The Brussels Post, 1912-2-8, Page 4it ;:1 russet$ asp CRUFIOft Ck v 'Wo Bapp Our uta on Mith OurUll DAY, �'[3RCT!RX rata Personal Reputation and Money We are en poeiLive phut We Carl r'e- li ' els constipation, no matter how chronic it may he, that we ()flee to furnish the medicine free of all cost if we fail. We think that itis worse than use - lees to attempt to cure constipation with cathartics whieh may do harm. They way'eaoee are -action, iz'ritate and weaken the bowels, and melte conetipatiou move chronic. Oonetipation is often aeoompanied and may be caused by weakttese of the nerves and musciee of the targe intestine or colon. To expect a eure you must therefore tone up and. strengthen those parts and restore them to healthier activity. The discovery of the active princi- ple of our remedy irrvutved tate labor of skilful research chemists. This remedy produces reeulte such as are expected from the best-known intesti- nal tonics, and it is particularly prompt in its resnite. We want you to tryljtexall Orderlies on our guarantee. They are exceed- ingly pleasant to take and are ideal for children, They apparently act directly ou the nerves and muscles of the bowels, having, it would aceta, a neutral action on other organs or glands, The do -not L purge or cause inconvenience. If they du not posi- tively euro chronic or habitual constipation and thus relieve the myriads of associate or dependent chronic ailments, your money will be refunded. Try Rexall Orderlies at our risk. Three sizes of packages, 10c., 25c., and 50e. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this commnuity only at our stare- The Rexall Store. F. R. Smith.. Hew do you feel about Church D.uion 7 W i:IA'ravea is worth doing is worth doing well, Is all the lodge members attended as regularly as von and me what size would the crowd be? LET everybody grow a row of Sweet Peas next Spring, They are beautiful to leek at and the perfume is delightful. WE are always ready to welcome newsy items from any point of the cum pass, Dont inistake A 'nasty stab" for news however but call Tug Pose' tele- phones, NOs. 21 and 32, or drop us a note giving us the particulars and we will do the rest. Do you skate ? How many bumps have you had this Winter? One person stated they -nearly knocked their brains out." A sympathetic listener asked "Did you strike your head ?" The answer came, "No 1 but I sat down so bard that itjarred my whole anatomy." HAVE von a Rural Telephone 7 If not it money well invested and is genuine every day accommodation that you would not part with for twice the cost when you realize the comfort. conven- ience and general utility of 11. Ask for a blank application form rm and have it filled out, Trig POST wants 18 new subscribers before the end of February. That is an average of oue a day barring Sun• days. It takes the place of a letter to your absent relative and they would thank you every week in the year. We give splendid value for the 2 cents a week it costs. It's cheaper than bor- rowing, Write, telephone o- call at our office and let us have the order. Yes 18 was the number we asked for for the balance of this mouth. SAY 1 If you want to see a crowd come to the next monthly Horse Fair on Thursday. February 2916 in Brussels. This Fair is always louked forward to, particularly by people from the West or those going there and buyers are sure to be on band galore. Horses will be in prime condition at this time and when the buyer and seller meet there is going to be sotnethiug doing. Keep the date elear-Thursday, February 29th -al Brussels. MAxEan note of the dates of the East Huron Farmers' Institute u sup• lementar p v meetings. A good crowd helps the speakers and adds to the in• terest of the discussions. Stir up your neighbors and take them along. 'The list of meeting may be read in this issue of 'Tim Po1T together with the names of the speaker and subjects to be tits Gassed. 25 cents makes you a member for a year but there is nothing com- pulsory about roti joining. Sow 5 acres of oats for East Huron Agricultural Societe Standing Field Crop competition You stand 'seven chances of wrnning prizes ranging from $2e to$q• All it costs you is $r oo it you are not now a member of the Society. Get after that $2o and prove you are an up to -date farmer and can head the procession, The, man who wins rat prize can get $i oo a Nisbet for his crop when threshed If there ere other particulars you wish to ask about see. W, H. Kerr, the Secretary, or the nearest Director to you. WIIA'r &Xing up are you intending to do next Skimmer ? Now is a good time to plan for it, to get material ready and let the contract or engage the help that will be necessary. "The early bird catches the worth" is an old saw mean- ing that the hustler gets what he's after white the "late bird" has to run chances. A little tidying up about your buildings. yard and premises does not cost much but is a great improver representing many a dollar's worth in appearance. Join the tidy brigade. Tint Huron Co. Councillors did a neat stroke of business for themselves at the session of the Co, Council viz voted themselves $2;04 a day in addition to the $3 00 paid heretofore so that now they receive $5 on for each day and mileage. Two of the number wanted to split the difference and make it fi34 but the majority would not have it that way, No doubt they heard that $400 bills were likely to be Withdrawn from circu- lation but the fives are tot, If oath of the three sessions run five days the additional expeuee for the County Councillors in the twelve menthe will be $i,oso, At $a oo a day tbere was not much in it after you paid your hoard and perhaps had to ere a man 10 to„k afterastir work k whileabsent front ]tome. It Was a good stent to make the ebengo at the January session, "LOOK out for bogus bank bills" is a warning to he public. Y earetry- ing to look out for the genuine ones. ON February 22nd a political wrest- ling match will be held in South Ren frew when the contestants will be Hon G P. Graham, who was the late Minis ter of Railways in the Laurier Admin. istration, and Dr. Maloney. We hope the electors will give the Dr. the same "medicine" be received at the Septem- ber election when be was defeated. by Mr. Low. The latter resigned since to permit Mr. Grabens to have a seat in the Rouse, as he too was ousted from Brockville, and he (Graham) was to have had the constituency by acclamation bad not some meddling outside scrappers vetoed the well understood arrangement Does Your Heart Fiuttorr You know heart fluttering' means you're not as well as you should be. It's an evidence of impaired nerve and muscular strength. To 'obtain cure, try Feerozuue ; it has a special action On the heart as seen in the case of Thomas Groves, Cole Harbor, N. Se who says t -"If I. exerted myself it would bring palpitation. To carry any heavy weight or go quickly up- stair5 completely knocked me out. Wlrert bad attacks came on I lived in fear nf s uddersa de tit. Ferrozone gays my heart the very assistance itneeded and now I am quite well," For heart. or nerves it's hard to excel Ferrozone, 50c. at all dealers. Better Stick To The Rid Remedies. DEAR MR KERk:-It' is some tinsc since fou have heard ft um me. Htiw ever I see by the paper that You ver. often have cOrrespuadence tram also ot our tar away friends. I believe you are having a very fies Winter down in Ontario, It. has been good out here, when we compare it with last Wtnter. There is just bated enough snow mound here to mak. sleighing. Ate have been looking fur n1Ore snow but it hos not put in an hp pearence yet. Although we have not the snow, we Have the cold. Of course the Westerner ears, it is cold but you do not feel it, That is where we have plenty of scope to exercise uur imagisma- tion. Ir is unnecessary to say that all our population are nut demurs, or they would be inclined to forget a lot of those familiar sayings. The thermometer was standing anywhere from 3o to 65 Beloit, for about two or three week:.. It im pressed me so strongly that I purclta,t'd a new top cutter a few class ago. I have• had a rather interesting ex periouce here a few days ago that might be of interest to yourself and vuur read ers I know it would be to the medical profession. I will 65 it up as well ae 1 can, keeping myself in the third person There is at present a greet fight starting in Manitoba, again:,t quack doctoring. Fiske doctors have gut a strong foot. hold in the United Slates and are gradu- ally coming into Canada, 'There is a scbool somewhere in the States, that teaches the piactice of Chiropractics This means claims to cure all diseases by pressing or adjusting the spine They claim that to every case of sick' ness the backbone is somewhat out of shape and bat; to be put in place, No medicine is given and no knife is used. The first case of interest was found in Sydney, Man, A youth, who had taken about g mouths training in the States came to the place mentioned and Com rammed bis practice. He had grown up here from childhood and was well known. He had been treating a patient for about two weeks and soots site bo. cattle quite i11, Dr, 'E E Brvans was called io, who diagnosed the mate ss pneumonia. The patient was delirious and in bad condition, Mr. McElrae, the quack, who had been awry (or a few dews, beard of the case, and eame home. He came to the sick room 10 a very oiiici 005 manner and tried to get the consent of those in Charge of the house to let hint take the case. He toid them of the wonders he could work and they decid- ed to give him a chalice, f)r. Brvans said a d he war cl willing, perfectly y ler h ut that they would have to distinctly. under slued that it was a settees step they were teking and ,that se soon pe this Man laid hand on the patient, the burden of responsibility would be ralsed orf the 0 doctor's shouldere end placed on theirs. • trrthet'more, Re soon n, -be would leave, • be was 0ru11g11 with the ease, and t9 Would not return under any eIrtnmstan- • l•tSa S. 10/Y000ott10808,Mootst ep agmeseeeee,Wo..efeeeel ee, 1, veg. 'I'lie case was left to the hands of Mr. McElrae, and she died lit about t8 hours. The youth kgew nothing about the heart or pulse :and bed to plate a looking glass in trout of the patient to ascertain if she wee dead, although it was quite evident to the onlookers for aeveral minutes prevtoue Dr. Bryant, refused to give a eeriliicate of death end called in the coroner, who summoned s jury A post•morten was held, which revealed no material evidence. Witness- es were summoned, the ladies being called first and for their benefit the coroner asked the audience to leave the room. Little was gained from these witnesses, who seemed veru reluetaut in stating what they knew about the treat 'teat of Mr. McElrae, Although Fever al had been• with him diming many of the treatments. they hesitatingly' gave evidence of having not observed the the clearest and most outstanding fea- tures of pressing or adjusting the spine. One gentleman in,the audience, who had been taking reatment tram Mr McElrae, commenced to advise his wile (who was in the question box) what to say, and was sharply called to order bt' tate corouer Evidence was given of this Young man, McElrae, rq years of age, taking the patient out ot bed, placing heron two benches in a naked and un- called for condition and giving her treat meat for five minutes. This was re- peated about eight times. Dr. Waugh, of Carberry, and Dr. Brvans, of Sydney, were culled upon and gave expert evi deuce as to the condition and general line of treatment. They, as well as the Coroner, agreed that the first great essential in pneumonia. one of the prtucipat diseases from which she suffer- ed, was rest with the idea of preserving strength and thus giving the patient greater h g r c ancesO f recovery. COVerOne wit- ness t ness states that he heard Mr. Mr lr E ae say to a man in the room "Of course she .would be weaker after it." and witness presumed that he meant after the treat- ment The jure went out for nearly an hour and came in with their verdict which read as follows :-We. the jury. have deoided that Annie Rosa Grant came to her death froara combination of diseases, namely pneuthonia, diabetes central cerebral meningitis. They also added the following rider to their ver dict :-That we believe the treatment of Chiropractics, as exemplified by Frank McElrae in the case of Annie Rose Grant, is fraught with great danger to the public. We belie@.e the treatment used on the deceased' shows that the operator was entirely ignorant of her physical condition.• In the evidence, McElrae admitted weakening the patient, He did nothing to strengthen her Through weakening or diminishing the strength death was hastened. The laws of our land distinctly state that he who hastens death by any means whatever, is guilty of manslaughter, The non -con. vtcting verdict was dna to the sympstby which the witnesses and jury bad for the man they bed known from his childhood. :However the case is likely to be carried un the medical mes will be nhir particularly Thsinteresting is the fleet case of the kind that has ever come ip fa the Province and it means that we have to stamp tt out at the beginning or it will become custom and law I am not a very good paper correspondent s t , 10u may have cons,tlerable correcting to do. Yours sincerely, E. E 13RYAt(s Sidney, Mao., Jan. iSttt, 0)ue Pills No Longer Used. When the stomach needs cleansing, the bowels increased activity, the liver additional power, don't use lnerourat pills, try Dr. Hamilton's. Vegetable to composition, extremely mild, yet sure to flush nut impurities and wastes. no remedy is so well adapted for fam- ily use. Positively a cure for bilious- ness and sick headaches, unfailing in constipation and bowel trouble, ex- ceptionally good for indigestion, no medicine Ia an universally needed in every home as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Good for the young, the old, the weak and the well ones, the benefits of Dr. Hamilton's Pills are manifold, Sold everywhere in 28c. boxes. Stock for Sale Nino choicely bred Mort Horn Bulla, 8 to 19 months old, reds and roans, including the let and 2nd prize winners at East Huron Fall Show, Are large and tall of quality from gond milking damn: got by imported sire and some of them from imported dame. Clown and heif- ers prize wtnnern 51 head to select from. I have 51.e) for sale o 7 months' old fllly by Bar- on Black, imported ; a good work horse; is few pairs of grade Lonna*er ewes • end a p0tr of young Yorkshire sown to litter in March, They ars' oat ofa Plitter of 14 and their dam had 58 good Hying to be imarne.Iiwin me)nita at 4 lanyof hof above ate,, atlowest prices and on can term,. DAVID MIyLNE, Ether, Ont, Auction Sa.les AUCTION BALE OF FARp5 STOOK, 1M- PLaneaT8, &e, --F, S. Scott, auctioneer, has been instructed by the undersigned to 8511 by public auction at Lot 25, Oon. 10, Morrie, on rhureday, February 15th, at 1 o'clock sharp 11,0 following property, viz.: --1 heavy draft' mare sapponed in foal to Bursar,1 heavy draft. mare tieing 8years aired by Crown. told I heavy draft gelding rising 4 yearn, I driving gelding rising 8 years, 1 colt rising 1 year aired bCalf, tinnier, grads eows twith calf t 1 sow heiferin month ago, 8 heifers. rising 8 yearn' 1n datf, 2 young calves, 6 steers rifting 1 year, 4 heifers rising 2 years, 4 'tiara ri012,ff k 'years, 1 sow. with pig 14 store pigs, aboe( 100 hens, 2 Frost. & Wood binder, I A-00ring mower 1 mower with pea harvester, 1 eatemeyHarria aultivat• or 1 heed drill, I turnip seeder, 1 steel land drill, 1 Perrin single furrow riding plow, 2 aeonewre"sbrw.o�erks ne,'ly new, 1 di. barrow. 1 eu with mdulda,1truck wagon, 1lunmber Wagon, 1 net bobsleighs, 1 set of light bob•slelgha, 1 double baggy, 1 hay rack, t stook arid hey rack combined, 8 nets of double hansoms 1 set of einem harneee 1 road cart, 1 gravel ltox, I borne power, 1 Clinton fanning mill, 1 net 1000 pound weigh scales, 1 hay fork, ear, effngs ropes end pulleys, 2 anger kettles, 1 Ideal dream separator, 1 feet pulpits., 1 bag track, 1 gang plow, 2 threafurwwtaw, a quantity of elder poste, 'boat 125 bassets mixed barley and wheat, also some need barley, a large quantity of gond clean oats fdrke, oleins, heap .7 r l , t Shovels, pesthole auger and other articles Add PI311s'""T 1'L1.11313tot..egrii erylintji ht now, • nnmeroas to mention, Sale uur swerved as pro., tti right ;rioter Is giving nn hireling, Terms-4800nna - - under oanit ovnrthat monist 9menthe credit "- 105 7A b w e gSoon on turhishing aoproved'ioltie Sold in BRUSSELS by ,1AS,IIALLANTYNE, W. ,T; l?e("ItA0IM notes ; 4 par cane, Off for cant, on credit J. T. ROSS ( i T • ' amounts, rant GEO, 1IIO I9 30N . G to be'oaah.ALP. J3 1h1 + A CrFL IJLstr'ilaut t; - 'o t31i:0 GRIGG, Proprietor til m Now the is ti71� { ' ..L.IL, to buy your Feed. We have• best Ameri- can Yellow Corn at a Rea- sonable Price. orn orn 11 O 10 0 0 5, 4 0 C4 0 • CALL PHONE 52 AND GET OUR • PRICES ON ALL 4 ag Feeds, Oats,Oatmeal, tical etc. 0 A Small Profits. Quick Returns. a 18 Pif' ryneMSIn9 Co. Brussels 41 t■•••••••ecora, nm0arate�oe0000000eo•®e0ooeoetaoeo0oaooe0aal Doctors Change Their Methods. Yeats ago they fought eatery') b internal dosing, They saw this ruine the stomach and ehauged to the uzon ated air cute, better known as "Oat arrhozoue,". This treatment insure cure. It goes to the source of the alis ease ; it destroys the causes that main tain catarrh and even in the woes cases permanent n to t c r P cure is ua' g utntee d Failure with O:tku•rilnzone is imp's slble. Antiseptic, healing and lfar reaching, it's bound to cure every time Endorsed by more than twenty thous- and physicians in America alone and, sold iv 25c, and $I.00sizea by all deal- ers. Do -You Fool Tho Pinch 7 y Not of poverty, brit of corns, aching d' Comm, that eau be cured by Putnam's Dorn Extractor2 Don't "suffer', use "Pntualn's"- sold everywhere in 25e, to bottles. t.111 f Sudbury wants an extension of the T. & N. 0 Railway, The Keeley mine will be operated for a year by the Wetlanffer syndicate. Quarters will be provided tor the Hydro -electric Commisiou in the new wing at the Parliament Buildings. Sir Wilfred Laurier was the recipient of many unique birthday presents from the Liberals of the Yukon Territory, ou are looking Inc an invest- ment that will bring you large returns write for particulars about Calgary and Athabaska Landing. Alberni farms :deo for sale. H. R. BREWER Real Estate Broker 1174 Boulevard N. W. Calgary, Alta. WINES 13"1 0 e �air. Buy a sack barrel before judging PURITY FLOU: OME people bay TTY LOUR I about it -before to be fair and to buy a FLOUR and give it e attempted. to judge PUR- - le/fore knowing the facts using L Sin it. So we ask you sack or barrel of PURITY a thorough try -out before attempting to , arrive at a judgment. Look at the beauty and loftiness of the golden - crusted, snowy -crumbed loaves, fit for a king. Count them and see how many more of them PUR- ITY yields to the barrel than ordinary flour does. Taste the creamy, flaky pie crust, and the deliciously light cakes PURITY FLOUR rewards you with. My! How theymake yourmouthwater! Such high-class results can only be obtained when using a flour con- sistingexclusivelyof the ig h -rad g e portions of the best Western hard wheat rries. And remember, that, on ccount of its extra trength and extra gnat.. y, PURITY . FLOUR requires more water when making bread and more hortening when making pastry, than you are ccustomed to use with ordinary flour. be a S it s a teFlgi PDl3l'9',Y rruUR , •a c:'ti ,•,,p roarer ks� 11�;110 1!'il:;aY•Je'�'r:iif;,tiJi�svt, ... "More bread andbetter " rf°ead Puy a bag or barrel of Pi.1Ii.JTY FLOUR. Test it for a week. Then passe; t;dtrtf:ent. u Why ()MOO Coldo aro Dangoroue, They lead to Iletitls and iter On ill, Follow the advice of \ r, H. Powlos of Powle'e Oorttt't'e, Ont„ who says ; "1 need to be aubjeut Lo attacks' trod til- thought mod tuost eveeythiug nothing relieved quickly till l discover ed Navel - line. 1 have used it for pleurriey and Nom chest and foiled 11just; the melee. thin *, F,II' Lutnbttgn or Neuralgia it's quid as ligbtoieg. I him' oin N,'vl bit, c,'' Sii'ongeat,°leen. est, moat pain desti•nylog liniment on earth is Nervilhle, 25o. bottles onld u'vevywhere. y r" •b nlr.y.m0t'arA ,,.k;r gvaa eaur 1V D Young People 0 We can prepare you for bushman at iT The tlstowel Business College agrndxdnnplaceMugyou in u good position when a INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION, y You 5iny enter any dray. i EDWIN A. MATTHEWS, Prin. jri yrtiaY�.s:0 Stock for Service TA,1tWORTR AO(. 11011 slim/Jos.-Th. undersignedl wiskeelor Y serene, 1011 T l\ }4 L0125, Co,,.7 liana a 1101,0 sl bred Tan• worth hog Terms, ms, 41.00, to be paid at time of service wish privilege of N4111'111 111; if 11134013• nary, S. WALKER, 19•tf _ Proprietor, The People's Column W,ANM 800 SALE, Befog S34of Lots 54 and 55, Lion. 1, Morris township, eons nintng 108 norma O11 the farm is a good Inline house, 22 x8524 ; kitchen 185 221 ; and woodshed 211580. 1 The al'n la 801380; strawy shed 80540; and lean. to 10580 Stone wall with good stabling under barn. Never -failing wells and good m•ahtu•d. Only 34 mile to school and n mile to clue oh or Oetorhee. Deed )ma9 bastion. en. Terms learned an nPPIicxt on to proprietor. WALTER L. B . 8010 JHmastown P. U. WARP& FOR SALE being Lot 28, Con, 9, Morris township, Hui on 0o., containing 76 bares, It 113 alt cleared and 15- esrea under cultivation. There is a comfortable frame house, with kitchen adjoining, bank barn, small your orchard, drilled well and wind-. nlllt, &o. 1X miles from school, post (Alice end churoh, Farm well fenced, Muet be sold by March 1st and consequently It very reasonsblr priee will take it. Possession 011 March 161 h, For further partieular, apply to Joseph Bol- ger, Walton, P. 0., or F. 8, Scott, Brussels, tf, COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE with stable. well. &o„ and 2 acres Of ebouto land for nate in the Southerly ppart of Bros - seta. Immediate possession can be given. For further particulars apply to F. 8. Scott, Brua- sele. WARM FOR SALE, -The undersigned offers for Hale his. 100 care farm, being Lot 27,E Cun. il, Grey township, 'There are atonic 85 aures under cultivation and 5 soros of hard- wood bush ; good buildings, bank barn, well, windmill, &c.; 235 miles from church ; 34 mile from school ; and 234 minim from posturing). Possession on Enrols lxt. For farther portico. Mrs apply on the premises or Oranbrook P 0. to CHAS. LOVE, Prop, Phone 2512 265 WARM ° FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -The no- t-derei8zed offers his fine 200 sore farts, be- ing Leta 17 and 18, Con, e. Grey township Sur. on Co., for sale or if not disposed of would rent to oodtenant. There are 160 acres cleared, balance bush and'nature land. Good haild- ings, cement Hilo fences, orchard drilled well, &o on the premises. Only Emile to school end 234 to Ethel village, Poasesalon could be given at once it sold or next Spring in leasing, For further particulars no to price, terms mrd. condition is 1 J. WELSH, apPly to LSH Prop t 19•cr Phone 41113 ' Entail., 0. tyAttt��t Y7 %sake si 1st 1'ltr. Purer has utade ati'Iutgettlrs, lit to club with 1h„ ftlllowiug papers tool 1 bee' Will bo sent 10 tl ll1 adtlrl',.a (05,, 00111 *United Suttee 50ramie ',etre) at the I`,1I, , its sub..erielitm pores :-. Weeklies Poir fwd T4,1111110 (-Hobe ,.. $1 Oil ' . 11,111 tool 1:u,pir 1 00 Loudon a.1e»t'liret'...... , 100 I.tet,tl tl !''tee 1'11',4 154 " Family 11,'t'ald & Stet 184 " Monte eat \Vilttens ,,,..,1 SO 1Veekly Sun . 1 81) Femmes' Ad elicit ,,,,, 285 Norther,, 11 essenger, 1 30 Dailies Pear mnd'l'nrn,,1t Situ• , '$220 Toronto News ..... ,.... 2 85 " Tomtitnee:Mee 450 " 'J'cu•ontoelnil-het11pire , 451) " Tommi' 1Vurld ,. , ,,800 London Adverll5il' 28(1 Call at the oillee or retort the amount by P. 0. fh'dt'r, Expte'ss Order or Reg. is,tted Letter, llt h ss' t 1111. P05')', 131888(48, Ont. BEST PLACE IN CANADA Por Superior Ilu-ier aort,hnrthnnd-E[i- rr55 oration Is the 4 r•.•s rend Popi lar Y Sa TORONTO p T N , fiend uu „i. I dt r , r I uh+ Mona and the demand is ftillysthroe g ..4 tunes our supply flus l`o lege is • open an year, stilt ruts have 101'Iy 4 tattoo po.nions at 50, 400, 875 ltd 4100 J? er mouth. Rotor now. (.8151„sue 3� t11 (tor Young and L W. J. ELLIOTT, iRd Al,x,u,d l :'1,, 1 Principal. MONTH11..v Horse Fairs ! BRUSSELS Regular i itt:hly I3,n'se Faits will' be held this eettlint as follows THURSDAY FEB. 1, 1012. FEB. 20, 11)12 APRIL 4, 1012 Leading Local. and Outside Buyers will be present. e a••lona •4® a'o•s•s'1••a•• 1 ARM NOR SALE. -The 4in of undersigned ed offers W g • faadrhis g 11 a to consisting oP about 185 toile. x Th •.} m it in the town of of cult for n,The • farm is in a good stoke of cultivation, and hue d• ;,•r-.,. y .1; ., mak. 4 good building,,, brink house, bank harp, driv- • fag hoese, pig pen, allcomparatively neW. k •t' e A .flret•clase young orchard containing all • svx�s • -' c;•r •' kinds of fruits and al -o small fruits The + 'I' farm is well fenced and drained and is a very ® le dooiraalehome. For further particulars apply yr Stands fn' ,111 Ihab ie utullel•ti its .P. on the premises or address. • Bttainisi Prof ning, A clam or l0tt JORN TORRANCE, Olinto,. I r Seven Colleges in teatllog t"was • RAMS FOR SALE -The undersigned hoe 8 l k and r•,Ut, 'faun Thnttwrud stn- ' pure bredSbearliug Leicester Rema dm, leuls ut out' Gnlleges mIII) 11nnne ,Of, 'sate. Lot 17, Uon. 0, Grey township, They I `Study last year. Wetrtrinfeo O arefitteones, R08T. L. 100 l one P.U, ten •to Lwenty studunt-s forevrry •'t'.. 12•1f 4 one tree nee by hawk T Sall •�.OQ PUBES OF LAND fornsle, 134 miles '1.'hefe's a reason, -- It is freely l' 20orUh of Senforth Good ulny loner, ohialed thmi nut• gmdmile. get all cleared and under aultivntion: Banti born, A oementfloors, large frame house, newly eh,t• hest,ltn`iti t trod the daulau 'VW; good walls at barn end loris • bui�litigs • for them is "seven" balls the • nail fences in exaoiinnt repair, An ideal hums {. 13(14113 11xclusive righ1(1:011/1 fnr Un- ✓e cheap. Apply (blas) SU5IE GOVENLOOK, a 11,11, u11lit' r ,mutts Bliss Bnolc• - .64utorth, Ont, + keeping Sy,•tt'tn. Yon inky stuay p BALE. Belag Lot 20, Cion 14 .•i, at house, m• WWI .ly sal hnlne and & • liuieh its the Collage. A Bovines 4, eEthical ion pays a dividend every 0 t day of yarn• Life. a • Winter Term From Jan. 2nd, 1812 nttustld miles from 601(001 cud 1 udlna from A Cali o• svelte for psi r•lirn)xrs, - O Wilton U. P. R. station. For further pal tion- 'f• d' Mrs write J. it. RA MILTON, Watton P. or 4 0 apply on the premiriea, Spotton 3� 1fi ttL+ wit irtn FOR SALE being Lot 18, Cont lU • °'i"U 6tQ11 BtDUlil l7t1 College 0 Grey. Township111500 mitts 100 aures; r34 .story frame house 20580 ft„ kitchen 18524, .. WINGi'fAM ONT. • good frame baro, 40x80, on ethos ,.tabling; 8 •, d, good wells; all .eeeded,to grew; except. 20 net es; * 01101 W, 'mens, Pr'n0ipa5 '0' 1U scree in bush. orchard; 214 mites front 0. P. - d, rt. station All to ;tate of oultiv,u,"n. Fur•i'9d'O•Ped•O:•O•Be•1'4•NA•h!'k0•MO'h••1'e further parttoulars aptly to ALEXANDER 13801(000,eranbrook, P. 0. 18,g, Telephone 2818. FARMEOR Mo101top township, oonteiaings ab0pt 131 roue, 451uluared, On the premtaoiisa,'and house, link bars with hog pan combined, 01,01 n new power 11(111 for pumping grinding, &e • also good bearing oroher.'ch pumping, Soya. Lanz{ le in extra good state of =Mention. having been cropped light and large stock of both huge and cattle tad on it for yearn Farm WARMS FOR SALE -Being Lot 4, Oen 11, end Lot 6, Oon, 18, d¢rey'rownship, 13tlrou fen On thoeo farms oro. good budding., well fenced and drelaed, also good Oro gross ; ptmt- ty of water ; nexrty all needed to geese end hn a good amts of cultivattoa. Both ars alone to school and to the and of Brtowels, They mr will be said cheep d mn eFlHy terms of pay - omit Apply on the preintses. (- 8-tf UAS,-BOTZ BrusselsP,0. WARE - ARFOR SALE, -The undersigned offers for sale his 100 acre tarns, being 2034 Lot 19, Con. d, Morris township, Huron CM. 66 aeries cleared. 'Thera isa comfortable !muse, new bank barn, orobard, drilled well,&o 2% miles Booth of 8raesole. Posattaswbrat of March, 1912,.'; For further earth:titan., es .to pplue,0(emU, & 11 i8.M,Am.YI•op,. pr50to1 8.4 AT A BARGAIN. -Will dispose of cottage, bargailn, •iizabn Corder to' worBrusireat e (0Oliic 1,4 Hall. 3413 , may be hard from Mr:..l. heckle Pur forth er. parttoulare neo Mr, bookie or write the tinder - signed. .1.11, OAMER0N, 10 at, George St , London, WARM FOR 8ALTh.-Tho 100 acre faro, bo - Ing the property of elle late Peter' McNeil, Lot 28, Con. 1,4, Grey, Is offered for mile by the underelgned. There are 86 acres' .clewed, bttl- once well timbered, On the farm• thereln,, ggood bank barn, targe driving shod ons a 1001. fortnble hone,. Pinot in good condition and well fenced. For further pnrtieulato apply to JAS. A. McNA1R or JAS. D. M'0NAIR, Exec-. Mors, Oranbroolc3', O., or, 17, S. SCOTT, llrira• eels, - 7.11 • WARM FOR SALE, beings' 8ol,tlr half Lot 26, Con. 4, Morrie township, lhuon 00„ oott tefntng 100 acnes more or leen. On the prem• Ines in a frame bonne, bank barn, geed oroharil well. wf ndmitl &a A11 ol d OR M1. O- ito 1O- iansore Sl, ninon distant. Only 2i!Sulfas from Brussels. acres 0074llwheel f1nerd tont60tneeded down, lnr(trnsohee interns/Mori npp 1heekeeOr.?witfn4r 131110.4111H P 0, 'Phone720 OrF8oAlE, Rntsels,11-11 on A. le.HERB, Proprietor, •00•••OOm44a'OA 4'r>GC.P.• •a4Ae y 4, To, Machinery ,set' acid farmers ° grit y • Z• m The New Machine S a o _ hap at the 4. HUHU EIRE APPLIANCE and iACiliNECo.. -,• • e 4, is now t.'adyraw bnsinase, and, • with good 4Jar;hinel;yand Skilled 's llet:Motie; we till' i11 tL position e to attend 111 your) a priesron :'ly and at reaaetltable rates.1- A If you will let us know alit , wants we twill ggive you hc�eet itcicand l'i mut • wlvit.h il'eitLelu t,et'lry,p if G llla(,tL'tl, • I Give is to Meal awl, by coming gtU llleaela save tittle ite and • money fpryottt'eelves, _ 2 • • Mp M7 ��dd1 i,$ • IMilli Street Bruss4 s' seeeeeseeeeeseeees. 4>4.4160.0.00