteriau chnech resulted as follows- Session 1301 2, agt(iust 5, members for 28, agailst21, adherents,. for 8, against 9. Rev. J. and Mrs. Hibbertentertained the young people Of the church Tues. clay of last week. A most enjoyable evening was spent. The host and hostess are 1110310/ enter tai mere. John Jardine, who with his wife has been visiting friends in and (mound town for the past awn months, retlirtl- ed to his hnu(e, 'lugaske. Salk„ 011 Tuesday. Mrs. Javdhie will leave next week. 1. L. Wilson and family moved to Fordwich last week. Mr. Wilson has resided on a farm North-east of Goleta for a number of years and the family will be greatly missed in the Presby- terian Church and also in the social circle. The vote on Church Union by the ueateliers and adherents of Gort•ie and Orange Hill Methodist church resulted as follows, members over 18 ye(u's of age, for 100, against 68, members under 18 years of cage, for 19, agttiltst 4, adherents of church, tor 7, against 10, total fol' 120 against 86. Walton 18. Crawford, G. Grigg, Lloyd Deu• nes and Milton Yuueg left for the West. u 1 r Monday. Flora the little daughter, of Jit. and Mrs. H(u'ris, in seriously ill with acute broucbitis, Remember Adam Sholdice's Awithin Sale of (aril stook Wednesday after. neon of next week. Mrs. A. R. Small, or'Stratford, visit- ed for a aim ple of days last week un- der the parental roof. Miss Mabel McLuee, of Wiul'11rvlp, visited a few days with Mrs. McSpad- den tS - den during the ust week. Mfrs. (Dr ) Waters, of Detroit, hats t•etnetted Old spending -a few days with telatives (tad friends in this vicinity. N.I3utchinsml was called to Dur- ham on Tttes,lay of hast week owing to the 813110118 illness of his another, who resides there, John Rea left ort Tuesday for his home in Edmonton. Ale. Rea has been a Ieeideut of the far Northern metropolis for the past 0 Years two has bernme (111 enthusiastic Westerner. 1'1. Gardiner, nF Regina, spent a day with * 1 his tutees Alex. Gartliuer, of this village. Mr. Ga'dimet' hitsmade gond in the West and is enthusiastic as to the future of the capital city of Saskatehewa§. Mr. and Mee. Campbell and Family who have been visiting friends in this locality for a few weeks, returned le their hinm' in the west nu Saturday ,vers, Campbell is a daughter of Jno. and 11115. Berry. SURPRISE PARTY-- On T(lead(L\ evening of last week, the Coltn'ie people gathered at the heule of Geo, and Airs. Smith to give them it feet -- well surprise molar, end to preemit tln'u( with a hands(n1e tea set and (take basket. Whe❑ tete visitors had allat•1•ived, Drat. Brewer thought out the presents from amongst the boxes of mike and cookies, and Rev. All Nash in a short speech expressed the (regret of 111e people at the departure of Mr. and 111 i's. Smith and family from doru1ie and good wishes fie thele sun:metey in the new home in Dauphin and asked them totLc0epl the presents as a small torten of the esteem in which they are held by their neighbo(8. He spoke e8peaiall) of the (tettve and p1onliuent. parr which they have taken in the rehnreh affairs of the cnu(tnunity. A'Ir. Smith replied briefly for himself and M1'8 511111 h and family. Supper was set v- ett and the party enjoyed themselves in eateries ways till well on in the small hours of the morning. Alt Smith sold his farm at Cowrie. He 0•••••••••••••••••• o • • • 0 • • • • • • • •• • • e • ••e • • • • • • • 0 • 0 • • • •• • Y • • • • 0 • • O • • fashionable Millinery THE Ladies of Brussels and surrounding couptry are reminded that I have purchas- ed the Millinery business carried on by Misses Sanderson & Carr and have just returned from the city where the choicest goods for this sea- son were purchased and the most up-to-date Mil- linery Novelties and Styles acquired. Our Spring Op, ning date will be announced later but in the meantime make up your r mind to give a share of your patronage this way. Satis- faction atis- fac ion assured and prices reasonable. Miss M. E. Ross Richards' Block Dr -Apprentices Wanted Milliner •4110.000••04••004.0••0♦00oe O'tri••••4••0.411 •i'•'t••rh 3 •e 4. • • • • • •e • • • • • • UR New Wall Papers are in and vee ti r re prepared showyou • a ed to sour Pat- ternsP terns anYThey time. are much superior to any we have ever shown. New Designs, extragood quality Paper g 1 g Y p and .rices veryreasonable, All we can sayis P • that you should call and see them before buy - :g in The Pap ers will do the rest. • We have a few' patterns left" 0V1 -r at cut. prices. Odds and ends for one room clearing at almost any price to make room for new goods. cods. • • McDonald ria • Ultl� 1��bpkA� 6 A • • • • • • e e • 4 • e • • e e • • s a a m • e • • A e O e 0 0 a • s 0 • O • • 0 •f'•,t•••N••F• :•••h0-:•0$•0✓•••'r0• • •. WaU_Paper; • 1 s•+ i• •F er • • • • • 4'••1•••veree••h•+t•044'1'••t•01•' •0+.+• . •444.404.•444.•Q+•144.41•11(44 •f'r'h• Watt a pestilent of Walton locality 12 yee•s (ago (111(1 will be remembered by a goodly numhel'. A telegram line been reeelved here by froelds of Al PA. David Campbell hearing the iutellit;eore that she is seriously ill. Alin, Campbell {gent /,. 1\ is 1(ls July and has all H e I k 1 ( to helm with her (hrnglilel•, 9131 Spen0e. We trust she may 001111 recover. V Ldant1 vele(me s George GI egg and fumlly into the nire113 or residents and hope's they may enjoy ninny happy, meal nen de yenta. Gilbert Grigg, ana or t 310 80118, left du 'ing tete past wee!( for the West where he will probably make his hrnme. Several ((thee members of sir. Griggs family are there ahead of hila. Oran brook Robins ere here. • See A. McDonald's wall paper advt. .1 PI nether vtaited at Clu'ulunnork. Athol M'Quittele was home from Gnderirh fm' a few days. Allan Cen(eron hits purchased the propeily of Mrs. Rn,ld(atz. Sylvester. at 10 Mrs. oahnrne, of Kennicntf., were vi9itnre at (/raubrook. PAY UP. -P131'80118 indebted to the undersigned in small or larger n(P.nunts are risked to kindly square off I.he same at an early (late. A. RAYMANN. 1V. B. Long, who has been visiting his parents here. will return to \hecrorie, Sask. This is a new trlwn at. 1113 end of the (1. N, R. and 613 Long and brother Jas. are in bust - nese there runnirle a general stole and am 1111pl3rn3nt agency. Gat f. Long 39 Olen there wherP 11P has opened a haring. Shop Will. is a level headed young mel full of enterprise and is doing well. Grey THE POST give,; the nevus. Connell minutes may be read on page 4 ((1(1(18 week's issue. Al is 11(AlIhul', (nurse) Was renew. 1i gold. Friendships at Galt. fur seven td Ilaya, Bats. 1.1 Tyer•man was visiting with her (laughter, MrsHutchinson, in the Snn111 part of the township during the matt week. Malik f)nvideon. of the 1Tetropoli- tel Bank, Stnuff1ill3, has been enjoy- ing a holiday with relatives (and old friends in this locality, Bliss \tartlet daughter of Mrs, Stun (1' Smith. 81 l ran . has been 111 with plena isy but is making (1 gond re- covery incl (loony friends hope she Will 00011 be fully r('stnred. This wee!( Riche ill Mitchell, gen and denghter left For their home at Eel - field, Snsk., after an enjoyable holiday visit with 133hativ18 and old friends in this vicinity. They shipped semi( 1(0(.1.88(3.0 supplies prior to their going. Mrs. James Mame tont children, who have been visiting here with her, sister, \h'8..1 1)3inan, for the past three Innntlts has returned to her 11010e at Erskine, Alberta. Mts. Hamelw s awe ovisitor 1 1 a 7 1C welcome at }lel' old home hepe. e W r„ len who „s (L hen11 m a a er-• -1 w to R. 1, Hoover, 91h Oen„ and ha8 spent the 1Vint31' in Onta'in, has re - Wetted t0 Edmonton, aecnmipanied by his son, Frank. Mr's. Fowler and Minn and Melvin will prolong their stay' Fp**, weeks eh9 vet. Mrs. Hone- r., +teed MI's. rte\ViPI' are V791 'I' e tl lg old friends ((.1 tetialfned this week. TUE POST is 9019'V to repent the de- mise itf Via N. R. efeDnnald-nee Fl1.4 IZaiP Ynnng,, 00110 will he re- inembei eel as a 8i8ter of 6I 1.9. 711.111e8 1,31111e+ay. f(e111"1•13/ of this township ft is 1318101 2 years since Miss Ynnng rennw(d from here and she d 101 01) Fehrtun'y Mel in the hospital at 11111ur1ot0(1. where she underwent an operation. 130r7Cw11 A FARM. -Win. woods, who spent the past few year's in the 1\'est, and whn with M1:9, Woods has been visiting in this-Inca.lity for several months, tae, decided to le- nmin end lots tinsel 11838 the 100 11000 fa •n( told stock or John (1)(((.13, Lot 7, Coll. 15. Ge3*' null will (eke pessesaion et mice. Pt lee was sn.id to he in the 1(34ghhorh1o8 or 37.000. Me. Clark had mode it (lumber of impiety/menta slime he knight (111311(1(1) and \lr. ail \I rs. \Voode will In1ve e1 very comfort- able 110n10 u'hPre we hope they will do well. lir. Clark may fake a holiday b1'fore re-hiv(81ing and visit the \Fest, Mrs, ('111.(1c anldtlatnily living^i,; li(u..8rle in the teem time Mr, Clark WWI to f' ll'Itter (36i.lim I, of 131•n8sp1s sit hill awthl' Nil uatiiml.. We (meat the (11(•k font 'y 1(0119)(rity. r 1 NT1tR1SD INTO REST T Irt Y morn- ing of last week Man y Jane llt3¢litf, beloved ({ifs of H(n(7 11(1(Hilton, n well known 1(sidemt of Mc1 illop (oi*((1hip died ((nee suddenly at the house of her daughter, 41ra. -John Bohol, 10th con., where she told Mr. Hamilton were spending the\Violet, 1118T8+unilton ryas in her 76111 year tyle h. 119 111111 t t in Tiitln y township, Leel Co. ,'he ons a'tl n gl e Leeds 5 (,n�,t lofthe bite Niel Cardiff. 7i h eon . Grey, and carne lisle with the family over 50 years ago. The suhje(J' of this notice' was united in netreinge to her now teiver partner 60 r1'in's on V, tlncedav of hits rvls'll 141111 (•051(113(1 in Morn - legion township l2.yettes before coir. ing to lltKlllop township, The 811e- vivmg soles are Jnhn R.: of Edntentof : Marla, of Vtul(ollver,. 13, 0 ; Geoege, (if Sns1(a1((00 ; and Joe, of M1ICillop. 131:.3 Jno. Bolger, of Grey, and etre. Hodges, of Lucas, ave the dangh 1(('4. Deceased had en - pled ((p13odid Ilev(11311 1(11d 11(1' good 0nn*tletion helped her theough a tong`' 0118 6teye113 11)1108s last year, '1'he end came gtrietly, peacefully and nnex- pemt3dly and was occasioned by heart Weakness, 11119, flamilton wets, aloe (per ted woman, the best of heightens it D 1 arid eJ ltd to her 1 f3 a r ily. ,Her de- mise will he deeply regretted tted and the he l(rsaV,o) 14 11 9 111 lit, I 1 ( w'' t y 1 fl with by the Meninlnity. Owing to the absence of several of tseclidi(lrel, the, funeral was postponed until Thursday after- noon of this week when interment was made in Brussels cemetery, Rev. D. E. Otutleeon, her pastor, eonduet- big the set vice, Mrs. 11811/111 on was (1 fail hf ll 1110111 bet. of Ht. George's rhttr9:b, Wallin, and had taken a t el interest ly 111t P. , v h m' �tuliznUe u work of the Lady True Blue Lodge at Walton. Mrs. Robert Davidson, of pronto, died 'Tuesday of this week. She is a sister of Mrs. Thos, Davidson and 41,'s. Thos, McFadzesi of this town- ship. The funeral takes place to Searbor° on Friday. Me. and Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. 0, R. Bennett and Will Davidson are away to the funeral. Blyth Rev, W. Kettlewell spent (Wednes- (lay 13th) ill Blyth in the intet'ests of the Temperance cause. Friday Rev. Mr. Srmtll goes to London to attend the annual meeting of the Synod's Committee on Aug- nlell(at((l, Afternoon teas are quite frequent, hast week at. Mrs. Fred. McPher'snn's this week at Mrs. MoKellei•'s and Mrs. 61 a March ie's. Rev. and Mrs. Small and Mrs. Me \ e goto Jn lurches ,1 Mnnktnn nn Thurs- day httns-dly to take part in an entertainment in the Presbyterian :torch. OuttnnENs' AID. -Gen. M. Ellintt. of Goderieh spent Sunday in Blyth in (.h( interests of the Ohildrens' AJd Society, speaking in the Methodist (hutch in the morning and in the PtPattyA.1i;m in the evening. A local beannh (13(LN fen ((1Pd 1(1 1317th with L'. Bendel' as President ; thetncal postal a as vice Preaidenrsand 711mes Out as Siteretary-'I'reasut'ee. U(11Lltllittee is composed of persons selected flim the churches. This is a ((((0813 that de- serves the hearty support of the people. Mr. Elliott. is taking a very active interest in the work of in gititiza- tinn in the Co. old 1s 111 11 1 g his post most competently. Belgrave The Methodist churches on Bel - grave circuit grave 154 for (Thumb Union and 32 against and the Pee8hy- (erten record is 176 for and 53 against. We are .sorry to state that SL's James Wightman is not enjoying good health but hope the corning of Spring will (18618(3 i(1 the uphllilding. She da a daughter of Jaynes Nethery. Dont forget the St. Patrick's enter- tainment in the Foresters' Hall next Monday evening under the auspices of the W0111 1.11'5 Institute. Every- thing they 8,, is well (lone 80 a good time may be figured on for efenday. Wednesday evening or this wee!(, Richard and Mrs. Procter celebrated the 10th anniversary of their 0(1131ia5e and were joined by a goodly company win Pxpreseed their gond {11181(138 by kind words and tinware. May they +tee the 50(1) anniversary. ANOTHER DEBATE Friday even- ing ve -in of rtext week another P attic de - tato will be held on the .public nK 1 For sit ,Pct. of Travel vel v J It s Readin Reading. the filmier NIPe9rs. Br dges, Vtul- nen'mnn, and M30rae will speed( told in support of Reading speakers will he Messrs, 1'. W. Scott, Bradburn and McCallum/yidaFARMERS'rAFARMERS'VLUB.-F � v nightof r week a meeting Inst v e ' 9 washell here n revive the Farmers' Club, Officers were elected ((8 follows : President. George Robertson ; Vice -President, R Prnrter - See -Pipes., Miller Prnc- ter. Agruel program rommittee tve1.9 ((140 Atoned consisting of W. K. Whaley, W. Fergn6on, Finery Hop- per and Geo. Onultes. The Direc- tors are ,Tnhn • Clegg and ,Tames Sella, The first sleeting will be held Friday evening of this week in the Foresters' Hull when the topics for discussion will he "The nrPpara- tinn of the soil,” and "Seed selection." It is expe('ted that Vire-President Fraser. of East Burn)) Feu•more' In- el it113P, will he one of the speakers. Fve8 body welcome to join in 11113 (1i*(:n1881n1n of there practical suh- je(te. Morris Morris news may also be read on pages of thi8 388110. Me. 11013117, of T,lrnnto, visited at the bane of .1138. Spoil. over Sunday. 1Villde Vanceuup, 5t11 line, luta been ill with btonrllitis but we hope he will 8000 Ile as well as eye!•. Chi 14 of Police 03otge Oald11 3k, of Ouhalt, aas here this uitk u((Ik ug tt tall let relatives and bi(((ds. \\1ate glad Nee. Rebell. Nich 1 able to get shunt. His Hulett ln0.c1 1, sulke,:g r4.01 (Path• 1/1.1,g11,184, 1119. R. 11 Alcock, 0111 line, has been quite ill for the past three weeks but is improving t1ut1 we hope will Moult 13e fully teetered. 31is3 Oura Speir andthet• friend, Miss Jessie Lambe, of'.1111, were visitut'5 at the. hrnue of 'J+noes and Mrs. 8111.1 0. 110e1 Ihr• tyeek told. Keep then 111 .1.1011 u' tt(n i sines of I'ut m stock, implement), Sec , mP Relit lhatglite, lith line, in view. 1t is billed' for Friday afternoon of this week. \1188 (lame ,laeksen has accepted a pposition as milliner at Dresden. Al ism lltuudi Jneketel has gone to 131y1h 1 spend the season. at the millinery a t. Four weeks ago R. B. Alcock had the misfortune to fall toll a8 a result, had three ribs broken. 1-1P is ule1lting favorable progress and will be 0 k. befnee long. 1V711DDING BELL0,- 00 Wedn(9d0y afternoon March 8111, at, 4 o'clock, a vary quiet but pretty wedding Wee solemnized at the hone of W. J. end MI's. Snurlra when their Record daughter, Mi Entine, was united in mai ( to John 3. epens- perms ng m n no - pios votm g farm(, 11001.�dr Dnhgan - 1100,the 1ne (ne.e of relatives ell frieds, 'The bride, who was given away by her 13113111'1', wits becomingly dressed in fawn embroldelect batiste Watch Confidence ` makes travelling a pleasure because correct time is then a n ( it . Your ec sa 8 may be Y t a capable tittle -keeper, tit by incompetent repairing yell have lost faith in it, Bring it to us. We will re- pair the worst wrecked watch and we will do it J. G. joneneThe Jeweler Brussels trimmed with allover lace and gilt banding. Bridal party entered the room while -Mrs. (Rev.) Cooke played the wedding Match and Rev. Mr. Cooke spoke the words which made them one. The party was unattended. Wedding gifts were choice and use- ful. .Wheel ample justice had been done to the dainty tea, which was served in Mrs. Souch's beet style, the evening was enjoyably spent in music, games, and phonograph selections. 61r. and Mrs. Young will bake np housekeeping on the poem's farm in W(Lw(Lnosh and commence married life with the best wishes of a wide circle of relatives and friends. Monday James 63. McCall, who has been at home for the past three months, left for Calgary, where he has (a position. His brother Harold is also i11 Catguts,. The relatives and friends of the eth con. pioneer- Joseph Smith- are anxiona over his condition as the am- putation of the toe is apparently not correcting the aihnent. M. M. and Mrs. Cardiff, who were visiting relatives and friends here for several months, left for Hanley, Sank., last Friday. They had to go then or lose the use of their railway ticket s. Uiss Edna. Watson, who spent the Whiter at the parental home, 5th line, has returned to Medicine Hat where.,he has taken a position in the I elephone Central. She should fill the bill to a nicety. Jamestown Miss Alma McKelvey is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lou Bekr.uher. Mrs. 11e1.15, of Mildmay, visited at Mies. John SAtachen's last week. Beeson Wheeler has taken a large contract of cutting wood for Wen. Moses. Mee, Geo. Eckmier was a visitor with het father, W. Hall, at Ethel for tt few days. R F. Miller entertained their young friends on Friday evening. All report a gond time. t Mrs. P.S. old ells. 6fcEwem of Turn- berry,were here on Monday. They Iso called on Brussels s Yrieuda. Miss s CI 111' 3ncr Buchanan 1 and Miss Alta P17ne, of Brussels visited for a few days with Mrs. Robert Strachan. Mrs. D. MacDonald was called to 130188018 ((0 Tuesday morning owing to the serious condition of her sister, Miss 1L. Inman. ex -Reeve Jas. Turnbull is not as well as his many friends would like to see, but WP hope 10 hear of his gain- ing in health speedily. 33.5. 1Vru, Hogg slipped a carload of settler's effects to the West on Tuesday. Mrs. Hogg has been visit• ing around with old neighbors this week. .1. T. Strachan, B. A., is home froto Mildmay visiting his mother, Mrs. Amide Ste:when. 613. Strachan has ch(11'ge of the Presbyterian church for the $11 III r, As maw be seen by another entice Miss Jen1it11a G. Smith, formerly of this locality,.00as united in marriage on February 14th, to Geo. F. Hepburn of Saskatoon, Seek., by Rev. Mr. (lark, 1Ve wish 1310111 happiness and preaperi t y. We are sorry to hear that Bert Mc- Bwen, a well kunwu young roan of huuestnwn, and son of '!.hos. and Airs. McEwen, haus been quite ill in the hospital at Port Albert with pneuulun ma ;,. He and his brother 'Wen, cape in the Weal estate busthe88 in the West. \Ve hope Bert. will soon be as well as ever, The Port Arthur Daily News of \311'1318113 in speaking of thereuditini of "'the Chocolate Soldier;' by the amus rr Operate Society of that plata Nays :-"Dr Strachan, of Fort 1Vrllduru, as Ool. Popoff of the Bulgari- ant Arley, wound be bard to beat, his Ilett c(au•ing13 and One bass voice specially filling him for the part. He was dressed in ulil'itaey maitre]." ,Immestnwn readers will quickly **cog - (Ilse 111at the pel'811(1 referred to is one n one old bort, familiarly kunwu els "Jim" Sirirthen. Whatever ho dols he goes at it whole hearted. SOCIAL -el eared of great trump 1411(1 11(1ge 81100058 was held in Victoria Holl Wednesdayev3uiug of last week by 11(3 young 131(11 of the Y. P, 0. E. Abort 70 invited guests were pt'esent, One of 1 he' featu'e1 of the progettm was the two promenades, the marches being phisee3 by 11isee8 Ina Bryatls and 3larjoiie'Steadiest. Thele were also two contests. Miss 1331le Bender- enn, of Brumee15, raveled off the first prim. anal Stewart al °Naughton, of Wroxeter, teen the second. A good 1 and lit ova r0 a wa ums(ca a V P �t't til 8 p1(80(1te(1 its follows 1-. 0haah'mal'5 address,. D MacDonald ; (hot'us ; :vatt- ing, Miss B. Moses; ereBerinn, Mies Jessie Sttaehan ; soloGen. Ec km ier ; readingMiss Jennie Simpson ; cols, Ilea ,slP SIraehat ; duet M'e9e8 Gwen 9lr11 and Hss' M1Itor. Ins), OnI t a.(ldeessed the audience in vete befit ling(weeds, W. Moses cotildiet find w(rd8 to 3xp1•(88 11i11 13l13 mi the occasion. A tasty lunch mus served 1 at the conclusion, 0. Forrest, D, Strachan and W. McDonald are to be congratulated on the success of the evening. Ethel 0. Baynard desires to sell hie 25 acre farm, 8LastMonday evening Rev. D. Wren M. A., was at Winghaw where he de- livered an address to the J9pwoith League cm "The Young People's Age." A series of 8em:ems will be preached by the Methodist Church pastor ou "Building the house of Jehovah." First discourse will be next Sunday evening on "The Bowie itself." The result of the vote ou Church Un- ion on Ethel Circuit of the Methodist Church was 207 for to 27 against. There are a few more ballots to come 111 yet. Presbyterian church here gave a small adverse majority. 1'4 OMEN'S INs•druTE.-The regular meetiuguf the 11+uwen's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Wesley Pollard Thursday March 21st, at 2.30 p. In. Topic "Life as compared to a leaf," to be taken by Mrs. A. McKee and Mrs. T. Vodden. A good at- tendance is hoped for. Don't forget the date, 21st inst., at 2.30 p. in. The 100 acre farm of Barry Keys, o I Who is leaving In the course t f a week for the West, has been purchased by Andrew McKee, a well known resi- dent, who will get immediate possess- ion. We wisli ver. McKee success in caring fur his increased acres. Mr. Keys had a gaud sale of farm stock, implements, &c., totalling about 32'200. Mrs. Keys and family have moved to 13i088els where they will re- side while 1VIr. Keys is arraugiug a home for them. Sorry to see them go but wish them well. Wroxeter NEWSY NOTES. -Mrs. Milligan and little grand -daughter, Ina, are visit- ing with relatives ill Olitfod.-Thus. Savage and family have moved to the unitise which they will occupy until a pastor in appoimled.-Jas. Perrin visited over Sunday with hie patents fu Moorefield. -Gee. Dane, of Hamil- ton, called on old friends ill the village last week. -Austin Rowe was a visitor at his home in Fordwieh ou Sunday. -Jas. Batlautyue, of Howlett, has purchased Peter Milllgau's livery business and will take pl eaeaggon in a few weeks. -Samuel Willis, of Lou- don, spent a several days of this week in the village. -Mise Parker, of Clif- ford, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. F. Aitchison. -Lloyd Henning, of Turnbeety, left on Tuesday morning with a car of settler's effects for Rose - town, Sask.-J. R. and Mrs. Wendt spent Sunday in Mildmay.- W. U. Currie spent Monday in the village. - Two rinks of Brussels curlers played a friendly gauze here on Monday even- ing. -Dr. R. R. Montgomery, of Madoc, is the guest of his parents, Win. and Mrs, Montgomery, of HOwick0me of the must successful Carnivals wehave had here for a h 'lumber c f sae was held last Thurs- day Y u Anint testis honks evening. e mach was splayed in which brooms were used for hockey slicks and a foot- ball in place of a puck, Several a- musing races also took place. There was a good attendance a1d some splendid costumes. Wreck On Durham Line Eleven people welt: injured, four of them seriously, on the Gland Truck line half -way between Dur- ham and Palmerston, Friday after- noon, when the rear coach of (a mixed train jumped the tails and rolled down a steep sitlbauknleut. Four passengers sustained severe injuries, and were removed to Strathcuma Hospital, Mount Forrest, eleven miles away. M. P. Lindsay,. a Toronto traveller, of 103 1-2 Grace street, re- ceived a scalp wound, and his back was imjnred. He will recover, 0. L. Stevens, Stratluoy, was hurt ins telanLlly The illjUl'ed are • SERIOUSLY INJURED M.P. Lindsay, 103 1-2 Grace street, Toronto, retvel1ee for the F. F. White Ca., head and buck injured; wit re00ve1.. E. W. Pyke. Loudon, several ribs broken, collar bone feaerteed. 0. L. Stevens, Strathrny, spine hurt, r, a broken ken and internal in- jures. • J.ACole, Londonr head, face and hands cut ; will recover. All four were removed to Strath - mina , Hoe ital Mount Forest. Hospital, SLIGHTLY INJURED J. J. W.11ltoott, West .Vlo/lktull. Charles Saunders, Dot ham. Frank 1•Va'oer, Durham. John A. Hunt, Alcho, Seek. J. E. Signs, St. Mut s. Y 61. E. Hueue, Durham. T. A. Gaspard, Wuodstook, Reports state that the train, local 50, containing an et(gi(le, b:tgglage, height and passenger ooache8, was travelling slowly. At Vat ney, aflag station, a broken rail Wahl encounter- ed, and the rear (emelt, (occupied by about 35 passengers, principally com- mercial travellers, was hurled clear of the Meeks and, phinged drlwi the etn- batl(ment•, turning twice before it struck the button'. All passengers were cut by glass and severely shaken up end braised. One 1,2011100 and a child, the only fe,n1le paasse(lgel'$, were tossed from one end of the car to the tauter and suffered serious muftis, Their names are unknown. Villagers and doctors wore 80011 011 1110 800110 and 1(ided by the train e cw, h td adifflwlltleek iremovi n g the injured. The (ouch lay on Y n side and it (13(18 founeceSstry to extricate tirern throughnd, time bl•lken windows. Three ellen 'were (1(10o1- eciou8 and suffering intense agony. A special train from Seratford w.as sent to Vial•uey and the four most seriously injured were removed. to the Woodstock hospital, while the others were attended by physicians to Yarnev, Doctors from holstein, Blount Forest and Palmerston were sent to look a et the injured on the special train. i Crushed to Death in a Gravel Pit. At 3 3o p m. Thursday of last week.. George Sebben. m prominent young e 5 t Ontario road in farmer residing on he North E.,srhope about two miles from Stratford lost 118 lite by a cave-in in the large gravel pit 011 the i ebben farm. To be smothered and meshed 10 death to au avalanche of 14130W and gravel was the sad fate that befell Mr. Sebben, and which almost fell also to the lot of his brother Will. They bad been hauling gravel from tate pit at the hack of their farm to Stratford for construction pur- poses on Dr Gemmell's new residence, Waterloo st , and after backing their team into the pet, were attempting to putt a root of an old stump, which was to their wets. With the unitedhelp of the two brothers and Albert Forcer. the hired map, the root was torn our and immediately tons of frozen gravel tum- bled down, burying George and Will. Sebben and haling Posner, term was uulujured some distance away Mr, Poyner. on recovering his bearings, rushed up and around the huge mass of gravel, crying out the names of the boys but all in vain. He was just commend Ing to dig his way 10 them, when Lorne, another of the Sebben boys, drove up wi'h 131s team. The latter rushed to the house for help also phoning for a doctor. Returning to the pit with another man, all set to work aid after twenty minutes 03 digging were able co extricate Will., who was found to be still conscious, although badly bruised about the head and arms. After a few minutes the frantic diggers were able to reach George. but on his being taken out, life WAS 1.01300 10 he extinct. as the heaviest part of the gravel had fallen on his chest, crushing him instantly Mr. Povner said it wasonly a miracle that the three of them were not killed, as they were undecided whether to 'go right in the nu without pulling out the root or not. Rut George, who was a bard worker and never thought of shirt:mg, told the • ethers to grab hold and yank it out and with it came the veritable avalanche which smothered him before he had time to utter an exe•amation. When digging for the two hors. Mr. Povner said they were almost frantic, as they were unable to bear a sound, hut after a few minutes they heard a low moaning and in this way were guided to the goal. Coroner Dr. J. P. Rankin, who was shortly on the scene of the accident said that it was not necessary to hold an in- quest as the accident happened on de- ceased's owu farm and he hadg one in- to the P voluntarilyand at bis own u t George Sebben was very k The late s. well and favorably known ,n his neigh. borhood and in Stratford, to which place he went often with gravel and on • other business. He was a justly. popu- lar young man and highly respected by all who knew him, because of his quiet, manly nature. His death came as a terrible shock to his parents and broth- ers and one sister, as well as to his young wife, 1t was only a few years ago that Mr. Sebben won as his bride one of Dowee's finest voting daughters, Miss Id:a Bradshaw, daughter of jas. end Mrs Bradshew, St Marys Road. in' '' Downie Township. In a twinkling she has been bereaved and the sympathy of all goes out to her in her deep sorrow, Deceased was the eldest son of !no. and Sits Sebben, who are among the best known aesidents of North Easthope, Four re others and one sister, Miss Hat- e le. also survive. One of the brothers, Richard, is in Winnipeg ; the others re- side en the homestead, viz.1 Will., Lorne and hien, the last named being et present at the Toronto College of Dentistry. Deceased was about 30 years of see Funeral took place 'rues- dsy afternoon. Mr. Sebben was a cousin to Mrs. David Walker, of Brus- sels. Brussels vs, McKillop Telephone 'Suits The following appeared in the Court of Appeal deeiswns issued las, seek : Viiageut Brussels v McKillop Muni- c al is a (nue Sastem ; . Village of P A g Blatt v. SleKillup Gu ice al Telephone System -An appeal by MoKliloP Muni- cipal 'Telephone Sastem bum the orders of the 0a113ri0 Railway and Municipal Huard 01 March 10, 1911, and May s, tett, in relation to Brussels and an appeal by the same defendants from the ceder of June 20, i911, in relation to Blyth The two appeals were argued to. PP K gether for c0+,Veolenee, Held : Appeal allowed a Id order of Ontario Railway and Mullioned Board set aside with 1'0015, Village of Brussels v. McKillop Muni. cio(3 Telephone System -All, appeal by Meleitlop Municipal Telephone System hon§ tete orders of the Omar() 1we Raty aic1 M11111011(81 Hiieud of March to, 'est 1, end May 3, §4t 1, -ill relation to Brussels, and nuns the order of June 204 1911, ill the B'Vth case. The Villages ofl1russeln and Hl*1h (n ale application to the Rail- way aid Mtllllc,pal Hoard for an order for connection, Inter: rmmuhicatien, a reciprocal use In the tr9u81aisstoe of bua111ess between the telephone systems of (ale applicants and the Mcleillop Meet - cited &teem neon .the terms and condi- tions meutiene.in the agreement sub - Milted torte respondents or upon ouch terila es the Board might be pleased ed t o order and direct The Board ordered the cut flection asked. [-Held Appeal t 1 ArP allowed mid orders of the Duterle. Railway and Muuioipal Board set aside . with costs.