HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-2-22, Page 7A l 4, w • t h Young Folks WHEN THE TREES WORK, "I wish I was a bird," said Paul. "Birds don't have to work " "They have to dig worms to feed their babies; that's work," said Bess. "1 wish I was that little white""birch-tree. Trees never work; they just stand up and look pretty." "Tut, tut I" exclaimed grandpa. "So you think trees don't do any- thing but look pretty? Who packed those three trunks you brought from homer" he asked, suddenly. "Why, mother !" answered Bess and Paul. "Well, the trees, even the tiniest ones, do their own packing," said grandpa, "Why, grandpa, what do you mean?" asked the twins, in sur- prise. "Did you think," asked grandpa, "that in the spring the different garments for all the different trees carne down from the heavens ready- made 1" "I guess I never thought about it," answered Bess, slowly. "147°11," grandpa went, "each tree packs away its finery in the fall, protects it carefully through the winter, and then waits for the sun to turn the locks and lift the lids• Then the maple and birch shake off their gowns and—" "But, grandpa," interrupted .Paul, "how can a tree pack i" "Listen," answered grandpa. "Tho troofolk all pack carefully, but they vary in their methods of packing. Take the maple, one of the most careful packers; its leaves are doubled from the .points with the exactness of accordion plaiting. Now the sugar ?maple—" "Oh," cried Boss, "does it fill its trunk with tiny scalloped sugar - cakes, grandpa?" "Como up in March and see," said grandpa. "Please go on, grandpa," urged Paul. "The suglar-maple," continued grandpa, ``folds its dainty fringes along with the plaited leaves as snugly as you please, but the red maple requires a great many trunks to carry its wardrobe through the winter. The twigs are large and stubby, and are of a reddish hue; this is because the buds are set closely along the stem. Instead of first unpacking its tender green leaves, the maple shakes out its flaming red tassels, at the same time the silvery pussy -willows—" "Oh grandpa, are the dear little pussies packed away all winter, too V' cried Bess. "Surely, surely," answered grandpa. "Down by the pond in the south meadow you have seen the yellow -green willow whips. Above the leaf -buds at the base the pussies aro packed with great care. They answer the call of spring at the same time the red maple bursts into a flame of flower. Why? Be- cause they have been listening for it all winter. oto . "Trees differ almost as much in the style of trunk they use as in their method of packing. They all use however, tough water -proof roof scales, whickeep growing more delicate, until the inner folds servo ' as tissue for the soft leaf fabrics, it Now don't you think, twinnies, that, the, tree -folk aro pretty busy, after nil?" "Yes, grandpa," answered Paul and Bess together.. "Isn't there something we can do to help you to -day ?"—Youth's Companion. '8' • REMARKABLE CAREER. Concern in London Was in'Exis- fence Before the Great Fire. The death of a member of a firm of Landon caterers that has been in continuous existence since, before the great fire of 1666 has served to call attention to the remarkable career of this concern. Ring & Brymer was the title of the firm, and it is Mr, Brymer wlho has just died, The original business de- "iscen.iecf $o• 'AL: erivan Birch, who was Lord Mayor of London in 1814 and who in that year had cooks of his firm prepare a banquet at the Guildhall that has become historic. Mitis affair was in honor of the visit of the, allied monarchs to London, The, firm made a specialty of pro- ;vidin'g faro of the solid, substantial Brfis took It kind and t ok p ride in the feet that ib employed only English waiters. Its popularity with good $atony was attested even in the days Were the war with the Amorioan lollies. The firm served a cele. eked turtle soup and would never of it prepuce rose the secret s P s P n When Iaing Edward tival,s the hest of honor at a Guildhall ben - not in 1$02 the firm used thirty. Wiles to make the fatuous soap. It had a multitude of employes, and in ,nerving the, royal banquet of h£e Guildhall provided thirty cooks, forty winemon, 100 carvers and their assistants, 20 waiters and fifty run- ners. Paving a wife who sits down on ,Itirnfw ;pensionallp is 'a wonderful hells to a(+man's self control,, THE POWER THAT DRIVES THE HUMAN FACTORY Dr• Williams' Pink Pills Help the Blood and Make You Well. The human body is the busiest factory in the world. There is no eight hours day, no slack season, no holidays, no cessation of labor at any time, Day and night work is being carried on in the workshop of your body, and it, never ceases until the engine—the heart—stops forever. Tho factory of your body has its motive power, without which it would have to close down at once. That motive power is the blood, healthy, rich, red blood which keeps your whole system efficient and which drives away all diseases that may attack it. Good, red blood is the chief con- troller of every action; the source of all the energy you possess. It builds up every substance of your ]Li,Ellrc, nerves, sinews and flesh. ..i r,tsloves the waste and poison- ous pioclucts constantly created in your body, which, if allowed to re- malit set up disease and weakness of r•te y kind. Good blood gives energy and vitality to the nervous system, besides regulating the func- tion of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys and other organs of the body. Briefly, on the purity and richness of your blood the health of your whole body depends. Often the blood begins to fail and becomes thin and poor in qua- lity. Ie becomes loaded with waste matter and charged with poisons. Then it is that the motive power of your bodily workshop goes wrong, your physical machinery becomes disorganized and you fall ill. You become anaemia; maybe the nerves break down, or you begin to suffer from indigestion, neuralgia, gener- al debility, severe headaches, pains in the back or side, rheumatism, or oven paralysis, In all failures of the bleed Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the best known remedy. These pills actual- ly make new, rich blood, which brings health and energy to every part of the body. Thousands and thousands of people, not only in Canada, but all over the world, testify to the truth of this state- ment. The following is a bit of proof. Mrs. Fred. Stricker, jr., Moosefield, Ont., says' "A few years ago I was a physical and nerv- ous wreck; I had pains throughout my whole body. I had no appetite and my stomach felt as if there was a big lump in it. Tho least exertion would make my heart beat violent- ly, and I would be attacked with trembling spells, and such a weak- ness that my breath would come in gasps. I was under a doctor's care for nearly two months, but got very little relief. I then tried other remedies, but with no better re- sults. Finally I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and this was the first medicine that reached the root of my trouble. After taking the pills a few weeks I was much better, and by the time I had taken ten boxes I was entirely recovered. I now always keep the pills in the house and if I feel the least wore out take an occasional box and feel all right again." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. .p SHE KNEW. A young lady who was going out to New Zealand to get married went to a dressmaker for her trousseau. The dressmaker suggested a warm material. The younglad asked why, seeing that the climate of New Zealand is a beautifully mild one,' Tho dressmaker replied' "I as- sure you, madam, you are mis- taken, for that is where the fro- zen meat comes from," "Well, here I am," announced the fashionable physician in his breezy way. "And now what do you think is the matter with you? `'Doctor, I hardly know," replied tine fashionable patient. "What is new f" PURIFIED HIS BLOOD Dr. Morse's 1 tslan Root Pills Heated ear. Wilson's Sores When the sewers of the body—bowels, kidneys and skin ducts—get clogged up, the blood quickly becomes impure and frequently sores break out over the body. flue way to heal them, as Mr. Richard Wilson, who lives near London, Ont,, Sound is to purify the bloc Ile P Y d. writes: "For sonic time X had been in a low, depressed condition. My appetite'': left me and I soon began to suffer from indi- gestion.te of mall sores rite a number s 2 and blotches termed all over my skin, l tried medicine for the blood and used many kinds of ointments, but without satisfactory results, What was wanted was a thorough cleansing of the blood, and I looked about in vain for some media cine that would accomplish this, At last Dr, Merse's'Indian Root Pills were brought to my notice, and they aro one of the most wonderful medicines X have ever known. My blood was puri- fied in a very short time, sores healed eel my indigestion vanished, They always have a place in my hone and area looked upon as the family remedy," Us, slotso's Xtidlan Root Pills cleanse the system thoroughly. Sold by all dealers at 25e a box, WHY WE NEED FRUIT. Medicinal Values of Somo Varieties Work Marvels. In these days of impure, drinking wafter, water famines, fund filtered water it is well to know that one of the great advantages of fruit is that it offers us pure water, for which we do aiot need a filter, to the amount of nearly 50 per cent, in berries and 92 per cent, in water- melons. Oranges and lemons are not only valuable by reason of their potash salts, but especially for their citric acid. A ease of paralysis of the en- tire right side is reported where the juice of oranges, adopted as a regu- lar diet, with chicken broth, ap- peared to do much good. As an fuel of digcstiion—•a really material aid—the pineapple stands alone among Cho fruit. Its vege- table pepsin neutralizes --or, per- haps, rather digests—albuminous substances in the stomach. Fresh pineapple -0e, better still, the fresh juice, of one—placed in direct con- tact with eggs or 'gelatin or milk will prove the fact conclusively by producing a better tasting dish. In cases of catarrhal ailments of the throat and in its downward connec- tion the alimentary canal or tract pineapple cannot be overestimated, and it acts with equal force, in ma- larial affections. As for the date and the banana, they contain sufficient nutriment to sustain life. Tho salts and organic acids in the apple tend to improve the quality of the blood. A VALUABLE 1VIECIOINE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN Baby's Own Tablets are a most valuable medicine for infants and young children. They break up colds, expel worms, regulate the stomach and bowels, and in a na- tural way promote healthy sleep. They contain no injurious drugs and cannot possibly do harm. Con- cerning them Mrs. J. A. Rix, Ebbs - fleet, P. E. I., writes: "My baby was troubled with her stomach, but Baby's Own Tablets speedily cured her and now she is a bright, healthy child." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. THE QUARREL DISCREET. "Why do you employ such ela- borate circumlocution when you tell a man that you doubt his vera- city ?" "I find it better to use the long- est, words possible. If I can com- pel a man to consult the dictionary to ascertain just what I mean, both our tempers get a chance to cool." CAMELS FOR FARM WORK. A Polish landowner is using cam- els instead of horses for farm work and finds the experiment a success. Gen. Ratyuski, the landowner in question, imported eight camels, at a cost of $75 each, and finds that they con do far more work than the same number of horses. They can stand any amount of cold, but need a covering when rain is heavy. They will eat almost anything, and even that in small quantities, so that they cost much less to feed than horses, besides being hardier. • Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria In the composition of the House of Lords there are three Royal Princes—the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Connaught, and the Duke of Albany. 1 An Oil Without Alcohol. — Some oils and many medicines have al- cohol as a prominent ingredient. A judicious mingling of six essential oils compose the famous Dr. Tho- mas' Eoleetrie Oil. and there is ne alcohol in it, so that its effects are lasting. There is no medl,clnal oil compounded that can equal this oil in its preventive and healing power" Princeton coal retails at .$9 a ton in Greenwood. re:lard's '.lnlnlont ewes colds, &o. A POWERFUL ENGINE. A 30,000 horsepower steam -tui bine, the most powerful engine ever built, was recently placed in service: at the Waterside station of the New York Edison Company, It will re- place seven vertical reciprocating engines. of 5,000 horsepower each, which were built only 10 years ago. The, new turbine occupies no mord room than one of the engines of the older type, and will require the at- tendance, of a small part only of the great number of augirtemen and oil. era who were nec eeto kneoP the e re - fn loeatiag engines running,It should therefore effect a consider- able reduction in the oast of elec- tric power, According to the Engi- neering R000rd, the, turbine re- quires 7,200,000 pounds ef steam daily. To make this enormous vol- ume, at takes 400 tons of coal and 86,000,000 .gallons of water daily, a. supply one-fifth as large as that needed for the entire boroughs of Manhattan, and the Bronx. !Ti}i° good things of; the world hiae a habit of getting into the hands of bad people; • l:.t , CURED ACHES AND PAINS LIKE MAGIC WREN RE USED DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS FOR RHEUMATISM. Saskatchewan man tells of quick relief after three yells of suffer- ing. Holbeek, Sask., Feb. 12 (Special. —Among the tinny of titc i,iaa,es who are shouting the praises of Docld's Kidney Pills none speak with more enthusiasm than Mr. Matt. Syverson, awell-known resi- dent of this place. "I suffered from rheumatism for three years," Mr. Syverson says; "and I was also troubled with an acute pain around my heart. My ease was a severe one and several times I doubted if recovery was pos- sible. But seven boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me completely. "I can truly and honestly re- commend Dodd's Kidney Pills as a remedy for cases like mine, . They surely cleared out all my aches and pains as if by magic." (Rheumatism is caused by uric acid in the blood. When the kid- neys aro right they strain all the uric acid out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills make the kidneys right. That's why they never fail to cure rheumatism and kindred diseases. , THE TIMELESSNESS OF ROME. Few of us ever ask ourselves wherein the eternity of Rome con- sists. It does not consist in a phy- sical eternity, for Rome was not without beginning and she shall surely not be without end. It is rather a philosophical eternity. It is eternity as Kant has taught it to us, the eternity of timelessness. It is the timelessness of Rome, rather than the actual extent of time which makes the eternal, and this time- lessness shows itself in nothing more clearly than in Rome's eternal youth. She who to -day might well be an old lady, with her 3,000 win- ters, is only the incorporation of young Italy, this modern young wo- man, with her Bead full of socialis- tic theories and her garments orna- mented with the gridiron pattern of tramways.—The Atlantic. SYMPATHY Mrs. Flatt—How unconcerned when shivering with tho Mr. Fiatt—What Mrs_ Fiatt—You shiver, too. WANTED. can you look so you know I am cold ? can I do? might at least THE USUAL THING. Wilson—"What did that pretty shop -girl say when you stole a kiss ?" Johnson—"She said: `Will that be all to -clay? " a s+r IF .9'1 •Pf r''. STOPS mons PRICET 5 C N'TS makeda man In order to goa must harness his "wisher" with his ' `doer." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets, Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. il. w. elovE'B signature is on each box. 25o. The reason the whole family spoils the baby is because each one thinks nobody else ought to do it. Small but Potent.—Parmelee's Vegetable Pilus are small, but they areff cti in action. Their fine ° e vo qualities as a corrector of stomach troubles are known to thousands and they are in constant demand everywhere by those who know what a safe and simple remedy they are, They need no introdnc• tion tothose acquainted with them. but to those who may not know them they are presented as the best preparation on the market for dis- orders of the stomach. Be cure you are right—then don't lose your head. INinard's Liniment cures Distemper. A CERTAINTY. Sitter—Yes, Mr. Dauber, I expect to get a divorce on the grounds of insanity. Dauber -How unfortunate.' Then your husband is insane r clti•rr—•T\ n .. but I must have been crazy when I married him. i"D, 4 ISSUE ri 2 VICISSITUDES OP TILE SEAL. That, of England If as Had Some Strange Adventures, Probably no other emblem of ger, ernmcntal authority ever had such a series of queer adventures as those pertaining to the Great Seal of England, with which all State documents aro stamped. When Richard I. went to the Holy Land, he look the Seal with 11±111. His Vioe-Chaneellor, who wore it round his neck, was drowned, and the (Great Seal was lest. The first Seal of Charles I. was thrown into the river Severn, in order that it might not fall into the hands ef Cromwell's soldiers. James II„ who fled from England, threw his Seal into the Thames, evidently thinking that without it William III. could not carry on the Government. A fisherman's net caught it, and it was restored and used by William until a new Seal could be made. In 1784 thieves broke into the house of Lord Chancellor Thurlow, and stole the Great Seal, and it was never recovered. Lord Chancellor Eldon threw an- other Great Seal into the garden when his house caught fire, and only after extensive digging operations was it recovered. The Great Seal of England is made in two parte, and the ceremony of breaking it consists of the Sovereign giving it a gentle blow with a hammer, the Lord Chancellor preserving the "bro- ken" Seal, and handing it dawn as an heirloom to his descendants. F SORES FROM ELBOW TO FINGERS. Zuni-Buk Worked a Miracle of Malin g. Reverend Gentleman Fully Corroborates. Miss Kate L. Dolliver, of Caledo- nia, Queens Co., N. S., says: "I must add my testimony to the value of Zam-Bur:. Ulcers and sores broke out on my arm, and although I tried to heal themby using various pre- parations, nothing seemed to do me any good. The sores spread until from fingers to elbow was one mass of ulceration. "I had five different doctors, and faithfully carried out their instruc- tions. I drank pint after pint of blood medicines, tried salve after salve, and lotion after lotion; but it was of no avail. "My father then took me thirty miles to see a well-known doctor. Ho photographed the arm and hand. This photograph was sent to a New York hospital to the specialist; but they sent word they could do no- thing further for me, and I was in despair. "One day a friend asked me if I had tried Zam-Buk. I said I had not, but I got a box right away. The first box did me more good than all the medicine I had tried up to that time, so I continued the treatment. Every box healed the sores more and more until, to make a long story short, Zam-Buk healed all the sores completely. Everybody in this place knows of my case and that Zam-Buk alone cured me." Minister collob rate .—The Rev. W. B. M. Parker, of Caledonia, Miss Dolliver's minister, writes : "This is to certify that the testi- monialof correct Miss Doll ver is eo ec t as far as my knowledge goes. I have known her for a year and a half, and her cure effected by Zam- Buk is remarkable." Wherever there is ulceration, blood -poison, sores, cold -cracks, abscesses, cuts, burns, bruises, or any akin injury or disease, there Zam-:lurk should be applied. It is also a sure cure for piles. All r t istsand stores sell at 50c. per druggists box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co.. Toronto, for price. HAD HIS SUSPICIONS. "How is your son doing in the city?" "He writes that he is carrying everything before him." "Waiter or delivery boy ?" When Holloway's Corn Ours is applied to a corn or wart it kills the roots and the callosity comes out without injury to the flesh. Cheap notoriety is seldom worth what it costs. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Dergot In Dowa Take care of your pennies—and the chances are ,your dollars will be blown in by your heirs. PILES CURED IN 9 TO 14 DANS. Vans ialect01 will refund mem*. if PAW) a1N'r• \ISN L' fails to -00 0 any cave of Italune, 13118.1, Bleeding or Protrmlia„ Liles L8 6 to it days. sea It's awfully hard for an honest man to look an outlawed debt in the face. The next time you feel that swal- lowing sensation gargle Mantling Wizard Oil immediately with three parts water. It will save, you days and :perhaps weeks of misery from sore throat. Only a foal ever attempts to con - vines: a.marl that he isn't as clever as lie thinks he is: Wise Mothers who know the vir- tues of Mother Graves' 'Worm torminator always have it at hand, because it proves K88 value. Invest eats for the ' Year We have to offer severalfirst-class bond investments yielding 6 per cent. net, carrying our unqualified mourn. mendation, WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED 179 Jamas Street, Montreal 508 McKinnon Building, TORONTO, - 14 Cornhlll, LONDON, ENGLAND ARPET DVEtN FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. •°'� and Gleaning. Thio is aapeninity with the '�' TorontoDAW50N, ninety Colborne- Stree , British American Dyeing Co' Sand particulars by poet and we are sura to satisfy. Address Box 158, Montreal. dyed ALL these DIFFERENT KINDS of Goods with the SAME Dye. 1� 0 used ONEDYEFoRAEE KINDSooFGoeos OLEAN and S-±Fd2PLE to Use. NO chins, of using the WRONG Dye forth* !:nada DnoooioAlrt calonfromOYDnngriat o Tito Johnson -Richardson Go., limited, Montreal, UNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN GORES in good County of Norfolk, with good building and orchard. Cheap. TJf UNDRED MOSES NEAR TEESWATER ..�8.... L at a bargain. ITUNDRED ACRES NEAR BRAMPTON .�1L can be bought. Worth the money. EVE1IAL IIUNDRED-ACRE, FARMS kJ within a reasonable distance of To. `onto at right prices. TF Y017 WANT A FRUIT FARM IN TSE A. Niagara District, I have what you want on my list. 1 CAN ALSO SELL YOU QUARTER, ..ia. Ralf or Whole Sections, improved or unimproved, in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta. H. W. DAWSON. 'Phones, Main 6990, Park. 527, Toronto. IiELP WANTED,. 1A 0ME WORK.—WE WANT RELIABLE .li_1 families to operate our high-speed automatic Knitting Machines at home; whole or spare time knitting for the trade; good wages. For all particulars address, The Canadian Wholesale Merl. Co., Dept. W., Orillia, Ontario.. MALE HELP WANTED. OOD SALARIES ARE EARNED BY X A Telegraphers and Station Agents. We have Grand Trunk and Canadian Northern regular wires and station books, also C. P. R. forma Stations aro built in school and miniature trains run to carry out the practical work.. Special Canadian text -books give you the best service obtainable anywhere. Day and Mail courses. Free Book 18 explains. Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto. QUITE LOOSE. EN, LEARN BAR'9ER TRADE — Splendid pay after a few weeks The Tailor—Say, man, this suit with us. Our improved methods of eon. ataut practice and instructions qualify fits you like a glove.„ you for a position in eight weeks. bend Mr. Tryon—"Yes; the trousers for catalogue. Moler Barber College, 011 do, but the coat fits like a mitten." Queen East, Toronto. PICTURE POSTCARDS. A Standard Medicine.—Parme- Iee's Vegetable Pills, compounded of entirely vegetable substances known to have a revivifying and salutary effect upon the digesbiv.e organa have through years of use organs, g attained so eminent a position that they rank as a standard medicine Tho ailing should remember tht s. h composition, Situp le in t e it they can be assimilated by the weakest stomach and are certain to have a healthful and agreeable effect on the sluggish digestive organs. A DIFFERENCE. Brown—"Does he take things philosophically?" Jonas—"Yes, but he doesn't part With them philosophically." . Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Some time ago I had a bad attack of Quinsy, which laid me up for two weeks, and cost a lot of money. Finding the lump again forming in my throat, I bathed freely with MINARD'S LINIMENT, and saturating a cloth with the liniment left it on nil night. Next morning the swelling was gone and I attributed tho warding off of an attack of Quinsy to the free use of MINARD'S LINIMENT. 4, F. W08,DEN. at, Zahn. Knicker—Does Jones understand the purchasing power of a dollar? Bocicer—Yes ; what troubles him is the purchasing power of his wife, When Your Eyes Need Care Try Merino Eye Remedy. No Smarting—Foots T4eo—Acts Quiekly. Try it for Red, Wont, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus. hated .nook in emelt Package. Morbid Is compounded. by our Oculists—not 0."Patent Med. In spa ss , 1 Ph si lana' P10 - 1 Ino os blit ysod ee f , y C 11'00 for ninny years, Now Mc nun l la ern natio. lla avd cowl U salvo inns 3 10 nun 592 nrnnttle, Marino 19ye �a1Vn 3n Aseptic TuUos, 2�o and We, Morino Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Erlmp° s oldest sovereign is the Emperor of Austria, born in 1830; the youngest, the King of Spain, born in 1880. A bottle of Bicklo's Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup, taken according to directions, will enbduo a cough in a short time. This assertion can be verified by .lrnndreds who have tried it and arc pleasocl,80 bear tes-. tilnony to its merits, so that; all may icnew what a splendid medi- cine it is. It costs yen only 25 cents to join the ranks of the many who have been benefited by its use. I 1) IOTURE OF MOST WONDERFUL Postoilice in world with 24 assorted colored Post Cards, only 26a. Also 100 Cards free. A11 postpaid. Wilson Em- porium, Beebe, Que. MISCELLANEOUS, JEand EARA! SCALES. miaow,YA. Scale Werke, 9 Esplanade, .Toronto. CANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, eta. in. Teruel and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. belimua Covina. wood. Ont. ja TON SOALE GUARANTEED. Wtlson'e VU Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. SPEOIALISTS ADVICE FRED. cocain lig 1n regard to any • disease, Lateen prices in drugs of all kinds. Trusses fitted by . mail. Send measure. meet. Glasses iltted by ago. Write toiler for anything sold in ret -class drug stores to Dr. nellman. Oollingwood. Ont. "The Most Beautiful Location in New York City." HOTEL SAVOY Fifth Ave., 58th to 59th Street Overlooking Central Park Affording a delightful residence, from which all the principal cantos of the city are readily accessible. Beautiful re ms, Sln le 5 Mthbnh oom 13 sod lpe d -d oble$3 Ithbalhroom$q and upward, ¢o parlor,aalcove bedroom and bathroom 56.5o, a larer suites po* implication, Spa- cious restaurant, palm garden, billiard room, etc, Sand forBoohlei, JOIHNE.RUES,Idanoger DRi DOW'S STURGEON O IE L�' E ��� ENT External application for loan or beast. Everyone tows of S one 1 0 theonderful qualities in the oil f the' SURGEON for sprains, lameness, etc. Dr. Dow's formula has it in its best form. For Rheumatism, Lumbago,'. Neuralgia, Swellings, etc., it cannot bo equaled. Try it once and you will be satisfied. Prieo 25 cents: ASK YOUR i]CALTX.R. i E SELLS 11”. The Ilrayloy llrng Co" tdtll" Sola Preps, Sb Alin, 11.1.