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The Brussels Post, 1912-2-1, Page 5
SUSINESS CARDS, K. Q. T. M. Bronchi nal i 6 r Tent of the igs in the Rip. 21 hold chair teenier S ek, ou t in the Lo d1e Room Seeker Sleek, Uuk, on the 1st and 21' Tuos.iay ov 'tura of pewit mouthPlalturo alwuy, welo,'atn. A, BO • 14.103, Coin, A, MOOUIC5If, 1 . 1• WM. SPENOE •00NVEXANOE AND ki N I613UER of MAkt1IIAGE L4OENSE1s4 ince Le the Post 01114(0, Ethel. 20-4 JOHN HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Mee and ltesldouoo- WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAND INen8000s, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 14'�H. bCOTT AS AN AUUTION- sEa, will soil for better prices, to oetanr moil, an less time and less charges Man any Minor Auutivaeu, in Last Huron or oe won't unarm., auything. Latex and orders Ian always he arranged at 1010 ot0ee or by Pere'ual apelloatioa. LE Ai Jit© i;UNVEYANtIN8. W M SINOLAIR- v y • t+nrrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary I'ublte, &o, - ONoe-Htewart's Block I door North of Central Hotel. Ballcltur or the Metropolitan Bank. .pLOOUDFo0T, RAYS & KILLORAN 8 AIt111815(IBS, HOLIOrrnRO, NUTABIISS 1UH1.15, FITC. W. 1'rluonvuo'r, E. (l. B 0. EATS J. L. Kix/muss Oaken -Those formally000upled by Messrs Cameron 0. Holt,. Oon 00100. O•arams. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers ST. JOHN AND HALIFAX TO LIVERPOOL. Steamer From St. John From Halifax HosperionJanuary 10th tan, 205.1, Grampian Febrilery 2nd Feb, 81 .11 Corsican February 10th Feb, 17th Resperien February 24th BOSTON -PORTLAND TO GLASGOW Steamer Boston 10,rtiand Sicilian Jon. 18th NumidlanFeb. 101 Scotian Feb. 8100 Imdam..... Fob. 15th RATES OF PASSAGE First Class, Live' pool service..,... $72.50 Second Class, 50.60 Second Close, Glasgow service 4.11. '0 Third .Olnss, 620.25. 6+1 )1 •wcordl so er and servce. Full information. Re to rates, e,o„ on nppli a- lien to W. H. KERR,. Agent Allan Line, . Brussels. RERTRA [ G�� STRATFORD. ONT., > gOur 05x0.0- aro now larger than ever tq< before but wo have enlarged our quart- L+yl Aere and we have room for a few more :a V stadrlltN. You may enter n4. ally time. We have a staff of nine experienced in- struetorsnndourcourses are the best.. 6 On' recent graduates This -dweekus 7� B three recant radiates inf rmrfl p,ryy G e U0 S'' ry g ,that $ 126 per monthpoigi. aying have three 0 7<� 7( and 61'.'6 Pe'• month, We1 hove thrt hong iY a� de- partment,. - ConmO orale', Shorthand 5 ,Fy and Telegraphy. write for our free 67 ,n ontak¢ne 11011 vii D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. C.,Y'4,7 YaY Yui ear Y5Y rAYAYaa�' W. tYL ILlf RUPTU RE Cured At your home without pain, clanger or Operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is 'or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes upturebecomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait - Fill in coupon Age. Time level ....,.... Single or Double....... Name . .......... Address . and return to J. S. SMITH a 88 Caledonia 8t., Dept. A Stratford, Ont. dicines that aid nature ate alwa s effectual. Chamberlain's Cough tdy acts on this . plan. :1t allas. c(luglt, relieves the lungs, opens' aeel aNtnsand aids nature in to• le 6 Steen Rya the health con- e). Y v re e). Plioueauds have testified to uperioe e5tcellouee. Solt' by all Buainngs paedpl MSE BERTHA ARMSTR ONG Teacher of Plano Studio atPorter's Mask Store, one door North ditheto dnrd. Sank, r •t 4.3 n Bn , B ussals, B f MISS PE RLE SHAHPE tae passed successfully her second exenlinn- Ic1a 041 0510 Pianoforte Department of the To - onto Conservatory of :Music, andisprepared to take pupils at her home, Princess street. Visits Ethel Friday tout Snturdny of each week DR. T. T. M'RAE llocholor.of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Pay sieiaus and Surgeons, Ont.Poet-graduateUhicage Eve, Agar, Nose told ''throat Hospital, Uhloago,111, Hx.hmase Surgeon to St. Mich- ael's hospital, Toronto. Olfloe over U, l4., Smith's Drug Store, Tele. ,.510110 connection with Cranbrook at all hours, ER 4R, M FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. hysielan and t4nrgnon ; P0.41 Graduate courses London (Hug.), New York and Chicago Boa- pitaae. Special attention to (Unease of eye, ear, nose and throat. Byes tested for glossae. DR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Gradlttte Dental Department, Toronto University ; Licentiate of Royal -College of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto Office in Smith Block reooutly vaunted by Dr, Fetid. DR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. OIHee oppos>tt Flour Mill, Ethel. Q.f8'daJl?.W Te'afi.1N•I!a' 4uui iris r BRUSSELS Demo Sousa GOING RORTl 61ai1. •. 7:07 atm Express ,... 10.66 a m Express 11;26 a In Mail 1 i60 p 111 Express 2:56 p m Express 8:52 p m C&4.1Pa1bzsx 9wCPRzC WALTON To Toronto To Goderioh )Express 7:41 a.01 I Express 11:67 a in m Express 2:57 p Hxpress .....,.,. 7:66 Nm WROXE TER Going East - 7:05 n. m. and 2:55 p. m. Going West - 12:40 and 0:47 p. in. All trains going Host o00neot with 0 P. B at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and G. B. atstione. HO. ALLAN Local Agent. GEO. g Sxstri.ct . tips Bl uevale WBLDING.-A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of 1411, and Mr's. Breckenridge, Turn berry, when their second daughter, Miss Amelia, was metaled to William Nicholson, Rev. J. E. Cook, of 131st - vale, pe'rormed the ceremony. The bridal party entered the parlor amid the strains of a wedding 01554.001, play- ed by Miss Jessie .Moffatt. .The bride was given away by her father and looked very charming in a gown or Copenhagen blue with trimmings ul' white embroidery silk and chiffon, and wore a pearl brooch the gift of the groom. Following the ceremony a daintyweddingsuer was served to morthan 75 uests Constipation is the, cause of many ailments and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chainberlaial's Stomach and Liver Tablets, keep your bowels regular and you will avoid these diseases. For sale by all dealer's. Blyth AGRICVLTtflbAL.-The annrnal meet- ing of the 131yt11 Agt•ieultulal Society was held in Industry Hall, Jim. 155,11. with A. W. Sloan as chairman. Af- ter a few brief roma ks From hint 111l Secretary read the Minutes of the lass annual meeting which were adopted. Financial Report was mead and after Borne suggestions was aceepted. regard to holding a Spring Shu p', Field Competition and expert Judger. these clatters were left in the hands of the Directors. It was also agreed 1 hu 1 we insure against wet weather and that we become affiliated with Cru 0011tH51 AssnehLLinit. Election of eat curs resulted es follows Win. Pu1- 1 )(:11 President ; Duncan Biddle w, 1st Vk.e-Presitieut ;'1', 11. Taylor, 21,1 Vice President; Divets tits, \Von, Bea earn, Wm. Gray, Avid Laidlaw, Jt. Sloan, McGowan, �I b R. b 1 R. G. Robert l (amition, Robert Wlrhtnno .1151110, i R s Cumming, told A 13. Oar. P. Mtieel 5 and E. Bendel were re ere lel Audi- tors. After a vein of thanks to the Chairman . and Abditnes, meeting closed. -Directors met ainiin the ab- sence of the Plesideut Duncan Laid- law, 1st Vice President, took eft chair. Mowed by R. G. MOGowam, seconded by R. R. Sloan, that F. Metealfbe the repteseul.ative 010 at - total the Convention of the Fairs' Assoeiatiou to he held in Tueontn uo Feb. 7th and 81h. W. J'ackaon is the painstaking Secretary=Treasul•er. Old Offender Oaught Impossible to escape bei mg cared if you apply Pntu1Lul's Cur( Ext 1ant.oe to the worst corn on record. Painless, safe and costs only a quits ter in any drug store. Listowel Wes. Kiblel,'who has been in Vain couver, B. C., for the past two years, is here on a visit. W, IT, and Mee. Gardiner and Miss ,Tennie Stevenson, both former List o- wol residents, are aliening the Winter 111 California. - Iloory Johliton purposes building it. fine residence on the property which he lately tcquirecl from W, 0. Kidd on Penelope sheet. Henry Johnston silld his fast hot se William John, 1.0 Thos. 13111 nett, whlo Will take him to Melville, Seek. The pHs a paid .was $825. Wm., Ellison is fitting no the old woollen Mill offices to be used las an im- plement stote, having)uichased the p 1)p4I•tyy from W. 0. Kidd. - .1, A. Kelly sold his faun) is Wallace to De. Jas. Moore, of team, taking 160 acres near Dauphin, M.tii1.,•lu pat tpay- .went. Mr. Kelly will go to the Wee', i11 the Spring 4.0 ) p , reside. ;lattice i3lavttep r u eiusoditcmJ. W. ) Sot 4.t the cotta e on Wallace s i whit'' Is octet pied by J. Be nnio,, pay - big .$1(800 for It.; Mr, .Bernie will shortlytrtove to Town to. wnizor ri Aw ;>ataaaiiiaaalalau .yya.aan .,E HER HAIR GREW That's Why A Thankful Woman Ile. commends Parisian Sage Jas, Fox vill soli J o(1 s fifty cent n4. t PARISIAN SA a bottle 1 1 1 1 AN til and Y ,, 4.l plat antee i110 in4lli4ll tiumdrulf, atop 1 1 a ai • and itchlu scut o' isle' hair ll I g y4. 1, Money bark. • It's a t11'ItghtYtll hair dressing that mala+s hair lustrous and rase' nal lig, "in the. Spring I Was recovering from a'ev(e ease of erysipelas, wh"c h 1(4. onevirtually-bald >, l e r n4. ) ',t ' Yo t 1 4 f )l1y heat' and next to toy eats. The hair kept oolniIlg out rapidly 44.1511 nothing [ used stopped my gelling en - tit l'ly bale' until I used two bottles of PARISIAN SAGD. This tonic made 105' hair start to glow in and, i11 fact grew me a gond fair alurIllnt of hair 4.11(1 it has entirely stopped falling out. 4. I 10 with 115n nae thea I give a Ir t 1 rt ) pa lie 1 et uw 4 0 1 to PARISIAN SAGE width 1 know is a wonder." 'Mist. Ella Gilchrist, W. Pitt, St., 13eiiford, Pa. Chris. Hendee has bought the rem*. Ilent1' of P. Kibler, paying $2.5(10 for it. and will move here ill a few days. Mr. Kibler lea0 purchased a hoot arid shoe stock in Iiet'lin and has temovetl mere' Willi his family. R. A. 0.11luie nod wife have left on as trip to the South for the \Vin ter, They purpose visiting some of 1111 I11091; 1 11p11.411it oitie's ill Texas, Flori- da and California, first going to New Orleans. They pllt•p(se Spelllli lig mics)• of their time at Long 13011011, Califor- nia. Do you 1(110,5' that fully nine out or every tell cases or rheumatism are simply t'heuumttisul of the muscles due to cold 'ne damp, or chronic rheu- lE1ti5n,,and requite no internal treat- ment whatever? Apply Chamber. lawn's Liniment freely o.md see how gamkly it gives relief. For sale by all dealer's, The Origin of Gall Stones. They are simply dried bile, made up of crystalline constituents „f 111111 fluid. Very (mWm11n1 iy 411ie disease among nlerobants, clergymen, shop girls and n 4.h ae id' sedentary habits. Prevention consi81N in maintaining mitred action ofthe !Ivey and bowels, which is best accomplished by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No person using this medicine need fear gall -stones, mar will they ever be bilious. Snivel digestion, gond appe- tite, a5 clear mint' will evidence the health giving proper lies of Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills, which are thee safest and best for genet al family use. Insist on having only De. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake rind 13uttetnut, 25c. per box al all dealers. Morris A GREAT TRAM. -Atex. McLltuchlim, %vim lives la !Ultra Noi•thof Brussels is it great lover of good hi)rses and usually owns something considerably above the ordinary. He has an elegant matched spars of greys now 111111 weigh over 3800 for which he is askmlg $1,000. Mac. Ito been offered to ligate approaching his price anti will likely get it yet at; they are gond ones and only 5 and 6 years old. SSUSSEIS MOLE SOCIETY Following are the contributions from the various sources for Bio eels Branch o' the Upper Canada Bible Society tor he past year, which would have been considerably larger if all sections had been canvassed :- Collection at Rev. Hassard's Lec- ture ....... .......................8 9 25 Collection at Mass meeting. 15 57 Brussels East Mrs. P. Watson and Mr •e Leatherdale o 00 s 3 Brussels West, Miss Jewitt and Miss Deadman ..... 15 to 01ussels North -Mrs, Skelton and Miss Keys 21 50 caret Cons 1 & ,. 2. not received 3&4 " 5 & 6, Mrs. P. A. Mc. Arthur& Mrs W. Turnbull Grey, Cons 7 & 8, Misses Smith, " q & to, Misses Hoover and Armstrong.. 8 45 Cranhrook, A. 1, Helm. a 35 i:rev, 00110. 13 & 14, Mrs. Jas, Gaut and MN 1 Addie ,, II 8 L. 5 Ethel Misses bie1114 DIMWIT and L la Hansuld 18 8o Morns, 31•d line not received " 4411 line Misses Black & • Currie ......... 4 25 Morrie, 5th line, not received Silt line, .1 '• 7th live, Miss Beams 4 70 4 70 4 25 8159 77 This Branch has a record of which it may well be prontl. In 30 years it con- t' tinted over $4,400, an average of 8547 uo per annum and considerable And now for 1912 Wo want to make Chia, 0134' 51(45151 year in the Agency business The Banner Year And if selling only Goods of' Superior Merit Guaranteed as Represented' and at Prices Aiways in Buyer's Favor counts for anything with' You, clear. leader, we avill have your nearly rn• (111ufali041 i1) malting this +aprofitable year. to buyer and seller alike. \We wish one 1111(5 all the very best,. 1511111 151)1 )'lis present year and those to 011110, clad 50 MIMIC you I'((1' 111141 piatr4i111ge and 01' g tt> r0411111(1 7,4>1 that, we will always (n one veno best to make your 0onlirluanec with us Worth 'Your While, 1. S. Mc[ouchliti AGENT, BRUSSELS. THE BEST REMEDY ForWomen-Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Belleville, Ont. -"II was so weak and worn out from a female weakness that I concluded to try Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. I took several bottles of it, and I gained strength so rapidly that it seemed to make anew woman of me. I can do as good a day's work as I ever did. I sincerely bless the day that I made up my mind to take your medicine for female weakness, and 1 amexeeedingly grateful to youfor your kind letters, as I certainly profited by them. I give you permission to publish this any time you wish." - Mrs. ALBERT WIOKETT, Belleville, Ontario, Canada. Womeneverywhere shouldremember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will cure female weak- ness and so successfully carry women through the Change of Life as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs. For 80 years it has been curing women from the worst forms of female ills -inflammation, ulceration, dis- placements, fibroid tumors, irregulari- ties, periodic pains, backache, and nervous prostration. It ou y wantspecial advice write £orittoinrs.Pinkh yn,Lynn,lllass. It is free and always helpful. territory cutoff in late years by organize tion of Walton Branch. In only 2 years was the sum under $100, which speaks well for the diligence of the collectors and liberality of the people. Highest record was 8184 in 1895. • Only 3 Secretaries have held office viz, I. R Grant, now of Winnipeg ; Dr. Watson, now living in Brantford ; and W. H. Kerr• The latter has acted since Nov. 1881, over 3o years. HDWICK MUTUAL INSURANCE CO, Annual Mooting. The 89110 Annual meeting of the well known Howick Mutual Fire In- suratic0 Co, was held in the Town Hall, GOrrle, on Fridny afternoon of last week and )vas largely attended. Jim. R. Miller, the veteran Presi- dee1, presided and gave a brief ad- th'ess suitable to the occasion. After the minutes of last annual tweeting were read by Secretary W. d 5. MOKetcher and adopted the Die- p eetl)1•s' Report was presented and was as follows 1 - Your .Directors beg to submit the following report for the year just closed i -The amount paid for losses on buildings and their contents caused by lightning was 314728.94 ; unknown causes, $3632.30 ; live stud( y light s- 5 g, $8107.0(1; children with matches, etc , $2.89L01); lantern exploding, $700.00 • shark from burning barn, $1078.00 ; other causes, $111.00. The ,umber of policies issued during 1 he past year was 1650, nnd the num- her in force at the end of the year was 5527, being a)1 increase of 218 policies. The amount of insurance written 50150 $3,244,060 ; the amount cancelled and expired was 32,658,925, leaving the net enema in force at the close of the year $10,046,115, being an increase fot• the :year of $585,185 in the amount at risk. The. preinium notes held by the Ct)rpnsamount to $502,805.75, u . and -the 011110111151 available o10 Said 1 leunuln notes $454.735.52. The Auditors Report certified Is appended hereto. 'Phe. Directors who relive are MtilairS. Jnhu I3,. Miller and Edward Br -yens, both of when' are eligible for re-election. Two Auditors are ap- pointed at each annual meeting., All of which is respectfully submitted. W. S. MOKE1tosniat, J. R. ammo, Seiretaly-lretasnaer, President, GO&s E, January 8111, 1912. On motion report ryas adopted after a I'ew questions were asked. Auditor A, A. Genbatu tune called upon to give the Auditors' report for the past year. This report 55415 ac- cepted and adopted. President Millet' then vacated the chair and on motion W. 13. Kerr, of TILE POST, WAS boiled to 11. After' a few co1lgi'l5l111151O1'y' remarks on the great success attending the Howlett Mutual, huoi (14 014 was proceeded with. A. A. Graham and 1', G. Shearer were re-elected Auditto's and the question of inereasilig their• fee from $12 each referred to the 13nal:d, The election of two Directors wag la featru'e of the afteruoou of partionlar interestbut aspeedy solution was air-' rived at by the recut 41 by acclamation of J. IL Miller, of 'Morris township. and Edward: Bryans, of Grey town- ship, gentlriut•u of wide exile Tena' (01 the Board 1)4511)1(115' yt#lu s. The newly elected expressed their thanks 111 neat 811eeOl)es. An animated discussion, in which many joined, took place headed by I a a C )• 1whether f 1 4.h( )iu rCc ls, as t u l value should be paid on live stock killed nt' whether as figure should be sal above whirl) the 134mill tv011111 1111 go, Also Over life mailer of a polies bidder ow11111 tMO farm.; and the housing of stock, nmpletpetits, etc., at both url(1Tt• One policy. After various !0t1 Ona and amendments as to a 7ro ( 1 4.l in - teems,' - tat its a s n i P to etas,. of tate ; the payment of S. valuo of animals and fixing a' 'maximumflgute, Secretary 1Vi1tereh4r was tailed upon and cleared' the way for a NO REASON FEIN DOUBT A Statement of Facto Backed by a Strong Guarantee \Ceguarantee complete relief to all sufferers rrt t cons 1PaGin Or, in et every ),ase w b e ]v fail, e Y '1 w ill a w supply the medicine free. ti,exall Orderlies are a gentile, eifee. Give, dtpaudable, end sate bowel reg u- laagtarr e r the etasd toui • They t -e tablistt not r ' . fun I s 1 o e s n e s cWo 1 in a quiet, easy way. They do not Cause inconvenience, griping, or nausea. They are so pleasant to take and work so easily that they may be Laken by any one at any tiine. They thoroughly tone up the whole sysoein to healthy activity. Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable and ideal for the use of children, old folks and delicate persona We can - n1 , /o highly e t 4.c 4.t hl recommend them to all sufferers ?mon any form of consti- pation and its attendant evils. Three sizes, 10c., 25e., and 50o. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our stone - The Rexall Store. F. R. Smith. resolution unanimously adopted, authorizing Board to continue preen rate, to Baty full value of stock, and do away with what was designated as a (rouble risk under a single policy, the resolution to hold good for one year, by way of test. A vote of thanks was passed to the chairman and the orderly and inte•est- inganeeting was brought tea close by singing the National Anthem. The Howick Mutual )net with a number of heavy losses in 1911, as did man y other similar oegaulizaSions but mai,ltains the same rate as struck 17 caws aro viz 2 on the 1000 notnotwith- standingg thatthe average rate of the other Mutual Companies in Ontario is $2.25. Lightning was the cause of heavy losses on stock as well as build- ings but a tidy balance is still in the treasury and the hope expressed that 1912 will prove more favorable in the absence of losses. At the monthly meetings of the Company the business is looked after carefully by the Board while the pains- taking SecretaryTreasurer "is always on the nb A unique feature is the length of service rendered by Direc- tors Muller MoKercher, Edgar and Bryano par ticulaely the first three who are each past SO years of age. A lively band of agents are in the field for the Howick and the Co. has the distinction of holding second place in the Province for voluune of business. It is carefully and economically managed and deals fairly with ail concerned. A snug brick building was erected at Wroxeter a few years ago 501)X11 constitutes the head nudes of the Company. Board consists of : -J. R. Miller, Edward Bryans, Jas. Edgat•, 4Vnt. MoKerchee, Jas. T. Wylie and .Ino. Jackson. Barrister Sinclait, of Brussels, is the Solicitor. GREAT TEMPERANCE GATHERING National Temperance Congress and Ontario Provincial Convention in Massey Hall, Toronto, Feb. 13th to 16th. MasseyHall, Toronto,1 will be the . scene of one f the greatest Temper- ance' gatherings ever held in the Do- minion of Canada, when the National Temperance Congress and Ontario Provincial Convention opens on Tues- day, February 18. Convention sessions will be held all day Tueaday, Y Wednes- day,Thursday and Friday, with public mass meetings on Tuesday, February 18111, and Thursday, February 15th. Tho N7xerutive committee of the Al - Hance in issuing the gall, directs attention to the successful work of the past year and the opportunities that call for action in 1912. The Ca11 says: los anneal sleeting is now recog- nized as Ontario's FroYincial Perlis - tri 1 x'41 Tem)e' angio workers. It unites all denominations and classes and agencies for consultation, decision and action. it voices public opinion. It speaks with influence and authority. It 1 and outlines v down the principles lava p P the plans which are to govern organ- ized temperance effort in this Province. tr•'er1a7 Interest is addled to thin year's Convr/rtlon through the hoiding in connection therewith of a National Temperance Congress. at which re - ch re p sentatives from the various Provinces of the Dominion will discuss the status of the temperance work in the different Provinces, the question of how a Do- minion organization can best help in such work, and what national legisla- tion is desirable for further advance or our reform• • .11"- the vital questions to be discussed will be the demand for Prov- ince -wide abolition of the bar, the re- peal of elle unfair three-fifths require- ment, the laying of plans for another great Local Option campaign, the effec- tive enforcement Of law, particularly in 'Local Option municipalities." Every Church and seeiety in sym- r the pathy with the work o f Alliance is entitled to representatives, and every church or society having more than MO, members is entitled to an addi- tional representative for every fifty after the first full fifty members. Special reduced rates will be given by all railway lines on the Conven- tion 'certificate plan so that delegates from any point In Canada east of Port Arthr will be able to go to the Con Volition and return home for single fare. Per8otis who are not regular delegates, but who desire to attend these Interesting meetings will be wel- eomed as visitors. Accommodation will be provided for them In the Convention Building and they may b'btain the flame reduced railway rates as regular dale gates. A )Special Committee Is now at work preparing what. promises to be one of the most interesting progranunes ever arranged for stieh a gathering. Speakersf' r i the from cent Province Dminion will take part and on the v'hel "•)i118ting premixes to begone oP 0x55 )llotlal interest find or historic llnportan(O> When given AU soon as the croupy eongh' appeal's CIr4rEbe1'lain'5 Cough Retae d will Ward y wad n if an attack of croup .and prevent all danger and r.2a1 e l a of anxiety, , L Thousands l veal ds of mothers h is use It successfully, Sold "by alllea ' d a rs. An Oregon subscriber saes •--Ea. close subecri do f p 1 n et Iglg. We are al. ways in a es vs erste dn lad t r a d g o gel the old home news through the columns of 'nig Powe," A oiletteo subscriber writes envlos- ing payment fur TEE POO` 1912 and adds 'Ns POST is 011r 01(01 Welcome visitor, Aur time it is delayed in its arrival we miss it very mueli," If ....*•• P • 8 • • • 9.: • • 4 ♦ 4 • • O 0 • a Suitable for Winter and : ♦ • Spring wear. Z • • •♦•♦.4♦•**4**440w ♦ Overcoats are looking foran invest- ment that will bring you large returns write for particulars about Calgarynr Y and Athabaska Landin. Alberta farms also for sale. H. R. BREWER Real Estate Broker 1174 Boulevard N. W. Calgary, Alta. They are made up in plain ;;. and fa ag 1 l ,s and of first-class material.st . The OoaLts will be sold at great bargains so don't fail to take so advantage of this offering,WV : i eraser •• Tailor to Men • who Know. • • • BRUSSELS • • Blanket Your Horses The Cold Weather Demands it And come to us for your Blankets. Prices away down and large assortment to choose from. Also Robes, Wool Rugs, Bells, Trunks and Satchels. Bargains Til Felt and Winter Boots,Shoes, Slippers, y Sli ers &c We want to clear all Winter goods out, which accounts for the big reductions in prices we are now giving. g -All accounts must be closed by cash or note before the end of this month or they will be put in other hands for collection. 1.01 RICHARDS s•s••••••••••a••••••••®coo ce••oo••••.•.•••••••••e• • • 0 • 43 • To clear out balance of stock and g- • make room for Buggies will a e o0 o gg • sell at a Cut Rate. • • • • • 0 • • O • O 43 • • m • • a a • • • 8) 0 s a • • a• EWAN & Co.'s Bargains in u t ers Some good Second-hand Cut- Get a Cutter at a Bargain at ters for sale at your own price. • Brussels • S••••••••••••e•o•.•cosoosee•••asee••••••••••••••••••w SO ING HISWILD OATS REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW How many young men can look back an ' their early life ands egret their misdeeds. .outing their 'wildoats' i11\atriousways. Excesses, violation of na- ui ture's laws,.''wine, women and song" -all have their victims. You have re- formed but what about the seed you have e sown -what about the harvest? Don't trust to luck. if you are at present within the clutches of any secret habit which issapping your life by degrees, if Tott are sa- ki kB lit `+ J su- htiseG de _ feria from )le results of past 711i0CY0ttoln, if your SOoW /x;�• ; blootlliasbecutaintedfrolu ": d <• . any private disc: se and you czar a not marry; If you are married and live du dread of syulptol,l.i breaking out and exposing your past; if you are suffering as the result of a 01110pl'tlt 311e -PRS, K. & K. ARE, VOUR REFUGE. Lay your case before 111cr 1 confdeutially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable, :i YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED •Wo Treat and Curo VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, 13/.01D and URINARY CO PLAINTS' ' 1D NE)and n BLADDER Dia. eases and all Diseases Peculiar to Men. CONSULTATION FREE. Books 5'roe on Diseases of 'den, If unable to call, writ* for n Question Blank for 110511`4 TIS1av, a ' 1 � R141CCCTST'H` . nwrett � _a ^er t F,. 1 Sly,.- ' tle%r � t., � ?Pel t. u�. A,a. , 4..y . .1.a o Rt. .� - Con t. Michigan an Ave. and Griswold g '4.A St, De¢ialt, Mich. NOTICE An letters from Canada must 1 t 110 addressedto our Canadian CorrespondenceDeportment1>) indsor Ont. If you desire to 000 its personally call at our Me Medici' Institute i), ttoit as eve see and treat nd patients in our Windsor Mike.)which are 5)15(1(1 f - r comes n 1` 1 o der (e ltd b t Laboratory r for Canadian nit 1 usines:l on P o ad 1, y y Ad Leas x71 letters as follows: 5)151S. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. 'Title for our private adilest, cy* r . ti,f;,,a 6r'Xi "di'tEit 4.f b as "ceraai