HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-2-1, Page 8Wrt M.wat vitt aHyCOIds Valentines Are going the rounds anti ere not to neglected. Be on the safe side and take in 'hand right on the start by getable' a bottle of situ Clough Medi- - eine. We recolnmepd • 'Cherry Hark Cough Syrup or Olood Rout Cough Cure 'rinse are safe and effectual remed- ies, and when, taken in time seldom fail to produce a cine for a cold. We. have many satisfied customers for these preparations. Try a bottle the price is 25c. full assortment of Cough Drops Chlorodyne Cough Lozengers, Lic- orice -Jujubes, Throat Pastillis, Ste. Pure Horehound Twist 200 a pound. St, Valentine's Rayl Wednesday, Feb. 14th The custom of sentling Greetipgs on Valentine's. Pay bas`growu stesdilY in favorand to fill the -demand we have a beautiful newatook of , Valentine •Postal Cards Pretty and appropriate designs at a for 50, and 50 and zoe each. Be up. to-dateand send a Valeutiue Post Card.' fancy Valentines In elaborate designs from toe up to $I.00 Very pretty ones at 25c, Lace Valentines from 50 up. Latest Valentine Novelties These are the newest thing we can get and some of them are excess' Honally clever. See them. ?'fie Stare F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. iraI 4t,ebus Item FEBRUARY: • THE ice harvest is on, DAY', are lengthening, HocKEY next Tuesday night. COUNCIL meeting next Monday. SostooL Board Friday evening cf next Week. Din you read Satltt191 Carter's advt. in this issue ? • Ts uasDA,v rot this week is the monthly forae-'Fair. 1 AucTIoN sales are lively. Watch THE Pos'rtor dates. LUCKNow curlers were here Thurs- day of this week. Four rinks came. PRE Pryne Co. flauriug mill is under goiug an overhauling at,d new machin- ery being installed. ANY persons having accounts against R. Trench over the erection of the skat- ing rick in Brussels is asked to send it to hint at 'reeswater, JUNIOR HocKEY-Friday evening of this week the Winghan High School Hockey teamwill play a match with Brussels Juniors on the riok here. Game called at 7 15 sharp. Skstiog at 8.30. See the game KEEPING IN 'I'ouctt --J. W. Mowbray writing from Fort William sass: -"We find THE Por a good medium of keep- ing in touch with what is going ou in old Ontario. Have been having very. cold weather but not much snow." Tuts parents of the groom expectant in the following notice were former residents ofr s Brussels, Geo. and Mrs. u Armstrong. , The Spokane g P (Wash ) Chronicle of January nth Says: -At a pretty luncheon this afternoon, the en gagement 0t Miss Georgia Stimmel, daughter of G. R. Stimmel, 1554 Mallon Avenue and Secord Armstrong, son of Mr and Mrs. George W. Armstrong, E2oo7 Ninth avenue was announce The wedding will occur early in March. Mr. Aimstrong is with the commercial department of the Spokane Gas coin pane, His father was a former water commissioner of Spokane. CURLING CLUE -Tuesday evening of last week a meeting was called for the organization of a Curling Club, a spurt Brussels always excelled in but not get - at -able owing to the absence of a rink until this season. Atter the usual pre- liminaries officers were elected as fol. lows 1 -Hon- Pres., J, Leckie ; Pres., F.Rowland • Viee�Pre T.s„ G. C. Manners ; Sec:-Treas., A. Strachan, Managing Committee consists of the officers ffic rs and R Leatherdale and o a C. Ro s. The skips are J D. Warwick. G. C. Manners, Jno. Duncan, F. S. Scott J. T.Ross. D. C. Ross, A. R, Currie and G. F Rowland. Good sport is af- forded and other local matches will be arranged. TEtELATE Mos. (REV) HARRIS. -The Guelph Mercury of last week sous ;- Both services at Dublin Street Metho dist Church Sunday were in charge of the pastor, Rev R. H. Bell. In the nlorniug a memorial service was preach- ed in remembrance of the late Mrs. (Rev ) Harris, the pastor being assisted by Rev, Dr Hende•soi and Rev. Mr. Walker Rev, Dr. Henderson, who had known Mrs. Harris for the past 28 years spoke of her life and sterling character, of her wonderful knowledge of scripture and of her :power and influence with young people Her personal experience had been clear and definite, He dwelt en the tufluence of home training and family religion. 'Rev Mr. Bell had never known deceased wbeu she was well and strong, but only during her illness and he was much impressed with what Dr. Henderson had said He spoke from the last text quoted by Mrs. Harris, from Hebrews 16• "Let us therefoie draw near with bold mess, unto the throne of grace, that we may find grace to help in time of need," a fitting testimony of faith. CARNIVAL; -The first skating carnival held on the new rink, Brussels, Caine off on Thursday evening of last week and Was a great success, Attendance was large, ice good and costumes varied, numerous, many of them representatiee and not a few provoking many a hearty laugh. No light task fell to the -Judges. in making the awards The list of prize whiners was as follows :-Best dressed lady, y, Mlsa Cora 13x11 ; bestmixed quartette skate while singing, Misses Carrie Hiegston and Pearl Sharpe and L, Eckmier and Fred, Hunted best A dressed gent, J. Currie 1 best comic at gent, t T,Walker ; beet National costume, te Miss Stella Gerry; best dressed boy, 1. ri Ballantyne; best dressed girl, Jean Fox; • Al t best character costume, A, Fox and C. ce Moore • mile race, A. Elawkehaw ; Be musical chair, Cline Scott. The prizes pr Were made up of useful articles, most 00 Of them e0nsisting tsar weariltg te apparel. Muria& seteetious were ren- of dered by a Union Brass - Band. An- : ac other carnival will be held in the course Af of a few weeks. Watch out for the date. di Mr. 'rrtench, proprietor, deserves wa credit for' the liberality of the prizes. on . Receipts for the,evening were about E +' $r3o.00. 1 of Co. Council report is crowded out this week but will appear inr"next issue, A CAR of core and agar of bran and shorts were receivey this week by the Pryne MilIigg C'8 THE, Laval Legion will meet _Friday of this week. at 4.15. A good attendance asked for. ACCIDENT - l'uesrlav Harold Camp hell, son of Angus Campbell, .Mill street, had a finger badly bruised and he nail torn off while employed in the Ameut factory, WEDNESDAY and Thursday of next week are the dales of the Fairs' Asso- ciation in Toronto. George Robb and A C. Dames are the delegates from East Huron Agricultural Society. -o - DaAY bushtese Inc sale. Possession given immediately. For further particulate apply to B HENDERSON. Brnaaela. FOR sale a good 4 year old rondater. set of tole harness road cutter t a g , 4A. and rubber tired top buggy. alNa J A.HoNmse, Brttseala. DIAwa work table oloth found. Owner may obtain it by proving property and paying Inc this notice, Trls PORT 2106 FOR SALs.-1 young Yorkshire now with litter of 18 pigs at foot, also I sow due' to litter this month. Bargahts to quick puroirasers. Apply to J. P. MOINTosn, Phone 620 Cranbrook P. 0. TWO sows for sale, one to farrow in march and the other about 1st' of April. Also 9 young pigs 8 weeks old Apply to CHAS. LOVE, 81-2 Phone 2612 Cranbrook P. 0, A summit of box holders are over 0 months in urreere for their box rent at the neatence. As rent is payable in advance and the year ends on the 1st day of Tune kindly call and ar- range the same. F. 8 Soma', Poatniaater, Dr* strayed on farm of undersigned. A fox -terrier. NORMAN LAMONT. 8th non. Grey township. IF your saws do not snit you call and ex- change with me or I will sell to you at coat. T. MaGttxooa, Brunetti. Rorie Ste Part DOZRN - Now Is the time to feed ground bone which is the beat known producer of eggs. For sale by BARRER Boos. Hones and lot, eligibly situated in Brussels, for sale or to rent. Further particulars may be obtained from Mra R. Dark, or Dr. Holmes• FOR SALE OR TO RENT -House and let on. Turnberry street, Brnosetls, belonging to Thoa. Ninholle, Forfurther pnrtdeularsapply to A, F, Stewart, Brussels South. -0 BRUSSELS hockevists went to Luck uow Tuesday evening and tested the puck chasers of that town. The home boys had the better end of the play at the start but Brussels put up a lively. finish but not strong enough to win The score was 9.5. T. H. and Mrs, Cooper and daughter, Madeline, of Regina, have been visit- ing in town during the past week. Mrs. Cooper is a grand daughter of S. and Mrs. Crawford of Brussels, being daughter of George and Mrs Mooney formerly of this locality, now of Gull Lake, Sask. FAIRS ASSOCIATION 'ro MEET -The Comm Assuctatiun of Fairs and Ex• htbitions will hold its twelfth annual Convention in the City Hall, Toronto, nd 8, Feb,. 7when representatives from all districts in the province, including New Liskeard, Parry Sound, and eve the disloyal town of Kendra, are expect ed to be present. Hon, Martin Burrell, Dominion Minister of Agriculture; Hon J. S. Duff, Ontario Minister of Agriculture ; President Harrison of Macdonald Colleee, Quebec, and Profen sons Zavltz and Day tit the 0 A C will give addresses john Farrell, of Forest, will introduce the gnes•ion of increased Federal and Provo:dal grants to Agri- culture and a number of changes in the rules and regulatious of Fairs will be suggested by George Raikes of Barrie Geo. Robb and A C Dames will rep- resent East Huron Society, their MATaimornaL -Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, a quiet wedding took place at the Methocist Parsonage Brussels, when Rev, Drn 0 eusxf e k he , m sac a words that atm e ad Robert F Sheehan well known imams n a y g gentleman of this lo- cality and brother to A Strachan of Brussels and Miss Josephine, daughter of M. and hits Buchanan, of Brussels, busbantl and wife, They were unat- tended Bride wore her fleet travelling costume. Mr. and Mrs Strachan took the afternoon express for a wedding trip to Toronto, Orillia and other points and on their return will take up house• keeping on the groom's farm in Grey. Many good wishes are extended by a wide circle of relatives for a long, happy and prosperous life. A N I LAY-HAMMiLL -A quiet wedding took place at the horde of 5 and Mre, Hammitt, Beverly RAnOil, Parkland, iia., on 'Ihuyaday afternoon, Ian 2510, o'clock, when their I it sec on d dao h- g r Miss Edith hA , . was united in mar age to Harry 1,1 Ainlav, of Parkland, to , formerly of Brussels, Ont. The rernopy was performed by Rev, J F. rry, of High River,' Alta., in the esenoe,of the immediate friends of the etracting parties, They were ting - tided The bride, received a number beautiful presents from friends and quaitltanees, including cheques, ler the ceremony all repaired to the nin room m where a dAtnty luncheon s nerved The bride and groom left tate evening trail for Calgary told dmomon followed by the best wishes heir friends, .w.sww*.nrr�.'e using SS .f hance is often missed when it might have been easily embraced by Systematic Saving Begin now to+prepare for the day of o • portunity by depositing your savings In The METROPOLITAN BANK $1.00 OR MORE OPENS AN AOOOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY. MANAGER A Rural telephone has been installed in the new skating and curling rink. E T VAL N INE SOCIAL 'r hede La i s' Aid of Melville church purpose holding a Valentine Social in Brussels T,wn HO. on Tuesday evening Lath inst.. An ex- cellent program will be presented and tastv Ilunch served,. 1Es aX -evening the concluding e EIe;,•kt:v match in the first round of the 1Vorthern League will be played on Brussels rink. Lucknow will be the competitors of the local team, The boys from the North play a strong game and will do their hest to win. Brussels will not allow them a walk over, NEW EXPRES. AGENT. -rated Wright, of Brussels, has been appointed Express Agent as successor to J H. Kerney, re signed, and is now, fully installed. He will give it his personal attention and should to"k after it in first class style, Ills hetidgaarters are in the Stretton block wl.ere Mr. Kerney was. W. C. 'r U,= The January meetiug of Brussels W. C, '1', U was held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Elliott. Mrs, Hill lead the devotional exercise after which the President took the chair and conducted the business. Afterthe reading of the minutes the matter of in- viting Mrs. Follick, Couuty President of the W. C. T. U., to visit and address the Brussels branch was discussed and it was decided to invite her to be present at the February meeting, Miss Winnie McGuire was present and favored those present with a well rendered piano solo atter which Rev. Dr, Oaten gave a very practical address ou Legislation and La.v euforcernent. It was decided to hold the February meeting in the Public Library audience room, MRS SPRO,ULE'S STAND. -Mrs. Sproule, wife of the Hon, Dr. Sproule,' Speaker of the House of Commons has given orders that 130 wines or ibtoxicatin iquors will be used at dinners or othe a ictal functions in the Speaker' Chamber during her reign as mistress o 'he official residence. Mrs. Sproule ha been:a lifelong ardent advocate of Tem perance reform and has been•'of .gtea saaistance to her husband who bold strongly the same views. It is general] admitted that the standard of pubii life in this respect has been greatly rail ed through the .example of the preset] Premier, Hon R. L. Borden and th late Premier Sir Wilfrid Laurier, bolt of whom are tetotallers an.1 have been vigorous In coudemaation of intern= perance. TEA MEETING.- The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church had a 'yea Meet mg Tuesday evening of this week which resulted successfully and pleasantly. After an A 1 supper bad been dispatch- ed the' program was rendered in the auditorium of the church, Rev. Dr. Oaten, pastor. presided. I consisted of the following :-Solo, "If I were a voice," Rev. Dr Ross, of Hanover ; prayer by Rev, D B McRae, of Cran- brook • solo, o o, "Launch out into the dee " Rev D N MaCamu p. s, i.ondon ; address on .••'The Benefits of Organic Church Union" by Rev. Dr, Ross solo, F. H. Gilroy ; address, "Reasons why tate Methodist church should not support church unun," Rev. D N McCantus; trio, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought," Misses Lizzie Downing end Alta Prvne v and F HGr 'Ir ov. A vote of thanks was moved to the speakers b B Gerrv, seconded Rev, A Wishart of Melville chnrch, Brussels, and aup- pnrted by W H Kerr, after which the Dnxologv was sung and Rev. D 'Wren, M. A , of Ethel, probouuced the Bene- diction Each of the speakers were allotted S' of an hour attd both stuck to their text well. Dr. Ross gave an opti- mistic summary of the reasons why Union was desirable, showed the points of advantage and prophesied good re- sults, His opinion was that federation would not meet the case. The address was clear cut and happy. Rev, Mr. MoCamus dealt with what 'Methodism would lose in his judgment 1 thought the general Conference did not pursue the proper course on the question and opined that such a union could not work satisfactorily, Rev Mr. MuCamus is a strong o speaker andI 1 arrin the t.au t' gs tL Pg defended his side of the argument in an able mender. Whether the audience was any clearer on fhe main question after hearing the two presentations,. so opposite in some respects, is a matter of doubt. ek from The West 'Now that friends are v!sitingfrnm the Weat and others are preparing to leave for the West I have de- cided to place .at "your choice all my best styles of photogrupheat reduced rates and will give sittings horn Tan. 26th to Feb, 28th (with the exception of. Feb. 6, 7 and 8.) Those who sit early will' have first choice of style and Huish, On Feb. 6, 7 and 8 I will be in To - ionto attending the Eastman School of Profeasional Photogra- phy, conducted by exlleeta from - New York and Rochester, .where every up-to-date process will be demonstrated, G. F. M AIT Brussels Busse ' aeor 4oH. R. Brewer P. S. -Ladies, make a note of it 1 This is Leap Year. A first -chess photo. will be in requisition. Next Sabbath will be .the quarterly Communion in the .Methodist ehureli Test itnonv service will open at to a, m., followed by the regular sermon and ' Sacrament. - Official. Board 'Tuesday s evening when the inembe.r, will record their vote on Church .Union. The 8' congregational ballots will be distributed _ at a.later date"First things first" will be the Sabbath evening subject. t s PRESBYTERY. -A large congregation y gathered in the Presbyterian church for o the' ordination of William Mackintosh 10 the ministry and his induction' to the t pastoral charge' of St Helens and East e Ashfield Among the ministers present I were Rev.• Hardy, of Lochalsh • R. Perrie, of Wingham ; Rev. Bremner, of Ripley ; Rev. West. of Blnevale • Rev. Duncan of Lucknow and Rev 'Fergu- son,- of Belgrave Mr. McIntosh is a recent graduate of Montreal College, Church Chimes In discussing the question of Church Union last Sabbath morning Rev Dr. Oaten expressed his intention of voting for it as he believed it would tend town extetslo s of the hspread of the t e kdngdom. ANNUAL, MEETING, -Tuesday everting of last week the annual meeting of Mel- ville church was held when a large audience Wes present, The pastor oc- cupied the chaff, Reports were present- ed from the various societies of the con•. gregatiou and were considered meet satisfactory. General receipts for Igil totalled B2593,61 and the expenditure j $2261,57, leaving a balance of 9332 04. Missionary receipts totalled the splen- did sum of St25261.' Following new members of the Hoard wet a elected A. Strachan, W. Armstrong, M. H. Moore and Oliphant Smith, M. Black People We Tante About J. T. Wood was at Grand Valley for it few days. - - Miss Lily Sharpe has gone to'roronto for a visit. Estill/Med len OF CANADA eo Brandie, MONEY ORDERS FOR SMALL SUMS Safety, convenience and low .colt unite ,to make Money Orders issued by this Bank a most satisfactory way of sending small surds to any part of Canada. Under $5 . ; . 3c. $10 to $3Q..... 10c. . $5 to $10 . ", , 6c. $30 to $50 ... ,15c. Drafts issued for larger amounts. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. a BRUSSELS !MANCE! J. F. Ftox+sland, Mantader LI .n and son Wlilie of London are visiting relatives' and friends in town. Mrs S Grills, and daughter Mrs. Hemsworth, and habv daughter, Marion, are visitors at R. Leatherdele s: Will McKay was oo the sick list with threatened appendicitis b t i i u s improv- ing P m now we are pleased aced to stare Gordon Murchison, of Kendersby, Sask., was visiting his sunt, Mrs, Tames Sherrie, Brussels, during the past week R Leatherdale win attend the Grand Lodge of the A. 0 U. W. at Toronto as the representative of Brussels Lodge. Russell Brown has taken a position in a Toronto drug store . The Hockey team will miss him as he is n good play- er. Miss Edna Watson, of the 5th line. Morris: is under instruction at the Central Telephone office of the Rural lm@. Miss Alice Bell and Will. Bell, of -Londesbero' were visitors with Miss Winnie McGuire, William street, last week Oliver and Mrs. Qnerin and chilsien, of Barrie, are .visiring in town, Mr. Querin has soul his battering business and wilt go West. Jonenh and ,Mrs. Murr, will :remove' from Brussels to Berlin and make their, hone with their • son John. '1'heY will he leaving in the course of a month, Mrs. R F Uren, of Ingersoll,' fell` at her home on Tuesday and. fractured her right thigh bone, The accident is all the more serious owing to tele fact that Mrs Uren's health has been impaired for some Nme. Site 14 a sister to the Misses Halliday, of Brussels, Miss Ellie McLachlan, and W P Ritchie, of Portage la -Prairie, Man , came with the remains of the late John .McLachlan last -week • The former is a daughter of the deceased .and Mr. Ritchie a son in-law.. They returned home this week lames McLachlin, Who was also here I'as resumed teaching in 'l'urnherry to%niship. The Newcastle Independent speaks on follows of Joe Wilton; son of S end Mrs Wilton. of Brussels': -After A 1 year's sojnur0 with us, kicking but n few stars, during- which period he has become acquainted with this whsle enm munity .and made ao many 'riends.by is ',tinging sad helpful, disposition as be his sociability, log Wilton, teller in this agency of the Standard Bank, leaves to day for a similar position with this bank at Cnlbnrne, where the Independ ant Wishes hint all success and bespeaks for him thecnnfi fence of the community Mr Hoover, of Camphellfdrd, takes Mr. Wilton's place behind the Standard cage in this village. Wingham Maas Rliea-Emigh is visitiiig' Luck bliss May Coulter, of Toronto, is now friends. visiting with hoe Parente. Chester e Co eland who has a been . Attu Mrs. Ewan have been laid up s,111 with the grippe for some days, hits recovered-suftirenf- Mtse Anoka M • ly to resume his duties as mail clerk. friends in nienovetuarrie is visiting with Work is being rushed on the big G 8. R. Fireman Eruest Miller wits annewd factnt•y of the Waatern Finnndry borne on I'barsday, putinread,y the fltame work ie' being Rev Dr Oaten was in Toronto for a- put ittE lame. of Tilbstey, has taken few data this week. over the management of the local Mrs E. W flow s le r etre r img old branch of the o friendships ie, win rDominion Bank and i l tiff nuc oe eds Mr.Geikie, who left recently' Miss Manske Cardiff is back from a fat Tomtit• visit to Stratford and Lucas, Mr. Merklev, who formerly Mary King, of Bluevsle, wee ed' a grist mill here, has disposed of visiting ;Miss Millie Grewa r, last acek' his and Iltt:s gone so Palmer-' Mrs, W. I Wllkis, of Whone 10 was egnll, ivhe•re he hneaccepted a position a visitor t the parental home in town with rhe Geand 'frank, IASL week. The Anglican sting People's Aeso-. tehoi Friendship, of Teeswater, •tele cif Mi o gave a benefit omicert do add lrast wieg aid frintdshipe ie, Brussels of Mies Houghton, who was reoahtly last week. al Holten with paralysis, and who is Mrs. Will, Sellars and ,Miss Lena, of still quite ill in Wingham Hospital. Wingham,, called on old friends' here There ivas a, largo attendance and a this week. • , fine progl'wnt was thoroughly enjoyed, ••F••••••4••+•+•+•4•044•E44.0•01;44•1•0•F0.1••4••443•••M••••••••••••F• MARRIED, - AINLAY HAliMn t, At,U'k n P ]e d Alta on Riv, r, M 6l ley D. l Be, f of ]v of River Mr Larry dl Aln.,, formerly of Brussels to Mias Edith A,. second daughter of B. and Mme. Hnmmill, both of Parkland, Alta BTRAOIIAN-BLOHASAN-- At the Methodist Pareonaee, Brussels, by Rev. Dr. Oaten, on JanuaryMr, 81st. . Robert eF.e hlso, nn of cera tOWltehi to 61 y it las Josophlno, u, of taro[ Mr, snd over. Ma9r Bttakamn, oY Brussels. DIED OAaMIOHAEL,-In Wroxeter, on ,Tan. 29111, Jean Hamilton, reliot of the late' J110. Car- michael, aged 90 years. AUCTION SALES FRIDAY, FRE. 2ND, -Farm :stook, imple- ments. @e et N15 Lot 28, Con. 6, Morris, Sale without reserve et 1 p m: Wm. Anderson, Prop • F S•Bcott, Ana, TnmiaoAY, FAS, 15, -Farm' stook, !mole• menu etc., Lot 25, Oen. 10. Morris township, 111 miles Weat of Walton 1. ,tale unreserved, at 1 p_.m,•' GEORGE Gar00, Prop,, F. S. Scott, ... Terrace, FaE. 24 -Household Furniture:' errace, Turnberryy street, Bmi•sels Sale at 2 p. m, JOSEPH Mims, Prop. F S. Scott, Auc, The People's 'Column I„ -OR RALE. -Pony ' harness, buggy, anttnr and wagon ; also 2 totaet Lha G T R.'sta- tion. Will neoept 4 21 for ell or will sell sap• orate and .on time to the right Man, 28.51 - JAB. SHARP. -Bulls for Sale For sale, on Lot 10,0on, 8,' Grey, fwd there, - bred Durham bulls 8 and 9 menthe old '• Grand 'Aire Mid ' data imported by the Hort. 'John Dry- den ; sire. "Sibtytmt Victor," oneof the bent bred bulls in Canada, Quality and prices right. D. W. I/DHSSR, 820.4 Ethel P. O. .Stock for Sale Nine choicely bred Short Horn Bulls, 8 to 19 menthe old, rade and roans, inclnding tlre.lat and 2nd prize winners at 19nat Huron ball Showa 'Are Se geand'fali of quality from goad. milking dames. got by imported sire and some of them from imported.dane, Cows end heif- ers prise winners 61 head toselect from. have Mao for pale a 7 months' aid filly by Ser. on Bleck, imported'; a good work horse; a few pairs of grade Leicester ewes.; and it pair of young Yorkshire sows 1,011f -ter in March. They are out of a litter of 14 and their dam had .58 Coed living. pies at 4 litters, As food is likely to bescarceI will sell any of the above stbolc' at lowest prices RUH-nn paw terms" DAVID `MILNE.Ethel; Ont. u+.e .ami aea •are. :�'..• . www abea •,¢fr;00:99 9seeed••3•®••613 4 l 9 . a Feas' x 't 0 80(41• ®r O 0 PI 6 etre x If i.our Blood Root Gough SI (lbw MI Is to cure your ri ecough or e*11 youget, cit buck i •101 yarn paid foe 11, p 0Yrivavesureofitp1158nr 03 {r O the paste back, Nothing _ c'' o mina; Nivel. 1hati that. e rs t4 Wsaye ore [hiding a sld ad- p 8 ilv grmviug demand for ci this populist' Cough Rem - e . •o a If you have a Cold, 0,•a Gough or any 1 rouble of el i i the throat, lungs ov air 0di. • pass/toe try one BLOOD `A ® BOOT COUGH CURB. 9 N 4a O per Bottle oft a el kl AT o 0 f3 g' S t r ''s•,..,,.•f'' f07 . D w i - r DRUGis e STORE 9 tit ri 0•0000900099800900009900taa • e 9 BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat Oats Peas .............. .... Barley .. Butter ............. 40 8488 80.88 86 1 00 05 76 1 80 v0 uo Potatoes- -- . 75 any 12 00 12 00 Hugo estate 4 0101 - 0 70 Wopl 12 18 Auction Sales AU.:11t1N tiA, ffi 05' 1151 S7.Oi1K, I6f- t'I saisNrer Sro 1,, 13 Mott, „linl'ial,ei' hes bete mrn•n,:tru by the nude, a•gned Eo sell by nubile 1001100 at Lot 25, (Ion i0 Morels. pn elmrsdg-,, February 1011,, at 1 0'010011 sharp the following Tr o 1ei N 1 , heavy duff t mare sui,ig53od ta 51 'to Bursae,twn Golddraft hero, rdsaJ' Uyears sited by 'ear,, Gold, 1 Leavy draft gelding rising.4 years, 1drivinggelding-isang 8 years, 1 cult rising 1 your aired .by'Bursar. 1 registrlyd Shorthorn heifer in calf, 4 grade news Mite cell. 1cow calved 'month 'g'), 8 heifers .11 mot 8 rearm in wilt, 2 young ea limo, 6 steers rising 1 0 ear, 1tt•ifere risingl pars, 4 steers Moine '11 years, 1 sow -with pig. li•etorr piggs, ahem. 100 bens, 1 Frost Wood bfutler." t iY eying mower 1 mower with pee harvester, 1 Me-H-y•H, rria enitivat• or, 1 set a drill, 1 turnip. seeder, 1 steel land drill, 1 Per In -on ule farrow riding plow, 2 wa Ildtig plow,, .2 seta iron harrows, 2, horse Takeo one neaety new, '1 discs harrow, 1 90ualter with laonldo,•1 truck wng(n, Heather wagon, 1 vet bob-eleigha, 1 set of light, bob -sleighs, 1 • dabble buggy, 1 hay reek, 1 stook and hay reek oonibmed,. 8 eras of double harness 1 set or olsgte bbr's,,oe, 1 road cart, 1 gravel box. 1 horse power, 1 Olintou fanning mill, 1 set 1000 pound weigh settles, 1 bay fork, oar, alines, i'otaee and puileya; 2 sugar kettles, 1 Ideal ar.'net aemnntni•, 1 root pithier, l bag truck,1 eau plow, 1 three-fn•rosy plow, n quantity of nennr pasta,' about 1291 t belt mixed hnrtey alld.wheat,. also some -seed barley. a large quantity of gond eleap.0853, forks, Minh's, hoes glove's. paathnle anger mol other n rt ides too mimernus to mention. Rale nit r'aerved m. pro. g nriotor is gleintin rat:Mule, Terme- S6 Gland under r +h; Oyer that ant onnt Omenthe or'edit will be glean on .fit nlshrng anpl•oved' feint note.: 4 ner cent off m• cash on -made amounts, prxhttn bn MIA, • 9E0, t4RT9G, Proprietor, •Fi-r•••e•••t••••••F••i'••F•a••dr•d•10+0l e+•.1.04.•a.••t•♦a••+al•®4•4•4•4•c•4; • • • Bign alt is .'i' • i' 9 For You I i• • d• • • d• 3e• •S• • ,1. • • • • • • •• d• • •• e •N •Oeeringrte• Implementi• • • IAM entering on my second year as Local Agent for dile Deering Agricultural Implements m • '4, prepared to supply all comers with verkind of I. • • Machinery required. y + Also handlei •r • the well known McLaughlin and •s' Gray & Sons Carriage Goods. One e • that h-ggrade only and .� .htebest.S in Prh,ts ICream _.. • I 'iUl►Machifes Jewinglac/ines 1• haveWe' now 'n stock our : first shipment7r lt of Spring 1 1 g •+ and reamJeRar Separators instock •• - Prints in Light, Medium .n. 1.., Patterns. o+ i DDWN GO P •i i d s r � ICES E now offer the balance of our IN' stockU f Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Men's Fur and Fur -lined Coats at Spec. lav 'Clearing Prices. Also ail Ladies', Children's- arad Misses' Cloth Coats, Ladies' Fur and Fur - lined Coats Ladies' Cloth Coats with Fear Collars. They all goat and beiow Cost, Don't miss the, opportunity of getting a cheap Coat. • '1• • in Musical Goods Kitchen Cabinets • wo handle Pianos, Organs, and the If you want a Chatham Kitohen ' • celebrated Edison Phonographs. Cabinet corse to our oho befog; 1 Call ill and see the liar pins, p v...-+---- it het e, was reappointed Secretary`I reasurer g euro lu8in olsew and Miss Kele McCallum Caretaker ,t. The working'' force of Ilie church is in • •rid heart and start + • Tia g t t era on 1952 fell of , 7g'M'US5el5• ♦ � year, record of the eltRTER' • • past •••••M•.t44.4)+41,4,N•:'•4••+••••+•+.4.••'1iW .1;04•♦•F•^E 4•04.•4••+i1+••t• * 4+4.40•••'k•+•*•4.9•••N• t ant . urian to Otildo the4. �••�•••tslbF••,•f•+r•k0N►t:sike!•••{il afis/ •. Standard Patterns and Fashion Sheets fee February.