HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-2-22, Page 4sir•,....-w.w...vc.Ww�.o•..-...•, - • ,
w if It � liiV, � u l i m Sharpe
Crpe n India.
n iyO reeesrt'••lesmse resses eeeee ••••ooes*
1 •
DEAR IluttE Fo ic.- 1t' a will think I Belgiutlt, sun of the matt who is in
00 doubt it 1s long singe you heard from partnership with Mr. Kennedy, joined o
me but when you think that we have us at Marseilles and has been such •
been bythe time
n e we reach terra r
h t r a fi ma I pleasant company. He is a College
25 Jaye on the water you will under. matt, looks like John only has brown
steed.. eyes has travelled nearly all over
How are you all ? Preparing for the world, knows more about Canada
Xmas I expect but ere this reaches you than I do. Speaks five different
. Uhrbstmas greetings will be oyeefor an languages and tells we all the thiugs of
Other year and the new year will again interest about every place we pass 1
be brought into view with its many forgot to say the night we passed Lily
salmi aced leases. opportunities, privileges Mr. Sahli. and I staved up to see it as
-and failures, Last night as I sat here we passed about 1 3o and it was so
ou deck dreaming and looking out over bright we got a good view with the aid
this great waters, shimmering in the of his field glasses We could see five
gorgeous moonlight, I was a wee bit cities at once and as we passed they
homesick and longed as I have so often turned searchlights on us all the way.
done tor' those at home I love, and when a'4 the Italians are very suspicious at
I looked at the cheery face of the moot) present Also passed Mt. Stromboli with
I thought the same Guide is over us all its fire, stroke, and lava gushing out in-
"God is in his Heaven all is well With to the moonlight. Should we return
this way shall pass all these places in
day time.
0 1 yes! I want to tell you there was a
fancy ntasqueratie ball on board last
night, and U ! the rostunles. Some of
the boys were perfectly killing they
were so funny. They all trouped into
the dining room for dinner and no one
could eat for laughing. We also had a
tournament of games yesterday, quoits,
cricket. shuffle deck, etc.
N.iw I fear 1 wit have to close as the
mail box soon closes. I will have to beg
a stamp as this is Sunday and I neglect
ed to purchase one yesterday.
Sunday a. m. Dec. loth tgit,
DEAR FOLK: AT HOME —I am sure you
think 1 nave been -01115154s about writing
so seldom but realty it seems impossible
to get time t0 write a decent sized
letter. Of course it takes cousiderable
of my time doing things for Mrs
Kennedy and when I have time to my-
self there is so much of interest to see
and learn about I !tate to miss the op
Received some mail yesterday, the fins'
sitiee leaving New Ymk. The
mail goes out from hire only once
per week and if we miss that day it is all
off for another week.
Suppose you have lots of snow and
stormy weather there, while here the
sun shines incessantly and have only
seen clouds in the sky once since coming
here, in fact the 5310 i5 so hot that I
got a slight sunstroke a few days ago
while sitting in the shade drying 101
hair, the result is I have been in bed
since with a high tempera. ure and feel
ing.very miserable indeed, but thanks to
several dopes, &c , am about o. k
to day and will be up and doing to
morrow, good as new I hope Am now
writing on my back in bed, Every one
here dresses in white uearly alwats,
men and women. There is a red sand
that gets into the clothing and is d•tificuh
to remove except by washing. It is
hard on laundry bills as washing is not
clone here very cheaply but in a mosi
terrible manner as they wash by pound-
ing on stones, cousequently a flue gar-
ment usually returns with the lace in
one hand and the remnants in the other,
However there are many more conveni
ences than we expected to find but it
will be good to again be in a land where
there is good eating, no flies or snakes
served up daily.
There is so much to tell anil talk abru•
I scarcely know where to begin. Shall
leave our trip over until later and Dili
deal with our stay here. We hoiden in
Dec. 5t h and found the we
et' intensely hut, so ranch so that we
were glad to sit under a "punka" or
electric fan most of the day and then
took a taxi cab and did sume sightsee
iug and shopping in the early morning
and evening. Bombay is a pretty and
picturesque city Rud as the Kit g had
arrived just a few days previous. it we,
very gay in profuse decorations and ad
ded to it the many colors of the "Sal
rahs" costume of the thousands of mi-
ttens it made a pretty scene. One plea.
of interest that we visited there was it
"City o1 silence," a place where tee
"parsies" an Indian caste, take their
dead up to a hill and throw he corps*
down on the valley for the vultures, a
large ugly bird to eat and the mourner,
sit and watch. It is a eruesotne sight
Some of the ignorance and superstitinr
of the natives are terrible and still I hay,
vet to meet the first European here wh'
has any sympathy with work of Ili*
Missionaries here, livery one claim•
Mee are doing more harm than goo
but I cannot but look ahead into ,h.
generation to come and feel chat then
the work will bear fruit. The night h•
fore leaving Bombay we attended
dinner given by i -he Tata Cu , the wee'
thiest people in India, in honor of M
and Mrs Kennedy, which was vet,
elaborate and very interesting. W,
then journeyed onward by rail for tee
days, arrived at Sakchi at 3 a. m. and
were met by Mr. Lahlin, Mr Wells and
Robert, who conducted us home to •
cosy bungalow, a nice grate fire an,
warm Breakfast. It would tali the lit,
long to tell von here shout S.kcln
will wail until I return home but Wil
tell von about our trip .last week A
party engaged a
of six en a ed special car and
we lett here Saturday evening went to
the city of Calcutta for New Years Dat
and New Year:. eve. The King and
Queen hail arrived just the day previ
Inc and of course there were wonderfIt
preparations and decorations. S'atet'
at the hotel just across the street from
government buildings, where they were
staving, saw them go out to chine.
Sunday a, m We went on to city OI
Delhi, two days travel and the seat of
Durbar, saw many wonderful things
the world." Could scarcely 1 elieve it
was me sailing along here between the
shores of Africa, and Arabia but it is
really true. .
(I do hope you have had a pleasant
Christmas I am so sorry I could nut
join in gift giving but have had t)0 op-
portunity to buy and anyway cou1.1 not
well send themacross the lines and
could not send money as I only have
French and Hindu money so my portion
will have to come later.
I shall be so' glad to get mail again
"tmd.11tlpe ere tris you have written as
don't forget it takes nearly a month at
least for mail to reacts me.
- Let me. see I wrote you last at Paris
did I not a How I have enjoyed this
lovely sail over these beaut,ful seas,
lakes and'gulfs. The weather has been
perfectly ideal all the way and the Red
Sea was like a mirror most of the time.
It is extremely warm just now although.
lf, a breeze up on deck and the thiunest
4. Summer clothing tssometltnes too thick,
I, ,'Weare now nearing Aden where we
',wilt stopthis p m. for fear hours and
'then go on again through the Iudtau
Ocean for another five days. I will
really' be sorry in a way to land. I have
so much enjoyed this voyage.
My patient is perfectly fine and has
; gained three pounds through all the
There is so much hotnidily in the air
''here that one perspires with the slight-
• est exertion and it is extremely danger-
0us to allow the sun, to rest on one.
,' The other day I sat down in the shade
-of some posts of .be ship was reading,
had not noticed that tea sun was un
the back of my neck, presently I smelt
the celluloid in my barette and m au -
other two minutes it world have been in
a blaze. I tell you I soon moved. The
- heat of the sun is so Intense from about
Ito 3 that the deck curtains are drawn
to keep passengers from leaning out it)
it. The sunsets and the sun rising and
j Ylie moon rising has been some thing in -
!s describably beautifui as we have been
favored. as you no doubt know. with
,l gorgeous moonlight nights and they are
so very bright that one would almost
think it was day. We pass .many large
„ships, boats, eta., and at night it is
ilovely re watch them signalling their
messages with colored lights. The
other day we passed a large Italian war-
ship, but as Seim as our uffic,.rs saluted
with the •'Union lack" they turned off
their search light and allowed us to go
by in peace. We are at this moment
passing a huge rock on the Arabian
coast which looks like great banks of
clouds piled up in the sky. Although
probably S milesfrom it u can i
p y bt a see c
quite distinctly.
As we passed through the Mediter-
ranean we saw schools of porpoises play-
ing in the waters. At Port Said we
anchored for about 16 hours and were
allowed to go ashore in row boats. It
was a gay scene there with the many
Arabs it) their peculiar mode of -dress
and many colors. There are more
nationalities in Port Said than any
where in the world. We are just 3
hours --ride from Cairo, Egypt, while
stftere but could not risk time to go
We sa,v many Egyptian relics, natives,
etc. The a. m. beture sailing we were
awakened by music, much noise and
singing, upon looking out saw several
natives in row buats with mandolin,
fig' tar, violin and tambourine playing
g'd singing in their native ,.ongue and
it "Ili the shade of the old apple tree"
in English. Of course thiswas done for
coppers, There were also acrobats oa
er5wJlarF and divers who would dive
'pennies and get them every time
then passed on into the Suez canal
ere we had to make slow tuneintle
4ye,et' hour on aeeown of dangerous waters
1Jn one side were great stretches of Sand
esert very trying on the eye with here
atldhere Arabs with their tents stretch
ed.' Oa the o•lier beautiful green
gardens of palms and many other
vari•ty of trees also many Arabs with
"Jeff "E'sgypttan costumes and camels
Travelling through the desert. The
Suez canal is some too tulles Tong. I
wanted to wait up to see Suez, as they
(( say it is a very beautiful place, but we
did net pass it until 3 a. m. so went to
my little cot, Passed into the Red Sea
and crossed the place where the child -
ren OC ',reel did, also saw Mt. Sinai and
,11 many other things of interest of which
I hope to tell you of later. For a long
way after entering this sea we could
• see the shores of Africa with ¢teat
..ranges of the most beautiful mountains
tvhiel made one long to explore what is
Thesaythere are man shark
nil. Theyls
e nY
�, tili les; etc , in these waters but as yet
dtley have no1come into our view only
•lai�rngjackals as, We were leaving,Egypt,
ht20, now tor., sure whether or not
fro 11 be allowed to go ashore at
+icier; We only stop 4 hours, and the
p tilde is never very sure as it depends on
+eta amount of mail to betaken on at
l'crt.Satd we took ;ou sonic 3,500 bags
Of Mail and i8oo parcel
Post packages.'
Now I must tell you somethuig of our
passengers. We have aboard Countess
std Earl Ronaldshay, Lord and Lady
IldcKay, five ministers and wives, five
missionaries several doctors, two of them
;iidies:•, Met one missionary who is a
fttive of India. He had been converted
'Aid thea watt[ to Eagiand for 7 years to
?ildlversity and .took his degree. He is
jry toghsli Church man. Is now going
5aek to be ordained. on Christmas eve
Ind then saes l0 his field of labor is the
Following day, am feeling much better
to day so will try end get a few words
in before the mail goes out. We also
Visited many other cities of interest, o1d
ruins of forts, [ cities, &e,oo years old '
It was a w n erfal trip occupying ten
a all rethrned tired b
days and we but full to
the teeth of sights just here must tell
you, we again .:ail On 11111 20th tor our i
homeward trip to New York. If we do
not stop in England or Italy it will take 1
us a month and if we do, longer, am not
sure Will write you again from steam-
er. Aro so sorry I could not get more
written but am compelled to close.
Bye bye to all,
Northern part of India,. He is a fine ['('bis is a much shorter letter than in-
looking"ancl Very clever chap and We tended, but after many inlorruptions
, re in a manaued to get tide much written
malty iota st cheta, An
d y
l a o
had g
v 1
'Miter incident that has made my journey. Sorry it is not twice as much
lileasan it young man from Brussels Snckhi, Jan. refit, tote.
Corn Corn
Now is the time to buy your
Feed. We have best Ameri-
can Yellow Corn at a Rea- •
sonable Price.
Feeds, Oats, Oatmeal,tui etc. cJ
• It imparts Strength,
a Just think of the enormous strength-
® ening power Nervil!ne possesses,—eolt-
sider what itdid for H. V. Potter, well
e known 111 Kingston, "I was subject to
O spells of dizziness, For eight 'twai ]
S I bad intense pain in my right, side
• between the shoulders, I was itlitttlat
O incurable with weakness and leek or
3 vigor. Often I scarcely ate any break -
1 feat 10
t felt miserable all_ haY
nus, eitvpy exulted, llvnbled .with
i limo 1 wi nklama, 1' was in bttd shape.
11erroznlle rustured and tlourlahed me
back to hettlLb in shoal, order." \\That•
• ever your weakness may be Pet ',ozone
will cure. Price 60c, per box at all
Small Profits. Quick Returns.
Pryue Milling
Co,, Brussels
••0•00000011000OOOeee OOORe 00•0••00oe0000ooeoo00•s0e0
It Droops Like a Serpent,
Steals through the system like a
thief in the night. t. That s how catafl•h
acts. Don't trifle with such a scourge.
Don't experiment with a doubtul
treatment, Time and experience
prove that Oatarrhozone does cure,
that it gives quick relief and so thnr-
(lushly destroys the disease, that it dies
Get Oatarthozone in the first place,
and your cure is assured. In 25c. and
81.00 sizes at all dealer's and guaran-
teed in every case.
INSTITUTE.—The speakers announc-
ed for East Huron Farmers' Institute,
to meet here Monday, Feb. 20th, are
Mrs. \Voelard, of Toronto ; Jatnes
McDermott, of Elmvale t and Jas.
McFadzean, of Walton. Among the
best meetings g the series i\loleswo th
holds a place hence a live interest
should centre round the coming gath-
When given as on' as •• the croupy
ough appears Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy will ward off an attack of
roup and prevent all danger and
ause of anxiety. Thousands of
withers use it successfully. Sold by
11 dealers.
They Alt Failed.
Many have tried to devise it corn
cure equal to Putnatn's, but after fii'ty
years nothing has cotne upon the ntar-
ket that so painlessly cut es .001'(15 aitcl
warts. Don't experiment,
use the
best, and tlits "Ptnam's.
Robert. Sloan has rented his fathee's
maple hush and is putting in an alp -to -
date boiling plant.
11'. Metcalf, who has been confined
to the house for the past hal weeks,
is getting around agalu but is still
very weak,
There is some talk of a ilex mill
stat -ting here this year as the anther -
nits are in communication with sev-
eral Hems.
The vote for church union is being
taken in the Methodist elnil'ch lit
present, and itis likely it will carry
as it is doing in most of the Method-
ist churches.
The W. 0. T. II. held a very success-
ful medal contest in Industry Hall
There were seven contestants and the
judges had a hard time coming to a
decision. The race was between
Annie Mains who recited the piers
"Old Soapy," and Alberta Stothera
who recited "011 Which Side ?" The
judges gave their derision in favor of
Annie Mains by three points and it
Learn why PURITY
is unlike �ke an
- other brand
URITY FLOUR is unlike any other brand of flour.
No two milling companiesexactly
follow the same
process of milling. In fact, no two different brands
of flour in the world are exactly alike in quality.
And here is another fact worth knowing: Every wheat berry
contains both high-grade and low-grade por-
The process of milling PURITY flour costs
more than to mill ordinary flour. The low-
grade portions are separated and excluded.
wheat flour. It has greater strength, greater
absorption and greater expansion. It is a
thirstier, more elastic flour. It drinks more
water and expands into more loaves.
Use PURITY FLOUR for your next batch
of bread. Count the loaves. You'll find
you have made "MORE BREAD AND
when you've used an equal weight of weaker
and cheaper flour,
"More bread and better bread"
IMAGINE, if you can, how much
uch w
hiter, and
nd more tooth-
some, and more nutritious,the bread made from such
HIGH-GRADE flour must be.
And can you imagine yourself enjoying the
flaky pie -crust and the light., delicate cake?
—your reward for using PURITY flour
ISold i11 BTUJS
3. T. It0$S
When making pastry, please remember to
add more shortening t
n required vl
ordinaryflour—for on account
ofits extra
shortening for best pastry -results '
Yes, PURITY FLOUR costs slightly more
than ordinary flour. 131it us0 it once and
you'll say it's worth 'more—]ouch more—
than the difference.
Add PURITY 'LOUR 1.o y"+lr .grocery list
right now.
i;r,s by JAS. i3At:,'I.ANTY�rN�IS, W..7. MCCRACKIEN,'
0170. Ti -10 l80N. ALIO. BARIUM, Distributor
was the general opinion of..11i
audience that she deserved 11 'PIA
was a tine program besides tilt. t
test and '11184 Tuetnah, who is visit,
here front Michigan also gave a apien-
did recitation which was heartily en -
The Agriculture' Instruction train
will be here on the 0. P. R. nn March
6th temaioiug from 1 to 3.30 o'clocic:
A large tinlnbet• should take advant-
age of the occasion and see the exhib-
it. and het.' rhe addresses.
DIED 1N ALnEaTA.—Ji'lt's. R. Sellars
received a telegram Saturday an-
nouncing the death at Chinook,
Alberta, of her son. Deceased was
homesteading in the West. The news
of his death COMPS as a great shock to
his mother, as only a shoat time ago
she Inst her husband. Another son,
Wesley, has gone to bring the re-
mains home. No particulars as to
the cause of death have been received.
The first word of the young man's
death was sent to Chicago Masons, of
which lodge deceased was a member.
Sellars had not been home for four
, Constipation is the cause of many
ailments and disorders that make life
miserable. 'Take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets, keep your
bowels regular and you will avoid
these diseases. For sale by all dealers.
The postoflice has been all newly
fitted up with splendid oak fittings
and it is a decided improvemeutand
convenience to the public, as tate office
never was large enough for the accom-
modation of the public.
The venerable police magistrate of
Goderich. John Butler, had to go _to
the hospital the other day owing to
infirmity of age but has rallied to
stick an extent that it is expected he
will be out again in a few nays.
Your Money Back if You are not Sadie.
tied with the Mediclne,We Recommend
We are so positive that our remedy
will permanently relieve constipation,
no matter how chronic it may be,
that we offer to furnish the medicine
at our expense should it fail to pro-
duce satisfactory results.
It is worse than useless to attempt
to cure constipation with cathartic
drugs. Laxatives o1' cathartics ' do
touch harm. They clause a reaction,
irritate, and weaken the bowels and
tend to stake constipations more
rllnonic. • Besides, their use becomes
a habit that is dangerous.
Constipation is caused by weakness
of the nerves and muscles of the large
intestine or descending colon. To ex-
pect permanent relief you must there -
fere tone up and strengthen these
organs and restore them to healthier
We want you to try Rexall Order-
lies on our recommendation. They
are exceedingly pleasant to take
being eaten like candy, and are ideal
for children, delicate persons, and old
folies, as well as for the robust. They
tact directly on the nerves and muscles
of the bowels. They apparently have
to neutral action on other associate
organs or glands. They do not purge,
cause excessive looseness, nor create
any inconvenience whatever. They
may be taken al any time, day or
night. They will positively
elieve chronic or habitual con-
stipation, if not of surgical variety,
told the myriads of associate or de-
pendant chronic ailments, if taken
w i th regular i by for is reasonable length
urns. 12 Z tablC•ls'IO cents 1
r 9 36 -
fete, 25 cents ; SO tablets, 60 a
ttb cents.
Sold in Brussels only at our store—
The Rexall Store. P. R. Smith.
Auction Sales
P555155554 &o,—F. S. Poeta, auetdoneer,
hon been instructed by the undersigned to sell
by public auction at bot 115, Con. 15, Grey. on
L'nssday, Febtthst•y 27t1)at 1 o'eloek eha'p,
the following propert,l vie, :-1 mere11 genre
old in fool t u Baron rife, 1Ina •e8genre old in
foal to Jae Henry's horse, 11 milk wows sap-
poaed to be 111 mor,11 eteera 1 year alt] 5heifera
1 year old 1 heifer 8 yearn std. 145011 bred ball
2 years old, 11 Spring calves, 1 brood sow with
little pigs at foot,
a number
ePhens, 1
binder, 2 mowers, 1 Angle plow,
1 double
moulding plow, 1 oeufiier, 1
pair of barrows,
land roller, 1 turnip sower, r lumber wsaouagmis,
t top buggy, 1 buggy, 1 light wagon, 2sets of
sleighs, 1 light sleigh, 1 -nutter, 1 disc harrow,
I hay York, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 Penning mill, 1
nutting box find horse power, 1 turnip slicer, 1
aped drill, 1 seeder and cultivator, 1 set double
Minus, 2 sets single harness, 1 hand eider
10111. 1 set of grain slings, 1 grain cradle, 2
grain ,asks, 2 milk 031115, 1 set trucks for drnw-
fag coin, Yorke, chains and other, articles too
numerous to mention. Sale unreserved napro-
prietor has rented kis farm, Terme-$a00and
under cash; over that amount 12 months credit
will be given on furnishing approved joint
notes ; 0 per cent. off for caste on credit
anountn. WM, MANN, Phoprietor,
Logs Wanted
I-tighest price .paitd- for any
quantity of logs (Elm and
Basswood preferred) to be de-
livered at Win. Cole's trill,
Orn, Grey, or at D, W.
IDnnbaf's, Stir tlou,
8. 8.Cole,
are looking for an invent-
trent that will bring you
large returns write for
pal'tieuht's 00111 Calgary
and Athabaska Landing, '
Alberta farms also for stilt,
Real Estate Bi nit
1174 Boulevard N. W.
` .�. Calgary, Alta.
T s Church
for. New C li
Sealed tandem will be rer•eived by the ter
darsigned up to Monday, Feb, 20111et 110031,
for the erection told completion et' the new
Preab termn (Atwell, Walton, Tenders re -
waived for wltole multi set or for mnnon work
and carpentering separately. The lowest or
any tender not neeesenrily ancepted, Cmtgre-
nation will supply brick, grovel, cement, &c,
Preference given tender for the whole work
Plane and epecifientinne may be seen at the
',tore of Menses. Foramina & Berrie, Welton,
alter Feb. 20th, 1L, H. FERGUSON.
Stock for Sale
Nine choicely bred short Horn Butte, 8 to 10
months old, reds and rooms, including the lot
and 2nd prize winners at Bast Huron Fall
Show, Are large and full of finality from good
milking dams; got by imported sh•e and some
of them from imported dams.. flows and heif-
ers prize winners 61 head to select Prem. I
have 51.0 for +talo a 7 months' old filly by Bar.
on Black, imported ; a good work horse; it few
pairs of grade Leicester ewes; and a pule of
young Y rkeblre sows to litter in March, They
are out of n Inter of 14 an heir dem hall 6
and 8
good *wing p{will e4 ll any0 As fab to likely
to be nest p I es i sell of the above stock
at lowest prices and on easy terms
NH, Ethel, Out.
Stock for Service
undersigned will keep for aeevieu on 11734
Lot 20. Con. 7, Morris, a tlorougll•bred 'Tam-
worth hog, Terme, $1.00, to be paid at time of
service wish privilege of returning if meees•
5ary. S. WALKER,
1941 8.
The People's Column
FARM FOR SALE —Beta of Lots 4end
66, Con. 1, Morris township containing 00
acres. On the farm is a good flame house, 22
x 8034 , kitchen lax 22i ; and woodshed 2(080.
The barn is 80x00; Amer shed. 80E40 ; and len-
to 16E80 Stone wall with good stabling under
baro. Never -failing wells and good orchard.
Only 3 mile to school and a mile to chetah or
postotllee. Deed may be been. Terms learned
on application to proprietor.
80.10 Jamestown e. O.
FARM FOR SALE,—The undersigned offers
for nide his 10u more lnrm, being 1,01 27,
Uun 11, Grey township. There are about 80
acres under cultivation and 5 neve, of hard-
wood bunk • good buildings, bank barn well,
whidmill, &a.; 237 miles from church ; nine
from school ; and 234 miles from po.tuffire.
Possession an March 1st. For further pnrth+a•
tare apply on the pretties or Oranbrool, P 0
to ()HAS. LOVE. Pt op. Phone 2012 2511
dersigned offers his fine 200 Here farm be -
lug Lots 17 end 18, Oen, a Grey township, Hur-
on Co. for sate or if not disposed of would rent
to goon tenant There are 160 acres oleered,
balance bush and pasture land, Good build•
Ings, cement silo fences, orelined drilled well,
&o , on the promisee Only )4 mile to Heltool
and 234 to Ethel village. P0550814011 could be
given at once if sold or next Spring in lensing,
For further parttenlar, as to price, tartan and
conditions apply to J.WELSH prop
]0•1[ Phone 41.18 Ethel P.O.
FARM FOR SALE.—The undetslgned offers
his fine farm const -flog of about 186 act es
adjoining the town of Clinton, for ante. The
farm 18 inn good state or cultivation, and has
good bulldingi, brick house, bank barn, driv
ing house, pig pen, etc., all compm•ativel,v now.
A. first. -cline young orchard containing all
kinds of fruits end aim small fruits. The
farm 15 well fenced and drained and is a very
desirable home. For further particulars apply
on the preinises or address•
111-tf JOHN TOILRANCIE, Clinton.
1 on ACRES OF LAND for sale, 1y4 miles
North of Sesloeth. Good clay loam,
all cleared and under outtivation. Baulk barn,
cement Boors, large frame house, newly pnittt.
0,1; good wells 81 barn and horse; buildings
and fences in excellent repair. An ideal limo
9esap. Only (bliss) SUSIE GOVENLOCK,
FARM EOR SALE,—Being Lot 20, Con. 14,
blaEillop township, containing about 02
acres, alt cleared. On the pre111iee0 le a brink
house, bank batht with hog pen combined, and.
a new power mill for pumping,grinding, &c,
also good bearing metier. ,chifly Spy.a. Land
is in extra good state of eultivetiotl, having
been cropped light and large stuck of both
hogs and cattle fed on it for yenre Farm le
situated 94 edam Prom oehool end scillas from
Walton U. P. R. station. For rtu•tlier partieu-
lers write J. It. HA MILTON, Walton P. 0„ or
apply on the premises. 40.11
FAtta1 FOR PALE being Lot, 10,, (Jon. 16
Grey Township, containing 100 twee; 134
51012 frame louse 20x80 ft.; kitchen 10x24,
good frame bard, 40x00, on Stone Ambling; 8
good wells • all seeded to gratis except: 20 aures;
18 acres b6 hush; orchard; 294 nation from U, P.
01. station All In Ante of ulltivntlon. For
further particulars apply to ALEXANDER
BARRON Uranbrook, P. 0, 18.4.
Telephone 2818,
FARMS FOR SALE—Being Lot 4, Con 11,
and Lot 6, Con, 18, Grey'lownehip, Huron
Co. On Ghetto faints are good buildings, welt
fenced and drained
also good 01'0110116 garde ; metety of water ; nearlyy. all Seeded ttho g is and fn
a nclno8gcool d state oC oe Vhllttan.of BruBo.nre ol
ude. to
roil to the 4111Hge ssels. They
will be sold cheap and on easy terms of pay.
meat. Apply on the premien%
841 JAS. BOTZ. Enamels P 0.
FARM POR SALE,—Tho uudorsigned offers
for solo Itis 1(10 sere farm, being. 1034 Lot
20, Own. a, Morris townahip, 8uron Co. 06
tloreeoleared. There isa.comfortable 1101155,
new bank barn, orchard, drilled well, &e 234
mles South of Brussels. Poasesslon fleet of
Ma'oh, 10)2. For further particulars, as to
price, teems &a, apply on the promisee or
liruaeelo.P.0 to H. BEAM,. Prop, '8,4
AT A BAILGAIN•—Will dispose of cottage,
Elizabeth etl'eet, Bruasele, lit $e00,'a great
bargain, lin order• to ,,servequiul. sale, Key
may belted from Mr,.1, Leckie For Blether
pertioulars see Mt'. Leek' or write .the under -
gaited. J. H. CAMERON,
10 411, George 81 , London.
!WARM FOR SALE—The 10 sore a farm,
lag the proper* the tete rotor McNeil,
211,Con. ,Gey, Is offered e0,sale by she
neRmrd. There are 85emelt cleared, bal•
epee well
timbered On the forth there ion
good bank barn large driving abed and a coin.
Portable house. Platte hi goad condition end
well fenced. For further pa•tfonlfra apply to
JAS. A. MONA2R or JAS. 1). MaNAIR, Exeo'
toe,Oranbrook k.0., or F: 41 SCOTT, 131.103
FARM FOR SALE, being 85shit heli Lot 26,
Con, 4, Morrie townlhtp, Boron OM, con-
taining 100 sores more or teen. 011 the prem.
Nes Is a frame home, hank barn, geed orohurti,
well, windmill, &c. All cleared except about
tin mewl f School Is 1 (mime fFa wheel
and 8.100 Acres e* lldm'aa Of Fall wh 111 in
and 81100 Acres t i t 60 o na Beetled down. comity
ferias I and Other information B,'o on n 1 d 'P
1 y the
promises or 1f writing Brutes -4s P �, 'Phone
120, Or F. S. Srott,. 14, nsanise.
11.11 A. L.10ERlt, Proprietor,
CILIJbP1!1 e.ist
Tun POS'r has 1111111' 1111.11 I 1 g('lll en Is
to Milli with hefollowing
papers litd1
flus will be Relit 10 any address (ex-
rept United Stales 50 vents exIlte) nt
the following oubteripiion prices ;—
ePore and 'I'nrtiIiie(Ile a ,.,,..... t);1 BO
" ,111111 013 Empire. 1 00
L.nhtll 11 Advo user ,,,,., 1 (11)
Loudon Free Preem 1 81)
Panuily Herald & Stat' .. 1811
Monti al Wittiest?, 1 81)
Weekly Sun ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, 1 80
Fitu111 I's' Ad via%( e 2:35
Noel helm llesseiger. „ 1115
POST 111111 To hi f l o `tar ........ 92 20
Toronto News,.•,.. ..... . , 285
'J'urtnllo Clobe 4 5n1
Toronto \tail-]7uipipe 4.10
Toronto World. ,.,.. , , 3 110
Lontloh Advertiser 280
Oall ab the office oe remit tut' amount;
by P. 0, Order, 17xpeess Order or Reg-
istered Letter, mddresaing
TU17 POS1',
131uasels, (hnt.
JAxi:vtaav atiatnaie a. tap') Gzvdyrivat.:Xx ✓.
for superior Branae or shorthiutd Ed- ::"01
nmlthe' in the Griot end Palmier . .
LiJ 647
(4111d 11111 05 r* sdi l) 2,151,1 gn,.l1 noel- Ji
tions end the demand 1s fulls throe 61
tlmos our supply. This Co lvge is T
open nu year, at udNil r8 lin v,• t0taly (y
tnikru po.itione at 510, 5011, 876 Anti 5100 P.
per mouth, anter now. Cain hams ai
Yl free,
Qor Young and 1 W. J, ELLIOTT,
gl Alexmldor yes, i Principal.
a'aV,mayrAVAtt"r2aVi O .F^a KtE r Y
Horse Fairs ■
Rtgnhu' :Mont lily these Faits %t•ill be
held this season !LH roll 0W5 ;—
THURSDAY, FEB. 1, 1012
FEB.I29. 1012,
APRIL 4, 1012
Leading Local and Outside Buyers
will be present.
y y ivAWAVAIAw,s iyr:. tf,>;4.ivAtAklf.Ar 1`vb4:
We alar prepeure you for business at
The Listowel Business College a
e 11 6m,
• and Ware on in ' t s g .
•nrlvrii..G df o flier shun
Young People
< Yen mug r1111.1 an} any.
£^ola?4Erikt'a �rala^arYRRyR:tt' %^a'STR7aY,C'a'yF21
One or Eastern Ontario's high -clops
and pap111ar Btaoilless Hokools which
krepe open tln•ongltout the year. Young
people may enter any tine and com-
plote their immune without interruption
of Midsummer holidays. You nuyy
study all lit home • or portly at home
and finish 111 the College. Tkirty.years'
expertenee. Largest trainers in Con-
ed,' A
i*Ib,tt r
d with the h Umnmero1n 1
Di orator's As storm, r uPCamda,
Write tor pa deniers,
II/Ingham Business College
President Principal
0•400044844eaoid.t*'11,43.4,.h a 0t a 0
a e
To Machinery a
Users 4'
and farmers
4 )
3 Nr0Av—'ice-'.-v--p—or,T 5
• .c3
• m
3 The he New Machine Shap of the
and MACHINE Co, q
• Is sow ready fot' business. and,. p
• with good mat:hiuery and Skiiled'1•
YYlec;haoics, we APS, ill It p0E11.1011..4,
to attend to your e .hairs prompt -
l and L I
t L leu,( uablra
tall .
y is
• 11 yon will let no knmv yin a
Watt t5 WO will give yen( honest: m
• advice and -hl'lp 41' connected' a
• with Maeliinety. a
• ®: Give tie 01 Hal and ?
• , by rnuling
• to 81) awls. ,ave bine and ;money ,•'
• Tor yol•n'selvet,,
• Mill Street
Brusse s