The Brussels Post, 1912-2-15, Page 2OS QUARERS OR, THE HOUSE IN THE • RUE BARBE'FTE • CHAPTER XV.-se(Cont'el) Men, women, and children leung- ed about the doorways and kept ep a constant cackle of convereatien in a mysterious patois which MISS • Talbot, though an excellent French aet unjustly. I have been told that he lives in this house --that he is living with her at this moment„in fact. If I can make SUIT it, I will go away and never et eyes on him again unless be ehance, and "Leeille Beembareaie." "lay peel:me!" cried Eugenie, "what a, swell name !" "Oh, let ne hurry," interrupted Mee Talbot elesperately, You girls know everybody. You must knew all the vessele, If they are going en a boat an deou find nut the name and number or me 1 will give each of you a whole louis. I will give them to you now—I eacae, that is, if you will walk with me af- terwards to my lodgings," Even amidst the exciting eircum- staems surrounding her, Edith re- cognized the absolute necessity there was to maintain the credibil- ity of her previous narrative. Unqueetionably Dubois -aad the scholar, could make nothing of. th'n you may be sure 1will Fike lady intended to embark vi (me of The presence of these people natete-1.4" lee 1, um. 1 *" 31."1 'Jne ' the fishing boats. They hastened ally shielded her from the direct girls 11 break thei observation of La Belle Chassense, 11e1111.uler afaithless 8weelleart; but nevertheless, threatened a slight Marie was rearurecl• danger should it be neeeseary for "I eheuld think not, she said, her to stand still, foe she well un- with a sympathetic, anti -deileet derstood that in such a locality each sniff. "Oe the sec.,,Icl thaw, I am -person was known to the other, afraid you will find your man. They and the loitering of_ a stranger are a funny couple that live there. coeld not fail to arouse curioeity. Thee' only eame M,.eiday. V • Soon tater passing beneath the did your young man leave you?" temp mademoiselle vanished into a "I saw him on Saturday," dooeway. Edith perceived to her "Where?". jey that at this point there was no. This was a poser, bet Mies Tal - group of loungers. Indeed, for a bot answered desperately few yards the street was empty: ,."At Lyeam" Keeping her eyes sedulously fixed "What ie he like?", upon the exact spot where the Another haphaxard. shot. Frenchwoman • dieappeared, she "He is tall and dark, and, oh! reached the door, and. after a mo- es/ good-leokieg, With a heaullhilIV ment's hesitation, stepped lightly White skin and a pink complexion." into the interior darkness. "That is he!" cried both girls The narrow entrance was at once tegether. lessened to half its width by a stair- 'The scoundrel! But tel/ me," went on Edith, whose exeitemeot case. She listened intently, 101 could -hear the other woman ascend was readily construed as the pangs - bag the second filitht of stairs, of jealouey, "who is the creature At the next landing mademoiselle that lives with him?" -paused and knocked three times. "We think she is a musie-hall Presumably in reply to a queetem artiste," replied Marie. "At least, within, she murmured coxectleues which Edith could not catch, and was at once admitted, The sheet- . ing -a rusty bolt supplied eel- dence that the door was locked be- hind her. Edith's next task was to identify the house. She stepped out into the street.again and croseed to the opposite pavement. She looked up to the second story, but, owing to the short distance—barely fourteen feet—that separated her from the house—she could discern nothing, save that the windows on that floor were closely •sheetered. • She rapidly noted that the door was the third removed from the • lamp. 'Whilst wondering what - to do next, a couple of girls approached her. They were young and of course inquisitive. Without any dissimulation, they stood in front • of her and scrutinized her face,. wondering, no doubt, who this tall • graceful newcomer could he. "What is. your name?" said one, "I,Vhere do you- live 7 Have you just come here? Are you staying with old Mother Peter i" With difficulty Edith caught the drift of their questions. But she answered smiliegly— 'No I do not live here, and I do not' knew Mother Peter, But I want you to tell nui, who lives in the house oppoeite?" Her Parisian Freech greatly see; prised the two girls who giggled at each other, and one of them cried —"Oh. here's a lark But they scented en intrigue, and were quite ready to give all the 111 - formation in their power, "A lot of people there,'' said the elder one, trying, with .the ready tact of her nation, to accommodate her words to the understanding of the stranger. "It all depends who yenn want to know about. On the ground floor is Josef the barber and his wife, and three little ones.. It cannot he them, I am sure, and it cannot he Monsieur lettere* who is their lodger, for ho is seventy years old and a sacristan in the Church of the Sacred Heart, Then on the first floor there aro three men, not a woman amonget theme One is a bill -sticker, another a fish- erman, and the third a waiter in the Cafe du Midi, I do not know their proper names. We call the bill - sticker 'Paste -pot,' and the fisher- man. 'Crab.' The waiter is called 'Thomas' in the cafe, but when a letter comes for him it is in another name. Then, on the second floor • —.by the -way, Marie, who is it that Lo 142 further end of the harbor, through whose tiny entrance Edith could now sec the dark waters of the bay beyond, -for the night was beautifully clear and fine, and the bright stars of the south lent some radiance to the scene, when the girls quitted the deep shadow of the houees. A solitary boat, a decked fishing smack of 50010 forty tons, was ly- ing by the side of the quay, apart from the others. 'Fedith, who knew something about yachting, reeog- nized that her gearing was not fastened in the trim maimer sug- gestive of a craft lend by for the night, At the. same- instant, too, she caught sight of a third form— that of a may who had betel seated on a fixed capstan, and who now strode forward to peer et the new- comers. Sime few words passed between the three, but it was impeesible Inc gide to hear a syllable. Instantly the sailor aeuited Dubois and Mademoiselle Beaucaire to step clown from the quay on board the t at is what the people say. I have smack. He followed them, and not heard yet what hall she appears three other men, who appeared out oi the chaos ot emir,. and ropes, com- menced to labor with a large pole in order to shove the sturdy vessel out into the harbor, "Quick 1" murmured. Edith, in an agony lest the opportunity should slip. "Tell Inc what vessel it is," "I think," said Marie, "it is the Belles Soeurs. Anyhow, we can easily make certain. -All we have to do is to go back around the top of the barber, walk down the, Quai du Port, and watch her as she passes under the lighthouse of the Fort St. Jean. They will hoist her sail then and we shall see her num-• In. They say she ns very pretty. Are you going to throw vitrol over her?' ' 7111 "Not I," said' Edith, with a, fine scorn, "Do they- live there alone?" "Yes, quite aloes:, They rest the place from Pere Didon. Re owns most of the houses in this street, you know, and is a regular skin- flint. He won't let any one get be- hind with their rent for an hour. He is old, so old that you would not think- that he could live another week, yet he is that keen after his francs you would imagine he was a young man anxious to get money for a gay life. You ought to have bur - heard the row here last Saturday "Oh, come," cried Edith, "let us whe-a he turned the people out from run 7" their rooms where your lover now "We can run if you like," re- lives with his mistress. It was ter- Plied Marie coolly, "but thee is no ethic, There was a poor woman need. They have to get out by us - mg the sweeps, and we will be un- derneath the lighthouse at least a minute or two before they pass, even if we walk slowly." Whilst they were talking the three ail girls put their words into practice, From the opposite doorway ap- and Edith found herself battling peered the figure of Mlle. Beau- with a logical dilemma,. Dubois caire, carrying a small bag. She was evidently escaping from France was followed by a man, tall, slight, —making out from Marseilles at and closely muffled up, who shouj_ this late hour on a vessel capable dered a larger portmanteau, Edith of sailing to almost any point of the grabbed both the girls, ancl pulled Mediterranean. them close to her against the eletied What could she do 7 Was it piss - door behind them, sible to invoke the aid of a police - "It is he!" she whispered tragi- eally, "Silence! Let ns watch them The Dead Office end ail the Branches have been carefully inspected during the year, aaa a 001Wilcox,epoant each , pee c .3, a Commit f tbe I c ers, glance up and down the street. The man darted a suspicious the Cannebiere and drive furiously Mace brought In revIew before roue ntreetors, and, in adettton to there tee t: n to the hotel, where Brett, Fairholm gher titan the officers, and composed of arr. 13. Johnston N,C., Mt. W Si r 111 CteS nV Drtreilt Mr There was no one whom oven the and her brother must be anxiousle • ,s, Strathy, was appointed to e2arathe and aPpralse all the Johnston, held a't ttniaeadd 0;6m; which they did, ana Y reported to the Board that they are as rePreSented to It. OUT OP THE GINGER JAR. Is a blow from a kicking cow a real :milk puneb? IVIarriage vows am: too often fol- lowed by marriage rowe. Everybody ha e to hustle, even the egg is compelled to scramble, often- times. Those who rise early in the morn- ing are the more likely to rise above their troubles. Men aro like hens, the harder they have to scratch for a living the more useful they become. The physiologists tell us that we have five senses, and yet some folks act as if they had none. OM of our contemporaries advis- es scalee for the farm, and that San Jose critter is doing its best to supply them, Some men never miss the water until long after the wells have failed. PRIVATE' OFFICE :OA te,P with two sick children." How much further the revelation as to Pere Diden's iniquity might have gone, Miss Talbot could not says but at that moment there came Cramming down ill -chosen food, and rushing back to werk, leads straicht to dys- pep:ta, with all It means in misery. Proper bil.its of eating, with a Ne-Dru-Co Dys- pepsia Tablet after each meal, restore good diges- tion, health and happiness. A box of Na-Dru-Go Dys- pepsia Tablets costs but SOc. at your Druggist's. National Drug and Chem - Mal Go. of Canada, Limited. 140 Pt 75 71 71 e, There is Alwiys a Danger of Bulk Teas becoming contaminated with foreign odors injurious to their flavor and healthfulness Ceylon Teas "Are Never Sold in Bulk Form. ," but is Sealed Air Tight Packets Only—Black, Mixed or Green. FREE Samples Mailed on Enquiry. Address: "SALADA," Toronto. to LAST CHANCE. Mrs. N. Peek—Did you ever no- tice that about half of the pictures in photographers' windows are of bridal couples? wonder why they always rush off to e, photographer as soon -as the knot is tied 7 Mr. N, Peck—The husband is re- sponsible for it. He realizes that it is about his last chance to ever look pleasant, The difference between a meteor and a meter is that the former al- ways comes down and the latter al - was goes up. e -1`*3 ,fft Sanitary Chemical .,,'-' 44 ' Closets are fast replacing the disease -breeding, draughty privy -pit closets of a few years N9 I $ 25 I,Try.71d"clesessP ago. 110 man who values the health of his N9 2 .$ 20 ottrabnedtvateen the insanitary Parityte improved Chemical Closet N9 3 $ 15' Thsta 4 ,. * ' ADD 2 0 N9 4s$.510.0 Absolutely odorless and endorsed as sanitary by leading physicians. Highest quality materials and workmanship. Lasts a life - 1 one in your house at little cost. • time. Avoid inferior makes. They cost ete ALL PRICES at:rintaius,ch, yet are flimsily built of poor ma - last only a short time and rf• ..' are positively insanitary, because built JFOR POINTS Ask your dealer or order direct. on wrong lines. , . r. , Ii OF Send for booklet --"The Path to Health." , : PARKER-WHYTE, Limited a ROCKIES Winsigg Toronto Vancouver T e Traders Alm Ent . t exteteeteenteeeteseeksvisteeneeeseeeteeekel: • - ee AA' ;40 nk 1.5022MOSII of Candada Proceedings of the Twenty -Seventh Annual General Meeting. The Twenty -Seventh Annual 3leeting was held at noon on Tuesday, the 23rd of January, 1912. Nr. 0. D. Warren, the president, having taken the ebair, the General Ilatingor, Mr, Stuart &raft, WaS requented to act as Secretary of the Meeting. 0 t motion. Messrs. B. Galley and J. K. Moen were appointed Scrutineers, The minutes of tho lent Annual Meeting were talcou as read. DIRECTORS' REPORT The Directors have numb pleasure in submitting their Twority-seventh Annual Report and balance sheet of tlio affairs of the Bank, as of the 10th December, 1911, together with Profit and Loss Account, showing the result of the operations of the Bank for the year Willoh ended that day. The net profits of the 13ank, after making full provision for all bad and doubtful debts, amount to $601,1 33.70, being 1130 per cent, on the nald-up capital of the Bank, which has been applied as follows: The not profits tor tile twelve months, after snaking provision for had and doubtful &jigs, and reserviing accrued Interest, atnount to 130.1ance credit of Prof) t and Loss last year • • ....... • .....153,13470 Appropriated as.follows, 11)0.1 Dividend No.00, quarterly, at the rate of ,per cent. pet. annum 37,090.99 Dividend No. 01, quarterly, at 1.11e rate, of 3 per cent. per annum Dividend No, 12, quarterly, at the rate of 8 per Cent. per annum 87,090.01 87,099.00 Dividend No, 63, quarterly, at the rale of per cent. per annum 87,000,00 Transferred to Rest Account 200,000.en 16,onn.eo 6,060,00 6,000.00 181,200,67 S764,668.1,7 Written off Bank Furniture Transferred to Officers' Guarantee Sued Transferred to Officers' Pension Fund Balance at credit of Profit and Loss, mew &coolant ..... . $764408,57 You will chserve $200,000 bus been added to Rest Accoent. Tho Rest Account is aCa, 32,500,000, .or about 68 per cent, of the subscribed and pald-up capital. of the Bank, man and get some authority to hail The .businees of the Rank continues to .grow most satisfactorily, as the comparative statement submitted the craft and order her to rehire, einews. Tho deposits during the nex have increaseil $1,19 3,89840, and the olreuladon bas Increased 0505300 or svas there t'. toa': as an enemy—no one save some Rapidly as these alternatives sue,- time 31121,1encgie..csie., 1% Boaentri:nrcoonutivs:rs 1.sni,lac4v1Inaicasunted. feolt• 1 by diseli engine. the en cum branees which existed at the clever Henri Dubois could construe awaiting hex return? chattering learseilles loitering gested themselves, she dismissed east of your Head .0fries Building, Which was tilletrut?cl:tr J aleNOrklgfeltlgrot,h: i')Olgillonnseof0f 11.11ell'iir17"Y ine7eajratilY around their doorsteps, and three there. It was lsest to fall iii with Ptionoses of Ole Bank.- This Purchaso 10.11 be of great ad vantage in protecting tho lightliT err thoj claH'stusaiele to°f tile" Head Office Building. Your Bank premises 110W coinprise 51 separate ,buildings girls huddled tbgether in close cons IVIarie's suggestion and aecerta.m% cave directly opposite. beyond doubt the identity of the u The Directors have nmoll pleasure in testifying' 40 the geed wore performed ,be the Staff during the peniedi Thus reassured, he strode after fishing smack. Then, at any rate. u'd'el' "view' La Belle Chaseeuse, who cried out Brett would have e tangible and 'mpa ien y "Come quift, Henri, whet: are you waiting fbr 7" "Is his name Henri?" -whispered the awe-etricken Marie. "Yes. Ien't he a villain ? I won- der where they are going now I" "Let's follow them and see," sug- t I e mite clue. Se sho hastened with her. coin- panions along the three sides of the now almost deseeted quay. and, in accordance with the prediction of her youthful guides, she reached the promenade beyond the small light- house of the inner port before the . vessel had quitted the harbor. To "Yes, let us follow them and move a forty -ton boat with oars is comitai Stools rsem et: see," chimed in the other one, who a slow matter at the best. Rest Account Dividend No. 63, Ipayable and January delighted in this nocturnal romance. As the craft came creeping stead- 33-lerrner DivIde"a'S ""P" R was a veritable page out of one Be through the narrow channel 0%n:tercet acereed a:else:melt elements of Paul de Ifock's novels. Edith 04W, to her groat relief, that lance of Profits carried forward ..... „, Alt of which is re,spectfully submitted. MIAS. 3). WAiRaTIN, President, The General Manager read the General Statement of the Bank, as at 30th of December, 1911, as follows: COMPARATIVE GENERAL STATEMENT 301I0 December, 1911 LIABILITIES 1911. S1404409,00 2,000,000,00 . 67,000,00 004.0e 2,011.70 121,20047 $ 74211,004.7111 The proeamme suited Miss Tal_ two of the men drew in tlleir sweeps Notes af the Batik to circulation $4,373,071200 bot exceedingly well. and commenced to haul upon ropes; Dej)°28cundsinbgearbisntgerelrktertte:ct'rtil'enci They strolled off down the street, whilst tho clanking and groaning 1 to date , 221,506,224,31 nestled tog -ether, Edith in the an- of pulleys heraldeel the slow rising _Deepens not bearing interest SA11,41=1.34 lives on the second floor?" tre, and keeping the shrouded cou- f .. . . . • . Deposits made by Banks in the United States 814(9171,.17::131:11,1 Edith with difficulty, restrained plo in front well in sight. This (To be continued.) Balance clue to other Banks in Canada ., her excitement. She felt that if time, when Mademoiselle Beaucaire 46,301,232.63 Balance duo to "marten Agents 322,001,11. only these youngster:: rattled on a and her companion reached the little longer she might gain stone point where the street emerged on valuable information. 'dif oh:s to the harbor, they clid not 011013 Marie, thus appealed to, was evi- ever towards the broad and brillie StucttLY Bross covens, OUnte coins, dently of a more cautious tempera- ant -lighted Camnehiere, but bur- iisat.s Thal THRon_T ANO LUNSS. 2s 22NTS igoolislniTiainocl Silver Coin current, 111211t than her companion, n Government De - Anti on through darkness in the SUFFICIENT UNTO HERSELF. 11 the young lady will tell usdirection of a cluster of 11911111g Mend, No why sho wants to know, wt, may be tonaeks that lay alongside the Quai Small and independent Mamie able to help her ?" she etipulaeecl. do leiye Nenve, was exploring a toy -shop with her "Certainly," cried Edith, inetant- "My faith, Eugenie, e, cried :nether and two older brothers. To . 1y resolving to pursue, the tactics of Marie, "they mutt be going 'en see what she would do in an enter - the penny novelette, "I have been boIrd one of the veseels. " goo,, they hid behind a counter deserted. My lover has been taken "What a lark !" was the answer, and watched her. After looking tyway from me by another woman— "I suppose they fear you," she ads around and finding herself (smite e,t least, that is what I and inform- (led, turning her sharp eyes on alone, ehe serenely resumed her cd. I do not wish to inake any Edith, "What is your name?" trudge, gee/1g complacently at the trouble about it. There aro plenty "Lucille," cone the answer on array of dolls and toys. Presently as good 1000 55 he left in the world ; the spur of the moment, a floor -walker, who had taken in but, on the other hand, I must not "amine what?" the hie .f.r 7 fire, approached her and e said : Pet if Sty:Vilely:aches—neural& heaciachee—steuting, blinding beadachos--eii when you take lkla.nra.Co Headache Wafers They do not contain phenacefin, acetanilid, morphine, opium or any other dangerous drug. 26o, a box at your Druggist's, y 113 etetioreee entee 0 dating:AL ca. 000d45504,i.iscion. "Why, hello! Aren't you lost?" "0, no," she smiled, patroniz- ingly, "I :sn't; dem is," Thugs are tervovising 170.112onvOr despite the Warning that these who are might will get the LIAM • 11i 71S ISSUB 9-12 $ 541,080,07 5,4800170.00 N. etes 00 and ,0116,c111a0 en other Banks Balance due from other Banks ....... Balance dile from Sorel -go Agen10 ..... DOnlinion eni3 ProvinOlal Government SO curities Railway and. other Bonds, DebentUres and other Securities .... . .... Call and Short ,Leans on Stocks, ........ end other Securities Call and Short Loans on Stacks, Bonds and Millar Securities in 'United suttee 55111 disnounted current Notes d0a00-u54ed overdue (estimated lass' pre- vided fors Loans to other Intesce, secure& . .... nenosit. wire Dernirden Government for se - 001115 Of general Barak Note filreulalion Real Delete, the property Of the Mak (other than the Dank premises) gitortgages Real Plstate StIld See tho Bank Bank prernises Dank furnithre, safe.% T01101VT0, 151,1 iftracc.ry, 1110. MA:7,82742 ASSETS 4:3,083,e50,67 2,517478.41 1180,1124 02 2,3135,300,74 082,810.37 1,873,1403,44. 3,720,310.33 801,294.31 s54,502,03:.ss 300,050;4 132,05 30/03,00 2,064.10 24,000110 2,867,1,01,11 I11e,st1e3ec,e1 07,00-,430,73. 252 ile",S13-.42 $20,077,007.0 7,000,137.1S 15 dsrivr,0.01 8,141,103.00 3010. $4,004,300.00 11400,000,00 87,000 00 :omen demure; seteeeeen: $3,700,0S0.110 IS 0,800,070,16 80,077484,50 atseees,se 20,780,1,1 43,200.17 49,252,757.73 $47,102,140.00 04,551,003.47 2.0204136.82 21)10704W 3,134,0/2.70 00146047 1,7211,172.4.13 7,4,15,00544 209,000,00 $32,810,351.02 74,030.73 7,260.77 301,0174,15 8,500,05 23,30040 5,00s 050 22 140,450,11 4.15,421,5000:0 $47,162,7110,00 $11,731,37044 STUARTSTRATIlt, General ititimager,, On fie Farinj WINTER EUUS. The laying ben is usually seareh- ing for what she needs to make eggs. She takes what she wants in the way of food and lets the rest alone. If you compel her to take what she doesn't want or take nothing, why, of couree, she will take what you provide, rather thee starve to, death, but sho won't lay as many eggs, Therefore, we like the proper' method of feeding. We always pros vide a self -feeder, hung on the wall just high enough so the hens can eat what they want without waeting it on the floor. A better method is to provide a platform sixteen inches or so above the floor, so the fowl can jump up and down R.r the feed and water they desire 6...11 then go back to the litter to woek for the grain that is scattered in its In roe apartment of the self -feed- er is grlt; another, charcoal; an- other, oyster shells; another, equal parts of finely cracked corn, wheat, barley and oats; in another, beef' scrape; in still another is placed dry bran. ' You might think that the hens will cat too much, but they won't e thee' will eat only what they want. - When you find a hen that; lives off of the feeder and gets fat and lazy, sho is usually too lazy to work and too lazy to lay eggs and better by sent to the butcher. Scatter the whole grain, snch as wheat, barley and corn, in the lit- ter. Feed them whole corn at night, especially on cool nights. They need a eropful to keep up the bodily heat oeeraight. Give them table scraps and green food at noon. For green food eve use cabbages, mangel-wurtzeis, sugar beets, ehepped apple, etc. Onions are also relished, but they. are liable to flavor the eggs. Noon is also a good time to feed green cut bone. Give them a little - every other day, and only what they will eat up clean. It is a rich food, a great egg -pro- ducer and a little will go a long way. If you notice a looseness of the b-owels after feeding, it, cut down the amount. Keep them always eager and* their appetites sharp for fresh meat and cut bone, and yon will get all the eggs you can expect. Once in a while we feed a mash 707 the morning composed of bran, middlings, beef scraps, eta., mixed with a little milk or water, It must, , not be wet and sloppy, but dry and I crumbly, Feed them only what they will eat up quickly and clean. They shouldn't be allowed to trample on any that is left over or to leave any to become sour and foul. Fowls should have plenty of fresh water and we never warm it. They like a cool, fresh drink the same as we do. Provide a dust bath so they may heip to rid themselves of lice. Use p enty of liquid louse killer and keep the whoe pen scrupulously clean. If a variety of food is given there is no need of fear about plenty of eggs, Do not feed whole grain in hoppers. Only the ground food, beef scraps and bran is fed there. If these simple suggestions are carried out, consistent with your local conditions, the hens will do the rest. , Two dozen eggs every day will be just like finding 80 cents in change in the neeli, according to our prices for fresh eggs in the lo- cal market. HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS. The man who calls improved stook fancy stock will have an ac- count to settle with his Master on the judgment day. It is time landowners were in- sisting upon systems of farming which will conserve fertility. Long leases, crop rotation ancl stock feeding form a policy of maintain- ing foil fertility that should be de- manded by every landowner. NOTES OF TII1 110G LOT, One of the most difficult -Maks ever attempted is to make a silk purse out of a sow's car, but this s no harder than to make first - lass pork out of a scrub hog. A great many breeders seem to thick if they possess a pure-bred oar the finality of the sows does ot count for much. TMs is a sad 1101111(0 indeed, and fanners tan- totwbelei.toroodeoZisiI in the selection It is a fact that the pigs of large ittors are usually more uniform n size and fatten more quickly ban these of small litters. Hero s where the good Mending of the OW comes in. b 01 01 01 0 11 11 h I) 5 not making it,. ' 4 FAVORED BOTH SIDES, '"Granelnal" held BiteWster's oung eon oho elan, -"which ef rniye, arents do resemble'?" he grandmothoi answeVe11. "You aye your .moti remarkable cas aeity for el-self/Mg money, and 01 esultite genius "