HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-2-8, Page 8ManY roldo Valentines a.aa;,'�tatsst`1tlayatmai Ake going the rounds aidare not to neglected. Be uu the safe side and take le hand right on the start by getting a hottle of our Cough Medi - wee, We recommend Chong CaPlt Cough Syrup or Blood Coot Cough Cure These are safe and effectual remed- ies, and wheu taken in time seldom fail o have many usatisfied customers for these preparations. Try a bottle - the price 1S 25e. Full assortment of Cough props Chlorodvue Cough Lozengers, Lic• orice Jujubes, Throat Pastillas, &c, Pure Horehound Twist 2oc a pound. St, Valentine's Cay, Wednesday,. Feb, 14th '1'he oustom of sendnpg Greetings on 1 Valentine's Dae has grown steadily In favor and to fill the demand we have a beautiful new stock of Valentine postal Cards Pretty and appropriate designs at 2 for 5c, and so and toe each, Be up to -date and Bend a Valentine Post Card,, at. Fug 10 elaborate designs from roc up to $r•oo Very pretty ones at 251, Lace Valentines from 5c up. latest Valentine Novelties These are the newest thing we can get and soma of them are excep nA V C ti 11 11 lever, See them, The Store Fr 1 SMITH DRUG(4I61' &ND $1`ATlONER, '.f1.Ca1 gaps terns DE eorterUL moonlight nights. LAGRIPt.'E 0. still having it. innings, Sx. VALENTINE'S Day next Wednes- day Sottooe Board F•tday evening of this week NEXT Horse Fair Thursday, Febru- ary 2qh. How dues the address label on your POST read ? If in arrears please pay up RIPLEY won 12 the Hockey match with Brussels in the former place last Friday night, The score was g 5, LUCKNoW will play Hockey here Friday evening of this week. See the game as it will be the last League match of the season. ANNUAL meeting of Brussels, Grey and Morris Telephone Co., will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, Tuesday afternoon or next week, 13th inst., at 1 o'clock. Lutxbroty hockeyists may run a speci- al train and fetch their Band Friday evening to Brussels. Don't miss the game as our boys will pot up a great fight to wiu, DON'T Do IT. -A number of people still persist in emptying ashes on the street. If the practice is not stopped the offenders will be asked to explain to the Reeve why they do so after being notified to quit. PANCAKE SOCIAL.-Tnesdav evening, 20th inst., a Pancake social will beheld in the basement of St. John's church. After supper, in which the menu will be largely pancakes and maple syrup, a musicaland literary program will be rendered. H or Y Me er b off of New vYo York, was in town last at s Fria d . y iat r " e Committee on Attractions for the next Fall Fair of East Huron Agricultural Society.. It was from the same Booking House Brussels secured thea anese acrobats last year VALENTINE J P ALENTINE SOCIAL. -At the Valentine oh Social on Tuesday eveniug next in Brussels Town Hall, under the auspices thea of Melville churcLadies' Aid, the p public will be glad to know they will f have the opportunity of . hearing Prof. be and Miss Kelly, of Guelph, who are musicians of note and wen `worth bearing. The evebing cannot help but be,enjoyable. IN the selection of a Normalite from Knox church Bible Class, Stratford, to assist in preparing the program for their annuaoflFebruary 23rto d, he choicd on e even- ingfellone Miss Grace Rot b, of Brussels, These gatherings tend to cement friendships between the Normal students and the young people of the city churches. Miss Robb will do her part all right. JNO, WADDELL DEAD. -The older resi- dents of Brussels will remember the Waddell family and more particularly the son lack" as he'was familiarly called. He died at Vancouver, B, C„ last week, aged about 58 years, • His first wife was Miss Maggie Scott, of town, sister to 5'. S. and P. Scott, who died years ago, His second wife and children are In Kingston, Ont., and from Mr. Reid, Mrs, Waddell's brother, came the 0ew5 to Brussels. Deceased was of a sports•, dressy make-up but was i,a good harness maker :tad; had a wide circle of friends DRAY Hpeiis Sa_ SOLD -Rohl- Hen- derson, who has conducted the draying business for upwards of 20 years in Brussels and did it well has disposed of it to Jas. Kernaghao, of Morris, who gets possession on Feb. r7th. Mr Henderson takes charge of Brussels suh dol h t t l ldi ng as janitor T so will have his time well tak upeai M Kernaglian g n hag rented what is known as the Dun - ford property perry South Tut nberry street, from Alex Stewart, who will remove e shortly o tl to his Y s Farm in the West. While sorry to :see Mr. Stewart and Family Move away we hope they will soon re. e turn. Tim POST welcomes Mr, Kertia- ghan and family to town and wishes ar them success, The new proprietor is a by M good worker and should make a worthy f U $iiocessor to Mr, Henderson when he gets acquainted With the work, Dian RPI KANSAS.-- Friday, January ,26th, Rev. Christopher H umble, M. D„ of Chicago, died sudclenly of �acqute in- digestion, aged 67 years, at F'redorie, Kansas, He was a half brother of Mrs. R. Gr t 1 aa,o f Winnipeg, an uncle of Mrs. W. 14. Kerr, and a former Cana- art in diad, For the Past 20 yenta he Was good District tbdu Ceti oast Su erinten P deuthe very t Sabbath Schools g S loos ' i to connection p i w th the •ver v fa Presbyterian n ch Y arc h and d tray ern ed many - T hu miles la atomizing, nlzia g encouraging g, a in and M gsat hold g InConventions g add'Institutes in Maste couneetion with the work, He gave up , lain ; his profession to engage' in it. Mr. ; Ed 1 Humble's wife died z year's ago and he James }e sure' rued by one soh. Ayr, Ont., was i' Henry the birthplace of the de6eased, He was 1 Cer, ; very and labored most assiduouslyilfor ing tui its auecess. Tie frequently Visited at July 1 Brunet S a ill his. earlier years when his vineia (sisters and mother resided here, t Londa LOCAL news on pege 5. LOYAL Legion Friday afternoon. Dr E;liott, of Lucknow, was m town 0n Wednesday. CROWDED our -A cumber of interest. ing misters are crowded out of this issue but will appear next week THE thermometer has been cantering around the zero point of the weather mat k with au occasional dip below to show what can hr dope when it likes. THE W. C, '1' U. will meet in the Pub lic Library Friday, Feb, 16th, at z 30 o'clock. Miss. Foll}Ck, County Yresi dent, of Exeter, will be present to ad- dress the, meeting. A Col/CERT under the auspices of the Ladles Atcl Society of the Presbtteriae church, will he given in the 'Town Halt, Brussels, Tuesday evening. Feb. 23th Program, consisting of vocal and iPstru mental selections, readings and recita- tions, will commence at 8 o'clock sharp Admission 25c, 0- BasTClover and Timothy seed for sate at MOORAOREN'e. LARGE hand painted scarf pin last in Brea - eels. Owner will be greatly obliged if finder will leave it at Tun POST. Brewer's, $th (Jon. Gr•fan eyatownshirn, p, and TOW- bridge, on Saturday, Feb 8rd Finder will greatly oblige by leaving at Tisa POST. night a pair skates attached to a Saturday a of shoes Were put in a cutter in the Queen's Hotel Stable by mistake Will the Ander con- fer a great favor by returning them and leave them at Tan POST. Fon Wen good 4 year old roadster, set of single harness, good. cutter and rubber tired top buggy, 2158• J. A. RUNTAR, Brussels. DaAwie work tablecloth found. Owner may obtain it by proving property and paying for this notice.. Tne POST PIGS iron SALE. -1 young Yorkshire ROW with litter a 05 18 pigs at Poo P R t ala 1 O flaw doe to litter this month. Bargains g to quick arch Apply to J, P. p Aaeae Phone 525pp y 4toIxmosa, Oranbrook P. O. Two SOWS for sale, one to farrow in March and the other about 1st of April. Also 9 young pigs 8 weeks old. Apply to Ca48, L ov8, 81-2 Phone 2012 Oranbrooh P, 0, IF your sows do not silt you call and ex. ange with ma or I will sell to you at coat. T. bt cGi noox, Brussels. Enos 86epettDonna. ' Now la the time to ground bone which la the beat known roduoer 01 eggs, For Bale by BAaRnn BRCS. Hoven and lot, eligibly situated in Bremner, o obtained from rent. R Dark, or Dr, Holmea,, FOR SALE OR TO RRNT -House and lot On Turnberry street, armee, belonging to Thos. Nioholla. For further particulars apply to A. F, Stewart, Brussels South. '0 F. and Mrs. Burchill left for Calgary last Saturday where tliey may Make their home for a time. They carry with them the best wishes of the community. THE Poor is pleased to report that David Ruse, who broke his leg some weeks ago, is making revocable progress and is ab'e to be about the house on cFntchts of course, We hope he will continue to improve, M. H. Moore, V. S , was at Milver- ton. Thursday of last week giving ex. pert evidence in connection with a law suit overs cow in which the animal died from tuberculosis. Judge Barron de- cided in favor of the man who sold the cow. At the Hockey match in Ripley last Friday evening Cline Scott received a nasty cut Geer the left eve from a hockey stickneeeesitating several stitches to close the wound He was unable to play for the balance of the game al. though the accident took place fu the early'steeea JAMES lelexwELL DEAD. -Thursday of this week, mustily alter noon, fames Maxwell, an v'd resident of Brussels, died at his home, 55 zabeth street. He was about go viers of age. His wife and several children survive Further Artian Jars P are e oat at baud a THE H E Po, T goes t it Tea press t Ao M gN'. INSTITUTE. TE 'The next meet of Br ussrl ing s t\ omen's �. Io t Inure will beheld t n the Audience ud en ce Room of Carnegie Library building onlFridav 16th last , commenmtn at 2 , m g Top P P is s will be "Domestic help, their p duties rights,' and "The rights of the Mist ess of the House to be introduced l 0 ow, (A new feature will 'beta '"I`itlenssion it Table" to which ell are asked to eontrf• bate. The women of the commnnitV are cordially invited to attend Keep the date in mind'. -Friday of next week. CO, ORANGE LODGE-Tuesl4V of this week North Huron Co. Orange LO lee was he held in the Oran ge13a 11 Wingham, WmDane in the chair and '1`tfos the Deputy chair, 'There was a attendance der. 0 delegates ate s gebeing cited Reports s of p the work were eversible. Officers elected d Were • s. S tcwar t Blttav Stewart, ale VV. C. er • /no Groves, e ' 1 s Wingham, ha m g De r ; Rev E. Croly, Wingham Chap. j Procter, tselgrave. Rec, Sec. Montan, Bluevale, Fin, Secretary ; Gniley, Belgreve, Treasurer ; Leishman, Beigrave, Dir, of Wm Guest and Wm, Have, len, LCClurers. Next Co. meet• Winshfln, The Celebration of 2th w ille b held d a t Blyth, Pro 1 Grand Lodge will denVen its n next m011(11, usiness -4114111.111811•44--- is often missed when it might easily embraced by Systematic Saving Begin now to prepare for the day of op- portunity by depositing your savings in Lance have been i The METROPOLITAN 8A K 4, $1.00 OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY, MANAGER is farmers Car of Feed Barley for sale. Alf. Baeker People We Talk About P. Ament was in London on Tuesday. Rev. Dr. Oaten was in Gorrie 0n 'Tuesday R. J.McAlpine was calling on friends at St Marys. Miss Lou. Ross is holidaying w l'uronto friends, B Gerry attended the Co. Oran Lodge in Wingham. Miss Nettie Brown is back from a visit with her sister at Clinton. Mrs. John McCutcheon has been visi'ing her daughter, Mrs. Sylvester Fox. Mrs. H. McQuarrie was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W, F. Stretton last week. Miss Bertha Heaney, of Bluevale, was visiting Miss Viola McCracken last week, Mrs, E. Garrow. of Toronto, and Mies Garrow. of Calgary, were visitors with Mrs. J. Leckie. Miss Mary McLauchlan has been laid up with a pain in her side but is feeling some better now. H, and Mrs, Birbeck, of Boissevaiu. Man , were visitors at the home 05 Jet Burgess this week Wm, and Mrs, Jacksou, of Blyth were visiting A and Mrs. Smith 1 town Tbursdav of last week, Postmaster Scott is attending tendin a Con 6r vendee to t n of the Independent 'Pelepltom Companies at 'Toronto this week. Will. Anent left this week for Cal care where he purposes making his headquarters if he finds what 511115 him Miss Eva Snider, daughter of Lir. Strider. of Cayuga, formerly of Brussels is visiting with Miss Verne Walker, Queen street. 13 S Scott, Principal C psi Of Brussels Public school as appointed one of the County Examiners for next Summer's examinations. Geo. Robb and A. C. Dames are at- tending the Fairs' Association at'Toron to this week representing East Huron Agricultural Society, Miss Pearl Dark was sufficiently re- covered from her illness to return to Wingham last Saturday to resume her studies at the Business College, Ashley Lowry, of Toronto, is here on a holiday with relatives and old friends. He is an old Brussels boy and conse- quent)y always sure of a welcome. rhos Ross, of Chesley, who is the D D. G. 11 for the Masonic- District, was in town on Monday while enroute to Wingham to pay an official visit. P D. McKinnon and daughter, bliss Annice McKinnon, of Winnipeg, are visiturs at the borne, of Reeve Leckie Mr McKiu0on is one of the "old boys" of this locality. Mrs. L, Taylor and children, of Hami ota, Man., who are here on a visit with the former's mother, Mrs. T. Maunders. are apendlug a few weeks at Hespeler, Galt and Berlin with old friends, Church Chimes ith gc evening it was found that only one v had beep recorded against church tins and this was by an adherent and nut member of the congregation, LAnrg, Ara -At a meeting of t Ladies' Aid Society of Melville chute held Jan. 3011), the following office were elected for 1912 •--President, M D. C. Ross; 1st Vrce•Pres„ Miss B McDenaid ; 2nd Vice -Pres , Mrs. W Gillespie ; Secretin y, wiry J. Kerr Treasurer Mrs. Chas. Ritchie Look otit Committee, Mrs. Geo. Thomso Mrs. S, C. Wilson, Mist Mader Strachan, Mrs. Dune. Mclionald, Mi Mae Bell Anderson, Miss (citrus Duncan, Miss Lizzie Speir, Mrs, la Speir, Miss Sadie Lamont and Mrs. A D Grant. MELVILLE CHURCH REPORT.^- Th financial statements presented by th various organizations at the annus congregational meeting of Melvill Church held a short time ago, show tba the congregation is in a very prosper 011)1 condition Despise the feet that large Dumber have removed beyond th bounds of the congregation (urine th past year, entailing a considerable los to the ordinary and Missionary revenue of the congregation, vgt the congrega tion is again able to state that last year was the best in its history, Over $,50 more thau a year ago passed throa,;h the See -Treasurer's hands. For all purposes there was raised the grand total of $4417 70. over and above all balances from a year ngo Over $1500 was raised by the congregation and the ole Jr. III -Exam, in Arith , Geog., 012 + Spell.. and daily work. C Best . ,•93 J THJS1AD Edabiuhrd 1873 OF CANADA A Complete Banking Service 00 Brunches Available for Manufacturing and Commercial Houses, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, Corporations, Fasters and private individuals. 80 Savings Bank Department at every Branch. Bituss`EL$ BRANCH 3. F. Pecese1asatl, Manager Wartviak .,.... •47 he B Wright 86 A Fox '••43 h, 1 R,.Moore 81 E Jamieson, -.40 rs t A Currie ..,, 62 H Lott rs. M Skelton ......,,,6r M Haist......'28 ......28 ell F Hinson ...... 58 G'Thonlpson 27 m. M Stewart 49 *V Harris 18 Jr. Part of Jr. III. Arranged in or- - der of merit. 0' Fox T C Moore ,. ss S MoLauchlln M. Pawaon ..., e M Danford ....,.. H James s. M Ross ................ Those marked* absent for exams, • B. HENDERSON e Sr, II. e Exam. in Comp., Mem., 1 Read., Spell and daily work. o Honors 75 per meet. Pass 6o. t 0' Herningway,,.89 C Anderson W Harkness 86 G Seeker ........70 a A Drage 85 M Cameron. ..... .69 e W Burgess... 82 1 McNichol ..., ,64 e M eleLeuehlin,,,82 M Campbell 56 s J Timm.on .81 A Cardiff ...56 J famieson 72 W Roe .,.....,....•54 R Currie......... 70 V Lowry ........47 Int II. Exam in Comp., Spell., o Geo , Read , and Daily work, E Burgess 72 J Emig!' ...,.,.,.,.55 M Wilton ... ,.•••69 A Stewart r4 Wismes...,.,6g J Lowry D Currie 36 67 3 Harkness .,.,...36 LConley ....... 64 G Snider .,.•• •,.•33 W Snider various organrzarious for Missions while $ siouary and benevolent purposes This M considerably iu excess of any preced- ing year over $250 ooh over $too raised ofwh chalwaf for Missionary avd benevolent purposes. The W. F M. S. gave $180.00 for Missions, while the W. H. M. S. eon- tributed $119.00 and he Mission Baud s. $45•oo for the same purpose. 'I'he Thank -offering• from the congregation on Thanksgiving Sabbath amounted to n $227 40, while $r75 Oo were senr as a 1 contribution to, the Chinese Famine Fund and 00 O $57t the fire sufferers ffrr r es of e New Ontarto, Few congregation:;out- do Melville. t848 76 was the grind iota' for Mis. At the meeting of the Methodist cnureh Official Board on 'Tuesday even- ing the vote on Church Union was taken and the record stood 13 tor and 5 against. The ballots for the cougre ration will be ot distibula d so as e to have 88 v them returned on or bel re o Sabbath, h Feb, 2 111 5 Brandon Sun, of Feb rat says :-The vote on church union at Knox Presby- terian Y n t; teT1A • hu•cl n taken k n byballot e` staid 5 a Y i resulted i n an almost unanimous declara- tion in favor of this measure being adopted bythe Presbyterian, i an Metho dist and Congregational churches through- out Canada The ballots were given out on the preceeding Sunday and the congregation given au entire week to think the metier over before Casting their votes When the session of the church counted the ballots over last aemammorimmennenwrionm HUB ANY T Ono of Eastern rn a Ont ri a osi 2 $ hcase e and popular BUaih onee o S h ole Which h ree s o Gon throughout the ho year Y o nePeoPle may miter yyt time andaom com- plete their course without interrli ida tlntorrn tion of elholidays. You may'Malyly hl at home opartly at home mid Ankh at the College. Thirty yearsodaorlenon, Largest tCan- oda Aad With theCoeral Eritef'oAsoio ofCanada, Wrtefor particulars, Wgm MINN College 060 . 8p O7TOt4 CHAS.BURWS President Principalotioommossmammintommervamoineeras. Ei Brussels Continuation School The following is the Report of the standing of pupils in Form III. Weekly examinations in Geometry 2 exams.. History and isatin for January. Amon ber have .1 low weedier t because of per. S1)1tettt la.eaeaa 1n arrival The parents are kindly asked to assist in making the pupils realize the evils of this unt,eces sary habit. FtRla I1I H Hoover 41 J Menzies .....67 5 Yuill 8o M Y,u88 C K'nnon 67- F ('Dok (2 exams) 79 R Leckie 67 BHarris .....78 5 A Cooper.......,65 W Spsriing.......76 H Ameut,...... 62 F Eckmier 76.5 1 Tactor ..... ...6i 5 V Bowman .74 el Gerry 49 L MaeDonnld.71 5 S Fox 4.7 K Amens 7t D Wats,n 45 5 FORM IT Examinations }n Latin, Comp., Geog , Geometry a exams, J McLellan 71 E Platt ,..62 5 V Ross 71 L Snarling .,,6o 5 W '.Cnrohull 71 C Stewart ....... 59 G McQnarrie..70.5 E Barkley 58 G Ketr 69 R Mali 5o 5 N Fox 67 L Watson,.... •49 5 H Lowry .67 K Wilton.......,,..tt1 Harold Lowry,..62 (5 exams. only) C Crooks 61 FORM 1 Exams. in Latin, Atith„ Cotnp Science Geom. and Hist G Deadma.t,..,,,100 E Lowly .,........63 A Roe 93 Bert! Oaten ,...6r W Arinatrong,,,8g B oaten ....59 I M •i t wr such in 8 7 Elliott J q8 W Hoover B 'Kerr 77 � i M Meehan.76 i Betimesne 56 33 Ar a m hoes 66 g H Wolk ,.,5 13 M c uarri e 6 Q W Harris ai rt ti ,...47 R Rat klaY 6,1 F tVv<td ,..4a W Lott 63 Bonus was given ill v' amt cases ea for wean collectians. B. M. Damsels:, 13, S. Sco'rT, PnneipAI, Sr, IV, Baily work :md exams. le Written Reading, Writing, Geography and Arithmetic, Honors 75 per cent Pass 6a per cent, G )Edwards - 94 L lSllrgess .....„.66 LJ MMicksontlin78 f Ballantyne. 62 Fox 75 L Lowry 73 R Sinclai. '•52 j Oliver """'SQ .,, 68 Jr. IV. Daily work and exams in Geo g., and W ' g . tit, R St await 86 'r Mat r etc 1 I.... h 5 13 9 Campbell. all Fi " P Currie e LW' •5 Wright ........73 A Met euehhn ..54 L Amont 72 E Rands ., . 50 `` V McCracken 65 A Thompson - 5o V Sinclair ,...,63 S McLauchlan ...40 n 4 D. M. Sigma. Sr, IIL-Exam. in Gram„ Spell:, 0e0g. end daily work, R. i'lewilt -78 1, McCracken' ,So D Ross ,,,, 72 ii Gt•r rV • 45 W Buchanan ,63 MCAiter H Stewart .53 P Rar"klat, , 34 :entree ,.....,51 "'F McNaugittou o "vl K•-rnry .. .62 L Snider ......... tie E Hollinger 58 Jr II Exam in Ari'h,. Read , Spell. Lit., and daily work. D Holmes 90 Ellie Stewart. ,,,.74 Ethel Stewart,,,,8, C 'Thomson, 61 (: Pope ....8o M Oliver .. ...49 Those marked* absect from exams Cr. Ross. Primary Room. Class .V. -Exam in Arilh,, Spell., Deporttneat and daily work. Do I 11 aS g Walker•9Wood. er 7 Mern 52 Icahal Stewart t e tvai t ••85 Lily Drage .....,5z Lana $arklay...:85 • Class IV -Exam. in same as 5th. M 5-itzlev ........75 Lvla Snider 68 M McCracken.,,,74 F Stewart 54 F McArier ..e. •72 Class III Ext•ellent -Frank Oliver, Alex Stewart. Elva Oliver, Thelma Burgess Good -Bertram Hemingway, Marron McLauchlin, Elston Moore, Bernard Cameron, Bernice 'i'huell, Class II Excellent- Kathleen Me. Laren, Lily Platt Archie Ballantyne, Good -Harry Drage. Class I, Excellent- Marjorie Pope, Clayton Lott. . F. BOCHANAN, BORN JoaxaoN.-In East Wawanosh, on Jan. 25th, t, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Johnaou, a daughter . DIED FEALE,-In Toronto, on Feb. let, Wm. Feels, aged 40 yeas HUaraLs,-At Fredoria, Kansan on .Ienaary 6th. ttev. Christopher Bumble, M, D., aged n7 years. Lentsttw0on.--At Eden Grove. Bruce Co. on6harndrntspto Mr4ThoB n; Morieownhi need 71. years and 2 months. MOKAv.-In Grey township, nn Feb. 6th, Alex. ender V .anti of Joseph. and Elmira. McKay nged 4 months end 8 days. NOLAN.-Tn Hallett township.. on Jan. 80th, Mrs. T. Nolan, in her 88rd year. - AUCTION SALES e68nn1'0rrstnom,rta.Jof Iran, 1MorrioWehiA, (1g miles west of Welton 1 Salo unreserved, atn_1 p. m, Guonaa.Gal(o, Prop., F. S. Scott, SATUitnAr, FWn. 24,--1Tousebold F1,ralturo. Terrace, Turnbert7 atreet, Brusttels. Sale at 2 n. m. JOREFx Munn, Prop. F..8. Soots, Auo, Back from The West Now that friends are visiting frotn the West and ohors are preparing to leave for the West I have de. aided to plane at your choice all my best styles of photographs at ee .clue ed retest and w'll ' i ivnal' ti'1 fi orh .Ian, 281h to Felt 2flt11 (with the exception of Feb, 6, 7 and 8.) Those who sit mal'} will tilt Y have first a}luf co of and Mesh. style 1. On Feb. 87 and Sl will be it 1 0- rvht0 attr 1d• 1 in i' ti e t t7as g smut Sr:hnr rl of R•uressfonal Phutngra= )Wily, conducted by experts from ew Ycirk an (1 Rochester, where every ttp•to•date process will be demonstrated. i r MAlTLAND, Brussels slide naso rto N. R, Brower 'N 1:4.$ Ladies, brake (5 note of it This a4• isteap'Y,i•ttt A1ifst 1 phot will be in raaniatfl seasaystaerletee MARRIED Poxmen--Moven, - At Greysville, Man., on Dee. 22th, 1911, Mr R H Porterformerly of Welton, to MIs, Elate May 'Moyle, by Rev. Mr. Bleak, BRUSSE1-S MARKET Wheat...................... .50 88 Oats Peas 1 05 Barley 75 Butter 28 Eg e Potatoes Hay 12 00 d the 825 Wool 12 50 1x M 85 1 10 80 80 12 00 e 20 8 18 Tenders Mr New Church Sealed tenders will be received by the tin. dereigned up to Monday, Feb. 20111at noon, PresbPresbyterianon Church completion o, Tenders new delved for whole oontract or for mason work and carpentering separately. The lowpnt or any tender not neoeasarlty accepted. Conant. actionwill supply brink, gravel, cement. .&s, Preference given tender for the whole Work. Plans and opeolfacntione may he seen at the afore of kln 4 18 a h • `• rash tg ,b r e 9 © 0. w 5t e tl s7 j,� 18 fD 9 01 ij:';; El S m If oar Blood Boot Cough Otire falls to cure your ooug.h or cold you get back till you paid fur it. You trim 5nr0 of tt Mire or the rash hack. Nothing much fairer than that. We are finding a stead- i1y growing demand for this popular Cough Rem- edy, If you havo a Cold, Cough or ally trouble of She throat, lungs n1' 411' passages try our BLOOD ROOT COUGH CU1•5151, 25c, per Bottle AT 4 a tD 1S f➢ DRUG STORE 5) 4,4414uep6400+0486(4®0:Ir3A® °ttanal @e.? Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of The Brussels, Morris & Grey /Loral Telephone Company Will be held in the Town Hell, ilrussele, au Tuesday, February will he tpresented,lDirectol,, ',bonen and tiny other businrss transaotrd that may conic Within the range of the meeting, F. 0. SCOTT, President, Di. BLACK, Secretary, Buns for Sae For sale, on Lot 1s don, 8, Gray, two thoro'• bred Durham balls Sand 0 mon the old. Grand hire and dam imported b, bag Hon John Dry e qre FvrR�eon & Hurrls, wolf.., : sire'•Sittyton Victor," one of rho bast after Feb, 20th, A. H. FERGUyog, bred brills m Canada. Quality and pricos Walton. right. D. W. yU17F1°Afi 80-4 Ethel P. 0. Abstract of the Amo ants • FOR TH13 VILLAGE OF RUSSELS For the Year 1911 Cash on hand'o. $ 0414 OD County levied 408 78 Coneolidnted levied . 1015 88 School -Twp, of Morris 56,25, Twp. of Grey 10,80, Gov, grant 10.8.00 ..., 188 96 I School amount levied . . 2,928 80 Sehool Loan-Pwp, of Morris 2 00 "Twp. of Grey6 28 A mou nt levied... v e d ............ 887 07 improvement levied 1867 78 fund 8707 16 7. .7 11' dRO Bylaw`No. �, lOtll 1444 47 J T Wood � 199 96 Brussels Morris & Grey Telephone Co 288111 44 Garaide & James Bylaw No. 8,1009 ' 181 25 Ittaident•taxes ..,.,.,.... ., 2025 40 1L Dog tax ..., ......., 26 00 Liuenees 071 00 s Fines 18 00 Rento - 808 70 P Miscellaneous - 41 25'. RECEIPy's I DItIU1t'E MEN TS Consolidated account. $ 1518 28 School ueoumnt... ....... .............•2400 so School luau ..... ....... 8114 02 t'ounty account 545 70 Local improvement fund .,.. 1780 44 sinking fund.. - 7151 47 Locln rn o By-law i t S w N IOW a o_ , 018 44 Bi llaReN 1 1 Morris iris &C+tt Telo bo U tie Co, 20647 84 Fls K . hit lt.h.tr tet .n ei G(�arside & James ly law No. II, 1999828 75 b Princess Street drain 76 00 8elarioa .... 752 80 Printilig Postage ail: 0 90 00 merest ..................................... 122 45 low emits . s - 14 agog nada and brldgee ............... 108 88 Fire protection .. 204 50 trees lighting .. 488 70 Tow•n:Hall and. s'eigii scales 88 05 iiblle 7.ibrary „ ...,, 280 00 It el c lxuc. e u 'dis bnrspmenta 174 Da Cask in 6landnrdantl6int, G,olca •'•' 0050 44 560214 04 I $50214 04 Looataeeoant • Consolidated !account = 1158 00 School account 104 31 Loon' ii provemantfund Sinking fond...... ... 018 4b Brussels, Morrie Sr Grey Tel, Co,,..,, 8988 82 8 0728 91 BALANCE SHEET County 'moonlit $ 25 80 Fishleigb.Street drain aoo0uht -- 104 00 Garaide.& James By-law No -8,1009.-- 507 68 'Cash in Standard and Net. banks 6088 44 $ 8728 05 Cash on hand I7ncollected. taxes D5aember 15th 5 per cent on nneolleoted taxes. Holl tante iroekridga Bylow No. 4. 1902 11 Twp, of Morris, Reboot aecoont 82.00 •Brusaela, Morrie &.Grey Tal. 00. ..:. 42219 19 , Town Hall , 2000.80 , Band inetrumente and weigh scales.,, Soo or • Fire department 4000.00 1 Pnblio )1011001 000052 000 00 i Mortgage real estate 9188.87 Town bell - 000 00 1 Etantcfppl debentures ....,.,. 10467 85 WOo11p5100111industry,,.,.. „ 2859 n8 Garaide'& :Name By-law No, 8, 1009.. 2825 00 Amoalit to betimes 8041 00 ASSETS r !MO 44 I LL1Bn.Ia'ills - Conanlidatod loan $27200 00 8,( 22 Local lin mpiovomcnt , 7500 00 21 00 Local'indnstry • -1102 78 02 78 Gerald e & James ByInw. No. 8,1909 2626 00 Brussels, Morris & Grey Tel:•Oo - 48081 79 098550 55 $98500 05 - -. -. _ We, the Auditors of the Corporation of the Village of Brusseta for the s oar 1911,, having ex- amined the aeoounta of the.Trenenrer and all vouchers and aceoants of tlin Corporation, have to report the aurae <torrent aa per foregoing repot to, and find in the Standard an Banks Dash on hand $0080,44. (n7 d metropolitan Dntt d Feb, 2»d,1012. - J01it7 intatiAf1(6N ' 1 Auditors, 44• 4* 4Mt•4 fie*4* ,tag ✓, 41•A4• i , A't'A'1• � ,r iV`f� K C1 ; A 1 ¢ _ 4/ Oeerintj a f. yr. �'t v 4 4. • I AM entering on my second .year, as Local Aggent. t • I for the Deering •t• Agricultural Implements ancl anI prepared to supply all corners with ever lkin of 1 • My required. Y d 4► 4. Also 'handy the well known MVIcL o ' 4: Gray &Solis Carriage •alrnhltn `and' a Croom that the best. g _ is. One grade only and ' 4 s8w 5{1n8Machines, Sewing Machines MF e•* and Cream Separato/s always in stock as Mi InVuslcalQoOd$ kitchen Cabinets i° we Ilaicl1> Marina, Organs, am' the 1' 4 Celebrated Edison PhoIml,5lt}.ahs, Cabinet e ', 0111 shop before 0 I. Cali ma } t1 and sea the :Bargains. air arm shop bofOl'e �. purchasing elsewhere. s 113rtggseIs R. c ass p est o. ` n. 44.44. 4+40•d4+.4.•+*+•4 41•f•4d•s•F ,44**+. Nest 4+4+40+e'r*(.4,44 i•i•t /104 tr