HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-1-25, Page 1VOL. 40 NO, 30 BRUSSELS. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, .7A.NUARY 25, 1912 W, H. KERR, Proptletor New Advertisements If — to toast itlnsiI.'o `-'in to Dnnenra. OtoAuction sole -Win Alideraon, IC Bolls 101 ,'n1H-D� W Donbas. - is Doering hooloa.nt•.-y ('serer, t1 Beek from rho we't—I9. Ir Mmtlnnd: i1 !, P, I1 e. Il a, s. Thursday of next week will be the (late of the Monthly Horse Fair in Bi'llesele. It is expected many buyers will be in attendance. The aeuhtian Sale of fi rm stock, i111. 1 4at elements, rte., of Gar. .Ittx•kliu, Lot 15, (lou. 4, will be held Taesday after- eels, will continue the services on Miss Kate McLeod keeps quite poor- Sunday, February, 11th, when be will ly we ate sorry to elate, pret(Ch at 2 p, n1, and '7. Miss Gray- In connection wit li the series of ser• doll, will sing Agalli. 'noes being preached by Rev. Me. A fine LeCI111•l' will be +1V1'11 111x111- WI'0?) (111 "The Fools of the 1311111'," 1)P. f, dray eveninu Fehrn+u•,y 12Th, by Rev. will dent next Suudny evening with 17, \V, S U. quhacr, of L'sl'nwel, on "The Dilspised Fool." C, and MI's. Moffatt, of Turnberry, entertained a large number of young . people Inst Friday evening, - G. and Mrs. Davidson spent Sunday the 1101110 of til+ fal'1 'I''a - t u( brot be t' W. Dnvids(nl, ne,1r Bluevale. The funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. R Y a land; Albert, of Loudon ; Samuel, c London ; Ml's. G. Klwrde, of London Mee. A. bllutnie, of London, and Mit Annie. Interment. was made s Woodland cemetery, • and th services conducted by Rev. Oano Uraig, of the Mulch of St. John th Evangelist, Deceased wits an uncle c Mrs. Rosa and Nlhs. A. R. Curd'1 of Brussels, being a brother to the: father DAVID JEFFPJRagN CALLED. Thursday morning of .last wee Isabella Darroch, relict of the la to Heald Jefferson, of HLllett towrleht Passed awe at the nonce of h er p Y d ughter, Jlrs: S, Bennett, Wtnghal ut the royal old age of 80 year Some 8 weeks previous she had Palle in the house and dislocated her hi and the occident no doubt husteue al her demise. She was bent in the itIA oY Jura, Scotland, and along with h or sister emigrated to the United Statei in 1847 locating in Noet11 Oaroliu where they remained for two year In 1847 the subject of this notice ca me 10 Canada, settlingin Oobour whey 'e she was married. They came tv Mt Hullett township in 1854 where M p Jefferson died ten wears later. Mt 's. Jefferson continued to live there qnt 1888 and since then made her ho me with her daughter, Mrs. S. Bennett, at Seaforih and Clinton.dels24 years ag Juo. Jefferson deceased's eon, move to the West where he besides ut Vu•den. Toe funeral took place la et Tct•ida ltfternoou, Rev. Dr. li,utled ge 'memo cuuduetiu5 :111 appropriate seryl alter which the remains were take by train to Clinton where intermei was glide. 3no. Shaw, of Olinta' and Angus Shaw, of Grey towuahi are nephews of the deceased lad Mrs. JelPersan WAS wonderfully brig for u person of her age and was b loved byall who knew her. Slier r tailed her faculties to a marked d gree and was ever cheerful and hop fol both fur time and eternity. trt.c C�U 171 - L noon of next week. Mr, .lacklin. like many others, hits invested in farm land land 10 the West will wave to it 'n the Spring. "Ai Medium I,'icalii" mid in additjon tothis treat Irl 'Montelmnti('01 and literary pit giltwNl will be rendered. 25 cells and 15 emits will he charged. g The ora folk of this 100111{ty have been having the Call of late a11(1 at the, present e. Clark and Mr. McDonald are real i11 and confined to their rooms. 'B Rutledge, .of Wingharn, mother of John Rutledge of 1111s place, took place to the Lukelct cemetery on Saturday afternoon. Deeeasod is sue- West Grey Grey township Council will be held Bluevale Mankenzie ltiesear, of London, spent Nn xioub4 nlnuv will avail themselves of these services and entertainment's as the events \vile mark red letter flays at NIoum•iPff iu i henpenin5 of the n' yeavs. Roth are well advanced ler yP y.. Sunday evening February 4th, a Snogservice will be held in the Pees- byterien church, under the dil'ectinrr vived by a grown up family, her bus-MRB. banal leaving passed away 11 number of years ugu, from 1x1 Monday., February 60h. Reeve ay.,eruand Deputy Reeve Livingston1 y Brown at attending the Bounty Sunday at his bonne here. Joseph Hogg has ptirchasld the lend of \V m. Mutton. We wish pito flee edifice which is ,t mcdit to the comuunlity, of the Ohristiao Endeavor. A cordial invitation ebatl Next Sabbath the Com -Pees. Now that Extends are vision g Leadbur tfie Westand others are preparing Y Heb(ler of tit. Thomas, is to leave for the West I have de- Council at. (xodeeiah this week, Don't forget. the auction sole o£ ( Tiagh Stewart, 16th cul., on Friday afternoon of this week, He intends going West. so the Mala will be without Perm has been lensed to gond hick. Sand Fiala a£ Win ham, has y, y, g pntchaeed the farm of J. Galbraith, 'lurnbe11 Archie Y•McMichael has returned after amending the 'met few months in Oranbrook Athol 1lcQnaerrte s ent ,1 feiv clalya last week a de • P no I t n 1 the pas mita] t f. Misses \l anise and A, Matilde are visltulg with Mrs. R. Houston this Afternoon ,afternoon minion will be ubsel•ved at the P1•es- be b •teritul ahar•oh heeR at 23U n cluck. y + Prlpnratory service) will he held an nr'iday, at. 2.80 P. rn, Rev. Mr. Amos, Atworrd, well preach. •Miss Wm. Ha tided to place at your choice all visiting at Haekwell s. P my best styles of photographs at Mrs. Joseph has our, been well reduced rotes and will give sittings lately but is on the mend. ham .Tan. 213th to Feb. 28th with Mfrs Minnie Dundas has retnrnP(1 to ( the city after speeding a mouth with the exception 1)£ Feb. 6, 7 and S) friends here. Those who set early will have first James (Meter, of this tonality who Inas been living on the Robert' Blair faxen. White Water, M,Lnitnha, Chas. Rintnul, of Tm•01,11T , has purchased the faun owned by Ohas, Smith, on the Bluevale road, Laking, ween:, Nits' M. Meth -multi has returned from all extended visit with relatives in Myth. Morris Township Donned will meet tin Mon- day, Februat•y 12111. Nits. David Boyd entertained a choice of style uhd finial. number of friends one evening last • On Feb. 6, 7 and 8I will be in To- week and a,very enjoyable time was rnnto attending the Eastman spent. School of Professional Photngr•a- possession on April 1. Whet ATP the girls talking about? The (7 O, F. dance. Did you get 1111 Monthly Horse Fair in Brussels Thursday of next week. Alex. Darling, the Dublin hay deal- pphy, conducted by experts Flinn 0r, is shipping from Walton this New York Rochester, where •e•••e•oo♦♦♦♦••••♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦� J 0 S. • a o it,• P • • • A�. vI • • fin • • tS • •.ioseplh :.,i ♦ a ! ® ` z ost Moncrieff Rey Rowland, of Monktnn, has pure chased the W(:isenberg chopping mill here and will keep it hurntniug. We are sm i'v In hear that �Vm• Smith, awvell known resident of Con. 17, is quite poorly. He is about 80 years of age. CHURCH DEDICATION The flue new 'Knox church 015010(1 here is about completed tend the nv'r,ltinn? Mrs (eu, S 1 a•1'n is in Varna this d t t t g V week wending the funeral of her father, 1VTr. Rath It looks like business when yon see a hlrchehn•<hltying rt new buggy. The ea,•ly hh•(1 ctetchls the lv(11111 • On sabbetb, P1 11011ry 4t11, the Coto- mullion in Knox elms ch will he held, rnndnoted by the pastor, at 10:80 a. 10. Rev. A. C. Weibel t, B. A.r+ oPa By 1A spla, iV11, t,tlre 1 4' Preparatory .ei IeR Reeve Shortreed is at the Co. Commit in Gnderich this week. A. H. Cochrane. of Waterton, was here this week attending the funeral Of Conrad Bernath, of Ethel, who was arelutive. and Mrs, Knight„ 'of Swan . Riven', Man„ are here on a visit with Alex. and MIT. KCLauiehlin, West gravel road. Mr. ,Knight is it nephew. Nii's. Joe Shaw, 3rd line, land Angna Shelly, nt Grey township, at tended the week having about a dozen cars in this everyup-to-dateprocess g natality. demonstrated. Peter Gardiner is confined to the house this week which is much against tris nature but the expect to see him around in afeiv days. Gs The smiling face of John Rea, jr,, is to be.eeen again. This end of Mc- Killop has many reminiscences for P. S John and he alert has many friends, ie Fi ern ell accounts Mr. Rowland fs will innproving nicely and no new casae and P• will be F M lTLANDbrussels I s 111 9 successor to H. R. Brewer 1i• -Ladies, make a note of it I This Leap Year. A fleet -class photo. be in requiaittml. e * • • Suitable • • s • a e ♦ For Winter and • • Spring wear. • • • now end on dedicatory services will be hhave Sabbath, February 4111, when the popular pastor, .Rev. R. A. Lundy, will be assisted by Rev. J. C. Robert - son, B. D•, of Toronto. Services held at 2 told 7 o'clock. Special music will be rendered by the choir who will on LI11 Pltdat peel mus at 2.50 o clnr k. •Tae. A. 1 CLaahlau was in the village this Week. He is teaching 1n tovltsh'p and CH 100 owing to the demise of his father, the late to Jnh11 NicLrlchtrin. frovnerly a well known resilient of this locality, Whr, fnner:al of the late Mrs. Jef4ersml who died at Win;lham. Burial took place at Clinton. ,lir, Shaw was a nephew, Friday afternoon of next week Win. Anderson, 4th line, will hold a clear- 1itg auction sale of farm (stock, imple- meals. furniture, &e., as he intends developed so we hope it will be completely stamped out although Managers are Waller Davidson, Jno. every care has been taken to check Shoi•t1'eed, Jas. Harris, Jno. Ritchie, the disease, Jos, Bennett, Jun McArthur, Rubt. McGavin r., Jas. Lawson and Jas. Ile A load from the 14th con., drove out j to Peter NlcAtthur's in Morris town- McLaughlin. Mien ,Mary Smillie i� ship Wednesday evening of last week `decretary=Preasurer. The buildhlg of • ♦ The are o y A1111 fancy • • made try in lain • l P • styles alltl'nf Itavethe aid of Miss el;ysia Graydon, of Streetsville, a fine soloist, A spm- Mal offering will be token fur the flied ,1t P0111LI 1 l i-Pr•n.IP1P., MAnitnhta, 171st 5111111'rlay in 1'h i9 $nt{1 YPalr.. 111P rentable were brought to Brussels for interment. Mrs,'. M0Lar•hlan Was giving up fal'1111itg• He Inas been five years an this fern and purposes re- •moving to Brussels to • join N. Hamil• and the bells did not jingle again until the new church is being entered upon � �• g the small boors of the morning which with an enthusiasm and business tact • indicated • a ood tittle. that ensures success• Coates ♦ ♦ Rest • �' ♦ -class material. . -- • Build'ng. Fnncl. Monday evening following a hot dinner will be served, in the commodi_ 6 1)11104 there. She was a sister to Mrs. D. McQuacrie, of Granbrouk, tin) in the livery business. We are sor']y to lose Will. but wish him gond luck to town. ,Andrew is. callipg on old friends around here and isa welcome Belgrave visitor. Some years ago Andrew James Wilkinson, an old and well Warden Stothrrs In the Chat • The Coats • bargains advantage will be snldat great • so don't foil to take • of this offering. • ons basement by the ladies .frnnn to 9 o'clock told after this important port nI. the •proceedings an adjournment, where Ethel Miss Margaret. Patterson, of Brant- s Blyth Reeve Milne is attending Huron County Council went West and will no doubt have a known resident, keeps very poorly. comfortable home and this being leap Edward and Mrs. Code, of Hartle year the girds will do the rest. well, Sask., have been visiting Dr. Mrs. Stewart. Tuesday afternoon or this we Huhn' County Council met and wi the opening eessiun clime the alwu interesting feature of the selection nae of the members to fill the office Warden. Following the custom each pulitical party represented Ila nig the huuor of making the choice the alternate years this session it f to the lot of the Conservative par and the musette fell upon the abounds ,.f Reeve 'Phos. Stolhers, the wort and well known representative Ashfield towuship. As Huron Co. will be presided ov by this gentleman for 1912 we adjud ed a shurtpersonal sketch would be iutereaC, especially Lu those not no personally ucgluliuCed with 4im.. \Verden Slulhera parents were 301 and Rtuhhel Stothera, pious settlers i11 West tVaivnuloah near t ' village o£ Umlgaunon. tie wale one 11. children, (8 sons and 8 daughter 6 of whom are deceased) and was bo February 10th, 1857. When 2 yea old the family moved to Ashfle township where Mr. Stothera h spent neatly all his life. For 5 yea he sat at the TowushippBoard as Cou cillor and 6 years as Reeve and out these 11 years he was accorded acclamations, certainly a mark of e ',mutation in his home tuunicipalit,y, ;efts. Stothers' maiden name iv bliss Annie Luis, she being a dao ter of the late Win Ellis, of We Wawauosh, and their family conte of 8 sons end 3 daughters. In church relationship. Warde Slathers is a Methodist and holds o clan position with the Dungeon cease. He is also actively interest in other institutions bein Treasur of the West Wawannsh Fire Irian aihce Co. ; Director of 1Sungann A ricultural Society ; Director \'West Huron Fanners' Institute ; a Chief Ranger in the loco Court of t Independent Order of Foresters. Warden Stothers' deceased brothe William was DP ut Reeve an p y Township Oletk of the Township Ashfield for inane years. With a gentleman of WI good jade mein, wide and varied experience an approachable geniulty as the preset occutpant Huron] County niay rest nut'ed the many duties of the offlcii he•td will be performed •with •credit t himself and this royal old Co, of Hut y an, .gt. We wish Warden Stothera the Cc Onuuoillors mid the Cu. officials a yea of successful and pleasant ocoupanc; elf 0(1101^' • ♦ • r ♦ 11{9 • • • •• • • • B R •• • r•••••♦••••♦e♦••••••ee•♦•e -- • • • • 0 eraser • Tailor to Men 4) who Know. • 1 U S S E L S a will be made to the auditorium a choice program will be rendered' Talent will consist of Mss. De. Kidd,, Atwood ; Misses Florence and Beatrice Whithel(l, Uuton ; Mr. Wilson, Monk- ton R. McDonald, Craobrook ; Wal- ton Quartette ; Mise Murray, of Shakespeare, elocutionist ; Miss Gray- don; vo;aliet, Streetsville ; and ad= dresses by visiting clergyrnen. Tick- els 50 cents, children, 25 cents. Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A., of Brus- ford is visiting her snot, Mrs. J. P. McKay, W ter• Bernath, of St. Thomas, was Here (luring the past week owing to the c1Hmise of his uncle. David Millie and C. Eckmier wel'e re-elected Honorary Directors of East Huron Agricullur'tll Society. Mrs. J. P. McKay has been quite ill with ingrippe bot her manly fr•Rr1ds Bops she will soon be a9 -hearty ,as ever, Wednesday noon Roy Gill shot a this week. Last Monday a Municipal bye elec. tion took place to fill the shortage on the Council Board. George Powell won by the close majority of 3, defeat- ing J. Moody. Thursday afternoon of this week the funeral of the late Rev. Dr. McLean, formerly of Blyth, takes place. Ser- vice in S. Andrew's church, conduct. ed by the rhitnisIsis of Huron Presby- tery, of which body deceased was the Clerk for long years. + and Jamestown allies Elsie Clark, of \Vaskada, Man., Richard Jneklin's little son has been is renewing old fi ieadsllipa to this quite ill this week but is now improv- locality. She is a daughter, of the late big. Wm. Clark, Township Ule k. Mr. Gillespie, of Whitechurch, is Last week D, and Mrs. Sproat were hitsy threshing clover on Grey and at Atwood attending the Golden Remick Boundary these days. Wedding of Lemuel and Mts. PPltclo. Rev. Dr. McLean, who died this Very few people have the opportunity week at Goderich, is a brother to Mr's. of Celebrating such events. John Strachan, of this lncaltty. Lennie and Jesse Wheeler, sons of Mee. Win. Hogg has been renewing Ohas. Wheeler, of Morris township. old friendships on the 3rd coal., of are home on a holiday from North fine specimen] of an owl at the G. 1'. The funeral of the late Mrs; Richard Corley, formerly East Wawannsh, Grey. She is always welcome. . Vancouver. They will return shortly We are to see the. boys and to - R. station. It measured 4 fest, from tip. to tip. By acYvertisewent in this isstlR it will be seen bhat D W. Dunbar Ilan Cwo choice vnnng llnrho,oi boils for' 49,11,'. nee whet1 he e11ya 41110111 thein, 1'se .l lar L ridgy s did n^L' get to Brussels lust Friday awing to the of took place to Blyth cemetery on Mote clay afternoon, the remains being br night here from Lindsay locality. Rev, Mr. Futn•cooducted the service. Mi's. Oorley's ruaidl'n 1)1111]0 wale Van- stun told she has relatives in ibis h1- p sanity. NIr.'Curley and the duly son Corley. She A negro tramp caused a little alarm glad among some of the fair sex on the know that they are prospering. • North Boundary one night recently. The Shredded Wheat } Banquet, c F t to (i a110nded the funeral of their uncle, And and 4V. NI. S., of the Meeh rdrst Misses Lizzie and Annie Strachan under the ansplce8.1d° Rev. Dr: McLean, 0f Goderich, on chit ch, will he held next Thursday WP n d evening. $0th lost. Sipper will be P a la •t e s served in the FOCestet'a• Hall and the Next Thursday's Horse Fair at in which Winghant talent Pnmmrinnin +h stormy weather and bad roads. Misses Verde Pollard and Grace leek Inlet. were the only representatives predeceased Mrs. was a fine woman aiid highly esteemed by all who knew her, . Brussels will see a number of farmers Program, from this North county there with will play a prominent part, will be some good horses for sale. tendered in the church. 1t will be it into A. unique occasion so dont miss it. Safiurda January who `vent. James Huffman, has moved g J1 J LI OF-- COxRAD: I3ERNATH evatnrONED.- Last Sunday bight, ab0111 9 30 o'clock, Conrad Bernath, all old and well Wroxeter Reeve Reis is attending the Co. Council. MnKercher'shouse, recently vacated.p p by Noah Bowman. Mr. Huffman is O U I T U A 8 Y engaged with Geo. McDonald for a known resident of this died' Mrs. McIntyre returned to Cleve- yeass Ready-to-wear Suits vicinity, after a shot t illness from Ual;eignma, aged 75 i'ean•a, 3 m„nitts 111,41 28 days. Deceased was bort' hi Switzerland and had been it resident ee Gu -.•y t+unship laud this week. 'W. O. and Mrs. Ou•rie spent Sun- day it) fli'nssels, Mrs. E. W. Lewis returned from FAReSOS' Mum -Thursday even - DEATH OF HRS. (REV.) J. HARRIS log of next week, in Victoria Hall. at 8 n'(•lovk an open meeting will be held After an illness extending over six- to reorganize the Jamestown Farmers' teen years, the last three of which • ^` f I IIIT I ��III( I omn,o d• and ®Vere®ci.tS 2 Per Celli off price regular p i Fur and Fur -lined Coats fur over 60 years. He and Mra, tlernulli 11n'ved 1 Eth' 1 nearly 21 Bernath years ago, alliving a'ld their fate)] on 9th con , to Fi•ed. Oxtoby, and have resided iters nontiuu;ulsly. 79hey had no children of their mon but adopted nephew rlhu lived with them to oleo- hood, Nit' Bcru+etlt a'a� tt mann of sre1'ling int(,grity, hinun•ribl(' iu all hitt dealings and 1 espei-i e.d by ,iii who knew pini. He WAS rt faithful mem• her of the Piesbytcrian church and a1 Libeled in pol'1 ice. For bent years 1e lulls Secr'e1(1 u 1 t easurerof the church Dunnville this week. John H111111ltnlh 8111pI1R11 two oars of live stook on Tuesday, Redmond McGlynn returned flout Tnrhutn nn Saturday. We regret to learn that Nits. John McLean still ennttnnes very ill. A. 8l:OlPmeol, of Eafevao, Saak., is visiting old friends in the vicirt11y.. 31)1111 Rae, of Eady, is the guest of his parents, D. and Mrs. Rae, of Howick. Miss 1]Ida1 Hazlewood is in Bowman- villa tits week attending the funeral olor have been spent. to bed, death released Club to which all the men of the cone- rnunity etre invited, Short addresses the suffering at 10 ti oloek Thursday or and discussions will be given. Dont lose week of Mrs. Hur•t s, w e Re forget to attend. Jas. Bettis, Kerr street Guelph. Mrs. Last Sabbath evening Rev. Mr, Harris was the dalughter of Rev. H. Perrin, of Wroxeter, took the service Britton, a uuasnlnuly of the Wesley 111 in Victoria Hall. He took occasion to Mtssionar3' Society of]Engla`ld. She apenk Hating Pttreive)1'wu ds as he will burn nu the ]aloud rf A g 111a on rte removing frurn Wroxeter Cn Nloore• Jabe 21, 1831 and wuakl, t.or some field shortly. The reverend gentle -have been 81 last Sunday, For some mann has many friends in Jamestown cane she was engaged 111 London locality whr are sorry to say Good- missionary work with Rev. W. Sleph` bye to him but wish hon the best of 011snn, whose Chlldlens home to Sncce$87 Canada is well known in Hamilton. She canis to Canada. in 1879, and was vt Es au' �Next p Heavy Winter Mitts J j�y ep trunks and. In Y31153 And a bid Reduction 1❑ all lJnes of h,Arcl and was also Secretary of the Sclemi Board. The funeral truck place I`hurschty morning to St: Thomas where his nephew r(]sidrs I19rs, Bernath will mem her 'partner of so oniony ye11.19 1111(1 �11e 1111• the s9111pa1'•hy of the community in 0044111(41, lfev. 1). B,. 1 1(114, mist of of the deceased, 1(1111 Rev. Mr. Wren, conducted an appropliilte fpncral'Rawir:e, of a e0081n, B. Barry, of Chicago, is spending a few Buys at the home of Stephen I p King, of Tarnberry. Orrtl HupfOr, a former resident of the villa51, accompanied by his I1i'ide spent two days of 111'4 week in the village. They will reside in Monied- quo, elicit., Where the firmer holds a gond posit 1111 _ Walton 111011ied to Rev. Jame Ha•ts, then The Walton Quartette will take statitnied at Brusse s After pant in the Opening exer'Cises of the superannuation they elncvated 1 at 110w chureh at Moucrieff on Monday, Guelph, in 1892, and hay I ed there Pehivavy 5t1L ever 8111(5 A 111(11101 ial set•vice was Material for the proposed new 111 in Dublin SC1e. tel 10dis1 Presbyterian chutoh is being hauled e0 Chm'uh 011 Sunday nl0huiu5, teed 1b- its to he ready for buildingwhen the tertnent took Mace at Jerseyville on good weather arrives. Monday. Rev. Mr. Hargis was Betts- Sabbath the service in the eels pastor for 3 years over 30 y00 s :` IIS 9 v ,s w �'^ r ld:• a ti .h; Shoes and Rubbers such as $5,0o Shoes fol•'i4,00 'r !••t••N•••1•♦•h♦•t•••1•••N•'•6,••N••M•,F•N+.**4.♦d'♦�N♦••••!••••••••••F••N••••••i•• • • •1• -y �. * 3♦• s eeringimplements4' • Methodist church will be held at 7 1150. p. m, hie Changed- from mar11i11g to 'SUDDEN DLMI8E OF S. FRIENDSHIP - eveningon 0ccnun1 of the poor condi- Samuel Friendship who gained a tion ofhe. roads, P wide acquaintance Friendship his many Jen. Rett, who holds a gond position years in London, was striekeu with in the-0ustuuas ar E(lm(ntton, fe hormi heart failure while a4 work wt $Gerling for0 brief holidayvisit. The West Bros.' shoe factor'v Friday 1110101(1 y g evidenti agrees with him. Mr. Rea and died blatantly.He was in his is greatly o�em(ured with that part 76th year. Mr. 'riendship lived in Church chimes "Is organic Church Union a preset' necessity 7" will be'Rev, 'Dr, Oaten' ,object next Sabbath 111(ruing in th Met bodist church. Last Sunday nloruing'Rev..Dr. Oat en discoursed un "19 organic Union the churches a Scriptural necessity" i which lie: deckled in the negarly sahhatlf evening hist A M. McKa "1' C1letlev,'a former well known Btu -Phte, fiaves na11 di... • • efn rte I '11 elrerrh here on 'lam Abundant Life. Rev: Dr. Hannon is 111 -critically ill a ,he' Mine of Rev F. E 811,lott at St Mal't's that little taupe is entertained So his recovery, He has been ill for sole time Rev, Mr. Malott is his, son -in late. -ker. vV L. MillsOn, of Stratford, • hn betel given a will by the quarterly board 0 Ontario Street Methodist Church Clio inn to succeed Rev. T. Wesley Cosena who it.50ul5 tn, Loudon, Mr. Minton i uoneideriug the matter. 'l`he% }leu;.tlll Observer of last weal sees :-The officials of Carmel churcl (•ounterl the bail ire on Church Unioi lost night. The vote stood 245 for ant 5e totemot. The Methodist ballots art ',mind In yet, but iron) what we: car learn, the vete will be in about the aatne ptoeoi tion , siry y I k3, Vs , 4 '- ' 4.00 3,00 3.00 2.10 Rubbers, 75c per pair Shoes must be cleared out in the next two Weeks to make • • room for new S vino' goods ` p 6 which we will tell oil about II l later. • e 4 • 4.• • • Machinery r • •1•. : Gra that a' : AM entering on m S( ccind year as' Local Agent • .' y + for the Deering Agricultural Implements and am , p�•-pared to supply all comers with every kind of • required. T • • Also handle the well klloWil McLaughlin and a ' & Sons Carriage -Goods, One grade one and Y . t7 b y • •tyle best. 's ' • of the Dominion, . London for peactiea)ly his whole life- Annual Union Sabbath Sc110o1 Orn- time, and was formerly employed in venison will be held in Duff's chinch official capacity at the old "Hyman on Feeley of next \week. Afternoon shoe factory on Catling street 20 years and evening sessitms will be held at ago. Upon leaving that Concern he tunnel interest big and. practical sub- accepted a posiuion at St.. Hyaointle, lefts will be discussed. Quebec, and remained there for a AxxaAl. Muerte* air . Dus'rs year before relurnin to London. Y g GHUROH,—Tues(lay evening the anrlu- Since then he has anted its supertn- al congregational meeting of Duff's tendetlt.of the entilug dep,u•trneht' at lit/Mil wits held at whirl) vie pre- Si iltng1 Fi'el v I left fin• ti's rented,' ih the annual etetement, a work tri his metal' good health but was Inose 9lttisfttclnry, hopeful land coin- discoveuid by One of the employees mendable condition of affairs. There dead in a room intu.which he had gone The above is simply a sample of the ;' • LUaslztng Machines, Sewing Machines and Cream oeparators always in stock •I i• •• • ore 95 families in connection with the a few rniunles 'before; Mr, F1•tend- congregation, constituting 229 mere- ship was first fnnttd by George T. hers ; 166 in Sabbath Sehonl • 54 in 13ronne, who eteleavni'ed to oiler the Adult Bible Class ; 48 members in the door of the roots into .which the old ' Endeavor Society 16 in the W. k'' had He trotired that, CLOTHIER Many Bargains \\\\\\\\\\` ■C■ D - AND ofFered. rifo r, UR1�J(5 I1✓R ?' i• In Musical Goods we handle Pianos, Or was, celebrated Ecltson 1honographe. Call in and dee the Bargains, 4 � ,r g, 4 ,s •4••4••4••4w4.44+•4••4••4•••A••i•••h .., Kitchen and the if you Cabinet purchasing t°r �'�r • 1 w+•4•••••t•'1••d•• 0 ,� ss Cabinets` : avant a Ohatham Kitchell eomo to our shop before elsewhere. + : rlissels '. 4144,•1+ +04 ••r• b 4 ; gentleman gone. 31 S. ; 82 in MMlissaon 13a11d ; and 60 in some person was sitting just inside Ladies' Aid. The Pastor receives but apparently helpless. He then 1)00 ; Organist, $40 ; Caretaker, $50; called buiperintelldent Durglh, luted TI•easurer, $10. 5411 were contribut• the door was removed froutthe lunges. ed for Missionary purposes and $14 to Mr. Friendship was sitting with his Oiliness • Famine Fund. Ladies' Aid tl�ipe in his hand, his Beath apparently havO ranted 5560 for new church al- having conte poet suddenly. A Dr. ready. Rev. R. A. Lundy is the toter- ivas summoned bn11 life ivas extinct. getio pastor and is ably supported, 001011e' M110101en condneted an fat• sow" ennglata 'af Andrew Turnbull, vestigailon but deemed all inquest un- A.. t arclinee Wee,_ ICoot:Wel, Jno, necessary, The deceased is survived Shnrtreed,Thos. McCall Iii h Stew- b the following ti(111' itn'4 date titers • g Yg g. art, W. Me8'Adzean add James Smillie. Jaules, of Chicago t h'tank, of Olsva. r ek lit of of 4 v- an sit 4y ra by of el' of w Joh el• he of a, bot rs a9 rs n - 0f 8, p-. W1 h- aG is en fli- 011 ed er e- on of an he u e. v, e 11