HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-2-29, Page 4rit5oti les#
Wemetee)Ay of last week nahered in
the Lenten season,,
Yrs 1 this is an open Winter all right.
v— •
It Ce of the street' car variety—open at
each end.
NEW Hamburg belles out -pointed the
fair damsels of Wellesley village at
Hockey the other evening in the latter
place by a score of 3 to x. A funny
thing is that square decisions were given
by A, Kube as referee.
JUDGE CHA1tA0NNEAU says the Ne
',remove does nut invalidate the marriage
relation, In a former suit Judge
Laraldeau said it did, so it up to the
Privy Council to settle the matter it the
litigauts are not satisfied.
THE Scotch curlers are away to their
home after a most enjoyable pinery in
Canada. They liave invited a team
from this Dominion to pay them a re-
turn visit next Winter which may be
accepted. The visitors were greath
impressed with the land of the Maple
Leaf and will no doubt prove first -etas'
advertising mediums.
THAT Telephone deficit iu ,the Gov
ernment owned system in Manitoba,
with a top-notch rale charged, will re-
quire a large quantity of sugar to make
it palatable for swallowing by the elec-
iors. Premier Roblin will have to plat
the wizard in up -to date form to hold on
to office, so some of bis friends affirm.
A NUMBER of Chinamen are working
their way into Uncle Sam's territory at
Detroit, crossing on the ice and thereby
avoiding the lynx -eyed border officials.
"John" may lose his queue but he will
not give the cue to the brass buttoned
gent who says "Who goes there ?' and
in this respect is just as mute as the
folks who run the gauntlet without pay
ing the duty.
LAW is an expensive luxury. A legal
row has been on between the Electric
Railway Co and the city of Winnipeg
to which it is said the latter will be sad
dled with $Ioo,000 costs. Case was
carried to the Privy Council. There is
little doubt but au arbitration settle-
ment would cost less and possibly ar
rive at a more understandable decision,
as very frequently a case turns on some
point of law inwhich the real action is
not touched.
HA'rs off to Sir McKenzie Bowels.
He is in his 88th year and as spry as
many a man at 6o. For 77 years he has
been a live newspaperman and what is
equally unique is that all of those years
he has had connection with the Belleville
Intelligencer. Sir McKenzie owes his
serene old age no doubt to a good con
stitution in the first place and also from
thef'act that he has kept in touch with
the activities of life. Many an elderly
person hastens the "shuffling off" la‘
rustiug out. Probably Mr. Bowell
had to keep hustling to keep up his
'ruuRsDAY's blizzard blew Hon
George P. Graham into the Dominion
Parliatnent as M. P. for South Renfrew
The contest was not of the rock
ing chair variety on either sides. This
was the first bye election since the
political slide last September and was
all the more noteworthy by the evident
determination of the Government to
keep Hon G. P. out of the House
Guess it was a better pill for Dr.
Maloney as he was defeated at the
general election last ball by Mr. Low
who resigned to open the Seat for Hou.
Mr, Graham.
A man named Sandt aviated across
Lake Erie from Erie, Peon., to Port
Rowan, Norfolk Co., iu the short space
of 34 minutes. On the return trip his
machine went wrong and he came down
to the ice with a smash, to miles from
home A resetting party found him
and jubilated over his safe return. He
says he dial not perspire very much on
tate trip. Mr. Sandt must have good
nerve toattempt such a flight in mid -
Winter, when it is considered the dis-
tance is 35 miles and the flying, machine
2,000 feet in the stir and going at the
rate of better than a mile a minute,
That's flying all right, we would about
as soon walk over on the ice. The loth
century will see many a marvel and it is
by people of the spunk of Sandt that re-
cords are matte. Mr. Saudt is evidently
not wanting in "sand."
"5000 FAc'rs Asotrr CANADA" FOR.
i tz,—The 1012 Edition of that popular
and indisp ensible 'booklet, " 000
P 5 sees
about Canada" compiled by Frank Yeigh,
the widely known writer and lecturer,
and author or "Through the Heart of
Canada", is now oat and is replete with
new matter, including an outline map of
a calendar' and the new Census
nada (.et su
Ga S
figures. Ta compact form is found a
wealth of facts and figures of the it
Will that Doinlh•
t rove a revelation of our
latucal resources and growth.th. T
of inforrnatien, gathered with infinite
pains, should be in the heeds of every in
Ocr} InIngredients
T a Re
mote atrrOWtb when Pro peril,Dom-
Resorcin is ono of Lite most effective
germ destroyers ever disuovered by
science, and in connection with Bela
Na titol, which is both germicidal
and autiseptie, a cuulbiwation is form-
ed which destroys the germs which
rola the hair of its natural nourish -
Went, and also cteettes a clean, healthy
condition of the Scalp, which prevents
the development of new germs.
Pilocarpux, although not a coloring
matter or dye, is a well-known ingre-
dient for restoring the hair to its
natural color, when the loss of hair
has been caused by a disease of the
Ptiese ingredients in proper combina-
tion, with alcohol added as a atimu
lent and for its well-defined 'tourist'.
ing properties, perfect perhaps the
most effective remedy that is known
for scalp and hair troubles.
We have u vemedy which is chiefly
composed of these ingredients, in com-
bination with other extremely in-
valuable medicinals agents. We
guarantee it to positively cure dan-
druff and to grow hair, even though
the scalp in spots is bare of hair. If
there is any vitality left in the roots,
it will positively curee baldness, or
will refund yourIuoley. If the s ttl
has a glazed, shiny appearance, it's an
indication that baldness is permanent,
but in other instances we believe
baldness is curable.
We want every one troubled with
scalp disease or loss of hair to try
Rexall "93" Hail Tonic. If it does
not cure dandruff and grow hair to
the satisfaetiou of the user, we will
without question or quibble return
every cent paid ns for it. We print
this guarantee on every bottle. It
has effected a positive cure in 93% or
cases where put to aractical test.
Rexall "93" Hair `Tonic is entirely
unlike, and we think, in every partt-
olrlar, better than anything else we
know of for the purpose for which it
is prescribed. We urge you to try
this preparation at our entire risk.
Oerteinly we know of no better
guarantee to give you. Remember,
you can obtain Rexall Remedies in
Brussels only at Dile store—The Rex -
all Store. F. R. Smith.
telligent Canadian, and the wide sale
and popularity of the publication Is easi-
ly understood. Copies may be bad for
25 cents from The Canadian Facts Pub-
fishing Co. 667 Spadina Ave. Toronto.
(intended for last week)
Alfred Lowry is not enjoying very ro•
bust health but we trust the arrival of
Spring will prove beneficial.
THE POST welcomes Will. Anderson,
of Monis, to Brussels. He has taken an
Interest in the livery business with N.
Athol McQuarrie, of Goderinh, is
away to Algonquin Park ou a holiday
trip with Photographer Sallows on a
viewing expedition.
Miss Carrie McCracken bas been ap-
pointed on the permanent teaching staff
in the Manning Avenue School, Tor-
onto. The Principal of this school is
MrFraser, a
of J. T.
s J
Wood, of Brussels. We wish Miss Mc-
Cracken the best success obtainable.
J. T. Curtis, formerly of this locality
who is teaching at Seaforth. has resign•
ed and will take a position as teacher at
Ottawa. The initial salary will be
$rioo. He will he succeeded et Sea•
tortb by Alfred Naylor, of Auburn, who
is to receive $SSo. Mrs. Naylor is a
daughter of Chas. Seel, of Cranbrook,
and was also a teacher before her mar_
riage. We wish all concerned success.
Jumping with Nervo Pain,
That's how you feel with neuralgia.
But why lie awake at night, grumble
or complain—get busy with a bottle of
Nerviliue. It does act like magic,
seeks nut the pain and destroys it.
Harmless and certain, instantiri effect,
nothing is so popular as Nerviline for
aches and pains of all kinds. Try it
for lumbago, test it in rheumatism,
prove it iu neuralgia, pleurisy or colds.
You'll soon acknowledge that Nervi -
line beats theta all. Sold everywhere
in large 25c. bottles.
Maitland Presbytery
The Presbytery of Maitland met in
Teeswater on Thursday, Feb. xftb, for
he induction of Mr. Bradley. lately of
Berlin. Mr. McIntosh, the new minister
of St, Helens preached a very appro
priate sermon from John 21 ; 4, emphasiz-
ing the importance of the conscious Pres-
ence of Christ to the success of the minis.
try. The Moderator presided and induct-
ed the minister -elect to his new charge.
Mr. Perrin addressed the minister and
Mr. Perrie suitably addressed the con-
gregation, emphasizing the impOrtanceof
reverence of God, His Church. His
ministers, His word,
Mr, Bradley was introduced to the
members of iris congregation by Mr.
Perrie and Mr, Little. He enters on his
new sphere of labor under most favorable
A call from Moorefield in favor of Mr.
Perrin was presented by the Clerk, offer
Ing $qoo stipend with manse and three
weeks vacation. Mr, Dobson, Clerk of
the Presbytery of Saugeen, prosecuted
he call, giving excellent reasons why
'he translation should be granted.
Messrs. Gibson, Davidson and Edgar re-
ferred to the work Mr. Perrin had done,
but since Mr. Perrin wished toaceept the
call, they would put no obstacle in the
way. Mr. Perrin then accepted the call,
and the translation was granted to take
effect on and after 25th February, and
Mr. Ball of Molesworth was appointed
interim Moderator to declare the pulpit
vacant on 3rd March.
Belmore and McIntosh ,will call Mr.
A. Gibson of Knox College, end Dun
ganuon and Port Albert will call Mr,
Gomm, of Knox College, when they
have completed their oonrses in the
Spring. Meanwhile these charges are
being supplied by ministers already ap-
pointed. • W. J. WEse, Clerk.
When buying a cough medicine for
children beat' in mind that Chttrrlber-
lairs s Cough Remedy is most eifectttal
for colds crow and whooping colth
and 016111 wattles no hapinl rl drug.
For sale by all dealers,
•ee• oriel iii••ommmiromeolimoim eimu ••••••eisome i••s ii
All Feeds at Lowest Possible Prices
Blatchford's Sugar & Flax- •
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hoge, and•
. m
Blatchford's 'Fill the Basket Egg Mash'
We are also the Sulo Agents fou' ibis ferrilury for
the celebrated
Blatchford's Calf M ear
(Established in England in 1800.) A perfect milt
substitute—a result of over 100 years experience in
feeding calves. Also
For Chickens. Give it a trial and be onnvinced
From ino, T. Denbow, of Deleau.
Mau., formerly of this locality, the foll-
owing note was recieved aecompanvIng
hissubscriptinu to 'Pau Pose,: "We are
having very nice weather in Manitoba at
present, quite mild but have had it very
severe, even as eold as 5: below zero but
"we don't feel the cold here von know,"
Crops in this settlement were very good
last year, the harvest came off early and
most of the peopl'e. got their grain to
market before the wet season came on.
Wish 'i'Hs Pos'r every success."
DEAR Ma. KERR —My better hell has
so often 1 eminded me that'l't1E BRUssEu.s
Pos'r was so far past due that my sensi-
tive nature will not hold out hold longer
so am enclosing von a postal order.
In reading 'TUE PosT Irom week to
week we are much -impressed that ho
Ulan% of our old timecustoulers havet
'passed away. bust 25 tears since we left
Brussels and what changes in that time
and only very few of our associates re-.
main. How much we would enjoy meet-
ing them.
I am pleased to report that we are in a
very gond district with nice people and
veru friendly. But all new countries are
deprived of the fellowship of the church
end we miss it so much. The only re-
deeming feature. (if it issuch) we are all
so rushed that time passes quickly. Just
imagine almost 3 years since we came
West. Tile improvements in that Lime
Morrie Oouncil
Minutes of Oounoil tweeting held in
Ill Morels; 1 1
111 To,t t ci i 1 y
eI 1 ,
pp All remembers
tbtuat 1 lT� the
F 2 A
present., Reek iu chap Minutes of
last tegulul meeting vend null approv-
ed. Lallilaw--Elulon—That we refund
Phil. Ellison $10 taxes, Caviled.
Thuell—Elston— That the Council
n femme along
make1In grants 1 wire Ill L4
trl.sidrs slaw tied. Pviteer--Thucll
lin Wt. buil,1 a steel su eretx'uctole
It p
with 1nul:eetc abutments acus Melt -
land Rivet, at Cittr•k'e Bridge stud that.
Olerk be instructed to ash for tender's
for the next wleetlug.-Carried. Audi
tors' Report was received !yids extemin- '
ed and len motion by Tlwu'll— Laid-
law well adopted. Laidlaw Frvteer--
lhut a rate 3% be added to taxes not .
paid on or before the 15th dtty of
December 1912.—Oerried, Following
accounts were passed and paid :-1t..
Johnston, Auditoit, $10 00; Peter I\lc-
Nabb, Auditne. $10.00 ; A. Porter-
field, Bylaws Blyth creek drain, $16.-
00 ; A. MacEwen, express on rolls,
Mote ; 1-1. Geddes, fumigating house
atoll material, $6.00 ;,Blyth Standard,
tdversitiug,• ; 'JohOaniss,
light tit bridg$1,00e, $11.00 n ; Hul'onrMx-
positnr, advertising. $6.32' Phil. Elli-
son, refund of tuxes, $10.00 ; Archie
Kelm, fence viewer $3 00 ; Eli Case -
mope, fence -viewer, $8 00 ; Gerry &
Beir i1P
• W. J 9
hl+l cement, 925 1 ,$
farm beidgr Smith Drain $35.01) ; A.
Shaw, Governmentreport, $200. The
Council then adjourned . to meet at
the Township Hall on Monday, Match
4th, at 10.30. A. A'IAeiiiwwx, Clerk,
are marvellous.. We have the North
half of Section 10 T. P. d ,, Range 28
West of the 3rd tear, coneidered A 1. iVloney Back
We put in to5 acres in tett. Wheat,
oats and this All looked must promis-
ing when hailed to the extent of about
5o per cent and one week later fi oat took
what the hail missed. so that a large
percentage of the crops would not pay
the threshing, iu fact quite n lot of it
still remains in shock not being able to
get machines in time. As belure staters
we have a fine class of settlers very Pro-
gressive and large amount of breaking
was done during the past seusnu. We
have 175 acres ready for the drill in the
Spring and sincerely hope we nlev be
favored with more satisfactory returns,
Mrs. Watson joins in sending kindest re-
gards to you and Mrs Kerr and all old
friends. Sincerely yours,
P. S. -We are just 6S utiles due North
of Macklin, Sask. You will know from
the attached clipping that alacklin is a
place of some importance. the revenue
of the post cfiice forthe past year tieing
$2,240, the second largest between
Saskatoon and Wetaskiwin,
Do you know that fully nine out of
every ten cases of rheumatism are
simply rheumatism of the muscles sine
to cold or damp, or chronic rheu-
matism, andrequfre no internal treat-
ment whatever ? Apply Chamber-
lain's Liniment freely and see how
quickly it gives relief. For sale by all
makud of
with h PUR
ATER seeing a batch of
big, gold n -crusted, snowy
white loaves, that you
have baked from PURITY
FLOUR, you will, indeed, be
proud of your cooking-ability—
and proud of your wisdom in
deciding to . pay the little extra
it costs to procure such high-class flour.. You will
admits too, that we are justified in the pride we take.
in milling this superb flour.
"More bread and'better etter bread"
PURITY FLOUR is milled
exclusively from the best West-
ern lard wheat—the world's
finest. Morethanthat,PURITY
FLOUR consi is entirely of the
high-grade portions of the wheat.
The low - grade portions are
separated and excluded during
the PURITYrocess of milling.
Such high-class .flour, of course,
expands more in the baking.
It makes "more bread and
better bread."
'u • take the pre-
makes lighter, flakier pastry, too, if youjust p
caution to add more shortening. On account of its unusual
strength PURITY 'LOUR, for best results, requires moreg than ordinary shorteningflour.
Progressive dealers, everywhere, sell PURITY FLOUR
and take pride in recommending it. ,
Add PURITY FLOUR to your grocery list ri ,ht: nor. roe.
Mold y
� il, L7 s
. , PTL,
11. YON,, ,
ROSS, (1 �( 1T
Jas. Fox Guarantees Parisian
Sage for Dandruff and Falling
Think of it dear reader, if PAR-
ISIAN SAGE isn't the mast invignrat-
ing and pleasant hair dressing you
ever used—money back.
If. it doesn't banish dandruff. stop
hair from falling and do away with
scalp itch—money back. 50 cents at
Jas. Fox's and druggists everywhere,
"PARISIAN SAGE as a hair grow-
er and scalp cleaner is all rigilt."—
Mrs. Dora M. Daniels, Williamson,
W. Va.
"PARISIAN SAGE cured lie of
terrible itching of the scalp."—Mrs.
0.P. Pupe, Oxford, Ala:
Auction Sales
Tho Public !Garton raked.
Unsorupulous dealers actuated sty
surge imitate ()flee teeomulend corn
0111•ee "116 gond as htttiltun s," There Ca
`ori D
Lt11t l
(lova tins ,
one tit
oil tl 1
only ag
is a
that hi Petition's u•ttich
nlhaole of eLllulelioy and promptness,
Use no other.
Wain wvs, &o.—F, 8. 88111, enet•ianear,
has been inatrnete¢ by the undersigned to sell
by public 50,4011 at Lot 20, Con 7, Grey, on
Tuesday, Month 5111, nt 1 o'olook ehorp,
the following property, viz, 1-1 snare rising
6 years, 1 draft horse rising 1 years, 1 heavy
mase rising 4 yenre, 1 heavy mare 7 years old,
l heavy %mire II years old in foal, 1 driving.
homed years old, 1 heavy filly rising 1 year,
light filly rising 2years, 1 fresh tnilolt.cow, 7
mileh cows supposed in calf, 1 heifer 2 years
old, D Moors rising 1 year, 0 heifers rising 1
year, 1 Yorkshire sow with litter, 2 Yorkshire
brood sows, 14 store pigs, b stens, 1 Measey-
Harris binder 7 foot out nearly new. 1Massey.
Ramie mower, 0 foot not nearly new, 1 Ma5sey-
Barrie cultivator with seed box, 1 lumber
wegan, 1 buggy, 1 oetter, 1 pair bob sleighs, 1
Perrin 2 furrow riding plow, 1 Fleury plow
No.21, 1 set diamond harrow 4 rentions, 1 hay
loader. 1 Renfder. 1 fanning mill, '1 cream
separator, 1 set single hnrnesn, 2 set team
Inrn ss, bay fork, ear. ropes and pulleys,
about 400 bus nate, quantity of barley nwheel', about 70 tons of hay, 1 wagon box. 1
rhaatl ranter Month, scythes,forks,
rakes, Minim, and other articles nuttier.
oun to mention, Ante' unr,perved as pro-
prietor is going West, Terms— 5500 and
euder wish ; over Mint umnunt8 months credit
will be given on furnishing approved joint
notes ; 4 per cent off for cash on credit
amnunts. HARRY KEYS, Proprietor.
SemOu, imPrstr uses, &o.—F S. Scott,
auctioneer, hes been instrueted by tiro under-
signed to sell by public auction at S54 Lot I7,
Den 4. Morrie on Wednesday, Mara n 11th, at 1
'o'clock. the following property :-1 team draft
mares 12 yours old one in foal, 1 draft horse
Dolt 2 yeare old, 1 tidying horse 4 years old, 1
' blood mare dolt 2 years old. 6. ntileh cows aup-
posed in onlr. O waves, 9 Rood ewes, 2 brood
same in pig,. 2" liens, 4 geese avid gender, 1 7 -ft.
11't'ornlick binder nearly new, 1 04t, McCor-
mick mower new, 1 0 -horse tloOormirk euiti-
"vetnr new, I Mammy -Harris mower and pea
luervester 1 Deering horse rake new, 1 Noxon
drill. 1 land roller, 2 Perrin riding plows, 1
Fleury plow, 2 Tee•nynter plows, 1 sod plow, 1
gang plow, 1 gaudier, 110•hnuse-power eonv-
'pfete, 1 Verity cutting box with blower, 2 sets
,iron harrows, 1 fanning mill with 2 sets sieves,
1 Maple Leaf grinder 1 grain erut•her, 1 corn
nutting outfit o.msiating of 151E p. 'W'eteronn
engine and No 10A Throne blower box, 1 mull,
I slit or slings, a threshing belts, 1 new lumber
wagon, 1 set truche, I om-t, 1 buggy 1 nutter,
1 pair bob -sleighs. 1 saddle, 1 sot single liar•
mane, 1 net teals horn PPS, 1 tet plow harnen,, 1
Hair Scotch top nadirs, 1 Mnaormmk mrelon.
separator now, 1 wagon box. 1 gravel box, l
sleigh box, 1 wood rack. 1 straw reek, 1 hnv
reek. 1 bn • beeenw, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 set 1200
lb. anion,1 erindetone tAtone bent, 1noir of
log bunk, 1sugar lreItie, 1salt trough, 1 int -
Id' polo, 2 bogey writes. 60 Kin baokete aka
Sillies. 1 s in pun, s hue bivea, n groin (trainee.
100 bat manes mils, '0 has good barley, 40 bus.
of lvinber•, numbenn r of of
nests, 1 Cool stove,
1 boater, Molina of s,oarou ,. othe,'scythes, fucks.
rakes. Molina encs nmmerona other articles.
Rale unreserved as nronrietor has sold 1111
farm Terms -36 end under nosh 1 over that
amount 8menthe credit given on'fm'tdeldng
approved joint :note.s; 4 per cent Off for cash
on credit amounts. Play and erain cash,
,jA7IES OLOAKEY, proprietor.
are looking fur an in eet-
ment that will bring you
large returns write 1'(11'
pat'Hculars (unit. Calgary
and Athabaska Lansing.
Alberta farms also for sale,
!teal Estate 13i oke.t
1174 Boulevard N. W.
Calgary, Alta.
Clubbing list
THE POST has macre hero Opine]] le
10 club with I he following papers end
1hr'y will be sew1 to ritly address (ex -
rept United Stales 60l efts extra) at
the followhrg subscription priiee;---
Weekes 1
POST and 'Lw'uuta Globe .. , $1 0n
+' Mail and 1.uipite 1 00
' Landow Ail vet riser..,..,, 160
landau levee Preys 180
Ptoul1y herald &'Stili' 1 80
idmita vul \ViWuoss 180
Weekly 13111 .. ,.,, 180
Farmers' Advocal e 235
Northern 1\lessengee. 135
Poker ants 'P/rms Sltu' , $2 20
Tot onto News 285
Toron10 Globe 460
'Sarni) to Nlail Lmpir2 4611
Toronto World ,.. , 3 O
London /1d vt.t titer 2 81)
Onllat the (1113,10 111' 5511,1 the amount
Stock for Sale by P. 0. tartlets Express Order or nog.
I`lila POST,
Bi wisest On •
1 t
lair I t G Letter,
Nine choicely
bredShot t
u B
s 8 t
months old, liede and ',res iuohul11• the 1st
and 2nd prize winners; nt
Blot Huron hull
Show, Are throe and full of quality from good
milking dans; got by ilrnlort, r1 sit a and some
of them from imported damn. Cows and heif-
ers prize winners 61 head t0 select from, I
have also for sale n 7 menthe' old filly by Bar-
on Black. imported : a good work horeet n tow
pairs of grate Lelepater ewes ; and a pate of
young Yorkshire sown to litter in Murch. They
are out of a litter of 14 and their dam hod 60
good living nitre at 4litters, As feed is likely
to be scarce 1 will sell any of the above stock
et lowest prioeo end on easy terms
DAVID MfLNE, Ethel, Ont,
Notice to Creditors
1e the matter of the estate of Conrad
Bernath, 111.0 of the 'Tou'nslnip 01
Grey, in the County of Huron,
gentleman, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pureusut.to Statute,
that all creditors and others haying claims.
against the est tad of the e111d Coated Bernath,
Who died on or about the twentydirat day.
of January, 1012, ere re oired,oe or ;before
the 1501 cloy of Mnreh, 1012, 10 send by post
prP aid, 0r deliver to F'. S Aeot't, BrtiSsels,
11'� pp e t •m•a of. the do•
P O Agent t'l the Ex m t
oonsud, their Christian and xurenrnrs, nddr0s•
u 4,s
Pen and descriptions, satsni
teeno of their
ncuunteartnitl•t the entd' esteto and also the
nature of 1 h 55ourity lit nn) bold by thein.
And further take no(Iee that after such last
mentioned date the Executors will proceed
t0 distribumotets ttets of the dereased
amongst the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only 10 the elatms of which they shall
then have got notian, and' that the staid iuxoek•
tors will not be liable for the acid assets or
any ;girt thereof to env person 0r persons' of
Whose lotus notice vhell nal have Mere reo01w
ad by them t, the lime of analis dlottihution.
v , ,t is 10th do of Fobri
Dated 9t, Zhnnras Uh
Witt Ili535 t, laxe0ut0t'5,
84-0 W1LLIalxM Go,•itnrir,
Stock for Service
r.,ram'Avr;izvd.,:riarsa xo.y....uvev.s u
gfar Supnrtor' Business 0r Hhorthnnd Ed.
i! tunttun is Ilia ,*''at and Pepnlht'
!J Ls -U TT
Grednal es n Oil) obtain geed prod.',
Lot 20, (1on, 7, Morrie, 11 thorough -bred Tanl- )1 noes rood the demand in fully three 6.
worth hog. Terms, $L00, to be laid at time of -4 times our supply. This eo'lege
service wish privilege or returning it neees- cpm, ntt y'm•, 141orl'115 bays lately 0.1
sary, S. WALKER, . taken pot clans nt 550,360,576 and 5100 ;„
1041) Proprietor. i.'61 per month. Enter now. Catalogue
i tree.
Cor Young mad i W. J. ELLIOTT, tp
The People's Column Alnxmrdur Sts, i Principal. y
i4bs..6Vit ACA x rzfo!?a0•t':i raV +>E^a'4
FAR6r FOR SALE.— Estate of late James
Olennau, being 171 Lot,"2, Con, 8 Morris
towner ip, containing 100 acres, 8 aurae of 15111511
is bush, Good bank hurt and never Miliog
spring close to barn, Goofs stock farm, Must
be sold at once For terns apply at office of�■
THE POST, Brussels. 84.4 HFairs airs 911
FOR SALE.—Goodpneuntitle tire buggy ,al-
most t1. w, ivitll automobile seat ; a steel
tired buggy, almost new, automobile sent ; 1
good jumper (latter. inmost new ; 2 goad gent
robes, 1 eat of good Dingle harness, 2 strings of
bells, Aleo a good brink dwelling house and
comfortable stable 011 Queen street, For fur -
thee particulars apply to GEORGE BROWN',
Brussels, 89-tf
e- AINM FOR SALE.—Being 1434 of Lote 64 and
66, Con. 1, Morrie township, containing 100
cores. On the fawn is a good flame house, 22
x 0034 ; kitchen 18 x 221 ; and woodshed 211x80.
The mart is 00x00; straw shed 80x40; and lean-
to 1640 Stone wall with good stebang order
barn. Never -nailing wane and gogdorchard.
Only 1'4 mile to school and a mile to chat ch or
postothce. Deed may be mean. Terme learned
on application to proprietor.
00.10 Jamestown P. O.
,—The undersigned offers
for sale his 100 acre how, bung Lot 27,
Oon.11, Grey township. There are about 80
novas under cultivation and 5 acres of hard-'
wood bunk ; good buildings, batik bars well,
Windmill, &e.; 215 miles frau ohuroh ; X mile
from school ; and 214 miles from postulfee.
Possession on March let. For further partiea-
tars apply on the premises or Ontnbroolk P 0.
to DRAB. LOVE.Prop. Phone 2012 26.8
deraigned offel•s his fine 200101 a Tarin be-
t • Lots 17 and 18,0011, 0, Gre roans ri , 14 Hur-
y 1 l w-
on Co., for ansa or if not 016 50d s, would rant
to good tenant Thorn are 150 mores Ginnt•od,
balance bush and pasture land. Good build -
in gs, cement Hilo, fences, orohurd drilled well,
&o , on theprenusen Only 35 mile to school
and 2333 to Ethel village, Possession could be
given 01 once if sold or next Spring in lensing,
or further parttonlare ns to price, terms and
conditions apply to .1. 1. WELSH, prop
19-11 Phone 4118 EtheIP.0.
1 00 ACRES OF LAND for sale, 11 miles
North of Setiterth. Good clay loam,
all cleared and under cultivation. .Bank barn,
clement floors, large frame house, newlypaint-
ed ; good wells at barn and house ; buildings
and fences in excellent repair. An idea;.lhome
cheap. Apply (Miss) SUSIE GOVENLOUK,
Seafortli, Ont.
FARM EOR SALE,—Being Lot 20, Gott. 14,
McKillop township, containing about 52
acres, all eloared. On the premises ix a brick
house, bank barn with hag pen combined, end
a naw patver mill for pumping, grinding, 80.;
also good bearing ore1lur. , Chiefly Spya. Lor
It in extra good 61ote of cultivation, having
beim cropped light and large stuck of both
hogs and cattle fed on it for years Farm ie
situated miles from school and 2 miles from
Walton 0. P. R. libation, For !nether partici,
hors write .7. It. HAMILTON, Walton P. 0., or
apply on the premises. 42-tf
FALtM FOR SALE being Lot 19, Con. 10
Grey Township, containing IOU r0ree 134
story frame house 20x00 ft.; hitcher 19x24,
good frame barn, 40x00, on stone stabling; 8
good wens • all seeded to grass except 20 sorbs;
10 tierce in Gusit; orclmrd; 234 miles front U. P.
it. station. All in state of unitivlttiou. For
further /artnoulara np fly to ALEXANDER
ltAR1t00 Oran brook, P.0, 18.4.
'telephone 2818,
FARMS FOR 1A510-115111 Lot 4, Con. 11,
and Lot 0, Cot. 10, Gr•ey'lownehip, Boron
(Jo. On thetto farina are good buildings, well
fenced turd drained, also good oroherds ; plan•
ty of water ; nearly all seeded to grass and in
n good state or cultivation, 8o11n 111.0 111095 to
school and to -the Vnlbago of l5rueeuls. They
will be sold cheap and on easy twine or pay•
stent. Apply on the premiaee,
0-tf .IAS. 33OTE,13rneeals P. 0,
FAIIM FOR. SALE.—The undersigned oi1er8
for ash, Iiia 1(00 sere farm, being N3, Lot
29, Con. 8, Morris township, Buren Co. 05
stores cleared, There isa uomfortable house,
new bank born, orchard, drilled well, &c 234
miles South of Brussels. Possession first of
March, 1912, For further plu'ticnbu'e, ne to
price, tonne,
0. to 13,11419AM, Prop. preini 8.4 o'
AT A BARGAIN.—Wal dittoes() of cottage,
Elisabeth street, Brussels, at 3010, a grunt
bargain in ordet'.te semen 50X1, Hale, Key
nay belied from Mr. J. Leckie For reetb,a
plirtlaulars see Mr. Leokir or write the under'..
signed. J, H. CAMERON
10. St. George et„ Loudon,
FARM FOR BALE,—The 100 pare farm, be -
Ing the property of the late Peter McNeil,
Lot 22, eon. 14, Grey, is offered for sale by the
trnderei ned. There are 85 acres Weaved. bal-
ance well thnhered. On the farm there 16 o
good botlk barn, Mega driving tilled and a 0mn.
Portable bonne. PIneo in good condition and
well fenced. For farther perticnlar+apply to
eters, Oranbreok P, 0., or P. 1', SCOTT, Brits.
gels. 7.tf
FARM FOB SALE, beingSmith half Lod 25,
Cense, Morris township, Huron 0o„ non-
&lining 100 Berea more o' loss. On the p'r51n.
taoa is a frame Lmotse, blink bars, good orchard
Welt windmill, &o. A11 cleared cxcopt Monti
en acre School 114 utiles distant. Only 0.5¢
miles from Brnasrle.11nStla of I1',,11 wheat in
and about 60 acres seeded doWn. Foe price,
trema and othee information apply on the
t1 r 'n . rii
11 ea i e . ..le 111 w 6sals P O.
1 t l '1910115
I' .. kf- t I11',laanla.
195, G if„ 3 „co t
11•tf A. I„ I{Etta, Proprietor.
Regullu' Monthly Horse Faits will be
110111011s season as follows :—
THURSDAY, FPB. 1, 1912
FEB. 29, 1.012
" APRIL 4, 1912
Leading Local and Outside Buyers
will be present.
Young People
We ran prepare you for business in
The Listowel Business' College
tool pinr•e you in a good position n hon
Yon nv,y carr aq day. l'
3*St t^:VR1'ylc:aP,,T_ViCra "APAYM6t')lyiSr_V
One or &intel'n Ontario's Elgh•olass
0101 popular Business. Schools e'hieh
keeps open throughout the year, Young
people nnty enter any time and com-
plete their course without interruption
of midsummer holidays. You Tinny
atndv Whit home 01' partly ,nt home
and neigh tit the College Thirty yen re'
experienne. Largest trainers in can•
ride AlIllbrted with the Commercial
Educator's A
Write for particulars.
Wingham Business College
President Principal IINq
00400a00a94.4409 4.4400 0 r, 1r0G6 e
8 N
® To Machinery Users
4 9
A 0
® and Farmers 4!
• �'---- ----- a .
® The Now MachineShopthe
® of :
o •
anti MACHINEn Co, e
e 15.110W really for business, and, 0 .
4 1viLh good 6jachinerylthd $M
\illed F
• 1tt,hauics, we are 111 a posiLiol +
2 at tend to your 1.01A1 us prompt..., o
• ly and Int rettsouatlle rates.
• If you will let tis briny smut
e wants we will (give you honest
• advice and help i1'. connected `1
• with Mitehiuery.• , a
Give ns tt ttittl aurr
1, by c0mn g
• to l3i'llsst ls, lttVe Lina and 110(11)0y •
rot yolt'eelvea,
6f1I� �
• Brusse -
4 ! ,