HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-2-15, Page 1VOL. 4o .VO. 33 131WJ51:L5, ONiARIO, THU1l,5D4Y,• FEBRUARY 15, 1912 W 1-, SERB, Probmiet'or New Advertisements ortisements focal-y11Ps Allan. Pin lost Tris hos'r Por sale -Lice Brown. Mit found -`1'W Posit,. Rena laying -B' R ;smith. Auotiol, Pnne-wm 1. sun. Pigs for sde-Ione ;Aiello. Work wanted -Mrs, Roberts, Mara for Pule -R Henderson, Winter goods -0. N. McLaren. ltook•takltlg sale -Walker, Rosa i Oo, B istlttt:ROM Molesworth On page 4 of this issue may be read other items Of news from this locality. INSTITUTE, -The Speakers announc- ed for East Hawn Partnere Institute, meet here Moudaiy, Feb. 28th, are Aire. Woolard, of Tarlltltn ; Jaynes 14IcDermott, of •Eltnvale ; and Jas. MoFadzea', of Walton, Auuug the best meetings of the series Moleswet tri holds a place hence a live interest should centre round the coating gath- ering with su rtepice as Selection of Seed • the Mangold Crop ,1 eHorne, its work and hdiuenee and How 60 increase our profits on the Priem. What about the Stttudlig Field Out Crop competition under the direction of East. Huron Agtiaultu•al Society for 1912? Seven prizes. Aek T. 12 J3eunett. about it as he is one of the Directors of the Fair, Wingham Thursday evening the senior high school hockey team. played at Luck - now with the Northern team and won from them by a score of 8 to 9. The game was feet and clean. F. 141cLeau acted as referee and gave general satisfaction. FAMILY GATHERING. -A I'etual'kable celebration was held at the home of John and Mrs. Agnew recently in con- nection with the anniversary of their golden wedding. The entire family circle of nine sous and dttughter•e is unbroken, and gathered at the old home. The Agnew homestead- was REAT CLEARING SALE Commencing Saturday, January 2lth ---0E— Ready-to-wear —OF— Read -to-wear Suits and Overcoats %� Per cent off ft: regularprice .p fur and fur -tined Coats Heavy Winter Mitts Trunks and Suit Cases And a big Reduction in all lines of Shoes and Rubbers such as $5.00 Shoes for $4.00 4.00 ' 1 3-00 3.00 2,10 Rubbers, 75c per pair Shoes must be cleared out in the next two weeks to make room for new 'Spring goods which we will tell you about latex. The above is simply a sample of the many Bargains offered. E. C. Dunford CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER t ••h•3•••i•••1•••t••d••d•••t•••••N•••••F••Md•••t-••t••+••i•••N••1•••••••t••••••••• •O Deering Implernents: • s • 4. 4. • • F a Agent AM enteringon m secondyear as Local •i; y • �, p t. nus and am lmlm for the DeeringAgricultural P I i prepared to supply all comers with every kind of t, i Machinery required. • g.. • and ♦ Also handle the'well known a•McLaughlin • Gray & Sons Carriage Goods. One grade only and t. q. ••' that the best. 4. d farms 'n r uu I P the arhest n.c Ie 1 s onset tt e occupied East Wawatiosh Tuwoship, The eldest, daughter, Mrs. Pesten, lives there new, The, others in the fancily ate : Dr. 791os, Agnew, \Viu;;huul ; De, Roberta\gcetl, dentist. Alberta; Dr. \Villittnt Agnew, Daiytoo, Ohio Dr. ,lames A.goew, dentist, Dayton, Ohio ; llr, John Agnew, Orestlite, Ohio ; Alias Hannah Agnew mud Miss Millicent Agnew,'nurses, Phihtdelphia; and i\lies ,nary Agnew, at horse. Few famine/ecru] show such a record. Washing Machines, Sewing Machines and C ream Separators always in stock i •• • • In : Musical Goods Kitchen Cabinets 4• 4. we handle Pianos Or ana and the If you want a Chatulrn Inchon celebt�atcd Edison tPhonographs. Cabinet come to one 81109 IM.101e Call in and see the Bargains. urchaein elsewhere. CtLI 6 P Ir, Blyth Other Blyth news on page 5. Next, Sunday Rev. T. W. Cosecs, of Clinton, will preach in the Methodist church here to connection with the Missionary anniversary. The Agricultural Instruction train will be here on the C. P. R. on March 5th remaining from 1 to 3,80 o'clock. A large number; should take advent- age of the oceash re and see the eixhib- it mud hear the addresses. PIKE -Fire which was discovered at an early hour Monday morning completely destroyed the large barn of Fred Haggitt with its enure con- tents. The origin of the blaze is un- known. Loss will be $700, on which there is 200 insurance ASpring Fair will not to held here Society tnv yetat tint the Agr ten1tntal w111 Inn a Field Crop Co opetitloe in white oats that the fanners should take hold of. See the Directors o• Secr'etar'y if you want information on the subject. Grey Mrs. Jun. Brown, 10lh non., left this week for a visit to relatives in 11an111- tnn vicinity. The cold weather has been playing hob with water pipes and tanks in coeneetion with a number of wind- mills. The annual meeting mf Brussels, Grey & Morrie 'Telephone Oo. last l'uesday 111 03 ed it large attendance noel Gray where there are many 'phone users. Quite a number of tidalLiMis are expected when Spring opens. The Grubber 1(10 acres has 1)883 sold to Pratte Dollies for $3.700. F. S Scott, of Brussels, made the sale. 'Phis purchase gives Mr. Collins 250 acres and the first thing he knows he will be a rancho, \Ve wish hitt good Inek with Ik 1'! (1. A GI1EYI'r1 IN THE NUMBER. -The eighth annual linospeil, of the Moose l(iV Coning Chill drew to a close on 5110 'day ev8ning, fret). 3, 1912. Lan' mot and his 91118nt glun•lette coin• prising T. A Lumen ; ship, C. H. Get -mete, third ; (i. 13. Stanley. set, mid; Ii Parket, lead, formerly of Grey township, are the greatest winners having carried off Iwo 1sts, a 2nd and a Srtl prize. In the grand aggregate they won the Chep and four handsome int glass water pitchers, valued al $1000 r,,eh. For the Brewery cup and four sets of pearl handled silver knives and fluke in four oak cabinets each vatted at $50. In the Robin Hood Lhe earned pi tzes 'won by them were 3,,113' expensive and beautiful nil (mind figs, ett•h villaed al. $21), consider- ed by manly to be equal to first posi- tion trophies. The third in the grand challenge brought form int Blase salad dishes and celery dishes. Tills rink might truly be tailed the "boys" rink its T,au13111 is the youngest skip and all his men are ynuog fellows. BAD ACCIDENT. - Last MOnday, a- bout 4 p ui„ Robert Nichol taecended the windmill tower, about 40 feet, to oil the gearing. In sennet way he got his left hand caught ho the gets' and before he get flee very eyelet's damage was clone in the way of ((haling and mangling it, the fingers suffering par• ocularly The second Heger had to be amputated at the third joint and the third finger may have to go like- wise but rut effort is being made to Save it. Mr. Nichol atm Id the dressing heroically not even taking an annsthe.- tic. The many frfedds of Mt•, Nichol while regretting the ser'i308 accident hope he hill Make speedy progress and soon regain the use of his hand. Morris THE Poer gives the Morris news first lined. Edgar Ml0utoheon, of Mci3tllnli, bas been renewing old friendships 1u l.hhs locality. Assessor Watson is ready for close application to his duties until the toll is completed. Township Clerk McEwan is at Gode• rich this week attending to his duties as one of the Co. Auditors. A gond cow belonging to D. Badge - ley, died last week from indigestion.' It will be quite a loss to the owner. Thursday, February 29111, will be the date of the next Monthly Horse Pair at Brussels and is expected to be very largely attended. A large number of Morris tnwuship people attended the annual uleeling of theRnrul Telephone 0o. atBeussels on Tuesday. Itis developing into a big concern. Next Sabbath afternoon Rev, T. W. Onsets, of Clinton, will preach a Missionary 889/11011 at the Jackson ehnrele The reverend gentleman is a fluent: speaker. The'e 1 decided to erect new ()outwit steel bridg t e on cement abut tints to 'spites the cv ch tut 'I1 structure known as Clerk's hi lclt,e across the Maitland on the sideroa(l near the Township Hall. It is expected one spar' will be mode do. The farm of Joseph Bolger, of Tyner, Sask., located on the 8111 line, Morris, has been purchased by George Mul- doon, of Brussels, who will get ;mases- shot as soon as Win, Birds lease ex- pires. It is -good propel I.y tthd con- tains 75 acres eligibly located. Mr. Bolger, who has been spending the Winter hese, will re1010 to 11)e West next month where we hope he will continue to peospu'l' • FAIIM SOLD, -The fine 100 acre farm 'I' of Alex, Ulnalcey; being Si, lot. 17, eon. • 4, has been e'u sold t0 John LJGte of the e anter/ lint Pmt the sem 0P � $4,500. There are 10 acres ofg nod Iv maw wet tush nt Ow phree whtl'h is a valuable asset, Ale, Clookoy is tau old settler, i having lived on tins fa.rul for the wise • 55 y1'lu•s. lie will probably move to 13ri18sele, Rrlgravo cu' Bluevale vm Morris ethnic I t4M1. Itis *' i l his A 9 11 giving l ti F 1 health 11aLs nitl, been gond but we hope the change, will benefit hirci, \Ve wish the new purehnsel success with his • sed ossessions, A inrrl+t Ielement ' 1111 r'tlmn side of i711'nl Shish, filo )1 H- L'ls t 13ru55 1 ) thl tt<.wlnl p h Id m int au i�T ❑uulS . 4 E R, of a few 15celts ;,nhn nC(ultttcywill •+•444• •.44•••1.'1'••f•4••4•r1•••t••3• •444.4044444444.14444444+44.4.1. 4 Ito \\ est 111 the ,Spring. Bluevale Turnberry Township Council min- utes may be read on page 5 of this issue. Miss Ethel Perrin, of London, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. McCracken, of lilnevule. Her many friends in this locality will be sorry to hear of the serines illness of Mrs. (Rev.) L B. Wallcviin, of: Toronto, of diphtheria. The latest information received reports a change for the better in her condition. Belgrave Rev, Mr. Perguson is at Toronto this week. .A. debate is nn hand on "The West vs. the East." This week Mrs. (Rev.) Ferguson was visiting Whitechurch friends. Miss Jennie Rands visited at her home at Brussels last Saturday. The Official Board of the 1fethndist church, Belgrave cienuit, voted 10 to 4 in favor. of Church Union. John and Mrs. Snwlt'r have removed r.a Gndel'ich. They 801(1 their proper- ty t0 Mr. McGuire, of Holstein. GPM Sowler is remaining here, at least for the meantime. We are sorry to say Jim. L. Geddes, who has been in pent health for some time, does not pick nP i18 quickly 248 (118(1y 3)11 friends would 'wish but we trust the corning of Spring will bring improvement. INSTITUTE-N('xt Monday will he Institute day here. The ladies will assemble at the Vienne of Miss Ben- gmlgh to hear the gond things Mrs. Woeleed, 0f Toronto, has to say nn Health Culture. J+ts, McDerin0tt and T McMillen Will discuss seed selection and the' rare and feeding of hermit mares and young horses. In the evening the three speakers will give addresses ata union meeting to which everybody is ii,vited. Sessioia open at 1 80and 7.30. A mneirlll program will intersperse tine addresses In the evening. Belgrave always has in- teresting meetings. Attend next Monday. Moncrieff T AGRIPPE has been 11118y. THE POST gives the news. Do you get it ? MONTHLY Horse Fair at Brussels Thursday, FI'beuttry 20th. It promises to be the hest of the season. On Sabbath, Feh. 25th, the Coin- mnninn will be held in the church here and the vote of the resew egrtl incl will be taken on the question of church union on the same day. Wm. Mann has teamed his farm to David Clark and will give up fanning. On account of this decision he will hold an +ruction sale of farm stork, implements. etc., on Tnesdey, 271h inst., when F. S. Scott will ''1?, 1 hi8 stud(, etc., for sale. Mr. and MI's. Mann may not clove frim this locality in the nteentime. FARMS CHANGED HANDS -At (him Wald, Si Lot 26, Orin. 17, Grey, sold his 50 eaves t11 R. Waite, of Ingersoll, for the sum of $1500 and bought the Ellicott 50 acres, being Si Lots 26 and 27. Con. 10, Grey, for which he gave $2300. The sales were negotiated by F. S. Scott, of Brussels.. Mr. Ward will move to the new purchase, we understand, and Imps he will do well. INTEREST WELL MAINTAINED.-StLll- bath last the opening services of the new Knox church here were continued and well sustained. The preacher was Rev. A. O. Wishart, B. A. of Brussels: Ae the afterunon set vices, he gave a direct message on the subject "The Christian's re- sponsibility and reward" and no one oras passed by. Evening salmon was based on 'The Master's rare" and was full of helpful and comfort• ing thoughts. Good music was ren- dered by the choir, with Miss Anna Dunlop presiding at the organ, and 00 1 Jesus" s end "Abide Bolos, ,1hehve of with Ne by Miss Graydon ev n calf e Lll daywas well filled and well. The t s tel was a fitting successor to the Sabbath previous Offering taus $2700. Rev. Mr. Urgohart, of Listowel, was on hand Monday evetli115 to deliver his fine Lecture of "Abraham Lincoln." He was greeted by a large and inter- estedamiiehre and many a practical 811(11 was Heed by the lecturer as ire dealt with the ohalactee and life of the notable subject antler re- view. In addition to the lectins a titmice program of MUSIC and 111'('nay selections was rendered in fit sl-eiass etylt .by the following talent: -An- them by choir ; solos: by Mr. Wilson, of \Innl(ton "Kermess" and "Glethet•- 1 ' eeei inns b Mies of the clans" lint v ung s Pearl Harrison ; solos, "Down by the old mill stream," [dials s A Lt e *Refer , Lertnra for an hour and twenty miontes by Rev, Mr. Urgnhat t t solo, "litllieranitie," Mr, Mooney, Meek - toe ; soles, "Miry" and "'file March of the Cameron men," Miss Gu1yilnn; duet, , s 1 Ansi; dream is 0'1'1• Ali, ti ( Gray„Lift Graydon and Mas. (li.ev ) Lundy. Financial pt'000(ds were $86.00 malting a total of about $400 flout the opening Ceremonies. While the tong regatioli 1.4'1(1 be c0ilgent(111Lted at 1118 great 1 )a a - ' '�r n 11 r s •, 1' Int d (t s (t 1 tel at rrraa rind Int t 1 I 1 ing so flee a Rene leery free of debt, too notch can hardly be said for the le 1'd management agement of the pastor, Rev. Me, Lundy, He lingered fired de- votion, entllusiesrn and well planned effort Mud by both counsel and praeU• oat week was untiring in hie effo'ts from the Inooptino of the new church Int,vl'tuant, 1111 name and that of his excellent wife will be kindly remem- bered as long as Knox church, Mun- clieff, stends. It is to be hoped SO comfortable a church hove may ire Aura many who are not within the fold at Lhe present to ally themselves with thecause so thateongregationally they may share in the successes of the flute. The Agricultural In811 net inn train, consisting of 4 baggage Bans and 3 coaches, equipped with fruit, grain, dairying utensils, poultry and bee keeping appliances, fertiliret 5. cement etc., will call at McNaught station on Tuesday, Mimi) 51.11 from 4 to 8.30 p. m., when lectures and demonstrations will be given. A geneial invitation is extended to farmers and others in- terested to visit the cars. Prof. Putnam, Superintendent of Farmers' IustiLutes, is in charge. INSTITUTE. -East Huron Farmers' Institute will hold a supplementary meeting here on Friday of next week at 1 80 and 7.30p. tn. Jas. McDermott. of Elnivale, will speak on Selection of seed • , Jno. Pearscn of this townehr P on Cal and feedingof beef cattle Care Wo .lard of Toronto, will and Mls e t , give an address At the evening gathering Mr. McDermott's topic will he How to increase our profits on the fat m, a subject everybody will want to hear. Mrs. Woelard's theme is The Home, its work and influence. There will no doubt be a goodly at- tendance as interesting and well de- livered addresses may be expected. Go to the meeting. Jamestown Other (terns may be read on page 4 ot'this issue. Miss Mabel Menzies is visiting her aunt, 141rs.'G. Eckmier, Fern cottage. Messrs. Henderson and Lennox, of \Viltgham, spent last Weduesday at R. Alillet•'s. We are pleased to report that Dnnalda McDonald is considerably improved after an attack of pneumon- ia. We are pleased to report that Victoria Hall is now elver of debt. Such proceedings is very commend- able to the people of the community. Role. T. and Mrs. Strachan have returned from their wedding trip and are nicely set tied in their new home, 3rd concession. We welcome Mrs. St rachao to nor midst and wish them Dimly happy, prosperous years. Wednesday evening of last week the ladies of the Young People's Society held a Letup Year At Horne which was most heartily en- joyed by the goodly number present, nearly all proposals being accepted. Will McDonald made an excellent chairman and a good musical and literary program was presented and else pr0menudes and games were in- (ulged in. The committee, Misses Beesie Moses and Beeva Beyans, are to be cong1atulated on the success of the evening. Taffy and candies and a light lunch were served at the close. DIED AT GUELPH. -Thursday of last week .las. Kent, a nephew of Edward and Alex. Bryans, died at the hospital Guelph, where he had been since October 19(0, in his 54th year. The remains were brought to A. Bryans', where deceased had made his house anti the funeral took place Saturday afternoon to Brussels cemetery, Rev. Air. Cameron conducting the service, Mr. Kent, father of deceased died over 30 years ago at Dundee. Mrs. Kent is living at the home of her brother, Win, Bryans, Morris. Site has been blind for some time. Another sot of Mrs. Kent lives at Vancouver, B. C., and a daughter, Mrs. Jennie Kolp re- sides in Detroit, Willie Mitchell, Myrtle McKee, Mottle Aewswm . Mervin Ecknrier, Harold Keys, Part II. -Geo. McKee, Edwin Krauter, Ella MJtrhell. J. H, Tnotsor, Priuelpal. 0. EDMESTON, Assietatlt, Wroxeter 11188 ALLAN 0081150 -If you Want spec - tante., fitted to scientific ;honer don't 1ai1 to del) on Mies.1. J A1(an, eye specialist, at the Ooftoa house, Wroxeter, on Thursday, Feb, 22nd, Misses Jeannette Black and Bella Smith spent Monday in Harristorl. W. 0. and Mrs, Otaer•ie and son Lloyd left for Mt. Forest on Saturday. Charles Sitmnons jt'•, of Huwic•k, has purchased the butcher business here from Richard Morley. Miss Jennie Howe was table to re- sume her teaching at the school on Monday after a week's illness. Aiieees Mary King and Irene Me - Ewen, of Bluevale, visited this week with the former's graudparenls, Jno. and MIS. Harris. Jno. and Mrs: Gibson celebrated the 10th anniversary of their marriage cm Monday evening by entertaining a number of friends. A houkey match between Gentle and Wroxeter was played In the rink here last Wednesday everting. The ecore was a tie5-3. A. Leap Year At Home under r the auspices of the young ladies of the village, will be given 1n the Town Hall on Wednesday evening. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church have arranged for '1 Shredded Wheat Banquet to be held in the church on Mar, 4th. A good program is also being prepared. Ethel Friday evening of this week an Assembly will beheld in the Dilworth Hall. FARMERS' INSTITUTE.- Saturday, 241.11 hist., , is the date of the institute meeting here. Speakers are Mrs. \Vllelad, of Toronto ; Jae. McDer- mott, of 1111nvale ; anAltos Smith, of Trowbridge. A good program of addresses is assured at both sessions and a full house in the Towuship Hall in the evening. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE, -The supple- mentary meeting of the Women's In- sttute will be Held on Saturday, Feb. 24th at 2 30 p. tn. in D11 W081h's Hall. Subject, n h Demonstrating atig t 1 i e• Art of N retllewa alt by Mrs W. Woolard of 1`u1llll0 a1 All the ladies of the vicini- ty ni- Ly e welcome. Mrs Worlard w111 also give an address in the evening at the meeting in connection with the Pat user's luso lute. Sca0OL REPORT. -The following is the seauding of the pupils of Ethel School for month of January, in order' of ute.rit :-Class V. -Mary McLel- laud, Olive Cooper. Sr. IV. -Pearl Bateman, Reg. IleuisworLh, Noble McKee, Nurufan Addy, Gen. Cole. Jr. IV. -Boy Dunbar, 1Naurfe0 Me - Lel land. Pearl Dobson, Ver da Pollard, Edith Ferguson, Sr. III. -Della Mc - ice, Statue, McDonald. Jr. 11I.- Vlyrtle Bowes, Lochart Halle, David Atelier', StanleyGill, Edith Eoktnier, \Inriol Thomson Bert V odden , Flossie �41t1e1eLilhan Davidson, Layla Vodden, Elmer `I r bmclair, Geo. Latta 1lemsWnfth Wm. ioavlauui, lowland, 1( uld, Jatees LAVAS, Sr, ti, -Orel Butt emxlt, Pearl Love, Harold Love, Russel lirattet', A1011ie McDonald Geo. Pollard, Minnie Martin, 131ak8 Ilowlelt, Isula'Mitchell, Leslie Pol- lard, Alalia Denise melt Jr. 1I. - Bertha Cole, Alice Eckmier, Clifford Fergmson, Bernice. Cole, Quest Dob suit. 'V'erna'i\1t,Call, Willie Dane, May Vnrldrn, Al auplrie Thomeol, St'. I.- McLelland MeD( Wald LL Mtr.ngtu(t r 11 Rhea Lily Sanders, Lloyd Du ubar Etta 'I'(,,,,,,,,nr Viola MiLchelh Jr. 1. 9111 Granbrook A Foresters' Oyster Supper is among the probabilities. John Lynn, of Calgary, is a visitor at, the home of his aunt, Mrs. Menzies, Miss Belle McCrae, of Belgrave, is visiting at the home of J. Granby, eon. There wxa a gond turn out from round here at the Telephone tneetiug in Brussels on Tuesday. The men are busy putting in a supply of ice for Jacob Long. It is a good sample of the work of Jack Ernst. Owing to a funeral service at Brus- sels last Sunday afternoon Rev. Dr. Oaten was unable to get to Oranbrouk. Service was taken by F. Raddatz, HYMENEAL, -Wednesday afternoon a1.3 o'clock, (3ev. D. 13. McRae tied the hymeneal knot at the manse here be- tween John Lindsay, of Neepawa, Man.and Miss Mabel Coates, of Ethel locality. The bride wore a becoming costume with black picture hal and plumes. After a brief visit here Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay will leave for the West where they will make their home. We wish the young couple health, happiness and prosperity. The fivauclal report of Knox church has been issued winch shows receipts to he over $700 for year, outside of balance carried over. After paying all expenses 536.51 was left in T1eas- urer•'s hands. $154.78 was given for schemes of the church. The pastor, Rev. D. B. McRae, has served the congregation faithfully for 32 years. Session consists of W. Cameron, J. P. McIntosh, Jas. D. McNair and Wm. Ferris. Managers are :-W. Patter- son. Ed. Fulton, Nell D. McNair, J. S. Houston, A. Perrie and A. Mc- Donald. The latter is Secretary - Treasurer. Trustees are Wm. Perrie, L. McNeil and John McNair. There is a good Endeavor Society. Sabbath School and Women's Foreign Mission- ary Society in c0uneotion with the congregation. Brussels School Board lteguiar meeting of Che Hoard wa8. held last Friday everting, all the mem bets present, 1111uutes of last meeting read and passed, Following a0000(1ts were paid H'. L. Jackson, repairing olock...$1 00 Art Metropole ... ...................... 5 21 Continuation School Inspector's report was read in which the condi- tion of the school was pronounced satisfar,tory. The. caretaker of the school for the past 14 years, Joseph Mune, who is shortly to remove from town, Watt presented with an oak rocking chair as an expression of satisfaction over hie §work for the many years. Mr. Muer replied in Httiug terms and was lint tong Mem( it. Board then adjourned. Walton Miss Ferguson is holidaying in Brussels. Archie McLeod lent bis expertness to Brussels hockeyists last Friday evening to defeat Ltoknow. The Co,nnuuliol will be observed in Duffs church here next Sabbath and the vote taken nn church union, The quarantine has lifted front the Rowland home at Leadbul•y and five are glad to report the danger is past without any fatal effects. &Rev. and Mrs. Lundy, of Walton, and Miss Graydon, of Streetsville, at- tended the Valentine Social in Brus- sels Tuesday evening under the auspices of Melville Chetah Ladles' Aid. Miss Graydon assisted in the pl'ngl'am. Next Thursday the supplementary meeting of East Huron Farmers' In. stilute will Le held here. Jas. Mc- Dermott, Ed. Fulton and Mts. Won- 1trd will dehv er addresses at both 1 afternoon and eveningin sessions, open- ing at en- ihgat 1.30 and 7.30 o'clock. Eveiy body is mulled. Ladles will meet at the A. 0. U. W. Hall in the afternoon and the evening Meeting will also be held in this building., The Winthrop one tvi11 be held on Wednesday and Hat'lock dote is Tuesday of next week,. with the same delegation as speak here. The Gnderich Signal of last week speaks as follows concerning a fin mer well known resident :-Owing to ill - health, F, Dunbar has disposed of his bushn888, the Opera House 010000y, Kingston street, to Chas. M. Robert- son, who takes pussessinrl of the 15th fist, Mr. 13obertson is not stranger to Grderich, having 0110(ded school here, and being a ineulber of a tvell- i kW family. n0 n Colborne township nip v m the V IIeBa at Walton He has beau in hu last four years and has acquired an experience which will doubtless ell- sure him to give hie patrons A firer class service. the Signal tvelcotnes r 111 r itnber is business • the t . 01 t .o community of Goderir•h and bespeaks for hint a liberal paticnage, Sabbath morningRev Dr Oaten dis- coursed is y catu•sed on "The woman at the wenn" , tonin the evellie•."Do the next thin t, g. 1 Next Sunday evening lie will eonclude the secede with he t0pie "Do it•Itnw." RURAL TELEPHONE MEETING. The annual meeting of Brussels, Mttvris and (3rey Telephone Company WAS held in the Town Hall, Brussels, Tuesday afteruonu of this week with F. S. Scutt, President, in the chair and a large attendance peest'ut. r\Iranies of lust annual meeting read aud confirmed. The fivaurial audited statement, for the past year was read, well discussed and adopted. Last years trio was re-elected as Directors. viz. -F. S. Scott, R. Pi'oc- Ler and E. Bryaus. Thos. Miller, of Morris, was re-ap- poiuted as Auditor. "In Lha general discussion of the Oompany's affairs the President gave an account of the various steps taken during the year and auswered a run- ning fire of queries connected with the same. The growth and success of the Company has been a (natter of pride and promise to those connected with it and the management is to be commended for the way business has progressed. It is impossible to work a system coveri(1g so much ground and serving so malty people so as to please everybody but the officiary and young ladies at the Centra! have made an booest effort to serve the patrons and deserve no small credit for the excellency of the service. At a subsequent meeting of the Directors F. S. Scott was're.appniut- ed President and R. Procter, Vice- Pl•esid en t. During the past year M. Black has performed the duties of Secretary and J. F. Rowland, that of Treasurer and attended to their duties faithfully and well. Harry East as lineman, while not possessing the gift of omnipres- ence, attends to his thousand and `one calls with great faithfuluess and dis- patch. It is no easy job you may be sure especially in such wintry weather as has been on the go this season. There are now over 700 telephones on the circuit and a goodly number will be added in the coming Spring. This work could be greatly augment- ed by an increased activity on the part of the present holders in recommend- ing the use -,f the 'phone. People We Talk About Miss Iva MoCutcheon, of Tnrnberry, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Fox. Miss Jo. and R. K. Ross, of Listowel, were visiting in town this week. Miss Maud Querin is home frotu a holiday visit with Strattord friends. Miss Jessie Elliott, Mill Street, has gone to Brldgeburg to supply the school there for a short term. Mrs Coates, John street. has been real poorly but is improving now and wilt soon be convalescent we hope. Sliss Ferguson, of Walton, has been enjoying a visit with Miss Mabel Hay - croft, who Is home for her vacation. Miss Winnie Long was the guest of Misses Mavme and Hazel Archibald, Lesdbury and enjoyed an A r time. Rev R, A and - Mrs. Lundy, of Walton, and Miss Graydon, of Streets-. vine, visited at Melville manse on 'Tues- day. . Mrs JRitchie, who has beets s oho Riteh rendering cervine on he postuffice staff at Winguam is home for a 11011tlay visit having completed her telco, Miss Lena Seeker returned to Iter home iu Cavalier, North Dakota, last euesdav after spending an enjoyable visit wnh relatives and friends, Thos Curry and family were visiting with relatives ha Atwood, while the former WAS pushing the sale of nursery stock. He reports business good, . Will Curie, of Barons, Man., who the past six 1 r � els for a W'414 visitor n B u s g p nT swan weeks, left forhis Western. home this week Hope he will not for. get to come back next Winter, David McCall, who has been residing at Calgary, has been trsusferred to Edmonton. He is with the Heinteman mouton. Piano Co Mr, McCall is an old town boy tubo has the good wishes of all for rapid promotion, ' church OhiYtnet Rev, Mr. Lendy,'of Walton, took iho service last Sundae ettening in Meiville 'church as the pastor was preeehieg' le the new teeter church at Mctner(eff. The Qtaarterly Board of Main Street Methonist church, Exeter, untlnimously favored church union at a 9010 taken, Rev E G Powell was invited to re. , d fourth it for he third auyears. m 1 t a The ihviuuian was�uuauhnlous. The ;. chetah is to 8 most flourishing condition. Rev. Mr. Powell lyes a former pastor in Brussels fora 4 tear tenet, Rev W, A. Bradley, paster of St. Ah- drew's Presbyterian church in Kerlin and also a Member of the Berlin Public Library 13oarti for twelve yeatspast; was honored ltv the members of the latter board by th'o presentation of an elegant Morris their, with a ctiit8ble atid1 4s, Mr. Bradle who in remtnvnt to Rev. t a pastorate of reeewater, is a natlee of North leatethcise, -