HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-2-15, Page 54 ISUOINLSb t Atia , ' K. 0. T. M B u 0etl1 r a ogut 1 et )4 , to 811 du a1 hold ahem rngnl0r 034, 48 a en the Lr'4n g s Room seeker li 01 u o the let seri Br,l 1'ue,lay ovsuluge of dacb month Vlsiters al wars went bo. . A, 1:10 11140, 110u1, a, Mq;1UL113, r., 11 WM. SPENOE CON VJJYAI �uP.,tt AND laciuLllf of MA1t1UTA(;11111 LIOi N;3E. Mace In the Post OWee, Ethel, 310.9 JOHN HAiiRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company OMBoe and Be1iden9o- W ALT ON. ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAN D 1NBU8*80*, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS, S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION • aan, will sell ter bettor urloee, t(' O06LOr 010U, ID 1008 81010 01141 1006 Charge. Mau any other 0 06,0000, In East boron a he won't mouse 0uytbiug Latey and order, Dan always ue arranged at this. Mhos or 111 .1nrd mal application, tifClaAl ANIS i ONVEYANGINk. YV • 1vl 1OINOLAlIi- • Y barrister, Solicitor, Uuoveyeneer, Notary r ohne,kc. ,) un-e co N4n't Bock I door r 3,4 r Central Hotel •"Bcllolt n ler he Metropolitan Ilius, aorlDI"OOT, HAYet & K(LLORAN BARE1S114101, SOLIU3'r,1Bd, NOTABII7S PUBLhI, NTC. W. PaounruoT, E. (: R O, 34070 J. L. ExiamaAN Ulflces-Those formerly ueoapled by Messrs (30m0rou & Bolt G onatuoU, - (1'1.1•a61o. ALLAN LIME Royal Mail Steamers ST. JOHN AND HALIFAX TO LIVERPOOL. Steamer Fruits Mt, John From Holifax Oor04can , Febro0ry 16th Feb, 17th Hesperia,' I1obruury 24th Tunidan aloretl 1 t March 2nd Grampian Mach 6th BOSTON -PORTLAND 70 GLASGOW Steamer Boston Y ,rtland Ionian ...... ........ Feb. 15th Sloinrnil •.. -Feb. 22nd Carthaginian Nob. 20th Numld,an - .. Mach 7th RATES OF PASSAGE Fhsit Class, 141vor11001nervkc0 $72.50 Snound tJrn 4s, ' 80140 Second 1:11 s Glasgow service it. 3 Third Gloss 910.251 $.1'' • •,cen•mi nu • er and service. Full information as to rates, ••,o., on xppli a- Mon to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brunsel0. CENTRAL / // i/9.. - STRATFORD.ONT•, Our Masse- are now larger than ever before but tin have enlarged our quart. ,:g ere and we have room for n few inure vi students. Yon may enter x anytrue: o y t o Hine c ure have x stuff t t n ex erica sed p etrr gr9 and ontoucceods are to boat. Onr gredutLtex succeed. This week free recent rad ates nY rmtd us three u S o g In- tl that they have month. one paying 965, 270 14 >r and 16125 per Wehavethreede- partments - Commerolel, Shorthand and telegraphy. Write for our free 01481001e now D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. f `u, pv�ro .c,Y. =3X..5X3.= t028(54)X85'pW5,,P21 RUPTURE Cured At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter whatour age is Y aS or' how long rruptured. , Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated we when you can be cured i' Oono t Fill mP coupon tWai Age....... 'I'inle Rap -.L.... Single 1 iu o• Double le...... g Name . ,. .... c. 1 Ad 11eas . and .tiara 1., J. S. SMITH 88 Caledonia et Dept. 'A Stratford, Ont. y'1).11,I a'( n16917('611'1' l; e u Pa 9 ittt 11 1 a vay tuSM1faL effectual.()herniasrlai s Ui 1 Il Remedy acts on this phis. 1t Allay); the cough, telieVes Zhu kings, opens the seermime; ;tall (fids nature ill re' shoring the system to at healthy lana' (111 11719.. 1'hrl*s99i3(18 ho,V# testi ip(9 to its superior excellent:)), Sold by all dealers, Business Card* MISS aERry•iA ARIv+STRONG Toucher of P14110 Studio at Carter's Mame Store, one door North Of the Standard Sank, BTUssits 11.11. 6114.-S PERi.E ,SHAaF'E has passed successfully her second exam4na- tlu(r or the etanutorte Department of rho To- mato eI)1of ,11ue1c 110 is prepared d } N to takr iu lila nt rer hams, Yrhlawa xtreot. Inutile 1 r`ylxitdEckel Friday and Saturday of each week. OR. T. T. WP RAE h;ohelor of Modioulo, University of Toronto see:Mate and Graduate of the College of Pity doifus and Surgeons, Ont.: Post- ...imago Eye, Ear, Nose and 'Throat Hospital, Uhloxggo, Ill• Ex•Hoaso Surgeon to St. Mich. -nel'a 1300pit111, Toronto, Ofnoe over P.& Smith's Drug Store. Tele• :Mono connection with Uranbrook at all. hours. DR. M • FERGUSON ETHEL., ONT. ehy61010n and Surgeon; Post Graduate 0000806 London (Eng.), New York and ()Imago Hoe• pitals. epemal attention to disease ofeye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tastedfor glasses. OR. HAMILTON Dontal Surgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University• Licentiate of Boal olle�gge o Dental Sugeons, of Toronto. Royal in Smith BI oak recently vaunted by Dr Feild. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour M01,1251101. Gamma Femur Ram War BRUSSILS GolNO SOUTH GO180 1.700Ta ,71a11 7:07a m I Express 10:55 a n, Express 11:25 a In Mail .., 1:59 p 11, Express , 2:65p m Express .. 8:52p nI C'o Maltg,aix Pot awry WALTON To Toronto To Goderich Express,,,....,, 7:41 a m Express 11:87 n 111 Express 2:57 p m Express 7:55 p nn WROXETER Going East - 7:05 0. in. and 8:55 p. 111. Going West - 12:46 and 8:47 p. In. A11 trains going East connect with 0 P. It at Orangeville for Owen. Sound, Elora and '1 G. B. etntion6. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent, • ai t1-i.Ct news Walton Thursday Feb. 22nd is the dale set for the Painters' Institute meet i11gs here. The men will meet iii the after- nnnn to listen to addresses by Jae. 691 Dei mot(, of Elm vale, 1111(1 Ed. Pelton, of Grey. Mrs. \Vnebnri, 0f 'I'orlmto. will speak to the \$omen'..• institute in the A. 0. U. W. Hall. A union gathering will,. be hell in the even irig in the Hall. 31usic(81 reuniter" will (ileo he enpplierl. The officers forIrte 1V1V.:1.8..M. S. of Duff's 09)111111 1108- 1912 are as fellows.: -Hon President, Mrs (Rev.)Lunrly President, Mrs. P McArthur: Vire Presidents, Mrs. Kner:h tel, Mrs. Neal a�inndniMrs. Bennett, , 9ee.starY, Mies ; Treasiwe Mrs. Fertn3nn : Tidings Seel etary, 1 rm. 3. Harris : Organist, M1rr-. T. MrOall. Meetings ole held the (tat Friday of each month in the church at 2 30 p. 111. A fine program hasbeenissued for the year. Conatipatinn le the rause of many ailments and disorders that make life Miserable. Tek* ChanlbPrlaill'e Stomach and T.ive•'I.'ahlets, keep ynnr Newels regular and you: will avoid these diseases. For sale by all dealers. McKillop - ATC KILLOP COUNCIL.- On February 1 1 'I met a Winthln , 1st, the Ur v )cl 1 t ; All the members present 'Minutes of last meeting accepted. The Auditors presented their report whish was (er- mined and ;tempted and the Clerk authorized to have 200 copies printed for distribution. A grant of $25 00 was given to the Tuekersmith Branch of the Agricnitnral 9neiety. Tender of McLean Bros. for the Township printing for $50 00 was accepted. The Reeve and I'veasurer to issue and sell debentures for enlist euetitig the Rut•hanan Drain as per Bylaw No. 4 sin ed W. v wa 1s a t f0. 1911. V Uva ns E n P Aca*88n1' and all owners of doge hi Ob. Municipality are required to give t0 the A9eeeenr a sta(eni,nl, 111 writing of the number of dogs owned or kept by them and their sex and for evert' neglect or refnsll so to do, and for every false statement sn merle 99)46)9 be liable to a permits of $5,00 114 pet, Ontario Statute 1897; Chap. 271 Ser 4. Accounts to the amount of 8309 59 WPM! plaid. Cnnnail adjourned to meet at the cull of the RPev*, M. Mutants Clerk. Stool Knife In the Floah. That's the Be1114atirin PX11441.1P111Pd hp 'Robert Price of Berton, Ont.. Tie knew 1t watt Aria( lea end of (131.11'818 ne- ed "Nerviline." As metal it cured and he says : "Nn liniment can excel Nee- viline. SPvere plains made my side lame. It was like a steel knife 1'111111- ing through the flesh. I rubbed in lets P mir- ed." and Wat86n1tII completely 111 of Ne•v11 e e(1." A regular snap for •Nerviline to 34(lae :Viatica and I'llellI11I41'ietll,. It sinks into the core of the pain, .owes 4t in stout order, Large 25c. bottles at all dealers. Oran brook SCHOOL REPORT. -Following is the Crwnhronk Iiebonl report few .1tl.n(1111',9 1 81' rnnm V. -Total 400-L. Alllel•ann 354, A Sperling (absent.) Sr. IV.- Total 6(10-\I Cameron 511. A. IMr- 17oa1ild465. *3I, Grishv 326, "'11 Mw Nahh 133. I,. Strias ,49)00111,) Jr TV) -Tote.) 600-\I, Pet rut 520, G. Knight 506^ E.Sonatina 478, •'1',,Suutlldoo 41.1, M. Bilker 878, *A. Hunter 20.4. *O. Gl1'wtlitz 281, 0M. Ahl„1's0n 142, *I, St.P198 78, Sr, III —Total 600- Al. Lone: 455. i9. Raymond 426, 0, hong. 808, *19 Peniingl'01 385, *S Noble 181. •vv, Kreuter 1 5. 1r. -Total t al 600 -T.. Baker 480. *A. Smldldrnl 304, *R, Fischel 308, ,".T. Hell mirk 267, *A 01.930,9e,, "r I*Ti`y Fischer 1 n t 269 T Tr,tin Trlt.11 110, *T Hooter 1311 Reran I of Jr alar. Se, 1T-7`o1n1401)-Tilat1'Halter 316, *0 Oiling ,211). *hvplyn Slake,' 2i11), Sw(611t0uq 101, °A.. Meatier 148. *11. HAIR lIEALTII ifyou Have scum or Hair Trouble, Ae• coot Th O Thio ff or When n( Iaai u' yotir frumpy hn( k " foe the mere L. 1 f, t l 1 t , lu, if lt,i•xtllf 118 6 I1 11 'Pottle doeslaut as ve claim n iC wilt, )a rets toll y htllc nt reason fol. . even heslttttit,g to try. it. N e do not ask pet to. obligate yourself in any way, We could ul L afford t, so strongly endorse Rex,lll "93" Hair Tui, and continue to sell It we do, i9' it) did not do all we olefin. Should our enthusiasm. 1,u'l y us 14- Way, and ltexa11 "93" Hair Tonic mot give entire sali8Fnetinu 111 the mitts, they would lose truth 111 its and our statements, and in nnn8ettllenCe one bled items ripest t. r' would suffer. Therefore, when wt 1186131 (' you (111tt Resell''93" liair'I'uitic lo ill p, (im,tly er 41(11(e dandruff, stimulate hair grelwth and prevent premium's bald - netts, you may rest assured the know ;vir161 we are 1'elk Mg about.. (VI' Imees11y 1101)070 that ltexall "93" Iiidr Tenoe will do lint a thee any other Lotman ngeI(y limited teetering loth. growth and hair health.. It is not greasy and will not gum the scalp or hair or cause Inematnre satin. It is it, plertln11t to use as pure cold (viltel', 1t conies 111 two sizes, ;Mice 50 cents um) $1.00. R14111011 bey, you can obtain it only at our stone, 1'he Rextdl Store. P. It, Smith. Bunter 130. Sr. Pt. 1T. -Total 400- A. Spar lieg 310, *\V Knight 208, *A. M0Qulurie HO. The fallowing were absent from all rx(uuinalians-A. Steis.. L Steles, W. Sinclair, J. Nichol —"It'll , • 11 Ir Pt.. fl -Total 1 IOQ (, t\h1e16 n 198. P Schuor•k 1.79. Ti Pennington 150. Printu•y-• Excel nl- 0 0161113.- 1 tin. F. Snhlldinl 11. U1 ashy. L+' Dar'k,. L. Kreuter-- Good- M. Bake', A. Knight, P. Alderson, It. Noble, 11. Baker, Those mat Ited *'Mated ane or more eX(Llld mill ),os P. I IoUSTON, Awe ' tat ll. OSCAR i1IA1v, Pr) 1111 pal. \Viten given its ,01111 as the croupy P0111411 app1.ru's Oh'noherluitl's 0nngh Remedy will temd off (111 attack of •.n lel trve.l l danger and mom) (1 9) t i til 1,e a(1uap (nf al+Xlety. Thousands Of mothers use It surressfully. Sold by (111 dealers. Gerrie ADDRESS ,AND PRESENTA'rloN,- r\. very happy "lathering assembled in the \Ielhadlet I'm soilage, Gerrit', Pei - day Priming, Felt. 21id, when the 01;L11 a Hill congregation met to spend 11 serial evening as the guests or their Pats. 111111 11il'o. Rev. .1. \V. and Mrs. 141hbe•t. The evening was pleasantly :411111 illg'luues, 1113,131(8 (1.1(1 500141 00(1v01's01 41111. .Mier 11111011 1110 Withering 01(4 (milled to order uy. \W. Sims, il told 11e• Pastor ('lilted 113l)vard when Hot fellewh,o (address was read by R. Harding to 14e', Ilr. 11ibbert:= DEAR PASTOR -\Ve the mleMllers of the Orange 11411 emigreg1U1on, ;0(81) t0 express 111 yon 1,111• 7111617(•0 11u41(k8 38(1(1 1 11^Pr'+ ion) fl 1• yew. kindness,ftit 11- 141 ) t l n ft tit d be tl'' l, , e- flllrle85 and label ( 1 v( in Seely tl pol lutent o1' our church ;''11114•Y11nr 81/100111 111.1' always all 111Np11•at1M1, 1 1)111• In•nvt'rs 1'1111 of faith in God, have • 'REIT. J. W. HIBBLRL at engtheued our faith Your pres- et ce and fail 17 4n time of sickness and 11''al have helped ns. In our homes at c1 sociallife we enjoy your genial 11)3imler unci pleasiurn conversation at (1 we especially, appreciate, your work (tu11111g the 3nung people. We, het slope, asl, you to aceeit1 This puree 11ml for its value +lone, but as a token of aur s he, re Itiv,- a11(1 -respect, petty- big ettyOng Gull that yon mid yruu• family may enjoy ti('av0ua. chi (cert blessings as And now for 1912 \Vo want to ur1le this. our tenth year is the Agency Itusiuese BankerThe Year A.1141 49'sell' ng only Goods of Superior Nierit Guaranteed as Represented and at Prices Always in Buyer's Favor eeMils for anvlh31g ui111 Jn11, clear render, ;1e 1yil'l lotto' yr•nl hearty eft - ore] /ohm i- oreutl)r1 In :milling Illi,11;mufti tilde yore la bio or and -1P:Ier silk.. \Vp tt)ah ane mil all the very hest 1Mit is 111 Illls 9iresent.yt'na' 1(1,11 I1100e 111 conn', also to 9linnk you for }nest patronage 1n"1 beg to remind ynl that we gill til los do our veto best to make your elln11141111110(' 01 illi ns' Worth -'Your While. Si auch1hi AG19N''1 13RU'S11LS. MADE WAIL AD ST ember 15th, 1912, the outer payable Dm:cufhey 1.5, 1918.-Celrtied. Aloysd by .111. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. IAlulYatt, that we eel(tender's for con. e,I t1vcalf)B1It abutments e)ttt for swill sh of the • ld steel brid es, . ha113 Carried, PoUunaste!rd, poundkteper8 rani lease viewers will boappointed by the Colwell t their next Meeting and any ratepayer wanting changed tussle 111 !twee offices willP lease n0(If sofa member or the Commit k the ONet u i o The 0 Clerk befuril that date. t low• 1 '( • ••111 els 1 sed rd Clie Wt's 1 I tltt(t It8 W x 8 0 1 1, 1 9 inns P( •- 1 ,'c )ut acid 1'bl1 t 1. Amr l W s I , , $+8,6U ; express au(1 cartage, ISO rats ; ltuhi. 1341tek-, auditor's fees, $10; 13. By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Toronto.—I gladly give you my testimonial in favor of your wonderful medicines. Last October I wrote to you for advice as I was completely run down, had bearing down sensation in the lower part of bowels, backache, and pain in the side, I also suf- fered terribly from gas. After receiving your directions, I followed them closely and am now entirely free from pain in back and bowels, and am stronger in every way. I also took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound before my baby was born, and I recommend it highly to all pregnant women. -Mas. E. WANDBY, 92 Logan Ave., Toronto, Ont. Another Woman Cared Maple Creek, Sask.-I have used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound and Blood Purifier, and I am now in perfect health. I was troubled with pains every month. I know other women who suffer as I did and I will gladly recommend your medicine to them. You may publish this if you think it will help others. -MRS. F. E. G0OK, Maple Creek, Sask. If you belong to that countless army of women who suffer from some form of female ills, don't hesitate to try Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Com- pound, made from roots and herbs. you continue to Minister to us. May you be spared long to I•lber I'o1' 19)0 Master and when we are Clone 001113 the things of time may we all sleet eromid the "Great \White Throne" and tell the shit y su.vett by Grace. Signed Oa behalf of the cougregAlion, (320R(,8 STRONG, ROBERT len: ROUSON. George Strong thea 911 esen i ed the Minister with (t well filled purse: 111•. Hibbert utts taken ontupletely by sill prise hat expressed his warmest appreciation of the kindness of the ;.tnpleatnd rejoiced with them in the fart 'f' the kindly relationship exist- 111g'betweerl them. It ;vas expressed that titec contents ttof the purse shouldold benscd-m iltpurchase n)' a handsomenna F111. coat, that the 114111 ter might. l0 ng have a remembrance of the gnudwill or the people. The work of Rev. J. \V, Hibbert and wife is . greatly tip. pr801(1Led on the Gm He Circuit,. for while only to then' sectin(1 year, the salary bus twine been iilcretsed. The work has prospered and the 'topples' of feeling exists between 9(1(311(19' and people. I It Rings in You Ears. That same cough is every whet e 3 (181 Ku. deep and hollow bermise consump- tive. First it w11.8 oatal'rh, 609141')) (311111(1 9)16341' been cured by Uatul'rho- 51 me. Store', never neglect a epld, Hever trifleL'•1 1 1 'r, • whit rnG 1 1 I 1 t( your g r ' din 1st and t. a trrho n bg u get. U( t( z ne. It's instant death Lo colds cores the to in a few Minutes 'Throat trouble and 1 at(11 rh disappear as by magic.. Cat- arl•hazUne is the great throat, nose and bforeh41(1 remedy to -day. Thous. fuels use it, dooten's prescribe it, -why, because it does relieve quickly fuel cure thoroughly, Two sizes 251.. and $1.00 at all dealers. Blyth Mrs. W. A. Carter left recently for Detroit where she intends visiLiug with herdal t 1 1dt r g , R. R. Slow t•euresented the Blyth Fair al the Ontario Pairs and Exhibi- 11,11, Association to, Ternlltn, 'P. \V. Scott ;vas appeinled TPP(18111 e• for the town at the last meeting of the Council. He should till the bill. The rifle club, which leeeutly dis- banded, decided to finish up with a hall, and held a uu'etirlg to make the Ile(•e$ettl'1' tart angelnents, James (1111 jr, left Inst week for Prince Albert., where lie 4s 814111( to engage in the real estate business, and if be likes it he will reualii(. The Wedding Conk place in 19111 L 11'i1lin In recent Iy 1111 DIT s 'Taunts ((1111 Miss Hilda 'Cnfl, of that plat', ,\'l•, 'Pinnate ie a Myth old hay', hot has liven away flee here lot about five ,yenta, and is now Bellied 413 Pimb \\'Illtint . `I'IIe following delegates fuon the Ora lige Order here alIended Ibe manly meeting at 1V'il,gle,111 : R. H. Robinson, \\l, IS McElroy, Al.Mains, 1f. tl nee end D. (tart or and Ihey sur.- (serded in capturing the GM, hats Twelfth celebration 1'o• Blyth Ibis year. Bl uevale TURN131i)RRY ('0u1c1L- 3i)nntog of Omitted time)ing held Pelt 501. 3) 113,. hersall p eseitt. Reeve 111 the Huai,. 'Flit 1/111111/.1 111' Ina all t 11, g nein read nod nrinpl 'il on 1(1.111,11 of Alessi's. AIM -Nit and Meliiirlry. .Aloved by Sir, Rutherford, seconded by 311•, A'Iet3u111ey dial, the pity $4 00 each for 9)011111g booths for lunnirl;cal plenums for the rut n vitt year Oat rlerl. The And loris' trpmrl fo the year 1011 (1168 laid helots. the Uenuril and 1tdr1;11pd- nn 11101,11111 of NI 1.881.8. NVIIPeIe1. and Rather fent. Moved by ill'. 31r.11uruey that we itecep6 the (llfia' of A. 1.1)11 .tt Co, l0 build the superstreeturesol' two steel bridges (;u the IP i alt and i n t tl6liber 1 y one on the 4th coni ( the other. of the 8th con„ to he 44110- gleed 111 QV halo's 80311,011111141, 151917 at the gum of $2500, one payi111111 De- Uruiekshark, auditor's tees $10; T. K. Powe19, audit, $8 ; school section, No. 9, 0)eetiim, ;Bl ; school section, No. II, election, $1 ; school section No. 3, (.lpllion, $1 ; John Burgess, elect)uu $1. Meeting adjomvted 3211 meet ill Clerk's office, Bluevah', ou 11\lon(1ny, March 41 h next at 10 o'eluck a. m, JORR BURGESS, aleck. W11011 hnyitig a rough medicine for (Mitcham bear ill Iniad that Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy is most efectnal fid• colds, croup and wh(IUpidg cough and that 1L contains no Mom rut drug. For stile by all dealers. Grey A Goon. COLT. -Lust week Menzies Bros., Last of Oraubl'ook, purchased front Martin McNair, 15th con., a 2 year (old gelding, sired by "Baron Black" for which they paid $270. It pays to raise this kind of stock. SCEOOL It17PORT.-Following i8 the School Report for 13. S. No. 2 :-Sr. IV.—Katie McDonald 344, Millie Mc- Farlane 261, Stuart Grant 197. Jr. IV.-Be8sie Smith 228, Eliza, Bishop 201, Marion 131111111 187, "Sadie Riley 60. I1'[ Harold Cardiff 218, "Reuben 13rewe 40, *Willie Delmer 30. II. - Charlie Swith 239, Jim McFarlane 226. Jim Deities.. 20 1st.- Willie Mc- Donald 260, Roy McFarlane 170, strode Deitirer 160, Willie Smith 155, .1 int Miley 145. Primary -Elsie Smith 188. Charlie Dei tree 110, Willie Bishop. 'Those who have stars have missed some of the exams, M. H. MoABTrsa, Teacher. ScsooL REPORT. -The following is tit( school report of S. S Nu ry 103- , Gory, for the month of Janua Teta' 500 Ulu8s V. -G. Spenan 406. St.. 1V.-11. Delman 423, °E. Rath - well 835, Al. Cox 320. S. Meehan 291, *G. \Vhitfield 256. Total 400. Jr. IV. -S. Sprit an 299, *L. Lake 230, •F. I1011)•ubeek 152. *G. Henry 147, •5I. Inglis 82. Sr. I1I.-*B. Hallenbeck 31311, *G. ilrglis 65. Jr. IIL-0. Speiran 306, ,1. Love 234, *L. Whitfield 215, *8. Rainer 156, Jr. 1I. -M. Speiran 324, *H. Whitfield 245. Part 11. -Good - V. Inglis. Pat t I.- Excellent- E. tip,•irlun, G Whitfield, E. Whitfield, Eric' \VhitHeld.-Good-L. Patteeso0, 19. Ward, 13. Inglis -Fair -W. Ward. Primary- Excellent- V. Michel- Gaud G.Spleen, R. Patterson -Fair Ji. Henry. 'Those marked " missed one i)1' more exams. Aversge attend- ance 22. 1,1. BROTHERS, Teacher.. A FINE OLD LADY. -The Christian Guardian, the organ of the Methodist chinch, nbiishes the sketch 1 ,P g of sit s. Heave•, 13101)101' of R. J. Hoover, 91h lice Grey township, writ- ten by somebody in the West where lite old lady made her home and w.here she died at Christmas time Could the Editor of the Guardian, by 8, ate means, introduce to the mem- hes of his constituency Ellen Hoover, Ito better argument could be used as e1' the value of our paper to give b• eadth of intellect and depth of soul. tilts 1.4 uoW in her eightieth year. She W11.: burn 111.1111, Kingston, and is the dough tel of Robert and Mrs. Johnston. Legs Wanted Highest price paid for any quantity of lugs (Elm and Rosewood preferred) to be de- livered 16t \11131. Dole's miIl, 2nd Onu. Grey. or at D. W. ''Duubar's, 81,11 Con. Cole, S - � C Ethel In 1852 she was married to Adtun 1 , t Stumm] Pear,and LI( eve l Rev. Stt n el settled )u 998,8). \Vawalosh, whih was then a vast, unsettled forest. Itn- me(tiately after (heir new hone was established they sent a request for a prearhr1', (und 1te7. Alexander Camp- bell, el' (Minton. calve, and started a preaching place in their horse. Her 1111/4111111/ was .hiss leader. She and his parent e, John and Parmelia Hoov- er, 11 )'I I' 1110 first 1116311111341.9. Soon a ueu rinu'eh was built an the corner of 1111.11 la.1 m nasi ft ,,m that hos sprung lIs• presto it. Westfield Ulatteeh, ;which Kos Vet' )'tly referred 1,0 411 the Guard - hie It, one of 1110 largest rural churches in Oot(n•4o. Her father took the (1(3 c 4 fro n her .340011 c. earliest a ll ;tIl I t t 0 , evidently a 1 6 u n an 1she was a faithful reader, , 011.• meets few 8 18 to -day (a e, OI n tyf te(dP L I who 1111' better informed o1 all the 1op41.. that emiee'n the rhoreh than *;lie. 'Flit' various Gene•+tl Conference 1,'Tleers toe as lit udliar friends to her. ry She is strikingly familiarun with the •,lou ' u Japan, l inn +lu^s in ('.hinet and , a and P. ' to +' the r 1111 1 11(Y l tl I General Hoard. , She 1,11918 or lir, Allele, Mt. Shore, Mr. 61+n1 ing, as If site had seen them yesterdat. Three of her children were nh1.1)rd; in nor year, As 4t wed- ding present she g(tve each n(' thorn a etO'm 1.tIllSe'iptlml to the Guardian. Ali. Hoover ditel in 1800, in Matoneh, 0111. 111 1901 she same to Alberta, (1•ud, ns she says, "renewed her youth." In 1812 the preacher from; Olinton 11)1P111•d 9)IPIe011111g services in their new 111.1ne 111 Ontario, 91, 1001, 1.tr8, 9l• J. 'fair litlu't5(1a new )appoint• meal in 1he•ir Western home at Hit. tot 11 74194',' in .Alberta. 'I'11010 %,I,a19 he had done fifty years before as she be - gen Ontario again in n li site /lid in her a g new kalae h, lits 1'\'pst. The second Sltnd(Iv she WAR at. Bittern Lake she sil,•tr(1 31 Sunday School, She was the nun her of HIM teen children; ten of4 them are living, and all Mein/sere of Ole Methodist church. And, from the writer's own acquaintance, probably 16 fewf , families iliae c( old be fouled in Canada that a31It T atP stud) a11 I,flnencP oil the tlt l e l Robert, t Ho]v(1 Brus- sels, t 8 sels, OWL. Henry Hoover, 6ichlgau Mrs.rel 1 A ld v Auld, \Vn, 1 \I i�i n a¢ rs 1 Sampson P16hu0r,Edwuntuu' Nlra, Mo0larty, Pigeon Lake ; 11,'e, Fowler,' trot iewla . 1 u H W, J, i over Bitter, 1 Luke • A1r s. 1ii uhalds. SLrathrona ; Adan) Clark Hoover, Bittern Lake. Two of the granchildrell are mission. at•ies in China -Mrs. Earl and MTs, Longley. Her fattier woe a class hauler before she wee born, and re- mained such to the day of his death. Certain features are otestandieg as one talks with Mrs. Hoover to-day— her familiarity with all the live issues that are now before the church ; her missionary zeal ; the interest shea'n it) all oar educational inslilulinus- no con tlibuttons to Alberta College is more regtlhu thou hers ; the reflex in- fluence of her mind and spirit uu her family, 63 (leW((138t 86134(1 by the pati they are laking in the plaster's walk. Truly she exemplifies the Master's W01134 : r'9 tarn calve thlat they might have life, and that they (slight have it. More else nd an tly." 1The Guardian Wright well be proud of her child. Like a New Disease. New to the stat) who never had corns is the pain relieved by Ptltnam's Corn Extractor. Old corns and new ones ' cured gniekly by "Putnani's. Sold everywhere. ••••• •••••••••••••••••• •• • • • :. • • • •• • • Suitable for Winter and : • Spring wear. • • • They are made up 111 plain • and fancy etyles and of j first-class material. • • The Coats will he sold at lrreat w bargains no don't fail to take • advantage of this offering. • • • Frasein vercoats 1 at Cost I • • • • i• • ••• • • • BRUSSELS • • Tailor to men who Know. Blanket Your Horses The Cold Weather Demands it • •• 00 • 4 And .come to us for your Blankets. Prices away down and large assortment to choose from.. Also Robes, Wool Rugs, Bells, Trunks and Satchels. Bargains !Ii Felt and Winter Boots, Shod,, Slippers, &C. We want to clear all Winter goods out, which accounts for the big reductions in prices we are now giving. lAll accounts must be closed by cash or note before the end of this. month or they will be put in Cher hands for collection. I.C.RIC DS COO • Sae N•••••••••••00•••8l8 419•••00•••••••6••••••••••• fl *( I. Bargains in • • 8 1i ut;ers To clear out balance of stock and k m, for Buggies make room es wfilt sell at a Cut Rate. Some good Second-hand Cut- ters for sale at your own price. Bargain at Get a Cutter at a tyr Ci d G el • • • • • of • • • EWAN 84 Co.'s . russets o•••H•••••e•osees a•moserallees•se•••••••••••®•••••••ill ria "c.O-i i ol,]rr3r ? SECRETS OF Of E LIFE Statements made by patients taking the New Method Treatment. They know it Cute 114" No Names or Testimonials used without written consent CONSTITLIT1ONAL BLOOD DISEASE. Patient No. 16474. "The spots aro all gond from my loge and arms and 1 feel good now. I ant very grateful to you and shall never forget the favor your medicines have done for 1110. '70u 011)1 use my name In recommending it to any sufferer. I am going to got Mnr- rled soon, Thanking you once more. etc." - SAYS TWO MONTIIs 047304D 11111. Pa(lent No. 10705. Age 28 Single. e. inAUl od In Immoral halts 4 )tare De.. posit In urineand drains atnight. varicose Veins bothside%pains in book, weak sek0a9ly. Hto writes: -"I reeefved your letter of recent dote and In reply I am pleased to say that atter taking two menthe' treatment I would consider myself mote( letel cured. n y o as 1 P Y have seek no slgne of tberi o n g beak (ono year). TEE WoltX.D SEEMS DIJ(FEitENT. Patient No. 15023. '!r have not had a regular Emission I don't knee? when and am feeling fine. Tho world seems altogether different to mo and I thank God for directing mo to you. You have been an honest doctor with me." VARICOSE VEINS CCB1D. Case No. 10888. Symptoms when 11e started treatment: --Ago 21, 81ng1e, in- dulged 1n immoral habits rovers) ybal'8, Verbose Veins on both alder -pimples on the Lace, etc. Alter two menthe' treatment 118 writes as follows: -'Tour welcome letter to hand and an very glad to say that I think =self cured. 18y Varicose Veins have nomplotety 14 9- aPPeared for quite a w1141,, mud 11 rooms a cure. I work h^r"er and fool leas tired. I have no desire for that habit whatever and If 1 stay lila this, which I have every reason to believe 7wilt Thanking you Lor yolu• jzlml aNbntlon," etc. - GAINED 14 POUNDS IN ONE mortmli, Patient Na, 13522. This patient (aged 5g) hal a :throttle case of Nervous De. tllty and Suomi Wonlcn080 and woe run down In 71 a• and vitality. After ono months 't remnant by reports as 8340 nn s nm L elm ver •alt. I 1a ' ] v i a 0 1 ;t g Y gained 14 10 congratulatee In one month, so ater 1 well have (0 5egIogYou." Latae 1.1ke 15 -"I am beginning my to fret nioro 1getting n better I tea my condition last l- getting bolter every o -A " 801 113( 3)1 pert: --."Den. Doctors-.ls I feel lhlsls the last month's treatment that I will have to get, I thought at one Unto I would haver be cured but I pit eon - !Monett In you from the start and yam( halm cured me." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY ' We treat bad euro VARICOSE VRINS, NFFVOUS DEBILITY, atom, AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Diseases peculiar to. meta. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS 1+REl. If unable to call write for a Quo,t;oa Blank for Nome Treatment. �•'• NOTICE All lotthn from Cnnntla mast be adtirOeoed to our Caro 90- irtl ■ V La ndinn Coerespot donee Depnrtmaout 08 folln,ve a96' -'w E , �11®®I ARS. K NN�DY � KCNNEDY, WIND50B, ONT. r s, N, :..1 2 o-,� . t ss ®RaENN E I Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit* Mich J