HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-1-11, Page 8ap
e ap•
Flash. Sheets,
Sheet Holder,
d .or this pastime -
ox Paper, Sotto Paper,
anis. Chemicals, &c.
variety of Snap Snot Alburns-
Once pasted in you havemorecbance
of keeping together your prints.
films Developed Photo Prints made,
rhe 0.44Caed Store
it the 'tetlitning of a uew term
ter the Chrh,tmas vaeaticn, there
�'- I St au 4d• We are prepared with a
sagoed 1; „t of Scribblers, Exercise
lloo,re. , Stiff Reeked Note Books..
t „ot'aeovers and plenty to °hoose
trig a, Also School Sags, Lead Pen-
' 6ils Erasers; water Colors
and .Rubberrt Paper,
• H. S. Books
P. S. Books'
If we haven't the book you require,
can get it on short notice.
Your School Wants
will receive good
Attention Here.
are alweys some new wheel supplies
meal Reba hints
SEE local news on page 5.
HAVE you been skating yet ?
THE snow plow has been busy.
Co. Coverers. will meet Tuesday, Jan.
THE snow shovel is mightier than the
BE a sport and shovel the snow off
your share of i be Sidewalk.
THERMOMETER showed sodegrees be-
low zero but it felt like 6o.
TRAINS have been considerably de-
layed by tbe storms and heavy track this
SCHOOL was eaucelled in several of
the rural schools owing to the severity
of the storm and blockaded roads.
Sortz of the local culers were "break-
ing.in" the new rink last Monday by a
practice game with the stares. Titer
have not forgotten bow to locate the T.
THE POST would advise Rev. Hicks to
go a little slow on the weather question
in 1912 if he expects to bold his job.
There's no use in rubbing it in too
bard so early iu the year.
WINTER asyizes, with jury. will open
at Goderich to 'Tuesday, March 26th
with Justice Britton presiding. The
non -jury assize is slated for Thursday,
June 270 before Justice Clute.
A subscriber writing from Crystal
City, Manitoba, says"We are always
glad to get TRE PosT." How about
your absent son or daughter who do
not receive it ? Send it to them for
Tas engagement is announced of Miss
Jean S. Habkrtk, of Esterhazy, Sask.,
'to John S. Walker, of Regina, Sask..
the marriage to take place early in
February, at the home of Dr. H.
Christie. Esterhazv, Sask.
CUT IT OUT -The Lucknow boys are
a jolly crowd but some of them might
cut out "tipping up the. little finger"
and neither they nor their smart little
totyn would suffer by it. It is not eon.
duciye to the better class of sport and b
should be. tabooed, 1 E
I, 0 0. F. Installation will take place"
in connection with Western Star
Lodge, Brussels, on
of next evening
tendanoe iiso s'kedt for astheoccasiA on cis
one of special interest.
D. D. G. M. MARTIN goes to Wine•
barn Thursday evening of this week, to
Wroxeter, next Monday evening and
Teeswater On 'Tuesday to install tbe
officers of the Odd Fellow Lodges in
those places. It is no small task in
the Winter season to make these official
visits, Mr, Mal tin is a very enthusiastic
member of the Order and should meet
with a hearty reception by - the three -
Senates. Board Friday evening. First
meeting of new Board on Wednesday of
next week.
TOWN was practically deserted during
the blizzard. Some roads were blocked
completely for a time.
TEE Pose is sorry to hear that a baby
daughter born to the home of Brine
and Mrs. Scott at. Gull Lake, Sask., on
Deuember zeth, died on the 4th inst
Mr. Scott is a former resident of Brus
sels, being the eldest son of P. and
Mrs. Scott, of town.
NESBIT HAMILTON had the time of his
life working his way through the snow
backs Tuesday after taking the Gaynor
-Cooper wedding party home. He
managed to get as far as JOhu
Hollinger's on the homeward trip where
he and his team were hospitably eared
for over night. Nesbit may write a
book on his experiences of leaving the
Pleasure sleigh box and back bob on the
road and pursuing his way tvith the
front bob until about smo het ed with
snow in pulling through the drifts.
Deo strayed on farm of andereigned• A
fox -terrier, Normals Lenox%, 8th con.
Grey township.
Nome -Customers having outstanding ac -
comas with Wtn. and R A Pryne are asked to
settle at onoe as they are closing their books.
W1r & it A. paras, Brussels.
Nom:lg.-Owing to the demand for photo-
graphs in titter hometown the photogrnpbers
who were to occupy the titretton Gallery, were
unable to be here on Jan. 1st as previously
stated but have promised to be with uv on the
earliest possible date. Is costa nothing to
Ten lb. pails. of fine honey at etas and 51.20
each, G A. Daanttax.
Wove WANDED -10 cords of green cord-
wood,body. beech or maple, wanted for the
Methodist church, Brussels. Apply to
B. Gentry.
Ht00105 cash price paid for potatoes at Mo-
Cracken's store, B, assets.
EOGs 85c Pea Dozoc.- Now is the time to
feed ground bone which is the beet known
producer of eggs. For sale by BARBER BRos
Honss and lot, eligibly situated in Brussels,
from Mrs Farther
•k,, particulars oln,es
APPRENTIOE Wexmsn.-A bright girl or boy
anted at THE Pose to learn the printing
redness. One who has passed the Entrance
xamination preferred Apply at TRE POET
FOR SALE Oa mo RENT. -House and lot on
T,trnherry street, Brussels, belonging to Thos.
Forfurther sS
,e ler
P u ea
PP to A.
F. Stewart, Brussels Booth. y
is with no small rogrei l'EE POST ehronl-
cles the decease of Miss Mary McClure,
of McKillop, well known in Brussels,
where she lolJowed her occupation as
talloress for years. Miss McClure died
'Tuesday morning and was buried
Thursday afternoon. She had been
in failing health for some time. De-
ceased was a relative to the Ross famil-
ies of Brussels and made friends where -
ever she went.
Following wtii he the program at the
•Institute meeting to be beld in the
Town Hall, Brussels. on Friday, Jan.
scats r -Afterhoon session at i 3o ;-F.
H. Silcox. Iona, "Intensive farming on
Io0 acres„ W. F. Kydrl, Simcoe,
"Neglected Orchards." Mrs. Thos.
Shaw, Hespeler, will speak to the
Wotnen's Institute on "Listen 1 Learn t
Love 1" At the evening gathering in
the Town Hall, opening at 7,30, Mr,
Silco,,F wtll speak en' •Farm and Home ;"
Mr, Kydd, on "Small Fruits." and Mrs.
Shaw, 'What fs worth while7" Musi-
cal program will also be provided and
the public is cordially invited.
Hocame-The first League Hockey
match for tltia season was played Moa. 'gate
day evening here between Lucknow and In th
the home team 011 the new rink. De. prop
spite the very stormy weather and bad hope
state of the roads there were about Zoo ed,
spectators. Game was well 0obtested the
Brussels betting the best:of it in the thro
early part ofmateh bet Lucknowfsnished soon
strong, being better seasoned to hard wells
play. The completed score was 8 to 5 fire w
in favor of Batssels, Referee was wm Igrega
Ferris, of Ripley, who gave good satis- l got t
factiou, The line up was as follows:.- setvf
Lucknow':- .'1'. McDonald, goal ; E. the. mo
Maltoagh, point ; R. Robertson, covey ; by th
L. Horn, cover ; B, MRllnugh, centre ; held a
R. Johnston, right wing ; A, McDonald tvae k
left Wing, Brussels- G Armstrong, eland
goal; Stuart Fox, point; Rus, Brown, i that t
cover t A. Hawkshaw, cover I Cline' chicon
Scott, centre ; J. Leckie, right wing i C. had b
McMlllite, left wing. The star in tie. time a
Stacie team Was A. McDonald,1 Latin
iso p
hustlfug loft wing. Brussels has good The lo
rstttterfal for a Hockey team and put up I .trid it
a ancppy game and will do bettor as the will h
'Meant advances, Our bays will play in hew p1
Ripley Friday °veiling in the Northern Rev
Leaps series, sort of
FROM WINNIPEG -In renewing sub
=notion to 'TES Po,r W. J. Hawthorn
writes as follows :--We experience
many changes in a life time but there is
one feet remains the same and that is we
need TEE Porr, Am living in the city
at present aud expect this will be my
home for some time. Sister is keep.
ing house and cane/spot my children
who are in the best of health. Baby has
taken guile fondly to its aunty, We
have had a very peculiar season since I
last s saw you and in some cases quite
disappointing but on the whole the
West is flourishing and farmers doing
well. Winnipeg is a "hummer" and is
building no at a rate that no man can
understand who does nut live here.
Had my friend, Will. Rutledge, former
ly of Morrie. with me lately. He lives
at Langdon, North Dekota, along with
a boat of other former Brusselitea
They had good .returns in that district
this year. Will, was in St. Boniface
Hospital undergoing au operation for bia
eyes, He is now o k, and away home •
again. Don't you wish you were a
good Conservative or better still an In-
dependent ? Have not the time to make
sure of converting you. Wish you alt
the compliments of the season.
usiness Chanoe
is often missed when it might have been
easily embraced by
Systematic Saving
Begin now to prepare for the Clay of op-
portunity by depositing your savings in
And now for 1912 served them. Since his vetiver' Mr.
Ross has lived at Blaekhaugh Dene:+.,
ed' was 8o years of age. The fuueral
We want to plaice this, our tenth year t,y a d as very largely t chyrattend OD
in the Agency business, Snuduv Sufi was verym-Provost
Among those present were ex -Provosts
Brown and Riddle, J. 13. Lumsden,
The flamer Year rows Clerk; Mr. Ramsay, of Bowland,
Mr. Pat, Windvdoors; John Elliot,
Meigle; Mr, Roxburgh• &a
And if selling only
Goods of Superior Merit
Guaranteed as Represented
and at Prices
Always In Buyer's Favor
counts for anything with you, dear
reader, we will have your hearty co-
operation in making this a profitable
year to buyer and seller alike.
We wish one and all the very best
that is in this present year and those
to come, also to thank you for past
patronage and beg to remind you that
we will always do our very best to
make your continuance with us
Worth Your While,
N. S. McLauchlin
FRosT bitten ears sod cheeks are in
ADAM DOUPE DEAD. -Word was re-
ceived last Monday by J. J. Gilpin that
his brother in-law, Adam Doupe was
dead Mr. Doupe, was a farmer of lot
18, concession 2, Sarnia road, in Lon-
don Township, and passed away last
Sunday at his borne following art attack
of pneumonia, Mr. Doupe, who is in
his 65tn year, is survived by his wife
and 'amity. The funeral arrangements
were delayed pending the arrival of a
son from the West.
Fxozgw ter, --'trains going South
from K eeardine were delayed for some
'lme 'Tuesday by a peculiar accident
A terrific gale raged all night, and after
Ilse locomotives had been placed in the
roundhouse, the high wind blew open
the doors When the engineers got
down to get ready for their trips they
were surprised to find the engines
half buried in snow, the fires out and
everything frozen up. It took some
time to thaw the pipes
P P and as
a result all the Southbound trains were
A Year ago the Metropolitan Bank re-
ceived much congratulatory notice en Miss Nettie Brown and Russell Brown
its excellent showing for rgro. The are visiting at Clinton this week.
rgti report shows a new high :level in Mrs A. Greenwood, of Brooklyn,
tae metier of earnings The bank New York, was visiting her sister, Mrs
earned 5153.356 3o, or more than 15 per Harry' James at the American Hotel,
cent 011 its capital, Gratifying growth We are sorry to hear that Wm. Gor.
is apparent in all departments of the don is quite ill with congestion of the
bank's business, the most remarkable lungs but we hope he will soon be well
being an increase of $1.719,330,96 to again,
total deposits. The total assets now ex. Frank Scott left for Colinville, Lamb -
teed twelve million dollars, and of this ton Co„ where be will teach school for
sum $4.382,436 74. including nearly two this term. We wish -tine a pleasant and
mttlion dollars in cash, is in readily a- successful °ccupanea
vailable farm. The consistency of the Our townsman Duncan Taylor, has
Metropolitan Bank's progress is iodi- been quits ill during the past week with
ca'lve of its progressive; and prudent acute indigestion but his mauv friends
management and augurs well for the hope he will soon be fully restored.
future success•of the institution, The Editor of TRE POET Was married
CHURCH WEDDING, -Despite the in- 29 years on Wednesday of this week.
clemency of the day John P. Gaynor Our hair is thinner on top of our }lead
and bliss Mary Elizabeth Cooper, both now than then but you. would expect
of Grey township, were united in mar that.
nage in the R. C. Church, Brussels, by Wm, McLeod, Horse buyer. of Whin'
Rev Fr', Blair, on 'Tuesday of this week peg, was here this week on a purchasing
at it a. m. High Mass ,teas sung, Miss trip and will take two cars back with
Kathleen Wilton presiding at the organ. him. He is one of the old boys of this
Miss Annie Cooper was bridesmaid and locality who has "made good" in the
'Phos. Gaynor supported the groom West.
The bride wore a very becoming nos• Saturday of this week will be 13.
METROD1,T CHURCH AT TILso5aueo twith Mauve ntim of tssstin and ausea tlsilver k rlbead- w llrtake 7Ins hourtdetythelskaingthinks rhe
BURNED -:The hig ,Methodist church at ing, with bat to match. Bridesmaid that. day to celebrate Few men at rMr.
Tilsouburg was completely destroyed by was dressed in a Coriander silk with Gerry's age are as spry and as free from
fire at an early hour Monday morning. white trimming. After the ceremony 1 pains and aches, possibly due to"an
Shortly after 2 30 Rev. Mr. Kerr, pastor and congratulations the wedding party active life and good caro THE Pos'r ex
of the church, Who lives next door, was drove to the home of the bride's parents tends con noel tions
awakened by the glare of the fire and o11 where Inctwedding breakfast was par. THE POST had a pleasnnt call from ex
going out found flames shooting through taken of, Mr, and Mrs. Gaynor will Reeve George Taylor, formerly of
the wlodows of the gallery. He at o,.ce make their borne on the groom's farm Morris township, now of Calgary.
gave alarm but when the fire brigade and commence married life with the Mr, Taylor i$ Very optimistic about
arrived owing to the hydrants being all hearty wishes of a wide circle of friends, Western hub and thinks too mutat cane
frozen up it was impossible to get any Dare -The Border Telegraph, of not be said in favor of Calgary,' 'He
r oh the building for half an hour December 26, published at Galashiels• says the people from $tassels locality
e meantime the blaze made great Scotlaucl, speaks aa follows of the de a a ty
cess and when it got into the roof all , mise of a brother of David Ross sr., of pIteissri reported doing
of saving the church was abandon Brussels, accompanying the notice by a ware merchant, Lietcavel ' has d, bard-
The flames licked up the teeters and portrait of the deceased gentleman:- of his business and will s disposed
Tor -
big bell fell with a crash right The Beeth took place at Blackhau I 00ouzo, remove tel 't ora
ugih to the basement and was follow- 'Thursday, Walter Ross, who for over fl t- Regret f exprassed of he ors a
afterwards by the rclof, Only thequarter of a century a firer -class class arch Mr a Ross
was form
y proved a faithful in Knox church uRosawas"a Perm
are noiv standing. As soon at the servmit to Galashiels Corporatists to the er reside
as discovered members of the con- capacity of slulcekeeper at the water 'vouch for Use oft Brussels and pr sen
tion went into the building and works at StantlingCraigs, He was - byListowel good ng him. expressed
he records and the communion pointed to this position in 1882 and eon. 1The family
ce, This is all that was saved as tinned it tuttby
il a couple of Y O Charles Kveryte11 of
were driven from the buildingP years ago, coal
gas S ware rendered vera ilMM.
Mr Ro s, health ledto his retirement. Roue gas Sunday edfeell Mr San Mon
e smoke and Baines Service Was Mr Ross, who originally name from Krsechtel awake e
s usual Sunday and a roaring fire Cappereleueli. at St. Mary's Loch, lived goiugn d feeling of and e1
ept on as a resort of the mercery a long time in Galashiels, beingemploysi irto eonec er room round tired
ing at 18 below zero, It is believed ed as a mason with Messrs Hrbrttsothe Hater and tilotl5, ' A Dr. Weeded
he lire started from a defective before boiug appoihted sluitekeeper at Mr, Kueechl fswasia former resident of
ev in the gallery, The building the warerworks. He carried out his Brussels and is Welt known to of
eon considered unsafe for some duties to the entire satisfaction of the reader of 'TEE Po,,' many a
nal the congregation were content- nutnerotts Councils he has served uhder The 'Toronto Globe of Wednesday
g the erection of a new 07511105. anti testimony was repeatedly borne t0 says of a fernier Brussellte --
ss is hilly covered by insttraeco his fidelity on the eceeeion of 150 Fletcher, off Winnipeg,s I2. S.
is expected thet a fine new church Council's annual visit to the water works,' King Ed r 11,M a guestbe the
a befit in the Spring, The fine On the occasion of his ret cal the coma ager Oy sLtpeli 1t ode heir' Fietnlier is
pe organ was. redueed t0 ashes, ell' resolved to record in their minutes Life ArettraneeC cent n the Monarch
W, E Kerr, who is mentioned le a their high appreciation of lits services Winnipeg, and i � here
head office
Mrs, !. L, Kerr, of Brussels, t durih the lengthened ns herr to complete
g t; period he had rangetitonfs With several Eastern tutor.
Brussels Council
The Statutory meeting of the Village
Council was held on Mundal, at it a m.
After the members had takes the usual
declaration seats were taken as follows
Reeve Leckie and Councillura P Ament,
A. C. Dames, A. McGuire and George
Minutes of haat meeting read and
Following accounts were ptesented
P. Scott, ac .... :........... .... ' ' ,.a 1 25
Inc. Sharp, metre electric to 55
Paid assessment to Morris twp on
Nichol drain'ro 00
las Nichol, wood, Town Hall .,,,, 6 00
F. S. "Scott, election expenses....,, 72 go
Moved by P. Ament. seconded by A.
McGuire, That above accounts be paid.
Moved by Geo. Muldoon. seconded by
A McGuire, that the auditors tor the
corporation be W H McCracken and
Ino. Ferguson at Sto.00 each. Car-
Moved by A. C. Dames, seconder"' ty
Geo. Muldoon, that the grant to Brus-
sels Public Literary for 1952 be $287 50
as per statute. Carried
W. H. Kerr was re appointed as a
member of the Public Library Board oa
motion of A. C. Dames and P Amen',;'
Moved by A. McGuire, seconded tat,
Geo. Muldoon. that Alex. Stewartt
Queen street, be appointed a member ofa,
the Board of Health. Carried.
By -Laws Nos. 1, 2, 3, were read and
Moved by A. McGuire, seconded by
Geo. Mnldoon, that we use Sinking
Feud for current expenses and pay 5
per cent per annum for same. to be re-
paid out of taxes of 1912. Carried.
Street Committee for 1912 are Reeve.
Dames and Muldoon,
Finance Committee, Reeve. Ament
and McGuire, 't'liese were appointed
on motion of P. Ament and A. Mc-
The Reeve called attention to the
question of extensions proposed by the
t... •P, R. and reported that he was 'in
w t5
Mi Nchol
Vice President over the matter,
Council then adjourned.
Notice is hereby given that 4 Dividend at the rate of Thirteen Per Cent.
per Annum upon the Capital Stock of this Bank lite been declared for the
quarter ending 31st january, 1912, and that the same will be payable at the
Mead Office, in this city, and at its branches, on and after Thursday, the 1st day
of February, 1912, to Shareholders of record of 2015 january, 1912,
The .Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Head
Office of the Bank iu Toronto on Wednesday, the 21st February next, at 12
o'clock noon,
Sy order of the Board,
Toronto, 21st December, 1011,
• General Manager.
ance men to represent his company in
Western Canada
TREY GOT TIME --A brother of J F.
Rowland, of town, was le -elected
alderman in Toronto by a large vote -
Philip Ament's brother was chosen
Reeve of Seaforlh. His majority fs 13
but his old friends here hope that will
signify good luck for 1912 -Reeve
Hawkshaw, of Luoan, is a brother to
'1'. A. Hawkshaw, of the Standard
Bank, Brussels - C. G Vaustoce, a
former Brusselite, headed the poll in the
Municipal Electiou in Wingliani for
Councillor securing a total of 311. His
father sat at the Council Board in
Brussels for several years and was
styled the -boy Councillor" on his first
election owing to his youthful entry.
Church Chimes
Rev. A C. Wishart, B. A. will go to
Toronto for Sunday and supply Erskine
Presbyterian, church pulpit whose pas-
tor is here,
The subjects for discussion by the
pastor at the Methodist Church Sunday
will be, morning "Common Life Inspir-
ation ;" evening, "Victim or Villain.'
Rev. H. T. Ferguson. 13, A., pastor
of the Methodist church Kincardine,
has received a cell to the Walkerville
Methodist church, It is altogether
probable that he will accept the call if
the stationing committee 00130111, in it
Rev W, A. Bradley, for many years
pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
church, at Berlin, has received a unani-
mous call from the congregation of
Knox church, 'Teeswater, This 5 one
of the largest churches in the Maitland
T• Sesbyfery. Rev. Mr. Bradley States
that he has been given some time to
consider the call
MEN'S MEETING -Next Sabbath after-
noon, at 4 is o'clock, a joint meeting of
1 the men of this locality will be held iu
Melville Church. It will be addressed
by Rev, " lames Murray, of Erskine
church, Toronto. A call to prayer by
the mett,of Canada or the success of the
World's Missionary movement will
co0eiitute a part of the service, A
cordial invitation ie extended to the
men of all churches. Rev Mr. Murray
is a good speaker and the service
promises to he one of interest.
TSA MEETING. -On Tuesday, Janu-
ary sorb, the Ladies' Aid of Brussels
Methodist church, purpose holding a
Tea Meeting 'After supper addresses
will be delivered on the question of
Church Union, Rev. Dr. Ross, of
Hanover. er. w l
speak in
favor of it and
Rev. D N McCamus, of London. will
take up the other side. Both are .excel-
lent speakers and should be beard The
Official Board will vote at the February
meeting and the congregation at e. later
date on the Union question.
This week a series of special services
have been in progress in Melville church.
Owing to the kreat storm the arrange-
ments for outside help could not be car-
ried out in the expected visits of Reeds.
Lundy, of Walton and Ferguson of Bel•
grave, Rev. Dr, Oates preached Tuve '.
day evening, the pastor oditiatiug on
Monday sod Wednesday, 'Thursday
evening Rev. Jas. Murray, pastor of
Erskine church, Toronto; is to be here
and he will remain over next Sabbath
assisting the pastor: The following
Sunday will he Oonvnunion.
Rev, Mr Kettlewell, of Toronto, . 00-
cutiied the pulpit of the Methodist
church here last Sabbath. In . the
morning hisdisenarne was on the sub-
ject of 'Occasions of offence" end in
the evening ire gave a bird"i ere view of
the World's Temperance . Movements
and of the Dominion Alliance wok as it
relates to Local Option, &c The
reverend gentlemen is one of the Field
Secretaries and is tl m oughl'y posted eu
the question. He is very hopefel'of res
sults. Funds for the Alliance were
800mm-At Gull Lake Saek., on December,
19111, to Mr. en 1 Mrs, J. Brine 8aott, a
OALbaa-FEan.--On December 27th, by "Rev.
James Short, at tnntsfnil Alberto, Mr,
George Calder, of mote Red Deer District,
to Miss tiara, only. daughter or Mr, and
Mrs. 8 W Fend, of Innisfeil, Alta.
QAYNOlt-Coonan.-In the R. C Ohtirch, Brus-
sels, on January 0th, by Rey.Er.,Blnir, sir.
Jun P. Gaynor to Miss Mary Elizabeth
Goofier, both of Grey township.
So0T-At Gull Lake, $oak on January 4th
80r t,ai.rdl8dnys,
Dell/M.-At his late residence, lot 18,. Don, 2,
Sarnia road, Lordci, Township, on atm, 8.
Adorn Doupe, beloved husband of Eliza
Doupe, end brother.ln m w to J. J. Gilpht,
or 1lrnssels,. in his 0515 year,
STORES. *Ili Grey township, on December
2715, Isabella Scott, beloved Wife of B. C.
etokes, aged 40 years, 8 months and 27
the Infant daughter of J. Brine end MM.
WlDNESDAy, .iAN 17th, -Postponed auction
sale of farm arson, implements, &0„ at Loth 17
and 18, Con, 0, Grey, Sate unreserved at i p.
j. I. Welsh, Prop„ 2'. 8, Scott, nue.
Osla IIB
Hay vdtziloos 00
x11q.Il a co
Wool 12
rte 85
11 00
do 85
1 00'
i2 00
8 76
Meeting of the Huron County Council,
c5Rtr4rtptb0:ry1efp'Ut?4iG.,easeaaoa Ua
alt lit
JList 1 [loses
e e
• food Root
Cough Cure
G • aces* 3 Doses of our •
is Mull one 111' (1111'- tvisl i'mpl•S
t'dd u.: it took to +tl •p him Onligh.
131.11. this is 110 isolated test aru m-
, ittl beerett'e intl. tttstuuler, Pre-
p quently tell us of the splendid
e results they revel ye from taking
08 'it. Lf 1.1e eveui Or 58 11111, lay-..
ing enter sailer/Lei iuu we tvill-
iugly itftiud the ;alert.
250, per Bottle
The Gannett of the corporation of the eau re
ty of Boron will meet in rhe Connell t'•hxm-
ber, le the Town or God finch, no Tueadny. the ys
28rd lust„ et5 o'ehu,k. All neeenuth a,inimit vt
the County roust he placed with the °heck
Rated ,Ion, 8th, 1012 tl
� E5
previous to this date. B
W. LANE, Clerk.
FOR SALE -Pony, harness, boggy, cutter 9 G
and wagon ; also 2 lots at the 11 T. R. stn. O tq
Mon. Will aeorpt 5126 for all or will sell Sep- ts419044,5006000 ,51o,Rw5e55„ppe5o 5
urate and on time to the right man.
...28.51 JAS. saARP.
FARM FOR SALE being Lot 211 Con 0
cultivation. v tion. There les comfortable from° Thr annual mer i
hour Hag oP els
e, with kitchen adjoining, bunk burn, heal 9�n1,•. 1t., P bxw'on Agricole
small young orchard, dread i' sela, be bald !n the ental Council
Mill. &O. ' 1M miles from school post and
aid 17th, 1012, at 1 p0 o clock .. 15 ,for t January
church, Fern wall teamed, Must be Hold byof officers,orto ,1,1 5 Ilai, alma
Marek 1st and eensequently a very reasonhbibasinNaAll hearing
are r egesstnd to late
p,'icewill take 11. Poosesi+ion on March 16th, , tend.
For further particulars apply to Joseph Bol• 3. LEe gIE W. H, lama,
ger, Welton, P.0., or P. 8, Scott, Brussels, tr. President,
se r.rr Hnorefary.
Morrie township, Huron Do.,, containing ANNUAL
ree, It I
76 ac al cleared end 16 Sores under
We have them
Also Shoes f a,10 Kinds
Warm Felt .boots and Shoes for comfort.
Slippers for Christmas presents.
Prices away down
Harness Department
Single Harness in Goldeall or Rubber Trimmed
our own make, that we can recommend. Robes, Bolls,
Blankets, everything to make1 horse and his owner
comfortable and -prepared to
Three Sets Second-hand Sin
t 1e
enjoy the season:
gee Harness very Cheap.
.„u a
3 ' {
You've 1,1 about
Act o •
�' OR some time there has dwelt in our .mind
the thought of trying PURITY FLOUR -
the flour that consists wholly u
portions o f the high-grade
f the'be st Western laurel wheat.
That's ao
g od thought: It indicates a desire for
improvement in your baking -talent -an ambition to
increase the deliciousness of your bread and pastry.
Don't let that good thought perish. Turn nour
will power, ACT ! I y
"More bread and better bread"
L v
of the eltf7'a strength and
extra quality of PURITY
FLOUR, best pastry -results
are obtained by adding more
shortening , 7 y
itiali i5 11e(esslr r
when using the ordinar
Ontario or blended flours.
Also add more water 'VV'ii,ell
making brew', \
Add PURITY FLOUR tor :tr
Z'' 1,,rC.^,r?rv.list rit,ltnow
S01ri in I3TtItS I,S 5 .TAS. T3 . T ,ns.
ROSS y 01' ,ANI. {N'G, 'W. lf, itiecu I,,.11,11N
GIIO: '.TktOMSOIV. A �0?... Ha E1aut,,- Dist vitiate)?
.tl. siytauy.