HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-1-11, Page 7PEOPLE WHO CANNOT SLEE SOME VALUABLE Iiil`1TS AEOU IN 80111NIA S Dootor's Advise to hollow Nature System of Destroying Consciousness. Thews is probably no more di firming es serious malady that somnia. In his book, "The Law of Life and Health," Dr. Aloxand or Bryne mentions that five ab eolutoly sleepless nights aro en ough to cause death, and two m.. be enough to cause, hallucination Joss of memory, and all kinds of other troubles. The best advi for :the treatment of insomnia perhaps, was that of the Irishman who said he knew the onand onl cure—"Just go to sleep and forge all about it," Not easy, maybe but sound advice all the same; fo to worry about sleeplessness i fatal. Narcotics aro, generally speak ing, equally bad. To earn sorra sleep, in fact, there is only. on way, and that is. to follow Nature' system of destroying consciousness Here is Dr, Bryce'a plan -the pl of Nature. THE RELAXING PROCESS. "First, lie in the Inost comfort . able position possible, and this i neually on the right side with tht knees slightly fluxed. Than, wi the lies closed, bat not compressed, drop the lower jaw and ;relax th tongue, gently shut the eyes, an draw the bedclothes over the expos ed left ear. This shuts out llgh and sound, and relaxes' some mu Iles which are usually forgot- ten. "Now- proceed to relax more muscles, beginning at the feet, kgs, thighs, and arms, imagining each in turn a heavy weight bearing! down upon the bed; and, lastly, imagine that the eyes are looking far away to the distant horizon. The attention is so taken up with the relaxing process that- thinking soon ceases, and the imagination, instead of running riot at its sweet will, is set to play on something de- finitely soothing, and soon falls asleep." VALUE OF TEMPERATURE. P '8 8- nr 9 ay 9, ea •n d r 8 d e s a s e t At the same time it should not be forgotten that the bedroom should be flooded with pure air, and an important point to remem- ber is that a higher temperature than 5S de. F increases the ac- tion of the heart and warns sleep away; a temperature too low con- gests ilio heart, tending also to wake+fulness. It is best to sleep• on the right side, and in the morn- ing to rest on the left side: Further valuable advice on the euro of insomnia is given by Dr. Haydn Brown in his, book entitled "Sheep and Sleeplessness." "One frequent cause of insomnia," he says, "is cold feet, to avoid which closely -knitted socks and a brisk walk before retiring are recom- mended.. COLD AND INDIGESTION. "Going to bed in a cold room, after having spent the evening in a hot atmosphere, is to be con- demned, as 1a also -the, practice of having too thin night attire and chilly sheets: Cold provokes in- digestion, which keeps people awake; therefore it behoves the thoughtful to keep cold out by whatever reasonable means the present century's inventions may afford us,' "1f the above-mentioned simple rules are followed le,9ser attacks of insomnia, and more particularly a difficulty in getting to sleep, will be obviated. Among the more seri- ous causes comes indigestion. A homely, but effective, remedy is a glass of hot water on retiring, while in certain cases some carmi- native, such as peppermint—five drops on a small piece of biscuit— will induce sleep. Tea and coffee near bedtime, are, of coarse, bad, and no strenuous exercise or work should be indulged in immediately before retiring. Mental workers would often be wise to 'ease off', es it were by having half an hour or so's light reading before trying to settlo to sleep." Nerves, however, are one of the chief causes of insomnia, and med- ical science is now recognizing the efficacy of the principle involved in s'teh old wives' remedies as "counting going sh6e, p g poi. ng through a gate," eta, etc., This really nothing less than auto -hypnotic sleep, which is a. vehtable, prepare-.. tion of the mind for real sleep. R, The story is told of a man who had great diflieulty in spelling words with "ei" and "ie" in them One day a friendoffered to give him an infallible rule forsuch eas- es. "It is a rule," ho said, "that In forty-seven years has never failed me," His friend expressed his de- light and waited. The man re- . lamed ; "The rule is simply this: Write yotir '1' and e e lac y alike end put the clot jest bettattn 114.m•" A student given to highfalut'41 phrases wrote an essay and ha - ca it to his teacher. When he ,ad b 5xaimned it the teacher called the pupil to him, If you would only pluck It few feathers from the ings s df your, imagination," he toll hint "and stick them into the tail o your judgment you would write a good dual better!" /7 5 p HE COULD NOT SLEEP AT NIGHTS TILL HE PO UN D RELIEF IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Prod. Swanson, of Saskatchewan, semis it message of eheOl' to those who feel the weariness and dis. oofiragement that comes from broken rest. Macklin, Sask., Jan. 1 '(Special). —Those who suffer from sloe -Pleas nights and get up in the morning feeling tired and discouraged will find renewed hope in the statement made by Fred Swanson of this place. He doulcl not sleep at nights. He discovered the cause. It was Kidney trouble. He discov- ered the cure. It is Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, "Yes," Mr. Swanson says in an interview regarding his case, "I was troubled with my kidneys for over a year, so bad that I could not sleep at nights. After using one box of Dodd's Kidney Pills I found great relief, Four boxes removed all my pain and 'now I sleep well and I am as strong in my Kidneys as any man." If the Kidneys are wrong the blood becomes clogged with im- purities and natural rest is an im- possibility. Strong, healthy Kid- neys mean pure blood, new life all over the body and that delightful rest that is the sweetest thing in life. Dodd's Kidney Pills always make strong, healthy Kidneys. H THE HOUR OF NEED. A policeman in the north-east section of Washington heard loud' cries of "Police I Murder 1" coming from a house on his beat, and broke in. He found a man beating his wife and he stopped the fight, The wo- man was tho one whohacl been do- ing the screaming. "Row long has this been going on ?" the policeman asked them. "About half an hour," sobbed the woman, glaring at her hus- band. "Well, why didn't you yell be- fore? I heard nothing . until a minute ago." "Oh," replied the woman, "I was getting the best of it until I began to scream." LEGITIMATE LIES. B. F. writes, asking if there real- ly are legitimate lies. Yes, indeed. A few that occur to us offhand are the following "She is not at home." "It happened to a friend of mine." Sorry, but I've got an engage- ment." "We missed you awfully." CHANGED HER MIND. Sharpe—"On„ his birthday be- fore their marriage she gave him a book entitled, "A Perfect Gen- tleman,". Whealton—"Any change after a year of married life?" Sharpe --"Yes; on his last birth- day. she gave him a book entitled 'Wild Animals- I Have mot,'" Jim—"Why does Miss Power wear such big sleeves?" Miss Spite -"Have you ever noticed her mouth 1" Jim—"Why, yes ; but what has her mouth to: do with it?" Miss Spite—"Oh, nothing, only they inflammation in the bronchial say she has a habit of laughing in tubes as no other preparation 000. her sleeve." ELEPHANTS ASLEEP. ®Td 1 lJsc I A question often raised in regard Why � A to the African elephant is whethea• these animals ever rest or not. At Cuticura Soap? first blush 1.t would appear that 11�e 9 oP� there could only be one Onswer to the question. So huge an animal "There is nothing the matter must expend a terrible amount of en_ with my skin,, and I thought sof abin i therefore es oneed �e might rea- Cuticura Soap was only for skin than smaller animals form rest and troubles." True, it is for skin reinvigoration. Nevertheless many troubles, but its great mission is travellers and some naturalists have gum EASTERN DRINKS. National Drink of Tibetans—Fer- mented Cocoanut Milk, Arra may be said to be the na- tional drink of the Tibetans, being 'given at all times and in all places, The natives oarl'Sy it in long buffalo horns on their trips from place to ;lace,, and the shepherds deem their existence miserable if they have not their claily allowance. Arra is used also by the, Bhutians, but the great drink of these peo- ple is marwa, This is a kind of beer made from millet. The, grain is subjected to e. very primitive method • of fermentation without malting, and is stoned in earthen- ware jugs; it has to be used quick- ly, as it soon sours ; it is very light in alcohol, but it is extremely nourishing.. Nips wino, made from the nips palm, is a common beverage in Burma. It resembles in taste and flavor the palm wine or toddy of India, though by some it is thought to be more powerful in its inebriating qualities. But the fav- orite beverage of the Burmese is shouchou, which greatly resembles ram-tchoo, only it is a little more fiery in taste and its effect is some- what quicker and decidedly more lasting, They also use the milk of the cocoanut, which they ferment in quantities and preserve in 'glazed earthenware jars which hold from 100 to 150 gallons apiece. Like their neighbors the Hindus and Chinese, they are, prolific in the dis- tillation of their many fruits; and many excellent drinks are made thereform, They import large quantities of European liquor, especially gin, and tie a rule they prefer strong spirits instead of money in payment for what we term odd jobs. AS GOOD AS A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in every home where there ale little ones. They are as good as a doctor; are absolutely safe and can always be relied upon to drii'e away any malady arising, from de- rangements of the stomach or bowels. Concerning them Mrs. 0. A, Wheeler, Northland. .ask., says: "I have found Ba ^wa Tablets an invaluable m live twenty miles from town doctor, so am glad to have so re- liable a meclioine at hand. I COB - eider the Tablets a real necessity in the home and shall never be without them. They have keptmy baby well and have made him a bonnie baby." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co.,•Brockville, Ont. Many a man's success is due to his "ability to use other men's brains. Warts are disfigurements that disappear when treated with Hol- loway's Corn Cure. The majority of umbrella thieves are borrowers in disguise. A Corrector of Pulmonal•; Trou- bles.—Many testimonials could bo presented showing the, great efficacy of Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil in cur- ing disorders of the respiratory processes, but the best testimonial is experience and the Oil is recom- mended to all who suffer from these disorders with the certainty that they will find relief. It will allay asserted that the African elephant, to prevent skin troubles. For in the native state never sleeps or more than a generation its deli- at least never lies down. A eor- cate emollient and prophylactic respondent who has Bent phdto- ro erties have rendered it the graphs lie :aye in Malek su the P P White Nile says in. the comriunica- standar d fortion that thisaccompanies purpose, e while s them that its extreme purity pictures represent "a herd the andrefreshing female elephants photographed in fragrance give to it all the advan- the bush near Malek, in the Mogal- tages of the best of toilet soaps. la province of the Anglo-Eg,yptain It is also invaluable in keeping Sudan.. It has been maintained the hands soft and white, the hair first the African elephant never lies down to rest, Several may live and glossy, and the scalp be seen thus sleeping." free from dandruff and irritation. , While its first cost is a few cents FATHER'S REQUIREMENT. more than that. of ordinary toilet "And aro you positive that you soaps, it is prepared with such dare can support my daughter ? , i think that I can make both and of such materials, that it wears ends meet," to a wafer, often outlasting several "That isn't sufficient. The man who marries Calces of other soap, and making my daughter must not only make both ends meet, lie must its use, in practice, most econom-be able to nuke them overlap," ical. Cuticura Soap is sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, "Mrs. O'Fwoney," said Father M Murphy, why do I never see Patrick at ehureh now ;"'' MI's, O'Rooney, shook her head sally. "Is it Socialism?" "Worse than tltot. your riverence.". "Is't Athe, ism 1" "Warae, yottr rivoronee." "What is it, then'?" "Rheuma- 'team.,;. ut the truth of these claims may e demonstrated without cost by ending to "Cuticura," Dept. 7M,1 Roston, U. S. A., for a liberal same plecake, together with a thirty-two age book bin the skin attfd bake JtSui9ro"icl1 C ..., 0 Let "Dick' ,M{ Choose Fm your bird's send dish afresh with the seed you have boen using, then put some of BROCK'S wit bin reach, and see how quickly pick picks out Brock's . Feed him for a mon h on SroCE6's Sird Seed —lot him enjoy the cake of Brook's Bird Treat t hat comae in everybox— and notice the Improvement In lila plumage, health and song. Let "Dick" try this Bird Tonic at our expense. Mall us the coupon below, filled in, and wa will send you, absolutely free, two full-size cakes of Broek's Bird Treat. 45 NICIHOLSON & BROC1{ 9-11 Francis St., Toronto. For this coupon please send me, free of charge or obligation en my Bparird t tTwreoat111,a11 nsdoirenbligcake.es of Brock'D POOR THING. Stella=What causes her insom- nia? Belle—She takes so many beauty exercises before retiring that it is morning when slie finishes. Sore Throat is no trifling ailment. It may carry disease germs to any part of the body through the food you eat. When you feel sore throat coming on, use Hamlins Wizard Oil. It costs more to be engaged than it does to got married. But in some instances it is worth more. PILES CURED IN 8 TO 14 DAYS. Your drnegiet will reined money if PAZO OI.*1T. 115N'1' fails to cure any Daze of honing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 0 tole days. 50e. Doing the right thing is seldom a source of worry. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &s. Ask a young mother how old the baby is, and she will answer in detail—giving the exact number of months, weeks and days.' A Boon for the Bilious.—The liver is a very sensitive organ and easily deranged. When this occurs there is undue secretion of bile and the acrid liquid flows into the sto- mach and sours it. It is a most dis- tressing ailment, and many are prone' to it. In this condition a man finds the best remedy in Par - melee's Vegetable Pills, which are warranted to speedily correct the disorder. There is no better medi- cine in the entire list of pill pre- parations. Every man knows what he will clo in an emergency—until the time comes. Minard's Liniment Cures Carnet In Cows. "What is the matter with your wife? I see she's got her hand in a sling." "Reckless driving,'' "Horse?" "No, nail." Thousands of mothers can testify to the virtue of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, because they know from experience how useful it is. Many a married man would ap- preciate his home more if it had all the comforts of a club. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. A woman always has some cause for being dissatisfied. If it isn't her hat it may be her husband. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LABAPIVI1 BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to ourb, E. W, GROVE'S signature is en each box. 25c. A SILENT NATION. The Japanese, alone of all races, utter no sound when engaged in combat. From this national trait springs the curious regulation which prevents Japanese regiments from possessing bands, bugles or drums. orders are given verbally, or by moans of signals with the hand or sword. No trumpets sound the charge, no drums beat the tattoo, and no bugles wake the troops with their ringing calls. ED. 4 AUTHOR 01' "ROCK Ol['. Angustus Montague 'Malady, Born at Farnham, Surrey, England. Augustus Montague Tiplady, author of the well-known hymn, "Rock of Ages," was born in 1740, at Farnham, Surrey, England: His father, an English Meer, fell at the siege of Cartagena,. Augustus got his early education at West- minster School, where his rare mental gifts and talents were soon apparent, Having devoted him- self to the ministry, he studied at Trinity College, Dublin, and at the age of 25 was ordained to the, living of Blagdon, Somorsetshiro. Some conscientious scruples made him soon resign and remove to another church at Broad Hembury, Devon, with a stipend of $400. During the period he occupied this position he gave his leisure time to literary work of various kinds. His health was never ro- bust; the Devonshire climate did not suit him, and in 1775 he removed to London, where be died in 1788 from consumption. His collected works were published in six volumes, while "Rock of Ages" has been translated into many languages. A Latin version was made by Mr. Gladstone, .22 1 QUICKLY STOPS COUGHS, CURES COLDS. HEALS THE THROAT LAW LUNGS. 25 CENTS POOR THING. "It's the first $1,000 that's hard to get," explained the eminent mi]lionaiee, "I know that," responded the more man. "I've been trying to aecumnlato it for the last forty years." An Always .Beady Pill.—To those of regular habit medicine is of little concern, but the great majority of men are not of regular habit, The worry and cares of business pre- vent 1.5, and out of the irregularity of life comes dyspepsia, indiges- tion, liver and kidney troubles as a protest. The run-down system demands a corrective and there is none better than Parmelee's Vege- table Pills. They are simple in their composition and can be taken by the most delicately constituted. WAS A VILLAIN. Harduppe—Is Wigwagg honest? Borrowell—Well, he came around i to my house the other day and stole i an umbrella I had borrowed from i him. TAKE NOTICE. We publish simple, straight testimoni- als, not press agents' interviews, from we11-knowu people, ,Prom all over America they testify to the merits of MINARD'S LINIMENT, the bolt of Household Remedies. MINARD'S LINIMENT CO., LLMITED. MEAN INSINUATION. "Did you notice how Mabel changed color the other day?" "Well, I suppose the kind she was using before didn't suit her complexion." While more prevalent in winter, when, sudden changes in the wea- ther try the strongest constitutions, golds and coughs and ailments of the throat may come in any sea- son. At first sight of . derange- ment use Sickle's Anti-Consump• tive Syrup. Instant relief will bo experienced, and use of the medi- cine until the cold disappears will protect the lungs from attack. For anyone with throat or chest weak. uess it cannot be surpassed. GOT LEFT IN THE RUSH. "Ruth is engaged to be mantled the coming winter." "The mischief she is! I intend- ed to propose to that girl myself when I got time." MU Y®iir Eyes Peed Care Try Muslim 1'; a Reale v.No Smarting—Peels Film—Acts Quickly. bey it for Rud, Weak, Watery ]Oyes and Granulated liyellds• Illus. trilled Book In each Package, Nitrite is nmponn00d by oar Oanllats—not 0' Pntant Med- tleef need In 0uoeeesful cared dans' Prna. fico for many years. Now eodieoted to the Pnb. !la nnd sole bye Dr,,gilOe Itt 2a0 and000 poSBottlo. Mnrine 9000 salve 1,, Aseptla'rnbos, 2Ee nnd OOo. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago ALL FOR EXPERIENCE. The girl was very rich and the young man was poor but honest. She liked him, but that was all, and ho know it. One night he had been a little more tender than usual. "You are very rich," he ventur- ed. "Yes," she replied, frankly, "I am worth ono million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars," "And I am poor," r'Yos," "Will you marry me?" nNo, a "1 thought you wouldn't," "Than why dial you ask mel" "0h, just to see how a man feels when leo loses ono million two hun• deed and fifty thousand dollars.". ISSUE 1-4.2 Nllndrd's Llnimont euros Diphtheria, eats for ghe New Year We have to offer several first-class bond investments yielding 6 per cent. net, carrying our unqualified recom- mendation. WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIs`31TED 179 James Street, Montreal. 308 Mcltinnon Building, TORONTO, - 14 Cornh111, LONDON, ENGLAND Trappers, Huntcre and t.enlerein any kind of New Furs, amino alien to dim. pose of their colter:. Nous with out first obtaining our quo• atone, vhieh we nheorfully furnish upon requee , Wo spoolallze in the following �• RIGHT PRICES. LIBERAL ASSORTMENT. Alli rem tte.noe forwarded same clan good9 rscelred, express and mail charges on ell, nbipmoate paid by us, nr shipment too large or too small Canadu'e LerEeet Pur Oper- ator. "Themes a Reasi n.' Your business. 1tnd re rreepaadenee solicited. D it Pray John Wallarn - TORONTO FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. Ty w. 'DAWSON, 99 - COLBORNE 8T.. JL Toronto. et NE HUNDRED ACRES -' GOOD Buildings; near Brampton. T '1 WENTY-PIPE ACRE FRUIT FARM— A Brick Reuse and Good Buildings; 82. Catharines. .a NUMBER OP 0001) STOCK, GRAIN and Dairy Farms la Halton, Peel, York, Ontario and Prince Edward Coun. ties. 1 Will CONSUMPTION 7y EVERAL GOOD FRUIT FARMS IN 4,. the Niagara Fruit Belt. Clare 3 .NITOBA, SASICATOREWAN, AL. harts and British Columbia Laude, ,.. „man er large blocks. A New Discovery Mr. Wm. R. Copeland, of 011 Pape Ave., 'Toronto, after searching over ten years, has discovered a remark. able remedy which has successfully cured a number of eases of constrain. tion. onst op- tion. One. a Toronto Railway motor- man, was given ten days only to live by two doctors, ono of them a lung specialist. Interested parties will be ftuujshed names and addresses of those who have been cured. Price $1 a bottle, or six for $5. Mention nearest express office when 01derin.. THAT GOOD BEGINNING. The smart young man—his school honors thick upon him, and his in- tention to teach the world in gen- eral, and his father 5n particular, the manner in which up-to-date eommerce should be conducted — stood earnestly hulding forth in his father's office. "You may rely upon me, sir," he was saying, with perfervid em- phasis. "I will devote my whole life to the interests of the business. It shall be my aim and ambition to keep the family name free from stain-" "Good!" said the old man, gruff- ly. "That's the spirit. Tell the ef8.ce-boy to give you the whiting and ammonia; then go and polish up the brass name -plate on the door." P' YOU WANT T0. BUY OR SELL A Farm, consult H. W. Dawson, Ninety Colborne Bt.. Toren le. AGENTS WANTED. .! GENTS WANTED. A LINE FOR .CA. every home. Write us for our choirs list ref agents supplies. We have the greatoet agency .proposition in Canada to -day. No outlay necessary. Apply B. C. 1. Co., 258 Albert St., Ottawa. HELP MINTED. L ALESMEN—$50 PER WEEK SELLING IJ one hand Egg Bt.ater. Sample and terms 25e. Money refunded if unsatisfac. 101•).ood, Ont. Collette Mfg, Company, Coiling w it r ri WENTY TO FIFTY BARBERS ADVER• -L tised for in Toronto papers alone al. most every day; lot us teach you barber trade; export inetruction: constant prat> flee; tools free. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, 221 Queen haat, Tormlto. MISCELLANEOUS. L2 AY and FAIN a0ALE0. Wilson's ILJL Scale Works, 9 L•'eplanado• Toronto. LU41Yn• etc. 18 I1J tonna and otta rtl u!. eared lvltlloul para by our home trontment, bYrlte ue betare too late Ur. 80111uaa, Lol4l141. wood, UnL `e TON. 11CALE GUARANTEED. Wilnoofe 8) Scale \Yorke, 9 liapls,,udo, Toroutu. ,t, GENTS WANT! D. — A •STUDY OP 29L other Agency propositions °Daytimes u,, that none can equal ours. You will at ways regret it if you don't: apply far par• Oculars to 'travellers' Dept„ 225 Albert St, Ottawa. PEUTALISTS ADVICE b'I1EE. Consult 0 us in regard to .any disease. ' Lowe,Y Trices in drugs at all kinds russes Stied by mall. Rend measure. moot. Glasses fitted by age. Write today for anything sold .In errt•claos drag stores to Dr. Bollman Collingwood. Ont. FEATHER DYEING Cleaningq and Onrling and 1Cid Glares cleaned. Tb,oso can bo sent by pont, 15 per os, Tho beat pbteu 1s BRITISH AMERICAN BYEINO CO.. MONTREAL. That when you put a salve onto your child's skin, it passes through the pores and enters the blood, just as surely as if you put it into the child's stomach? You would not put a coarse mass of animal fat, colored by various mineral poisons (such as many crudeves are) u S ) inti your child's blood by way of the stomach? Then why do so by way of the pores? Take no risk. the always the pure herbal essences provided in Zatn-Bek. Z m -Butt contains Do trace of any animal oil or fat, and no poiso. ons mineral color. lag matter, From start to finish It is purely herbal, Tt wf11 Ileal sores, ukessr obsess. Des, eruptions, varicose ulcers, cuts, burns and bruises Inose quickly than any other known preparation, 11 is a• ti.eptle, quickly stops the smartingg of a sore or rut, Cures piles, inflamed sotn and blood•ppooleoning. Itis a Cottbinailon of healing pawerand acientilic purity. Ask timed who have prated it. An drogeett and earn Loc boo or ka„t-Jludk os., 4'oranta, for yriaaa "The Most Beautiful Location in New York City." ` TEL SAYIY Fifth Ave., .Stith to 5911 Street O erlookialp Central' Park. Arc-wdiv.a a delightful residence, from which all the principal centres of the city aro readily accessible. nennaNl most, Strode S:,..I5 bonlmom 4a nod „pwnrd—doirleiq ,llhi..ni�ronin ft and ,p srth largo purl aoove bedroom ohd banuoon Po, or ' 101%¢0. Witco upon ppllcallon 5pa. Slows reelaurnht, palm gardell,1,l11iard to 1,,, 010. se,affarJlaeklet. .50118110 151,9, Mnunger DR n DOW'S STURGEON LINIMENT External application for man or beast. Everyone knows of the ivonderful qualities in the oil of the STURGEON for sprains; lameness, etc: Dr. Dow's formula has it in its best ferns. Fes ,R,,hetimatisnr, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings, etc„ it cannot be equalled, Try ib onee and you will be satisfied. Peirce 25 cents. ASK YOUR DEALER. HE SELLS rt. The Ilrayley Drug Co., Ltd., Sole Props. 5t• John, N.13..