HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-2-29, Page 8::!iIds up Rexall Wine of Cod Liver Extract If you are feeling run down or weak from a recent cold or illness there is no better tonic than this preparation Don't be friohteued about those words 'Cod Liver" as you would never know it from the taste, Regal' Cod Liver Compound is one of the best all rotted toome that can be found. Rich in the extracts of Cod Liver 011 it Acts as a builder and in- creases the appetite, but besides this it contains Peptorate of Iron which is a special blood food and provides iron for impoverished blood. Equally good tor children as well as adults. Large Bottle ,SI•oo arch Winds Play Havoc with Fair Complexions Protect yours from them by using DERMAL LOTION This is an antiseptic. soothing Lotion for Chapped Hands, Face and Lips and Roughness of the Skin. This preparation is said to be the same formula as Hinds' Honey and Al mond Cream, the value of which is so well kuown. Comes at just about half the price -- 4 oz. Bottle ase. Were you at the Oarnival Tuesday Night ? We have tbe picture, taken by flesuugbt, ou post cards for sale at our sure -5c each, rhe 5 Store F. a SMITH DRUGGIST AND SI'ATIONER. rural .ettis t.Cm AUCTION Sales are numerous. As -Es. 1 LONG is on his rounds, MILLI'RRy Openin es come next. MARCH arrives tomorrow-Fridav• THE PosT Telephones are Nos 31 and 32. NEXT Monday will be Council meet ing. FRIDAY evening of this week will be the A 0 U W. meeting, PUBLIC School Board will meat Fri day evening r,f next week. RA1t,way sea vice has been more or less demur.+) z d tit the storms. A. new smoke 'stack was raised at the Elea rim Lahr power house on Tuesday. SsAF"RTH stage Was unable to make the usuai rt•Ip on Tuesday owing to drifted road WC :TERN Excursion fever hes been caught bt gene a number and is likely. to take than off R HENDER-oN commenced his ditties ss Caretaker of the Public School Building last Mouday, He will do it Wel l THE Prvne Milling Co. have been well rush, d watt the chopp+ng trade but lit' running long- Marrs endeavor to serve their largely increased number of cue- tomers. THE District Library Convention, billed for Stratford past Friday, was indefinitely postponed on account of the tie-up on the railwats oWiug to the storm THE Epworth League intend holdine a St. Patrick's evening ou Monday. • March t8;h A choice program is in course of preparation and you'll miss it it you dont a'rend, without acv doubt. BOUGHT PROPERTY - Rubt Anderson has peithasetl 'he frame cottage on 84111 street West from A. F. Stewmt and after some fitting up will take pus session. He bas a been liviug at Graham. vi le 1'f 1 for the prst e tea s. A letter from Walter Innesof Manse Jaw, Sask renewing for l'Hg Posit' says they like the West well and are in the grocery and vegetable business for themselves. They did not feel the cold weather as they only had two days of .blowing and snowing all Winter. SOLD HIS RUsINEss-Dnugald Fergu- son, formerly of Brussels, has disposed I of his hardware and tinsmith business in Teeawater, to John Dick, of Orrtvold, 1 Man., who gets possession on March x5th, Mr, Ferguson will probably re. move to the West which he has had a notion for several years He is a son of Mrs. James Feagusou, of town, and well known to many readers ot THE POST. MRs. (REV) Roar. MAUNDER., CALLED. -Thursday evening Mrs Thomas Maunders, of Brussels, received a tele gram containing the said news of the sudden decease of her daughler.in•law, that day. at Pipestone, Manitoba. The funeral took place on Sarutday Rev, Mr, Maunders was married 6 years ago to -Miss Jean Parks, formerly of Tor onto, and he and a little daughter, Nora, aged 4 rears, survive. Mrs Maunders wasa most estimable woman and will be greatly missed She and Nora ensiled Brussels relatives ti few years ago. Mr Maunders, who was a former resident of this locality, will be deeply s1 mpathised with in his heavy bereavement, WEATHER FORECA,Ts FOR MARCH - A regulet storm period will develop and f run its regular course from the 4th to the 7111 iectpsive The full moon falls on the 3rd and the centre of the Mer vary pertr'd on the 2nd. The Mars in- fluence will extend to all the early part of Mach, Hence look for very low barometer, followed by heavy storms on the 4th, 51h. 6th and 7th -first iii the d West shifting regularly to 'Eastward with possible lightning and thunder and t rain first, followed Westward by general i Red damaging sleet and possibly snow blockades. A cold wave will follow blizzardous stns ms from tate Northwest, e calling for timely provisions against ex- f poaure and danger to man and beast. a .. very decided seismic impulse will be felt in many places, within s period of a seven days, central on the 3rd -Watch t telegraphic reports DEATH oar (",'WEERNER -Christian her. ter, one of New Hamburg's oldest esti- zeetJs anis earliest settlers, pissed away on n Saturday of last week in his 81st year He i Was born in Berne, Switzerland, and w Game to Canticle by way of New York S and Buffalo with his parents in 1836 Deceased lived at Hamburg since 1837 Had severe' brothers, among them the Son Samuel Mercer, Senator, who died a few rears ago A widow end ten n cbildree are left. Mrs P Reider, Ber- T lin ; -Ermmentiel, Sehringville ; Edward, New Hamburg; (;eor e 1•i„ Dunkirk, N A TNa Hockey match between the High Schooi and Y.utnigans Wednesdav evening the score Walk 5-5. THE new flouring process is being in. stalled in the Prvue M111ing Cot: mill, under the direction of Millwright Ailcheron, of Brantford. A-sEetsty 'Lnounecd for Friday WAS postpuned until Moedat and on that dare snow blockade '.gain precluded the Cnmllllt of the otebeetra so it was in definitelt put off. Two new members of Centre Huron license commission •sI ave' ten appoint ed J 5, Hoover, 01 l- niton, and Atl.,m Hayes. of Seafor,h, rt, igned, and Ihen places have been Mid by the appoint min of R J Chaff, of Clinton, and G. M. Elliott, td Gnrterich DIsTRtCT t'HAMNON -The L17eknow Hnrket lean) won the .championship re district No 3. of the Northern League Tile stanching being as follows :- N on Le-, lueknow .................... 5 3 Ripley 4 4 Brussels......,, ..,3 5 BRooD sow with pig for saleApply RuB'i AND ans,u , Brussels South. FOUND -A t THR P0511. a child's mitt, n, a man's mit, a rubber, a steel comb and a five o'clock yea cloth, all awaiting owners. C.P R Oe5roa, Brrussers-Full informa- tion to be had connarning ant twin Son may wish to make. Bertha ,.ecured and tickets supplied to any point. The 0. P. R. route to the West is the only divert rents A50omo- dation the best. H. L. JACKSON, O, P R Agent, FOR BALD, -Good pneumatic tire boggy, al- mosta w. with automobile seat ; a steer tired beggy,atmost new. aat,nnohile seat ; 2 good goat robes Also a good beiek dwelling house and romfortable stable on Qu -en street, For further particulars apply to Gao. BROWN, Brussels. 85.14 0 A. 0. No, 21 seed barley for sate, Price 81 00 per bushel. Also three them' bred York- shirebrood sow's with pig and a number of store pig t. N34 Lot 2 t'on, 12 Grey J. M. $Muni, Oranbrnok P.0, SUNBURST lost, set v i th Boris Finder ill Pleaseleave isfltTit aPObT. .A SA1[IIA212-Tllirt-en0071 riles for sale y e g At 54 A pair. also one t•QOd hPNYy drftPG a If rising two veers old. Apply to J. P. MoIN• moan, Oranbrook 'Phone 5.28 10P1087 weeks old for sale,. Apply to Jona OrrRRTE, butcher, Brussels. LOST. -A Crescent pin Finder will do a great favor by leaving it at TRH POST. WORK WANTRe. Waists Arid plain sewing, Watets a specialty. Flora street. MRS, RnBRRTS DaTVINO mare for sale Would make a good third horse Apply to R. BENDr.ReON, Brua- sela. Beam (never and Timothy treed for sale at MOCaAOREN'e. TF your SAwa do not salt you ea11 and ex- change with me or Twill sell to S od at cost T. V10585005. Brusaele Roos 85c PIM DazCN - Now la the time to feedround g bone able)) is tknown he bas best producer of eggs, For sale by BASREu BROS. HOUSE and tot, eligibly situated in Brengel Breasel erobatlaei0dtnfmntMrFuRthDearrkp,atDHma, For, SALE OR To RENT.-tttonse arid lot on Turnberry street, Brussels, belonging to Thos. NIQhobs, For fnrrber perttenlas apply to A. F. Stewart, Brusasele South, -0 -_ 53RD ANNIVER ARY,- Leat St:nday Was the 53111 AplIIVetsary of tate marri- age of John and 'Mrs. Hunter, well known residents of Min street, Brus- sels- Congratulations were extended We are sorry to State that Mrs Hunter's health ie not very robust al present but we hope she will soon he fully restored. Mr Hunter is 83 rears of age and has been a realm kettle healthy and robust man THE Fowls adds its goo] wishes or e long evening to A hose life ENTERED INTO RE T - At abut 2 ,'dock Wetdne.dat' morning Hazel May, tonngest daugh'erof john and Mrs Simmons, Albert street, Brussels cased ewer to the Home of the Blessed She had been In failing health for the past 4)ears sed had wasted to a merited egree Often of late site expressed the wish to he at rest, Hirzel was born on he 16th con of Grey and was bright ntelligent, ladylike and most patient and was beloved by a wide circle in both the cbutch And community, Her my :deter died five years ago The uneral will take place Friday aftet'nootl t 2.30 o'clock service at 2. Interment will he made in Brussels eemererv. Mr, nd Mrs Simmons have had a testing isle and are deeply sympathised with n their sorrow WROXETRR WON --Two rinks of Wrox ter curling experts came over on Wetl- esdav eventllg mid plated an interest. nggame with let tweets. ''he visitors on quite handily from our. "colts." core was :-- WROXETER ITRnee ELS avidson W Baelter Ileo Ballentine 'lather . McDooeld own, Skip..,,,, 12 Downie¢', skip.,, 7 W. iileck C Bseker liehiSOn Thomson raven MrLeuohlin Y, ; Wham E, 'L'levelend, Ohio Charles 3' , Peru, Ind ; Rev Henry L Toronto ; Miss Matilda, 'POronto ; Miss' Sarah, r nras New Hamhurgr Mrs. D AZnr• bilge, 111 tit 01 1)11111 a The f tnelal took „ T place on. Wednesday, Deceased was an ! a uncle to Mrs. T '1' Wood. of Brussels, w and sire, Mr Wood and son, Mather, et. 11 tended the fuuereL R. Black,skip,., 13 )toss, skip 6 13 in said to he a very uututkv htitnber tut it looks like it. An oyster stinger as served at the Central Hotel Atter le thatch. A return game Will be play - d eitOrtly. t ABusiness Chance is often missed when it might have, been easily embraced by Systematic Saving Begin now to prepare for the day of op- portunity by depositing your savings in The METROPOLITAN BANK SBI, 00 OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GU -ROY, MANAGER ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8 • „ • t • • 'spring Y • • • Suitings i • • English, • • Scotch, r. e • • • • In Tweeds, Worsteds • and Barges. Olean, • new stock, fresh frmo • elle loom, at treason- • • able prices, • •s • • 1N. Pt, Fraser • • • Merchant • o• Tailor • BRUSSELS •m NEW ■ Irish, Canadian BOTH the 11 and 11.30 a le. trai were cancelled on Tuesday GREAT bargains are being offered i rend to wear suits, Overcoats, RSC , • C. Danford's. If you wish to say money call and see thein A FLASH light picture was taken of alt Carnival 'Tuesday evening and pus c wile of it may be had at the Smit Drugstore. It shows that photograph is um confined to the daylight, LARD OF THANKS -We Wish to ex press our sincere thanks for the sympa and kindly help tendered us in th death of our son 'Phos and Trust all ma be rewarded. Yours gratefaliv, TS AND MRS ELLIs t d • way n u T n at f reship' the Season i sea. v tr ft- we beg leave toremerk that Down leg Bros , who take an active interest i poultry, have a hen set already If til carat bits[ is the orae that gets Inc worn1 then the chicks to be hatched shrmld b tight in it for the promised bin of fare that le if they are atter a meat diet, HENRY AUSTIN BROUSE DECEASP.D.- The II °quota News reports Lite deceits al Mr Brouse, brother -in law to the tat las. Shaw, of Brussels as follows -Henry Austin Brouse, one of Iroquois meet active and respected cozens passed away suddenly nn Friday fore noon, Fels 9'h, in his 68th vear. Th circumstances of his death are as fol tows; On Saturday 3rd, he took to bey with an amok of pleurisy, induced- by severe cold On 1 huredav following 11 was able to be up, and the atteudin phislcinu pronounced tum in a fair War to recovery with no signs of a return o the disease. While in the bathtoon Friday forenoon he *appears to have fallen forward, it finning slight wound on his race, and possibly the shock mat have induced heart failure. He wa found in the bathroom in a semi-eonsei nus state and promptly put in bed where he lived only anew minutes. H was heard just before he died to repeat a passage of Scripture, and Mrs. Brous endeavored to rally bhp, but did not succeed, The sad news spread rapidly and soon the neighbors called to confirm what seemed to them incredible news, so few were aware of his illness Mt Brouse, was a son' of the late Geo. I. Brouse of Iroquois and grandam of the late Jacob Brouse, Iroquois, who was Captain of a Canadian regiment in the Battle of Wiudmdll Point, Prescott, in 1837, acid nephew of Senator Brouse. 13nrn do the township of Matilda. ot1 Dec 24. 1844, Mr arouse received his early education at the Iroquois Hlgh School under Dr, Carman, anti later taught for a few years it: the township of Matilda. At the age of 22 Inc moved 10 Prescott where lie was appointed agent of the P, & 0 Nov Go. in 1867 he married Carrie C Dunn, daughter of the late Wm Dunn. for many years Mayor of Prescott, 10 years inter he re moved to Ottawa, Where for 28 fears he was eneaeed in the wholesale fruit Wei ness In 1902 his wife died, One year later he roweled to Iroquois and engaC- ed in the coal and apple business. In the following1 0 year, 9 4• he Was united in marriage to Mrs Clues, Middagh, who survives him. Besides his widow, be leaves- to modrn his loss one sou, Harry, of Ottawa; one daughter, Carrie, of Spokane, WASH , and One brother, inlin A., of Ottawa. Deceased was a arm of strong coneletlr>ns, and possess cd the courage of them, He took a great interest in church work and lo the Temperance reform movement, indeed be was 8 leader in both, and his demise will leave a gap riot easily filled in the Commenify. His virtues far outshone his failings anti hie even Consistency of fife and his frank r a an fearless Etftul' d Tes. a r ,4 e on social, moral 1111( putslie questions left no doubt as to where he stood, and Waa a source ofetrength l0 itis friet,ds and the chase for which he stood, Mr. )rouse (jllatl with credit important e • • • • •• • • • • • • • A • • • • • offices of trust in the Methodist church • on the High Sellout Board and 'Council • Board In politics he was a staunch • Liberal. Interment was made in the • vault pending burial at Prescott in the •,. Spring. • •E'rtrnrn, Hockey team will play a game • with Brussels on the rind( here this • ('I'ht:rade)) eveniu5 • MONTHLY Horse Fait' 1'nlr no -day in • town. Next and last Fair for this • season will take place nn 'Thursday, • Aprcl4th. • THE snow plow, n dumping scraper • and a set of harrows evened up the • streets last Friday and Saturday cud • levelled the banks on 1 urnherry street. • BANQUET Fi Ida). evening to PI•esiden, • • Scot, in the 'rows I-lall. Guests are • expected to be seated at 8 o'clnek. A •• program , f Toasts, in mei :Terse(' with • musical aelecttons,.tvi;l be rendered • INDICATIONS are that navigation this • Spring will open nearly a month late, than the usual date With Like Supeti or fir zee over for the first lisle in a d, cede and at least six weeks of Winter ahea<I, tate canal authorities at Sault til, ns Marie do not expect they will be called upon before the middle of Mav to swing o the lock gates for the firer vessel. at MUST BE STOPPED. -Nonce is hereh' e given that speed skating will not be per mitred on Brussels rink except w n e regular races are on. 'Those ret tsiug to t comply with this rtgnest will be eske't a In leave tbe ice. Several persons, who were y beginners, have been Injured by col lisions with the speed artists hence the formulating of this rule. It must le a- obeyed. R TRENCH, e Proprietor Y HURON PUBLIC SONOMA PaaMnTloss -Annual Public School ro promo :Inn m ami rx- Anllilatl n will v II beLiv March 28ih 1912 R Panels will ar sheprepared fur t the Jewel and SeniorSee tid awl redid and the u Iunror Font th classes and copy sent fo' e each pupil 'file teacher); must uo'Ir, their inspector before March 91h. Ovine e the num',. r r,r panrr:: i gnired for each . class, '1•.e parcel of papers will beset)' to the teacher by mall about March 22nd, also full instructions for conduct e ing the exnnlinations, e SORRY TO PART --The meeting of the Loyal Temperance Legion was hell in the lecture room of the Public Librart • Flidae afternoon February 23rd at IIn usual hour The gathering was one of e special interesttakingthe nature of a - farewell to the Presidem. vises Merest - 1 et Stewart; with her, teeters, a ed hroihe.$ a all of incl! hive been most faithful en•' e interested .memhers•of Ole Legion'' for g several years. :After the usual .npennis rxercises Ray S'rwart Cave the Set iptit 1 reading eucl Nolte. Dekdniate,read tiro 1 lesson for the day..' Afler•another. i t no, the friends who wereleavirg were ask- s ed to, come forward The President was presented with the Legion Marinate s and other literature while each one re eeived the pretty little Legion button • Appropriate -remarks were mode bC He friends expressing regret at their (leper titre but wishing them all happiness and u success in their new home in Mairl:stone Sask. Arrangements were made for the Loyal Temperance Legion to take the meeting at the Epworth League in the Methodist church Wednesday after noon, The meeting was closed with singing and prayer after which refresh- ments were tervi'd, - THoa ELLI- BURtgn -Saturday even. ing the remains of ''hos. Ellis, of Duo - (turn, Snake arrived here and were talc en to the parental home from whence the funeral took place Monday afternoon to Brussels cemetery. Rev. Dr. Oei,'r, cunducled the service tool the nellbeer era were W. J McCracken, P pu'l'e', Geo. McNichol, )no Patch, Ruin. An Berson and Chas'Meadons. W H Ellis, of Saskatoon, <tec'nepanied the body fr tm the West, The following particulars are gleaned concerning the demise, peceased had co Me into Dun. darn on Sainrtlar from his fart)) 8 utile distant. He pari his teens in the livery barn and visited at D. Whithlg's for a short time After doing some 111411tess at the bank and 5121 Ing several accopin, lie went to the stable to see abntit his team tamer 6 ,,'clock and told the pro praetor he would sit itt the cutter for e while and have a rest, O,1 returning to the stable shortly after Mr. Ellis was found lying on the four with a newt- bruise asty bruise on hie fate and in eat. utlennscinns condition, dvingthurtIv Lifter Wheelie, he WAS kicked by a horse or fell against eaten partition was not known. A coroners inquest was held on Monthly auil the verdict was death from natural causes, supposed to he heart weakness Deceased had sold his farm at liatllfain but the papers were netentrrpleted His watch and money Were foupd in his pockets ''Seale n' 1 . < y flitch, Mr Ellis left for the Beet on the sail mission of hring- irtg the bride of his brother t1? Ilrtsssel,S E A antd Mrs. Mavbee, of Ineer,,lll, were here for the funeral The latter it a a emitter. ai. W. and Adis, Zi112. gsmeesteesseete •, o.ea W H. LOVE Funeral Director and Embalmer Orders promptly and care- fully attended to night or day. Phone 22S. 1 ETHEL, ONT. •`4r-mrT`► -, t Y ♦-ir• THE STANDARD SANK Established 1873 OF CANADA 80 Breashel MONEY ORDERS FOR SMALL SUMS Safety, convenience and low cote unite to make Money Orders issued by this Bank a most satisfactory way of sending small sums to any part of Canada. Under $5 . , . 3c. $10 to $30 .. , 10c. $5 to $10 ... 6c, $30 to $50 ... 15c. Drafts issued for larger amounts. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. a? BRUSSELS - BRANCH J. F. Ifees voland. Manager • YE OLDS FOLXE4 SYNGIN i' MEiTnNG will be held in 1'uwu Hall by the Ladies' Atd of Melville cbutch, program to coo. Mat of duets. quartettes, choruses, read- ings and dialogues, Date set is March 26th. CARNIVAL --The second masquerade Carnival ut the season was bald Tues- day eveniug and was a good drawiug ear(I there being a large attendance and many people to costume. Prizes were awarded as tallows :--National costume lady, Mins Stella Gerry, Highlaud ; Miss Carrie Hulgstun, Japanese. National costume gent, F. Gerry, Uncle Sam ; A. MeDiarmid, Pa•k ; Best dressed little girl, M. Wilton and H. Wtlktusua. Best Comic clown, T. Walker and 0. Wilbee, Best boy comic, Dubbte Currie and V. Acnes. Ladies' race, Stella Gerry and O. Arm- strong, Wbeelbarruw race, no. and Andy Currie, 10 lap race lady and gent, Stena Gerry and P. A. Hawk- sbaw ; M. J'numson and J.Currie. Buys race, W. Goodwin and J. Oliver. mite married man's race, 7 entries, N. F. Gerry and F. H. Gilroy. The Butteegie Hockey match in which a tuotbal served as the puck and brooms for sticks was played b y' a contingent of clowns and was quite tunny. Music was supplied by the Big Six Piece Band. Ice was La good shape and a very enjoy- able evening was spent. A FORMER BRUSSELITE HONORED:- Friday ONORED: Friday evening, Feb. 16th, lien. A. Crooks, sun of Geo, and Mrs. Crooks, of aeon, was honored by a banquet at Cal gary and Ting Po..T has pleasure in repruductug a portion of the report con eerutug the same because Mr. Crooks is use of the old boys ot Brussels and de erves all he gets and secondly that his worthy example may stimulate other touug men to faithfulness of service. We congratulate G. A. and wish him Inc best that's going. The Calgary Herald ot February 19th says :- t:ruuu's cafe was Inc scene of a brilliant can quet Friday night, wheu covers were set for so in honer of Geo. A. Crooks, the 111W vice•presndent and manager of he Calgary Furniture Store, Limited, Forty-six et Inc firm's Staff including the ..ffieera and directors, and six of the business and commercial friends of the. firm matte upInc party.F, F Hi" gg - or Victoria, B C • a p test nut of the Cal- gary Furniture ata vStore,Limited, presided. eslded. At his tight was Ole guest of honor, Geo. A. Crooks, who l:avmg been with the firm since its lnceptiuu 12 years ago, Inas by hard work and strict attention to the details of Inc business, now occupies the vice president's and manager's chair if this progressive busluess. - After par- taking of a full course dinner, P. F. Higgs, president of the firm, sounded the gavel and paid a tribute to the offi- cers, directors and staff 01 the company tor Inc position the store had •attained; although be was absent from the active tutereste of the arm, he appreciated the co-operation sad the - heartiness with Which ell the ii>embers of The Calgary Furniture Store, Limited, bad worked w bring the store's setvtce to as near modern perfection as hemi, hands could make it. Tlte'Coast, "Phe Kang" was drauk end Mr, Hrggs.theu proposed the toast ot the evening. - ' Geo. A. Crooks, our newVtce•Presldept and. Manager." The round of cheers, the prolonged clappnug of !sods evinced the popularity ot Mr.. Crooks with the et: - tire staff of the stores business' and con• n:ercicil associates. - -Mr: Higgs referred.'. to the personal, pleasure it afforded him o preslde'at an affair of this kind,'"in• asmuch as he had raised "the boy in whose honor they were gathered. :'He made menton of the days when the , business wee smaller than it is to day, of els right hand bower, Geo. Crooks to whom be had entruete(l 'the smaller. ,retails of the business and now that the business bad assumed larger proportious to the ' bey' who was faithful in the small thiogs, was to he entrusted the care and responsibility of the lal'ger business. 'Pun speaker congratulated' Mr. Crooks ou his rise in the f, m's buss. nese and assured ham of the confideree and esteatn in Which hewasheld by the directors of the company. Mr. Crooks elthoagh completely overcome gathered himself together and after thanking the president and the firm, humorously said. that when he came to Calgary several years ago, he Was $25o in the hole, and now after 12 years in the .country he: could truthfully say he owned thous- ands, where 12 years ago he only owned hundreds, that it was hard to estimate Whether or sot he was better off. Mr. Crooke assured the president and direc- tors that Inc always looked forward to a Bine when tie would be at the head of the frac. and had always worked to that end and now that his ambitions Were realized he would ask that every member of the firm anid staff from the President - cjown to the "boy' in uniform at the door" to ro-operate- with him to make the store's prestige Min 'mote felt and to create a standard of service uuvaryieg and to sustain it. This would be his recompense and be would ask for ttotli- ngg•' more, The ectire banquet was per- w aded by a- boosting co operative spirit relative to the Calgary Furniture Store, Limited in general atld Mr, Crooks, tiro new manager in patiou a l r and with h Incg pe to alt mid untiri e v n devotionof d v io a Ylive organizations, we hespeelt a great future for the Calgary Futnetlre Store's nosi- ness in the yenl's t0 .Genie and we eget- OUT congratuiattons to Mr, Crooks On 31s appoilitmont Mid wish 1itn yeats of useful Effort to the faun whose 1a1152 lie has so geuerousiy given hiulse'f to for the last 12 years. AORN BARRL1lY In Br'ose<(a, en Feb 221td, 10 MI•, 51,11Mrs <}eorge Be Eli ley .11, totter, Fox, -T1, Brn set,, on Feb. 22.11 Go Mr and Mre Syer-agh Heveaoli,-Ilve-n Bt1;111'10, 50, m1 Fedeb,n17th,ter, to Mr, and Mrs, Joint Belfrmb it trom, MARR/Ep-- AauloN-XrANA,-Ab the home of the bride, Gerrie, ou February 21-t, by Rev, H T. Ferguson, of Eiaenrdiae, imitated by Rev W- J Ashtuu, of Thenlrkvlbe, and Bey, .7, W, Hibbert. o1 Gerrie, Mr. Hilton 10 Ash- ton of Gerrie, to 1111.5 Alberto Annetta, daughter• of lir. and Mra, Wm Evans, of Corrie, OOOE-$aLL.-By ltev. J. W. Hibbert, m, February 2101, at the residence of the bride,. parents,. Fl ()wick townehip, Alt Cheater Bell, of 111ifford, to Miss Martha, daughter of Air, and 1110, Janes 13o11, of Howi. PaAN1tLINek-SI;ENMnN,-12t the' home of rite bride's parents, on February 21st, by Rev. D. Wren, M. A., Mr, Netepn Franklin, of St George, Ont , to Miss Mina Bernice, on- ly daughter or Nr. and hire, Wm. Slew ' mon, or Ethel,. t1ANON-Wioono-In Howtolt township on "-WO good a,ws Pnr ante, Will calve early. Frbruer•yy21x1, by Rev, .1. W. Hibbert, or s Also general pnrp,se gelding rtaing 8 Corrie, Mr, Emmanuel 11 Mahon, or Wat• yrai'a. Apply un W1 i,,,0 22, Con, 11, Grey pole, Heak , to lilies. M7.hel W r {Blit, dnngl,- rew'nahiP. J. J. L4 -0112A LITE, ter o 1 Air. end Mrs. Geo.Bantry, 01 Foy - 84.11 tirito hroolc P. O. Tie {re. t N rth Western Tel graph Co. I desire 10 direct the attention of the poblio generally to the fact that during the past week one miller has been supplied with it conn etitive tariff whereby we can handle all telegrams to and from '111 points i,1 the West at the aallil; rttl('5 214 usher competing Cvnlpau- iee. I wish It) puiut out portico• hotly blot we have excellent facil- ities for handling busiliesa to Poi t .Arthur', Fort \\'illiutu, iiegine, hlasittttuuu, I+1111wniwn, Calgary, 1'Vinnipeg, Vao9never, Vietulin, &e., &r. As our Ono' pally reaches Winnipeg by direct wire froth emit it, and Vtulcotnver with but one repetition we are 10 a position 3(1 i'ell(ler 11111' ptttl'11115 ILII 2X10011. high' prompt servive to sod from all points \Vest, \Ve solicit your patronage. Jams Fox MANAGER. BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat Oats Pens )Barky B88 5090 41 45 1 05 1 98 75 85 - MI 94 Eggs 54 55 Potatles 70 75 Spy 12 00 12 00 Bogs 9 '19 0 40 1tattle ' - 1 50 5 75 Wool. - - 12 18 • The People's Column C/ED Harmon -In Blyth, on Fel, 21st, Thomas Joseph, infant San of John and Mrs. Ref, fron. aged 5 days, B1nawwcss-Irl Brussels, on Feb. 28th, Hasel Ipso,' youngeet daughter or Jobe and Bar riot Sinn/Iona, aged 10 years, 1 month mid 22 da e7AUNDSRyes. -At Pipebtone, Man ,m, February 2114t, Juan Parks, beloved wife or Rev. A R Maunders, in her 8Whln year. w;TLxraeON -In Belgrave, en February 27th, Jame. tyilltinson, in his 80th Tear, AUCTION SALES MONDAY,- MARCO dna -Postponed Auetinn Sole or faun stook. implements, Rao, Lot 85 Con 10. Grey. Sale at 1p m. Wm, Vann, A. S 50051, .Ana.. TIIRSAAY, MANUn, 5ma -Farm stork, inn• elements,ezn , Lot 20, Pan 7; Grersale nn - reserved at Ip. m. Harry Keys, Prop F, -N, Scott, Ana WEDNRBDAY, MAaoa 81111 -Farm stack, im- plements Ao , B3 Lot 17, Con 4, Morris, Sale'withont ro.erve at 1 p. m. dances Cloak. ey, Prop. F. S. Scott, Aum. • MISS MAUDF C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal ermine*. Al el''ormiuir Neurological Units e, Ohtellge, 111. Is prepared to test eyes and at glosses at her home, 4th Line, Morris. • Phone 1.210 i.,IOLT-E ANI) LUT nirsale or to rest, -As I pis-po.o lensing Bt assets sho.r'outhrtly my encse tied tot on 7 berry urn bry •nicer, , is ,ffered roti .ale er to rent. Pup esstntl can be lad April lat. Have aSe-rm• role 1 black driv 1 ng mare tieing II s tars, 1 set mi ii el. homeag, 1 top. buggy, 1 wheelbal•t'ow mita 1 anal heater. Apply at nitre to J. W 1SE11 42Y. Phone No. 55 Brussels, Man Wanted A good all round farm hflnd, by the year preferred. Good osis, stork ; srnreely any comping or milking to do ; �ph+s a,l2 piper to liver; trntpr+'ntelp.m nrefr'ered nPres1•nt plan m, Bt,i year. -Apply, staring 1,'pg2r nersotl• _ally,-ta DAVID MILNII, Ethel. GREAT _ Commencing �Sstwrth y January 21f u 9 � Read -to-w ar° Suits II Iiilll and Overco f: is TO Per cent off regular price Far and fur-itpell :Coats N eauy Winter Mitts -runks awl Suit Cases Anda big Reduction in all lines of Shoes bhcrs such as - $5.00; Shoes for X4,00 4.00 " 3.00 3,00 ; " 2, 10 ' . Rubbers, 73c ger pair per 'Shoes must be cle'ar'ed out in the next two weeks e i.s to make -room for newS rin roods which we li ' h 'will , ll tealg� J.o y u about, later. The above is Sirn lY asa tv'1 - 's � pie oiFthe many Bargains r�" offered. \\v E. C. Dunford CLOTHIER. AND { • I1J.IZNI5HLR e1