HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-2-22, Page 5bkiL�e SUSINI33 CAKU3, K. O. T, M, Brussels ss Tout of the M1. 1)i the No• 'J hold choir regularrs, on n e the obodge Ltuom, hooker liluex, onthe1st awl 4 rue,day °venluge ut noun 10(1050 Vtdit re al way+ wolua.0 A, s0 •, EBB, now. a. 1olittlltls 1:. h WM; SPENQE CONVEYANCER Aria 18S1JER of MA1tRIAGJ L�CLNdL+' Vibe in the Post Office, Ethel. 80.9 JOHN HARRIS, Agent Lowick Mutual Fire Insurance Company y nfilo@.81111 ltosldenoo- WALTON, ONT, JOHN SUTHERLAND 18Bnas0Os, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. !it S. SCOTT AS AN AUC`1tION- 1 • sun, will eon for better prio8e, to ocher men,io leas tame and lees chargee tnnn. any oher Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't sparge anylhlug, Dates and orders eau always be arranged at thin office or by d'+ks•,uul application. 4 '} LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. UT i31NULA11i- VV • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, do. 011400-8towarre Stook 1 fluor No'tti of neutral Hotel . 8nlioltor for the Metropolitan Bank. p10UALr 0l.BAYS & HLLLOR AN ft ALUUMd'1, ERB bULI0ITORS, NUTABINI8 ',MILL I, NIT0. W. Pao0nreoT, K.O. 11 0. Here J. L. 5I,00ns51 Ualaas-Those .fortuerly occupied ty Messrs Oamerou & 0014, 0 onsatoa, 0504Itle. 4.1 ALLAN LI Royal Mail Steamers .,, ST. JOHN AIVO HALIFAX TO LIVERPOOL Steamer From St. John From Halifax EesperinnFebruary 24th Tunisian ,.•March lot Murch 2nd Grampian March 0th Virginian...:March 16th March 10th BOSTON -PORTLAND TO GLASGOW Steamer Boston 1-' 'Wand March 7551 Sicilian ...,, Scotian Murch 9th Ionlnn .. Id arch 21st Luke Erie. Murch 28551 RATES OF PASSAvrE • Furst Ohms, Liverpool service.., 872.50 $82 50 Second Class, ' " $97,50 52.10 452.50 Third Oleos, $80.25 $81.25 $82 50 Ice -w.11 t.. • • 'er and sorrier. Full Information as to rates, mc., on appli u• ion to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line Brussels. STRATFORD. ONT.. Our chime., are auw larger than ever before but we have enlarged our quart- er and w h root s e have n for n fete more • stodents. You may enter at any time. Si We hare a staff of 111118 experienced in- atreeters and oar courses are the best. Our .graduates succeed. This week :5 throe resent graduates informed us iv that they have positions paving $05, $$70 and $125 per month, Wo have three de• r pertinent% -Commercial. Shorthand and Telegraphy. Writs for r r { 0 o1) f p� t 1 Y 60 5y catalogue A. M pa ,� D. MCLACHLAN, Principal. ,2. �`~ .v G rpv 110Z(885 'cv/.'c:.V'eei,rawuwiITZ v�d' 'RUPTURE Cured At your home without pain, danger or operation. g My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. 'Why wait until your rup- ture becomes up-turebecomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait - Fill in coupon Age 'rinse Rup Single or Double Name; Address and return to J. S. SMITH h)ept, A 88 Caledonia Stratford, Ont. Medicines hat. aid name11 ib4. always u ,st elfectnal. OhOmberhttna Oough 11 reedy acts on this phut, 1t allays tie cough! relieves the lunge, opens t1 seeetlnnv and Mitt naxnrt in re - Miring 1ht' uysieta ton healthy con - tom '1'hnn•ailds have testified In i superior t'xct'lleticoo, Stahl by all Business Cards MISS BERTHA ARMSTRONG Toaohor of Plano Studio at Darter's Music Store, one door North of the standard think, Brussels. 8•Gf DR. 7', T. M'RAE 8aohulur of.Medionla, University of Taranto 1 Licentiate and Graduate of :the College of Phy • 010inns and surgeons, Ont, 450%5• I'adaate i Chicago r o and r (J Eye, JO Nose 141 eo 050 . is g � 1� 1 Chis ieco, Ill 02oronuuv Surgeon to St, Mich- ael's awl's os over 1, 11, onto, Office over F, E. Smith's Drug Store,. Talo• phone connection with Uranbruok at ell hours, EDN DYSPEPSIA You Rick no Money If You Try This Remedy We a vivant Query only U uublell with inc l Lst nn andel stella t 00 n 1 i t ie to come g Y I I (1mh HUlie 141141 0b14410 14 box Elf Rnif011 Dyspepsia Tablets, 1'Itev 17011tmin 131aiiulh-Suhnitealeand Pepeiu care- fully combined so as to develop (heir greatest power W oveeorne digestive disturbance, Ltexall Dyspepsia 'Tablets nee very plea0aut to tape Tbcy tend to soothe the i.lrilablo, weak stomach to DR. M. PERGUSON strengthen lunti invigorate the tligeu- MTHEL, ONT. Live ol•giu0), to relieve namsra and iu- PhyslolanttndSurgeon;Post Graduate courses digestion, 1.11 us promoting 1113(51510u London (E11g.), New York and Uhloago Hos. 1511(1 bringing about a feeling of 00111- pitals, Special attention todioease of eye, ear, fort, 11080 II 114 throat. Byes tested for glasses. 15 you give Rexall Dyspepsia Tab- lets tt re140o'table trial we will return DR. HAMILTONyour n1(1 mey if you are ;tot eaLisfted mune! Burgeon I with Ilse result. Three sires, 25 cents, ' Honor Department, Dental Graduate De a p lt, Toronto 50 cents, trod $1.110 Renrewbm', You Dental sitySur ; Ls, of To of $oval Uon Hb of can anb1151❑ Rexadl ],tvinedies Un1 t5C Biok] Surgeons, la Toronto. Oilida in Sunlit Y Block recently vaunted by Dr. Fe11d, our sLnre-The Ltoxall Store- P. R. Sunlit: DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. OMee opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. GNAWS W St TliteNk'aGC' Reit& WWI" BRUSSELS Goma Soma 5001510 NORTH Mail 7:07 n m Express ....... 10.55 n m Express 11:20 a in Mail 1:50 p nt Express 2:55 p m Express 8:02p m C'amainzour P cdPiwn WALTON To Toronto To Godorloh Expreoe 7:41 a m I Express 11:87 e in Express 2:67 p m Express 7:50 p WROXETER Goin East - 7:05 n. m. and 8:56 . m. Going p Going Wast - 12:40 0041 0:97 p. m. An trains going Mot connect with 0 P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. NEAT AND VENTILATION To the Editor of Tun POST DEAR SIR, -As heatingis the burn- ing 1)n 1 - gquestion of the day,�n i1)cl ventil- ation seems to be i11 the alt 1 under- stand it has not yet reached the rural schools. I accept your kind invitation to write an article on the above sub- ject, namely, the heating and ventil- ation of schools and will conflee wy remarks to those schools which are supposedto1 1 be sated with a hot IP 3 ct air Yuenuce. Now, Mr. Editor, if those gentlerneu who represent the Department of Education bud settled this matter as they should have long ago, there would have been no excuse fur a "ulere fawner" getting mixed up i11 a question of this kind, and thus expos- ing his ignorance. Surely warm feel fur the "kiddies" are as important as cheap readers, and fresh air las neces- sary as fresh text books. That the aforesaid gentlemen enitsider this matter within their jurisdiction is evident from the fact that they isstie instructions for the guidance of :School Boards on this ve1•y important question. Here is au example of how well they have solved the problem ""lrust.ees are advised rti 411101st yentiiatWou by means of flues near or sureoundiug the chimney, with at, c eltingne rt n'" t 11 tleflu 1. We submit (melting511 uta that air winch is heavy enough to foil to the flout i11 the school Morn Will scarcely rise through a flue. I am a- ware there are still a number of Schools hii which this in has not yet presented itself they are still s - iug theold-fashioned stove and nr doubt feel themselves very murk bo'• hind the times. I world :advise all suet) not to unduly deplore rheic beck ward condition all they have missed to the present date is experience, and there are some kinds of experience. u s,lik° most things, that is better second hand then new. • Let us consider 1st what the condi- tions are 25)11 what they should be and 3rf1 hots to'procure.those upon which the health and colnfort of the child- ren depend. At present the hot air is introduced in nue volume, usually al one side of the looms, from which pnint it readily escapes to the ceiling, but lifstle benefit being derived from it as 1)t ascends.f o t you course rte y 1) pant propel air Ian al. 1)10511 wlthtltrt 5511)114 log an equal vnluule lo escape. In attempting to do so you will mdse ynut furnace red hot while very little heat will be felt in the room absv a as it lacks the medium of ell cnlation the air. This is why we heal. of building being burned by over -heated furnaces. With 0 Koper system of ventilation no furnace could -become over heated, (48 I 511)01 etsdeaVllr to show pl'580110V. It being necessary then to tallow the air to escape frau the 1 nom at some point and impossible that that point should be the ceiling, as the heat would all escape in that ease therefore itis imperative that it be drawn off through the floor and taken 50 the fui'nueb to be re -heated and returned to the ronin, --this process being ,con- tinned throughout the day. Imagine the ondidon of the air in that, room with 80 of 40 children breathing into it and no fresh air except what climes theough ally 85(101l crevices Parents are von satisfied to lhave y"ur boys and girls breathing that kind of air foe five or six hours each clay when as few (dollars and a little common sense would inalce matters right ? Is it,1lly wonder, under 'those conditions that, teaeler8 should open -the windows,. thus exposing the pupils to another clanger. Let tis see now what the eon. (tithing are (0,regard (10 wttl'(lli ng the room by.:this method. gl'o all who aseet't that the top of the room is alfa propel' 5)4)5108 to.wari11 1t from, .I 411101d like to state this well thrown rant nnnlely that 'whatever energy is et, geirei4 to send the air to the ceiling it will require tt like energy to bring It down again tt, tll'e 81(5513' V01141 141011 it tvent.355), in Mime 451,010 oneluilf i -he. heat is wasted in allewing it to go to the top of the' robin. This is easily Proven., Take a given volume .or cold an raise it tri it tselnpeeaftu'e just pOf- flri n t elevate it hamhe o r t floor t M the eeilin g 54')' owl Ilse' t. tln ) the). comes who') it es again to thee floor ^of its "wn tirrord it will be (add it Baal lost exactly the energy ..h1143151•Le11•1t) lt' by heeling. Now t1118 814111e degree of heat that is totally wasted by this method, if award as, as,:ends would make the room more comfortable by warning the ah' at the floor to It higher Leulpeeattu•e than it ever at- tains under Lhis system. This is evi- dent by the fact that at present it is too heavy to ritir, it is cold. T1115 how- ever is only part of the waste. The beat is pressing through the ceiling by radiation and airetlatinn and is also cooled by coe tact. with the walls so that if we save 10 to 25% for heating the room we may consider ourselves fortunate. It is this enormous loss of heal. that makes it necessary to cur off Lite fresh air from outsicl0 for in the same proportion a you elimin- ate 1 8 I n un - P P Y ate this waste t 1 .( s you may introduce tair.'10warm aiucwiLrequite8hota4ir 15 brought in above one heads iL only re(40(1 s to be w01141 if beneath 011)5 feet. But Lie wriest leant* of this seta me is that it makes ventilation impossihie. livery farmer knows that• the foul air from his stable un- less cooled too rapidly will ascend to the building shove and not to the floor. In like I11141111e1 a 8(111)1,1 room must be ventilated at, the "i cc it or u(a 1 1l. t 1511 g L`he etildeens' being warmer breatht bei r t � than the air of the room) ascends and must not be permitted or compelled to come clotvn again but continue up- ward and nut at, the ventilator. The Department of Edncatinu have very justly placed a bane upon taking the air from school r Ia or tt ba 'Snell ° a l supply the furnace. TheytY have closed the eild tall' flues in the floor but were - "eorneed" when they followed the current (IOwewarda from ceiling to floor and to escape were compelled to invent a5 theoretical outlet that is a prau•tieai impo801bi1tty as 1 pointed nut before. Let its examine 1111 a mordent the obstacles met with in trying to heat at rn"1) from rho top as these explain why it takes so long in the morning to make the roam at all 111 for occupation. We will suppose Ow file has been on 2 or 3 hours mud 1 rte room is mere to less warm half way down the air at the top of that (,.,100th is int at, t(. hose it is almost (odd we are trying to warm the coolest of the wet In air and this condition re- mains constant. There is another fallacy lurking here also. It is neaten- ed by the advocates or this system that the hot air introduced at the ceil- w ,. , will Cot c •" g ii f ceflu llnill 1 1 h t h the I, b apertures at the flour. Such however i.a me. the case, The 451(.11 112 air is in- clined te rise, it exerts no pussur1 the pressure is determined by the height "f the c„lu nn of cold air this of course I'4geel1lest. at. the cenniteneenent of the heating roce08 gradnnlly i dmini pp diminishing g 145 that cohnuu lowers until it reaches the vanishing point neer the. floor. Prom this time on the rh'culati°n of the furnace de- pends entirely on the auloul1 of air tjlat is being cooled in the Thom. If the day is calm and Mild and no doors or windows opened the phenolneno't of a hot furnace will here be observed with very little (teat coming into Lhe room, i1) erc4er -01 further heat the rout you must first. -col it, 'L'llo con- ditions mentioned above produce that "stuffy" feeling so often. not iced 111 school rooms. Now what do we re - quit e? A rousiaut supply of fresh air from outside the building healed tnatem, t u t temper a fdegrees D L 70 do es not 2 0 re 801) degrees 08 at present and hi - ti oduced,oltd distributed at the floor not at the ceiling with 0 free exit for i he spent air at the top of the room These condit10118 can 111Ve1' be obtain- ed without a, ra.dlCal C151ar1nrs from the present methods. Quacks may slu:ceed in Onnvuleing innocent School Boards that by making a few ad- ditional holes in the flour they have ('01014 4 he ptollem layln4 the blame of fallout! otrthose I.peretlug the furn- ace, However even 'meal L)3$Lees And now 'For 1912 We. want to 10151(3' this, nut' tenth year the Agency'lntshte80 The Banner Year Andif selling only Goods of Superior Merit Guaranteed as Represented and at Prices . Always in Buyer's Favor counts fol' anything with you, deal' reatll'5 wri'451(11:ha501.'.yt'ttr hearty (10- 1151017L115151 ill ulal(ileg'tt1,0 (5 profitable year le Inlyel' and seller alike. We WishMtn and all the very best that is in this present. year 14041 lhosa, to' OtOne,also to thank y"1) trot'; 41081. Hai acid beg ht eke in,l yon unit we sill always do our vert best to woke your' contitllntnee. witWorth Your While, NSML AGENT, 1111USS1a1L;S. MORE K11AM cogs Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy. Glanford Station, Ont. -"I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound for years and never found any medicine to compare with it. I had ulcers and fall- ing of the uterus, and doctors did me no good. I suffered dreadfully until I began taking your medicine. It has also -helped other women to whom I have recommended . 1." -Mrs. HENRY CLARIS, Glanford Station, Ontario. Another Cure Harvey Bank, N. B. -I can highly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to any suffering woman. I have taken it for female weakness and painful menstruation and it cured me. - MRs. DEVERE BARBOUR. Because your ease is a difficult one, doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia D Pinkham's Vegetable b le Com- pound a trial. It surely has cured many cases of female ills, such as in- flammation, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing -down feeling, indigestion, dizziness, and nervous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it, and the result is worth millions to many suffering women. I1 you Want special advice write ler it to Mrs. Mikhail'. Lynn. Mass. . It is free and always helpful. will become wiser, we hope and cease to spend public money 01) such useless devices. As heated air will persistin going upward and refusing to be coaxed down again obstinately ileler- into obey s law of future rather than the commands of the furnace men evert when supported by high authority, all tee eau do is 10 submit and seek some °thee way to male the school cumforlleble. Not wit ltsland- iug this disagreeable tail i11 the ele- ment referred to above, there is nue thing it has never yet r311100d to do it has never refused to wa.551 to the beet of its ability even a little child if allowed t doso 1 omidsecure i to t. m e that desirable consummation the most obvious ('anise to take would be to place the child right in the cul rent of warm ail' as it flows upward and time secure not only a constant sup- ply of warmth but an abundance of fresh air at the sane time a condition I understand that is rarely found in arty rural schools in this Province. That this is tint only prarctioable bra comparatively a ,- 'hut ' as (Nuc, a tllsh- Y 1 meat we are firmly cunvfnced. Is1511 briefly outline a seheule to obtain. these resnits. While 1 have 110 doubt that a distribution of the heat ronin be secured by metates of as number of registers instead of one, greatly Un- moving present eoudilious a still ef- fect nal way would be to provide. 0 5915)1112541' chamber between the base- ment and school roots. The advant- ages of this phut are numerous. It would ant off the cold eft from school r°om float. The pipes dislribotLing the. Wal 111 Dir through 11110 splice would need no protection. Theanmke pipe 01)111(1 11100 frill though this chamber, eliminating waste of teat and preserving the pipe. Last and most important every pupil in the room would be equally warmed with pure air the fl°or being of perforated metal a register as large as the room. The ceiling of basement should be wooden. All we require now to oper- ate -this system is a fresh alt. pipe )e from outside, fire an the furnace and a suitable ventilator at ceiling of sch"ol r)oul nature will do the rest. By this method no natiital haw is violated the mum air r1(1011$11411 I. 1 1' 8esl if Y V00551 becomes a trifletoo warm the air vises and escapes more rapidly, the cold air coning in just us quickly to take its place is heated to a less de- gree th us ant omati cal ly regu l a l.i mg the temperature of the room, To allow heat to escape to the ceiling and cnln pal it to come down is a violation of natural law. To compel chiidre1) to attend scbool and deprive thein of fresh air is a violation of human rights, it aohoe, YOni's:l'1'uly. J. Al. 1t.NIGHT. When buying a cough medicine for ciiltlt'en beat' i5) mind that Utatabt•r- Iaain's Cough Remedy i$ most effectual for colds, croup and whooping cough and that it contains •n,t llarsnlul (l rug. hot' side by all dealers. GloriousNailr For Every Woman Who Wants it Any w010811 who neglects -her hair cameo!, expert to have las lovely hair as one who doesn't. Wast the hair once a week, 1100 PARISIAN SA,G111 daily -keep your hair brush ahead' and 111 14 few flays y°1) will give to your heir ca 1150111 it'll' Iusire 1hal yon will be peomi ol'. P1N10.500isa5lunel1•a4id,111e haia mile ; sn reliable (haat ,lass Fox W18,1411,1 ties it to arn(livetr deolltl(10, stop lalling halt• and itching 51.1514), or money back. • IL should be used as a dressing by every member of the family because it keeps 111e1 Scalp clean, prevents halt, 51,101li Itnrt 15,C, Y rra 0 14 bnidnf a, bot t tt1e511arnlit, Vol, 15111 hoop :(I VIA(' f.n•orvlinlry inepar„1)11111a40•1 one? (,15 i)g delightful 1'.1 LSINIAN SAG L a trial, JDNIDN LFAGDE MANCNJND SONG. 10.u(i0klyLn5 hgnveenst refriekaortidsaeee byhow qealers, We are Junior Leaguers, Leagued with Christ our Lord, Fulluwiiig Dur Captain, Guided by His word, Waving high our haulier,ter Firm we stand tn.115y, (lain the world for Jesus Watch and work and play. CHORUf3 (inward Junior Leaguers I - Pirolly stand today. Uliti a the world for Jesus, Watch and work and pray. have you heard lite story l' Once in (Jallillee Uhrigt said, "Let the little Obildren wine to ole." At His funt81001 lulee1111g, Lu 1 WO 111)411,3 today, Give flim willing 001.17100 Waleh aid work and pray. Guided by my Saviour, There is work for me, Little ones are needed 111 Love's ministry, Ile will shield and 'keep to., Guide Els to the end, For the world's Redeemer Is the children's friend. With glad hearts united, Jilat utelly we pray, ",Jesus keep the children lo the 110.11(1451 tv15y ; Onward, forward, upward, When life's battle's o'er, Anchor them in safety On the other shore." Moncrieff The Agricultural Inst.' notion train, consisting 4baggage r or cars 14(141 8 coaches equipped with fruit ruin ,, g dairying utensils, poultry and bee keepi 5(4 appliances, leetilizel5. (:ement etc., will call at. McNaught station on Tuesday, March 5111 from 4 to 6.80 p. m., when lectures and demonstrations will be given. A genei,l invitation is extended to farmers and others in- terested to visit the ear's. Prof, Putnam, Superintendent of Farmers' I1) tilnles is in s charg e. lASTITDTE.-EaaG 1101'00 Pittlllera' 11181.1tute Will hold at supplementary meeting here on Friday of this week at 1.30 and 7.30p. nt. Jas. McDermott, of Eluivale, will speak on Selection of seed ; .1no. Pearson, of this township, 011 Care and feeding of beef cattle ; and Alm. Woelttrd, of Toronto, will give an address. At the evening gathering 51r. McDermott's topic will be How to increase our profits on the fat 10, a subject everybody will want to hear. Dire. Woelard's theme is The Home, its work and influence. There will no doubt be a goodly at- tendance as interesting and well de- livered addresses may be expected. Go to the steeling. 'Skidoo" For Your Headache. Ascertain its cause and the cure isn't hard to find. Look to the stomach and bowels. •Aren't yeti constipated, isn't your liver sluggish, ion'tthestono. Itch failing in its mission? What you 'teed is the cleansing tonic influence of De. Hamilton's Pills. Thais' effect is lasting because they aid all the ailing negams flush.out, all unhealthy matter, and tone up the stomach. With Dr. Hamilton's Pills your. stomach gets a Ounce to recuperate. and does so quickly. For real buoyant health q use Dr. Hamilton's Pills regularly, g . 2 ac. per box at all dealers. Wan ham S After takinginto consideration 1 the price of hydro -electric power quoted to towu8 one hundred miles nearer to Niagara Galls than here the Western Noundiy Company have decided to install a central power plant and generate their own electricity to oper- ate both their immense plants which will occupy ten acres of land. They have au'ived at this conclusion after carefully going into the matter and employing the best engineers avail- able. The brick work for the new bhildiLgs is nearing completion and they expect to have the new plant in operation by the 1st of June when theywill Lin an extra 150 men. P Y Town t The l0 Hall was m nwded to the doors when the contest o c t t f t the silver Medal offered by the W 0. T. U for elocution was held. Mayor Spotton tVae 111 the chair and the judges ed were Rev. aeluhl a Air. West, of Blue - vale, Rev. Mr. Walker, e of W h; te- ehluch, andMrs. E. P. Moore, of Ti.eswmter. Prize was awarded to Miss Lillian Ross who scored 150 points and was 4515tnlly complimented not only for the excellence of her ad - ch ess but for iter general proficiency in delivering it. There were seven cnuteetauts as follows : Misses Lil- lian Ross, E. Bower, M. Curry, G. Nicholson, 10 Gillespie, M. William- son and 1'l. Buchanan. All the young women look temperance subjects mid ' the poillts wel'e a- warded for voice, manna y, articula- tion and general proficiency. The et n4estanls had Mann directed by Miss L. Copeland and their work reflected geealt credit upon bee. During the evening the male quartette of g t q rte the 51rth"dist Unveil rendered a number of selectio118 that were thoroughly enjoyed and seven young wen froth the High School gave ilsLrl mental nhnlbeesutasta'he local \1 0. T. U in in a5 most flourishing (tolldition. II1 W118 alerted itltclut, ,a yei1d• itgo,and hasan active member- ship now of sixty. Mayor Spnttot enngratnlated Nilss Ross heartily.. With hila nil the Plal'fos'u) were Rev. 1V. t„ 1)ltledge, Rev. G, V. Collins, -ltev,-(3, 13. Croly, and Abner Cnse.ns, supeeintend1),1 of the Baptist Sim- 1 day School. NIiss 0tl3pman, of Lon- don, with Miss 13. Reynolds, as ac rompnnist. rendered a solo most ac- ceptably. In addition to the medal preaenledIn 'Miss Rrns, each of the other c")ltestlaltt8 was pt'e8emled with a srnt51ellir by Mrs. Ross, President of the W. 0. 1', U. I7oou'kn00 that, nit f y se out n peppy ell a,55)9 n t f rhelunntisn 1144 t simply rhrntuniisin of the inuselee due to runt or damp, or 0111'01140 rhea. 011150.+141. and retpai111 410 itltotmal t1.Oat• own t wllaLevor 1' Apply 'Chamber- i Seao,,,,eb div.° cf,00. + • • • ••' • • + + • •+ •• • + • d• • + • + . •+ • • • • + • ▪ S. ART ea/77,d ale l3 tF+ft� '�!'`1Y/ •••0••••0a►04.4,11,•••••••••••• • j • .Mvercoats • • t Cost e • Suitable for Winter and. • Spring wear, • 0 0 • • 0 • 4. • • • • • • • • • • • O • 0 • •O • 0 They are made up 111 plain and fancy styles and of fll'st'chtse material. The Coats will be sold at }feat bargains so don't fail - to take ad veil age of this offering. P. Fraser Tailor to Men who Know. BRUSSELS • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • •4. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s • • • • 0 • • ••.+•+••1••+4,+4.4 -i -•a -•-8,8,-•®a-••: ,84,0-o••r•d.• .0.14+•+•+•44+•+4 • r • k, Oeerino�..:r its• .. w I• AM entering on my second year as Local Agent for the Deering Agricultural Implements and am prepared to supply all comers with every kind of Machinery required. ed. q Also handle the' well known McLaughlin and Gray & Sons Carriage Goods. One grade only and that the best. Washing Machines, Sewing Machines and Cream Separators ors alwaY s in stock In Musical Goods Kitchen Cabinets we handle Pianos, Organs, and the celebrated Edison Phonographs. Call in and see the Bargains. If you want a Chatham Kitchen Cabinet come to our shop before purchasing elsewhere. 9 Brussels •+•'F•+•+•4.•+•+•+•+•4•'i•4 ,••+ ei.a.1.83.1'41,4•••. of -e+•+•+•+•4.41••• • • + • • • • + • • + • + • t• • 3� 4, d- • 'l• • + • -1' • + + + •+ • + • ••••••••••••0••••••®a••••• esmtsr801@Fi)Cse,•f,7iBcsacts0500•••• •• • rs! • Bargains ,. t in t rs • • • • A e • . • s • s Some good Second-hand Cut- e ters for sale, at your own price. s 'n • • To clear out balance of stock and o make room for Buggies will sell at a Cut Rate. Get a Cutter at a Bargain at EWAN & Cod's russeNs N£ . 05. YOrt.n'r>"••at'npt..;-,ap 13;. DE LIF 5LAMMED fAs YOUNq MEN AND MIDDLE• ,Gi:D MEN. the victims of early indiscretions and later ex. (asses, who aro failures 10 11fe- v,wi arc the can an restore t0 1111511)l0.,1' and revive the spark c f cn •1Hy and vitality. h, n't give up in deo+ )r because you lino' 'r,•atel( with other do tura, mod electric (14155 and tried various drug store nostrums. Our Now Method Treatment I.s , snatched hundreds from the brink of dr:- :11r, has re- stored happiness to hundreds at homes and hasmmlo successful men of 110. , who ware "down and nut," we preterit. rpecific rem. miles for each Individual case sac mire to the symptoms and complications -we have no. patent medicines This 1s cue of rho secrets of our tvolt(lerful auet:e8a as our 1roistment can- not fail for we proscribe mine/hog adapted to e 1115 It' u1',, ble c s n inn ,dual ansa. Onl c sue ac- Eninad, wb have dear bu¢incm throughout Ctutada for over 20 Yours. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED •OR NO PAY PusflfEfiArayoua'victim? h;,vo you lost 41 hops? Ar03 you intending to ntnrryl 1111ns your Mood been c is,as0d? ' 1 r you ahs vtrulmrss? Oar' New Method T tenant will chr' 1 011, '5511115!. has tlenne for vol^rs it 5 ))! do (1,i1' sot, treated t t on Freo. Nn honest 1'510'4)8 treated yo, 1,11(0 1':1)' 0)1 5(00045 opinloa. F ao of Chnrate. Cook¢ Fren- '1'.,vl,nnq, 1l):uthes.i, I utho'hood. t.tilustrub. 041 on .Diseases or Men. NO NAMES USED WITI-]OUT WRITTEMM CONSENT. (4n 5i0104 On 5.)008 or. cnv81. res• Everything Confidential. Question List and Coat of Troatmeut MEE FOR HOME aATMENT. - 5r i y 7. a a"t DRQ 4,K D Y Cort Michigan Ave. and Griswold St,, Detroit, Mich. �+ All lettere from Canada must be addressed imobtAl ®T Cfras to our Canadian Correspondence Depart. osessamastaniassm .moot to Windsor, Out. Ii you desire to see us personally call at our medical Inatitute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our 'Madam offices which aro for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian al bn91 4 9 only, Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windier, Oat. viretb for our pllvato nddri ss. 0 O • ••• • • • s • • • • • • • • • • • • •