HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-3-7, Page 4cnnw-rv.•w,s"u+N�+=4.•rw.,.ru,4Pn,yay,,.�y,..y,Ny, • .
)E .iii tsoel go Women's Hair
= T •-- — j Easy to Make 1t Soft Luxuriant tri
tooOotoorooroope000t011itool0000 llPPPPeYa►PyNNf71 • thetf time in prison
'PHi1R, l)t3r MARCH 7, fern
--„-••••= .— Mali wimple have htth an dull e,td
-- faded thit.4 it is ;etuatlly repulelve.
REGISTRAR •DACK DEAD ) L9teee winneie Mere prolathl'•' never • Car Oats
Waller M, DeckReistar of Buce
died Se Milne mornin F rg rbuete a4rlt, at els hlme ill +v
es he wasiu riorbealh ,• .st fit some bine
bis d• th was not unexpted'For
nYanv vmire Mr Uack published The
Bruce It portr at K ural dine, and for
two o, terse teruts represented CellaeBiueein the Lrglslarure. Later he wasppoln ed Collets Regitrarwidh rl[•Irelie held lu the 1i me of his death He
Mlas Jennie Sturgeondaugllte,
r , ii getln nt I{1Ca1dlnC Aud
1141 tVlrCandi eelp Nu hk er 1•urvroe At
Wellcer0n, as et Klucad,e he enjoteden expectionl petsoual popularity and
the Renhine respect of the whole Cureinanity. The remains were interred at
on the arrival of the noun
un Weoetda
Hon Edward Blake, K. C., L
died at bas home44e Jarvis street
0010Shorie before 7 o'cloknight after a lingering illnessnews of is deth brought a
shock to a large section of the
triunity, who while knowing Mr, B
sickness, were ill-prepared to h.bis death. About two weks ago
Blakes condition took a change fo
worse. He sank rapidly. and F
afternoon it became apparent tea
ed was near Dr. Wm Gaulle,
was in attenanc, summoned the
bers of the family to the bedside o
dtstingttlsd Canadian, tMr Blak
conciousness about half an tofore death As be breathed his la
teas surrounded by his wire, H
Bake, K, C,, a son; Mrs. (Profe
G. M. Wrog, a daughter, and
Goldie. Samuel Bake, another so
at present 1n England and was ad
of his father';. decease by cableiTRIC1(EN WIT1i PARALYSIS
About four years ago last Sum
when in England, Mr. Blake cuff
a paralytic stroke. and RRahe decided to retire from public lite
seek rest and quiet in Canada.
August of ,gob ire arrived at Que
accompanied by his son, Samuel B
and came right through to Toro
Since drat tine he had lived in c
plete retirement. For the last
years he had udertaken no work w
ever, spending the Sumu,er monthMurray Bit. Since coming to Can
Mr. Blake had two sight paraly
strokes, wdgh inded the herr[ f
ire t h'V ten hru 1tt tt abung t [ eh fitmal c
lapse ,Mr• Hake's condition has be
such as to preclude any attempt
lterary reminiscences, and he will
best rema,nbered be his construct
work in the earls• days of Canda b
as lawer atd statesman.
A GRI?AT'Chose who tutted and (ought with
Edward Bke, those who were asso
elated with him on the great histor
deal argnments that made his tame as a
to the bonds of the
Empire, those who knew his construe
tive genius as a statesa, are best
qualified to testify to his worth, Sr
wifrid Laurier, who suceeded him ss
Liberal Leader in Ottawa ; Sir lames
Whitney, who cmes in rhe succssionof r UV1 Itort r1 em,res ip SrJun❑ Ho c ihisassnetate at law, and other, all
speak in glo.etto terns of the man and
his wok w :ue his striking thughkind1 L•t• IY t,e, us pleaiOK manner, ht• asan uraturtis achievements as
a lawyer and satraanand his distaste
of oeteutalint will stake him a Il ire
never to be begottengHonE LVad B3ke iss rv'wife, a d.tuamer of the late RglditnRev4ssons, 110min • te t113like,o I . Cutand
Samuel Btke, anda daughter, Mrs G
M, Wrong, Hun. S H Blak, K, C,
a brother, is the only surviving membtr
his father's latnile.
L. D..
earM r.
✓ the
rela1 the
f the
e lost
✓ be
st he
n, is
a a)
From a Frmer Gre it.
To the Editor of Tin Posen :
titAit Enema —I see by ''PosT,
as the ant 1t ta week to week, thresomebody renewr their subscription, so
think its shoot time I was doom' the
saute mvsel, as 1 find itsno easy ellen'
alang withut It for ver affa, gold at
lettiu' us know a' thats gen' on,
Mercy hasn't it been awfn' cauld
weather this %bile back? Na duct le
have afteu tllceh1 wht was the cause
sin, thee Turies hae gotten into poor. I
telle itV s csnailcomfort well Ret fra
thetn, I hear folk stivin` that BordenScoth but 1 dinna believe a word 0'
it. If he was be woodtia' he sa easy led
I think h's just a mongrel Tr ings he
a terbal dooufa but I d:nue thnk
iLt1118Sl la 'us. bt itstltl '1tlwand baa iwnRbudv udu?; SirWiltsed iS StJuNa edoot heeC1WEsvneedin ria rest nhem
and I
h)nk he's enjw to !adore! but we'll soonhe him back for we mann ha' our affairs
managed in order.
ISatvb csapsY oSTehY ad haen tr iynruta sAta f 'n the IIo•eS W1 1m iJmeWhtfnebut wY AS 50rrtoY tiesr et had
beenwelt at the tdme o' the Election
I'm Sod ry ye suffered defeat but I tell le
this 'Iemperance question is a seriouproposition and ti,e whiskey aye seems
to win oot. Phe Whikey men are no'
y put doon, I think we Temperance folk lad just
hae tit gang to Wark and drink a' the 1
wlsnskev filet thou yell ata' a chancett'tn no' meettiethat ve are to try and s
drink it a' yersel as there plenty just atvaitin for the chancels helm). Weed Mr jost ditr; J have Belt 1115, fern) again and
fter the let c' April will he oot o' em mlovtnent and caufd pe. haps gee' ye a at
un we the Temperance cause. 11 ye'Il
ly start at the richt place. If ve thik h1y assistance 0' env use ye -micht let lamlg know of Iaxe .like to ge' b helpn'
end ra a gt,itl cause. I'm thinkin'fyboot Been to British ColuobisA4 `tnV 1
hae fro` been haviu' very uifdtattle this while bale t' T tnioh .t sat ryeh501511t the term here roar Yeats ago for aOt s)and!'tsa shad di rm$8ono. I+arntt a
7ettxd of NRIi N SAGL+' tFe invi- I(mating hair tltebSn1$ that is being •
usd by 1 housands of tl ed ) w hru ,_1 t nsteu0
t u IruntUa,tndtL,I uf ut t'•v bu 'a's t hd7iu= n •, r oto t 'Int% tor, • '<tbele sS•lF utitt ttvata. y 1 mitasttahiug salp ; if your htEir is nlrl asfadeati ig lett yin would like to he
it, go to Jas. Fox Lhis vey dav, ask •
,.t tiftyomit bottle of PARISIAN o
SAGE aid start at once to Rieke your
bait perfect and evn gloriousPARISIAN SAG le is glaued to
ive 9a. 'tiatur 'ug Lt uru uilnisy beteg.
Girl tvitaV Au >u 1it hit ,l DIIt vee y
carton+ For &tall by Js• Fox uuddruggists everywhere,
hae gen up in price here alhough wtcid not get Rertprucitie We he John
Smith, fra the 4t15 of Grer, for a neigh
bor and had the pleasure e' atin 0uChristmas turkey wi' them John has aguild ferm and 3oi' weel. He says
he woodna' like to gang back to Gres
amang a' the deep snow And pitchhole,Weed, Mr Edtor, ail ha'to close an' If
ve ward eke to hear fra ret emtin I Hoch+
drapteafewlineswhlutlg,to,t is B.
C. Ill enenSe Ve two dollars ro pee THPo 1' and L1 let ve know mt address au4e can send it to me wishin ye guid
health and the season`s es mplimenls and
hlptn the Tories ill send tis x warmer
spell o' weather. I remain, Your Frten'
Ayr, Feb. such, ttlt2,
Howick Townhip Coucil
Council met in Browns Hall, Fo,d
wick, an Fehrut y ole1 puruant to art
'u 1'ortmeiJ t NIembPts a1 present CatesCouncilr Edgar Reeve In the chart
Minutes of last meeting read and on
motion of Hvndan and Underwood,
were adeptect
Audltors' report was read which gave
a clearsatentent of the fileucial Mandreg of the 'Township• Moved hr
Underwood and Hrodinan, that repor
be adopted Carried.
John lobnston waited on Coun llbehalf of the Howick Agriculturl Sr.eiety asking for a grant.
Moved by Underwood andthat Council grant $25 to Aricultural
Society. Carried,
Tenders for the towship printinb
were oper.ed and the tender from the
Foidwich Record to do the printing and
advertising for the near Igi2 for thsum of $75 on motion of Hendman and
Crawford was accepted.
Moved by Undetwood and Hindma,
that the following accounts bepaid :—P
H cA kneedi i ,n i•cirrikK L H arid '(, hcion; Chas t'gbhard tot culvert on
H. & t: bdv ,$5.0o ; S Martin, use of
clank for bridge, 66c ; Municipal World
supplies for Aesessor $z 6o ; W G.
leak, for roars drag, $t; 0o; Adam A
Graham, salry as audi'r, '$13 ;Hammondsalary re auditor$13 ; J' A
JohnstnHowik obr+le nl wt{rk on H& C. bd)• ,$3 3r' ; AGiahent, forexe
r upy •11 •ell stor' report$t n0 ;lerndman, m. wine road mahine a1dtelepione $1 70 , Jacob Selp, furopenIn roe&i $3 00 ; W Roger, digging
$f oMoved b,• Crawford Rud Hi ndtau}lar Council adjourn to meet on Werl
nesdav, March eoth, in the 'Townshp
Huh. Gorrte, when pa'hntaaters, ptted
keepers and fence viewers will he ep
tote[7.P uL. nLl{Ex, Clvlk
W. tilCli F1RY1)itl), Greensboro,
Pa. has
three child, and like most
children they frequent! take r
Y mild.
('lee have ivied several kinds nP
cough medicine," he says, "!tut have
never found any yet !hitt did them as
mewl) good as
Reined Foe stale by all dealers. Remedy."
The Dog Tax and Sheep
Protection Act.
'The new ant says that there shall be
levied annually, in every Meal luulii-
rfpttiity, upon the owner of each dog
therein, 150 annual tax of $1.00 for a
dog, if only one and $2 00 for each ad-
ditional dog owned by nits fold $3.00
for a hitch, it only Otte and $5.00 hie
each additional one.
The Assessor shall at the time of
making their annual i1aaesslilent, eh -
tet' oil the assessment roll in a r/ohuntr
psepru•ed for the put pose ; opposite the
Tawe of every person tLavastiad and
also rip p(site the name of every •
dau6 pp
inhabitant Itaurt not otherwise assess-
ed, =
I the 1e )ten
et ,
b f any dog, g, the
na'wber of dogs by hie, owned.
The quilwd(byrtev theof ally Assessn sgtsiedelbe liver Ito
thein in writing a statement of the
neglects s or ownedby
11111, Ln do; C's 1 sfor
ud any
every fake e
i a at L
Y aff.ltm
t made to r
thereof, Pen
f he shall incur near a penalty 'of
The CulltetOt.'s volt shall contain the
name of every perecet entered on the
asseSAinent roll aa the owner of any
do with sthe
g tax
Ito 0
y nl
e .ate.
ate (
1 cdu
tun and ld
the ()
U i .
shall r
d to n
p collect
with the elike L
z u t hoed
and Y make. re-
turns to the TreaautNt of the muni-
cipality, in thesame manner and sub-
ject to the slime liabilities in all re-
a,})ect for patying over the same to the
rt'reatatlt•ea• 118 Irl caai tar rather' tarter
evtetl in t.11e tnunlripit ty,
The money collected and paid to the
nuniripality hurler the preceding
cetiois shall cnttatil to a fund for
atisfying aurh damage as tu'ises ill
Hy year from doge killing 0r he-
wing sheet in the analniripelity,
The Aetfru'ther says :—Any person
ay kill any dog which he sees pur-
ring, tvoi vying orwflIiii ling eheep,
The owner Or irenp,il1 ,of a fermi Or
is:erver1L Who theta 11 dog Without
efnl neon" it) (tri eaittlnsed field
on such farm giving tongue and tern
lug any sheep on melt femur may
11 such dog.
An a'
,v pervert ratty kill any ring which
e finds shy
g bet weer' RIiIAPt and
at Alitiise Ito shy lay!» whereon
heed are kept,
NY■1�YAlleels at Lowest Possible Prices
eve also the Sole Agents for• tide trlrilory for
the celebrated
Blatchford's C�,if �cs,l
Estitill +t Che 'd ln.( Pnland 'q 1g 1800 A t•'(If .NrG r t'! i11k
su1)tilutN—are rSt It ofover 001 ears (xa.�feeding cltiv, Also
Y ) etlevee ill
1"h9IRaRf triage to Hear.
'• The white plague is making Its.
S made upon the Indian populettou 0u
:the Reseeve. I visited a sohool girl
It >; ,s is proved ehsulIto!
Clubbing• t Wck wbra ie a yrctiul u tv rna [istf riille I)hguu uuas T hthodOattLEthtzolIf(11td ri If lu od on! ,tied) mita!1(I 11 =• i n O 1,tidf • Ghesuylug n£ mho PItlG "yly'ore like a shec0t 'v Lhstile'' }slu,atliwul[
ILnwi ,p a1 t1+1!tllkAi re,sL10g Invr iInud , n`fbn"' 148I1 adR d isv•rs t,,iY
l .c lh,� t h ',� ua a certin sombaig and the body ofdis pet le aL'bs nix eufllinig the dead body ix
placed uo the sufe of the gritted
ted /wound itis built a kid of• of poles cut in the hush attc haging
on thse poles ire piece8 Orcloth ahpprt•ttiill 80010 triI akaisIse` ht}LVe
vees! 11 ofes ( rf)but lei. on hall toge and in plumps of treLest I weary
Deafness beeesnse usually cle to Ca-Lalth, is ghlte env/tele. In a tItouatttul
01)8ea this
Suncesa Invariably astteiii ilie 'use of
1 t
int uSut t
4 e
11 eel's '1'11+
( e ,.
a,ts 1 try
s h .
� e IY live years sC`Lod-
ing. Peuatretitle tht•ou h the Pee" p
'Tee POST 1
sbl hers
Pa of f ear, Ida. neve
Lt t
er t =
gtri e 1 1 ud et
r sone ,' 1 , el
, Il 111= vaporer ' I Its
of Catarrh (refine relieves Ole tedium)! 10e clop With 1he 1 llnwtrig paNers alar.
uut(100, dextroy s the seeds of Oitttt,mh rept will he taut Ut ally a extilt ( tl
Rias and thele y rept United eves 50 ceh a
I b lilllitvs mauve . L extra) tit
Y L to re -(esti t 1
1st )
the L, following t tL
herself. Tey (lttrttrl hozone yourself,
1 ),e aubsel•iptutr 1lrinee :--
25e. and $1,00 sizes sold at all dealers, Weeklies
--------e--e---------- JJOST ao(1'Port urn Globe ... ....... $101)
-------- r Mail ansa 1'.otpit'e, • 1 00
I e London Advertiser 100
I. o u
lot +
Press t a 1$D
J until
111 !
A t til
1 1 811
” ,Uuut,tul lVituoss180
you wa • ' td° T Weekly Sun ,,.... 180
" btu'tnit•s' Ativecate 235
" iNn,theen 11IesSenger135
Blatchford's Sugar D. Flax • Feb.20th 1912.
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Tangs, and p "
are looking foe an invest- , Dailies
• Morris invest-
ment that will bring yon PORT and Torinito Star $2L0
• SOI3OOLREPORT.-'L'he following, 18 large returns virile for Toronto NS
., 2$f)
Blatchford's'Fill the Basket Egg Mash'gparticullen about Calgary " Tomei) Globe 466
the Pep(n't Of S. S. No. 3,Monis, is, for' ' ••' •
For Chickens. Give it a trial and be convinced • the mu)rth of February :—Total .400 an Athabaska fol. * le, 7o omit() Masi!ld..pire .. 4611
It is NOTA STOOK FOOD. • marks; honours 300. Pass240marks. Alberttti'arulsataoforsale, I " Tommie Advert
, ... 200
a Entrtince cla8a:-,lol)u Paestum* 276, Lnndou Ativerl.lser 280
• 1+aruestlMnhie245. Jr, IV -Ivan Mc- BREWER.
flILull ttt ll Ceet fYfec• Artet• i n re )'trtttl247 Sa tP tonl ell te ' H nth tt k109. ■ � tat
Sr. III— ■ by P. O. Order, ddesss OdNr or Re• Autl Nlulud 280, Noe, Speir 267 Elsie h•
RRAI Esktlte 13rokri.istered LatlNay n(kt4sing
Pyne Milting Coo, Brussels
i s
Confidence •
Corns) 254, John cattle 242, Gladys
• McNeil 238•, Willie Clark 101* Sr.1174 Boulevard N W 1.'liL POST,
'Mussels, Ont,
• II—Russel Meeks 293, Annie Alcock N.
• 229, Maggie Calgary, Alta.
168*, Jr. II --Margaret Hanna 321,`�
Margaret MtNeil tiff . Sl. Pt, II 1, Stock for Sale
. Olatk 218, John McNeil
Maty MtNab 308, Lilian McAteer 2
Jim Duncan, Everett Nichol, Russel
Marks, Allan Speir. Junior Pint I-
1�, •
makes travelling a pleasure
because correct time is theft
it necessity. Yours may be
a capable time -keeper, but.
by incompetent .repairing
you have lost faith in it.
Bring it to us. We will re-
pair the worst wrecked
watch and we will do 7t
J, G. Jones
w ler
A Newsy letter from
Moose Mountain.
I)EArt 6fi. KERB.— A perusal of
THE POST bus reminded rue of my
omr e t
S O Nr
1 rte
vow than vow and not t par forme never
'were it that the always adhered to
these principles. On the mot•tring
train, January 23rd, I set out from
Chesley to weed my way to Moose
Mountain, Sask., utidev contract with
the Foreign Missionary Committee of
the Presbyterian church in Canada.
By 0. P. R. from Toronto I thrived in
Winnipeg on Tbnlsday evening, The
wind blowing to beat the baud and
the frost inte,tsely keen. Remained
there urdit Satin day non ning when I
arded the Regina express for Cate
131e, a cosy country hamlet 011 the
Regina mid Arcola bt•atirh of the C.
P R. I stopped Siete till Monday
whet] I was driven to shy destination
ani •
tt i
D s[x ,
Y r t scenes a at•
e set a
ill ty
hat the picture them to be, My
drea,n of ,)loose Mountain, when T de -
nidi -d to gn there us Missionary teach-
er.bus been far more than realized.
The natural scenet'y of the ,Reserve as
n whole is positively pictttrr'que and
the lecatious of the Mission house And
e0hnnl eve 0er7 romant10. I atm told
by the white people living het* that.
the Sutnritet' remelt ori White Bear
lake ie a 1, ideal spot. There is a tem-
perance hotel, some forty private cot-
tages, two motor board and splendid
facilities foe boating, bathing and
fishing 1111 this much tdhlired resort.
The 5lissiml House and School
H"use are up-to+date"buildings, well
ableehi evey inside spect nut.
Miss Irupis field
matron and nurse has .eharge of the
kitchen and dhsperibary iti conjunction
with the school. Iti this kitchen Miss
Innis teaches chs girls domestic
aeieuoe. Then 'n the Spring she
teaches all the children the art of
gandelt making, there being a gond
garden 00 the school pl•emisea.' AH
the pupils get their dinner in the
school room. This meal is pt•ovided
by the Government and cooked by
Miss Innis, who is.uu
stiperviaion. The actionl room is very
attractive v
e and all the the
walls are decked with nice maps and
tylture pictttrea• The room is care-
fully swept twice a; day, noon and
Does it
Tofeed Butter Pat
Pf0 Y swe35
cwt,, to hogs for
which you can get only from
$7.00 per
$6.00 to cwt.
• •
S Suiti•n-s •
• ' •
• •
r •
• In Tweeds, Worsteds •
• and Serges. Clean,
• new stuck, fresh from e
• the loots, at reamer-
• able prices. ♦•
♦ •♦
• Merchant
• Tailor
• O
evening, properly ventilated and dust-
ed and scrubbed once a month. It has
become t me un interesting problem to me
to study the nature of the Lrd1) ii
children, 1» the realms of thought
and action they are very ,slow- to
move, _13y nature they are . the •'per-
aquilfe:aeon o1' indetlenna and • iuditfer-
ei0a e. I is
It only o byi
dint ut pe,;aeerr•
ing. push ant patience.'that one.. eau
arouse: Ll y'ni to timid acti01 ty, but
get CL vision Inln 1
1 and d,'
a, int -
pression hes bee»'made they give
good d evidence of intellectual deyel',p-
Weut. They' possess a tsnou•kittele
'talent tot drawing and writing.
Theare fond end
Y of 'n:
s, n)
and '
singing calls -
themes 9
Lheuics but tanalplete attahlgers to
ethics. My hope of success ill Leech-
ing them lies mainly in' the use of
objects and actions. They set In Lo
grasp thoughts readily .by these sine
fele methods and express them fairly
in English. When a 'teacher is n)
against a pupil that cannot utter f
word in English it makes hint wonder
where he's at. Then they itivau•i(Lblp
Mary Alcock. F, BRYAN%
Nine ekeliety bred Short Born Bilis, 8 to re
months old, rade and rosins, including the 1st
and end prize winners at East Huron Iran
Show. Are birgeand full of Quality from good
milking dams, got by imported sire and 40
Q of them from imported dame, Cows and Lair
CAUSE FUR AURAE era prize winners 61 head to extent fr I
Loss of Appetite or Distress After 8
ing• a Symptom That Should not
Appetite is just is natut•al desire
food Loss of appetite 0r stulnt
dlstreaa after ettting iodinate ;!ndig
tion or dyspepsias. Over-Ileutiug is
habil' very' tlaugetous to a pees()
gaud general health.
It is
not relent yon eat but who
you digest atl(i assimilate that doe
pill geed. Stene of Lite strungeat
heaviest. and Healthiest persona ar
moderate eaters.
There is nothing that will cans
more truuhle than ft disordered
etuutach, and marry people daily, cul
tract serener maladies simply through
disregard tar abuse of the stomach.
\•Ve urge all in Sem/sets who suffer
from any stomach derangement, tudi
gest:ion, or dyspepsia, whetheracuter 1r chronic, to try Rexall Dyspepela
Tablets, t with the '
h distinct t n u d '
ing that we will refund their money
without grteatinm OP formality, if after
reasonable use of this medicine. they
are not perfectly satisfied with the re-
enter. 'eVe recommend them to our
cunt nulei8 every day, stet! have yea• to
hear of any one who has riot been
benefitted by there. We honestly be-
lieve'Gnem Ln be witilouf kited. They
give very prompt :s'elief, aiding to
neutralize,. the gastric juices, strength-
en the f digestive nig;L1,9,'en rNg(slata
the bowels, and thus ie 'promote pee -
feet nutrition, and eradicate all Me
healthy syutptmusr
4Veeirge you to try a 250.. box of
Rexatll Dyspepsia Tablets, which gives
15 days' teefLitelitr At the end of
that time, your money will lie tetut•0-
ed o
t you -if you are not satisfied. Of
ermine, in chronic 0rises length of
v,irieA. Fut such cases,. we
have N 1Vo
L [urger ll' . 1%
R= sizes, which vhlch
sell For
500. anti $1 00 1petnrmber, y(irt can
ub '
L,an ftex;ili
es in this c'nnt-
entttaily only at out store -The Rexall
Storer F. IL Builth,
N.m,: , xa,2,ta4A v., ti;Ytxui'detsduwe4v 144,1
51 for 4nperlei Brt•iness or Shorthand ltd- rt.
naiislwt , the Oast and Pope tar S.
I /1 EI-Lif: TT
have sten for vale a 7 m°Ohm' old filly by nor- 1
on Black, Imported ; a good work horse: a few
pairs of grade Leicester ewer ; find a pair of
young p araOatofa Yorkshire/lows to titter in Meech. They I
tet' nli4 and their dem had 5l1
Rood living plus at 4 litters, As fern le likely
foe to be soarer. Iwill Reit any of the above ntoe
sit lowest price,, sod on Pn n term,
tch DAVID ilMILNE, Ethel, Oat,
n's Stock for Service
es -
a--._ . -..._
GTdatTctes i !dill!, er111 x111 gm'•1 PosI-
� ttmw and the rleuinnd is fully tiro( G
4 times oursupply.This College is 0.
1 S 018 tin vn lately e
tiltceo po0tIUllR at $60, 000,175 mrd 0100
`'v= fire,mouth. Enter now, Cutaingtte �y
Cor Yo t
t 1
4 1 tl
n W
6 E
at 4 s.
t ZZ
S Pr
ll E
ell Inc x
ePa F^aya^a
1 Vey
R FI Ylm'
e gel viu•wfhp privilege oP returning if neuee
Nary. S, WALKER,
e 10.1f Praprfetm•,
s 3nderaitned wilt k
Let 211. Cun,7L!Uletic, )l3)OOghbr,d lnln-
wortl ho , '1'nI II s, 51,00, to et pnid at tbm
The y�
The People's Column
— Entt1 a'ta or tote
ote James
• sb�pa,brN4Lo2,Con,o0loirpitsb Good blink barkand never
Tnb VorNla
t tPooclose
stock farm. Meet
"DIY -
sit o84fli,oe4 of
Notice to Creditors
Xis 111e matter of the estate of Conrad
Bernath, late of t he 'r'oweship of
Grev; ill Ibe .Cbubty of tlnroa,
gentleman, deceased,
that t II OCPdltoi'N eVIA ltt tarp hnvj Ig 01111me
aualost the estate oo Ndd Cenral Bernath,
fiwho died on oe about the awenty'flrat day
or January, 1912, are required on er before
the tsthaiey of Mflrot 11' 8 toiseed rn peat
urrtaid, or deliver mess F S wort, BrnakxiA,
P 0e.. Agent Par Rano Bx.'ontnra'01 (bit de -
'ceased, find. Christian pod surnames, addres-
s sea and deacrtptions, nneT fl statribxnt, or their
socoumv:Tri: tthx spill Pe:t:Tie 1 the
nature of he security tiP aura held by them
, N i 1 '
talk to each other in their own lac.
gas e.
With regard to time climate there
are two striking fsaintes observable,
the continuity of daily sunshine and
the conspicuous absence of moisture
in the atmosphere. These two natured
elements of the climate have a ve)y
beneficial effect upon man and beast.
I have not seen areal cloudy eiky sister•
I came here. The ne/Heel, approach
to it was last Sunday morning but
to mid-day the sun uppeaY'Nd and
the Western
alis let
his wilt! splendor. •When I that
came h •
ere i
was s ,very frosty but
bright and bracing, since theft the
weather has •in,difed cunsidet•ably.
The Reserve hum not been visited witir,
a storm or fall of snow since I crane
hese. The weather on the average
has been
Otte meta
can delve
t I
with F'
sleigh h )
tnLL r
g ( over
land or lake as the 00oty is but about
five inches deep. hast Saturday wits
an ideal clay, the snow ware mt•Iling
before the warm rays of the sun.
The black crest of the furrows 10 the
plowed p field
a went ( being uncovered,
Gu and mud
the peewit >et tv
,t v
si r
41 a 1 7
g clamps birch g i rf.h aLr i
1( poplar
i i
trees 9 t
hitt Iriugc the shores of Lie
lakes in close view of tate Miseiun
bottom and the whole realm of entire
seethed to wlait+psl' of the apple/tell of
Spring. I am nor twittering, (10 ft.
remembered. in the, dream that every
Winter will be like thin (me has been.
The Winter here came on early aril
severe and itis now thnugltt that we
1 have an early Spring. 'Ve may
ve rough weather here yet befoit•
•111g, who cam tell ?
The Govern.
amt, is very ctrasiin in the Nufnrce-
ntof the letw against driukenness
the Reserve. ,Shortly twitted T
e here a white 11)011 wee sei,l to
prison foe• etmenthe ear Retiree
to the Indians. Sena tly
r I came I Was aakedt to intim(' 58
i against three Indians to whom
white titan had sold liquor.' Otte
hese Indians Ixitn
)t s
was sent tint
itla 'ri n of In.
h a n for 4 Innn[lts
mei the
r two woe ene5V4Olea and will get
t , .e sone. 'Plot Govetw,+
t agent here pt'nvides for tate
fly of such while :they are setwing li
Well now, if you are quite w1l
ante thee it does not con hit
suites regarding the pnr- Spt
chase of u Guat'anteed me
Closest tikinlming Cretan r e
Separator. 11
Also regatding the tlis- ' earn
prisal of yogi Cream at e
Highest Market Prices, Hr
AGENT, BE..'(JSSIi1LS, fain
nn nae
And further trek , tt
neo doe that after lest
t (11, rib doth the eels of
will eepoeed
nl dgtt'ih to the. ,i,041 oP the they
mnongst the pnntiPs rnntirvl therebo, hhvih
• regard. only to time elnimP of wide!, they shall
^ern alae' gut anhice, -rind tint the shad Bxeott-
s 1¢111 not hP 11aINo pnr tin snid sasxta or g
FAttm FOR SALI5,—Being Sy° of Lots 64 lied
aortas t' Ou the Pm7n t9 n gnu 1 tram'e house ] W
x aU�S ; kitchen lax eriz ;and wooa,lwtt 2ftxaa,
x1'1)0 tarn is a1Ix00; .nnw,.itrd 50x40: and !.un-
to 18x31 8LOne wall wnb guou saablie1 under
barn. en ier•txfaug wake and geed nrehnrd,
Orris' genie to school end ntoile to chiralor
postolnOe, peed u,a7 he ares. Petit, learned
on application to proprietor,
80.10 Jaumetuwn P. O.
FARM FOR SALE,—The undersigned offers
for onto his 10u store form, bring Lut 27
Oen 1L fray township, There are about SO
Corea under cultivation and 6 aunts of hard•
wood bunt ; good buildings, brink born, w
tvbi 1i s tI, Ao ; 2j5,mles rrovi pus ch t V u,
Prom solo(! ; and 2 mitre Yran pustutftc
P.uNxees{un un March' fat.
Horse Fairs !
Itt'giels 1 311n]tht,v H'.t:8N Faits will be
held this se21H,1n ted fo111,80s :--
Leading Local and Outside Buyers
will be present.
ell, —
lo, Pttr011,' put ties'
bars apply on the premises o.' Ora nbrouk P 0
to ONUS. LOVE. hop, Phone 1s12 26.8
dereigned offers his fine 2W noise Perm.
log Luta 17 end 18, (Jun. 0, Grey township,
00 Oo.
n ori
t hat disposed or tvunld r
to l6ance €errant Tmatuhru and uol•as olcnr
I,aisncubush nnd mature bu1d. Good !tail
itlgn. oemant silo :trees, o1•cltnrd drilled n•
soca , on tin Ethel Oa1y. t,5 ladle to Aeh
and 215 to Ethel enrage, Poaxession Codd
given at anon if sold or next Spring ha leash,
BC gardenias* I tiers n
°"(11 lona apply to .1. I, W E'811' prep terms Rl
18.15 Phone 4118 ;Tit) P. 0,
SAG:u•Avuvdrin•:tuyik++ydtiSrAvtrdt•3vi� •gyp
A• Young People
tIto We
ba•I � ens prepnrm yon for business Nt
N� 1 The listowel t Wei '
Business ne
S5 0
d: a1 and phtre,rnn in a gond position w ion .
grad mode,;
It You )nny pal.Pr un,t ddy. t
1d 4. MATTHEWS, Prins
,oa. F2xy�VF^aG,ct+f; R^aP.ct'rVaaP�s,+a
I1 OO ACREN OF LAND for Rode, Ig miles ,
Nurib of 4estat•th Good.11.1! ns,,
tillekaredandunderottlrivaion• 411,013 born,
0e)ll cud wellsungsPramnha• rA
K &ten s
pod fences 1n xaoelleut ."41°1114'8:7111`;14 ,5, Ax ideal home
ch+'ap Apsty imps -1 BIISIE GOVENI,OC$,
Sexfortb, Ont.
asiktAI 1001i BALE.—Being Lot 10, (Joh., 14,
mel5,llup township, containing about u2
acres,.td1 ulenred. On the premises in a brick
house, bank barb with hog 1105) Corn biped, Rind
a new power tu111 forpumping, grinding, &c ;
naso good bearing°isobar ,ashtraytimid.ya. timid. In extra good state or ctitttvulio11 hayloft
(ripped 11[,•018and fo. stuck o, loth
lugs and catttn Yeti an it fur ',111'7',.i1 -1:0'4:61.f.::::,7
s,tuflted 9 silica trod ooheoi a
Walton 0,P. R. station, For lumina, at-
lare writeJ, U. RAMIt,TON, Walton P•
apply 00 the premises.
Grey Toweehrp, emitateing 100 Kermit 135
OR BALE being Lut Ill, Cun, 10
story Dente loupe 2400 11,; Idtuiitn len54,
oust fra e, barn, 40x81) on ton:401)1111g
env pert thereof to any person 0rtier8nns of it
whose t e
Ain no.
tine vital! not
Itsvb been -
'ed he them at the time of totals aiatribntiOnelV tt
at 4t. Themes this 10th any of 8'ebru- fit
r, 2
04.0 • Wmm&ss 0E0rHUPP, }Exoouto118.
m t
nod tl
Wbll .
a all
insetted to grass except 01 run m';
dnoresdn ttnah;t, stbsrd;2gimtu Proni For . atom!
Ad in
H ut
ether i,nt•tinoOlare apply tb intent. lm•
ALMON Cranbrook, P, 0, ALEBANUEft
Telephone 2818, 10.4.
FARMS IfOR SALE—Being Lot 4, Von ti,
and Lot 0, Con. 111, (troy Township, Unveil
CO, On therm farm. are good beildiago, well
fenced and drained,
also geed d m•
8 of
t'un •
S water rl
e nearly
kill Had
t geese g a]tn1
n o0 t in
d stn
to or
,og close
1100 ,H to
! and to the V114 11 of Brusxuls. They
will1 Anil cheap and m ones terms of µ0y.
want Apply on the µr rausns.
8-tf JAS. 1201)0 Bemkie tP 0.
CA: RAI 1015: a2ALE,—Thu nnderst5u,clogers
and !s,
N Manors W a0,
H fx
e8 t 8 Lu
Come, h 'i5 t
Morrie t
wet i
al i
p Elul
r, Co.orns
dear 6
rk ,
t oo tl
1P Il
n % ori
b bell e
kh to
n urs
hu H
L010.414, wall
m &a
flat S
h oP e3;
Brea e
IN, puha 4Natw1 ail N ue
March, 1912 aur Anther ptuti I
The ort) Eh'�•o1... h. dine
Poo, settled travelling Stillest soil
wth tiveaock sad feats
due dlptld ata
Special Trains
Regular Trains
Will leave Toronto towing Teronta
MARCH and APRIL1Through (l Casty
- Through (Monist
10.20 P.M, Sleeper*and Touriit
Colonist j
Cars on all Trains
No chargee for berths
Through 0
Winnipeg and West
Able any C.P,R. Awn for tops of "Solon' Guide
4, JACI(,2ONBl, ..Agent Ort,
pliue,tb,aur leo, apply on the premises
es 6t
firpxxelx-P.0 to i1, BEA M, Prop, ptemf0'4 U1•
NV A BARGAIN,—Will dlepose of cortege,
Ellen both street, Brussels, 0 $860, n groat
bargai,, in order to sews re molls 5111r. /Cloy
may be hod frotu. hit. J, heckle 1+'or forth. r
parttoulara Bee Mr; Leckie or write the tinder,
alined, J, B. CA ME100N,
10'itr George St, London:
�+,A1414 FOR BALM,•—trio 100 her
/V lug thx property of the late N turn( be.
Lot 28, Con. 14, Grey, is offered fo • sutl: by the
uhder„lgned. There are 0 d, the
anise Well tiniber/55, 018 11.fa, r'I"Brad, Ia+t
got hank barn, urge driving shed foul 5Diadem.
f0rtable hoose. plasm in good'eondl1lon and
well fenced. For further partrrs4+5,�r. tIl to to
.1AB.A. MoNAIli er JA fl. D. 1,10 AIR. Emir.
!hors, Orlin/week P.O., or le ,y, Unpi'.r,'.leer-
, petit
i 7•tr
Oli. 1
Ar SA -
,E being
Smith aur ,
(100, 4. Marna towns}tier, Boron (1n�, <+n G:
i11 ISO B homes •
ore ,r
t lime On
H n1n°nldN nonan, bank bast; grand (reied,
windmill, &o, . 411 c1Pnr d 1
p n
School IM milt+sdlRtnuf art f blunt.
s t�llt
from y •.sr
B1eres fl 8d (loath r ori eis
abunr 50 ocrxR RaPded d°tea Irm•rrinP
v and Other Infmvneticu 13511!)• on tat'
ti33P nr fir Writing nietsvPIs P 0' Flukes
ffF, S. Scott, 130nskrlk,
A. L.RiAl2h,Proprietor,
an It
nA li
ELS l 11
One of Bnstern Ontarle'n High•olnnn
and p0 mine Ba•Inens schools which
tceepx main t111 Osehnst 1111• yours Young
people Noy 1111x0 111)y time and 00P1
ilia, their gon a+ without int. ',notion
or nndsun111t Y1' hotnin,'s• Yon nlny
stud11,411i 1)5,,. 0) pprtli 0t• home
end flirt, et the l!olleoe• thirty) ears'.
'•xPerienee Ina rgm.t 10515)1, ill l•nn•
min AEIh tr(1 wit h Ih1 Conon, rein!
F,dncnlor's Asvr eisti n of (yin„lin,
Witte Im• put tle1du)P,
Win haul Business � R lSIneSS Cnlle e
0110•Pre SPiOTTONdCrit CHAPrim
5, 1UatRNS
Ia®p, _ct
®•••41••Fe.4.9trtl4•t'fii-44,,i, 4,004,4 of
A e °
4 r
and farmers
• 9
e The
♦ New
e Shop
and MACHINE Co. i
• in I1nW nerdy 1(I) 1flta111Cm •
s, •and, e
0 with good dlaaitiievyand Skilled a
it AleelltinitS, the are 111 a. position e
♦ toatteud t.01(111 rep/ties prompt- e,
i• ly acid at re/wettableyarns, pt a
♦ 0
you will let us know yoee
««• Ottota We Will give yell honest
•solih ll aco'hilml y,
(levo a,. a vi
• ,d 133lli 'l' al tttu1, by ro,ulig
• foru 01V1.111511.11111) nuuu.y
V tt •err
II 48ril .
11! 1.
)1)14 Street Bruss4 5
4 ft