HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-2-8, Page 5BUSINESS CAROB. K. O T. M. Tent Bru sne1e Te t of the Ms in the. Na. La bold Choir regular r ma, on In otic 1 rd Room, .' OVOUi Bl 01 1 oa tD0mo lot and Ord 1 sada a oto u' 043 tau u v t e y1 mouth " Y Visitors always waloania. A, 804Et08, Com, A. Mo8Ut1tlt, A. A W M . SPEN E C UONVVYANUEii AND 18SUER of M11J AGE LIULNSBS Mee to (he Peat. °Mee, Ethel, 60.4 JOHN. HARRIS, Ageut Flowick Mutual • Fire lneurance Company Office and Reeldeaoe- WALTON. ONT, JOHN SUTHERLAN D XNe0RANOS, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. EERS. N •, . !4 B.,6GUTT At; AN AUCTION- A- • nen, will sell for bettor prises, to better wets, in ieoo time 4ud teen oborgea than any other Auotiuneel in Ran 8(080(1 or he won't oaurge anything. Dates andorders eau olwaye 0e arranged at thio office or by 0010-(001 appllo0tion. Li BAL A61it 'I.l3N'VEYANt INUI. W1 M. 1(J— 1 0 13orri;ilst1Nor, 8oliaiLAIEtor, bunveyanoor, Notary rutliO, &o.- Whu0-et8W11808 (hook l door North 01 Ceutr,11 Hotel 8olloitor to the Metropolitan Back.' LOOUDFOOT, HAYS & KILLORAN 8ABI118'1MIt8, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, tiro, W. ra0ODr1OT, K.O. R O. HAY° J. L. KILLOnAN Offieea-Those formerly °coupled by. Masers Cameron & Holt, 0onnaloa, 01110010. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers ST, JOHN AND HAi,.IFAX TO LiVERPPOOL Steamer From St. John From HOlitax Hoaperiau January 19811 •l,t,l, 20811 Grampian ..,February End Feb. 8rd Corsican February 16th ' 'Feb, 17th . - Heeperian.. ,:. February 24th • •. - BOSTON -PORTLAND TO GLASGOW - Steatner Roston Portland Sicilian .Jan. 18th Numidinn Feb. 1st Scotian - Feb. -8th Ionian..... .,. ' 'Feb. 15th RATES 'OFPASSAGE First Class, Liverpool sar ie e $72.50 Second 1 Ain 6D. 0 a(t 1 4 ,n � • iv ser ice 443. . Third( leoes 0.2 J,o v Third (Dace, $8U 25 • $e 'Pi •loenrdt : cu �.• er and service. Pull inforlmttion as to rates, 110., on Appal a - Oen to W, H. KERR, Agent Allan Line, Brussels. CENTRAL STRATFORD., ONT. Oar elasse.are now larger than ever pa before but we have enlarged our quart- P?, ,tr; era and we hnvo room for n few more A r2 students, You may enter at any time: 6T j749 We have. a staff of nine ex. eriondtld In- t. p 143., atructors and our (tourers are the best. 7(0 Our grednn800 mui000d. This week, p.1 00 three recent -graduates informed us Or. taI that they havepositions paying $05, $70 and $125 per month. We have three tie - . ,'comments - Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Writefor our free ontfloKaeow. §i D. A. McLAOHLAN,-Principat. , RUPTURE' Cured At you home ;without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure hopeless ap- parentlyheless cases no. matter what your, age is or howlong ruptured. tured. P Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated whenyou can be cured ? Do not wait Fill In coupop Age.. Time Rttp" .... Single orpottbio Name.. ., • .., Address and return to J. S.' SMITH 88 Caledonia 8t. Dept, A Stratford, Ont. Medicines that aid nature are always most effectual, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts1111 this plan. 11 allays the cough, 801 30ee theflings, opens the see' oli 1113 111181 Rids nature in re- sLOri11g the systema to a healthy coii- 8ition. Thousands have testified to its sriootior, excellence, Sold by all dealer's. Business Cards MISS BERTHA ARMSTRONG Teacher of Plano Studie atCarter's MStore, rrone.door North 01 the Standard Bank, $r estols, 8-01 MISS PERLE SHAIOPE has pleased etweesslully her 0000(1,1 0xam1118. 61o11 of the Pianoforte Department of the To, I.91180itto0tons rout ry of M11810, and is prepared to rake .tp1a h r )Iyb lIfncee .street, t --r• Visits Ethel Fdu sad Saturday of each week. OR. T. T. M'RAE Bachelor of Medicine. Unlvernity of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Pity - e4018118 and 8urgeOne, Ont.Post-graduateChicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Chicago, Ill. its -House Surgeon to St. Mleh- uol'a HospOal. Toronto, Office over F. R. Smith's Drug Store. Tele. phone oonneetion with Uranbrook at all hone. OR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physician and Surgeon; Poet Graduateoonraes 0011d011 t00ng,), New York and Chicago Hos• pitala. Special attention to disease of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for shame. DR. HAMILTON- Dontal Surgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto n! ersit • Licentiate of Royal Celle a of University Surgeons of Toronto. Office in. Smith Btools reoontly vacated by Dr. Fetid. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calla. Offioe opposite Flour Mill, Ethel, GNAWS 271211 0.E ,Fall I . war BRUSSELS Goma SOcwa G0180 NO0Ta Mail 7:07 a m Express .. 10:66 am Express 11:25 n m Mail..... 1:69 p711 Express 2:66p mExpress 9:62 p m Ve„$.eeaP,ald)x PACIFIC WALTON To Toronto To Goderich Express 7:41 a In Express 11:87 a m Expreaa......... 2:67 p nl Express 7:56 p m. WROXETER Going East - 7:06 a. nl. and 8:56 p. m. Going West - 12:40 and 9:47 0. in. All troine going East eonne0t with O P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and 7 G. B. stations, L GEC, ALLAN, LooalAgent. fatal flews Items ERROR up I Ever day brings Spring- that mach nearer. Irl the grain crops are as good proportionately as the ice harvest the farmers should be in clover. When buying a cough medicine for children bear in mind that Chamber- lain's (lough Remedy is most effectual for colds, croup and whooping cough and that it contains no harmful drug. Fur sale by all dealer's. VALENTINE SOCIAL. -The Ladies' Aid of Melville' cuurch purpose holding a Valentine Social id Brnasels Tiwn Hai:. on Tuesday evening rub ,ins(.. An ex militant program will be presented and. tasty u I uch served IT Is nowrn osed to procure a group photograph tot the Indialinters. f the edea 1s carried out, there will no lunger be necessity for a manto ran for munt. copal office in order to get his picture 10 print. 'ro get on the list will be all that will be necessary. When given as aoon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain's •Oougli Remedy will ward oil an attack of croup P 8 and prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of mothers use it successfully. Sold by all dealers. . .. - . . SIGN OF EARLY SPRING. -Friday was Candlemas Day, when the bear 10 sup• posed to poke his nose out of his cosy Winter quarters to see what's doing.. Not seeing his shadow old Bruin has probably decided to remain 'but," and an early Spring is to beexpected, ac. curdling to.populat belief. 1'RR<holidays insight during tem are. as follows.: Good Friday April, 5th Easter !Hominy April 8th; Victoria Day Friday Mity 24th ; Do,einiou D.ly Monday July lot ; Labor They Mouday September sod; Christmas Day Wed nesday Dec, 25.1t. In addition to these will be Thanksgiving Day. (:lip tins listout for reference, Doou know that fullynine out of y. e708 tett cases of rheumatidtu are sity u 1 rheumatism of the muscled due to cold or damp, or chronic rheu- matism, and require n0 intermit treat- ment. whatever 9 Apply Uhatnber- tain's Liniment freely ' and See how quickly it gives relief. For 88110 by all 81084101.8. Hicks' FORECAST -The last regular Mom period in January extends to the Ise aid 2nd' of February. 0.1 these dates storms will have passed into eastern sectton0' with cold and clearing weather in Western' punts: A seistntc period, is central ou Feb.' and eoveriug three to four days be- fore and after that date. Watch for general earthquake reports, not only atthea but at every seismic period ,broughout the year, A reactionary period is central on the 4138• 5th and 9th. Tits period is at tbe,centre ot. the Mars 090)00ctia which falls ou the 6th. 1`ue mom] is oto tete celestial equator. the sine day,Low barometer, thunder, wtud, aid rain will visit many sections especially in. Southern States, un ants about the 6th all to be followed by snow. rising barometer and Lhange to much colder .the cold wave to penetrate far into the. South:aud dumtnate the Weath- er up to abuttt, the 0th and loth. W E. WOULI) BET Tax TEACHER IS' 8101T, --Principal J. Curtis has resigued trout. charge of the Seaford' phone. school, the resignation 10 take effect on the firitiif March.. -The cause of his resig molten is a difference.' in opinion. Ito'. (weep b933150lf and the Board of 'Trus• tees., In,6)ecember last the Board pass - east resolution to the effect that the, children have the. Use of the- halts and corridors of the school budding; for "moderate play," Mr. Curtis objected to this, believing that it Would impair , he discipline of the school and result in ujitry sto the building, for 110th of which he, as principal. 31 responsible, D4tipite this ,the" Board re-slfilMed. its orirler resolution 0nd Bence the reseg uat(0,1, In. his resignation which was dated January 09, Mr. Curtis sills: "The sennas call, fur a condition I have metier seen or ktioWn in a good school and which I can not Ming myself to ac- coot," Mr, Curtis taught i his c ' a 1 n t 1 aht and did splendidly. fi 4 Y { W1.TttttGRAIN 4381No.DAM4GaD.-A Winulpelt grant lana asserts thin whole districts of the wheat country of the West stand in dangeraP of ruin because the grain, dumped ty piles on the prairie, is Becoming wet and damaged bet ore reach - the elevators. From fit teen to twen- ty Per cent of tl'e cars at grain corning into Wlnm a has been we dampP or toe h. The sumo proportion 0f that. still unmarketed, is believed to be in thie condition. Cone elevator reports 043,000 bushels all gone had and the same thing may happen to teu million buellele of wheat and the same quantities of taste and flax. Owing to lack of storage facil- ities 500,000 bushels belonging to Douk. bobors is in one pile at Verigin, Man„ covered with snow. Constipation is the cause of many ailments and disorders that make life rniaerable, Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, keep, your bowels regular and you will avoid these diseasee. For eale by all dealers. ENTRANCE EXAM. FEE. -Higher edu- cation and higher education fees are apparently coming together. Public school Inspectors have received a circular front the Department of Edu- cation at 'Toronto, announcing a new schedule of exauliaa•ioa ,fees. Most striking in these changes is the innova- tion of a $1 fee for High School en- trauce. Heretofore there has beau no charge fur the Entrance examination, but commentinK thisyear an assessment of $1 will be•levied o0 each pupil trying the examination. The senior High School entrance. the higher forms of the High . schoolsand examination for ad- mittance to the Collegiate Institutes, taken by pupils who have taken several years at a Continuation school, will now be $5. The fees tor all other exm15in0- tions save that of entrance to the normal schools have also been boosted. A comparative table of the old and the new fixed fees for the examination is : , New Old. High school entrance........,* 1 $ Donor matriculation 8 5 Partial matriculation3 2 Honors or 'scholarship ma triculation to 5 Entrance to Normal school,5 5 Entrance to faculty of edu- cation 8 5 (Part 1 or II) 5 3 L'l,e increase in the fees is for the pur- pose of preventing candidates unprepar- ed for their examinations trying them rut' the stere sake of trying.'• BORON CO. COMM January Cession The first meeting of Huron Co. Council for 1912 convened in the U+1m't House, Goderich, on Tuesday, January 23rd, at which the 81 repro•- aentatives Were present as follows ;- Messrs. Stot here, Hunter, Lindsay,. Leckie, Milne, Oantelon, Kernsghan, Hcaman,: McClure, Munningn, Clark, Livingstone, I3rQwn, Petty, Kalb- iliter Underwood,Leiper, fie inch W 4 , luck Shottreed • Aliment, Glen level Willett,, Yearly, McKay, Powell, Hankin, Gillespie, Bailie, McDonald and Reis. Reeve Stothere, of Ashfield, was chosen Warden, hie opponent fn the nauen0 being Reeve Cantolon, of Clinton. The Warden thanked the Uuuncil for the honor. . - Messrs. Cantelon, Kernaghan, Hhnrtreed and Willer( were appoint - in Committee 'nd, theft re- ed Striking a port was adopted as follows Executive-D.Oantelon, J. Leckie, R. W. Livingstone, T. K. Powell, J. 'Leiper. Robert McKay, Wm. Special- y,. Ament, N. J. Ketniggh�en, B. 0. Mun muga, L. Kailbfleisch. Finance -W. Glen, J. M. Goven- Iork, G. O. 'Petty, J. J. Brown, W. U miter. Educet;tion-W. J. Milne, J. Gilles- pie( .1. McClure, J. Underwood, W. J: Neaman. Road and Bridge. -J. Winter•, I3. W inert, J. Shoetreed, D. E. McDon- ld,,A Hankin. County Property -W. • F.` Clark, Geo, Lindsay, Con, .Reis, W. Hallie, W. Yearley. •'Equalizlltion-The whole council. Wtirden-H. Willett, J. M. Govan - lock, Petty,r. M1llile R. W. I G. O 1 . Lk, Y , Li in stuns. ,Iva g Hoo.,e of R,'fage-I3. C Mfunningo, D. Cantelnn, N. J. K rnighan, W. Bailie. tale A number of communientintle zine ',Oc01111t8 were read • and presented to he various commit toes. • Reeve Glen and On Clerk Litre were elected to the Criminal Audit. for this 701)8. ' High Sehtml Trustees appointed were t-01itlton, 0. F. Dowding and And now for 1912 • rr��T7r� 1Ve want to make this, 0111' 1011th year in the Ageecy business Uanner Year The A0d if selling only Goods of Superior Merit guaranteed as Repr•eent•d and at Prises, Always In Buyer's Favor crr9nts far 921711iing "Lrftl y5u, hear reader, we will have your hearty co- operation in making this tt profitable year to buyer and getter alike. Wh wish one and all the very beet that iv i41•thia pres8nt: year and thn8P CO come, test, to thank you for poet (1181!'' Magi' and bra 10 remind yin that we Will always dei our vers. hest •tri make'ynur continuance with es Werth Your While • .. . -- 5• UII IlitULUUUIIII,i1 AG,ENTy I3RUSSELB. DOCTOR only 18 male teachers are left and tela I to be divided On the basis of the ' ♦4444♦♦4,04,4 4iee♦alfr♦♦♦♦♦a♦4e t mint of the wetly more lucrative In June next, nen A 310111112111) 0)14397129. Aa excellent ueW a i • solluvl 0tislhig $2,000 was oreeted last ' 4 r a' ['o rah' ♦ . #. l 4 Sommer in S. S, N I. 1,Grey township Y P 1 1° e t section as formed tout 1o 1 MatS new tttl3 i ty if pair PURIFIED HIS BLOOD portions pts D. AD � � cl t feof ale • male e1 y the regime G ental a Government to each. 1g.G ve ntnenC grauL t Dli. v, t018811er seems to ' be at hand, on as' Connell adjourned Friday to Meet a OPERATION Cured by Lydia E. Pink - ham's V egetableCompound Canifton, Ont. -"I had been. ca great sufferer for five years. One doctor told me it was ulcers of the uterus and another told me it was a fibroid tumor. .No one I suf. knows what s fered. I would always be worse at certain periods, and never was ve regular,and the barig-down painswereterrible. I was very ill in bed and the doctor told me I would have to have an operation, and that I might die during the operat'on. I wrote to my sister about it and she advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. Through personal expe- rience I have found it the best medi- cine in the world for female troubles, for it has cured me, and I did not have to have the operation after all. The Compound also helped me while as- ing through Chane of Life." -Mrs. LETITIA BLAIR, Canlfton, Ontario. LOUR. Pinkham's'Vegetable Com- pound, made from roots and herbs, has proved to be the most successful remedy for curbig the worst forms of female ills, includingdisplacements, inflammation, fibroid tumors irregu- larities, periodic pains, backache, bear- ing -down feeling, flatuiency, indiges- tion, and nervous prostration. It coati but a trifle to try it, and the result has beenworth millionetoeufferingwomea Dr. Shaw ; Seaford), W. Bar try ; Wingham, T. Ball ; Goderich, W. Elliott. Country' Examiners, J. 0. Smith, Wingham ; B. S. Scott, Brussels ; W. Malay and W. B. Weidenhanmer. There is always an abundant supply of aspirants for 00. Auditors but this year not as many as usual, the fol- low' ol- hiving constituting the unn2ber; -P. Cantelnn, Clinton : A. McEwan, Oletk of Morris township ; J. W. Bone, East Wawanosh ; F. Hese, Zurich ; F. W. Scott, Blyth ; J. Wilson, Auburn. The bwo ihst mentioned were chosen and should fill the bill. •. Moved by Messrs. Milne and- Oante- lon that the by-law fixing Count y g V Councillors' a at per dayand mileage. be.amended topread 5 per day and mileage•, commencing with the January' session of 1912. Moved by Meaars, Munnings , and McClure in amendprent that the -motion read $4 per day and mileage. Motion ear vied. Rev. D. W. Collins was re -appointed member for this County on the Sen- ate of the Western Univer4ity. County Property Committee was instructed to get tenders and let con- tracts' for coal and shed at jial 8811 shown inplan 1, i- e.,a one story building as passd by the December Council. INSPECTOR FIELD'S 1uEPORT Inspector Field of East Huron re- ported he had visited the different. echnole and felt much gratified at their general proficiency, there being not. more than 5 schools in which the discipline was not excellent. With the exception of one county East Moron had the highest percentage of qualified teachers in the province. There has been a further advance of salaries during the present year and 1Ibe coming year will 811017 a still further' increase. These advances, however, have been cheerfully met by the trustees who are desirnu9 of re- tservices of Taiping and 1 e bardfna the good teachers. In the rural 001111,110 A LIBERAL GUARANTEE Wo Oinkranteo to Relieve Dyspepsia. if We Fall the Medicine coats Nothing To unquestionably prove to the people that indigestion and dypepeia can he permanently relieved and 111111 Rexall' Dyspepsia Tablets will bring abnnt this result, we will furnish the medicine absolutely free if it. fails to give satisfaction to any one using it. The remarkable 0112(.088 of Reknit Dyspepsia Tablets le due to the. MO degree of 0nientiflc skill used in devis- iia their formula as well a9 10 t he care exercised in their mal,u1art tire, whereby the well knew 11 properties of Bi8muIh-5uhniirate and Pepsitl have ''nmhitle'd with Carminatives and been t other agents. Bismuth-Suhnitlute and Pepsin are constantly- employed and recoguize'd by the entire medical profession a0 in- valuable in the treatment of :itidi- gesLion and dyspepsia, The Pepsin used in Itexall Dyspepsia Tablets iscarefully prepared 80 ens 10 develop its greatest effiliency. Pepsin supplies to the digestive ap- paratus o11.e of the most important elements of the digestive field. With nett it the. digestion and asditnilatioh of food are impossible. The Ott) Mina iYes pn89e05 pro per nes which aid in relievitl the disturbances a and ,Rin etivard b 1 1 psLc i fend. e l Y a • This combination of these ingredhmts makes' a remedy inveluullie for the complete relief of indfgeetion and. dyenepela, 'iVe dill So certain nf'�th{ii Chet we liege you to try Ragnell ;Dypepsia Tablets tali (air (iwll t'rantlal 11)088(1- tea. l'hre4 sizes, 25 emits, .60 rents, attd $1.00. Revpember, pot( can 011. tali ILi`otll li:emetlic's only tit. 'ruse strive the Ruxall Store. P. R. Smith, ofNo Mullett, t d o d. 1 and f a juintug 6)93811108.; 2 new schools will be built I into I e the net sec inti bu h t old Cud s v k s this year • ew selmool will be built in No. 1$, Howick, and o second room has been added (0 the 'school at Manley. Wheu the public school, children inGoderich a short time ergo priderwentitdental inspection mot one wee found whose teeth did not need attention, and provision for such in-. enaction should be made in rural schools, The total attendance this year its the rural public e8houl9 of East Huron was 3,058-1,630 boys and 1,425 girls -the boys outnumbering the girds In every school. Good work was done this year by the Continuation (lasses in Myth, Brussels and Wrox- rlet, the ,exlunination remlt from Bros.( is equalling any 11igh S,'huol in the province. Road and Bridge Committee recom- mended that the county itesunle the Tent dace bridge and pay fol' mune ; that „engiuee1 00111n1nniCate with 0114711(001• of Middlesex regat'ding bridge on boundary between Us- brn ne and Biddnlph and report to Road and Bridge cornmitte ; that comity engineer examine Race bridge at Wingham and if necessary have same' built at once ; that engineer ex- amine Rowland bridge and if neces- sary have saute built this Sunuuer; that a bridge not be built over the Maitland River at Wroxeter ; that tender of Hill and Co. for the super- etruclute of Black bridge and tender for concrete work of L. Lawson at $4.40 per cubic yard for saute, bridge be accepted ; that tenders of L. Looby and R. Vint be accepted for Rowland and Gregg bridges. Special Committee recommended that petition of West Huron Farmers' Institute asking Council 10 request Minister of Agriculture to appoint a District representative for county. be laid over until June: County Property Committee re- ported that they had visited the jail and found everything clean and in first-class order. 18 prisoners, nearly all young men and we suggest they be put to Some useful and ptofitable employment. Examined Court House and found it clean and well kept ex- cept, the law libtary, which needs a that ough cleaning and overhauling ; cnlulneud highly the work of the cat m:alter. Recommended that a new stair be immediately built leading to the furnace room ; that the request of D. McDonald for typewriter be laid over until June meeting ;,found the registry office well kept. Recom- mend that 6 suits of duck goods fur Suwtuoi' use be purchased for jail prise uer s. Education Committee recommended thwt the reports of the public echool inspectors for East and Meet Huron be printed in the minutes and that they receive -the commendation of the i r full and explicit reports • Council for P po oderich Clinton and Sea - forththe: G , forth Collegiate• Institutes and the Wingham High School be paid the following amounts, with the fees collected from county pupils deduct- ed : Goderich $3,628.79, Seafot•th $3,- 027 07, Clinton 43113,868.93, Wingham $2,445.04 ; that Listowel and 81. Marys High. School accounts for county pupils be paid as follows : Listowel $37.72, St. Marys $56 92 ; that the usual grante to Continuation classes be continued. Recommended that a grant of $2,000 be made to the Col- legiate Institute of Seaforth, Goderich and Clinton and the Wingham High School to be divided pro rata. - Execetiye Committee's report for Janinay session is always a heavy one and this one is no exception. They recommended that a grant of $20 be made to Salvation Army ; :25c per man per day be made to 33rd regi- ment ; $2 a week to Children's Aid Soriety as ordered "by Judge Holt: $1.25 a week be made to Children's Aid Suoiety us ordered by Judge Doyle : 1a grant of $15 for 1st prize and $10 for 2nd prize be oHeted at Provin- cial Winter Fair at Guelph ; that an- other County Councillor be appointed to accompany Mr. Livingstone, Reeve of Grey, to Ottawa to attend Gtivd Boads Association meeting. MI'. McKay of Tnckeremtth, was elect- ed to fill the position $25 be paid to all Fall Fair Associations and Public Libraries in county'' $10 be. given to the Children's Aid Society ; reennlluendpd that a grant of $20 be given for flowers for Court House grounds ; that question of having a Ununty exhibit at the Toronto Hord. (uiteral Association be leftover until. ,1nne meeting ; $25 be given to Form- als? Ilistitutea and $10 to Women's Institutes ; that tender of John Cham- py fur wood at $5 per cord be accept- ed and tf.rider. of Goderich Star for printing be accepted ; a grant of $26 be made In each Horticultural Socie- ty holding Shows ; $20 be paid to Senflrtb SpringtShow and Seed Fair ; $25 in' given to Clinton Spring Show ; that the matter of giving a grant to ilio Huron Poultry and Pet Stock Association be left, to June meeting that, rant of 6600 bo given to 'Gode. $ R B rich, Obelion and Wingham hospitals, JAS. FOX guarantees Parisian Ballo for. Failing Hair and Dandruff' We want you to know that the girl with the Auburn hair is on every bottle and canton of PARISIAN SAG11 We want you to know this for your Own protection, for thole are many. imitations, and it is an easy matter'' to get. the spnrinis article. You ran ttluvf. s get the genuine PARISIAN ,SAGE at Jas. Pox's x's for only 50 cents: a bottle, he will not de- ceive you. PARISIAN SAGE is rigidly outran, teed for dandruff, falling hair and e alis ith. 1L 19 ac1111101. delighl•ftll. and ihvig0r- aline hairdreesing thatputs lift mid brilliance into the hale and causes It tv n'1W if the Muir root be not dead.. It's the tonic you will use always if you use it once. e • Dr. Morse's Indian Root (Pills4 Healed Mr, Wilson's Sorentt v a ♦ -Cao { the ad bels w o body -bowels, sewers thea Whenx r Y '^'yy and skin duets -get slogged up, a'Cast e thonblood quickly becomes impure and '3,6'„ e *�gqweatly sores break out over the body, y Th e way to heal them, as Mr. Richard ag Vinson, who lives near London, Ont., 0 fa,ind, Is to purify the blood. He g, "For some time I had been in a low, depressed condition, My appetite left me and I' soon began to suffer from indi- gention Quite a number of small sores and blotches formed all over my skin I tried medicine for the blood and used satsaarrryry kinds of ointments, but without inttsfactory results. What was wanted wee to thorough cleansing of the blood, sad I looked about in vain for some medi- cine that would accomplish this. At last Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills were brought to my notice, and they are eee of the most wonderful medicines I hive over known. My blood was puri- fied int very short time, scree healed up, ray indigestion vanished. They always have a place in my home and are looked mom as the family remedy," De. Morse's Indian Root Pills cleanse the system thoroughly. Sold by all antlers at 25c a box. 8 A d "Hwy are made tip 111 plain ® and limey styles and of ♦ o firmaterial. • 0 4. :Spring wear, • •♦ 4Y The Coats will be sold at great S a d bargains an don't tette to take d advantage of this ofTeriug. ocii • a d • O. II® a S P. P.Fraser w Tailor to Men, • e r who Know. • :; BRUSSELS tattOO .O04,so®aao®Na arise••• Blanket Your Horses The Cold Weather Demands it And come to us for your Blankets. Prices away down and largeassortment to choose from. Also Robes, Wool Rugs, Bells, Trunks and Satchels. Bargains 'i Felt and Winter • Boots, Shoe, S lippere, &c. We want to clear all Winter goods out, which accounts for the big reductions in prices we are now giving. Ere -All accounts must be closed by cash or mite before the'end Of this month or they will be put in other hands for collection.. j Y 'i r a RICst :.DS P M._, mow`, 190990000990090099009999 99e 6999900:59809999099910909001111 9 2 Bargains µ.:: _;,' s "n�jt> al5 .t .mow I l#� ers i a1 e • • and; t 3 To clear out balance of stock make roorn for Buggies will sell at a Cut Rate. O. Some good Second-hand Cut Get a Cutter at a ters for sale at your own price. Bargain at • • • • EWAN & Co.'s Brussels •••e•al••osatweeeca •e®®,E•0l9!mt7 •®••G®sse©eeeee•ee•ee0•••• YOUR BLOiD 3€ T ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT rodeo!1'e to call the attention of allthose nOiel,d with a,,V Blood or Sk n Dilutes° to our New MethodTreatment as , gpltraateed cure for these complaints. There is 130 ex- cuse for any person having a disfigured face from eruptions and blotches. No matter whether hereditary or acquired our souffle remedies and treatment nand 1;se all poi- sons in the blood and expel them from the system. Our vast experience nt the treat- ment of thousands of the most serious and complicated cases enables us to perfect a cure without experimenting. Redo business on the plan -Pay Only for the Bonoflt You 1 t pease con- sult us. If you have any blood salt how quickly ll Chase and lot ns prove to 1111 how qus ofd our re '0 de wall remove nllev[dencesofdisease, UnderthalnYfeenoe of the New Method • Treatment the aloin be- comes clear, Meets, pimples and blotches heal up, enlarged glands are reduced, fallen out hair grows in twain. the eyesbecome bright, ambition and energy �reUirn, and the vletlm realizes a new life has opened up to 111111. YOU CAN ARRANGE To PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION '..'FREE Send for Booklet on Dioeaaeaef Neon THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If unable to call, write for a Question L's1 for Home Treatment D R �,, r gar �. n.. h �1�w � 4 l tr � >k „ e av EDY Cor, Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, licll. �t All letters from Cahatiantttst be addressed �N OT I logs E to car Canadian Correspondence Depart'• .waw nlentin 'Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see usersolall call at our Medical .Institute in Detroit as We see and treat p Y no patients in our Windsor: silicas bailees are ;for Corresirohdetler. and Laboratory for Canadian business Drily, Address all letters its, follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Wit/door, Ont. rite for our private address.