HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-1-25, Page 8solesewatsWeeerii
a order to tide over the dull between season in Watt Paper and make room for
our large new Spring stock of Wall Paper ordered by import, we are gang
to cleat' out several 0f opr patterns, These are not remnants but lines
with sufficient to do ordinary sized rooms. and the most of them'
borders and leeilipgs to match. Here are a few of then ;
Bedroom Papers .
Several patterns in floral design,
with q in. match border, up to 110
per roll. Price now 70 per roll.
Hall Papers
Dining Room Papers
In Green,'Faen and White back-
groends, with t8 in match border
Reg Ile per roll, now 8e
Reg. toe per roll. now 7c
Papers suitable for Hall, green coli It Papers
orange with narrow, border, Regu- , Two or three patterns to choose
lar toe and tie per roll. from, wide borders, up to 14c per
Price now 8c, roll. Price now ee per roll,
in-Pleaei remember these prices are for two weeks only It will pay you to buv
Wall Paper now,
HAVE YOU CHILBLAINS ? Try Resell Chilblain Cure.
It is giving great satisfaction. Price 250 per bottle.
21�nn__ Store E. R. SMITH
fart Rewse1Tl>
WARDEN STOTHERS we greet you
RIPLEY Hockey team here Friday
evening of this week.
LOCAL news mac be read on pages 4
and 5 i0 this week's issue.
ROADS are not good owlug to depth
of snow: plus pitch holes in some cases.
IsN'T it about time that McKillop -
Brussels Telephone decision was given
by the Courts ?
CARNIVAL Thursday evening of this
week. Tee=water Band will supply a
musical program.
ANNUAL meeting Howick Mutual
Insurance Company Friday afternoon of
this week at Gorrie.
ACCIDENT - Miss Beatrice Harris,
daughter of W. W Harris, had the mis-
fortune to have a finger broken by get-
ting it caught in the table. We trust
she will soon be :sit, once more.
NEe1T HAMILTON has taken Wm.
Anderson, of Morris township, brother
to Alex Andetson, who was in the busi-
ness. as a partner in his livery stable
They should make a good steady team
meeting of the Hurou Old Bois' Asso-
ciation held Monday evening arrange
ments were made for an At -Home to be
given in the Temple budding on Febru-
ary 23rd. A committee of ladies has
been appointed to work in conjunction
with the Executive.
CURLING AT. w2NGRAM,- Wednesday
two rinks of Brussels ciders drove to
Wingham and bad a game with two of
the local stone and besom artists iu the
Western Tankard competition. Brus•
sell represeutatives were J. Warwick,
G. Manner., P. Scott and A R Currie.
who lost by 8 points ; and R. Thomson,
A. Currie, Jno Duncan and D. C.
Ross, who were beaten by 2 shots.
THE POST Editor received a picture
post card from Miss Julia E. Sharpe,
formerly of Brussels, who is in India at
the present travelling'with a lady from
the Southern States. She says under
date of December 28th, "Here I am in
the midst of wild animals taking a trip
in a private car through India going to
Calcutta to King George's reception.
Spent Christmas with Sir and Lady Tate,
of Bombay. Having delightful trip "
We have a letter from Miss Sharpe that
we hope to publish giving some particu-
lars of what sire is seeing,
HOCXEY HY Tat G1aLs,-Tuesday af-
ternoon more fun was on at the rink
than a Tittle. The occasion was a lively
hockey match by the girls. On one side
were ranged Misses Stella Gerry, Nellie
Fox, Cora Bell, Hazel Lowry, Kate
Ament and Millie Grewar, while their
opponents were Mieses Gertie Ross,
Irene Barkley Vinie Bowman Minerva
Jones and Flo. Buchanan. Victory
perched on the banner of the first men
tioned by 5-2 Stuart Fox performed
the delicate task of ejudicating the
differences. Look out for the next game
8811 promises to be a sultry one.
PUBLIC Library Board met last Mon-
day evening with F. S. Scott, J. Row-
land, Rev A C. Wishart, B. S. Scott
and W. H. Kerr in attendance. It was
decided to adopt 8 3o as the closing
hour for Library during the skating
season, Saturday evening excepted. A
short Lecture course was drafted out
and correspondence opened with well
known lecturers as to their visiting
Brussels 10 the near future, of which
due notice will be given. Attention was
called to the Library Institute to he held
next month in Stratford, Accounts
Were ordered to be paid for electric
light, daily papers, etc., after which
Board adjourned.
Homans—Friday night last the Brus-
sels Hockey team redeemed their lose
prestige by defeating Ripley, in this
town, with a score Of t3-2. As an ex-
hibition of fast hockey it was entirely
one-sided, nevertheless it was exciting
at intervals, considerable rough work
being in evidence. Much praise is due
Referee Johnston, 01 Lucknow, for the
manner in which he handled the game
He is the first official on the rink who
has tried conscientiously to "cut the
rough stuff" that is a bar to fast hockey
and is indulged in usually by those who
cannot plat/ the game on its merits Our
opponents were especially strong in this
"Mixing" element, and . our boys were
inclined to show that this kind of game
Wae no stranger to them. Referee John-
ston is to be complimented upon the
forcible manner in which he rendered
his decisions, Line-up was m' follows
Armstrong, G. Goal Chapman
Fox, 8 ". Paint; Irwin
Brown,B, Cover point Barrie
Bawksliaw, A.., .***. ...Rover . Bowers
McMillan, 0 Left Wing Ferris
Seott,C. Centre...".Weldenhenimer
Ewan, 3 Right wing. Armstrong
Ripley play here Friday night, 26th.
They are determined to Win, if possible.
Come and see the game -It's bound to
Otte of the beat. 'iron have a winning:
team iu lour own town --be n sport and
encottrbge the progress of the National
Winter sport by your presence at the 1
JOHN LONG received a car of agri-
cultural machinery On Wednes.iay.
MONDAY Atwood curlers played Brus-
sels a friendly match on the rink here,
the first of the season for our stane
twirlers. The score was 13 to 4 in favor
of the home team. Brussels quartette
consisted of J, D Warwick, John Dun -
cat,, A Currie and D. C. Ross.
TEA MEETING - Tuesday evening of
next week a Tea Meeting under the
auspices of the Ladies' Aid will be hell
in the Methodist church. Tea served
from 6 to 8 o'clock in the Sunday
School room Addresses are expected
from Rev. Dr Ross" Hanover, and Rev
Mr McCamus, of London, the former
speaking in favor of Church Uonon and
the latter opposing it. A musical pro
gram will also be rendered. A welcome
extended to all.
A Nunn MR of box holders are over 8 months
in arrears for their box rent at the postoffice
As rent le payable in advance and the year
ends on the 1st day of June kindly call and ar-
range the name. F. $ SCOTT, Po+toaster.
Doe stray ed on terra of undersigned. A
fox-terrlor. NOR.NAN LAMONT. 8th con.
Grey township,
Is your Sawa do not suit you. call and ex-
change with me or I will sell to son at coat,
T. MCGRRoon. Brussels.
Roos Mersa Dozss-Now is the time to
feed ground bone which is the best known
producer of eggs. For sale by BARRER BROS
HOUSE and lot, eligibly situated in Brussele,
for sale or to rent Farther particulars mar
be obtained from Mrs R. Dark, or Dr. Holmes
Foil SALE OR TO RENT -House and lot on
Turn harry street, [arouse's, belonging to Thos.
Nieholle. For further pertloala a apply to A.
F. Stewart, Brussels South.
—o —
Sunday Constable Oliver received a
telegram announcing •the decease of
John McLachlan, formerly of the nth
corn, of Grey township He died at
Portage -la -Prairie, Man , to which place
he removed years ago, nu Saturday in
his 85th year Mrs MoLaticIllin wenn
to her reward over 3o rears ago and the
surviving members of the family are
James and JDo., Mrs Ritchie. and
Misses Lib, Ella and Bella (sir. Me
Lachlan's remains were brought to
Brussels, arriving on Thursday and
interment was made that afternoon in
the lamily plot in Brussels cemetery,
Rev D B. McRae who was the pastor
Of deceased when a resident here con
ducted an appropriate service Mr
McLachlan Was an active, industrous
man and was well known to many
readers of THE POST.
GONE TO THE NEST, -Tuesday of this
week A. Id McKay, of Cheslev, form
erly of Brussels, left for Moose Moun-
tain Indian Reserve, 6 [Hiles North of
Carlyle, Sask., where he goes as teacher
and Missionary, under the direction of
the Presbyterian church Foreign Mis-
sion Board. On this reserve there is a
population of 222, 28 of whom are pupils
in the school The Indian are a mixture
of Cree, Sattlteaux and Aesiniboines
who make a living by hunting, trapping
and the sale of wood and willow pickets
more than by farming. There are go,
288 acres in the reserve, 25.000 acres of
it being in timber. Fish Lake and
White Bear Lake are on the reserve, the
latter 4 tulles by 2 miles in extent, in
which are good fist[. Phere is a Sum
trier resort here conducted by fativle
people the latter .town is on the Ar
cola and Regina branch of the C. P. R
'rhe Indians are poor farmers and al
though they have cattle do not look
after them well. They are naturally in..
dolent. There is a resident missionary,
Miss Armstrong has been the tescher
until recently. Mr McKay will be well
qualified for the work he will have to do
as he is an experienced school teacher,
has always taken a deep and active in-
terest fn church work and everything
else along the line of moral reform and
is a good public speaker Mrs. McKay
and children will not go West until
Spring opens up. The many old friends
of Mr and Mrs. McKay will be glad to
hear of their success and wish 'hem pros-
perity in the good wo:k. Mr. McKay
las promised 'rstlt PosT an occasional
letter so We hope to be able to give our
readers a better insight into the reserve
and its interesting inhabitants later.
People We Talk About
Reeve Leckie is at Goderich attending
the County Council
Misses Hartle, of Ripley, has been
Visiting Miss Florence Thomason.
Miss Inez McNichol has been bothered
with tonsilitis we are sorry to state
Miss Patil, of Bluevale. was a visitor
with Mrs. (Rev ) Paul, Princess street,
during the past week.
Eph, Cobel, of Toronto, was here last
week on a business trip as representative.
of a wholesale carriage firm.
Miss' Verde Pollard and Miss Grace
Eckmier, of Ethel, were visitors with
Mrs N MuCnulav, Queen street.
Miss Rhea Emigh 1158 been "on the
shell" with a lob's cemferier Ibis week
Tt does not ,:nit her veru well either,
Athol MtQuarrie, til Goderich, was in
town on Sunday, He Was at Cranbrook
visiting hie Mettler Who has been
Business Chance
is often missed when it might have been
easily embraced by
Systematic Saving
Begin now to prepare for the day of op-
portunity by depositing your savings in
Mrs. John Hill is back from an extend-
ed visit with relatives near Brantford,
MISS Gerrie Bielbv has been visiting
in Brussels and locality during the past
Miss Isabel Strachan is enjoying a
visit with friends in London for a few
Mrs, W. J. Waikey and babe also Miss
Addie Maxwell have been visiting their
sister, Mrs. Geo. Kerr, for the past
two weeks.
Mrs. Black, of Bluevale, and Mrs.
Robertson, of Boissevnin, Man., were
guests of Mrs, P. Scott, Brussels, on
Mrs. Brine Scott, of Gull Lake, Sask ,
is visiting at her parental home in
Palmerston, and will also visit her
husband's relatives iu Brussels
Mrs. Alex Smith, John street, has
not been having very good health tor
rhe past few weeks but we are glad to
state she is now considerably better.
We are sorry to state that W W.
Harris has been confined to his home
for some weeks but we hooe as good
weather comes along that he Will be able
•o get about as of yore.
Frank Oliver, ofTillsonhurg, was here
this week on a Visit with relatives and
old friends. He is a former resident of
Brussels and consequently always wel
Clarence Blashill, of London, who
formerly lived in Brussels, was here last
week looking up old lriends. It is 12
Years since his mother (Mrs. Jerry Bla-
shi11) and sisters moved away.
Mrs, A B. McDonald, who visited
here at the parental home for the past
few months has returned to Cranbrook,
R. C., where she resides Her aunt,
Mrs, (Dr ) Cleland accompanied her.
l'he latter lives in Victoria, B. C.
Miss Pearl Dark who is a student at
Wingham Business College, has been
mime this week on the sick list. Shy;
was threatened with pneumonia but be
.!pod care we hope it will be warded off
incl her health speedily restored.
THE PosT is very sorry to hear of rhe
serious illness of Mrs Al J Hrowatt, of
Peterboro, sister to Mrs. Deadman, o:
Brussels. She underwent an operation
Pi mouth ago which was unable to be
completed on sccouot of her illness.
Mrs Deadman is with her at the present
ae well as two other sisters, Mrs. 'C. Mc-
Gillicuddy and Mrs. Clark.
East Huron Farmers' Institute
There was a good attendance of
farmers and others at the Town Hall,
Brussels, Friday afternoon when the
annual gathering for the discussion of
Agricultural topics was held. President
McMillan was In the chair and gave a
short appropriate address,
F. H. Silcox, of 1lna, introduced tin'
first topic "Intensive farming on too
acres" and covered 'a wide range, the
subject calling out a. veru hearty dis-
In the absence of W. Ky'Id, of Sim
coe, who was to speak on "Neglected
Orchards" his place was supplied by F.
M. Lewis, of Burford, who dwelt on
"Care of Orchards" and gave a very
practical summing up of what to do and
how to do it. A large number joined In
the discussion of this live issue in con-
nection with the farts of to day. Phe
consensus of opinion was that orchards
are money-makers but must have the
necessary care to bring the profits to the
fanner. Afternoon sesame concluded
about 4 g0 O'clock. A number of mem
hers were added to the roll,
The evening session was presided Over
by W. H Kerr, of THE PosT, end was
marked by well sustained interest to the
close After a well-plaved• piano solo
by Mrs. Geo Thomson, Secretary P. A
McArthur made a few remarks and
advised a larger interest in the In
stitntes by both men and women.
Dougald Strachan sang a choice solo
followed by a neat address on "Farm
and Horne" by Mr. Silcox, dealing with
it under three divisions (t) The farm
commercial ; (2) 'Che farm beautiful ;.
and (3) Phe farm social. Numerous
good points were brought out in the
sensible talk. -
Miss Fairy Robb sang in good voice
after which Mr Lewis was called upon
The Co operative way of handling an
orchard was enunciated and the proper
way to spray, select, plant, packing And
marketing were outlined Mr Lewis
was quite at home in his subject and
gave much useful information,
• The closinv address was given by
Mrs Shaw, of 'Hespeler, who was par
Solitary enterfaining in discanting upon
"What is Worth While." She showed
how well acquainted women should be
with mane iorlhstries to fill the post of
wife and mother Sntne things that
•+•••••+•+♦+•+•+♦+♦+•'t'•+•+•'N•+••••+♦t'•3'•+•+•'t'•+•+•+•+ 0
A Big Chance
� c•
•P�sv7®s- r v - -' T®-rns•q►v-v-r• 0
WE now offer the balance of our
stock of Men's and Boys'
Overcoats, Men's Fur
and Fur -lined Coats at Spec-
ial Clearing Prices. Al:so'all
Ladies', Children's and
Misses' Cloth Coats, Ladies'
Fur and Fur -lined Coats and
Ladies' Cloth Coats with Fur
They all go at and below Cost. Don't
miss the opportunity of getting a cheap
Spring Prints
We have now in stock our first shipment of Spring •
Prints in Light, Medium and Dark Patterns.
Standard Patterns and Fashion
Sheets for February.
A ,0
• 44+.14.444444.1444.04•144414.14144444+40441+4•0+044+40
101), I03 BftANCHEB.
Notice is hereby given that a Dividend at the rate. of Thirteen Per Cent.
per Annum upon the Capital Stook of this Bank bas been declared for the
civarter ending 311t January, 1912, and that the same will be payable at the
Head Office, in this city, and at its branches, on and after Thursday, the 1st day
of February, 1912, to Shareholders of record of 20th January, 1912.
The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Head
Office of the Bank in Toronto an Wednesday, the 21st February next, at 12
o'clock noon.
By order of the Board, - GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD,
Toronto, 21st December, 1911. General Manager,
mission as to methods and experiences.
are worth while were :-A tasty person -
sI appearance by the wife in the home:
know what the husband's income is ;
don't compete with your neighbor ;
'i e I
av a staled allowance and keeptrack
of expenses ; obedience and subission
to authority ; see what we look for ;
courtesy ; the Women's . Institute ;
sociability. There was an artlessness
about Mrs Shaw that was pleasing and
her outspoken style placed emphasis at
the righi place. She strongly recent -
mended the benefits of the McDonald
School at Guelph,
"Rule Britannia" was heartily sung
by 1). Strachan and the audience joined
in the last chorus and sang the National
Anthem after a vote of thanks was
passed to all who took part.
The three delegates inade friends at
both sessions and would be drawing
cards if announced to address audiences
in the future, They went from Brus-
sels to Kimail, in Ashfield. for Satur-
day's meetings.
The regular meeting of [he Brussels
Women's Institute was held Friday,
January 1gth,'at 2.30 p. m ' iu the Car-
negie Library audience room. After the
opening exercises, conducted by the
President. Mrs. Thos Shaw. of' Hespe-
ler. addressed the meeting. taking as her
subject, "Listen, Learn and Love."
We should listen she said to the voices
of Nature, whose mu'tic is so superior to
the trained voices of singers in the Serge
cities. So often we forget to show our
hers and girls the beauties of Nature.
Learn the value of money and let the
girls make money at horse instead of in
the office, in the city. 'There is always
a good market for a good article well
made, so keep the girls interested and
learn them to be business girls at home
Women should learn how to live and
they will then know themselves and
learn to love each iother more Thee
should he good neighbors and gond
citizens. Remember the Golden Rule
and'be true. The world's eye is turned
on Canada and it finds the best people
in rural districts and 001 111 the 'city.
Mrs. Shaw is a woman of attractive
personality and a very pleasing speaker.
She will be heartily welcomed back -to
Brussels, A few ladies front , Beigrave
werepresent making an audience. of
some 6o. who listened to Mrs. Shaw
with much pleasure. The Womru"s Int•
S'itnte is growing in interest and we
hope in efficiency The next meeting
will he held on Feb.' 15th,
MoDONALD -In Grey township, on .Tanuary
5th. 0 r vi McDonald,
Go 7 a d Mrs Gooher9tn eon.
Thompson' 661N ed 1.0 D on December 9th 11111
to Mr, and Mra.
coaLaY—I8Bdrl(stoll, en ,Innuar 19, MIS.
R, Corte', formerly of Host Wawanoah,
aged 66,
LleWie.-In Turnberry, on Jan. 21st, Ann M111,
beloved wife of Franeis Lewis, aged 88,
years, 0 months, 22 days
MOLsANi At his late residence, on Brnce
street, Goiter oh, (Ont., January 22, Rev.
Archibald McLean, D. 0.. formerly of St.
Andrew's Ohurch, Blyth, aged 78 years.
FRIDAY, JAN. 28Tu: Farm stook, Miele -
intuits, &a„ Lot 0, lion. 16, Grey township.
Sale unreserved' at1 p, 10. HUGH STEWART,
Prop., F. S. Scott, Atte.
L 615th ,T10on. 4, arFy towa'hie-
moots, etc„y t
Bale unreserved, at 1, p, m, GARI90N JACK -
'AN, Prop. F S. Scott, Arlo.
FRIDAY, FEB END. -Farm stock, Lamle.
monis, &c ,at NA, Lot 29, Con. 5, Morris. Sale
without reserve 14.1 p. m. Wm, Anderson,
Prop. ; F. S. Scott, Ana.
Wheat - ,t0 88- s0 88
Oats 41 42
Barley 1 70 1 70
Butter 26 2b
Potatoes 00 5 50
Hay 12 00 12 00
, 1 60 8 76
The People's Column
ARM FOR SALE -Being 814 of Lots 64 and
WARM Con. 1, Morris township, containing 100.
sores On the farm is a good•flame house, 22
x 501 ; kitchen 18 x 290 ; and woodshed 20280.
The barn is 80260; straw shed 80240. and lean.
to 10x80 Stone wall with good stab me under
barn. Never -railing wells and good m'nhard,
Only y mile to school and n mile to ohu, oh or
postollioo. Deed may be seen. Terms learned
on application to proprietor.
80.10 . Jamestown P.0.
FARM NOR SALE being Lot 29. Don. 9,
Morrie township, Huron Co., containing
76 scree. It is all cleared and 16 acres under
cultivation, There is a comfortable franc
house, with kitehrn adjoining, bank barn,
small voting orchard, drilled well and wind-
mill, ate. I1 miles from school, post office and
ahuroh. Farm well fenced, Must. be sold by
March lar and eonsegeently a very reasonable
price will take it. Possession on March 161h.
For farther particulars apply' to Joseph Bol-
ger, Walton, P. 0., or F. S. Scott, Brussels. 61.
034l14108109030009000041101 009090296
January Sale of Wall Paper.0
• JUSt
0 dust 3 Doses of our
Blood Root
o Cough Cure
la 7V bol (111f of one elastomers
• told us it tools ao slap his cough,
• (3ut this is 1111 isolated test imuu-
• lal because (1111' rllstutners fre-
e queal,y loll us of the splendid
® rrsnits they Iloeive t'rnrn tasting
ay it, III She cve.ut of ire not giv-
e Ing calve satisfaction w0 will-
s, i1 gly atilt(' Lint price.
!:"1s •esseiseoesioefsectesets000eoissusA
25c. per Bottle
FOR SALE. -Pats harness buggy, outdo'
and wagon also 21sts at the i+. T R, sta-
tion. W ill accept 8120 for all Or tvill,,elkaep-
elute and on time to the right nom.
'26-tf JAS. SHARP.
Bulls for Sale
•For sole, ou Lot 18, Con, 8, limy, lt'0 thoro'-
bred D11E11an, bulla 8 end 9 months end. Grand
sire sed dam imam.' eel by the Hon John Dry.
den ; aIle "Sittylat Viotot," ons of the beet
bred bulls, in Oenarin Quality and 'prices
right. D. W. DUNBAR.,
504 Ethel P.O.
PLEMENTe, &0-P. S. Haut t, anctimlen•
has been irv•Lreutru by rhe andel signed to sell
by public intermit 56141 Lot 2i, Uun o, Morris,
on L't•iday, Peltrutu'v 2nd, et I o'rleoh, the fol-
lowing property, via t -i Hare in foal, 1 heavy
draft gelding ri'nn¢ 4 years '1 hi avy draft
filly rising 5 apposed In foal, 1 lo'ovy draft
gelding ri,iugµ8 yenta, 1 driving stare rising 8
y oars, 1 driving mare rising4 years. 1 draft
colt rising 9 sited by AHansa, 1 farrow 00w
1 heifer supposed In teat, 1 heirla' rtsing8, 5
heifers rising 5, 6 steers rising 2, 1 sow due to
farrow March 1St, 1 young ,ow, 1 top buggy
nearly nets, 1 cutter, 1 olio!), I pinn, of bnb-
sleighe, 1 Deering cult ival or, 111 owe twin
plow, t Pleury p10w nearly new, 1 Potu'sectian
set of harrows, 1 turnip lint per, 1 wheelbar-
row, I fanning (11111, 1 Ito,/ reek, hey.ton k, cat',
ropes and pulley's, 1 watts,' tank 1 art of double
harness I set of -Ingle harness 1 Saeltatche-
wan robe, about 50 Brown Leghorn. hens, 1
collie dog 1 cook stove, about 700 bus. of oats,
about 1981ma. of ha cloy, abmrr 181one of hay,
uhout86 bus.. s. petetaes, es and 'nes, forhe,
shovels, scythes. nhainF, hoes and othernrtie-
les Terms -8500 and andel cash ; over that
amount 0 months credit will be given un far.
Mailing unproved joint notes 1 5 per cent, of:
for cash on credit nmnnnts. Rale unraaerped
as proprietor is 5151110 (1n forming,
WM. 01403118014, Proprietor.
saw'as mei m•NN•••••0•OGe•81 wie•weww®oeossooeooe•oree9oe
Bar stns
D A. Thompson, a son. ' O
OfED s
BERNATR. In Ethel, on January 21st, Oo0red 0
Bernath, aged 75 years, 8 months and 28 0
days •0
FiIENnettaP -In London on January 19th, 0
Samuel Friendship, in Iris 76th veer.
HARRIS -In Guelph, on January 18th Mrs. "
(Rev. ,Tomes Barris. aged 81 years, - 9
JEFFERSON. -In Wingham, tannery 18th,,Iea-
bells Darroch, relict of the lath David Jef-
ferenn aged 89 yenta. .O
MoLAoILAN -At Portree-ln•Prairie, Man., on
January 511511, John McLnehlan. tete of the R
township of Grey, in his 86th year. to
To clear out- balance of stock and
make room for Buggies will
sell at a Cut Rate.
Some good Second-hand Chit- Get a Cutter at a
ters for sale at your,own price. Bargain at
EWAN & Con's
C ussels.
ca9tooopm•00000000.®®A/$i9®8930000931110000010G(100100156'0P 0e.
• •••••••••••O••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •00•0•4,00A0em0o04•00000.44A
0 -. ,
est Prices for Produce,
Goods Hight or your Money heck.
Daylight Store
N. McLaren
eal Bargai
Women's Fur Lined and Fur Trimmed Coats
Women's, Misses' and Children's Winter Coats
Men's Fur Trimmed Overcoats
Men's and Boys' Winter Overcoats
Men's and Boys' Winter Suits
Women's Ready-made Skirts and Waists
Ladies', Men's and Children's Winter Underclothing
Ladies' Fur Ruffs and Muffs
Wool and Flannelette Blankets
Winter Boots and Overshoes
♦•i0e0. ♦•••ilN,gii♦i♦ 1 ♦w••so••••••ak•♦••e•.
G. N. Mc.