HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-1-25, Page 7NOBLES ARE COMING. Will Enter emirate in Spring Seek ing She "Simple Life." Canada is now waiting an "emi- gration de luxe," which is to take place this. year. Beveled members of the British peerage are going to take up farming in Canada in the opting, and a large number of•pecre will make their annual tour .of in- spection of their Canadian estates, writes aLondon correspondent, The explanation of the titled exodus to Canada ie due in part to modern legislation and in part to the fact that Canada affords free- dom and natural life unattainable in England, it is .said. Inquiry resulted in a long list of what are known .as "gilt-edged set- tlers" and "emigrants de luxe" be- ing discovered. "There are enough titled persona living in Canada, or interested in the country, to open a house oft peers of their own," said a leading railway official, "and, with the Duke of Connaugtht as governor general, we have all the material to go ahead and start a colonial kingdom. "The Duke and Duchess of Suth- erland will take up their residence for the coming autumn in their bungalow at Brooks, Alberta.' It is a cozy little weather -board house in the middle of the prairie hold- ings. "Earl Grey keeps a hunting lodge in the Columbia Valley, B.C.. and Lord Aberdeen awns one of the finest 'and most -profitable fruit farms on the Pacific .slope, the. Codd - stream estate. "Lord Olanwilliam is a large landholder and, with Honorable Edward Cole, is interested in the • Saskatchewan, Investment and Trust Company, which owns the leading hotel at Saskatchewan. Both spend much time in Canada. "Lord Hindlip is the landlord of a vast area of pairie and Britisb Columbia land and Lord Desbor- ough in interested in the timber and lumber trade. "Lord Sholto Douglas is, or was until recently, fruit .farming in British Columbia, and the Earl of Stanhope frequently visits the Dom- inion. Among other members o£ the British peerage who are inter- ested in Canada, either for the hunting or its commercial op- portunities, are Lend Strathcona. Lord Lovat, Lord Bruee, Lord Mostyn, Marquis of Graham, Lord Wenlock, Earl of Macclesfield, Lord Clinton, Earl of Dunmore, Earl of Harrowby and Viscount Geed. "Among the new settlers is Lord Somers, who recently deft the Life Guards to go farming near Toronto. and is coming home to take out Lord and Lady Hyde, sister and brother-in-law, who are to jo'n hint there. Lord Leoonfield's brother, Reginald Wyndham, is another set- tler." EXODUS FROM SPAIN. Whole Villages Leaving I)keir Ea - tine Soil. for South America. The current, driving whole fam- ilies to abandon their homes in Spain and establish themselves in South America, particularly in Chile, Argentina and Brazil, seems to have more force than ever. The exodus is constant, amount- ing to a veritable flight and affect- ing all parts of the country. Eight thousand Spaniards have landed in. Buenos Ayres in a fort- night ; ort -night; immigrants flock incessant- ly to Brazil, Algeria and Oceania. Thousands embark in the Galician ports, where often hundreds of passengers have to be refused by the steamships and kept waiting for want of accommodation. Whole villages, with the Mayor and municipal Council at their (heads, abandon their native soil, taking with them their aged rela- tives and their children, so that the country is deserted in many places. The case of Vena-de-Mo•noayo is typical. In less than four years over 300 families have left for South America and about twenty inhabitants are leaving each mouth at the present time. In the village, once gay and full or animation only a few aged people are to be ,seen, who have been unable to make up their minds to leave their native coun- try. The streets, the public square, the school are deserted and the last inhabitants of any vigor await impatiently their turn to leave a land which can no longer support them. Other places tell the same story. At Pastriz a number of families are leaving for Chile, The .steamer Matins Bayo has just touched at Malaga with 300 families on board from Almeria and Grenada. At Gibraltar 200 more families await this boat fop Brazil and a hundred aro leaving for Argentina. Tho public authorities are awake ttatim eerie:mess of this movement which is robbing Spain of 250,000 of its hest inhabitants every year. ear .Commises4lur have been appointed to study the causes and find, a ro- inedy. One suggestion it to turn the stream of immigration into the Interior 'of Spain, where large tr,QRats of lead are dile fora w ntot' cultivation. • RcYnambor, girls, ;,;cod cooks will' be the ,loading ladies in leap year dramas. )LITTLE WORRIES IN THE HOME It is These That Bring 'Pink and bake Women Look Pre- maturely Old, Almost every woman at the he of a home meets daily with ma little worries in her household fairs. They may be too small to n tics an hour afterwards, but it these same constant little wore• that make so many women look p maturely old. Their effect may noticed' in sick or nervous he aches, fickle appetite, pain in t bank or side, sallow oomplexio and the coming of wrinkles, whi every woman dreads. Tc tho thus afflicted Dr, Williams' Pi Pills offer a apeedy and Berta cure, •a restoration of color to t cheeks, brightness to the eye, healthy appetite and a sense freedom from weariness. Among the thousands of Oanadi women who have found new heal and new strength through the u of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is Mr W. 0. Daerr, London, Ont., wh says: "About two years age found myself so badly run dow that it was almost impossible perform my household duties. fell off in flesh, was weak and ve pale, had no appetite, feet ce stantly cold, and to further mak my life miserable I was afflicte with those other ailments fro which so many women suffer. tried many kinds of medicine, bu got no benefit, and began to Inc that I was slipping into chronic in validism. 1 was advised to try Di Williams' Pink Pills, and althoug I felt somewhat hopeless, decide to do so. To my delight, after tak ing the Pills a few weeks, I fel much better, and a further nee o them brought me back to my old time health. ,,I have since recom mended the Pills to many others and those who have used them ha always been benefitted_." Sold by all medicine dealers o by mail at 50 cents •a box or si boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil hams' Medicine Op., Brockville les ad ny af- o- is les re - be ad - he 0, ch se nk in he a of th an se B. o 1 n to i ry o- d T 1 Ve x Ont. d• NOT AFFINITIES. Mistress—And why did you leave your last place? Maid—Me and the misses was not congenial. The Pill That Leads Them All.— lls are the most portable and mpaet of all medicines, and when y to take are the most acceptable preparations. But they must hest their power to be popular. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are he most popular of all pills they st fully meet all requirements. curately compounded and eom- sed of ingredients proven to be active in regulating the digestive gans, there is no surer medicine be had anywhere. A WORD TO THE WISE. What keeps us true the long day thro'1 Of course, we seldom bless it. Right well I know we ought to, though, Keep at it till you guess it. Pi co Bas of As mu Ac po off or to TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c. THE BOY KNEW. "Little boy," asked the well- meaning reformer, "is that your mamma over yonder with the beau- tiful set of furs?" "Yes, sir," answered tits bright lad. "Well, clo you know what poor animal it was that had to suffer in order that your mamma might have those furs?" "Yes; sir—my papa." AN OPPORTUNITY. "John writes that he holds the record in college for heavy lifting, clad. Ain't that fine 1" "Sure! He can come home and try it on the mortgage." uCi iF`GUNSJI?ATU IVdr. Andrews praises Dr. 1Worse'a Ividiays Hoot Mils. Mr, George Andrews of Halifax, N.S., writes: For many years I have beau troubled with chrome Constipation, This ail- ment never comes single-handed, and I Ibave been a vic-tdnf to the;iiany illnesses that constipation brings ie its train. Medir,dne,after medicine I have taken in order tb find relief, het one and all left -me In tilt tame hopeless coritiition. It seentpdrtiCt'uotliing would a el from me Ui1 t ailment that equs ee mueli trottblc' t at: ast I read a ut these f'. ase In i' - tl a trot, Is TUat as, indeed a iufd for I., w am r ae .a, .4.p es d tori ' `cu t1i V'e a ' Tf of regu atetl nay be tV' am pored of Q't 1 ells t cy have nos' ` 1? clip, r caw pot, a con i:ry.1�?r, i 44,tpe's Indiateatfat Ills have beep citp,� P q Aki, � 8 d i 8tlt�e ati, wile then t stn auct urif e blood, 5o1c1 cveiyi>'Hera at 25e. a lidx. 2 t, t i d ' ntr t aL. day for tpe, ti3Q,, stal4e- iii{ cd 'to dict std atiep d c dgcgci s. all a ailnesats witf6li rtiplf tt� i . cleggse the hold oy THE PRINCESS MARY. Will Not Allow Her Oranments Until She is 17, Though Princess Mary is very fond of jewellery, she is not allow- ed to wear any Ornament except v- atting atting of perfectly matched pearls on 'state occasions and a little gold .ohain and locket, which contains a piece of white heather, in the home circle, The pearls were her moth- er's gift to her at the time of the coronation, and the locket was pres- ented to her by the Prince of Wades, who bought it when he was at Cowes for the regatta,. Queen Mary has left ib be under- stood that no one is to give Princess Mary jewellery of any sort till she is 17, and before the Royal party left for the Durbar, the Queen repeated her wishes on this score, so whatever Princess Mary reeeivod for Christmas she cap be quite sure that no gems, not oven the modest and childish tur- quoise Dame her way. The Princess has confessed to some of the ladies of the court that she does not mind not having rings and pins and chains', hut that aha, yearns for long gold earrings set with rubies and diamonds, and that when she is 17 she hopes a set will be given to her, and if not she will buy them herself. a BORN HUNTER. "Papa." "Yes 1" "Will you get me a little catl" "Sure.'' An interval. "a." "YPeapat" "Will you get me a little gun 1" "What do you want a gun fort" "To shoot the little oat." UNCLE PENNYWISE SAYS: I may state that I am a self-made man; but my wife furnished the specifications. STRONG WORDS OR PRAISE. Mrs. (Rev.) W. H. Clarke, Stirling, Ont., writes'—"I wish to give this unsolicited testimonial to the great value of Baby's Own Tablets. Our little girl, born last Febru- ary, was at first very consti- pated. When other remedies failed we tried the Tablets and in .a week she was com- pletely cured. By the use of well and happy ever since." the Tablets she has been kept It is 'strongpraise like this that has made Baby's Own Tablets so popular. Thou- sands of other mothers have said :—"Once, we gave the Tablets a trial we had no- thing but praise for them." The Tablets are sold by me- dicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams" Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, THE DIFFERENCE. "Have you a fireless cooker 1" "No, but I've got a cookless fire." NOT STRANGE. fife (complainingly) — "You're not like Mr. Knagg. They've been married 20 years, and Mrs. Knagg says her husband is so tender." . Husband -"Tonder! Well, he ought to be, after being in hot water that long." CRIPPLED BY RHEUMATISM. 85 University St., Montreal. "Just a word of praise for GIN PILLS. About fifteen ago I could not walk sense my room, suffering severely with rheumatism. I took GIN PILLS and be. came quite well. "SAMUEL LONGMOSE." Write us for free sample of Gin Pills to try. Then get the regular size boxes at your dealer's or direct from us. 50o. a box, 6 for $2.50. Money refunded if Gin Pills fail to euro. National Drug C Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept, WI., Toronto. DON'T MISS THIS. If a woman has one daughter, who goes away, the Mrs. misses the Miss and the Miss misses the Mrs. If she has two daughters and both are away, the Mrs. misses the Misses and the Misses hiss the Mrs. If she hap three daughters and two are at once place and one at another, the Mrs. misses the Miss and the Misses, and the Miss misses the Mrs. and the Misses. If it is four slaughters she has and two aro at one place, while the other two are away from home and separated, the Mrs. misses tlhoi M ss andt i 1 o MISSOS os suet the Miss, and the Miss and the Misses' miss the Misses and the Mrs., while the Misses miss the Mrs. and the Miss misses the Miss and the Misses and nd the Mrs.. So they would all better remain at home with the Mr, of the Mas. FRIENDLESS. Cashier—You must get some one to identify ,you before 1 can ply this check. Have you no friends in this town? Stranger—;Not one, I'm the dog catcher, DID NOT HAVE TO CALL THE DOCTOR BECAUSE SIZE '.CRIED DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS FIRST. One box of them mired Mrs. Mary A. Cook's Rheumatism from Which she had suffered for four. teen years. Mannheim, Ont., Jan 15 (Special) —How eidickiy and easily Rhouma- tian can be cured when you use the right means is shown in the case of Mrs. Mary A. Cook, well known and highly respected here. In an inter:-t'iew regarding he's' cure, of which all the village knows, Mrs. Oook says: "I had Rheumatism so bad that sometimes I would sit up nearly all night. "1 Seat thought I would try the doctors, but luckily I decided to first try Dodd's Kidney Pills. "They cured me, and I didn't have to try the doctors. And just to think that after fourteen years of suffering' one box of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills should cure] I will recom- mend Dodd's Heaney ney Pil]s to any- one who suffers from Rheumatism." Yes, it is easy to. cure Rheuma- tism when you go the right way about it. Rheumatism is caused by uric acid in the blood. If the Kid net's are working right they will Strain all the uric acid out of the bleed and there can be no Rheu- matism. Dodd's Kidney Pills al- ways make the Kidneys work right. TREATMENT OF CANCER. Good Reason for ilope From the Radium Method. The medical correspondent of the Daily Graphic says that a satis- factory result has come to light re- garding the treatment of cancer by the radium iii thod at King'e Col- lege Hospital. A large cancer growth had to be dealt with. An operation pre- viously had been performed, but the cancer returned with renewed virulence. X-rays and other treat- ments were !then tried without suc- cass and finally 250 milligrasnmes of pure radium bromide were applied for twenty-four hours. The tubes were so arranged that the diseased parts were subjected to a regular cross fire of the cura- tive rays and the application was repeated once only. As a result of the treatment it is started that pain quickly ceased and the growth rapidly shrank up so that at the end of five weeks it had disappear- ed. A doctor in desoz'ibing the case says that if this result can be re- peated and the technique of the treatment so improved that even. deep seated tumors can be brought under the radio -active influence there will be very good reason for supposing that the long hoped for conquest of cancer is indeed at hand. Shirlokb QUICKLY STOPS COUGHS, CURER COLDS, HEALS THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 26 CENTS ALL IN THE PAST. "I want you to know that our people used to have money." "I accept that as an indication that some of them also used to have brains." Clean Stomach, Clear Mind.— The stomach is the workshop of the vital functions and when it gets out of order the whole system clogs in sympathy, The spirits flag, the mind droops and work becomes im- possible. The first care should be to restore healthful action of the stomach and the bust preparation for that purpose is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. General use for years has won them a leading place in medicine. A trial will at- test their value. Many a fellow ta]cos advice that he doesn't know what to do with. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, WHEN THEY WERE CHILDREN "When we went to housekeep- ing," she sadly complained, "you were glad to wipe the dishes for me.,,. "Yes," he grumbled, "but that was when we had only two -dishes to' be wiped." El). 4A. SS CII 8•�-1:2 ROMANCE OF THE DESERT, Princess Cherfla Tells low. Caused n Rival to Be Tittle Princess Ohevfia, wife of P Oaotid and 03eee of the Sults Wadai, is to be tried for Muin the French colony of Abec a desert region of the Sudan. She has admitted the truth the allegation that she caased rival for her husband's effect to be stabbed to death, There flavor of the Arabian Nights in response of the Princess to the cusatlen of the authorities. H it is in her picturesque languag "1 uin Oherfia, wife of Gaoud Handsome, When he took m wife I was so• light that the wi scribes could not read the trace my feet upon the sand, "Tema was my rival, So on night of the they tbet you rammer to your God I sent messengera her to say that Gaoud warted h She suspected and came not. Th times did she refuse. But at 1 she followed my messengers, offered her as a gift a silken rob "When she came before me I b my slave Abclall.ah to strike and struck. She shrieked and blood formed a. crimson lake fore her. I ordered my slaves welsh her wounds ansa throw wretched corpse far from the p ace. "Now, White Chief, if you w my life take it. I do not repe I am a Princess of Wadai and have the right to punish those w offend my majesty." In Paris, where news of the k ing and the prospective trial h been received, it is believed the Princess will be allowed to free on payment of the traditio blood money to the parents of dead girl. A MODERN IIISRACL'E. He Had Eczema 25 Years and D tors Said "No Cure." Yet Zam-Bok Ras Worked Co plate Cure. This is the experience of a m of high reputation, widely kne in Montreal, and whose ease c readily be investigated. Mr. T. Marsh, the gentleman referred Ives at 101 Delorimier Avenu Montreal, and has lived there f years. For twenty-five years has had eczema on his hands wrists. In that time four eminent reed cal men tried to cure him, an eaoh gave tip the case as hopeles Naturally, Mr. Marsh tried rem dies of all kinds, but be, also, last gave it up. For two years h had to wear gloves clay and nigh so terrible was the pain and itchln when the air got to the sores. Then came Zam-Buk? He trio it, just as he had tried hundreds o remedies before. But he soon foun out that Zam-Buk -was differen Within a few weeks there were di tinct signs of benefit, and a ]itt perseverance with this great her bal balm resulted in what he 'ha given up all hope of—a complete cure! And the cure was no tem porary cure. It was permanent He was cured nearly four year ago. Interviewed the other day Mr. Marsh said: "The euro whic Zam-Buk worked has bean abso lutely permanent. From the day that I was cured to the present mo- ment I have had no trace of eczema, and 1 feel sure it will never re- turn." If you suffer from any skin trou- ble, cut out this article, write across it the name of this paper, and mail it, with one cent stamp to pay re- turn postage, to Zam-Buk Co.,To- ronto. We will forward you by re- turn a free trial box of Zam-Bele. All 'druggists and stores sell this famous remedy, SOC. box. She 11, since n of rder her, of a Mee is a the ex - ere e: the o to sest s of the ate to er. rec est who 0, ado he her be - to hehera al - ant nt, 1 Imo as that go nal the oc- m- an wn an M. to, e, or he and d e- at e t, g a t, sa- l For the first time in history por- traits of the Czars of Russia are to be placed on the postage -stamps of that country; Time tries all things, and as Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup has stood the test of years it now ranks as a leading specific in the treatment of all ailments of the .thrbat and lungs, It will soften and subdue the most stubborn cough by relieving the irritation, and restore the affected organs to healthy conditions. Use will show its value. Try it and be convinced of its efficacy. Misery loves company. bet it is generally a case of enrequitteel af- fection. PILES CURED 1N 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your drugalst will refund 'alloy If PA'/,O OOoi'. neon Protruding env Pilot in 6 tItching, i e, 50,, The horn of ,plenty has started many a man on'a toot, Minaret's Liniment Cures Dlstempor, Private dwelling -houses in Great Britain reach the total of 7 3-4 mil- lions, Worms fretfulness and rob the infant of sleep, the great neer. isher, Mother Graves' Worm Ex- tOl'nihmaisor will clear the stomach and intestines and restore health- fulness. No surgical operation is neces- sary in reinoving earns if Hollo- w/130s Corn Cure be used, Investments for the New Year Rom SYe have to offer several first-class bond investments yielding 6 per cent. net, carrying our unquhllfled reooire mandation. , WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED 179 Jamoo Strout, Montreal. 308-Moalnnon Building, TORONTO, • 14 Oornhill, LONOOr, ENGLAND 11 FARM HANDS WANTED ;:to Alberta for eight months, 15th March to 35th Nov. for 4520 and board. Apply by letter to Box 127 Toronto P. 0., enclosing at least two references from last employers, state age and farming experience. "The Most Beautiful Location in Now Yorlc City." HOTEL SAVOY Fifth Ave., 58th to 59th Street Overbooking Centrar'Park Affording a delightful residence, from which all the principal centres of the city are readily accessible. Beautiful room., elud, $a. , ltb bathroom $3 and Ipnard—dou'ale�,, nidi bathroom fat and upward: e' gU parva', Peeve bedroom and bathroom Ins=�er tette. upon nppne,don. epa- doua resnurdnt, pall, gardaa, biIII,ei roam, ate. Srndfor&eaktol. JOHN F.RIES, Manager EARLY TRAINING. "She claims that her ancestors stood torturing with red-hot pin- cers." "I believe it. She can wear shoes three sizes too small and look happy." Externally or Internally, it is Good.—When applied externally by brisk rubbing, Dr. Thomas' Ec- leotric Oil opens the pores and penetrates the tissue as few lini- ments do, touching the seat of the trouble and immediately affording relief. Administered internally, it will still the irritation in the throat which induces coughing and will cure affections of the bronchial tubes and respiratory organs. Try it and be convinced. HOW IT LOOKED. "You think she married him for his money?" "Yes," replied Miss Cayenne. "It didn't seem to me as much like a wedding as like a speculation." Minard'e Liniment Co., Limited. Ggreat benefit from the tube ofIMIreceived AILD 8 LINIMENT in a severe attack of La. Grippe, and I have frequently proved it to be very effective in cased of Inflam. mutton. W. A. Yours, Woolwich Arsenal at present em- ploys nearly ten thousand hands, The average annual earnings per man exceed $500 x hers Your Eyes Head Coro Try Marine Eye Renter y, No Smarting—Peels Fine—Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Grauulated Eyelids. Illus- trated Book 10 each Package. Marine le compounded by our acnllste-7,ot a'•Patent iidfed- lalneo—blit used an successful Physiulane' Prno- tleo for many years, Now dedlrated to the Pnb- 11c and sold b • notgqgluts et VIZ Sane° Marina stye Calvo to Aseptic Pubes, 2tp0 and 50,, Murine Rye Remedy Co., Chicago He—Poll look nice enough to eat, She—We11, Ido eat. Minaret's Liniment Cures Colds, 41, Belle—"lsdgar has such tact in Choosing an engagement -ring. er Nell—"Yes and such ]snack in get - tin ' back from a k r S it m every irgl l it to," 'r g re gives For your own salve, don't wait until it happens. It may be a headache, toothache, , earache, or some painful accidet. Rawlins Wizard Oil will cure it. Get a bot- tle now. Some people have succeeded in reducing procrastination ' to an ex- act science. Poverty may be ,nn disgrace, brat. it takes a let to disgr toe a rich an. 1 dlinerd's M;Inhnent GuroS Dtu•Get itt to**, m PARRIS FOR SALE OR RENT. JJlfl..1JFr W. reives0N, 90 COLBORNE ST., .. Toronto. 0NH HUNDRED ACRES - GOOD Buildings; near Brampton. rfl WF:NTY-FIVE ACRE FRUIT. PARM— .L Brick House and Good Buildings; St, Catharines. NUMBER OF GOOD 51005, GRAIN and Dairy Farms in Halton, Peel. York, Ontario and Prinoe Edward Colin. ties. Ct EYERAL GOOD k'RUIT FARMS IN 17 the Niagara Fruit Belt. ANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN, AL- LY�. berta and British Columbia Lands. to email or largo blocks. 7f 1' YO17 WANT TO BUY OR SELL A JL Farm, consult H W. Dawson, Ninety Colborne St., Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. 1 IGH -GRADE SPECIALTIES FOR .l1JJLL Agents. Commission basis. D. L, Twigs Co., Tillsonburg, Ont. L! ALESMEN—$50 PER WEEK SELLING U one hand Egg -Seater. Sample and terms 25c. Money refunded if unsatiefac• tory. Collette Mfg. Company. Coiling. wood, Ont. AGENTS WANTED. — A LINE POE every home. Write us for our choice list of agents supplies. We havethegreatest agency, proposition in Canada to -day. No outlay necessary. Apply B. C. I, Co., 228 Albert St., Ottawa. HELP WANTED. A T ONCE -YOUNG MEN TO LEARN -CS Barber Trade. Demand for barbers every day; cannot supply demands. Let us teach you trade. Write Por partiou- tars. Motor ?;arbor College, 221 Queen East, Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED. • iILWAY POSITIONS AS STATION ,Lb Agents, Telegraphers, Freight and 'Lleltet Works, Day good wages. We train you quickly. Send for free Booklet 18. Day, Evening and Mail Courses.. Domin- ion School Telegraphy, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS, 'SHAY and FARM SCALES, Wilson's .0.$ Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. d"t ANCEli, 10:600104, LUMPS, utu. lo- IL/ farina and external oared without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr, hot,me% Ladneg. wood, Ont. TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilsons Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. A GENTS WANTED. — A STUDY ON 11 other Agency propositions convinces ue that none can equal ours. You will al. ways regret it if you don't apply for par. ttoulers to Travellers' Dept., .225 Albert St. Ottawa. Lv PEUTALISI'B ADv10E PRES. Consuls 1,7 us in regard to any disease. Lowest prices in drugs of all kinds. Trusses fitted by mall. Send measure- ment. Glasses fitted by age. Write to -day for to Drg Reitman, Cnd in llugwood, Oat DYEING ! CLEANING For the very best, send your work to the :"BRITI"SH AMERICAN DYEING C0." Look for agent in your town, or send direct. Montreal. Toronto. Ottawa, Quebec. Trappers, Huntcrd and Uoaaere In any kind of Raw Furs, cannot afford to dia- pose of their cone,-. tome wt th 0l, t first obtaining our quo. Wiens, whie, we cheerfully bullish upom. request. we specialize in the following t-+ R1011T PRICES. LIBERAL ASSORTMENT. And remittance forwarded same days geode received, express and mail charges on all ori too tsmall. id Canada's shipmLargest Fur Opernt too - ator, ' Ther.'s a- Reason,' Your buslaos, told correnpondonce solicited, nM, PT, IC John Hallam - TORONTO STURGEON EIV�k� External application for man or beast, Everyone 'knows of the wonderful qualities in the oil of the STURGEON for s rainsr lameness, ns' Ssa et c. Dr. Dow's formula has it in its beat form. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings, etc., it cannot bo equalled. Try it once and you will be satisflod. Paine 25 cants. ASK YOUR DEALER, HE BILLS IT. The Bl'ayley Drtrg Co., Lid., Seto Props. St. Sohn, N. B.