HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-2-15, Page 7A "HIM SAY YOU, GENTLER E 11 GRIM PAIrI' 'I'lll,T "NlaRVt S" PLAY 1N 31I1Ri)Elt TRIAL,. Picture, of a Scene is a Court -room When a Maul Is Tied for Ills Life. Towards the enol of a great mtu'- der trial cyeryene connected with it invariably begins to show signs of "nerves," e,speeially if it be one of those mysterious affairs which ap- pear to baffle reason. - There is always interfuse interest in the study of glen's faces at that hour. -The trial of a man for his life is so entirely unlike anything else, that it grips hard hold of everyone whose„ duty it is to liston to it. The • very atmosphere of a murder case in court affects judges, hardened police -officers, lawyers, and news- papermen alike,. • Expressions that usually betray traces of e. merry disposition change strangely as the grim tale is unfokl- ed. A man's hind naturally • re- volts from taking another man's life, and -even in a court of justice this instinct prevails. It is tho se- cret hope of nearly• everyone in court that the pale, nervous man in the dock will escape the penalty of death. a e It is an inexplicable fact that when telling evidence against the prisoner is being given the majority of people refrain from looking at the murderer, Their eyes are fixed on the witness or counsel. A WAVE OF RE:LIEF. A wave of unmistakable relief seems to sweep over the court as soon as the first witness for the de- fence, begins to speak. Tho jury lean forward now and again to bo quite sure they will muss nothing. When a good point for the deform is made, one may netiee some, of the jurymen noel or smile in a strained way—quite subconscious actions. The bearing of the prisoner during the trying ordeal is rarely any use in forming an opinion of his guilt. A guilty man of strong will has of- ten an air of gaiety from the first until the last minute, even through the judge's summing-up against the prisoner. The, tension during the brief wait, from the moment the jury return from thei' retirement until the moment the foreman pronounces the words "Guilty" or "Not guilty," is written plainly on every face. It has been said that one can unerringly determine the jury's de- cision before the word is spoken by the simple fact that, as they file in, the jury never look at the man in the dock if it has been decided that he moat THE JUDGE'S TERRIBLE, TASK. In eases where the prisoner's guilt has unquestionably been proved, and the evidence has been perfectly clear, not an eye is direct- ed towards the man while the judge speaks and puts on, the black cap. Everyone looks straight at the judge. In that awful moment eveery .human being in the court feels in- tensely what a powerful instinct self-preservation is. When the judge has finished his terrible, task, furtive glances are east at' the unhappy wretch in the clock, but the hush in rho court tells its own tale. Men may go out of the place about their business, but they have witnessed a scene from which they cannot escape for clays. On the other hand, the moment a foreman, in reply to the question, "How say you, gentlemen?" says Not guilt), nine, out of every ten people present flash 0 rapid look at the prisoner. Sympathy, curiosity, and unspo• ken congratulation shine in the eyes that are turned on ''re fellow -crea- ture who has escaped from the gal- lows. Theo is something of the prisoner's mental relief in the brain of everybody,—London An.awers. z QUEEN A.LEXANDRA.'S ROME. Ding Edward's ''Itooni" Saine as at Buckingham Palace. Marlborough Itomo, which has been partially refurnished and gen- erally overhauled, is now ready for Queen Alexandra and her' unmar- sled daughter, Princess Victoria. Special interest attaches to one room ns now rearranged. "ed. It takes the form of en exact replica of King Edward's " busineea room" at Buck- ingham Palace, where hetransaoted his affairs of state, all the furniture and fittings' having been transferred to Marlborough House at the re- quest of the Queen Mother. In the, centre of the room stands the handsome old desk at which the' ]ate King ,sat when interviewing Ministers, while in the left hand corner fs a white marble, boat of the late Duke of Clarence and Avon- dale that isivasiabiy.accompanied the King wherever he went. The one alteration is that Queen Alex itndra hes' replaced tbo painting of herself when young that hung over - the nlantetlpicce in Icing Edward's room withthe lateisv picture Pf the • late'. ting. CURED OF EPILEPSY A Case That Should Ening Hope to Other Sufferers, Epilepsy is one of the must seri- eles troubles that 'afflicts the hu- man race. This trouble 15 also known as "falling sickness" or ",ifs." Tho patient suddenly loses consciousness and fella. The muscles become rigid and there is a twitching of the face and limbs, SOmetinlea-accompanied by frothing of the mouth. The convulsion' is followed by a deep- sleep varying in duration. In the early stages the attack may only occur at inter- vals of several months, but as the disease progresses they become more and more frequent, the pati- ent hoecoaes debilitated and the mind weakened. Epilepsy •is gen- erally regarded as incurable, but taken in its earliest stages has in many cases been cured- by Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, which enrich the blood, strengthen the system, thus enabling it to resist the progress of the disease. Tho following case will be of interest to any who suf- fer. from this terrible malady. Mrs. John Mather, Bancroft, Ont., says; "My little son, Clive, at bhe age of five was stricken with spasms or fits and despite all we dicl for him, for the next five years was afflicted) with them, apparently • growing worse. He was candler the care, at various times, of five different doc- tors, but they did him no good. He was growing worse all the time, until he got so batt he would Some- times have twelve of these spasms in twenty-four hours: I sent him. to the Sick Children's .Hospital, where they pronounced the trouble tipilcpsy, but did not help him. Later he was treated by a special- ist, but to no avail. I was almost in despair when my mother advised me to give him Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I got the pills and gave them to him, strictly following the direc- tions as to the diet. He continued taking the pills for several months, the spasms gradually corning loss frequently, and with less severity, and finally they ceased altogether. It is now about two years nines he took the last of the pills, and he has not had a fit in that time, and is now as well and strong as other boys of his ago. I have great rea- son to be grateful for what the pills have done for Trim, and hepe this may be of value to spine other suf- ferer." These pills aro sold by all medi- cine dealers er may he had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 1;2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi - eine Co., Brockville, Ont. Many a man's wisdom is taken for granted because of the smart things he doesn't say. • The Poor Man's Friend. --Put up in small bottles that are easily portable and soli for a very small sure, Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil possesses mere power in concen- trated form than one hundred times the quantity of many ungu- ents. Its cheapness and the varied uses to which it can be put make it the poor man's friend. No dealer's stook is complete without it. It is the man who knows all about it who has the least to say on the subject, Minard's Liniment Cures Carget'In cows, While waiting boar something to turn up it were better to get the plow ready for turning something PhiMes Se Bad He h 'as Atha ed Tried Everything but Did It No Good. One Box of Guticura Ointment Took Pimples Away, 'About seven years ago pimples broke Out all over my face and neck. When they .would first come out they would be Mg and red, then after a while they would turn white, and matter would come out. Sometimes they would itch so 1 could hardly sleep. T was ashamed to go down street, my face looked so bad. I went to several doctors andgot medicine, which did me no good, and bought ointment, salves and patent medicines, but none of then would cure my face and neck. A friend advised me to try Cuticura Ointment. I got one box, and it took the pimples away before I had it all used -up, I cin say It is a wonderful remedy. Any sufferer who has pimples should use Cuticura Ointment if they avant a sure cure. I never land any sop equal to 0,11, ora Soap." (Signed) homer Mathes, Parkhill, Ont„ Sores AH Over Baby's Belly "When my baby .boy was six menthe old, his holy was completely Covered with large sores that scented to Itch and burn, and Mao terrible suffering, The eruption began In pimples which would Open and run, making large sores. ills hair' canto out and finger nails fell off, and the ores were over the entire body causing Milo or no sleep for baby or myself. Great scabs would oche oft when 1 removed his shirt. Wo tried n great many remediesbut nothing 100111d help him, till a friend htduced mo to try Cuticuraoap and Ointment, 2 Used the Outleura Soap line Ointment but n short t11n0 beloro I c011id 000 last be was improving,and in six weeks' time he was entirely cured. He had au(ored-about six weeks beforoa tried the 0,lttcura Soap and Ointment, aitl,00gh 110 had tried several other things and doctors too. I think the Outto,ira Remedies will do all that is elalm0d for them and a great deal morn," (Signed) ,?tire .Noitio Tubmaa, Dodson, Mont., Jan •�Ou.icure dodo and Out -louts Otatmont ooid by druggists dad demo`s ,,,here, Send to Potter Drug 41 011010, Corp.,rp„ 00 Celumhee Ave., Boston, U, S, .A., for a Ilberal free sdadde of teals witha2'P. booktat, '1'1141 MA.KiNG 01? MATCHES, Were Introduced by Derosne, of Ptal'is, in idiU, Chemical matches, compounds like sulphuric acid and chlorates, which would ignite on being mixed, wore used, says London Engineer- ing, more than a hundred years• ago ; a phosphorus compound, ig- nited by friction, is supposed to have been introduced by Demme, of Paris, in 1810. Mr, E. 0. Clayton, in a lecture recently, spoke of notches which he had been able to analyse, and he considered many generally ac- credited statements as inaec'irate. Samuel Jones introduced his "Pramethean" matches in • 1828. They were chemical matches, con- taining chlorate, sulphur, and ly- copodium, and in the small glass tube sulphuric acid. He also `gado "friction lights" in 1812, containing sulphur, antimony, sulphide, chlor- ate, iron, oxide, and gum, and called them "lucifers." But friction lights were previ- ously made in 1826 by John Waik- or; these were coated with sulphur and ignited by being drawn through sand -paper: Phosphorus matches, ignited by being struck on the box, so-called "oongreves," were pro- bably introduced by Sir W. Con- greve, the inventor of the war rocket, early in the 'thirties. • They were chiefly. taken up un- der that name in Germany, and in Austria, and contained, in addi- tion to ingredients already men- tioned, frequently nitrates, pow- dered glass, chalk, starch, and a blue dye. Phosphoric cigar -light- ers carne from Vienna early in the 'fifties. The chlorate, "Engineer- ing" adds, was, about 1835, replac- ed by load oxide, which Preshi (Vienna) mixed with nitric acid and dried; strips of red phosphorus paper were manufactured by Batt - ger in 1848 ; but they did not find favor until reintroduced from Sweden. 11. BABY'S HEALTH IN WINTER During the winter months the mo- ther finds it very difficult to keep her little ones well. Colds come on quickly and the discomfort to the baby affects the whole household. To keep baby well during the win- ter he should be warmly clothed, have a daily bath, lots of fresh air; and Baby's Own Tablets should be given him occasionally to keep his little bowels working regularly, as nothing will bring on colds so quickly as a clogged condition of the bowels. Bn,b,y's Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother cars give her little ones. They. break up colds, ours constipation and in- digestion, expel worms and make baby bright and happy. Tho Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Any fair-mindlecl man who argues for a thing long enough can con- vince himself the opposite thing is right. Only One "BROMO QUININE." That is LAXATIVE 1313,01110 QUININE. Look far the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the World aver to .Cure a Cold in One Day. Ole. A man can be a good deal surer about how you should invest your money than about how he should invest his own. If you are a sufferer from colds get a bottle of Bickle's Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup and test its quali- ties. It will be feuncl that no praise bestowed on it is too high. It does all that is claimed for it, and does it thoroughly. Do not take any substitute for Biekle's Syrup, because it is the best, hav- ing stood the test of years. All the best dealers sell it, In Groat Britain and Ireland there are over ninety thousand public -houses. The Nova Scotia "Lumber Bingg" says; S aonsidor MINARD'H LINIMENT the BEST'liniment in use. I got my foot badly iammod latoly. I bathed It well with ,IIINARD'S LINT. MENT and it 1005 an well as ever nest day. Yours very truly, T. G. OnMULLEN. February, it is true, is a little short, but it is likely to pull through without bankrupting March., Do your feet feel tired, achy, and sore at night? stub them with a little Hatnlins Wizard Oil. • They'll be glad in the morning and so will you, HARD TIMES AT DAD'S. The teacher was trying to explain the uses of the thermometer. "Haw can we tell," she •asked, "in winter, for instance, how much nyder one day is than another "When it's awful cold," spoke up the barber's little boy, "no- body goes t' git Ma hair cull," Minard's t,ialrnent cures Dlplitherla, THEY HAVE YET TO SCORE A FAILURE DODD 'S KIDNEY PILLS EDERGI: 'I'Rl1'1IP.IIAN'l' FROM 1;1'1.11l,' TEST. Ernest St. Pierre tells ]lows they rescued him from the tortures of Ducheebe and Bright's Disease. Le Petit Bois Franc, Tcmiscouta Co,, Que., Feby. 5 (Special)—lir- nest St. Pierre a well-known farm- er of this place is telling his neigh- bors of his almost miraculous cure from Bright's Disease, and he al- ways winds up .with: "I advise all persons suffering from Backache or Bright's Disease to use Dock1's Ridney Pills." For like thousands of other sufferers in Canada Mr. St. Pierre found his cure in the good old Canadian Kid- ney remedy. And his indeed was a particular- ly bad ease. His eyes were puffed and swollen, Ms appetite was fit- ful and ho was always tired and nervous, while the pains in his back macre any form of work something to bo avoided. To -day he is strong and Swell. Six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills worked the transfor- mation. More and more in this neighbor- hood is it becoming a motto, "If the disease is of the kidneys or from the kidneys, Doddd's Kidney Pills will cure it." They have been tried in many cases of backache, rheu- matism, lumbago and Bright's dis- ease, and in no case where they have been given a fair trial have they failed to cure. 'I REMARKABLE RENTS. Ancient Customs Which Prevail in Some Parts of England. One of the most eurious rents in existence is that paid yearly to the King by the Corporation of Lenders. This consists of six horseshoes, sixty -ono nails, and two faggots— the annual rental of it moor in Shropshire and a forge in St. Cle- ment Danes. Another strange. rent is paid year- ly by the Duke of Marlborough in connection with his Woodstock es- tate. According to the ancient laws, the duke must send a new flag, embroidered with the feu`-de- lys, every year to the Sovereign of England. To fail in this respect would cause the estate to lapse to the Crown. Long ago St. Olavo's Grammar School, in Tooley Street, let a field in Horsleydown for a red rose, to be presented on Midsummer Day, annually, for several hundred years. Some three hundred years have yet to pass before this rent can be stopped. Quito recently the Fulham Bon- ough Council instituted a rent as res markable as those instituted in past years. A military band is permitted to practice twice weekly at a certain place ill the borough in return for four free performances yearly in Fulham parks. r G wraps Nuns HEALS THE LUNGS PRICE. 25 CENTS Every time a man has a cold in his head he is •expected to take a lot of advice. When r•'tt lap Eyes ee care Try Murine Eye Remedy No Smarting -Fools Line -Acts On (My. Try 51105100,1, Weak, Watery L'yee and tlmeOatod Ilyolldo, llloetratcd rleok n, unob by our Oe neltIN10 Is mn- Medicid nutuseenllste-nota"rntmk Medicine" (lilt used In ello00,etll l Phyel- sa,ue' Pnwtlee Por ,Amey =WV dedlratud' to tau Pebno nrugORleteat etc -Kee porao0110. tterhla 550 SaI,'S 1,0 A0optle Tnaos, 4Ea-Keo, Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Tt fs much easier ' to forget what you ought to ):now than it is to know what you ought to forget. • Peevish, pale, restless, and sick- ly children owe their condition to worms. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator will relieve them and restore health. Minard'e Liniment Curee Colds, &a. A woman is the fel �arirest creature on earth—also the unfairest, SAME OLD STORY. "Can't you contribute something for our charity bazaar'?" "But the affair has been over two weeks." "Yes; we're re malr g up the de- ficit now," ED "T FLOORI D '17f1; ti 110P l)r. Ingram, Bishop of who has many Carladlian admirers, declares that children ---of whom he is very fent! often upset him with their yuestloas, Not long ago the Bishop was act - dressing it gathering of ipso. chil- dren, and at the close of hes re- marks invited any buy ar girl to ask him questions. .Iris Lordship answered several, but was finally floored by a little girl, who asked "Please, sir, why did the angels Bishop Ingram of London. walk up and down Jacob's ladder when they had wings?" Dr. Ingram escaped by blandly inquiring, ",Vhat little boy or girl would like to answer this ques- tion?" SINKING SPELL. Boarder—"Say, this bacon is downright bad!" Landlady—"That's queer, The butcher said it was only recently cured," Boarder—"Well, it must have had a relapse," GOOD LOOKS AND GOOD TEMPER. A Chat With Our Lally Readers. Have you ever noticed) how miser- able and unhappy the little pains and aches make one? A stinging cut, badly chapped hands, a nasty burn, a sore foot, a poisoned finger —none of them wounds or ailments ever likely to cause serious trouble, 1 but batt enough to put an edge on one's temper and spoil good looks. Take this advice. When in pain from any of these everyday evils, just use Zam-Bok. .As soon as you put it on to a sore, a cut, a burn, or any skin -injury, it stops the pain and the smarting and starts up heal- ing. Don't think that because Zam- Buk is so widely used by medical men, by nurses, and for serious skin diseases and accidents it is only far serious cases. Keep it handy in the kitchen, the workroom, and use it immediately you get some injury or have some sore. Mrs. Chas. H. Barrett, Harmony B,oad, Truro, N. S., says : "I had an ingrowing toe nail, which caused me acute agony. Sometimes the pain was se severe I could nut sleep. It became so bads that I feared blood - poisoning had set in, I was advised to try Zam-Buk and bounds up the sore tee witl,it. In a few days it was much easier, and I continued the treatment. The result is that to -day the toe is sound and I have no more trouble with it." Zam-Buk cures piles, eczema, varicose ulcers, cold sores, ab- scesses, blood poisoning, ring - 'rem, and all similar skin diseases. Sold everywhere at 50e. a box or post free from Zam-Buk Co., To- ronto, for price. • P REGULAR. TELESCOPE. "Peck's wife walks all over him. He's what you might call a tele- scope husband." "What do you glean?"' "She draws him out, sees through him and shuts him up." A Mild Pill for Delicate Women. —The most delicate woman can undergo it course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills without fear of un- pleasant consequences. Their ac- tion, while wholly effective, is mild and agreeable. No violent pains or purgings follow their use, as thousands of women who have used them can testify. They are, there- fore, strongly recommended to wo- men, who are more prone to dis- orders of the 'digestive organs than glen. You need not worry about giving his Satanic majesty his due; he'll get it. Corns and warts disappear when treated with Holloway's Corn Cure without leaving a seal'. "GENTLE HINTS" IN CHINA. There is a peauliat and long- standing custom in the Celestial kingdom of China. It is to present coffins to parents by sons and daughters, when the parents attain fifty-five years of age, and wish them very many happy returns of the day. Often these coffins are used as wardrobes until they are needed for their legitimate purposo. Therefore, coffins are usually to be teen in many houses in - China. Though these are kept in the name of the elderly peolile, when any member of the family dies the coffin is used. Many of the customs of Ohina' have, been: done away with., but this aeons to have a: stronger IiSSLII'7 (i- 12 hold an tho•peupbe, • Investments for the New Year We have to ofrer several first-class bond investments yielding 6 per cent. net, carrying our unqualified recon• mandation. WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED 179 Jamas Street, Montreal. 308McKinnon Building, TORONTO, - 14 CornhIII, LONDON, ENGLAND The Soul of aPlano iethe. Action. Insist on the -0 T. ® lGEL 7r Piano Action R. A. LYON H, L. PLUMMER LYON & PLUt°OTMER (Mombers 'forum., Stock 5xehan;;e) Stocks, Bonds and Mining Stockanought and sold on commission. nealore In Government and Municipal Securities. . . . 21 Melinda Street, TORONTO Tors. M. 7978-9 Cable: "Lyonplum" TFIIS is a HOME DYE Mat ANYONE can use dyed ALL these DiFFela8l4T i'KIFIDS — , of Goods with the SAME One. i used v ONEDYCFORALL KINDS5F000DS CLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. NO chance io 001 ter.°Ali coWRONG 0 f nye forth, r",lot Goods Thal Johneo IRI I,ordeon 00,, Llnaiiicd. OIoo,,c'ol, NOT MUCH BRAINS. Reginald—"Has Billy de Peyster more money than brains?" Arthur—"Well, he has on Satur- day nights, but Monday mornings it's about an even thing." The Pill, That Brings Belief. — When, after one has partaken of a meal he is oppressed by feelings of fulness and pains in the stomach he suffers from dyspepsia, which will persist if it be not dealt with. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the very best medicine that can be taken to bring relief. These pills are specially compounded to deal with dyspepsia, and their sterling qualities in this respect can be vouched for by legions of users. It takes twice as long to figure out ]low to avoid doing a thing as it does to de it. PILES CURED IN 8 TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will rotund money if PA'S 01TN'I'• mem! fatly to euro any Daae of Itching, Blind, Blooding sr Protruding Piles In 0 to 14 days, elle, The man who leads a dog's life has some excuse for growing. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Olsten:per. NO ROMANCE IN HIS SOUL. `'What," enthusiastically ex- claimed the man of 40 who was at- tending the "coming-out party," "is mere beautiful than a girl of 20 Who is just budding into to n t-hood1" "Well," replied the man of 00, "if you really want my' opinion, I should say a nice, new $20 Send for trap samelo to Dept, W. L,, National CrUg and Cho:Neel Co., 'reroute, FARMS F08 RENT AND SALE. W. DAWSON, NINETY 00L130RNE • . 6rxtEE'r, TORO/0.'0. fTIEN ACRE FRUIT FARJI-NIAGARA District. VIFTY ACRE FRUIT FARM - 6T. .111.. Catharinee; with buildings. r81WENTY-FIVL•' ACRE FRUIT FARM - A. St. Catharines; Brick House; good buildings. •i®,i' ANITOEA, ALBERTA, SASICATC1IE- 1.. wan and British Columbia lands in quarter. half or whole sections; also in Largo blocks. 1( F BUYING A FARM IT 10ILL ,PAY 1. you to consult Mr. E. W. Dawson, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto, HELP WANTED, T EARN THE BARBER TRADE MIGB:T- , L.4 The Molar Barber College is the ori- ginal college, founded in 1893; graduates 'Ire now successful barbers all over tho world; you get expert instruction; constant practice. Write for catalogue. Molar Barber College, 221 Queen East, Toronto. w1' Y ANTED -LADIES TO D0 PLAIN and light sewing at home, whole • or spare time, good pay; work sent any distance, charges paid; send stamps for full particulars, National Manufacturing Co., Montreal 11011E WORK. -WE WANT RELIABLE families to operate our high-speed automatic Knitting Machines ,tt Lome; whole or spare time knitting for the trade; good wages. For all particulars address, The Canadian Wholesale DIari. buting Co., Dept. W., Orillia, Ontario. ., MALE HELP WANTED. T11ELEGRAPHERS AND STATION Agents Wanted for new railways. Wages 8,50 to 075 monthly to start. We specialize in this work. Free Book 18 de- scribe,, work and wages. Day and Mail Courses. Dominion School Telegraphy. Toronto, AGENTS WANTED "A GENTS WANTED. - A LINE FOR i every home. Write us for our choice list of agents supplies, We have the greatest 05000y proposition in Canada to -day. No outlay necessary. Apply B. C. I. Co.. 228 Albert St., Ottawa. MISCELLANEOUS. 11 AY and FARM SCALES. Wilson's 1.1. Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. A 1 ANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In. 4,J simnel and external, eared without puts by our name treatment. Write us before coo late. Dr. Bollman Medical Co, Limited. Collrngwood, Ont. to TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson, V Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. - A STUDY OF other Agency propositions convinces us that none can equal ours.. You will al. ways regret it if you don't apply for par. ticulars to Travellers' Dept., 228 Albert St.. Ottawa. PECIALlsT6 ADVICE FREE, Consult us in regard to any dieoaaa. Lowest prices 1n drugs of alt kinds. Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure. moot. Glasses fitted by age. Write to -day' for anything sold in first-class drug rterrs to Dr. Reitman. Collingw0od, Ont. CLEANING LADIES' WALKING OR OUTING SUITS Can be done perfectly by our French process Try It, British American Dyeing Co, Monueal, Toronto, O.tnwa and Quebec FITS Send ttrr for Free Book giving• REMEDY,otthe Wartd fnmons Cure for Epilepsy and Fits. Simple home i1'.atment. 4 51Teetimon,al,� 'fre'n all C parte of the w,r!d. Over 1,000 in one ye^n. TRENCH'S REMEDIES Lrlt'-^D 107 St. James' Chambers, Toronto. ?at, hna STURCE04 OIL LINIMENT External application for man or beast. Everyone knows of the wonderful qualities in the, oil of the STURGEON • for sprains, lameness,' etc. Dr. Dow's formula has it in its best form, For Rheumatism, Lumbago, t a, Neuralgia; Swellings, etc , f cannot be equalled. Try it once and you will be satisfied. Price 20 cents, ASK YOUR DEALER. HE SELLS rir. Tho B1'ayley Drltg (70.1 Sole Props. Ste ,khn, 11,13.