The Brussels Post, 1912-2-8, Page 74 .r" y e cl r cl 0 1- s, if ]0 Jt to Is lie to 'e - he' n- 0 - rig eh is» ab lu P,w PRINCE WORKS AT 0.30 kM. 11O YA:L CLOCKS , . 11I; ICEPT HALT' AN JIOUJL FAST. England's Futuro 3itag Is Kept Almost •Consttantly at Ills Studies. HER DAUGHTER SAVED Stricken With Acute Rheumatism— Recovery Scarcely Expected. Mrs. Dolina J. Lawlor, writing from Oxbow, Sask., says; "I would be lacking in gratitude if I did not write you and let you know of the wonderful good your Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for my daugh- ter, :belle Lawlor. Indeed I think I may safely say that they have been the means of saving her lift. Fur many years my home has been in Bruce Mines, Ont. Something over a year ago my son and daughter, then in her sixteenth year, Sett for the west, When leaving here my daughter was in the best of health, but in the following spring she was stricken with what the doctor said was inflammatory rheumatism in its worst form. After a few weeks she was able to get up, but Ler hands and limbs were BO swollen that she could not dress herself. She con- tinued in this way for some time. and then a second attack, worse than the first, set in, and my son telegraphed me, as she was very low. While I was getting ready to make the trip of eighteen hun- dred miles I got a second message to come at once, as they feared she could not live. When I reached her I found her even worse than I had expected. She was so weak and emaciated that I would not have known her, and she could only speak in a whisper. Her hands and fingers were all twisted and her limbs swollen to twice their natur- al size. The doctor had then been attending her for two months, and she seemed steadily growing worse. We did not dare move her in bol for fear of her heart giving out. She was as pale as a corpse, and her lips and face always cold. We had to fan her continually, and if we ceased even for a little while she would gasp for breath, and no one who saw her thought it pos- sible ossible she could got better. She suffered such pain that I used to go out of the room and put my fingers in my ears to shut out her gasping and moaning. I had known before of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and as we could gradually see her sink- ing I told my son I was going to give her the Pills. Be was opposednd to my idea, for he thought a change in the medicine• mightprove fatal. However, it was finally decided to give her the Pills. In a week's time she showed 'some'improvemeet and felt like eating. From that time on she began to gain' steadily. Gradually- her bands and fingers became straight, the swelling in the limbs went down, and her heart- beats became regular, and the, color returned to her face, and soon the cure was complete. She is now as strong and healthy as any girl of her age, and to see her you would never ibis, she had passed through an illness front which urine of her friends thought she could recover. You have my siuceresb thanks for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for my daughter, and you may be' sure I shall always warmly recommend them." '!'here is no coddling in the Royal family. At 7 o'clock every morning the Prince ef Weles begins his studies, and as the Sandringham clocks aro always kept half an hour ahead of the ordinary time, on the "day -light saving" principle inau- gurated by the late King Edward, the young Prince's work really be- gins at half past 6. Studies till breakfast time, and studies afterward up till noon keep the future King of England hard at work, unless perhaps an ideal hunt- ing morning tempts him out for a gallop, when the time taken from studies has to be paid back later on. The royal children are all spier- did ri'ers. Princess Mary enjoys a gallop mote than any of them, and, accompanied by Prince George, is frequently seen racing across the park in the highest spir- its, OTHER ENGLISH PRINCES. In all weathers the young Princes enjoy the outdoor life, sometimes returning horn drench- ed to the skin and covered with mud, whereupon, after a bot bath and change into dry clothes, they are hard at their studies again. Prince Albert has inherited his father's wonderful skill with the gun, and is the best shot of the family. Ho spends much of his spare time among the birds. Prince Henry, whose health gave his parents some anxiety,is now quite well and strong again. Everybody loves him, for he is a most charming and gentle little Prince, full of consideration for others, and always busy making other people happy. Prince George is the smiling Prince—always full of fun and on the very best terms with life. He enjoys every minute of the day. Left to himself, his best friend is hie bicycle, on which he can per- form some truly remarkable feats. THRIVE IN OPEN AIR. This open-air, active and well ordered life has a most stimulating effect on the royal children. The Prince of Wales, just budding into manhood, is developing every day, and is growing up into a very hand- some young Englishman. He is thoughtful, serious and fully conscious of the great position he will one day be called upon to fill. It is understood that no arrange- ments are to be made for his fu- ture studies until the return of their MMlajostics from India, when it is possible that he may spend some time at Cambridge, a d later on continue his studios at Oxford. regi- ment, possibly the Tenth Hussars, will follow, but before that the Prince, of Wales may be given an establishment and a household of his own. It is said that Park Cot- tage, near Sandringham Church, will become his country lodge, and York House, St. James, his London residence. GASTRONOALJC GIMMES. "Content the Stomach rind the Stolneelt Will Content You." Nor is it enough that school girls and boys should be, taught to cook; they should also learn how to eat. Few learn this at home. They are usually taught to eat silently, and not to take•soup off the end of a spoon or to pub the knife into tete mouth; but the more important art of mastication is ignored. It is a branch of physiology and should be taught by experts in the schools, If it were, the next generation of mothers and fathers would know that it is a crime to let their chil- dren swallow food, particularly milk and cereals and vegetables, before it has been kept for a while in the mouth to be mixed with sal- iva and made digestible. If it were indelibly impressed on school -children that gluttony is a vice which defeats its own end, that by eating slowly much more pleasure can be got from one mouthful than by bolting a whole plateful, that this pleasure can be vastly increased by consciously ex- haling through the nose while eat- ing, and that those who eat in this way will escape the pangs of indi- gestion—if these truths were, im- pressed on every, child mind, two- thirds of the minor ills of mankind would disappear in two genera- tions, and most of the major mala- dies also; for the stomach is the source of most diseases. As Tho- mas Walker wrote nearly a century ago, "Content the stomach and the stomach will content you.'L BABY'S OWN TABLETS CUR; C'9NSTIPATION Mrs. Albert Barriault, St. Al- phonse, Que., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my baby who suffered from constipation. They completely cured her and I can strongly recommend them to all mothers." The Tablets not only cure constipation, but they cure all other .troubles arising from a dis- ordered state of the stomach and bowels such as colic, colds, simple fevers, indigestion, etc. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 4 EVER HOPEFUL. NEW BRUNSWICK HEARD FROM AGAIN >1• THE SUPPLY OF COAL. Professor Engler, director of the Institute of Mineralogy at Berlin, estimates the total reserve of coal in the earth at the beginning of the year 1911 to have been 3,000 mil- liards (3,000,000,000,000) of tons. He allots to Europe 700 milliards of tons, distributed mainly as fol- lows: 416 milliards to Germany, 193 to England, 40 to Russia, 19 to ' France, 17 to Austria-Hungary. The reserve supply of th United States he estimates as 780 milliards • of tons, or 80 milliards more than that of all Europe. Professor En- gler says that the reserve supply e of Germany should last 3,000 years; of England, about 700 years; of Belgium, France and Austro -Hun- • gary, 900, years, and' the United States, 1,700 years, It should be noted that Sir William Ramsay is less optimietie regarding the coal - supply of England. He has recent- ly predicted that ib will nob last more titan 175 years. CTHP LUCKY BARGEE. • ANO'l'JJTR SPLEN DID CURE BY DODO'S ICIUNJ'.Y Mr. Ben Ctievang had Backache so bad he had to quit work—Dodd's Kidney Pills fixed him ND. Puellering Settlement, Kent Co., N. Be Jan. 20 (Special).—Every corner of New Brunswick tells of cures made by Dodcl's Kidney Pills, and this settlement can contribute its share. Mr. Ben. Gattvang is one man who without hesitation states that he owes his good health to the great Canadian Kidney remedy. "Yes, Dodd's Kidney Pills cer- tainly did me good," Mr. Gauvang says in an interview. "Before I started. taking them my back ached se that I had to give up work and I also had to be careful how I walked and moved about. I took nine boxes, all told, and they fixed me up. They are the best medicine for all diseases of the kidneys." Dodds Kidney Pills are no cure- all. They only cure the kidneys. But they always cure the kidneys,. and with cured kidneys you can't have backache, rheumatism, Bright's disease, diabetes or dropsy. CORRECTING THE PARSON. "In your sermon this morning fou spoke'of a baby as 'a neer wave on the ocean of life.' " "Quite so ; a poetical figure." "Don't you think 'a fresh squall' would have hit the mark better." FOR, A LINE OF GAS. "What is the best fuel for aerial flights1" 'Gasoline." "What is the best fuel for ora- torical flights." "Alcohol." "What we want," said the em- inent philanthropist, "is to estab- lish a system of universal peace." "But aren't you likely to have some quarrels over the best way to establish kg" "Of course. But they will be useful in their way. People must have some outlet for their activi- ties. And while they are quarreling they are not fighting." TO THE RESCUED. "I suppose by this time you have more money than you know what to do with," said'the old acquaint- ance. - "No," replied Mr. Dustin Stax: "I haven't more than I know what to do with. Bub I might be a little puzzled about it, now and then, if I didn't get a lot of helpful advice on the. subject from mother and the girls Some men only keep their prom- ises because nobody will take them. Eczema 25 Years Cured by "Collura" HER MANAGEMENT. Mrs. Colin Gabble—"Do you ever permit your husband to have his own way 4" Mrs. Strongmind—"Oh, yes, oc- casionally. He is suro to make a fool of •himself and that makes him easier to manage next time." SIR GEORGE ASKWITH, who prom= Ines to add to his reputation for end; twig Industrial war's by arranging a settlement of the great cotton lock- out. CONFUSED ANATOMY. The elephant never fails to excite wonder in the person who beholds him for the first time. A writer quotes the remark of a small bey who was visiting a menagerie. "0, papa," he exclaimed, as they passed before the elephant, "look at the big eow with her horns in her mouth, eating hay with her tail!" 3 °to if 9 Gni E�9F e mums aaoIy 1TFLUNGS STOPS U i9W.ISms PRICEa25 CENTS COMFORT. Mr. Flubdub—You women are mighty slow. During the time it took you to select that hat I went out and made two hundred dollars. Mrs. Flubdub—I'm so glad, clear. You'll need it I • WHY SUFFER ALL WINTER. • Earthed, N. B. "It affords me great pleasure to con- vey, not only to you, but to all suffer• era from Backache and Rheumatism, the great relief I; have obtained from the use of Gin Pills. I fool thankful to you. I recommend Gin Pills to everyone miter- ing as I did. „ROBERT M. WILSON." Write us for tree sample of Gin Pills to try. Then get the regular size Bboxea at your dealers, or direct. from us, box, 6 for 82.50. Money refunded if Gin Pills fail to cure. National Drug & Ohemioal Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept. N.L., Toronto. QUALIFIED. The Fos of Indigestion.—Indiges- tion is a common ailment and few are free from it. It is a most dis- tressing complaint and often the suffering attending it is most se- vere. The very best remedy is Par - melee's Vegetable Pills taken ac- cording to directions. They rectify the irregular action of the stomach and restore healthy action. For many years they have been a stand- ard remedy for dyspepsia and indi- gestion and are highly esteemed for their qualities. Mme. J. it • Renaud Monttent Lag -Like Raw Flesh (romKnee Down' Few people realise that there are nearly 4,000 miles of canals in the United Kingdom, or that they car. ry in the course. of a year about 10,000,000 toms of merchandise. Al- most every county is bisected by rowels, and the bargees form a race npert. The majority et them live and sleep on board their cumber- some 'vessels, and are to a great extent gypsies afloat. Nowadays petrol is doing the work of many of the, olcl-timc towpath horses, and motor -barges aro coming largely into vogue. In Europe canal -ships are constructed vp to 600 bons, and carry as much freight as sixty large freight chi's. China is the home 0f ctlllrtls,• the Imperial' Canal there dal -hip from the Thirteenth cerrttu'y, and having a it n;..t1s_'of over, 9,0001 utilise. I'he SI.t r Canal is 09 miles in length, and 100 feet nide, anal. the Morcel nfic;' Canal is 351t 'wiles Iorl$t. "1 !Lave been treated by doctors for twenty-five years for a bad case o1 eczema on my leg. They did their best, but failed to cum 1t. lily owe doctor bad advised me to have my kg cut off, but I said Y would try the Outieura Remedies first. Ho said, 'trY them if you liege but I do not think they will do any good. At this time my leg was peeled nota tho.knee down, mY font was like •a piece of raw flesh and had to walla on crutches. "I bought a cake Of Cutiaitra Soap, a box of DURUM), Ointment and a bottle of Cuticura Resolvent. After the first 51 5 treatments the swelling wont down and in, two menthe' use of the Cutleura Iteiuodies my leg was cured and the now skin grown on. no dotted could I nd said that i o 1 Cold urs Cuti¢Ura tar 1111 own patients. lost for iiia Cutl¢ura trnr¢dlrr t mlgbt haus lost my hto. I am tiuIV grStiflrl for the wandartill cure than MMus wrought and I a Ways recommend it most lligslyt blest'. a5o21arAmi..4,1. a raBltUd, 277 Menten T�'or more thett a izbnornbtee CutlSllra Soan anJl Ointment clave, aff¢rgnd Lllr s cedirsi and mod erottefigdf9ni treatment for tldn an nl hmnnnrs, EolnF druttgists and deniers s¢ p cvnr 11.5' 7011 9 1d to sa valet of cosh, Willi 32•p,„hrni<, erns to I>¢ttsr D. k C. die nc'rt numbers nearly out mi , Corp., d0 UolumbUS AVM., Boston, U. 5. A. lions. The Abors swear their most bind- ing oaths over a dog, which is then killed and eaten. MInard's Liniment Cures Colds, &o. A healthy turkey during the fat- tening process will daily consume half a pail of meal mixed with milk. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE 1311OM0 Quinine Tablets, Druggists refund money 15 it fails to cure. 15. W. GROVE'S signature isoneach box. 25o. If plane made one rich, then loafers could ride in their own automobiles, For over fifty years Rheumatism and Neuralgia sufferers have found great relief in Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Don't wait for inflammation to set in, Geta bobble to -day. ANVIL STROKES. The pessimist forseos a storm in every weather sign, Ideals must not be so high as to bo entirely out of. view, When meekness becomes self-con- scious, ib vanishes. Who hungers for praise never gets bis stomach filled. • The contribution box never sags with the gifts of the lazy. Misery loves company, but the sentiment is not reciprocate. Who spends his sympathy upon himself deserves great pity. You come to o knowledge of God, nab by investigating, but by loving Him. DANGEROUS PLAN. 4`It's a great comfort to tell your troubles . to somebody." "It depends whom you select. Telling them to a dentist only seems to make matters worse.''° "Some detectives ought to make good sailors." "Why Bog" "Because they're so often at sea." Investments for the New Year We have to offer several first-class bond investments yielding 6 per cent, net, carrying our unqualified recom- mendation. WRITE FOP. FULL DETAILS CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED 179 James Street, Montreal. 308 McKinnon 051141ng, torten -rot - 14 Cornklll, LONDON. ENGLAND • The publisher of the best Farne''e paper in the Maritime Provinces in writ• ing to 119 states: I would say that T do not know of a medicine that has stood the test of time like KINARD'S LINTM'ENT. It has been au unfailing remedy in our household ever since I can remember, and has out- lived dozens. of would•be oompotitora and imitators." MALE HELP WANTED. RAILWAY1 rallia4 fen mon with a knowledge of Telegraphy, I.relght.'Picket and Baggage work. 'WI; dom,m t owing to so much Construe. gen going on. Good salaries to begin. Regabu books and wires from railways insaro you prac- Steal work and a position when goallfed. Free Book 18 explains. Write Dominion School Tole- graphy,'J'nrontn. AGENTS WANTED L1 ALESMEN-$50 FEB WEEK .SELLING one hand Egg -Beater. Sample and terms 250. Money refundedif unmet's-Mc. tory. Collette Mfg, Company, Coiling. wood. Ont. AGENTS WANTED. - A LINE FOR every home. Write us for our choice list of agents supplies. We have the. greatest agency proposition in Canada to -day. No outlay necessary. Apply B. C. T. Co.. 228 Albert St.. Ottawa. 'CJf 025E WORK. -WE WANT RELIABLE III families to operate our high-speed automatic Knitting Machines at tomo; whole or spare time knitting for the trade; good wages. For all particulars address. pttanillaWholesale CoD WOri,Onaio "All new arrivals are washed," explained the warder of the pri- son. "And if they make a fuss." "Then they are ironed." The Oil for the Farmer.—A bot- tle of Dr. Thomas' Ecleetrie Oil in the farm house will save many a journey for the doctor. It is not only good for the children when taken with colds and croup, and for the mature who suffer from pains and aches, but there are di- rections for its use on sick cattle. There should always be a bottle of it in the house. A Sure Corrective of Flatulency. —When the undigested food lies in the stomach it throws off gases causing pains and oppression in the stomachic region. The belching or eructation of these gases is of- fensive and the only way to pre- vent them is to restore the stomach to proper action. Parinelee's Vege- table Pills will do this. Simple di- rections go with each packet and a course of them taken systematically is certain to 'effect a cure. '"I understand that old 13illyon- air made his fortune out of a sim- ple invention." "No; out of a simple inventor." No matter how deep-rooted the corn or wart may be, it must yield to Holloway's Corn Cure if, used as directed. The Christian population of In - ur 0 vert ` ats and faded sun, would 1-ok hotter dyed. l8 0o a4ent nt .01010 Tour sono, will. db.ot to M Muesli nn 16a Orltlsh Arnervean Dyeing 0o. FARMS -FOR -RENT AND SALE.' w. DAWSON, NINETY COLBORNE STREET, TORONTO. II ENfs riot 'FRUIT FARM -NIAGARA SHIFTING THE BLAME. "Mrs. Brown's husband tells his wife everything." "Maybe she makes it easy for him. You won't give me a chance to get a word in edgewise." As a vermicide there is no pro- paration that equals Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It has saved the lives of countless children. T'IIFTY ACRE FR'OIT FARM - BT. JLr Catharines; with bundinge. rlflWENTY-FIVE ACRE FRUIT FARM - Y. 8t. Catbarinee; Erick Souse; good buildings. Of the fifteen aeroplanes owned by the British War Office, nine are of British and six of French manu- facture. London possesses 7,476 licensed taxi -cabs and 5,105 drivers. Mlnard'. Llnlment Cures Diphtheria. Cinematograph pictures of the King's doings in India should be of good photographic quality, on ac- count of the clear atmosphere of that country. Bicklo's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is the result of expert chemical ex- periments, undertaken to discover a preventive of inflammation of the lungs and consumption, by destroy- ing the germs that develop these diseases,, and fill the world with pitiable subjects hopelessly strick- en. Tho use of this Syrup will pre- vent the dire consequences of neg- lected Colds. A trial, which costs only 25 cents, will convince you that this is correct. Last year over 6,000 tons of beef were disposed of in the London Central Markets. MInard's Liniment Cures Distemper, A CALM ASSERTION. "This train is an hour behind time," said the fretful passenger. "Yes," replied the conductor ; "but you ought not to mince that. It's a heap pleasanter en this train than it will be in the town you're going to." 'CD. 7 3J. an0 and British Columba land in quarter, half or whole sections; also in large blocks IP BUYING A FARM IT WILL PAY Ninetyu Colborne Street, Toronto Dawson, HELP WANTED. ril WENTY TO FIFTY BARBERS ADVER- J. used for in Toronto papers alone al- most every day; let us teach you barber trade; expert instruction; constant prac- tice; tools free. Write for oatalogue. Moler Barber College, 221 Queen . East. Toronto. -- - PILES CURED. 1N 6 TO 14 DAYS. 1lf N druggist is euro any ease money .Itch ng, OM, a, Bleeding or Protruding Film 1n 0 to 19 days. 50o.. EXPLAINED. "I am sorry to see you here again," said the judge. "You're not half as sorry as I am, judge," said the prisoner. "Bad company, my man, as I told you before, is sure to bring you back," said the judge. • "Yes, judge," said the prisoner. "But I can't help myself. I tried to avoid this vulgar cop, but ho just reg'larly thrust bisself upon me." NYANTED -I, TO DO PLAiN ani light sowing at:.homo, whole Or spare time, gOOd pay; work sent any distanoo,chargesaid; send otampsfor full particulars, National Manufacturing Co., Montreal. MISCELLANEOUS. LTAY and FAIRE SCALES. wil.on'. 131 Scale Works. 9 Esplanade, Toronto. 1 1 AI:01915, . TUMORS.. LU2558, etc. Io- pl., vernal and external; cured without before too our Ur. treatment. Coosa, Limited. Collingwood, Ont. re V Seale Works. 9 Esplanade, iSCALE GUARANTEED. anade, Toronto OENTB WANTED. - A STUDY OF 1e'1 other Agency propositions convinoos us that none can equal ours. You wilt al- ways regret it it you don't apply for Par - Maulers to Travellers' 330pt., 228 Albert 8t.. Ottawa. �i PECIALi0T1 ADVICE raga Consuls 1� us 1n regard to any dieeaso. Lowest prices in drugs of all kinds. Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure. meat. Glasses fitted by age. Write to -day for to Dr, 'Dellman.n Coliingwood, blase drug Of the six million children regis- tered on the books of the public elementary schools of England and Wales ten per cent. suffer from defective hearing. CIVE YOUR BUSH CHANCE AND MAKE hiONE'r WITH IT You would not 1111 k of rutting down. your hay or grain vith hand scythes," and you should. n�1 . use old pots and Pans. Install a "or •amnion" and make more and better syrt a with less time and feel. More revenue at a reduced cwt. Why not try this? 1r a have one that will 3085 8011 you. You are sure to win. Write for fro. booklet. 6elltii TEE GRIMM Montreal, LIMITED, Quo. When Your Eyeo , Need Care Try Murino Ere Remedy No Smarting --Feels Flue—Acts Quickly. Iry it for Red, weak, Watery .ryes and Granulated Eyelids. I1hm- trOtod Book 1n .melt , a,kage. Dimino is nompounded by inn• Oculists nut, a Parent Med- !rine—but used 171 gnome -Orli 1liyfl,.tuns' Prnn- 1.100 for Sunny 11urs. Now dell.rated to tin 10h- lln and sold by Drnggluts al 250 and Led per Bottle. Marino .11Yo 711100 in Asoptlo Tabus `5a and Sone. Murine Eye 18ernedy Co:, Chicago DREADNOUGHT'S GUNS. An improved rifle. of 13.5 calibre is to be used on British super- dlr'eadnoughts in place of the gun of the .sante calibre introduced not long ago. It is more powerful both as be range and wcipht of projec- tile. 'Idle older 13.5 gun, which is to be used on some big ships nob yet completed, throws a ehe11, weighing 1,250 pounds, but •theim- proved gun 1vi11 carry a projectile wci50inm 1,400 pounds, The new super -dreadnoughts is:ii hive also some. improved 6 inch gars for lrl'o- teefion against torpedo craft. tTn- ]til very recnrl,ly 0 •inch-l0nn5 were regerded rte big i ,siig1t for sommel- ier); better -kr:, I98U1' Si -12 Mii:trirs Liniment duets DAME' Id Cow3. WIE E!1S five years ago the word Zasn-Buk was unknown in Canada, and Zane -Buie is to -day, admitted to be the finest cure for skin iniuriesl and diseases; AND WHEREAS it has been represented to us that there are still some good Canadians, and even some mothers and heads of families who have not yet tried this great balm, we hereby offer a REWARD of one free trial box of .erazl3-Bluk to every person who has not yet tried this wonderful balm; PR.OVI yED they send by mail to us this proolantatiolj together with one -cent stamp -to pay return. postage of such box AND FURTHER. PROVIDED that they steeds. ,.,. such ;a? hication to . Oleg offices at s;S SEC ;, � Toronto. G.vera amine' 0111' hand his day. 6'77