HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-2-8, Page 1VOL. 40 .VO, 32 BRUSSELS, ON7ARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1912 NOW Advertisements aria lost—Ton Posn'.' Rug lost -1410 PONT, Skates lost—Tan POSP. I,o,ia %ranted ri S dole. To lawnels AI1. Ranker. Tenders R a Porgo.on. Brussels Auditor's' report. Olover Beed—W, J, MaUraaken, A untie] meet1ng—Telep{)ione CO. Enter any thue—WInglianr Bus, College. istxi.ct i1•.elvs McKillop The death occurred on Satnmay, Jan. 20, of Joseph J, Dennis, at his home on lot 83, concession 8, West Zorra. Deceased had been sick for about throe years, tied hie death was not unexpected. kle had been a resi- dent of West Zoama all his life, with the exception oI' three years which he spent in Howlel( township. He leaves besides 0 sorrowing wife, four sous and two daugghters: Newton, of Sac- tamento, Ual.-; Ernest, Alfred and Hatvoy on the farm ; Mars, Russell of Brandon, and auothee 8191:er in Souris, Man. Dr, J. P. Ratilcin is a nephew, and Mrs, John A. Davidson, Strat- ford, a niece. Four brothers also survive hon ,They are : Mathew and John of Ze .it ; t1.1nos of Portage .•la Prairie, Man„ and Eli, of Winnipeg. Interu)ent was made at Avondale cemetery. Deceased was an uncle to John Dennis, of McKillop. Belgravia • Ballots on elitueh Onion are to be handed In at Presbyterian church be- fore the end of February, The Foresters will• give their Hall an overhauling, fixing up new dress- ing rooms and other improvements. Mrs. Sprott is in Turlcersnailh nurs- ing her sister, Mts. Rutherford, who was so badly injured a lbw 0n)1t111s ago by a tattier ruuniIIg over her. She had her collar bane broken in two places, several ribs broken and her ankle smashed. Mrs. Rutledge is about 00 years. Fanners' Institute anti Women's Institute will liold meetings here on Monday, Feb. 101h, James Ml'Del•man 0, of Elmvatle ; Thus. McMillan, of Hui - lett ; aid his. 1Voelaard, of 'Toronto, will be the sleeker on that occasion. The latter will address the ladies in the afternoon at the house of Miss Bengough at 2 o'cloek, her topic be- ing "Health Oultut0," with a demon- stration of home musing, Everting meeting will be held in the Foresters Hall, when a musical program will be given. All will be welcome. S.H.acl ars Lt r M e e nd sb rn 0 of Palk River North Dakota, have been visit ing at the homes of D. Sprout and Jas. Anderson, It is 26 years since Mr. Laridesburo weal West and this is only his second visit back. His wife 1s a niece to Me. Sprout and Mrs. Anderson, 6th line Morris. The visit - urs have done well in Dakota. Cranbrook Oranbronk was well represented at, MoneriefChurch opening, Hockey match Brussels vs, Leek - now, at &easels, Friday evening of this week. Misr; Norma Sperling' was relieving for Miss Telfer, in Winthrop school last week. The farmers around have been plow- ing out the roads and have got them in good shape. Will. Siena( n accompanied Geo. Ki•itutee to dleidelburg and other points on Friday. Last Sabbath afternoon F. Ratldatz conducted the service in the Meth- odist church here. A. Reymann would like to have all accounts settled within a short time and save further costs. Air. Torrance, 0 0. F. organizer from Listowel, is in the village in the interests of the Court here. I. Hall, of Portage la Prairie, Man.. i8 renewing old acquaintances in this 10(•nlity. Itis *bout 80 years since he went West. A musical and Literary evening and social time will . be held in Knox (thumb, here, on Thursday, 29tH Met„ that you should not miss. Blyth BOUGHT PRIZE HOLSTEIN BULL.— This ULL:'Phis week Christopher Johusou, who lives 2i tulles North of Blyth, in East 1Vuwauosh, purchased a fine young thoro' heed Holstein bull from R. Clark, of Elina. His name is "Ohan- cetlor Posh Ko.ndyke," and he was a prize winner ut Listowel and Atwood Fall Fails and conies from a great family of milk producers. Mr. John- sen deserves credit for his enterprise. He is developing quite a herd of milclr cows. We wish him suenees. DIED SUDDENLY. --After an illness of 01117 four hours, Joseph Garrett, 0110 of the beet-lcnctwn residents of this district, died at his 1101110 at Londesbnrn' eat ly on Thue day morn- ing. He was 08 year's of age, and be- sides his wife, leaves seven children. The•funer•al was held on Saturday afternnon and the services were con- ducted by Rev. J. H. Osterhout. Mr. Garrett µaa a member of the board of the Methodist church for more than GREAT CLEARING SALE Commencing Saturday, January 27th OF Ready-to-wear Suits ' IIII IIII , II and Overcoats 25 Per cent off regular price Fur and Fur -lined. Coats Heavy Winter Mitts Trunks and Suit Cases 5S And a big Reduction in all lines of Shoes s and Rubbers $5.00 Shoes for $4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 d 2.i0 Rubbers, 75c per pair Shoes must be cleared out in the next two weeks to make room for new Spring goods which we will tell you about later. The above is simply a sample of the many Bargains offered. E. C. Dunford CLOTHIER AND F . I'CJRNI5HER 90 year', dna the pallbearers were William WI Stevens, William Lyons, G. Jenkins, hl. Braithwaite, WIIIIxm Moon surd Jh MoVittle, Interment was made at the Union Cemetery at Blyth, Monoriofr BABY DIED,— We regret to state that on Tuesday Alexander V., infant BOO of Joseph and Mrs. McKay, 1511) con., died, aged 4 menthe Alai 3 days. The funeral took piae,enure/Any after- noon to Logan -Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. McKay will allure in the sym- pathy of the community in the de- cease of their little son. To OTTAWA,— This week Reeve Livingst(in, of Grey, and Reeve Me - Kay, of Tuckersmith, are away to Ottawa to represent Huron Co. (kronen at the Good Roads Con- vention being held thele. We hope the meeting will result in the adoption of every practical method possible for the betterment of the highways. Reeve Livingston will no doubt have something to say on the subject on his return. Wroxeter NEWSY NOTES.—Clarence White, of Mildmay, is spending several weeks with his parents, Neil and Mrs. White. --Mrs. Jno, Hamilton left for Stratford on Saturday where she will spend a few days with her handier.— Robert Miller, of West Toronto, called on friends in the village on Saturday.—Misses Parker and Graaf, of Clifford, are guests of Mrs. Aitchi- son.—Wm. and Mrs. McLaughlin and little daughter left for their home in Winnipeg on Saturday , after spend - Mg a mouth with relatives here.—A loud of young people from Bluevule attended the rink here on Thursday evening.—Elliott Willits returned to Elgin, Man., on Monday after a visit of seven weeks with friends in this vicinity.—Wm. Booth spent two days of this week at his home here before leaving on Wednesday for Montreal where he has secured a good position with the Davies Packing 00.—Jno. and Airs. McLeod and two children, of Est even Sask., visited on Saturday with Mrs. F. Davey.—Ales. E. W. Lewis is having an auction sale on Saturday at the King Edwxrd Hotel of all het household goods which were saved when her residence was recently destroyed by fire.—A rink of cutlers consisting of R. Bleck, R. Aitchison, W. Mather and W. Blank visited Harrieton .on Tuesday.— Gordon Patterson, (if'Toronte, was as visitor, (01 11)8 home of Jno. Patterson several days recently. --At the eei•,ula• month- ly meeting of the W. F. Ai, S. of the P1esbyteliau clam)), held at the Monte of ,Mrs. J. H. Hardy last Thurs- day afternoon, Mrs. (Rev,) Perrin was presented with a brooch, sot with tet• a t la and wriduta. 1 Mrs, Perrin rear has h• en a faithful worker r this society Y uud will be greatly missed upon her removal to Mniirefield.— At the masquerade Carnival held in the rink on Tuesday evening, prizes were awarded as follows :— Best Dressed - Laady, Miss Kate Hazlewood (Canada) Mrs. R. Aitchison (Queen of Hearts) ; Beat Dressed Gent, Austin Rowe (Santa Claus) Ray Carr (Groom); Beet Dressed Girl bliss Fanny Moffatt (Cowboy Girl) Misses Edna Carr and Dorothy Dickson (Milk-m(yids) ; Best Dressed Boy, Hugh McLean (Indian) George Black (Chinaman.) There were -three interesting races. In the ba•reT race, Graham Ballantyne cane in fleet and Robert Meliercher second. 13oy's- race, Laurie Van Velem., and George Sproul ;. Men's Race. Robert• VlcKercher and Anderson Black. Ethel MrtLrnsav apprentices wanted for the Spring season. Apply to Ciao. m. M1TOnat,L, 81•2 Ethel. H. McLelland, of Trenton, is visit- ing his parents here. Miss Minnie Lamont is visiting her slater, Mrs. McKelvey, in Listowel this walk. Council meeting was held here on Moday. Routine business was trans- acted. Geo. Kreuter' has been spending a few days in Heidelberg combining business with pleasure. J. Mills has bought house and lot here and will move to the village allot Ely reagin frd'm farming. Skating and }Jockey is the chief amusement here at present, a good rink beteg prepared on the Matti/old river.. Next Sabbath evening the pastor will take as his topic in the Methodist ehnreln "The firemen Pool," being one of a series he is preaching. L. O. L. No. 831, ET1tICL.— Royal Arch meeting will be held next' M:on- clay night, }+'eb.12th, and all members wishing to take the degeee aro asked to attend, The Epworth League will hold a Valentine Social on Wednesday evening of next week in the Metho- dist church. A musical and literary program will be given. The Song Set vice in the Plesby- teri(nt church last Sarhday evening, under the leadership of Mies Spence, was highly appreciated. Music was of the, befit bonateting of Ahthe ms, Duets, Trios and Quartettes, At- tendance tens large. Collection a- mounted to $4 00. 21 To 1. -List Monday afternoob the regular quaarterly meeting of the Official Board of the Als-thodrat church, Ethel ejecta was held herd,' ACordial and unanimous invitation was extend- ed to Rev. D. Wren, M. A., to continue sail pastor for next Conference year and nialnesous complinteltary things said as , to the (Y(1(1 work rk dnllH both ' g th w aid out of the pulpit, The reverend u gentleman thanked the Board for their kind sienna k9 (at1(1 accepted the invite ion, Salary is.000 oiltsido n a (Y nl Mese keep. Another questlo(t of ire- av ler('st was that of Unwell Union, The vote was very prolottlteed viz 22 to 1, IEdward and Mre McCallum n Mrs. McCallum and Mr. Mitchell are and td brother, Atwood and Ethel Hockey teams had a battle royal last Saturday after. noon here. The visitors won by a score of 5 to 1. Just wait until we strike our gait and we may give Brus- sels a dash. J. L and Mrs. Welsh and family have taken up residence in Ethel. The former is away in the meantime to the West to visit his parents and other relatives and friends. We wel- come them to Ethel. A letter from Henry Ames, of Arden, Manitoba, dated Jan, 20th, in which he enclosed his subscription to TUB POST for 1012, says : "Have had a very nice Winter so far cold, but bright, clear and calm. Thermometer was down to 50 below. Of course I always made it a point to keep my cap 0411304113down when I was out chor- ing." The writer isa son of Mrs, S. Ames a well known resident of Ethel. THE CARNIVAL.—Thursday evening of last week a grand Carnival was held on the rink on the Maitland here and was an unqualified success, There were 13 prizes awarded, donated by the business men and the judges A. H. McDonald, W. Kreuter and Jas. Thompson, had quite a pie :tic in their decisions. Following were_�pprize will. tiers :—Best dressed lady, Edith Fer- guson ; best dressed gent, George Dunbar ; oldest, costume, Alice Heins - worth ; National costume, Dr. Ward - lute ; C011110 costumes Harold Love ; character costume, Russell. Love; boy's race, M. McLelland and R, Remswnr•th ; girl's race, Mary Alc- Lelland ; skating backward, George Colvin, It. Gill ; 8 lap race, P. Stephen- son ; musical chair, P. Stephenson, Everybody had aa'good time and the promoters are to be congratulated on the success of the carnival a children, of Glleiuhwr, Alta„ are vial d tors with Geo, M. and MrsMitchell Morris James Bowman, M. P., was home from Ottawa For a few days. Township Council will -meet next Monday at the Township Hall. Everything is straightened round in S. S. No. 5 and the neov furnace working gond. A new brick residence will be built by Jaynes Grasby, 5th line, which will put his property in fine shape. The Auction Sale of George Grigg's farm stack, implements. etc„ will be held on Thursday next, 151.11 inst. Harry Duncan returned to the West this week after a holiday visit with relatives and Mende here. Ile is l(icated at Pasqua, Sask. ' ' It is said Henry Johnson, 5th line, Evill remodel, enlarge and veneer his present residence. • We are glad to notice these evidences of thrift and roe P erit P Y The appointment pp nnttnenk of Township Clerk Mr Etva n to the position of County Auditor foe this year was a goad move as the tusk could hardly fall in- to better hands. The Auction Sale at, Robert ,Craig's attracted a big crowd and prices ruled high A good cow brought $120 and a span of draft horses was mild for $500. 1Vi11, Craig may go to the West this Spring. Alex. Hood, a former resident of Sunshine, has moved from Saginaw, Mich., to Pontiac, in the same State. He is son of the late George Huod and brother tohlrs. A. T. Cole, of this township. CARD of THANKS.—I wish to hearti- ly thank my neighbors and' friends for their .kindness and assistance dur- ing my illness of seven weeks. Don't know how mach of work would:have been attended to had it not been for their help. hours gratefully, ' W. DAVIDSON. David Badgely, who lives on the farm of Mrs, Maunders, East gravel road, is having a renewal of an old trouble somewhat like a bad attack of neuralgia in his face which is very painful at times but we hope he will anon be free flour it. Joseph Hogg, wife and eau moved from Bluevale to the 8rd line last week. He has bought the farm of John Mason and we wish him good luck in its management: Mr. 'Mason is not having very good health we are sorry to state but we hope he will scum be better. He is over 80 years t of age and has been a hearty y man, .EERY CENT.—Tax Collector Pi cm - tee has finished up his roll totall ng the large sun of $27,114.28 am! next Monday will hand it over to the offi- ciaal hood at the Gummi!. There is no additional percentage added after a certain date hence the Tax Collector has no spur to put on to gather in the coin hence the more to the credit and of the man who completes the job. OYSTER SOPPEIL—A 8Urpl'181' party ofareighbnrs and friends, went to the home of Al bei t and Mrs. Jackson of the 13tH con., Hallett, and nrade-t•hen- selves at.hntne, byspreading a salad- bons oyster supper and invited 11r. and Mrs. Jarkann to sit down to, whish they appreciated very much. The evening was spent 1n songs and ammo and .semi chat. Then all re- turned haeme singing "He's a jelly good fellow," Mt. Jackson tvill.tnove to Robert Craig's fartti, 6011 line of Morris, which he has tented for a term of yeast, OBIT.— Mrs. T1100. Bernard. and Jutnes lternaghan were called to, Eden Grove, Marcelo., to attend the funeral of Alex. Ledgerwood, who died 'Fri- day, Jan, 20th, of pneumonia, with which he had been 111 for only a week. Tris age was 71 yeaI o and 2 months. Mrs. Ladv erwnod died 5S4.11.1.14 lHe is survived by a grown t flintily. The funeral tock ltlar:e Monday after - ooh • to Starkvale cemetery. De- ceased was a P)'esbyte'r't(n. He was brothee to ivies. Bl'nnatrl land an tele to Air: Rernagl an. Mr `Ledge) nod was one of the old teaidenis of the section and wits very' highly es- teemed: W. h'. KERR, Pro/tietor W ted Highest price paid for any quantity of Jogs (Elm and Basswood preferred)) to be de- livered at' Wrn. Oole's 01111, 211d Don, Grey. or at D, %V. Dunbar's, 8th Cou. S. 8. Cole, Ethel Last week Samuel and Miss Minnie Walker were called to Toronto to at- tend the funeral of Wm, Feale /those wife was Miss Jessie Deason, who made her home at Mr. Walker's 'for some years and who will share in the sympathy of old friends in her ber- eavement. Deceased was about 40 years of age and was married last October. Asthma and pleurisy was the cause of death which took place 013 Thursday and the funeral was on Monday, Me, Feale was clerk in the Swiss laundry and the employees show- ed their respect for him by the presen- tation of beautiful flowers and a puree of $35 to the widow. The English church eler'gymau conducted the funeral service. Walton A gond stock of logs is being put in at the McDonald mill. Neil McNeil was at Wingharn last Tuesday attending the Co. Orange Lodge. W. G. and Mrs. McSpadden visited at the home of Mrs. Sam. McSpadden this week, Skating is having its innings here and ice roaster Dennison is busy keep- ing the rink in order, A goodly number from here attend- ed the Monnrieff new church 'opening on Sunday and Monday. Miss Mabel Bennett entertained a large number of friends Tuesday even- ing arid all report a good time. Walton locality will be represented at the Lncknoty — Brussels Hockey match at Brussels Friday evening of this week. The Grigg auction sale of farm stock, implements, &c., takes place next Thursday afternoon and will 110 doubt draw a big crowd. Miss Margaret Ramsay, . who has heel) enjoying a holiday visit among friends in and around Walton, intends leaving for her home in Vancouver shnrtl . y Lln d and. Miss Mag Y r a ret Porter tHe•. entertained a few- friende nn ' Wednes- day. nea- day evening of this week in honor of their cousins who were here from Elmira. Will. Bennett is visiting friends in Walton. His home is in Saskatehe• wan. He came on a visit to his parents and a little bird whispers — but we wont give you away Will. Tenders are being asked for the erection of the - new Presbyterian church here. Advt. may read in this iesm0, Cement blocks will be used for the basement and' Milton pressed brick for -the edifice. Snmebndy says there were 156 pitch. holes on the 1, miles North of here on the gravel road. It ought to be somebody's business to see that the road is kept in better condition, Stanley and Clayton Stewart, of Peel township, were visitors at the home e of H. and Mrs. Porter this week. NIr. Stewart, who recently arr•ivrd from the West for a little sojourn, is gof ond landrSaskatchewan in Saskatchewaidowner having 900cres 200 in Peel Township. He intends returning to the West In the course:'of a few weeks. MATRIMONIAL.—A very pretty wed- tonk place at high neon on Christmas Day at the home of the br'ide's mother Mrs. Emily Moyle, Graysville, Man., when her daughter, Miss Elsie May, wits united in marriage to Russel H. Porter, Formerly. of Walton. Bride who was attired m•abeautifulcostume of cream p(a)lette silk and carrying boquet of white Carnations, entered the drawing room on the arm of her brother William, to the strains of the Wedding march which was 'rendered by Mrs. (Rev.) W. Black, of Ore. When congratulations were extended to the young couple they repaired to the dining renin, which was beauti- fully decorated for the occasion, ac - compatriot' by a large 1311101301. of relatives and friends, where a very sumptuous dinner was repared by the hostess. After partaking of the good things provided the young maple took the 2.30 train for Winnipeg and other points. Alr. Poeter'and bride staar1 marl tett life with hosts of good wishes for their future welfare in which the groatl1'a old Moeda in Huron join. He is an old Huron boy and is well known here being a son of T3, and Mrs. Porter', of Walton, Out. SUNDAY SOixoor CONVENTION.— Last Friday the annual Union Sabbath School Convention in connection with Walton Association 1808 held in Duff's church here and was a profit, able gathering. 'The chair wits need- pied by Rev. Mr. Laekland, the Presi- dent, who gave a ehoet appropriate address. At'r0rnno0 a i1P�1ngrancansist. ed of tapes frena Mrs. 13' rry, A. Gard). net, Mrs. Gardiner. Mit. Rands, Bros• eels W. 1. t' ' Mrs, -Neal Ga tsulc Breese M , ls. Neal and to I v, Air, Lundy, The'illuslrated blackboard address of Mr. Garside on the Lord's Prayer was enjoyed by both the young and olrier people, Subl1cls }veru pa'aoti0al anti olcited many ;rood remits and hints. Rev. Me, Lundy dwelt on the Pocket Testannent League and its benefits, Officers were re-elected excepting 11 President 'to which office Jam Sauillie, a veteran in S S. work, w appointed. '011101• officers etre :--M Berry, Vice -President; W. J. Neu Secretary ; Geo. Grigg, Treasure Evening session was lilied with ad. dresses from Revda. A. U. Wishart, D. E. Cameron and M. Garside, all of Brussels. The offering of $8.00 was sent to the Hospital for Sick Ohildren at Toronto. Singing was gond and Sabbath School workers were encouraged to go into the work with a new zeet. Monday the Official Board rnet iu connection with the Methodist church. es of Walton circuit. Among other matter's brought up for discussion was the question of Ohurch Union. The vote stood 8 for and 1 against. The congregation will express them- selves -at a later date ou the same is- sue by ballot.. DEATH OF MRS. NOLAN.—It 15 our. sad duty to announce the. death of Mee. T. Nolan, of Hullett township. near Walton, which took place on Tuesday evening, Jan 30th. Mrs. Nolan's death was not unexpected as she' had been in failing health for some time, She was born in Nova Scotia in 1829 and with her parents, moved to Tuckersrnith township when quite young where she was married xt St. Oolnmban church. Mr. Nolan pre -deceased her about 11 years ago. They were among the early settlors of the vicinity in which. she died. She leaves a family of 4 daughter's and 3 sons namely:—John, of St, Columban ; James, of Hallett ; Ted, of Grey ; Mrs. John Lamb, Walton ; Mrs. Carbett, Clinton ; Mrs. J. Ryan,Saskatchewan; and Miss Mary of Detroit. Deceased was a kind friend and neighbor and the family have the sympathy of all in their hour of affliction. The funeral took place Friday, Feb. 2nd to St. Michael's church, Blyth, where .re - quieter High Mass was sung by Rev. F. Donn. Miss Ryan, Brussels, acted as organist. Pallbearers were John Rowland, Joseph Ryan, Robert Hnimes, David Watson, Thomas Ryan and William Keller, ]lt Knox Church m �i` 9dr� Open .t e ea%� a�9 Ing a.t MoncriefF 1, • A Great 5ua098111. rine 011urait Property. Grey Alias Kate Telfer is teaching in 5, S. Nu, 6, McKillop for a while. Miss Friede Griese, of Milverton, 18 a visitor with the Misses Telfer, 1616 COM bliss Lottie Jackson id* home from a visit witn her sister in the United States. ' Druggist R., Work, of Toronto, was enjoying a holiday at, the parental hone for a few days. bliss Lizzie Hoover is making• a visit with relatives and friends at Dungannon and the Nile. Mrs.James m e Pear i 8(R was C ailed to OilSpringso naccuun tofthei rinses of her sister, Mrs Jno Robertson. Mrs George McFarlane, who has been quite poorly for several weeks, is very much better we are pleased to state. - • There was no preaching service at either Roe's or Union churches last Sunday as the quarterly sacramental service was held at Ethel. Jno. Ross, formerly of the 2nd of Grey, who has "made good" in the, West is here on a holiday visit. He is welcome bank to the old scenes. W. A. Shaw, of the "Strand" Hotel, Vancouver, B. 0., who is a eon of Angus Shaw, of this township, is spending the Winter in California. Mrs. Shaw accompanied him. Last week Mrs. Joseph Engler of Grey, and Miss Edith Leslie, of Done- gal, were at Berlin attending the wed- ding of Miss Mary Thompson, former- ly of this locality to Ivan Northgraves, of Berlin, Last week R. J. and Mrs. Dougherty tookpossession of the Bateman farm, 8th con., and are now snugly settled. Wo welcome them to the neighbor- hood and will endeavor to make them feel as much at home as possible. A silo will be built by L. Addy, 13th con., next Spring. It will be frame 12x24 feet. He will (alto put up a modern hen house as he and Airs. Addy are greatly interested in poultry. Last Summer Air, Addy bad a duck that layed 72 eggs and what was mo remarkable 71 ducklings were hatched from theta). W. 11. and Mrs, Salter and dangh. ter, of Toronto, and 1Ilos. Engle, of Paw Paw, Mich., are visiting at the Resell home. They were anxious over the ill health of Mrs. Rozell, mother of the ladies mentioned. We 'are pleased to say that some improve- ment is imtice0bie in her condition although she is still confined to bed at the home of V. T. Plum, her brother, in Brussels, Many good. wishes are. expressed for her speedy recovery. HYM1INEAL.— A very 'pretty wed- ding took place at Carmel Church ofthe New Jet'tisttl in in Berlin OD Jan. nth last, when Miss Mary Thompson,, formerly of Grey township, was united in marting° to T. W. North - graves, of Berlin. The bride looked very charming in a dress of Ivory Tamolilie silk trimmed with silver fringe. She wore a veil and carried a hequet of Bridal Roses, Bride was" ably assisted by two. bridesmaids, Miss Edith Leslie, of Atwood and Mise Emily Northgraves, of Berlin, as sistee Of the groom, each of whom carried a bogoet of white Carnations. After the ceremony the, bridal party, to- gether with the guests and invited friends of the congregation,g.1 nceeded ter the soh/nil-room of te church where a very pretty Wedding stepper was at awaiting va ti 1 them. The g' eCoratinne were t v very p lenein and added greatly in. rnakii10a the we( cling a very ani) tae et. d' q m number of handsome, and useful gifts t which were donated by a large tnrels o of friends representing trite 111g1) ea. at teed in which she is held. The Young M couple will reside i11 Berlin, I - An event long looked forward to. viz the opening of the new Presby- terian church, eventuated on Sunday and Monday hist and was an unbound. ed success, Although the weather' WAS 001d an audience of from 400 to 500 useembied Sabbath afternoon. The energetic pastor, Rev. R. A. Lindy, was ubly assisted by Rev. 3. Robertson, B. D., of Toronto, who will be long remembered by the up prepriateness and excellency, of bis serumons. He discoursed in the afternoon on "The institutions that (Hake for life and chxl'aete'" and his applications were most practical. Hiss Mysia Graydon, of Streetsville, sang in excellent voice, "Open the gates of the Temple" and "Happy Day." Hersinging was a great treat. At the evening service a large con gregation assembled and the service was full of interest, Rev. Mr. Robert- son's text was "Rave fervent charity"' and was full' of rich thins. The church choir did their art in 4 p 1 a most excellent manner and deserve the high appreciation they enjoy. In clition to their number Miss Gray- don, - contributed "The Heavenly Song" and did it well. The pastor spoke words of good cheer before the meeting was dismissed. The offering for the day totalled the very respectable;snm of $142. THE NEW CHURCH Moncrieff has good reason to be proud of their fine modern and emu - Portable edifice. Its dimensions', are 36 X50 feet, with a well finished base - meat fitted up for Sabbath School purposes and other social meetings. Building Is well lighted and heated and has an imposing look with its neat tower. Contractor Eizerman, of Mitchell, did a fine job and is to be complimented on his success. The church cost about $5000 but nearly $1000 of this was done by volunteer help as evidence of the heartiness dis- played toward the project. Old church eats sold to Joseph McKay, who will remove it to his farm, Cont- fortable cement horse sheds were built and the only fault to be found with thein is their inadequacy to sup- ply the neceasal y accommodation for the horses belongingtothe,worship» pers. MONDAY NIGIIT'S TEA MEETING There was a bumper -crowd on hand at the Tea Meeting Monday evening. A splendid spread was provided in the basement by the ladies and if the sup- ply had not been most generous they would have run short before be o e the. throngs of people were waited g P e upon. P P The value ue of the basement oat was made apparent in the serving of the excel- lent, supper. Chciee, well rendered. and soulful was the long and varied program giveu in the auditorium over which Rev. Mr. Lundy . presided. To say that all did well is putting a mild interpretation on the production of such a musical and literary bill of fare. It consisted of the following :—Open- ing Open- iugg hymn. by choir and congregation ; sole(, "Loch Lomond," bliss Beatrice Whitfield; R. McDonald, solo, "Island of Dreams" ; duets, "When ye gang awe Jamie" and "Silver threads among the gold," Miss,Beatrice Whit- field and Mr. McDonald • solos, "The song of Heaven and the 'Home Land" and "Tired" by Miss Florence Whit- field ; Walton Quartette, "Profundo Basso" and "Lead Kindly Light ; solos, by Miss Graydon were entitled. "At/Die-Lamle," "Don't you love those eyes that comes from Ireland ('a.;" "i'ierd", and "My ain folk" ; Miss Murray, of Shakespeare, did her part in first' class style in her elocutionary numbers and will be welcome back. Rev. D. Wren, 111. A" of Ethel, gave a well timed address "The mission and power of the church." The flnaneia8 pr'oeeeda were $185.00 and with the Sabbath offering totalled $327.00, a terry 8atisfalet01 y showing. Mrs. (Dr.) Kidd, of Atwood, anti Mr. Nilson, of Munkton,, were unable to be present, the former suffering from a cold and the latter called away from home by the sickness of a relative. Both aro expected next Monday evening. Judging by the size and contents of the baskets brought,' the Moncrieff ladies evidently, expected that there had been a famine in the localities where many attending were coming from. SERVICES CONTINUED Sabbath next the. services will be continued when Rev. A. 0. Wittiest, 13. A. of Brussels, will preach at 2.80 acid 7 p. nt, and bliss Graydon will assist with the musical putobers. Monday evening Rev. Mr: Urquhart,-' or Listowel, will deliver his popular Lecture on "Abe/dram Liucnln' and a gond program of musk will also be ,rendered. t1. big crowd is expected. Rev A O..Wishai't will preach at Moncrit if ehuPeh opening next Sabbath afternoon and evening. Rev; Mr. Lundy, of Walton,' will occupy Melville church pulpit in the evening. The Presbytery n • vt Y f ir'uelph held a pro senate meeting Wednesday morning of last week in "St. Andrew's church to consider the call of Koos church, Tees water, to Rev. W. A Bradley, of Ber- lin '1`lte Knox church, '1'eeswater' Con. gregation was represehied by Rev. M r. Pel•rie, of Winghau, and Mt' Little,. of 'l'eesweter, and they pressed the call .tar's strangle k r I the Harlin 'h g y t note was also represented by three members and they urged against the call, as they. wished to retain Mr, Bradley, The ent. > leo beitiii received a great M atter was finally i'eft in the hands of r. Bradley, who auceplled the call and rOil preach his farewell sermon of Berlin ebruarw rah Baring 1118 vacancy' St. Andrew's Church, 13er1(n, Rev, 1' Lynn, of that town. will Act ltiolicralor;