HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-2-22, Page 1VOL. q.o NO, 34
Now Advertisements
Lost -7'0e POST.
Fortelle-J. M. Knight.
Settlers' tretne-U P 11.
Feria for sato-Tis Poem,
Forsale-J. J. Um• elilz.
Auction sets-AnrrY Koys.
A bereebt--.1 P ktcIntosh.
Ocard-:t'llss Mcud, 0, Bryan..
Aaotton solo-Jnlnre Monkey.
Watch ccuttdence-.1, G Jolie.,
Notice to oredltora-W m J Bernath.
February bargains -N. S. MoLnucblhl.
r1.5irTCt Raps
The will hold Women's Institute l
their open meeting on Feb. 26th, at
2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Donald
Menzies. Mrs. Woelard, of Tui' Oto,
will address the meeting nn, "The
Home, its work and influence" and
"Plain sewing and Art Needlework,
demonstrated." All ladies are invited
to be present.
at the W. O. T, U. Elor,'utionary Ope-
1 test In Winghttin the e811le evening,
Ij He will never' rust out.
Amos Smith will be one of the
speakers at Ethel meeting of the
Farmers' Institute Saturday of this
Robert Pirie left Thursday of last
week on a trip to Alpena. His
brother John is seriously ill at Medi-
cine -Hat and is in the hostel al there
hence the urgency of Mr. Pine's call.
We hope the patient will have a
speedy recovery.
Joseph Smith is on the sick list but
is recovering,
Duff & Stewart have a fine lot of
logs in this \Vinter.
Ales. Jas. Aitelieson, who has been
ill for some days, is recovering.
Rev. W. J. West, M. A., was in
Bel more on Monday Incdeeating in a
call to a minister for that charge.
An auction sale of good farts stock
is announced by John Mt:Naughton,
Lot 5, Con. 2, Tuenborry, for Satur-
day, March 2nd, at 1 p. in. Mr. Aic-
Niuighton is the breeder of choice
Wednesday of next week the
Fanners' Institute meeting Will be
held in the Foresters' Hall at 1.80 and
7.30 p. in, The speakers will be Mrs.
Woelard, .fames McDermott and Jas.
McFadzean. Topics are "Drainage,"
"Mangold growing" and address by
the lady delegate.
Rev. Mr, West preached on Church
Union on the 11th rust., attendedthe
meeting of Presbytery at Teeswater
for the induction of Rev. Mr. Bradley
on the 151h and was one of the judges
Next Sabbath will be Communion
in Knox church here and the vote on
Ohureh Union will also be 1800lded.
Relatives from this locality al tend-
ed the Frani(lit-5lawtnon wedding
at Ethel o11 Wednesday afternoon of
this week.
Don't forget the Auction Sale at
VVm. Manilas Tuesday afternoon of
next week. Sale will be without re-
serve as he has rented his farts.
James and Mrs. Elliott, of Arden,
Man„ who have been
and relatives
in Grey, have 1'8101.118(.1
to their home. It is 21 years -sheet
they went West but Father Time has
dealt very kindly with them. Mr:
Elliott has done well, lent the think
both he and Mrs. Elliott have a very
wart' spit in their Hearts for their
old home in the Gast. Ml's. Elliott: is
a sister to Mrs. D. K. Livingston 10th
coli.. Of Grey.
R. Casemore was a visitor at S.
Misses Brown, Hinter and Me.
Laughlin and Messrs. McLaughlin and
Hogg, of Fnrdwich, spent Sunday to
Peter. Moffatt's.
Last week %V. Burke, of Exeter,
tvaa visiting at the pareittal ho111e
nem here. He is 1emuving to Genrge-
lnwn where we hope he will (lo well,
Next Tuesday afternoon and even-
ing the supplen'i nary meetings of
the lea.tlneete I1 8111 me and Worsteds
institute will be held here. Gnodstd-
dresses at. both (afternoon and even-
ing aeseionS.
ex -Warden Robert Miller, of Tor-
onto, was here this week 00 a short
visit to his brother. He caste up 11,
attend Zhu funeral of 'the- Irate Alex.
41utu•o, of Wroxeter, who was a fast
friend of his.
Harold Hogg:hale tendered his resig-
nation a8 Principal of Fordwich school
told intends going West 1.1119 Suring.
\'ie will miss him frotn these parts
but our hest wishes go with him to
that "Young nates count! v:
meeting of the \Voinens Institute
will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 27th,
and will consist of two sessions after-
noon and evening. Ariel -neon seseine
will be held at the house of MPS. Geo.
Eck oriel , At•2.30 o'clock. Mrs. Woe
lard, of Termite, will be the speaker
and as she is favorably known to
quite a number we feel sole her 501i-
jects will be of special interest. All
Commencing Saturday, January 27th
Ready-to-wear Suits
1111 111111 and Overcoats
Per cent
regular price
Fur and Fur -lined Coats
Heavy Winter Mitts
Trunks and Suit Cases
And a big Reduction, in all
tiles of
Shoes and
such EIS
00 Shoes for $4.00
4.00 1t 3.00
3.00 " 2.10
Rubbers, 758 per pair
Shoes must be cleared out in
the next two weeks to maize
room for new Spring goods
which we will tell yoU about
1 sample The above is simply a le of the p
many Bargains offered.
E. C. --Dunford-
W. H, k.ERR, Pro¢yletar
the ladies who can come will be
heartily itY weh #U
ed. Evening
will be a union uleeGhlg with the
Parolees' Institute begiunmig at. 7.80
o'clock. A musical plogrunt will be
presented and a pleasant and p1'oftt-
uble time 19 being looked forward to.
The skating fever is spreading. and
last week Wrn. Muses, who is past
70 years of age but well preserved,
donned a pair of skates. He was able
to renew his youth, in memory at
haat, as he called up the bygone
days in the Eastern States, when he
first acquired the art.
1810000, the service being conducted 1
by Rev, Me. Ferguson, his pasl'oi'v The
bereaved are sympathised with in 1
their sox'eow. The mune and , haract-
ex of John L. Geddes will live tor
many a year 11s the embodiment of a
straightforward, honoeable, kindly
Wetted aria' who was ever ready to
lend a helping hand to everybody. Be.
died on the farm .just North of the
nosh Township 00000
ill et here o1 1Jondta
lh h.
Next Sabbath will be the closing
day for receipt of ballots iu the Pres-
byterian church on the question or
Ohureli Unite].
Mrs. '1''o0.1119 Pt013111, is quite poor-
ly, we ore sum 10 8L aae. She suffer-
ed a slight stroke hast Sunday. Her
midden 11x1110 was Miss Iirando11,
whose early hone was in East Wawa -
near Belgrave. We hope a
speedy recovery will ensue.
INSTITUTE.-\leetiugs full of inter-
est %818 111:111 het Monday 111 omelet--
tfo11 with the I''nrulets' and \V nlnetl'a
Institute. Mrs. Woelard spoke tort
large and interesle(111,tmpany of ladies
at Miss Ile1gough's on Health Culture
and also referred t1 the work of the
ftistitttte 111 New Ontario. 'There are
1111)8 50 members in Belgrave Women's
festilule which speaks volumes for
the e11Cerpi ise and enthusiasm of the
ladies. Mrs Anderson, the Prt'sideot,
occupied the elude. A. gond time wits
"n at the F+u'ulets' Instil lite also. 1,
the evening at the joint meeting ex -
peeve Taylor presided and live ad-
dresses were gives.. Vocal selections
were well tendered by Miss Hands and
Miss Holliday. The Forester's' Hall
was well Heed.
a11 extended spell of failing health
.101111 L. Heckles at the roll call
of the skies last Suutluy night. His
18111188 was not unexpected. Pernic-
ious anaemia, sus the disease from
which He sti feeed. He w'as 48 years
of age and was bru. on lot 7, 3rd line
Morris, be -being the 4111 sou of the
late D,Lvitt Geddes, aid h0,1 lived fol
25 yeiu•s in Belgrave. .Fut a nunl.hee
..1 ems he kept the bhackan11lh shop
dish( sing of it two years (ago. Airs.
tiedlles' 1111ai1r11 11141111 wild .\li$S 1911cu
Porterfield, d;, ugh ter of the Tale \V1n.
Porterfield, or .\hu'noc11. Two sous.
Wilson and Hardy, also survive. DV -
ceased left 2 815111. and 4 bi others.
'the stlhjer.L' of lids notice was it most
genial and kindly man and had t'tieuds
by the hunch eds. lie was a 11leulbe+
of the A. 0. U W. 0. 0. F. and I. 0.
0. le. societies and belonged to the
Presbyterian church. In politics he
was to Liberal Funeral took place to
Wednesday L
• r \el
' 1 cemetery ir•wuLut(
the 3 . Y
Frank Jeschke is visiting,111 Detroit
Ray Mann, of Listowel, is a visitor
with Jamb Fischer.
Alex. Dark spent Sunday in v Wing -
ham iill his sister.
Mrs. Menzies and Geo. visited
Jamestown friends last week.
\V. Canteen', of Winnipeg, spent a
few days at Jos. Long's this week.
Will. McKenzie, of \Vinghaul, is
visiting with his uncle, A. J. Helm.
Mieses McInnes and eleTaggtu•t ore
visiting friends in Bluevale and \CMg-
John Coates has pur'e11ased the
Dining property and has 'loved this
Miss Emma Hunter bas gone to
Toronto to attend the Millinery Open-
Mrs. John billing has !unveil to Jae.
Cameron's house, next to the post
A load of Oraubrnok juveniles at-
tended Brussels rink Wednesday
evening last.
David a11d. Leslie Pel'rie were visit-
ing their uncle, Rev. D. Pereie, of
W ingliatn last week.
Misses Mabel and Mary 1411 -Nichol,
of Wnndstoelt;' were 1e11ewhlg old
friendships in the village. They are
t1191(ys welcome.
Kel-e evidently forgot thn.t
Welton, Monte ieff, Ethel, Cralibrollk
and nthet large places halve had the
'phone in long before Brussels in the
We have 6 only
Very special bargains in these -
one for each remaining shopping
day of the month. Yes i but me
these may all go I he first day of
the six you will avoid disappoint-
ment by calling early and talking.
your choice.
liege is a sample of the oftel'iug
rtgatdlitlg which Air. Tiros. E. Gib -
stet, who purchased its male, says
"You -t01(1 un< 1101ari'g wrong
AIR/111 lilt. Sep1Lt'LLL01', Mao. Il
11,15 I hem All be 11111."
1 only 700 Ib. capacity $66.00
N. So Mclauchlin
The only through line
LOW col.
roe settlers travelling Ir Scalers and families
worklivestock and
effects1 withooutuld livusenloek
' - sh
Special Trains - Regular Trains
Will leave Toronto Leaving Toronto
Each TUESDAY - 10.20 P.M. Daily
MARCH and APRIL Through colonist
10,20 P.M. and Tourist Sloopere
Colonist Cars on all Trains
No Ch1Ya1. e e
Trans Toronto to
Through o
Winnipeg and West
Ask nny C.P.R. Agent for coeY'el "Seeltr,' Gefcia"
H. L, JACKSON, Agent suusseLS
home that ha iness and el'ity'
Pp p ros P
may be yours, your' labor crowned
with emcees and one day you will
hero' the 3)aeter's „Well done."
Yours 111 the Work, W. M. S.
Feb. 14th, I912.
A motto also aoeonapanied the address.
Although completely taken by sur.
prise Mrs, Brown made a brief but
fitting reply 111 which elle heartily
thanked the ladies for their kind
words and appreciated gifts.
Some, EVENING, -Friday evening
of last week three classes from Union
Sabbal11 School were, mit ryaid rted
most hospitably at the house of D.
!Meehan, Omt. 11. (James, music,
hutch 1
i •11 etc. led in the time
everybody enjoyed them,elves splen-
didlanl thanked Mr. and Mrs.
Machan for their kindness.
Last Monday evening a company of
50 or more took possession of the
home 11f Angus and Mrs. Brown and
spent a very enjoyable time i11 games
1110911, SOeial chert, launch etc, Air. and
Mrs. Brown are nlovfng to their farm
lately ptuehased on the 9th con. Old
friends here are sorry to see them
move away and voted Mr. and Mrs.
Blown prune. entertainers. Andrew
,larlcli11, of the 5th coo„ will move to
the farm vacated by Mr. Brown. We
hid Biot told his wife welcome to the
neighborhood and hope they will do
Maple sugar making conies next.
1f you want a bargain see local
items of page 8.
Township Council will be meet on
Monday, 1,1ar1•11 4111.
Brussels Horse Ptah will be 'l'bnrs-
day of next week. i10n1' miss it.
Will. Rigel', of Dehnif, turas here
for a short visit at the old home hist
A 110mber of the toads were pinwed
nut on Monday making travel much
Mis'; Grano Hoover, 911i con., a0
lived home from Toronto last week
and will remain.
W. J. Jaek lin hats resumed farmina
having moved back froth Fordwich.
We wish him wee.
Robert and Mrs. Allen, of River-
view, Brace Co., have been visitieg at
the Motile of Robert Bremner,
, church Il Sun-
Methodist c n
In Roe's
clay next, Feb. 251.11, at 1080 (t, in.
Rev. T W. Hibbert, of Gerrie, will
James Jones, Jeweller, has decided 10
°nntinue in business in Bruesels and
will be ready to attend to the wants
of the public in his line as of old.
Mrs. Obatles Rnzell was able to be
moved to her home last Monday from
Brussels and is gradually gaining
strength, although not nearly -back
to her usual condition of health yet.
30 feet will be added to the barn on
the hum of Robert Mt:Taggart, Lot.
22, Con. 15. It will have cement
stabling under it tied will add very
materially to the ronin and comfort.
The material is being hauled this
H. Hogg, formerly of this township,
hate ii1.nded in his resignation as
Piineipal of Fardwieh Public Shconl
to take effect April 1st. The trustees
have advertised for a male Principal
to taste charge of the school after
Easter holidays.
NOOTLAND".-A splendid concert will
he given in Roe's Methodist 01101911,
'Tuesday evening, Feb. 27th, beginning
at 8 o'clock. Program will Consist of
music by the choir, male Qmt'tette,
readings, etc.. and the powder Ieetuee
by Rev. J. W. Hibbert, of Gottie, on
"13iunhlea through' England land
Sonthand." Do tint fail to hear the
revolt -111d gentlemen deliver hie most
interesting and anptieating 1ectmve.
Wtaduesda.y afternoon 'of hast week
the Women's Miseiolary Society of
Roe's ('11nrehmtet at the krone of Ales.
Robert. Pearson. One. of the interest-
ing feat urea was the preaenIatioll of 11.
Oat'pet Sweeper and a motto 10 Mrs.
Angus Brown, who will shortly 1.9-
• n 0 Ethel. The
wove to then• 11 ise n ul
following address WAS r'elt(1 by Mian
Lizzie Bryant; and 31ise'Lttleua Fettle
'lade the presentation :-
DIeAR FELLOW- \VoRKER':-\Ve, the
nlembei•s of the W. Al. 8. of which
yon Move been Stich n• valued mender,
feel mi this ()emission that. we cannot
let: the oppnrinliity pass by without
expressing to you,. in some tahgihle
way the sint'ele feieldstnp we -have
felt', fo' you dining scut• snjoala1
among us. As' a a neigh her we have
1 ,14,111 you genial and kind and Ito at
worker fn every department of the
church you terve been most wile tag to
d(1 snit)' 511)1.18 1111t' Ia 9111id1 Shite either'
and your true 0111islilg1 I:hafacter has
been an iusp ration to one and all
Om' Soeiety will miss yon Jery tooth
hub while we are severed 119 n society
at Line's, we nee exreetlingly giad you
still will be with us 118 aL circuit, and
we Hope. to IuLve yen join 11s 1111 1lnlny
0t0(.481011e. We, I18 a Sneiety, 11511
)' lila eat let ewer ler es a
tin urcei t t I 1
emelt toilet) of appreciation of. your
kinds entdeaVols in the wo'it and
entry it peeve as helped l o you ill sone
daily tholes 1.s void life has proved to
though the know Qur loss will be le
gain to the cntumlil
'towhich they
O are golig As a alight taken of our
esteelrt, we ask yon accept this Music
1'1' 1d 1'i e C.,81 pet, 11'nstiugthat you will think
00011811 will meet here on March
W. 111. Sanders will go to Stratford
o' Friday to attend the District Public
Library Convention.
Wednesday of this week the matti-
cuntlial kunt was tied between Nelsen
Franklin and Miss Edna Bernice
Slemlunn. A. more extended notice
will appear next week.
Hugh Ouneiughant was in Drayton
1loutty of this week attending the
tinter/it of his father who passed away
Inst Friday in M874111 year. A widow
and fatuity of ten survive.
241 1 i e81., is the dale of the Institute
111eetiug here. Speakers are Mrs.
W(1010 4'1, of To onto ; Jas. McDer-
mott, of Elmvale ; and Amos Smith,
uf'rrowbridge. A good program of
addresses is assured at hath sessions
and a full hoose in the Township Hall
in 1110 evening.
This week George and Mrs. Ber-
nath will l'etn'n to their home at Mc -
Ail hue, North Dakota, after a visit
with relatives1111d friends here. Air.
Bernath. while a hand worker enjoys
life as well and owns an auto .with
which he doles his touring. Mrs.
Bet oath is a daughter of O. and Mrs.
Ravnard, of Ethel, and Mr. Bernath
Is It nepllew of Mrs. Bernath, who re-
sides twee.
\ oe8111
t t
le Women's In-
stitute will
Iallttre\ili be held on Saturday, Feb.
i Dihvorth's Hall
makes travelling a pleasure
' t , correct time 19 then
may le 'eaa1L
a 1 G
na capable time -keeper, but
by incompetent repairing
you have lost faith in it,
Bring it to us. We willre-
pair the worst wrecked
watch anti we will do it
The Jeweler
o1'tie sometimes with the sestet attee.
111111. yeti bear the love nod goodwill
of all the cougregiatiou here. Thou h
front be)108f(irtl our pathwaysdivide,
yet it is the desi1 a of each, that we
may all meet on the Radiant shore,
where friends meet to part no more.
Signed on behalf of the c0ngregatiol.
Mr. Johnston very suitably replied,
expressingtheir' appreciation of the
great kindness that had been shown
them. A.I'ter refreshments were serv-
ed the company returned to their
wishes bet
thea t
`'r new
Mr. ad Mrs. Johnston for thele
home 10 Gladstone, Mamitoba, h
they expect to start for on March 6th.
her faculties until the close of life.
She was a true wife, an atfeotlonate
another and a first-class neighbor, who
filled her place in life with true nobili-
ty and proved the value of a trustful
confidence in the world's Redeemer.
Having sold bis farm in .tbe town-
ship of Elula L. L. Longeway, form-
erly of Ethel, will hold an auction
sale of fat m stock, implements, &c.,
on Tuesday of next week, 27th inst.
Keys. who has resided on his 100 acre
farm West of Ethel for the past .3
year's, has decided to go West next
month. He has taken upa 160' acre
homestead near Swift Current and
will get to work on it. We thought
by the way he was fixing up his place -
here he was going to be a permanent
resident but he will either sell or rent
his farm here. Mr. Keys has an-
nounced a clearing Auction Sale of
farm stuck, implements, etc., for
Tuesday, March 5th and will arrange
to get away shortly after. Mrs. Keys
and children will not accompany Mr.
Keys but will lake up residence in
Brussels for a time until a home is
prepared on the new farm. We are
sorry to lose the family from this
-rominunity but wish them good luck
and good health in that laud of
wonderful possibilities.
2411.1 at 2.80 p to
Subject Demonshatiicg the Art of
Needlework by Mrs. W. Woelard, of
Toronto. All the ladies of the vicini-
ty are welcome. Mrs. Woelard will
!also give an address in the evening at
the meeting in connection with the.
Farmer's Institute. Collection taken
at close or afternoon meeting.
SCOTLAND,"-Menday evening, Feb.
26111, at 8 o'clock, a Sacred Concert
will be given in the Methodist church
under the auspices of the Junior Ep-
worth League. A splendid program
will be given including numbers by
the members of the League, Ladies'
QLun'lette, Orchestra selections and
the popular Lecture by Rev. J. W.
llibbert, on "Rambles through Eng-
lund and Scotland:
YOUNG Mures DAY. -Sunday, Feb.
25th will beubserved in the Methodist
(-Meech as "Young Alen's Day." The
services will be conducted under the
auspices of 111e "Young Metes Bible
Class. They have secured Rev. J. W.
llibbert, of Got'rie, Chairman of the
W'iughaut district for the day. He
will speak at a Blass meeting of the
Sunday School in the afternoon at
2 o'clock on 'The peillQiples of Build-
ing" and in the evening Ito young
irlel, on the suhjeet of 'Visions."
Evening service will be in charge of
theyouug mon who will furnish the
ntl,,ie with a large choir of young mea
assisted by the o'ehestra.
AT A ROYAL OLD AGE. -After hav-
ing naln'ly attained to her 901,11 year,
Miele) Wood, relict of the late Robt.
Barr, passed away to her reward
Thtliedav morning of last week, at
19 o'eleei<, at the home of her son,
Robert Barr. Old :age totes the cam*
of death. Deceased was born in
Coen well, Ontario, and 19118 mat ried
111 Mr. Bart' on 0c:toilet. 20th, 1814.
They lived t ituutlton
for 6 years'
moved 1, AlcKillnp township, East of
Winthrop, who're they relined and in
18011 conte to Glee tow itehip, perches-
ingLei21, Ooll.9 fto1n Allis Barton.
On this farm both Mr. aild Mrs. Bort
lived antis called to the Better lintne.;
The formol'died 20 yell's ago last
Tuesday, aged 75 year's. 7 children'
am+vive viz :-Mrs. A. Tindall, South
River; Alentna ; John, Arden, Man. ;
Stephen, Ylde, Mich, Robt., on the
homestead; Edward, Vancouver, 13:
0.;'Jnlnes, Fort Frames, Ont. ; and.
Mrs. 1). McKe11zie, Guelph. One'
(taughter, Elizabeth,- 18 deceased..
etre, 13111'1. leaves 20 grandchildren
and 27 . ' great grand c it f 1 d r e n.
811e • as the I1(st survivor of her fami-
ly. Deoeesed was a fine woman and
was beloved by a wide circle. She
mads her home with her son, Robert,
where she was well ('ateC1 fo'. The
fllnerll1 loop place Saturday afternoon
e e tome e1. w 81.0 re
I n use I t y 11 the it -
tellies were laid alongside 111111 of her
partner n01 Fife r y
for nears 80 years.
r n1.
Rev. Tl B. Airilu° Astor ofd aenea .
eimeltteitd alt appropriate service mid
pail beeper's were:-.W.H,dlenbeck, I.
Taltke, \V. $101)11110)), 0. Oleavec, J. K.
us, Our prayers and geed , wishes 13rnwn and ,inn, King. Mrs. Bare was
still accompany you to your new a bright, clever woman and retained + Very sorry to see our 01101)55 depart,
Brussels Monthly Horse Fair Thurs-
day of next week. Get to it.
Township Council will meet on
Monday, March 4th at the Hall.
There were a gond many Moriisites
at. the Farmer's' Institute meeting last
Monday at Belgrave.
Robert Nichol, who had his hand
so seriously injured, is getting along
as well as could be expected.
Last week Miss eliunie Walker,
6th line, underwent an operation for
appendicitis in Tnt 01110 and is mak-
ing favorable progress we are glad to
- Jbile.
sELa. J. G
Jeweller, has decided to continue 111
business in Bleasels -and will vill be ready
to wail, on the public as in the past at
the old stand.
Monday of this week Jas. B. and
Mrs. Kerney attended the funeral of
the little daughter or Jno. E. It'd
Mrs. Ellis, 4111 line, East \Vatvanosh.
The child Look ill the previous Wed-
nesday with acute indigestion and
died on Sunday. She was 9 months
oid. The parents have the sympathy
of a wide circle of friends in the loss
of their baby girl.
AUCTION SALE.-- James Oloakey,
who disposed of his farm, Lot 17, (Jou.
4, to John Little, has auuounced a
clearing Auction Sale of farm stock,
iutpirments, etc., for W ed s yda',
elarch 6111 at 1 p. m. The list may be
rend in this issue of THE POST. - F. S.
Scott will be the Auctioneer and the
sale will no doubt attract a large
crowd as the stock, etc., is in good
,.SORRY TO BEE THEM 0o. -On Fri-
day evening, Feb. 16th, the members
of the Johnston appointment of the
Bluevole Circuit, assembled at the
home of W. J. and Mrs. Johnston, Of
the 1st line of Morris, to spend a social
evening and to express, in a Pleasllx'e,
their appeeciatic„ of their services in
the church and. in the community,
!riot' to their departure tor the West.
Mr. and Airs. Johnston have proven
themselves to be excellent neighbors,
and model Christian workers, and they
will be greatly missed both in the
community and in the church. The
event was a total surprise to Mr. and
Mrs, Johnston. They had been away
for the alley calling on some of their'
friends, it being the 11th A,nivevsary
of their wedding, !'hey returned 111
the evening, expecting to spend a
quiet time, when lo to their surprise
their house was soon filled to its ut-
most capacity. About 9 30 the Pastor
E. was r e l' d with
Quik tvt es 1 Le
Ltev. J. L. , p
a pengran) 0005fsting of songs, solos,
recitations and addresses which last-
ed for 0 01inple of hours. At the close.
0f the program the Pastor read the
following a1d1088 and Arthur Shrew
and Richard' Johnston, nn behalf of
the congregation presented Mr. and
Mrs.. Johnston with an excellent
mahogany combined Music and Parlor
cal1i 1101.
to MR.
1 0
-We. the congregation < f Ju11 1st u' a
church are assembled here to -night, to
bid farewell to Mr. lend Mrs. Jolvlston,
whom weare sorry to say fere depart-
ing from one midst. They have been
faithful members of nue church for
many plats ; have attended tail the
services iegulal ly ; have been diligent
itt the performance of all duties in
connection with our ohni•ch bete and
we believe have labored earnestly for
the maintenance and the extension of
of the Minster's Kingdom a1n011g us,
Mr. and Mu,. Johnston have rendered
vat1)1111111 Service in the chole, 'Mr's.
Johnston being nttanist for seven
years. /\s teachers 111 the Senday
School, they M4)115111 the "Truth before
the 111111 1 ell 11) stmh 8.141anuer as will
tint be for'gotterl. We will be vel y,
necessary last Tuesday to remove the
great toe oil the left font of Joseph
Smith, the oldest settler on the 0th
line and a pioneer of the townships,„
he having come here over 50 yea..
ago. Mr. Smith is 82 years of age
but has been wonderfully active and
bright for his age, and many relatives
and friends hope he may speedily be
restored to his usual good health,
GOLDEN WEDDING.-- Robert and..,
Miss Martha Ouxrie, 4th line, were
away to Wallace township, near
Listowel, last Tuesday attending the
Golden Wedding of Joseph and Mr's.
Cumberland. 1'bere was a fine time.
Evening was spent in music, social . .
chat and games. The host andhostess
were made the recipients of many
testimolials from relatives and friends
in expressing ressing congratulations over the
p 1d Mrs. Cumber -
event. Mr. and
land enjoy the respect and esteem of
u wide circle, who wish them the cele-
bration of tlieir'diamond jubilee.
Smith, of Delorai'e, Man., is here to
visit his father, who is not very well,
and will remain for a few weeks. He
left home last Saturday but was de-
layed by 00 accident on the railway.
It is, 23 years since Mr. Smith went
to the West and we are glad to state
he has prospered there although last
harvest was hardly up to concert
pitch owing to the prevailing web ,
weather. Next Summer a . railway
will run close 101V1r. Smith's farm and
a siding for loading grain will be lo-
cated within a half mile itis expected. .
There was fair sleighing when he left
Deloaine teed the weather had been
Rev. L. Perrin spent a clay in Tees -
water last week.
A lotd of young people spent Tues..
day evening at the home of Miss
Gertie White, of Gorrie.
Rev. A. L. Russell has occupied the
pulpit in the Methodist church for the
last two Sundays owing to the ab-
sence of Rev. Alt Collis in Toronto.
No !lir
181....; Brussels post -office
was not the first in the County to
have a telephone for the benefit of the
patrons. 'We think Wroxeter can
claire that distinction. Among first
phones the Wroxeter Rural Telephone
Company put in was in the post -office
where it has proved a great conveni-
ence to the 9(1.1)nns.
Anniversary services will be held in
the Methodist elmeth on Sunday
Mar. 31d. when Rev. Mr. Wren, of
Ethel, will occupy the pulpit morn-
ing and evening. Following Monday
evening under the auspices of the La-
dies' Aid, a Shredded Wheat Banquet
will be given after which a good
program will be rendered.
We regret to report the demise of
Ales. John McLean, which took place
at her home in Howick last Saturday.
The deceased had enjoyed compara-
tive good health until a few weeks
ago when she bird an attack of
pneumonia ftnm which she gradually
weakened until the end came as above
stated, Alts. McLean was a daughter i
of the late Wm. Rutherford and . was
aged 57 years and 9 months. She was
of a quiet and unassuming disposition
and highly respected by all who knew ,
her. Sbeis survived by a husband,
008 80)) and two daughters to whom
much sympathy is extended in their
bereavement. The funeral took place '
to the Wroxeter cemetery on Mon
clay afternoon service being conducted
by Rev, Perrin.
evening Alex. Munro passed away
rafter an eeteuded and paiufttl illness
borne with a large degree of pationee.
'Jhe funeral took place on Tuesday
afternoon from his late residence on
Howick streetto the Wroxeter Deme -
tory, Rev, L. the
Dotlducting the
service. Mr. Mbit[' was one of our
oldest (, ' and most respected business
men. For a ucmber of years be and
his partner-, Wm, Rutherford, con-
ducted a hardware business. Selling
tint to the latter he then went into
the genertel business which he pur-
chased f1Uln W. C. Hazlewood and; itt
lvhich he was most successful, Mr.
Munro was a very intelligent man
n lit active a •
and Lot an p a t in unicfpal
affairs and anything pertaining.to the
welfare of the conlnntlity. He will
bemouthed by a; wide circle of friends
ohtsldethe immediate 1elatives. kle
1s survived by his widow, formerly
Mies Janet Alban,' and five children
who will be deeply Sympathised,with
In their sorrow, ,
Wheal Child -Yoh aive Sick
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