HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-1-18, Page 8Janury sale of gall Paper In order to tide over the ;[lull between season io Wali Paper and make ronin for 0l1' large new : priug stack of Wali Paper orderedby import, we are going to clear out several of our patterns These are not remnants but lines with sufficient to do ordinary sized rooms, and the most of them borderland ceilings to match; Here are a few of them : E3edroom Papers Several patterus in floral design, with g in, match border, up to ire. per roll: 'Price now 7c per roll. Hall Papers Papers suitable for Hall, green col °rings with narrow border. Regu- lar too and 110 per roll. Price pow Sc. Dining Room Papers In Green, Ftiwn and White back- groneds, with 18 in match border Reg t re per roll, now 8c Reg 100 per roll now 7c Gilt Papers Two or three patterns to choose from, wide borders, tip to 14.0 per roll, Price now 9c per roll. }'Please remember these prices are for two weeks only. It will pay you to buy Wall Paper now. HAVE YOU CHILBLAINS P Try Rexalt Chilblain Cure. It is giving great satisfaction. Price sic per bottle. Store F R small DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. Komi itteiris Pins PITCH holes. COLD weather. 366 days in tem JANUARY halt gone. Tux ice harvest is on. THE POST gives the news. ALL'the weddings are not over vet. NEXT Horse Fair Thursday, February 1st. • A, O. U. W. Friday evening of this week. ' LADY'S belt found also a gent's watch chain. Ask at THE POST. DON'T forget the Farmers' and Worn- ' en's Institute meetings Friday of this week. PUBLIC Library Board will meet next Mouday evening at 7.30 o'clock in the Board room. Co Comfort. will meet next Tuesday at Godericl. The Jauuary session is always a busy one. 'rug Dorenwend representative was here on Tuesday looking after the bust'. mess of this well known firm. GREEN wood is being offered for sale The number of people who have fuel to dispose of are very limited in these dat•s. Tuts Winter has been testing the heating apparatus of the various homes and Buds some of it minus in various cases. • EAST HURON Farmers' and Women's Institutes meet Friday afternoon of this week. A joint meeting will be held in the Town Hall in the evening at 7. 3o o'clock. THE Winghani'l`imes has had another birthday and under H. B. Elliott's management is doing well. Best rec- commendation Ibe Times has is the hear- ty way the business people of Wingham support it, . We wish it continued pros- perity. As many as one hundred teams have been counted in a day at the Prvne mill for chop, Indicative of the large bust nets that nose be done in stock feeding in this section of the conntrv. Some of the patrons drive 8 or so miles 10 have their weir k done here. HOCKEY MATCH -Ripley will play a Leal,ue Hockey game with Brussels here Friday evening of this week. The visitors gave our boys quite a doing last week at Ripley hilt as our team hope to '"square it off on the home ice, a warm ,match may be expected. The lads from the North put up strong hockey. Ad mission gents 25 cents ; Ladies and children 15 cents. A Toronto item says :-The license of the Humber Beach Hotel was sold for $25.000, Lionel W. Hanson of Toronto, but formerly of Brussels, Ont„ being the purchaser. T. J Rowland, who . bas conducted the house for some time, re- tains possession of the property, which comprises five acres of' land, bordered on one side by the river, and on the other by the lake Mr. Hanson will pay a yearly rental of $2,400, Hie OVT Os' JOINT -Last Saturday Wm. Oakley, shoemaker, slipped on the street near the McCracken grocery store and in Overall had the misfortune to put his hip 'join out. He has been a remarkably hearty man and it will go against the e grain t o be shut goff from m work ath t e shop. O hope he P We P h will - Make speedy progress p dy p og ss and soon be re- stored to bis customery activity, In the meantime his shoe shop is Closed. A stccess.-Tuesday evening the boys and young men of the Methodist church were iuvited to the school room of the church for a social evening. There were about 5o in attendance who enjoy- ed a pleasant two hours in various games, social chat, gramophone music and an interesting address from Dr. Hamilton, on "The care of the teeth." Bachelor refreshments were served. The pastor, Rev. Dr, Oaten, presided and welcomed the company. No SMALLSOx HERE. -An item ap- peared.in last Saturday's Toronto papers to the effect that smallpox had been dis- covered in Brussels. 'rhe case reported to the Provincial Health Officer is lo- cated ie MoKillop township 7i or 8 miles from Brussels. The error arose, we as- sume, cm aecount of the telegram being seat front Brussels office. 'A correction was wired to tite'l'oronto press and this appeared fn Monday's dailies, People are so much afraid of smani:slit several telephone messages were received Sun- day enquiring; where it was loettted, Fol ALaka141, VANCOUVER ISLAND. -In renewing for THE POST Mrs• B Wilkinson,' 'daughter of Mrs, Jane ge Walker, Briteeels, writes t -Asst in topes I will get papers More regularly now as we have the train running here pow, It ouly Comes 3 tittles a week as vet, but: we are promised a daily in the Summer. Have 110 snow to speak of but in No. vetnber we had the heaviest fall old timors say in the last 24 years. We do not weary tot the snow here for fn ell r It e is very e lIyWtand good g o slei h1' g in is not looked f ' of regularly, g l h only had 4 sleigh rides since 1897 and the going' from Huron.this 18 a big Change wit certslnly. 0o Is this the January thaw 7 CARNIVAL. Thursday of next week, See bilis for list of prizes, races. &e. FOURTH Division Court was held on Wednesday before judge Holt, The docketwasi light. h. g NEXT Thursday hurtles evening a carnival will be held in the new rink when prises will be given for costumes, races, etc, A moving picture show advertised to appear in the Town Hell each night 01 this week failed to put in an appearance. INCTALLATI,N of officers in Western Star Lodge, L 0, 0 P , Brussels, Thursday evening of this week. Are you an Oddfeilov ? Attend the installa- tion. TUESDAY • evening a miscellaneous "shower" was tendered to Miss Josie Buchanan at the home of Mrs Geo. Baeker, A fine time was enjoyed and the fact was eloquently and practically emphasised that "coming events cast their shadows before." -- o DOG strayed on farm of undersigned. A fox -terrier. NORMAN LAMONT, 8th omn, Grey township. NOTION -Customers having outstanding ac- counts with W m. and R A. Pryne are asked to settle at once as they are closing their books. WM & R. A. PRYN%, Brussels. HIOnEeT mesh price paid for potatoes at Mc- Oracken'e stare, Brussels. IPyoursews do not snit you Ball end ex- change with me or I win sell to you at cost. T. M°Wixooa Brussels. EROS 85e esR Dozen -Now is the time to feed ground bone which is the best known producer or eggs. For sale by BARxas Boos. House and lot, eligibly eituated in Brussels, for sale or to rent, gFhrther part ioulnrs may be obtained from hire R. Dark, or Dr. Holmes, ABPRsNTI0e WANT5n.-A bright girl or boy wanted at THE PORT to learn the printing business. One who has passed the Entrance Examination preferred Apply at THE Pose. TuFrnberry street, Brussels, belonging to Thoe Nicholls. For further particulars apply to A. F. Stewart, Brussels Boutin. COMPLAINT was made by some poste - offices teat THE Po,T :vas behind time in reachiog their destination last week 10 was notour fault as we were 001 on Thursday as usual Possibly the belated mail trains failed to make the usual 000. nections. LUCxNow Wote -Tuesday evening of this week the local puck chasers hied them to Lubknnw where i hey contested the bockev soprem>tev with the League team of that place, Although the home lads won quite handily our bots enjoyed the sport. The score now stands one win each. This is the first Winter tor Brussels to have a cowered rink so they will profit by the pointers obtained in these matches supposing they do not nlways win. DON'T RIN Tug Ria -A number of wild ducks are to be seen disporting themselves in the open wafer below the mill clam, Several sports have been very anxious 10 get a shat at them but they violate the law by killing them as this is the close season. Lea is very plain in the case and 00 conviction be- fore a Magistrate a rine as high as $20.00 may be imposed which would make the.sport slightly expensive. Our advice is "better leave the ducks alone Miss Avert DEAD. -Last Sunday Miss Willamine, daughter of W. H Auld, of Essex, died following an operation for appendicitis She ha.l been e o teal.hin at the King Edward school, Walkerviiiile for the past 4 years l'he older rest dents of Brussels will remember that Mr. Auld was a partner with the present proprietor,of THS POST for a few years, marrying while a resident here. We are sorry to hear of the demise of Miss Auld and extend sympathy to the bereaved family, H_owrcx MUTUAL, -'Phe annual meet- ing of this well known Company will be held in the Township Hall, Got roe. Fri- day, 28th 1051,, at 1 3n p. m. Reports will be presented, officers. elected and other business transacted The retiring Directors are Jno R Miller and Edward Bryaus, who have been President and Vice President Both are eligible for re election and should be chosen another term without opposition. If roads and weather are good there no doubt will be a large atten deuce, Annual report shows a year of large increases and also of serious losses 'through large fires auto stook killed by lightning. Bum:Hitt-Sco'ST --A quiet wedding took place Wednesday of this week, at the home of P. and Mrs, Scott, Queen street, when their only daughter, Miss Aileen, became the bride of Fred I Ceremony was performed by v, A C. Wishart, B A, Bride wore her travelling Sett. 'rhe girl friends of the bride presented her with a cut glass water set while the groom received a sett case from his gentlemen aesoeiates to town ' Teiegrems of congratulation and cheques Were -received, After a tasty dejenueur Mr. and Mrs. Burchill took the 3 p. m; train on a short wed- ding trip to Termite. They purpose leavie next e fy week for a more extended e tour to rite West where they may maks fr home if they like it, The good lies of Brussels and Commodity a0; mpany them in their new relationship, 1 usiness Chance is often missed when it might have been easily embraced by Systematic Saving Begin now to prepare for the day of op- portunity by depositing your savings in The METROPOLITAN BANK $1.00 OR MORE OPENS AN A©OOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GJLROY, MANAGER And now for 1912 ♦7'T 1",,—. I1 We want to maize this, our tenth year in the Agency business, The Banner Year And if selling only Goods of Superior Merit Guaranteed as Represented and at Prices Always in Buyer's Favor counts for anything with you, dear reader, we will have your hearty co- operation in making this a profitable year to buyer and seller alike. We wish one and all the very best that is in this present year and dose to come, also to thank you for past patronage and beg to remind you that we will always do our very best to snake your continuance with us Worth Your While. N iMclauchlin � AGENT, BRUSSELS. MESCRs, TEWITT & PAUL shipped 300 hogs Tuesday of this week. W. C P. U --The regular meeting of the W C. T. U will be held at the home of Mrs ,lames Elliott. Topic will be "Law enforcement and legislation" to he introduced be Rev Dr Oaten. MRs. A J LowaY was remembered by the receipt of a fine silver Fruit spoon by members of her Sunday School class in the Methodist church, The re- cipient was completely taken hr sur prise but expressed her sincere thanks and good wishes for the young men in neat form. AT meeting of the School Board the resignation of Joseph Murr, Caretaker of the school building was received and accepted and Robert Henderson ap. pninted in his stead at the same salary. Mr. Murr has looked after the work well but has decided to take a well earn- ed rest. He and Mrs Murr will remove from Brussels and make their home with one of their sons. D. C. Ross was re-elected Chairman of the Board for rote. L. O. L. -The annual meeting of Grey District Orange Lodge was held in the Orange Rall, Brussels, on Tues- day, 10th inst. After general business the following nffirers were elected :- Neil McNeil, Master, Walton ; Win, Holt, Deputy Master, Jamestown ; Robt; Barr, Chaplain, Ethel ;'t lharies Case, Secretary, Walton ; William McCall, Treasurer, Walton ; B. Gerry, Director of Ceremonies, Brussels ; George Johnston, Lecturer, James- town. County Lodge will lneet in Wingham on the first Tuesday in Feb. ruary. WON A PRIZE -Last Spring some• time the announcement of an essay contest conducted by "The British and Foreign Sailors Society," of Loudon England, was sent to the Collegiates, The subject of essay was "King Alfred -the Great, His Character and Influence especially upon British Naval History" at.d the prizes were to be copper salvers made from the real copper out of Nel- son's ship, the Victory. the contest was open to the whole British i Ent ite rtes and t p s t came P me to• Canada. Miss Frances L Stubbs of Calgary, won one which was counted the better of the two as the other was an additional prize given for an essay not quite so good as others and yet worthy of recognition. 'ren prizes were given in all, nine salvers and the additional shield, We con. gratulate Miss Fannie, People We Talk About W. Jackson has gone to his home at Severn Bridge. Mrs. Win Pryne is visiting at Tor- onto with relatives, Miss Annie McQuarrie is home from her mellinery situation at Blyth, Miss Mabel Haycroft is home from Fort William on a visit with her mother, Two sons of Mrs. Jno, Coates, John street, are here from the West on a visit. Mrs, 5, Gerry has been on the sick list but we hope elle will soonbe as well as ever. I'he Misses Leckie, of Toronto, are guests et the home of Reeve, and Mrs. Leckie, Mi•s Dinsmore, of Lohdou, is a visitor with her cousin, Mrs. A, •R, Currie, lohn street, 'Mrs (Cir,) Polid, of Owen Sound; has been renewing old friendships 10 Bros, se's. and locality, Joe Wilton has beetinloved from New castle to Colborne in "connection with the Standard Bank, Miss Leave Leatherelale has been tinder the cloche's care but is improving we are pleased to state. Tile late Mr. Doupe, whose death was reported last week, was burled S d la. t Sanlr<lay at Loudon. Miss Stella Stubbs, of Calgary, fs teaching near her home city, Site shoelel make a good on1e. Wm. Gordon, who has been very in for some time, with congestion of the lungs, is improving ropily. E. C. Mulford hes been lighting an attack of lagrippe and other combina- tions but is getting the better of them and is attending to business, Mrs. Wm Gordon has returned from Niagara Fans, where she has spent the last few months recruiting her health. She is greatly improved We are glad to state. Mrs. Ballard, who is in training for a nurse at Berlin hospital, is here for a holiday with her sister, Mrs ino Fergu son, 'Purnberry street. Stie is enjoying her work, r, George and Mrs. Holmes, .01 Cypress River, Man , have been visiting the Misses Holmes and Mrs. D. Ewen. The former is a brother to the Brussels ladies mentioned After being housed up for a good many weeks by an attack of typhoid fever Jas. G. Janes was able to get down street for the first last Saturday. He will soon be as hearty as ever we hope. Old friends of Mrs. Funstuu, formerly of Brussels, now living at Bellingham, Washington State, will be sorry to hear that she is in a poor condition of health but old friends hone she will soon show improvement. . Hrussetites were quite surprised to learn that otir townsman, J H. Keruev, intends removing to Guelph where tie will posh Itis insurance He has made quite a success of the work of tate and evidently has found a congenial sphere Mrs Kerney and daughters will of course go to the Royal city also, leaving in March, we understand. THE Poem voices the regret of our townsfolk in the prnposed change. DIED McLxon: In Ethel, on January 12th, John MoLi od, aged 57 years, 5 months and 27 days. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, TM - ELEMENTS, $o, -F, S. Soott, Auctioneer, has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by publics auction at Lot 8, Von, 15, Grey, on Friday, Jan 20th, et 1 P. an, the following property, viz: -2 heavy draft horses rising 9 ysere, 1 driving mare quiet, 1 heavy draft Dolt rising 8 years, 4 young cows with calf, 2 heir. era, l steer rising 2 yearn, 0 art Ives, 2 store pigs, 100 twee, . 1 pair of geese, 1 McCormick 0 ft binder new, 1 Mo('ormiek 8 ft. mower new, 1 horse rake; 1 seed drill, 1 disc harrow, 1 set of &horse harrows, 1 singlep)ow, 1 truek wagon, I set or scales, 1. fanning mill with bagger,. loplatform scales, gravel box, grinding stone, ng ladder, hay reek, hey f rk. car rope and pulleys, 1 h a td, g terve, tn•ata bag, quantity of. gmel tie,otby i.py Terns -;500. std tinder cash; over that amount 10 mouths credit, 6 91, off forcash on credit. amount'. Sale without reserve as proprietor is going W eat. H0GE STEWART, Proprietor, A . COTTON SALE ,OP FARM 1TO(•K, Is remitters,Seo-•F.8 Scott, Auo'r, hes been instructeby the undersigned to sell by public auction on Thursday. January 25, at 1,0112, Concession D, Grey, at 1 p. m„ the fol- lowing valuable property, viz: -1 Blare rising 11 years supposed 1n foal to Caledonian Prince, 1 mare rising 10 years supposed in foal to Caledonian Prince, 1 horse 11 years, 1 colt standard bred rising 5 years broken, 1 cow 8 years supposed In salt, 1 cow 7 yea's supposed be, calf, 1 cow 8 years enpposed in calf, 1 heifer 2 years supposed in calf, 2 heifers 2 years old,. 4 steers 2 years old, 2 calves, 1 sow due to pig in Marine, l2 pigs about 15(1 lbs, 4 mOlg old, pi 2 months old, 2 brood sow, 1. binder, 1 peed drift, 2 plows, 1 gang law 1 set harrows, 1 horse rates, 1 new cultivator, 1 wagon new rimeand tires, 1 general purpose wagon, 1 general purpose Wagon, t sleigh, 1 bngpyy, t cotter,1 e ogcolter, 1 pig rack, 1 hay " rack,1 collie dog,, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 turnip pulps", 2 gravel box, 1 fanning mill, 1 hay fork ropes and pulleys. 1 stone heat. 2 sets plow harness, l set single harness, 11 gesso, about 00 hens, quantity of grata nod hay, 1 tnrltev hen, 5 bunches shingles, 2 churns, 1 cook stove 1 ouPbo ar d s0rs am separator, nrntor , 1 RORI stove, 1 or nn forks,rh dr1a hoes, pellet andotheartielen too numerous tmeetion,Terms:-All soilof , Orland ander ensile; 10 monthscredit will be allayed on approved Point notes. 5% off for eseh on credit amounts, Hay and grain to be caele. On Recount of in jury Proprietor ie giving up fsi'nning 50 rale will bewithout reserve Ir. B. Booth, anotion. eer, J, FLOOD, Proprietor, AUOTION SALE OF HORSES, Geo. T, Robertson, Con. 10, past Wawaunsh, will hold an auction sale of Ciydesdale horses, on Thursday afternoon, February 1st. There are twenty choice mates anti geldings and some of the mares 'are in foltl. Also sixteen head of cattle and ane thor0'- bred Shorthorn bull. If you are look- ing for choice atonic attend this sale. Joyn,' Punyls, auctioneer, AUCTION SALIiI OF FARM STOOK AND IMPL11ISENTS.-P. S, Scott, auctioneer, has been in- etrueted by the undersigned to sell by public auction at Lot IS, Con. 4, Grey, on Tuesday, Jan. 30th, et 1 n'elook, the following property 1-1 draft mare supposed in foal, 1 ch•aft gelding 2 yrs. old, 1 blood mare 9 years aid In foal, 1 blood mare 4 yew. siolcl in foal,ldriv- ing horse 0 yeare old, 1 span of match- ed drivers 3 years old, 1 hlniid gelding 2 years old, 1 blood filly 1 year old, 1 blood gelding 1 ,yea[' old, 1 sucking colt, 20 good dairy cows, 4 steers rifl- ing 2 years, 1 heifer rising 2 years, 1 steel' rising I year, .3 calves, 8 pie 3 months old,1 buggy, 2 cutters, 1 Mas' Bey -Barris mower, 1 two -furrow tid- ing plow and .abet, artielee, Sale without reserve as proprietor is goingwest. 1et,B-s 00 and un at,Cash over that am mint 0Months'tbs' credit given nn furnishing Approved joint; notes ; 4 per cent. off for cash on cre- dit anlOunts. GA1tOSON fAC1 LUO, Proprietor, THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ESTABUSHRD 1873. 105 BRANCHES, QUARTERLY DIVIDEND NOTICE No, 85, Notice is hereby given that a Dividend at the rate of Thirteen Per Cent, per Annum upon the Capital Stock of this Bank bas been declared for the quarter ending 31st January, 1912, and that the same will be payable at the Bead Office, in this city, and at its branches, on and after Thursday, the 1st day of February, 1912, to Shareholders of record of 20th January, 1912. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Bead Office of the Bank in Toronto on Wednesday, the 21st February next, at 12 o'clock noon. By order of the Board, Toronto, 21st December, 1911. GEO. P. SCUOLfELD, General Manager. BORN BaOwN,-In Grey township, on January 14th to Mr, and Mrs, Dave Brown a daughter, HUTOUINSON -011 Grey townelit on January 18111, to Mr, and Mrs, Hilliertl';Hntehinson, a Son. MARRIED BnaoasLL-scoTT.-At the home of the bride's paWishart B.on A., Mr. January 17th, urchill to Mis Aileen, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. P. Scott, Brueaele. AUCTION SALES Timplements, aetoALot 12, 28T11.--3711'M n., 8, Grey tonin- ship. Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. J. Futon, Proprietor, F. B. Scott. Auctioneer. FRIDA1', JAN. 2H-Fspm stook, imple- meeta, ikeLot 8, Von. 1Ery to Sale es1od at 1 p. m, Hoon BTEWART,Prop , F. S. Scott, Ano. 8058011', JAN 80m0. -Form stook, imple- ments, etc., Lot }5th, Con. 4, Grey township. Sale unreserved, at t p. lit. GA1118074 JAOx- L(N, Prop. F. B. Scott, Ano, Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of James Mc- Nair, late of the Township 'of Grey, to the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re• viand statutes of Ontario, 1997, Chapter 129, that ell creditors and others having Maims against the estate of the said James McNair, who died on or about the 24th day of Noreen- ber,1911, are required on or before the 15th day of Pelee -nary, 1912, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Jas, D. McNair, Uranbrook P, 0„ ono of the Executors of the deceased, their Christ- ian and surnames, addressee and descriptions and 'statement of their accounts against the said estate and also the nature of the security (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after such last before mentioned ante the Executor's will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled theretohaving regard only to the elating of wide!' they shall then have get notice and that the amid Execu- tors will not be liable for the Paid assets or any part thereof to any parson or pereone of whose. claim, notice slislI act have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Agent for Jan. D McNair, SCOTT. and James Perris, the Executors, Notice to Creditors Inthe matter of the estate of Elizabeth Lamont, late 0f the 'rowocbip of Gots', to the Conoty of Hnrdn, widow, deceased, Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Statute, that all eredltore and other,, having claims against the estate of the said Elizabeth Lam- ont, who died on or about the twenty-ttfth day 01 November, 1911, areregnired on or before the 16114 they or February. 1912 to send by post rainpr..pnid a• deltyer to M,nnle Bectrioe Lamont, . O , oils of the and Sui•ixes of the ds• omreed, their Christian and sm•uames, add res - Hes Bud deenriptio,a, and a statement of their accounts ugainet Lha said estate and also the nature of the security iif snyl held by. them. And further take notice that after such las t mentioned date the Exeoutrixea will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased rottenest the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the Maims of which they sbel then have got notloe, and that the will net be liable for the said assets or. any part thereof to any person oe persona of whose claims notice shall not have been receiv- ed by them at the time of such distribution, F. B. SCOTT, Agent for Minnie Beatrice Lemont and 2948 Margaret Maud Stevenson, Executrixes. ..r,..n••••=-m.,...-...n t.... N BRUSSELS MARKET -- Wheat Oats Pens Barley Butter Eggs Potatoes Hay Hogs, ......... ........... Cattle ...... bU 40 00 as 11 00 6 165 00 85 41 l 705 28 85 12 00 8 70 Meeting of the Huron County Council. ty of Huron will mThe Council of the corporation of the4oan- ost in the Council Clem - her in the Town of (loderich, on TttesdSY. the 211rd inst., at 8 o'clock, All a000nnte against the County miet be planed With thee Clerk previous to this date. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated Jan. 8111, 1012. ICOR SALE.-Ponyy, harness, buggy, cutter and wagon ; eIRO Tote at the G. T. R. star Mon. Will accept 2125 for all ot', will sell sep- arate and on time to the right pian, 28.01 JAS. SHARP. FARM FOR SALE being Lot 29. Oen, 0, Morrie township, Huron Co., containing 75 acres, it is all cleared end 16 acres under cultivation There is a comfortable frame koase, with kdtehen adjoining, Iseult barn, email young oreherd, drilled well and wind. spill, $o, lymile. from school, post ot3enand .. church Farm well fenced Must be sold b Drive will take it Poseeesion on Mitre)) 15th ger, Walton, P. O„ or F. S. Scott,Bets:Ras. tr, toile eef4e1&cav)sessaw Bteekee teav11 v Ch to 0 mJust $ pose, of our B W Blood Pool; V Cough Cure 6 is what one of clue customers 61 m told us it took to stop his cough. O 0 But this is no isolated. tealimsn- E t8 lel because (1111' l'tsCOti ore fr'e- ap quently teal us of the splendid e. 0 results they resolve from tacking Eo 'S 11. In thu csvcunt of its not, giv- z • het °mil's aatisfit0tion We pili- re 6 ingly 1 el'nntl the price, ® r; GIVE IT A TRIAL co • 25c, per Bottle 0lit tk 0 O 0 t t tin , ` o g- E ® "E', rte` , J`, .ih.. r r- te siDRUG STORE ai 00,t3%r000tese s.,00b 0e,00,0'4100eta9 z j(//?d&iii CENTRAL STRATFORD ONT.; Our climate- are tem larger than ever before but we }rave enlarged our quart- ers and weber. room for a few more trj stuck -atm. you may eute at any time. I we !awe a stop?rifulu,, expetirtined Irl- t structure and eon r0arsrs fire, the hest. Om• et:Meatt s eni•eei•d. Tile week to three ieee•nt grnduutra h,fmim«d ns Nutt they luno positionspayinI!$b. $70 '� and 5126 per nl0nth. We bars dreads. payments - Coinmeraioi, Rhone }tend ,� end Telegraphy. Write for oar frac entreiepne now ppMarsh let end 008seguently n very reasonable 4' D. A. MCL.AOHLAN, Principal. t�i lror farther particular( apply to Joseph Bol- 0blb'4 set.g5 W.WiY `7:4 o ,. patty.. iisl'c ,,j til® Blanket Your. Horses The Cod Weather Demands it I'.1$7trern axx-�»vrVNxw, ie< And come to us for your Blankets. Prices away down and Large assortment to choose from. Also Robes, Wool Rugs, Bells, Trunks and Satchels. i• argams Felt and Winter i� Boots,Shoe e�.� sEipkaers, Vic. We want to clear all Winteroods out which ;� accounts for the big reductions in prices we are now giving. g -All accounts must he closed by Cash or note hvfo'e the month or they will be put 111 other haucle for collection, of this 1.0. RC •• +•••••,••••••••►•••••••••••• 9••••••••••••••••••••••••• •,•••••••0•000•0'•••••••••••• • • • Brussels • • Daylight Stairs •• • • • • • 4 • • • 0 • 4 s • • • e O •••• t. • • ••1 • • Highest Prices for ppodune, • • ps Pooh Right or your Money back, DficLare� Real Bar —IN Women's Fur Lined ' and Fur Trimmed Coats Women's, Misses' and Children's Winter Coats Men's Fur Trimmed Overcoats Men's and Boys' 'Winter Overcoats Men's and Boys' Winter Suits' Women's Ready-made Skirts. and Waists Ladies',.Men's Children's i sand Children s Winter Underclothing Ladies' Fur Ruffs and Muffs' Wool and Flannelette Blankets Winter Doors and Overshoes • • • O • a r) .• • • 9 (a • a • • 0 S 0 • • w 0 • • • • • • • • • • 0 • V • • • • 0 00 0 0 P • 0 • • 0 05 • • • 0 • a • 0 .v 0'