The Brussels Post, 1912-2-1, Page 7LTH ca�•wQ.-� ta.�.s�-o•�ro�.v DIAGNOSIS BY THE X-RAYS, The discovery of the Roentgen Rays has resulted in the allevia- tion of much human suffering, Un- doubtedly the future will teach us much more about these wonderful rays, and the field of their useful- ness will be enlarged in ways that - are as yet unguessed, Even as far as we have got, their help to physi- cians in diagnosis can hardly be es- timated in words. In many cases of bone trouble in former days it was almost impos- sible to arrive at a correct diagno- sis, a d patients have been submit- ted to painful and disagreeable treatment lasting for months or even years, on the supposition that their persistent lameness and con- stant pain in a joint were due to a sprain or strain, or to rheum-- tism or neuralgia, or whatever it might be called, To -day, when such a case does not yield to treat- ment as it should, it is examined by the X-rays, with the frequent result that an unsuspected fracture is found to be at the root Qf the trouble. Oaseshave been report- ed where patients have walked, or rather limped about, for month's with the aid of a cane, and where the only prominent symptoms besides' lameness were pain and persistent swelling. The examination by the ray disclosed net only the fracture of the bone, but also its exact na- ture and extent. The rays aro equally valuable in determining the results of treat- ment; sthe surgeon being able to Lad out by them whether a fracture or dislocation has been properly re- duced. In the case of foreign bodies, it is now generally conceded that the rays are by far the best means of locating them. In former days all foreign bodies, from the soldier's bullet to the baby's coin or safety - pin, had to be searched for by praise and guesswork, often to the great pain and danger of the patient. Many a valuable life has passed out because of the inability of the phy- sician to iodate the assassin's bul- let, One doctor has invented a very clever apparatus -for locating foreign bodies in the eyeball. • The calculi or .stones that form in the blander end kidneys are now discovered ,by Roentgen Rays; Whereas only a short time ago many experimental operations were per- formed where these were supposed to exist, The rays are also used to determine the state of the lungs in tuberculosis, of the pleural cavity in pleurisy, and the shape and size of the heart in heart -disease. — Youth's Companion, HELP FOR INSOMNIA. Insomnia is a condition which is met with almost daily, yet it is one which is treated only too frequently in some routine fashion, and often enough baffles treatment alto- gether. In the case of persons sleepless owing to troubles, says Dr. C. Willett Cunningham, writ- ing in The Hospital, words of wis- dom will be more valuable than even the most ingenious prescrip- tion, There remains, however, a number of patients who have no- thing on their minds and yet can- not sleep. In some there is a fam- ily tendency, in others a habit has grown perhaps from small begin- nings. These are exceedingly dif- ficult to manage successfully, In this class of sleeplessness one should have the bedroom absolutely dark and quiet at night. Ventilation is also important, Cold feet will keep other people awake. In habit cases it may help to advise a change of bedroom or oven of house for a time. The evening meal is an im- portant matter, but no general rule can be Jaid down. The late dinner of tho full-blooded, over -nourished Ivan needs curtailing, while the thin, dyspeptic, nervous woman re- quires more nourishment. For them some easily digested milk food the Last thing at night is 'useful: Tea and coffee are best avoided, especially in the latter part of the day. On theoretical grounds alco- hol is best abstained from, but in people over fifty it is seldom wisp to change a habit which may be - .come second nature. A "night- ea,p" has its obvious objections. Extra pillows are useful. The pa- tient should spend as much time as possible in the open. BEFORE AND AFTER, Tommy --•"Pon, what's the dit- ference between an epithet and an epitaph 7". r.Conrmy's Poli—"One is applied: to A man before ho is dead,• and the other afterward." "What names would you suggest for a list of the world's greatest on 7" "None," replied M. Meek - "After talking with- Henri- I'm inclined to think there any such thing;,, ellie—Is' that fellow of yours et: going to get up the conlrage propose,. Belle—Guess not. He's an hourglass. 1Vpilxe-An r giant Belli --Yes, the more e ho gets the lees sand he hila. AN OPEN LETTER From a Well Known Clergyman showing How Indigeatieir Can Be Med, Rev, T. A. Drury, . Beainsville, Ont„ writes as follows—"For eighteen -years I have been increas- ingly impressed with the wonder- ful effects for good wrought by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. For some years I had suffered almost con- stantly with chronic dyspepsia of the most stubborn type, attended by different other troubles which in- variably follow, or accompany it as its results, Prominent among which were kidney trouble and piles. Against this complication of dis- ease isease I waged 4 vigorous warfare for several months, using many differ- ent remedies, none of which gave permanent relief. In my discour- agement I was about to discontinue treatment altogether when I was advised by a friend to try Dr. Wil- Iiams' Pink Pills, the use of which though under very unfavorable cir- cumstances, soon revived my droop- ing courage. The medicine struck at the root of my weakness and the different troubles of which dyspep- sia was the prime cause released, let go, and disappeared.. In one month I increased fifteen pounds in weight, and . received a new lease of life, Only. six boxes of pills pro- duced this wonderful change in _niy health, which Was miraculously permanent. Later" my sister became so re- duced by anaemia (.though under the care of our family doctor) that she could scarcely walk. In this dangerous extremity Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were resorted to and in a brief space of• time restored her to perfect health. Being a minister of the gospel many test casts have come under my notice, in all of which Dr Wil- liams' Pink Pills have fully aus- tained their world-wide reputation. This is why I• can conscientiously recommend Dr Williams' Pink' Pills as being superior to anything known to me in the treatment of the many diseases for which they are recommended." BELOW- STAIRS. "What's ` ' your ` missus kicking about'1" inquired the housemaid from 'next door. "This is hernight out, but I told" her I had an engagement myself," A Safe Pill for Suffering Women. —The secluded life of women which permits of little healthful exercise, ie a fruitful cause of derangements of the stomach and liver and is ac- countable for the pains and lassi- tude that so many of them experi- ence. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will correct irregularities of the di- gestive organa and restore health and vigor. The most delicate wo- man can use, them with safety. be- cause their action, while effective, is mild and soothing. A COME -BACK. "I intended to give Wombat a little friendly advice this morning." "And why didn't you?" "Why, he started to tell me hl,w to rtln my affairs, and that's some- thing I tolerate from no man.'' Jones—Yes, sir, that boy of mine is a piano player. Why, he can play with his toes! Brown—Hew old is he? Jones—Fifteen. Brown —I've got a boy at home who can play with his toes, and he's only one year old, The Best T reatmenf t for Itching Scalps and Falling Hair To allay eating and Ilea:t ten of the scalp, prevent dry, thin and failing hair, remove crusts, scales and dandnil , and promote the growth and beauty of the hair, the following special treatment is most effective, agreeable and economical. On retiring, comb the hair oat straight all around, then bten at the side Mid make a parting, gently rubbingOutleura ointment Into tho parting with abit of soft Kennel held over the end et the linger. Anoint additional partings about bait en inch apart until thevihole scalp Ilea been treated, the per. Pose/ming toetthoCUtieureotdtalent en the scalp skin rather than eft the hair. It 'Jewell to place a light covering ever the balr to ptoteet the pillow from possible stain. The next morning, shampoo whit Cutieura Soap and hot water. Shampoos alone 'ma? he 51054 as often as agteeaWI0, tut Pee or Mee a month 19 generally eutlletedt for thio special treatment tor. women% hair. Not' withaiaadinij Ontletra soap and otntutent are yw r 1614 everare, these Wishing to try thin treatment may de se Wlltlt6ut eSpenso b+' eeedteg to "Cuttcura,'t Dept. 421,1101.1i011, Ti' S. A., for a free santpte'01 Outiolira Neap and efntment, with8:-p, book on akin olid hair. THE •SIJWS ECLIPSE." Astronomers of. Prance Say It 'Io to Be Total. Visitors to Paris next spring will witness the-remarkeble arectaele of an colipib of the, sun. At ton minutes and a few seconds after noon on April 17 the sun's disk will be blotted out by the moon, The eclipse will be visible along anar- row strip north of Paris, passing between St. Germain-en-Laye and Le Vezmet and running out to the northeast, According to the statement of Chas. Nordmann, astronmer of the Paris observatory, a total eclipse of the sun in any particular region of the earth is visible only every 360 years, and on'•this oecasion it will be possible to watch fram Paris it- self, through smoked glasses, the moon's shadow slowly stealing over the face of the sun. The phenom- enon will begin at 10.45 a.m., and for two brief seconds, ten minutes after midday, the suburbs north of Paris will be plunged into dark- ness resembling that of a moon light night while early morning twilight will prevail in the city it- self. The unusual conditions will last until 1,35 p.m. M. Nordmann anticipates that the eclipse will resolve the difference existing between Freneh and British astronomers regarding tba size of the moon's diameter. The. French astonomens foretell a total eclipse and the British so-called an- nual eclipse—than is to say, an oclipse in which the, moon will be surrounded by a ring of light. If the theory of the French astrono- mers is correct, visitor. to Paris will be treated to an unforgettable spectacle. The moon's ring will be lighted by delicate pink tongues of bydrogenie emanations of the solar atmosphere, and all around the sun will be a mysterious green halo, known as the "corona," and formed of a gas unknown on earth, WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mothers who have once. used Baby's Own Tablets for their little ones always keep them in the house. They realize the 'value of the Tab- lets in banishing baby's illness when it comes, or better still, in warding off illness 'by _ giving him an occasional dose of the Tablets to keep his stomach and bowels re- gular. Concerning them Mrs. Isaac McDonald, Nappati Station, writes :—"I have used Baby's Own Tablets and would not now be without them as they are the very best medicine I know of'for little ones." The Tablets are sold at 25 cents a box by medicine dealers or by mail from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. HE WARNED HER. "But for my ears being in the way I could wear one of these ve"y high collars." "Too bad; but stick to your ears girl. They may be . unfashi.iaable now, but you may need 'em in your old age to hook your spectacles over." There is no medicine on the mar- ket that can compare with Iiioicie's Anti -Consumptive Syrup in expel- ling from the system the irritating germs that colds engender in the air passages. It is suicide to neg- lect your cold. Try the cheap ex- periment of ridding yourself of it by using Biokle's Syrup, which is a simple remedy, easily taken, and once ,used it will always be prized as a sovereign medicine. Consider the ways of the little green 'cucumber, which never does its best fighting till it's down. <," 7 en Tey Polurine Eye Remedy "��� 1'oamerttna-lreel,Ylue-Aotn QluCkly. Try t E Lor lied, Waok, Watery ieyee and �� " eronalctod i0yelido, llruatratod 9oolt In oaoh rooks e. MO1015 le. cam• Eire�,/ ponmted t,y o„r�tanitnta-Hata"intent ttodlolne"bntueod In eucrseetmrbyel- /da ey ar! clans' trice for many yearn Now aY�r 8Q dedteated to the Publle and 001,5 by Drubs6-tote at aou5ie per ),tittle. 5h rino �e �d Flys Satre is Aeeptlo 105150, 500000, nonnnnnnttneen. Murine Ey, Remedy Co.. Chicane But if a man thinks he knows all that is worth knowing, he doesn't, There is no poisonous ingredi- ent in Holloway's Corn Cure, and it can be used without danger of injury. ' it little outside assistance might have improved some sell -made men. Mipard's Linlmeni Cures Garget In cowl. HIS VIEW. "Do you believe in woman suf- frage, Mr, Peck 1" "I do not," replied Mr. Peck, with an air of conviction.. "If a woman has not iiufCroient will power to secure her own way unaided,the vote will not help her." ° SILLY THING. "What are you going south for?" "Rheumatism." "Gcel Can't you get enough of it nip here?"' Billy—Huh 1 I bet you didn't have a geed time at your birthday party yesterday. Willie—I bet I did. Billy—Then why ain't you sick to -clay? Mlnartre Liniment- cures diphtheria, SHE STRUCK AT ROOT OF TROUBLE' MRS. COMEAU CiJRED ITER KIDNEYS WITI[ DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. And her Heart Trouble, Backache and other ailments disappeared— Says she owes her good health to Dodd's Kidney Pills. Petit Rocher, Glnficester Co., N. B., Jan. 8 (Special).—When Mrs. Pierre I. Comeau, a well known and highly respected resident of this place cured her kidney disease, her heart trouble and other aches and pains also disappeared, She cured her kidney disease easily and quick- ly by using Dodd's Kidney Pills, "My heart troubled me all the time," Mrs, Comeau states; "and I feared for the terrible results that might follow. My limbs would swell, my back ached and I was al- ways tired and nervous, "Those symptoms led 'me to be- Iieve that kidney disease was the root of all my troubles, so I turned to Docld's Kidney Pills. Before I had finished the first box the swel- ling was gone, my. back was well and my heart no longer.. troubled me. I am now in the best of health, and I owe it all to Dodd's Kidney Pills." Always strike at the root of the trouble. And in nine cases out of ten all women's troubles start with the Kidneys. That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills are woman's best friend. CRIMEAN VETERAN, 104. Old Soldier Who Travelled Alone to See Coronation. A Crimean veteran, Robert Coles. of Gloucester road, Croydon, Eng- land, has celebrated his 104th birth - d Coles was born at Canterbury, and for fifteen years served in the old 68th Regiment (Durham Light. Infantry), passing through the Lrimean campaign as an officer's servant. His activity. is . as remarkable as his loyalty. On the "Coronation day of King George last•'Juno the old "man `rose before the household was astir, let himself out of the (louse quietly at daybreak, and managed to get to London and back by himself. He saw the pro- cession from .the Mall, wherehe stood, supporting himself by a lamppost, and returned home later in the day almost exhausted. Coles and his wife have an old age pension and a. grant from Lord Roberts' fnud which helps to keep the old couple and their widowed daughter. Coles has never smoked and only drinks ono glass of beer daily, B Shilohle Gure QUICKLY STOPS COUGHD CURES COLDS. NEALB THE TYNOAT AND 1.UN02. 28 CENTS Many a boasted family tree is merely underbrush. Worms feed upon the vitality of children and endanger their lives. A simple and effective cure is Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator. "Johnny, did you have a good time at the party 1" "How could I have a good time? I promised mother to behave myself." A Household Medicine.—They that are acquainted with the star- ling.properties of Dr. Thomas' En- lectric Oil in the treatment of many ailments would not be without it in the house. It is truly a household medicine and as it is effective in dealing with many ordinary com- plaints it is cheaper than a, doctor. So, keep it at hand, as the call for it may come most unexpectedly, Lots of us trouble most about the things that never trouble us. Mlnard'f. Liniment Cures Distemper, PHILANTHROPIST D:CFINED. "Pa," said little Willie; looking up from his paper, "what is a phil- anthropist, anyway 1" "A philan- thropist, my son,"' replied his wise pa, "is usually a man who spends his time getting other people 'to spend their money for charity " EDS. POIILORN aOPEf3, Medals as rewards for personal valor are almost as al'sl,as the pro- verbial hills, and their origins is lost in the limbo of the 'past, In Great Britain Charles I instituted the first Medal, a badge for his soldiers wno had Jed forlorn hopes in battle. Prom this time these badges have been granted for meritorious acts gf.bravery, offieors of the Navy being the first to parti- cipate in a regular distribution, .Not only have .the soldiers and sailors been honored by module, but per - meal decorations have been award- ed to Arctic explorers, to the race. to fishermen, to brave civilians, to colliers, to war eorrespondents, and to officials taking part in public events. Frequently there has been great delay in granting medals won. For instance, Lord Kitchener earn- ed a medal from the French Army in ]870, but it has only recently reached that gallant officer.., war medal, ordered to eommemorate the war with France, 1743-1814, was not issued till 1847. JUST ATE THROUGH A VISIT, Mrs. Brown was a mistress who allowed her servant Jane to- 1•r"ing. her young man into her kitchen at nights, Now, Mrs. Brown was very in- quisitive nquisitive and listened outside the door to the conversation. A short time ago Jane got a fresh young man, and the mistress no- ticed how quiet all was when he was in the kitchen. "Jane," said Mrs. Brown the next morning, "how is it I never hear any talk in the kitchen when your new young men visits you?" "Oh, mum," replied Jane, "he's that modest he does nothing but eat when he calls on me." BEST CURE FOR SItIN SORES IS •ZAM-BUIf. An illustration of the way in which Zam-Buk cures even the most serious and chronic cases of ulcers, eruptions and sores is provided by Mr. It. H. Barker, of Glencairn, Ont. He says: ' "I would not have believed that any remedy could cure so quickly, and at the same time so effectively, as Zam-Buk cured me. "My face became covered with a kind of rash, which itched and ir- ritated. This rash then turned o sores,' which discharged, freely and began to spread. I first tried one thing and then another, but nothing -seemed to do me any good, and the eruption got worse and worse, un- til my faoe was just covered with running sores. ''Apart from the pain (which was very bad), my face was such a ter- rible sight that I was not fit to go out. This was my state when some one advised me to try Zam-Buk. I got a supply, and, marvellous as it may sound, within little under a month every sore on my face was healed. I have no objection to your stating my experience for the bene- fit of other sufferers." Zam-Buk is purely herbal hi com- position, and is the ideal balm for babies and young children, for whose tender skin coarse ointments are so dangerous. Zam-Buk is a sure cure for cold sores, chapped hands, frost bite, blood -poison, varicose sores, piles, scalp sores, ringworm, inflamed patches, babies' eruptions and chapped places, cuts, burns, bruises and skin injuries generally. All druggists and stores sell at 500. box, or post tree from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, upon re- ceipt of price. Refuse substitutes. While the majority of ns know a good thing when we see it, some other fellow usually manages to see it first, Minard', Liniment Co„ Limited. Sires -I have used your MINARD'S MEL HENT for the past 25 years and whilst S have occasionally need other liniments I can safely say that 1 Have uever used any Genal to yours, If rubbed between the hands and in. haled frequently, it will never fail to cure cold in the head in twenty-four hours. It is also the Best for bruises, eprairrs, etc. Yourstruly, G.uL1SLIE. Dartmouth. Flattery is the coin with wh,eh some people pay' their way, PILES CURED IN 6 TO la DAYS. Your druggist will refund money if PASO OINT- MENT fails t0 Care any Cavo of Mold* Blind, Blooding or Protrndlu111les in 0 to it days, 500. • Work is better for most rieople than most people are for work. Mlnartre 5.nlmont Cures Colds &a, NEW MOTO.at SLEIGH, A Gorman motor sleigh of un- usual design, which travels at .a speed of sixty miles an hour, was exhibited at the recent automobile show in Berlin. An automobile motor occupies the centro of the body and drives an aerial propeller.. mounted at the rear and connected to it by monis of a combination of shaft and chain drives, HIS CHANCE. Mrs, Henpeck --"Why, I only Married you to spite' Dick Jones.", Mr, Ilenpeek—"Glad to hear it. Heretofore I thought it was be- cause you had a grndgo against me. Investments for the flew year We have to offer several first-class bond investments yielding 6 per cent. net, carrying our unqualified rec5m• mendation, WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED 579 James Street, Montreal 308 McKinnon Building, TORONTO, • 14 banditti, LONDON, ENGLAND CARPET DYEING and Cleaning. Thin let speoialty with the British American Dyeing Got Bead particulate by poet and snare emu te satisfy. Address Box 158. MontreaL R. A. LYON 5. L. PLUMMER LYON&PLUMMER (Members Toronto Stock Exchange) Stocks, Bonds and Mining Stocks3ouxhtand sold on commission. Dealers in Government and: Municipal Securities. 21 Meilndet Street, TORONTO Tele. M. 797e-9 Cable: "Lyenplum." The Heart of a ',large is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGEL0' Plano Action YJ GIVE YOUR 'BUSH A CHANCE ANO " MAKE MONEY: WITH.. IT, You would not thine. of cutting down your hay or grain with hand scythes. and you should not use old pots and pans. .Install a 'Champion" and make more and better syrupwith less time and fuel. More revenue at a reduced cost Why notary thief Wo have one that will justofree you. o THE GRIMM MFG. to 0 LIMITED, 58 Wellington st., Montreal, Que. NOT TO BE WASTED. "So your little boy wears glasses, mum 1" "Yes, his poor dead father wore 'em before he died, and I thsught it was a pity to waste 'em." A Pill That Lightens Life.—To the man who is a victim of indiges- tion the transaction of business be- comes an added misery. He can- not concentrate his mind upon his tasks and loss and vexation attend him. To such a man Parmelee's Vegetable Pills offer relief. A course of treatment, according to directions, will convince him of their great excellence. They aro confidently recommended because they will do all that is claimed for them. JUST GIVE HIM TIME. The Elderly Lady—"They say his wife 'has money." The Younger—"Well that isn't his fault. They've only been married a short time." If a dose of Hamlins Wizard Oil taken at night will prevent your having a bad cold in the morning, isn't it a good idea to have it ready to take the moment you feel the cold coming 7 The average man is more ready to lend his ears to a hard luck story than to lend a hand. only One "SROMO QUININE;' That is LAXATIVE BROM0 Q11=NINE. Look forth' signature of E. \V..enov5. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25e. UP AGAINST IT, Hokus—Why don't you try to get, Et job 1 Pokus—Employers prefer to hire married men. Hokus—Then why don't you got married 7 Pokus—A girl won't marry a fel- low unless he has a job, National Drug and Oheiuleal Ga., rctento, Send for free sample to beet.. W. L., PARM9 FOR SALE.Of1 RENT, LT N; DAWSDN,, ID copsoRNE.. 8T 1J. Toronto. 1E"! NE IiIINDRED AURES - 000D KJ Buildings; near Brampton. rt1 WENTY-FIVE ACRE FRUIT FARM - A Brick House and Good Buildings:. St,. Catharines. A NUMBER OT GOOD STOCK, GRAIN and Dairy Farms in Halton, Pee}.: York, Ontario and Prime Edward Couto ties. SEVERAL GOOD PRIIIT FARMS TN the Niagara Fruit Belt. -Cr ANITOBA, BASKATOILEWAN, AL. INJL berta and British Columbia Laude. u1 small or large block% Ir YOU WANT T0. BUY OR SELL A Farm, consult K. W Dawson, Nlgeta' Colborne Bt, Toronto. *CENTS WANTED HIGD•ORADE SPECIALTIES FOR Agents. Commission basis. D. L. Twiss Co„ Tillsonburg, Ont. dLESDIEN-$50 PER WEER BELLING 1,7 one hand Egg -Beater. Sample and terms 25e. Money refunded if unsotisfao. tory. Collett, Mfg Company. • Coiling. wood, Ona, A GENTS WANTED. A 01511% FOIL. 14. every home. Write ns forour choice Let of agents. supplies. We Hate the greatest agency proposition In Canada today. - No outlay necessary. : Apply' B. 0, I. Co., 225 Aibeet St.. Ottawa. HOMB WORK -WE WANT RELIABLE. 1.1 families to operate our high-speed automatic Knitting Machines at home; whole or spare time knitting for the trade; good wages, For all particulars address, The Canadian Wholesale Distri• buting Co.. Dept. W„ Orillia, Ontario.. - - HELP WANTED. A.T ONCE -MEN TO LEARN BARBER !YL trade;. expert.instruetion; constant practice; tools free; always' sure employ meat for a barber, writs for catalogue. Motor Barber College, 221 Queen Beet, O'oron to. MALE HELP WANTED. OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG IMEN‘J7 �from old country to qualify for positions inrailway station service. Studies may be falcon up by ]iome•Study and also in the Day and Evening School. Call or write for particulars. Dominion School Telegraphy, :Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS 11A AY end FARM SCALES. Wilson', AA11.. Seale Worsts, 8 Esplanade,' Toronto. ('1 aNekat, xudlUlta, Lukieb, 050. 50. y.! rental uud external, cured witaens Peat e ore byour lat omeDtreatment. 11 la w ninny wood. Unt pt TON SCALE GUARANTEED. wnsoaa V Beate Works, '9 Eaplanode. Toronto.. A GENTS WANTED. •- A STUDY ON .1St -other Agency propositions convinces cis that none can equal ours. You will al. ways regret it if you dont apply for par. Haulers to Travellers' Dept„ 228 Albert Bt. Ottawa. L P1001AL10115 are 100 FREE. Consult us in regard to any discuses Lowest prices In drug') of all kinds. Trusses fitted by mall send measure. tar71 L• anything d.401,1 by a brsbcl1 as dug. itnree to 17r Stillman,, Collingwood. Ona FARM HANDS WANTED, go to Alberta for eight months, 15th March t0 15th Nov. fur 5120 and. board, Apply by latter to Bog 127 Toronto P. 0„ enclee003 atloasb two references from last employers, state age and fanning experience, 011'S STURCE01 011 Externalapplication for men or beast. Everyone knows of the wonderful qualities in the Oil el the STURGEON for sprains, lameness, etc. Dr. Dow'fliAformula has it in, its best term. For Rhottmatisea,'. Lumbago, Neuralgias Swellings, etc,, it cannot be equalled. Try it Onto and you will be satisfied. Prato 85 cents. ASK YOUR DEALER. HE St5LLt3IT. Tho Iliayley Drug Co.; Ltd., Sole Props. lit. Jelin, N, 11,