HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-2-15, Page 4llc +! 1'a sulk ptist WILY HESITATE 1 TI•IU1):31Ak, FEBRUARY 15, rete CLEAa the ta•nrk for a Good Roads campaign pa gn [hat will have in it :vatem, permanency and coasegnent common) sense e s.e That will kbsceru between gravel n.. and r Lbs, between mutt holes and proper grades, between a waste of time and money and the letting of under - Stood cuntracts with )ironer oversif'ht. a With the iuvreasing shortage of help on the faro) there is not much economy in taking time tiff: fur Statute Labor and many a municipality is coming to the conclusion chat "a is time for a change" such as is designated by the Good Roads movement, even if not taken up an its entirety. 'Pis is a subject that will stand discussion and adoption but it wit, not run ; tself any more than many an- other Iva movement GODERIC}I hotel keepers are said to be playing the silly role of boycotting the business people and others Who sup- ported Local Option in the recent con- test., The but cot is a game that two can piny at and we would not be afraid to point out who will win. Times are changing as the years roll along and whether folk like it or "lump it" they will have to submi• with the best grace possible to the present day conditions and make the best of them. O.d cus- toms die bard but to revery to the way our grandfathers did things would be un - thought of to day and so it will be as the years core and go. Public opinion cannot be lucked up in a box and the more this is attempted the more free. don will be advanced. THE Pose bas had the lee mat game played on it several times but it dud not work and never will Titer Liberal major' v of 216 piled up for Barrister P:oudfoot, M. P. P. in Centre Huron, on December tab, xqut opened the door to the tidy office of Emigratiou Agent in the land of brown health and shaggy wood to Rte. Joseph Eiaintr, of Goderich, the deft sl- ed candidate. We hope, even 1'f the •'Scotties"did not mark their ballots lot him that he w,tt still use bis best en- deavors. as be makes his headquarters in Glasgow, to secure tor Canada's broad acres the brawn and muscle of Scotland. Rev, Mr. Elliott is a gond speaker, of pleasing personality and the emigration returns should have some thing goad to chronicle for the Govern- ment expenditure in sending him across the Atlantic. Official duties will be as mimed at unce, we understand. Ia we had our way we would like to see the best measure of Home Rule tested on both Ireland and Scotland. The very name Home Rule has not a savory smell to many a nostril on ao count of the associations of the past. Will let that name he dropped and give the Emerald Isle and bonnie Scotland the style of Government we enjoy in Canada, with a representative from the Crown as the presiding genius, We bank on Lord Churchill and believe if be has his way he will mould order out of chaos. One thing is certain coercion has never wrought a cure and we are of opinion that the role of conciliation wilt be permanent without the sac, fire ui principles. There is a lot of "bosh" talked abaut Home Rule that has re tarded better cuuditious too Jong al- ready. NEWTI,N WE -•LEY Ro aELL'r "skimpy Chicken" has developed Into a genuine fighting cock vbo,e spurs have pene• traced the Government's bill of fare to what will prove advantageous to this Province. '!'here's no sense in kicking just for the sake of kicknee but if sound agrunents can be advanced that cause a veeriug tram one point of the compass to the direction indicated by the Op position then it 'nee be taken for grain- ed that the contention was well founded Ontario wants progressive government ; Iegishrtton not eccentric and ill timed but ' t t , ,umulutrve and with a broad Mat- zoth 1Un'Fzoo, 'Phi. Ptnvince has a superlativelt splendid record and it will take the com- bined wisdom of the members of both sides of the Hoose to wisely steer the ship of State el lash( Ig us to main aiu our position In the gaiety of Provinces in this great Dominion. We love them alt and wi,tt them well but Ontario has • tile first call in her geographical post - tion in the Confederation and must nu be allowed to lag behind. UoyEENMENTstatistieS show that the population' of Canadian penitentaries lest year totalled 1865. an increase of half a d,ze11 over the year previous. A particularly sad and striking fact is that 586 of the inns rtes are boys under 20, In this is a lesson to'every home in the Hand, also a hintto the day school, the Sunday School, the Young People's Society and every pastor, l'o keep up the average 186 boys would require to he incarcerated in the coming years. Whose boys will they be ?' Will any of of them go from Huron .Co 7 What can we do that 1vi11 keep therm outside the walls and rum fhb tide of their young Inter; to fury onward )better coud'tict, An Otlfor Thpt Involves 00 Money Risk it'You Accept Int We MI. 1.10 positive true remedy wil cowpletely .relieve constipation, no matte:. how anemic it May be, that We Wee to I'tu'uielt it free Of all cost i it fails. Ons t s 1pxtbtn is c11ultuuuly caused by weakness of the nerves and tnttselee of the large intestine. To expect a cure you must the( elure tone top nod strengthen those organa and resume thea! to heal1liar aetivlty, WO want you to try itexali Oiler - lies an 001 gnat sleeve They are eaten like candy, and au•c partirul)u•ly good for olrildren. They seem to act di) e0t- ly 011 the nerves stud n1)501es of the bowels. They appareltly have u neutral 001)011 nn the toilet irl•gatis. They d0001pilege• tie cats) id Ile!' 'WC 1) ill 111.0101 your wimpy if they du (1114 ovetcmurr chronic u1' habitual constipation turd thus aid to. relieve the myriads of uasaciate or dependent (•Benoit ailments. Try Rexall Orderlies at our risk. Three sizes, 10e., 25c., deli) 500. Sold only at Km store -The Resell Store. F, R, Smith. a t ppe to gttite fashionable a- round this vicituty, old ae well ars young partiUipeting in this Winter. .entetirlle. SOHooL RI1PORs.--Following fa the 1 School Report of S. 8, Nn. 10, Howick and Gerry ; Exawined in Arith., (History, Composition, Literal ure, fComposition, p Writing and Spelling. Sr, I. -Petal 725 -Robert McDonald 583. Jr. IV -Total 700 -Arthur Bow - mom 426, Laweenre Hislop 409. Birks Robertson 287 Sr, IIL-Total 700 - Mom Bennett 408, Gerrie Hislop 4511, Jamie Doig 860, *Verne McDonald 801. Jr. 111, -Total 000- Myrtle Bennett 4.10, Oau•I (4iniuger428, MI Bowman 828, J011119 Al t'Kor cher 272. Se. II, - Total 600 --label Robertson 472, Vic - tot 8Uwnh1(1385, Della Doig 840. Pt, Il.-Arith.. and class standing -Ruby nttinger, Herbie Bowuran, Sr. I.- Gotelou McDonald, lads Bennett. tt I'-Alaggie Doig, Miele Patrick, Ilawat d Grainger. Primary- Allan tir•Keechar, Mabel Bowman, George Hialnp, Elsner Thompson. E. EVANS, Teacher. manliness and rite clevelt pment of true not ihr) ? This Is no dream glut a coca tnehta'y on facts that have brought a ought to probaoly t 80 home. Let u, build a fence of helpfulness round ihr boys and young men aud and them h+ nlakmg a heroic fight for possession at the best in life, Brussels Council The reOla,' m • ting of Rrus.e Cuttuei1 with 00 \l ,ndrty evening of 'est week Ali the members present Reeve Leckie In the ch.,ir. Minutes of last meeu ig read passed Following accounts passed :- 8 't' P um, nti1oellaneous ., ,. ,,,,5t 2. D Clark, wood for li alt 3 111 N Hamilton, snore mewing,..... ,.. 8 5, R Olive,, safari & miscellaneous. 42 5.. E tone Ltahl Cu nght .., 23 04 Vluotcipal N oriel ae . 8 ey Municipal Journal et: 5 op Moved by A C. nettles, sec„nded b\ P. Arnent that above accounts be paid. Carried, Cnn.table Oliver reported that weiol scales •ece prefor mou 11 of 1 o'0ar was $31 80. inu Patterson addressed the Comic relative to the Electric Light and the necessity of a new agreement with ib town. Ir was agreed to have it prepal ed for next meeting A letter from the Provincial Hs dro Electric et mitring as to the q'tantity of Dower Siu.sels would r"q ate. Action Deas deferred by the Commit until nue s expltett Information is at hand. Communication ass read from 5 S Cote, Et het, asking if Brussels won'd give any indecentent 10 there farntng mill factory if they located in town rhe matter was cltsrnssrd at teneth and favorable expressions offered and tie Reeve delega'ed to inlet view Mr ('ole. The Aumoor: Report ,t•as read end passed and Abe tact ordered to he publlsbed in 'Pyre Pu.'i'. 011 motion of Councillors Meru,re and Vin'dotal . Moved be A C Dames, seconded Icy P Ament that Treasurer Strachan hr paid $62 s'tary and $tn each to And tors McCracken and Ferguson, Canted Cuuncilthen adj•urned, alni wtta Do you know that fully nine nut of every ten cases of rben natiylu are simply ehetttnetism of the wnvcles Clue to cold 01' damp, u1' chronic ('heu- Matiem, aud requite no interultl treat- ment whatever P Apply (lhamber• lulu's Liniment freely and see how quickly it gives relief. For sale by all deniers. Belgrave EAST WAWANOSII UuuNCIL - The Oonno11 met us teelgrave to Feb. 0111. Members all present. Alintltea of last meeting read anti adopted on notion 11f Uuuoallots Strutt mei 8111(1ehouse. Tenders for the ordinary towoahlp pouting for the current year were received from the TtISMS tend Advance offices, \Viegltatu. The tender of the Advance at $89.00 being the lowest, yeas accepted. Clerk ppr.esented a etateutent of Braudary Liee, 01aiu- age aud Telephone accounLe with the township of elort•is shooing a balance in favor 11)' Morris of 1523.06. Or dere( to be paid. Auditors' and Trearone "s abstract for 1911 were received and read. After 0011tphliaeol•il'g the au,li- tnre on the neat and :41ioient report it was moved by Ml. Scott, ee0oud- ed by Al v. Campbell, that the same as note read he edopeed and that the auditors be paid as usual 58.00 each for their setviue. ()anted. Following 11 15 Wete ordered to be pail( :-A. Port et field, fres ata 1)iv. Registrar 1911, 512.60 ; A. Porterfield, teUletdrnt of laccount with Tp. of Morris,5280; VMS. 0f MIS)1•15, settleutent of tidy. lino O0hlage and telepleme account, 523.08; R. W. ln•wie, gtevening at 1011 line bridge, 57.14 Gen. T. Rtbet•t- (1 s u sennui n1'dt ) g tax,52 Gen. T. Rin) IecL.r11u, refried of tuxes, W. H. lot 32, con 8 58 92 Geo T. Rebel idol, balance of 50iat y as collector $20 • G. Gillies, part payment wrdelumg road at l.Ofh line bridge, -$85 , 1;1 "S. Scott and J W. Bone, andiLnIg $8 each ; F. n Aderson, 8atlary as Treas., 5100. Council adjouteied to meet Monday, March Ilth, at 10 t1. n). A. PORTERFI me,I. Clerk. Molesworth Mian Mary Spence, of Lisl.owel, is visiting 11htlestvn(th friends: Alias Effie Gerd uger is viaili)1gfrien(ls in A'iini and Pelmet don foe a few clays Elgin Armstrong has said his flirts and putpnsea going \Vest in the hear rut ore. .lits. and airs. Leppeed, of Treherne, Man., are visiting old acquaintance a'(fnd Moir -sweetie Jack Brown Is the proud pnsseesor of a new housekeeper. She will reside it) this locality for some years we ex - pouts Ed. Mitchell hang snl(1 his driver. 130 511re and 1)Ity one used to the pitch Itolea Ed, as that is a datrgeet'ua road Won leave), A Storehouse For Polaong, Yui may not think so' but that's what you become when the kidneys are affected. These organs cleanse the body ; they are the fllte.s that remove ft um the blood the waste matter that acts like deadly poison on the vitality Sud health of the system. Dr. Ham- ilton's Pille stimulate the kidneys, ex- pel fermenting matter from the bow- els, restore the liver and stimulate all excretory and secretory organs. This vnablee the blood to quickly replen- ish itself and establishes perfect health. No medicine does such last- ing good as Dr. lituniiton's Mandrake. and Bateman Pills, 250. at. all dealers, Jamestown SCHOOL REPORT.-F01LOWing is the 'homely Repot t of S. 8. No. 4, Grey Lo usl'ip •- Sr. IV. -Total 300- E. Ring 109, M. Smith 161, L, Beyans 167, *P. Payt, 100, *L. Fritiu 97. Jr. IV.- Totai 800-E. Johnston 225, G. Holt 204, L. King 182, *S. Burke 125. Jr W. -Total 800-A. Johnston 215, G. ticEweu 176, H. Jacklin 475, *M. Burke 119. Sr. II, -Total 800-A. tinier 211, J. Thomson 171, *B, Lake 60. Sr. L -M. ,MCEWen 90, E. Balfour ut )tint 64,86,McDonald 62,)R Jack - lin 60 R. Ballingal 30. Jr. I. -Excel- lent-'W. Balfour. A. -Excellent -E. Fraser. * missed one exatn. The fol- lowing have been present every day riming the month :-E. King, G. Holt, E Johnston, L. King, A. Johnston, A. King, Alphaeus King. HARRY Mooare, Teacher. PRESENTATION.- Friday -evening, 2nd lust., 6V. J. and Mrs. Johnston 1st line Morris, royally entertained their Sunday School classes at their (tome, prior to their expected removal ft•utn Morris to the West. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston have been faithful teachers in the Sunday School atJohn- 14t0n's Ohurch for many years, and their (:losses and the School as a whole have app I5ciated their self denying efforts. After tea bad been served, the evening was delightfully spent in music. games, etc. wring the even- ing the classes showed their esteem for their teachers by a number of peeseih, among theta being a hand- some Carving set in a leather case, china plates, cups, etc. Mr. and Mrs. JnhnstOII expect to femove sotnetinle in March and their removal will be a distinct loss to the community, and especially to the congregation wor- shipping at the chureh in that neigh- borhood. Many old friends will wish theta prosperity in their new home near Buiasevain, Man. HAIR HiNTS Worthy the Attention of People 11)1,115 your own brush and comb at home and hail dressers: Never 0511 a brush tie comb in public places, they are usually covered with dandruff germs. Wash your hair brush tome a week with snap and warm water to which is added it disinfectant. Shampoo the hair once a week with pure snap sold water. Use PARISIAN SAGE every day, rnbhittg thoroughly into scalp. PARISIAN SAGE is guaranteed by Jas. Fox to destr'ny dandruff get•tns and abolish dandruff, n1' money back. t'll atop hair from falling and scalp from 1tuhfug, or money bark. To pat life and beauty into dull fad- ed hair, or money back. Price 50 cents. 11 ,iced Stales immigration r R3rints s rte 11181.5 large number of Chinese h ve b, -en 'smuggled into Detroit over the ice bridge from Canada. Back from the West Now that friends are visiting from the \West and others are preparing to leave for the West I have de- cided to place at your choice all my best styles of photographs at reduced rates and will give sittings frou Jan. 26111 to Feb, 29th (with the exception of Feb. B, 7 and 8.) Thnee who sit early will have first choice of style and finish. Ou Feb. 6, 7 and 81 will be in To- ronto atttendiug - the Eastman School of l 'nfessional Photogra- phy, concluded by experts from New York and Rochester, where every up-to-date prnoeas will be demo net rated. F. MAITLAND Brussels Successor to H. R. peewee P. S, -•-Lollies, Make a note of it 1 This is Letup Year. A. tr•sholass ph0L0, Will be 111 requtsitionr 911,0•10•••NgY••00000p••0000 C gtle•eerpe•0110p•••O40•*SO4$01 Ic __ ------ 8 orn Corn 8 • • 1 s Feeds, Oats, Oatmeal, etc. • • Small Profits. Quick Returns. •1 Pryoe MiIIioij Co. Orvssels • i” low is the thio to buy your Feed. We have best Ameri- can Yellow Corn at a Rea- sonable Price. CALL PHONE S2 AND GET OUR PRICES ON ALL a • • • • • • • 0 0 8 • • • • i O EO! 1'g W a 8 • 0 • • 8 • • tri @•I h7 0 0 5 00000•eeetaaa ee 4.Js5eeeeere..e000eq••eeeeeee•e•••••m.3OG' R. W. Philips was elected Clerk of York county. It is reported that the Ontario Govern- ment has offered liberal concessions to Manitoba in the shape of territory in or- der to secure a port on Hudson Bate Representatives of grain growers. mil- lers and railway companies conferred with the Minister of Trade and Corn - erne at Ottawa regarding the new grain Hon. J. D. Hazen gave notice nfa tern lutioo in the House of Commons provid ng for a further loan of $6,o0o 000 to the Montreal Harbor Boat to enab'e the commission to complete the terminal fac- 'lities. Helps Men To Work Hard. That's what Fe*roznne does ; it stip- plies the additive:0 strength that en- ables a mall to Maintain health under dim(ulties. "Leat Spring I was s0 completely fagged 11111 I could lot work" writes J. W. McNichol of Turn- bull, Agan.. '$n the morning 1 was tiled -limbs ached all over, Had no apple Ile, was sleepless, nerroous and unhappy. Ferrnz,me pot new life in- to Me. Now I aa1 beat•,.ily, net yea are etrotag, I sleep well. I know the joy of health " It's by supplying n0tu•ish- 511en1 and geld blond that Fel•rnzone builds up ; try it -500. a btix at all dealers. • Portage Farmer Ships ' Car Of Barley To Minneapolis, Pays Duty And- Other Special Charges And Still Makes $ l73 More Than If He Had Sold In Canadian Market. Portage La Prairie despatch of -an. 15th says :-Another striking and plat:Heal illusuttxfrni of the conditions which Portage framers face tinder pl'esent• riuilwit and tariff condi- tions lei aff,m'ded by the experience of J. W. Beown, a Portage farmer who loaded a cite 0f barley at Alphin, just North of the city with the irttelitiou of shipping it to Port Arthur. The ear, however•, was held lop so long that. Mr, Brown fluall changed his mit1dand had.it, shipped to. Minneapolis over the Great Northern, - The barley was ami keted a few days ago and on No. 3. grade +vas sold for 51.04 per buslt11) \h' 111.0wu'paid charges on his barley as follows :-Freight, 5112 7.2 ; denim -lame $1,00 ; switehiug, 5150 ; duty, 5443 19 ; eut.ry, 51 20 ; couuniesion, 514 44 ; consular invnilre, 52.50 ; total[ 5006.65. He netted 65 cents per busier). If he had sold barley nn the Portage trnu•ket the same day, he would have netted 53 eentee per bushel ; so that after paying dirty and other charges be Was still 12 sprits better off, nt 5173 16 on his car of 1.413 bnshele. H.td lie loaded on the Great 'No'the'r/I and nob had to transfer 0 that read he tvn01r1 have Hatted two cell Ls more poi bushel, ..fi:lr. �r'•� sat. -r You've th. ght about trying PURITY FLOUR Now t P OR some time there has dwelt in your mind F the thought of trying PURITY ITY F Y t; LOUR— the flour t. , at consti, is wholly of the high-grade portions of the best Western hard wheat. That's a good thought. It indicates a desire for improvement in your baking-talent—an ambition to increase the deliciousness ofour y bread and pastry. Don't let that good thought perish. Turn on your will power. ACT ! ! "More bread and better bread" REMINDER: On account , of the extra strength and extra quality of PURITY FLOUR, best j astr ,y -re stilts are obtail:et. •hy adding more shorteniI:g than is net essary when ming the ordinary Ontario lir blended fours. PURITY Fed Also add more water when making b rear Add Ptti'n1 T Y FLOUR to yc sl' r•yc.CeI • list tight now -.. 11.4 SWin EI.11TJSSIILS by 7AS. i3AT.LAN'i'YNIl, 1V .1 \i)'CRACt IjN, J. T. ILOS', GE0, rl'H01lSON, AL1+`. 1 I 1'.1t1,13, Disirihtitn1 If Yo are looking for len invest- ment that will ll Irn 'lg you t largee • 1 returns Wert Ito Pur , partu stars ahnnl Oulgtwy and Athabliskat Landing, Alberta fames also for sale. H. R. BREWER Ileal Estate 13rokor 1174 Boulevard N. W. Calgary, Alta. Stock for Sale Nine choicely bred Rhert Horn Bulls, 8 to 1e month. old, reds and roans, ladled lug the lAt and 2nd prize w)n111.1'14 at East Baron Pall Show. Are Mtge mid full of quality from good milking dans: got by import; d aloe and home of them from iwpm.'ed 1111111A, 001.5111111 heir. era prize winners Al head to rodent from I. II:veaho for Sale n 7 mended old Oily by Her- on Bleck. imported : s fond wy1.11 hol•51'; 11 few pairs or grade Leicester PWPs ; mrd 11 pair of young Yorkshire sows to litter in March, 'I'hev are out of n litter of 14 and their dont laid 53 coed living nice nt 4 litter., As feed la likely to be .Sasso I will anti any of the above Stock nt IOWeat privet; nod nn +oar t,"•»o, DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ont. Stock for Service T AMWORTH HOG FO14 SERVICE,- The undersigned will keep for Haryiue on N34 Lot 29, Con, 7, morns. a tho1ougiebred Tone worth hog, Terms, $1.00, to be paid at !into of service wish privilege of returning if meces- eary, 8.. WALKER, 10.1! Proprietor. The People's Column ea tot FOR BALE, -Being Si, of Lots 54 and 66, Uoa. I, .Agorae town.htp, canteIning 1011 acres On the farm iH a gaud name Melee, 22 x 151j5 ; g5,24c; ad w10"h,d x80, o 1)1411,kitclamehen Iw-.hnod 60xt10d; turd21'leaul- to 10x80 Stone a1 with el gu0, stabling :w under bnrn. Neverniinng ,valla and totian•elnl rd. Only Y4111,18 todluol and an)11eto sle cit or postop lic Deed may snares. form. len rneti on applicants to proprietor. 71010 WALTER L. BRECKENR(IDGE Jamestown P. O. ICARM FOIL SALE being Lot 29, Con. D, Morris township, Hut on 0o., containing 75 acres, It in all ,Lowed end 16 110014 tinder eultivatiun There is a loe(ortul,le flame homey, with kitchen adjoining, bunk barn, small young orultm•d, dulled well and wind - 1,111, &o. i miles from school, post office and church. Pat well feyurd, must be .old by price Int and consequently' H vel y (assent bl. Por Cwill ther particu�ars apply to T itej it 1 5 0 1• ger. Walton, P. 0 , or F. ,S, Sao{, Brussels tf, ,FARM FOR SALE, -Tin unden.lgneti.ffe•s fur sale hie Ip, „try farm, brio- (Jon 1l Grey township. There are au0111 80 acres under cultivation and 6 Here. or hurd- wood bush; good building., bank barn well windmill, btu ; 23, 11111es num chinch ; u)), from lshool ; and 2j4 miles to ono pip -t411, a. Possession on March on, Poi film then partied. la's apply on the premises or In nob, 0.41 P (1 to CHAS. LOVE P, op. Phone 25l2 25.0 WAR'S FOR SALE OR TO DEN L-Tht..»p• dersigaed offals his fine 20) acre farm, be- ing Lots 17 and 18. Con, 8, grey teanalnp, nu,, on Oo , fur sale ur If uov dlspu.ed or Would to good tenant There are 1111 acres Men, e), balance bush and piantnre laird Good build- ' loge cement alio, fences, o•1•herd doll) ed url1, Ate .en the premises Only 36 mile to .chino end 235 to Ethel village Po14sessicn Punld hr Riven at once if Hold or next Spring in Meaing, For further particulars nH to prier., terms te111 0ondition8 apply to J. I, W E148H, urnp 19-15 Phone 4118 Ethel P. O. • FARM FOR BALE. -The node]signed offer.. his tine (arm conal+ting of about 185 x111 ea adjoining the taws of Glint On, for wale %he farm is in a good state of cultivation, and has good buildings, bride house, bank barn, drty- Ag(house, pig pen, etc ;all comparatively new -kinds of fruits mid. al -o small d ofruiteil��Thall e desirable well fenced and rtpa andMoulinslapply on the premises or ad drama 10.15 JOHN TORRANO)D, 0linton, RAMS FOR BALE -The undersigned has 11 male. pure t 17, 001,. 9, (3reye towner ship. p1lm They are One ones, ROBT. L. MODONA LD, 12'tf Oranbrook P, 0. 1 0o ACRES OF LAND for sale, 134 miles North of deaforth. Good clay loam, all cleared and under cultivation. Bank barn, cement floors, large flame hoop°, newly paint. ed; good wells at born and Molise ..buildings and fences in excellent repair, An ideal hoon 01.1081) Apply (Miry) 808IE OOVENLOC'Ii, Seaferth, Oat. Fa RM EOR BALE,-8oii,g Lot 50, Om. 14, teeKtllop township, containing about 02 acres, an cleared. On tiro premises i,+n brick house, bank barn with hog pen eouuined, and a now power null for pumping, grinding, Ata ; alae good bearing'orcharahiea) 8p)s, baneism extra good state of motivation having been cropped 11(011 and large stuck et both hogs and cattle fed on it fur years )rat an 1 NI twat ed 34 idles from sobuol and 2 ;aline frau; Walton U. P. R. station. For further pa, tills' lays writs J. 14. HAMIILTON, Walton P. 0., 111 apply on the premises 4645 FAR,n 0011 8AL15 being Lut 19, (Jun. 15 Grey 'Township, continuing ing 100 aerea• 134 story trams (louse 2ex0U ft.; itituhen 10524, good frame barn, 4Ux00, on 441o,i0 st1)01n'g 1 8 good walla • all seeded to grass except 20 sores; 1U acres in busk; orchard 8 m)M. nom 0. P. 14. station All In :tate of ealmvntloh. For further particulars apply to ALEXANDER BARRON, 01anbruok, 5', 0. 18-4, Telephone 2818, =ARMS FOR SALE -Being Lot 4, Uon 11 Nn Township, d Lot 11, Uon i" are go dbuildsHmrel fenced On there drained, 130 goad uuddmg Wel frnaed xnd drained also good orchards ptyn t) of water nearly all heeded to gratis and n n Boyd state of cultivation. Both are close t .shout and to the Village of Brussels. They will be Hold cheap and. on easy terns of pay- ment Apply 8.tf i ply on the S. BO ns JAS. BOTZ Bl u me1H Y 0. List 11 nh' • hits ill It 1. 1 " 1 It l 1 h tondo a to l ,e c II Wallis J L0 a.hth n iIh l hr 1').11oo log an e(I:ti Mal t I 'bey will be .cul lu root )ttld)rss (r�. ceps Uoiled Slates 511(1.1)18 (xtea) e1 the 1•ullotilll •uh.ln 1ptiol, ln'luc•5 ;-- A Weeklies POs'( tnld'1'orumlu Globe .......,. 51 OD " Alan and h,)npire........,. 1 011 •' London S4v11) 141l'......, 1 (11) „ > London I''rty Press x ..... 7 80 • Family 11 malt] &Situ•„ 180 " \lnuue)rl \\"itu(ss,,...,. 1811 \Veekly Sun .......... 1 8i) Fm niers' Ativuilite 285 Noel teem )Altssenger, 135 Dailies - POST ttud'I'oronto t4I :' , 9;220 Toruoti' Neu's • 285 " putulnu Globi' 4611 • Toronto 11ni1-L'nnphe ,460 1'ut•i)nlo \Vnrld... 3 (111 Loudon Ads' ort 280 Coll at the tfllre or remit the a111011nt by P. 0. Order 1. (moss Order or Reg- stered Letlt') 1111,1 .,ing 1 1 11'. 1'O87', l3tntsaels, Out. yGvArJ n:tarlyav 4 ✓t .� 1'r' wr'.� r sv vq BEST PLACE IN OANADA a for 'tupw•Io•Bn•hu+as O'."lpn•tbnnil 1541 - p! ucnfol ny the ,4 rent nal Popular TORONTO, ONT. 5�cc (t•radu,, ,•s., ad)... ohne). grant nasi- rt poop and the Acott -d Is rude three 0 limos our supply. Phis ('5 Mgt. is y open un , ear. n,ud,•1"s bnrn In+Ply, 3 Initen po-trona at $50,500,$75 and MOO a• per moot h. Ruler 110W (11011•' 110 "(;71.1. g Young tool W. J. ELLIOTT, 1d l.14 .4 Aboat odm• Sts f Principal. i7VIM ^a1' my arF r9aV� WV Vas' -• 9aY MONTHLY Horse ah -s ! BFiUS.SELS R1gnhu• 11onihly II 1.o li'mi't will be held Ihie season as I'4,1)oo'e :--- Tr1U1381).1X, FEB. 1. 1912 .i PER 29, 1912. APlait. 4, 1012 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be present, '( Yereveme5.i te). e•..e. eetree yArur epee YoungPeople )n ?f Wa t:nn prr,nq'r vuu Yul• bu.imars nt The LUstowel Rosiness College }▪ and pines you in a gond poaitl1n 'alien ( grndneti'V 1' (N 1y P01. 01 INSTRUCTION, SOU may (stet an) day. EDWIN Q. MATTHEWa, Prin. gry $115`,i1^a"/lt,'a•L,w5351'a`in?r�FL'�V VR�.'61'dY�`$ ENTER II Y TIME land po•mOf inro 1311.1)l( 4i.. leeb41l)4 which to rpm open ell, on uhon t the yea•. Young prnp'1. may tinier nay 111na and c0111- idef• their cl)trn, lt',t hunt m't, rrup)b.n of nu'tannn»,•r hominis, Fou clay "Ili." 11'l 0' hum,• ,1' ) arl 11 to, (10118• anif:Od-1 atth,,',d1eg„ 1!Idly 15x14' • xpe•u )15, 1 a1,."• -t )Ism met. in ('m)- rb' .Ods 1.d yvhl, I11 1'•mttp, ;vial OTdnmmor'. Asa, Pini o ld rem an, CV, Ire :u1' pu -) mesion, Winijham Ulnas College CEO. SPOT-ON CS -)A3, BURNS President Principal s1�t;7•';t:,;J:s•;.^.,!,.liL"'6t436-'•m""a:;II:L'.:, 1',"a;>cvxr,�sart ;c7 ••O!<'1e.E'Ael••Po,b.a 404.4 :> 4.4044: t o • To Machinry Users and farmers 9 0 4 o a The New Machine Shop of the • HMS . fig APPLIANCE an gala. E Co ® e d F AR11 FOR SAI IC Phe undersigned offers for axle his 100 Imre farm, being N Lot 40don m- Morris township, Huron Us. 06 acres cleared. There is n 0uulfcortaide 11ou.a, new bank barn, oreharrd, drilled well, &c 2;5 miler, south of Brussels. Puseesalen first of &larch, 1912. For further particulars, I5 to price, terms, 00„ apply on the premises or Brusselo P 0 to H..BEAM, Pi op. g-4 AT 8AROAIN,-W111 dispose of cottage, Elizabeth street, Br04,411 , 0601100 11 411x4)1 bargain, in order to stature 4111e)t axle, Key may belied from 611 .1, heckle Vor 45, 1)11, particulars see lir. beck'' or write the under. signed. J I:L.0611E140N, to a1, 430,11'411 St , 1,1)11,1445, Fjing tttM P0114 SpALI1,-of the late POW' RI(1/11.1 1 11710 lou acre taro Me Lot 28, (ion 14, 101:9 la offered for• ,110 by 111.. undersigned. Th01,000085acres Men red, hub anee wall timbered. On the farm there Irea )rood Sank barn, largo dig shed hndn emu. Portable hoose. P111110 111 1400d 1101,411 ho, and well fenced. For turther pnrhetila'. apt,)) to .iAB. A. MaNAIl1 or ,IAS. D, MaNAlli, 1(10(1 Mors, (ironbrook P.O., or F. S. SCOTT, T Bra„. sets • FARM FOR. SAJ.k,. baffle 801101'1111 If 1.0) 28, tinning ) O0 soros more or less. H On 11� be •prinn- tses in a train') 1)0uae, bank hare, good orchard, Well Windmhl, &o. All cleared exec t abaci en acre Snhnol lygmli,,H dl font 0111p 21y tnilw 114110 ArussP(, 1108,. 49101 wheat it nod 'almnf110nor45 Held44'dnu')I For torte, term. and other information apply len 1b €remises or If tvritin (11•110-elsP 0 'Flom., 28 n, F. . Stoll, /;15100510 Il•tt A, L,1CI22t1t,15roprlotor. I8 now reads for hll.l)1eya. 11)11), 0 With gond Mardii.o )3 and 1ikWed A o Al (Phonies, .fee ore In n lentil 1011 9 • 1410.114111dIn 34nn' reii'i' y l)runlpt•• 9p • 13: and ill tro,.ounbl rates. 0 LF you will len as )1un(1, Wan 1't' 15 1'091 hob) -el'. (11 ,tire t leS .E 10lvii)111)lw')1)141 1, 1)1 11' rn)tu,•c(ed • n'hin, O GIVl' Ila 11 'I vitt) nodi, by l'01111111; to to 111Raar•Is. vire 111)1';anl motley • fm•• yon)wrlve., 6 G i (�( ty � 11' tJB jl�i Yi ~� MF r ys.rrw+rsh wo,.E.+raer Sru9Se. 91 041100.6e6seee e -•