HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-3-7, Page 8Builds You up Rexall Wine of Cod Liver Extract If you are feeling run down or weak from a recent Mold or illness there is no better tonic than this preparation, Don't be trluiltened about those words "Cod Liver" as you would never know it from the taste. Rexall Cod Liver Campnland is one of the best all round tonics that can be found. Rich in the extracts of Cod Liver Oil it acts as a builder and in- creases the appetite, but besides this it contains Peptorate of Iron which is a special blood food and provides Iroti for impoverished blood. Equally good tor childrett as %velem adults. Large Bottle ei.0o March rods Play Havoc with Fair Complexions Protect yours from them by using DERMAL LOTION This is an antiseptic, soothing Lotion fur Chapped Hands, Face and Lips and Roughness of the Skin. This preparation is said to be the sante formula as Hinds' Houey and Al mond Creatn, the value of which is so well known. Comes at just about half the price - 4 oz. Bottle asc. BEST LINE GOING See our St. Patrick's Day Cards sc each attd 2 fol. 5c. The el)Rml.a...CILI;Se°re F • R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND SI'ATIUNER rata," Sam tents M ARCH. SCHOOL Board will meet Friday even- ing of this week Miss MARY Ross has engaged Mrs. Fullerton an expert trimmer, to assist in her millinery store. SEVERAL School reports and other interesting matter in type has to be car- ried,over to next week 'PIra Loyal Legion will meet Friday afterut un at 4 t5 o'clock in the Public Library audience room D ,a r miss the hockey game between the Clerks and Bankers next\'ondav night. Play commences sharp at 7 u' clock. FINcEtt RRoxEN,- Last Wednesday Juo Oliver had the little finger on bis right hand broken by a kick from a horse while assisting in loading the equines at the G T. R yard. A St. Patrick's social will be given, under the auspices of the Epworth Leaeue, in true school room of the Methodist churcn, Monday, ISrh iust , when an Irish program will he presented. NEXT Monthh• Horse Fair will be held in Brussels on Thursday. April 4th '!'his will be the closing Fair for this season and wtli no doubt be a big one Fairs will be resumed next Fall as usual. Mark April 4'1) down. THREE cars of fine horses were ship- ped from Brussels station on Wednes day for the West by George Muldoon, Lowe & Anderson, and Lowe & Mc- Farlane. They were ace panied by Lowe, Loe, A Anderson nd Geo, Mc F arlaue Councillor M' 1.. u n will follow Inter o MRs. (1)11 1 BROWETT DECEASED -The death of Mrs. Browett, wife of Dr. J. H. Browett, and sister to Mrs. G. A. Deadman, of 'Brussels, formerly of Ingersoll, occurred at Peterboro Wed- nesdav of last week following an illness of three months' duration. The late Mrs. I3rewett had a wide circle of friends and her death bas occasioned general regret Dr. Browett lived; at Ingersoll up to twelve or fifteen years ago. The- remains heremains of Mrs Browett were interred Friday morning. and after a service in the Baptist cburch, interment took 'place in the Ingersoll Rural Cernetety Mrs. Browett was well and favorably known to many do Bi ussets who will re. gret to learn of her demise. She was a fine woman and greatly beloved. SHOWER AND WEDDING -On Monday evening Feb 5111, the many triends of Miss Habkirk met at Mrs Burgess, I3aterhazy, Seek., and showed their ap- preciation in a "mixed shower." The many presents were an evidence of Miss Hahkirk's popularity and a most enjoy- able evening was spent. Wednesday • Meet -nem, 7 h ult., in the presence of a 'fat -1111V gathering at the home of Dr and Mrs Christie, Miss Jean Hahknk and W. Walker were united in the bot,ds of boly ma'rhnouv, Re v. Black, of Tantal los. officiating. The newly wedded _couple left on the evening train and are making their home in Regina. The bride made her home in Brussels for a number of years and has the hest wish- es of a wide circle of friends here for a happy married life PUsCilA-En CUP BEARER. -THE Po'T made reference to the feet that George • Muldoon and Alfred Baeker had gone to the great horse sale at Chicago. Re- sult of their visit wasthe h purchase of a fine trottingstallion whit isi b now n the stable of the proprietors at Brussel,, 'Phe Chicago Iiorse Review speaks as follows of the sate; -Phe few horses of real worth sold were in brisk demand, the top figure of the sale being $t,iso for Cup Bearer' 2 243, son of Todd 2 14 who' went to Barker & Muldoon, of Brussels, Ont He is.a six-year-old and will be remembered by race goers as the handsome` three.vear•old colt that Lu Green Jr., raced in slog He trotted a mile with little searching in 2 16 that season, and then Lit took him hone and meted some Rett Medium (2 23}) fillies with him Cue of the results, afilly named Given, out of Dixie Jean, by Red Medium, was the sensation of the sale. She had mere sate ring brush than anv. colt that tats been shown at Dexter Park for a goad while, net excepting the well. schooled Peter the -Greats W. B 'Pave lor, the lbtisetiuritrainer. was the buyer at $65o, and 4e Was kept pretty busy for the next half day turning down offers of advances. Cup. Bearer is a rarely fine looking bay horse of the standard size of r6 hands, weighs 1,200 pounds, and is of excellent breeding on both elder. -Elis sire; 'Dodd 2,14,';, is without a peer, age. considered, earl his dem is Rediviva 0,27**. trial 2 15, ,, by Prodigal 2 16, end has two in the list, also a four-year old of great promise. Hie grendclam Red Cherry 2.14 (producer),' by Red Wilkes; third dam Madpm Herr (great brood mare). ter Mautbeino Patchett 8 7 5' He 'goes to Eastern Canada; from whence have. Come some sensational pacers:, 111- oludieg Dailey Hal 2:02+ ele, Three a veer old colts from Cup neerer were sold at the Kittle sale, Wfllisap, "1.1920"; Given for $6,50 and Zebner at 045/ BIG LOAD -The other day Robert J Thuell, who has gone extensively, into the ice supplying business, hauled a load to P Amet,t'sthat weighed 12000 pounds with a team that scales 2,2oo Ice was a fine sample this season thanks to the steady cold THE District Library Institute, post potted on account of the storm, will be held in the city of Stretford on Fridat, March 15th, opening at to a. m. Print- ed program will be supplemented by papers from Dr. Silcox, of Stratford, and j A. Fowler, of Goderieh. CARD of '!'HANE, -The undersigned desire to express their thanks for the kindues'- and st mpailly bestowed in Ihr death of our daughter, Hazel by men, and to J. H. and Mrs. Kyle, the Methn dist Sabbath School and Junior Bp - worth League fur beautiful wreaths. Yours Gratefully, J. W. AND Mao. SIMMGNs. -o— WANTan.-Young man for delivery wagon and to assist In 'tore. GEo. TROMSON. GOOD garden to rent or would let it On shares. Apply to Alas Joey HIDE, Brussels. Phone 2810. Baan Peas and Barley for sale Apply t0 Si Lot 28, Con 6, Morris. WALTER BROADFOOT, Phone 515 Brussels P. 0. BROOD sow with pig for sale. Also 80 bens. ROBE ANDERSON, Brussels South. FOR SALE.—Good pneun stirs tire buggy, al- most n w, with automobile seat ; a steel tired buggy. almo4 new, automobile sent : 2 good goat robes Also a good briek dwelling house and comfortable stable on Queen street, For further pertioulare apply to GEO. BROWN, Brussels • - 88.15 0 A. C. Nn, 21 seed barley for sale. 'Price 51 00 per bushel. Also three there' bred York- shire brood sows with pig and a number of store pigs. Nl4 Lot 21. con. 12. Grey. J. M. BNiene, Ornnbrook P. 0. 10 Pros 7 weeks old for sale. Apply to Joate Cate s, butcher, Brussels. DRIVING mere for sale. Would make o good third horse. Apply to R. HENDSRBON, Brus- sels. BEST Clover and Timothy Beed for sale at MCCRACKEN'S. IFyour /taws do not suit you call and ex. change with ale or I will sell to you at cost T. MoGltxaoa, Brussels Baas eeePEa Donal Now is the time t0 feed ground bone which to the best known producer o1 eggs. For sale by BARBER BRoS Home and lot, eligibly situated in Bruseele, for cele or to rent. Further particulars may. be obtained from Mrs R. Dark, or Dr. Holmes. FOR SALE Olt TO RENT -House and lot on Tnrnberry street, Brussels, belonging to Thos. Nicholls. For further particulars enquire at THE POST. -o— Tire Epworth League intend holdiue a St. Patrick's evening on Monday. March 1811. A choice program is in course of prepaation and you'll miss it it i nu dont "tend, without ling doubt, THE SEAFORTH NEWS of last week rays :-Mr. Oakley, the stage driver from Brussels, showed considerable pluck when he arrived here at 5 p. m. in a raging blizzard, and announced his intention of resting his horses an hour, and going back to Brussels. IL was very stoeuty, but, the plucky driv- er called for his mail at six o'clock and started his trip, arriving in Brussels shortly after 11 o'clock. 1OMEN'n IN-TITU•rE -'rhe next regu 1st; meeting of Brussels Women's Insti. ' ute will be held in the audience room of the Public Library on Thursday, Meech "1St, ate Sop m. Subjects are •'A ghee.; Possibilities," by Miss Bertha Nichol, and ' Woollens acid their Summer Care," by Mrs R Henderson. '!'here will also be Roll Call. responses to be made by supplying a recipe for Cookies. A tris cession ) t r C the topics, twill be asked for so the members m tub s will dowell to be prepared to lake part, PLEA»AN r TIME AT JUNIOR LEAGUE - Atodnesdav Feb was 'l'empeience dee in the Junior League and hey invit- ed the Lovalll'emperence Legion to join tin m for a social hoar The Legion veru kindly accreted and presented the following ieteresiing and helpful pro gram, Mrs McGuire, President of the L '1', L., presiding, assisted by Myrtle Carter, let Vice. and Mao Skelton, Sec- retar of L '1'. L -Hymn 334 Was heartily suug after which Mts Hill led in prayer ; Bible reading, May Skelton l Chorus. "We're a little 'I'emperauce Band," by the Legion, Katie Deadman accompanying them at the organ and Beryl Osten was orpeeist for the Leagued Temperance exercise beetle Legion ; recitation, "Drink's Diines," Inez McNichol ; topic, "Alcohol," Mies Katie Deadmitt ; dialogue,"Give me My Apple." Florence and Archie Stew art ; address, "Self Control," Rev Dr Oaten ; recitation, "What can 1 do 7" Bezel Stewart ;.Legion roll call to which 22 responded ; Junior League roll call to' which e6 responded with temperance quotations, 010, and Lesgue song. At Dr Oaten's request the League repeated their motto, "I love Jesus Christ. X work while I work, I piny while I play " Mrs McCaetaV, Stmt.. f Leanne, spoke a few ene0uregieg words welcoming the come panv end inviting all 10 come to their meetings whenever convenicet. Mrs McGuire responded, saying they would be pie -need to come again. Helen 64 was then sung followed by the Lm•d's 1'^oyer in unison. The League ,. f$cers aud the different committees treated the to»ipauy to oot'feotionery and aftor isolteareeatareetaereasweeeseereseek BU?E Chance is often missed when it might have been easily embraced by Systematic Saving Begin now to prepare for the day of op- portunity by depositing your savings in The METROPOLITAN BANK $/.00 OR MORE OPENS AN AOOOUNI BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY, MANAGER reverently singing the National Anthem and a short time spent in social chat the company dispersed hoping to often have such social gatherings, A number of visitors were present. Church Chimes Rev, A. C. Wishartattended Maitland Presbytery on Tuesday at Wingltam Elder Thomas Strachan was also there. Miss Chace, a missionary among the Austrians, at Washato, Sask., will come to Brussels on March 25th and deliver an address to the Women's Missionary Society and the Epworth Leaguers of the Methodist church et 8 o'clock. The public will be cordially welcome to hear this lady relating her Missionary ex- periences The monthly Missionary program was given at the Methodist Sabbath School last Sunday, and consisted of a reading by Miss Hiugston ; solo, by R. A Pryne and a reci,ation by Bert Lutt, Offering was $5 52. A resolution of svmp,thv was testi passed to J W and Ars Summon e, w mad Vie Ellis, of Brussels, and to Rev. A R. Maunders of Pipestone, Man„ in conuection with recent bereavements they :were called upon to' pass through. A letter of sympathy was written to each family named ST JiHN's CHURCH -'Che Rector of St. John's church is preaching a course of sermons, Sunday evening., on "Types ,1 Character in the Christian Church " Last Sunday his subject was "St. Paul is Type oftheIntellectual Churchman." That announced for next Sunday even. Mg will be, "St. John a Ti pe of the Imaginative Churchman. Rev. H. 13. Ashby, of Atwood will take charge of the Friday evening service this week. It will commence at 8 o'clock. You are welcome. People We a Talk About D. C. Ross was in Toronto on abusi- nese trip this week. Miss Mabel Kemp, of Llsiowel, is a visitor at the tome of A. and Mrs. Strachan. Miss Hazel Archibald, of Leadbury, was a visitor with Miss Winnie Long last week D. M. Scott, of Hamilton, was a visi• tor in town forduring the a few days duet Y R past week. F. and Mrs. Burchill arrive.' back to town last week after au enjoyable bridal lour to the West. R. Leatherdale itas been having a touch of lumbago but is improving we are glad t0 state Ross and Fred. McKay, of Chesley, are visiting at the home of their grand- father, D Ross. Mrs. T. Havcroft has been bothered with rheumatism but we hope she will soon be free from it. Angus Kerr left Brussels this week for the West where he purposes speed- ing the coming .Slimmer Mrs. backer, of Grenville, Mich , is a visitor with her sister -in. law, Mrs. George Seeker, Brussels. Rev 13. C Simmons, of Burford, was I:a•e last week attending the funeral of. his niece, Miss Hazel Simmons Nliss M Eddinglon, of Chatham, has returned to Brussels and will be in charge of Mies Inman's milliners'. • Miss Lily Sharpe, who has been at Toronto went to Ingersoll last week to take charge as nurse for a patient. Miss Annie McQuarrie returned to her millinery posiutin at Blyth Wednes- day of this week. We wish her a suc- cessful season. Mrs, H. McGuire, of Wingham, was the guest of Mrs. Geo. Rogers and Mrs. A. C Dames. She purposes removing. to Wiunipeg where her sons are residing. C. H. North, of Picton, was a visitor withJ Fand Mie Rowland last week. He ism brother of the latter, Mr, North invested in a Ford car while in at• tendance at the Motor Show at Toronto. Nelson and MIs, Currie and daughter, who were here for a visit of a few months, left for their home at Young. Seek , last Saturday, 'Cltey purposed to make calls at London and Winnipeg en route. A and Mrs Littlejohn and daughters Myrtle and Fleda, of Arcola, Sask., are visitors with C. H. and Mrs. Bennett, King street, They were old friends in the West. It is 24 years since Mr. Littlejohn went West from Lindsay, Ont, the first r6 years being spent in Nardil Dakota. John Wilkinson, of Grand Rapids, Mich , was visiting the Jewett family and other friends in this locality last week It is 20 years since he removed hem Brussels Mrs. Wilkinson is a dkughler of W, and Mrs. jewitt, Brus- sels. Mr Wilkinson was here attend. ing his lather's funeral at Belgrave. Mrs, W. M. Sinclair was a visitor with her parents, J. G and Mrs, Ron • add, Stratford. Mrs, Ronald is soine- whateimpr0ved in health, we are pleased to state. She celebrated her 78th birth - clay this week and received many con• granulations 'Ctrs POST Voices the good wishes of many old friends here over the OOOa51'ee. Tuesday of this week, N. B, and Mrs. Gerry, a n of Fort Willi arrived here for William o , a visit, They are necompen{ect by two of then• daughters, Marjory Red O'Dean Mrs Gerry is'a sister to Mrs C 'Rotel/ whose condition of health line ()crate i aped some iliXitty tied the jet rIlev Wes CIE en !IOW 011 that at00trldl, Mr Gerry 10 quite 'enthusiastic over the growth 1 •�0`®� v g�Le.• W H. LOVE Funeral Director and Embalmer Orders promptly and care- fully attended to night roe dtsy. Phone 22S. ETHEL, ONT. •orT77 vO y ' " ' v v - and development of the twin cities. The visitors are former residents of Brussels, N 13 , being a eon of B. and Mrs. Gerry; Mill street. Jamestown The Misses Strachan were guests at the Oalder-Mitchell wedding .at Molesworth. Bride is tt cousin. Wednesday evening a social time was enjoyed it Victoria Hall at which the young wren of the neighborhood played the part of host most agree- ably. It smoothed the way for leap year doings. Jatnostotvn branch of the Women's Institute held their Winter meeting last Tuesday, Feb. 27th. In the after- noon the ladies met. at, Mrs. Gen. Eckmier's home' and listened to two addresses from Mrs. Woelru•d, of Tnr- oltn, on "Health Culture. aucl Home Nursing," also on "Poultry raising" which vete intensely interesting and which aid enjoyed very much. A few musical seleclious were also rendered. in the evening a union meeting of Farmers' and 9Vnmeil's I1latitntee met and listened to splendid addresses from P. A. MoA.rtliur, Mr. McDermot•.t and Mrs. \Vnelerd. A gond program was also given. We will be glad to weleotne.the speakers to Jamestown nn any future occasion aud hope for just a little better wealber next. year. Andrew Pollock occupied the chair very satisfactorily. • Grey • Elton Rozell was here last week from Michigan, to visit, his mother who is ill. Last Sabbath Rev. Me.of O lis of Wroxeter took-char1 the services in Roe's cha of took-Charge and Union. Mrs. E. Campbell and Master Leslie have returned to their home at Gaydo•d, Mich„ after an extended visit w'l1 b relalives it, this locality. The 100 acre farm belonging to Daniel Denman, being Lot 30, Con. 12, has been sold to D. Neable, who is at present living in Eltna. Purchaser will take immediate possession. Me, Denman will hold an Auction Sale Wednesday afternoon of next week and will leave for Outlook, Sask., with the idea of taking up a farts in that locality. Mrs, Denman and children will make their home in Brussels un- til M1•. Demean •gets seet1ed. Mrs. Denman is a daughter of George and Mi's. McMillan of Brussels. We are' sorry to lose thein from Grey brit wish thein well and hope Mr. Neable will du better than ever on his new pii'rhase. He is no stranger to the people of this locality. THE SRNDARD BANK Established 1873 OF CANADA 80 Branch" A Complete Banking Service Available for Maruiactuting and Commercial Houses, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, Corporations, farmers and private individuals. 130 Savings Bank Departlinent at every Branch. BRUSSELS BRANCH J. F. a1.oveiserad, Manager:. NOT MUCH IMYRovemerT.—Dut'itig the past week lyres. Chas. Rnzell, 0Ui con., who weds so III for sevet'al weelcs but had taken a change for the bel ter, became very much worse aud anxious hours have been spent over her condi- Mon. Many old Merida hope for the best. iu her case and evidences of im- provement would be good news. Auction Sales vetAUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, TM- PLsMiNTe, 810.-F. S. Scott, auctioneer, has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by public uuetionttt Lot 80. Con. 12, Grey, on Wednesday, Morel, 16th, at 1 o'clock, the fol• lowing property :-1 mare lining 12 yeare In foal to Gold Luck, 1 aged mare supposed in foal to Geld Luck, 1hetvy draft colt Beingg 8 yyesre, t Pereheroa mere rifting 2earn,. 1 drly ing mare 8 yews old, 1 colt rl„ ing 1 year, 1 froth Jersey eow, 1 fresh Ayrshire cow, 1 naw due to calve dine of sale, I cow supposed 111 calf, I grade Holstein farrow cow, 2 Holstein heifers rising 5 years to calf, 1 Ayrshl re heifer calf 2 months old, 2 brood NOws one due to far• row time of sale and rhe other about middle of April, 7 pigs about MO lbs Push, 7 pigs three months old, 1 good. Doll le dog, about 60 hens, 1 new Deering binder 7 -ft out, 1 McOorndok inower6'f5 cut, 1 I8 -tooth Deering cultivator, 1 Mea'ev•HarrisDeme Reed drill and cultivat- oroombined, 1 Deering hay rake, 1 Perrin single -furrow riding plow, 2 walking plows, 1 gang plow, t root pulsar, I cutting box, 1 far- ting mill, 2 -lets iron herrove, 1 muffler, 1 set 2.000 ib 'Dales 1 truck wagon, 1 milk wagon, I net bah -sleighs, 1 top boggy, 1 cutter, 1 As trachan.robe, 1 hay rack. 1 wood rack, 1 wagon box. 1 gravel box, 2 pate heavy harness, 2 sets single harness, about 800 4 -inch tile, I wheel- barrow. 1 10.foot ladder. 112 -foot ladder, 1 SouvenirEmigre burns either coal or wood, 1 wood wok stove, 1 extension table, I new milk Dan, 1 Unayda Dream sepa'a1o', 1 bureau, 1 Oslo, ohnrn, a quantity of mixed grain, oboet 26 bus, of hurley. quantity of haw, forint, rakes and numerotteother articles. Sale unreserv- ed ns proprietor has sold bus tarn. Terme-.76 and rimier coeh over tint amount 9 menthe' creditwill he given on furnishing approved Joint amounts. DAN, DENt MAN, for cash roprietoredit AU,'TION KALE OF FARM 855021, IM- PLEM1NTB, Sco,—F, 8 Scott, auctioneer, has been t'wtrueted by the undersigned to sell by public auction at 1914 Lot 22. Oon 0 Morris. on Fr.dny, Mardi 16th, at i. o'clock sharp, the following property, viz.: -t heavy' draft horse rising 8 rears, 1 heavy draft mare rising years du'foal, I heavy draft mare rising 10 years1 heavy dn raft lir ding draft ing fillies yesre,ti1 driving mare rt-ing 5 years, d young emus supposed in calf, 2 heifers rising 8 rears in calf, 0 heifers rising 2 Tears, 5 calves, 1 brood sow due to far. row in March, 9 pigs about 8 months old, 8 young pigs 8 weeks 016, about 150 hens, 1 set rubber mounted eingle 11a'neas, 1 set team harness,1 string of bells, 1 ensnare Perk, 1 top buggy new, 1 anther, 1 Met bob -sleighs, le i I wag - Ron. 1 Clinton fanning mill,1 sruHarris binder cut 1 Deering owtr (-ftout. 1 Massey -Fierily 1&dien drill. Peter hay ec let 1 sot 5 Potion diamond barrows, I hey reek, 1 set 2, IF Ib sneles. 1 turnip nuttier, 1 Eyestone loader, about 9 tots of hay, about. 500 bus, good oats, fnrhs, chains and numerous other articles Sale unr :servedas prnnrietor Is Leaving the farm. Terms -.5600 and raider Dash; over not menet 8 mouths credit will be given on furnishing approved Iohtt Hetes ; 4 per vent. off for nosh on credit amounts. Hay end gretn to he. cash. BORT. DOUGLAS, Proprietor, ACOTTON SALE OF YOUNG HORSES, WELCH GOWN AND YOUNG CATTLE.—F. S, Scott, auctioneer, has been Instructed be the undersigned to will by public motion at Lot 80, Con 14. M"%plop, on Wednesday, March 20th, at 1 o'clock, the following valu- able etnelr :-8 henvy flraft 'horses rising 2 yrs., 1 heavy draft colt rising 1 year, 7 rows ,suppos- ed in calf, I farrow cow, 1 steer rising 8 year's, leifars rising 8 years, 6 her fere rising 2 Cent's, 5 •rt„Ari• rising 2 year., 6 steers rieine 1 'Pse, 4 heifers rising 1 year, 1 brood sow with litter all, t 1)E104 RAW will farrow about Male time 1010 o lthnut reserve as the proprietor 1a over- stnrked Terms -All .oma mf $10 and corder yah ; over that amount 12 months' eeedit will he given on furnishing china n crediod joint notes 8 per Dent off�for Dash on credit. ainonnis, ADAM SHOtsDI0E, Proprietor. High Grade Implements I have the DEERING Agency and am prepared to give the farmersthe best service in all kinds of this splendid make of Farming Implements. Grain Binders Corn Shredders Corn Binders Corn Huskers Mowers Hay Tedders., Manure Spreaders Hay Loaders Drills Plows Beattie Bros. Litter Carriers Gray's High-grade Carriages Petrol la Wagons Etc., Etc. Pianos, Organs and Gramophones. Sewing Machines Cream Separators Maxwell Washing Machines Waterloo Threshing Outfits Gasoline Engines Full line of International Implements. iota- Now is the time to make ynnr selection, Kindly give the a thanMe tel with befto llt cdoL yourorder. r Agent' Brussels immommommou DIED AT I•Ltn LRBv1LL15.-Lae t• Fri- day Null Dnneatisnu, a former well known resident of the 1711) con, of Grey township, diet/ at the home of his sen John at Haget'sville; Out., where he bad lived for the past 8 years, in his 70th yew.. =!lir, Due - caution was horn at Glasgow, Scot- land, and had been here for Many years. Mrs. Duncanson died 27 years ago. The surviving rnewbet's of the family .are; Aichic and John ate Haget•sville ; Mrs. T. Leminitant., •Mrs. O. Hull and Miss Mary, NA ilium and Neil are residents of this township. Deceased was It Presbyterian and tt Liberal and was an industrious, straightforward mat. Funeral took place Mmiday on the arrival of the after nom' train at Brus- sels which was nearly 3 hones late. Rev. D. B. McRae, pastor of deceased condnited a short service in Manville church after which inter- ment was made in the cemetery here The bereaved share in tat s', Itpathy of a wide circle of relatives/eel :friends. The sons from Hager•sville accom- panied the remains to Brussels. BORN Yeree,-In Morris, on March 541, to Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Yu111-nee Miss Nebel Procter -a bon. • MARRIED UALUE[t-MITOHELL.-At the residence of the b, ide's parents, on February 20th. by Rev.% 151r. Bell, 5t'. Marto (inkier, of Bright, to Mise Herts, daughter of 61'. and Dirs. Jiro G• hitehel l; of Molesworth, JACKSON — MORl]ilIN. — In St. Andrew's church, Winnipeg, on Feb 6th, by Rev A. Sinclair, Mr. Itoswell Jackson or Tisdale, Seek., to Mies Carrie Shortreed biuKibbin, of Seaforth, Ont. DIED BanWsTT. In Peterboro on February 25111, Elizabeth, Helen D0, ton beloved wife of Dr J Htowett, aged 45 years, 2 mon the DasoiSSON-In.Hxgersville. Ont., on Merrh 1st, Neil Dnneanson, formerly of Grey townehip,'in his 70th year. GANNET -At Bluevale. on February 29th, Mrs. George Gannet, in her 45th year. PIloCTEa.—A t BOK, e Ve, ai' Ma 1.0111.1. RPberea Brandon, beloved wife of-Tho,nne Procter, aged 65 yeare, The Great N of rth Western Telegraph Co. . I tleaire 10 [Meet the attention nl' the pulpit generally to ,the feet that Muting the past. week 001' of&ce has been supplied with a competitive tariff whereby we can handle all 1eh-gentian 10 loud front all points hi bile 99 ,•sl at the saute testes a4 0l her eelllp,'1111g-COW pall. ies. I wish 11, point, out. pat'ticu• hotly limb we 11150e t•xoelle i1 facil- ities l'ur handling Wildness l0 Port Altlit', Furl. 99'i11ilun, Regina, Sitekat0011, Edmonton, Calgary, \Viuuipeg, Vaticttuver, Vittoria, &c., &c. As our Onutpany trachea Winnipeg by direct wive l'rotn To- ronto, and Vancouver with but, nue rt'peti21011 WO etre iu a position to render our patrons an exreed- iitgly prompt eerviee to and from all point's \\rest. We solicit: you'. pl,trouage. Jai a es Fox MANAGER. AUCTION SALES WEDNepZAY, M5110, 181:11,-1Pain stook, hie plem,nt,, de„ Lot 80, Cut 12, firer- Saloun- reeeved et 1p nil. D. Denman, Proprietor ; F 8 Scott, Auetioneer, limutaOAY, 1)150/H 1 I1), -Flom stook, Mept,ments, Sit' , Lot 2, Cott. Grey. Sale unlit. d to 1 p. m. Riehnrti �M ills, Proprietor ; U 8. Seett, Auctioneer FIIIDAY 31.61100 1611, —Fa MK stock, tmple' inept' An, Si4 Lot 24, Con. 0. Morris. Sale Onre'etved nt 1 o'nlork itobt Douglas, Pro' Ipriers 0', S. Soots, A nenoneer, WsI,NRtoSv, 121.600,1 �0,i,.-Fern! stook, u1 , lot 80, Con 14, scull lop Sale unreserved at 1 n block Adam. Shuldioc, Proprietor ; P. S. Scott, Auctioneer, The People's column =ARM 1'021 SALE 011 TO RCN! balite 81j Litt 110 Don. I, yarn berry ,• contenting 50,;i sores ; frame house, hank barn, -good well end orchard. Land in extra goodheart hay- gIr , 111 been t10500d vary lightly for peat lit .v tarp, Tt to ettMid Brussels, gray, 1 g mi es fran,n c lox, Muer moil Brnasnls, xi,dlj�.milex from school, post oioe, bank. cin. Por Purthxr parttnulerx apply to 35.8 M0REHOHE1I., Wroxeter, 'VIVO good cow) for sale. Will calve early. Also a general purpose eeltlieg rising 8 years Apply on WI' hot 22, Con. 11, Grey. township_ J. .1 GORES LITZ, 84.11 Cron brook P.0.•. HQUSID AND LOT for sale or 10 rens t, -As I purpose leaving Brussels shortly my hoer and lot on '1'W'nberry treat, South, is offered re,' sale or to Pent. Poeseyelan con be had April let. Apply at mire to J. W. KERRNEY, Phone No. 50 Bruesuls, Mari Wanted A good all rotted farm hand, by the year proferred. Gond with sleek ; scarcely any do le„snnt dace to ave ; temp raemilking to ; I 1 diva ; tech''. tem n "referred oil Present mon Oil 8rd year. Apply etnnnk wef-1, oe nereme ally ,.to DAVID MIL,. 5, Mho]. GREAT CLEA'I Commencing e 9 Saturday,Janna llth OF Ready-to-wear Suits III IIIA ._`,i �� � and � ..,�. � eu-e a$s 2 Per cent off regular price fur and Fur -lined Coats Heavy Winter Mitts ,,'' Trunks and Suitt ases An d a bi Reduction 1 1Ct10 7 in all lines of Shoes and Rubbers such as $5.0o Shoes for $4.00 4.00 ” 3,00 3,00 " 2, Io Rubbers, 7sc per pain. Shoes must be cleared out in the next two weeks to make room for new' Spring goods which we will tell you about later. The above is simply a sample of the many Bargains ofFered. • \ Nms E. C. Dimford' CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER. 1