HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-1-11, Page 4a•;,
ht Ir;nt$ Olt
',1,15 t• iDAIZ
�..tt...; Y 11, 1912
.lit NION PerleMent relented this
X ,
Week and will sir for the next two or
three metol; txrtsihiv.
0r01Vortbern railwev is said to
have regal iii' bought 900 stores of land
at portg�,fhnr to he used toren
� it
t 1.
155 a,
snaps, 08 for that enterprising road
coetrcitrd by "Jim", Hill. This will
prbtsgaMreat boom to Port Arthur and
Fpl Allium as milltous of dollars will
ly be spent in completing the
sent n-7
to. At.,00o are spent annually
rest' the poorin Old London It
w}oore to direct and superin.
.5 large expenditure and look
'the great army many of whom are
eipeudent upon the help thus provid.
The promoters derserve great
it for their charity and philanthropy.
ne poor ye have always with you" is
.lterally true we opine in the world's
EloN, Ma RoBLIN says a Commission
Will take over all the Government owned
utilities such as telephones, elevators,
ere., in Manitoba and thereby remove
them from the field of party politics,
Government ownership has not had
the smoothest sailing imaginable but
perhaps the proposed move may better
the conditions and rednce the expense
We dont not bat •the Hon. gentleman
will heave a sigh of relief
g when
Commission fs fully installed.
Wlty in the name of common sense
and decency do the citizens of Toronto
permit the holding of weekly prize
fights? Evidently the present law does
not cover the scaudalous affair and
should be amended at once. We won.
der why the churches, schools and other
organizations having the moral well
being at heart do not rise in their might
and smite this plague spot so hard that
the promoters will be dealt with sum-
marily, "Toronto the Good !" bah 3
not while such evidences of barbarity
are to be permitted, within the city
limits. Ne use sending missionaries to
foreign lands while such corrupting and
debasing exhibitions are legalised in the
Provincial capital.
IT is hoped that within the next three
years the railway will be extended from
Edmonton to Grand Prairie section in
the Peace River country, Easterners
have very little idea of the vastness of
that country which has been attracting
settlement. There is said to be too,000,-
000 acres at the disposal of the settlers
and 20,000,000 available now or about
Bo square miles. No s bard wheat can
be raised, as in mit frost did not come
until September 16th. Grand Prairie is
zso miles from Edison on the route of
the Grand Trunk Pacific. Edmonton is
and will continua to be the great dis-
tributing point for the new territory.
There is room for a million settlers it is
said. Messrs. Moore and Shortreed
formerly of Morris towuship, are among
those who have gone to Grand Prairie
during the past year.
OWING to tbe hampered condition of
the Ontario Experimental Farm at
Guelph, commonly designated as the
Model Farm, the too acre farm of
George 'Hamilton has been added.
Price paid was (ems per acre. This
will enable the College authorities to
swing out on a wider range of experi-
ments and thereby extend the useful-
ness of this important Provincial insti
tution. College buildings will also be
enlarged it is said. Prof, Creelman is
making a great success of the manage-
ment and under improved conditions
and a more vigorous policy by Minister
of Agriculture Duff the way should be
open tf ..e beat record in elle coming
LucKNow people took no risk over
Mr. Whitney's 3/5 blockade to carrying
Local Option so swept the decks on
Election Day by a vote of sol for to 7o
against, Kinloss township, adjoining.
also won a de0lsive victory by a majority
of 185, the record standing. aso for
Local Option to 135 against. Goderich
town rolled up a clear majority of 175
for the By-law but found themselves Ig
votes short to meet the 3/5 demand,
Total vote polled was to75, being divid-
ed 626 for "dry" and 449 for the "wets,"
so that there was a wide expression of
opinion, nevertheless it bad to count as
a loss instead of a gain to the temper-
ance folk. Wroxeter lost in the same
cause by 3 votes. The 35 repeal con-
tests, otlt of a possible 378 where such
Votes might have been taken, sustained
Local Option in every case. In about
half of these the law had been carried by
a slntpte majority and could have been
defeated on the same basis, yet stood
the test. This sort of practical evidence
of the effectiveness of the, working of
the Aot must necessarily outweigh all
the opiulona and expressions of those
opposed es at the ballot box no parti-
ality fe
Y o n, The
the 3/5 clause would permit of carry
ing ilylaw itt featly teenfcipalftfes
Olti tglk. Bhoi Iq @e Careful In Their
$4leotion of Regulative Medipino
VS re have a safe, depeudttble, and
altogether ideal remedy that is pat•:
ticnlariy adapted to the requirements
()raged people and persons of weak
constitutions who stiffer from consti-
pation ni other bowel disorders.. We
are so certain that it will relieve these
eo1 ] it
nJ? a iia and give absolute sat]s-
faction in every particular that we
it with iii '
t our personal guarantee
that it shall emit the user nothing if it
fails to substantiate our claims, This
remedy is called Rexall Orderlies,
Rexall Orderlies aro eaten just like
candy', are particularly prompt and
agreeable in action, may be taken at
any time, day or night ; do not cause
diarrhoea, bruisers, gtipiug, excessive
looseness, or other undesirable effects.
They have a very mild but positive
action upon the organs with which
they 001ne iucontact, apparently
noting as a regulative tonic upon the
relaxed muscahar coat of the bowel,
thus overcoming weakness, and aid-
ing to restore the bowels to more
vigorous and healthy activity. Three
sizes, 10c„ 26c.. and 60c. Sohl only at
aur store- The Rexall Store- F.
R. Smith.
where defeats have been been met with
(over a score were lost by it in the re
cent election) and by the enlargement of
territory so encompassed would add
greatly to the better enforcement of the
law and the permanency of the ex
pression of the people, The 3/5 handi-
cap should not be allowed to stand
EvgRy farther in the locality should
make an effort to attend the meetings of
the Farmers Institute. Inst t L will u he yell be
held atrri
Go a Thursday of next week
and Brussels the following Friday and
the addresses promise to be good. Go
prepared to take part in the discussion
and quiz the speaker's closely not failing
to express contrary opinions if you hold
them. Those who give addresses do so
to open up the subject so that in the
experiences the best may be arrived at.
The small sum of 25 cents makes you a
membet and ensures the coming of the
larger share of inlportnot Government
reports issued during the ensuing year.
ShoW your sympathy with the cause and
the Directorate by uniting with the
THE argument 7 of those opposed to
the abolition of the canteen in military
camps is that by cutting off one evil men
fly to something else just as bad or
worse. It reminds us of a spoiled boy
who seeks something his parents believe
he should not have and says "If you
dont give it to me I'll yell," What is
there in the canteen that is ennobling or
uplifting iu camp life? The experience
of many a youth who went to drill was
that it was the first step to his downfall.
Wily should not an energetic effort be
made by the military authorities and tate
public generally to provide such recrea-
tions and atnasements during camp as
would assure the boys of the brigades
elevating sport and clean, wholesome
exercise. It is no compliment to the
young manhood of Canada to make the
statements that some peopleand jotter/21s
are doing as to the corrupt morals of
our young men. 'MeV may think they
are carrying their contention by so
doing but we would .prefer to believe
the word of many an ofltcer and soldier
boy and the sneered at W. C. T. U.
in their expression of the advantages to
be derived by excluding the canteen
from the camp ground. It is a relic of
degenerate days and should have no
place in aoth century advancement
We (lope Hon, Samuel Hughes, Minis-
ter of Militia, will not listen to the can-
teen advocate.
Municipal Elections.
Following are some of the Municipal
election figures not to head in time for
last week's issue of 'I'Its PosT„:-
The Municipal election in Logan re.
suited in the defeat of Reeve Rudolph
and Councillors Moore and Swinburn,
Gordner's school
Busbdeld school
So 74.
• P70 391
Majority for Moffatt, 121,
Gill' 13 22 68142 62-307
Monk,,.,•...,, 5337 90 28 40-248
Gaffney 137 33 71 30 90-240
Moore ,0,0 52 73 62-240
35 36 32 11 66-224
Swinburn 71 43 54 28 38--224
The first four Councillors with the
Reeve constitute tbe Council for 1912.
Reeve Winter by acclamation,
Deputy Reeve-
Underwood 82 59 85 38 57 33-354
Downey.... 25 i6 36 tory 44 48-26e
Majority tor Underwood, 92
Reis ....... 19 so 20 49 16 31--185
Edgar....... I1 7 45 36 68 31-238
Headman, 35 22 105 bq 61 52-327
Deinmerl'g 21 47 16. 8o 11 35.-207
Crawford . So 3o 49 58 24 34-275
Mitchell ,., 26 1 34 13 •31 6-111
Edgar, Hyndman and Crawford,
Councillors. '
Leiper 28 66 4q 8o S4 57 63-377
Claris 86 47. 17 38 22 17 25-252
Majority for Leiper, 125
• •
Ca,rdof s
• auk
• S
at thanks y
o the public ub 1c
P •
for their gener-
Ana •
the pg during •
past year and •
trust our business re- •
Dations will continue•
to increase. •
Tailor to Men s'
who Know. •
Councillors -
Miller ......... 92 81 62 53 48 2950-413
Fingland 53 813! 74 3o 46 76-391
Tamblyu 45 76 27 96 30 46 40-361
Barr 32 52 2570 33 45 23-240
Beacom 62 64 20 54 16 26 36-278
The Couneii for 1912 will thus consist
of Reeve Leiper and Councillors Miller,
Fingland, T
snot nand Barr.
g Y
Following was the vote east 10 the
Reeveship contest: -
Powell 77 56 53 42-228
Mulvey 43 53 34 54-183
Majority for Powell 45
Reeve -
Glen 30 33 81
Innis 54 55 40
Majority for Glen r3
56 36-236
17 57-223
Dewar 1$ 17 75 47 68-aa5
Keys..,.... . ... ''es 25 204 47 al -eau
Mustard 68 52 35 33 45.-209
McKinley •.. 21 21 38 53 39--893
Hart,,........, . 35 5r 41 20 43-r90
Hood 23 45 56 14 14-152
First four mentioned are elected Couu-
Reeve -
Nichol., , 46 2894 40 9 63-270
Styitli ,.
25 IS
Majority for Smith 72,
Arnoid ...,....... 49 59 92 20 9 8o-309
45 31 22 7 3 ,2-130
Groszt .. . . 38 47' 67 5734 50-293
. 321259
ht 76 5 54-298
McKnight 47.66 6[ 22 28 79-303
Tipping 7q 70 65 7 13 21-255
Councillors elected are X;tliott, Arnold,
Gross and McKnight.
Look Out For Thi. Man
If he offers something "better” than
Putnam's Corn Extractor, it's the ad-
ditional profit or inferior goods that
tempts him. Putnam's is the one sure
and painless cure. Use no other.
At a result of the recent elections in
the townships and towns of Perth, the
County Council for 1912 will be com•
posed of the following members :-
Blanshard-W, Gowans,
Dowoie--J. B. Muir.
Fullarton-L, F. W. Turner (aeol,)
E eHibbert-john McLaren (acct.)
Logan -Jas. Moffat.
a Ellice -R. Armstrong, Reeveacel.)
Geo. Ehgoetz (Deputy Reeve) (acct)
North Easthope-Julius Cook.
South Easthope-Werner Krug.
Elmo -lobi Hamilton, Reeve,
(acol.) ; Wm. Scott, Deputy Reeve (each)
Mornington-Thos. Dewar (arch)
Wallace -S.
E. Smith.
Listowel -J. A. Hacking (accl,)
Milverton -R. Miller.
Mitchell --Jas, Hill (acct.)
If you are suffering from skin
troubles of any kind you should be
very careful not to let them grew
Worse. Some of the most dreadful
ars disfiguring diseases began with a
simple rash which' might have been
Report of Ethel Cheese factory for the year 1911
Lbs. Milk Lbs. of
Received. Cheese
May 116252 9847
June 15 • 137226 123743
June 30 141654 12510
July 15 123119 102313
July 31 ...... ,., 125024 107224
Aug. 15 118331 102842
Aug, 31 132248 118612
Sept. 15117000 110594
Sept. 80 104799 99584
Ootobet' 179340 184034
Lbs. Milk to
lb. Cheese
per ]b.
12 5/16
13e /lfl
1294993 1172484 11.142 12.43125
$ 1062 84
1384 47
1376 12
1202 26
1286 67
1266 40
1571 68
1548 37
1412 12
2553 45
$14664 88
Balance from 1910
Value of cheese
Amount received by patrons
Amount paid to haulers
Making of cheese
Cheese boxes
Secretary's salary
Association Membership ticket 2.50 ; scale boards 2.50
Milk cards 2.00 ; telephoning 2.00
Auditing books, 8.00 ; printing reports, L00
Hall rent
18 14 92.
14664 38
—••--- 14679 30
$12� 557
1848 82
201 27
18 25
25 00
41 64
5 00
4 00
4 00
1 00
- - 14668 40
• $1590
12 48125
Average lbs. of milk to lb. of cheese
Average price of cheeee per lb
Cost of making per 100 pounds
Any Style will be gladly
Demonstrated Free.
of Toronto
will be at the
American Hotel
Tuesday, Jan.16
with a stock of the
newest European
and American
Fashions in
for the lady who has thin hair, 01141..
trot be equalled. ALL OUR GOODS
are noted for
their superior week-
manship, h p, ext111teive styles, and line
quality of hair.
You aro Invited to call on Us fora Free Demonstration of our famous
"Dorenwend SanitaryPatent�- e „r
The only Satlitary and per-
fectly cnnstimeted toupee made.
Indetectable, light ill weight,
sterner, perfectly ventilated.'
'Vnrn ,and endorsed by ilhysi.
aia1,8 and medical melt. 'They.
are Made in any styles, shapes
or shades,
De not fait to Balt and see there
05 tvo
Ke 86,
Ont.The House of QualityHair OooB
eThe Derenwend Co.,of Tomtit o,
0 000 .
1 RM
set ti Alli
anred vary fetidly. The beat !TOO
mended cure for all akin troubles ie
wash made of Oil of IiVitltergt'ee
Thymol, and other ingredients,
cording to the preeeription of Dr.
Dennis, the fannies Ain specialia
This D, D. D. Preaoripiiun is 1111011tiredly compounded, Stud will n
hal 01 the most delicate'akin.
If you want instant relief from I'll
KIM,111. K•Near At Mand
Ts what yap want when trick nese
11, appens at night. Llan yon possibly
p. flute the equal of Nervilitfe ?, No, ,for
it stands unequalled In 0ueing pale,
t• internal or local, l5aracho,tootheeht+
11- 1155(1 neteraigia disappear in a jiffy,
05 Ittb it nn and away flies the pain.
leer et'iwnps, vomiting or liul]gaetirnr,
or all you need is ten drops iu sweetened
wider. Sick 08 well you'll find Neevf-
tortnrulg,.ltchin Burma or would'
n, line invaluable in your House, Get a
1110to have you liner freed froii o
ri;hllvnitupiavor bintchos crib 11
Co„ Dept , 49 (lolbot ne q
Toronto enc) get a tree 11'1111
15 will rcllevo you•
10 large 25c battle to-tlay,
e, .. . _
DnAR MR..Dn1TOa.-IBitving to r
main over night in you' town 11
many weeks ago 1 embraced the o
portunity of attending a Concept t
.the Town Rall and as a result
thought it [night net be a bad idea t
let the Brusselites see themselves t
ithere see them. The program w
billed to commence at 8 o'clock s
following my usual custom, I was ]
my start five minutes ahead of rim
and for over an hour I sat and welted
fol' the opening number and also for
the crowd. By ones and twos they
riune leisurely along until by 9 o'nlnek
the seats were filled and, the program
commenced but it had 'been a weari
some whiting for those who arrive
early and also I am surefor the per
formers. As for the order fU we
fairly good. although had 50010 of the
lads and lassies reserved their peanuts
to eat on the homeward way theJtind
nese would have been appreciated . by
those sitting in their iin;nediate
vicinity. What grieved and astonish-
ed Inc was that at the first note of the
National Anthem, as the entertain
merit drew taw to
was u
general seurry]ug for hats mate,
fascinators, motor veils, etc some
were standing, some were sitting,
some in the aisles, some half way to
the doer, a hum and murmur all over
the building. Is that showing the
respect due our beloved King ? Is
there any loyalty in it ? Is there even
common decency ? In my home
town the magic words "God save our
gracious King" is the signal for every
man, woman RINd child to rise to their
feet and remain standing until the
final note is reached. Your' idleness
are probably due to thoughtlessness
but as it is never too late to mend. I
hope these kindly hints will bring
about revolution and that from hence.
forth the loyalty of- Brussels Concert
frequenters can itot be questioned,
also that by being in gone places by
8 o'clock you will no longer deserve
the appellation I understand you
have earned for yourselves of "the 9
o';lock town." AN OUTSIDER.
Young People
1 We San prepare you for Mennen at gip
The Listowel Business College •
� 9�
05 and place yqu Ina good position when '(j`
qq�� grad nett ii .- MONTHLY
I You n EDWIN ie all tor am MATTHEWS, Prin. Horse, a' rs
n Y „
ae ,c'A,c�yfiTrP,h>;tF:a c:ai',cte1'F2C4i®
94 "1:,9ga.4...w+:xaz4!Stl1l .,1'�!'BY:mx.'u` 4vravmi l
i✓� Six Im ortaltt PQitit$
rsgaa'ciiug the 55'(41 ItnOw11' s4
f / r
�•;,f%� rig'
,.4 1,. (louvres are strictly il•et•piass, <15
O2 Much Individual lnetimetion is given,
0 Poachers n export
R i a a call OLD good c.
4 (}rnd,este OD and BOLD good y(S
8, IDqulpinent thoropgbly up-tadalo,
11 Illnloyn n wtdo•sprtmd patramge"
WrIIta-Poe calnlagae En1Srnaw, .f)
(for. Yontig and 5 W. J. ELLIOTT,614 IneVxtgl'AtelYWCVA/PAYALTAY4e0g9A-Yelli'...
Alexsiider Rte. Principal.
Stock for Service
-r'AMWORTH H0(, - 1011 SERVICE, --The
undersigned will neer for x51'tiae mn Nji.
Let Op, con 7, ,intens n lheraltgh•hrrd Time
worth ho Terms 31.00, to be pai4 nt limo of
service wish privilege of ,'ete1'11 ing if moues.
gory, Si WA LItIOR,
19.11 Proprietor,
HORO 131000 DURHAM BULL FOR ann.s •vooa,-Tire undernigncd will keep orfno-rbnor.
Drh0am bu. 12PeOognre ma'yeybenassthn
et n 1pli-
cation, Terms $1,00, whichmustbe pail. be-
• i tore December stet of each year,
27.4 WW1 A, LAM10NT,Proprietor,
Good irou pump for sole, 44 inch cylinder;
can be fitted for anydepth of du well.. Have
no furthttr use for lt as I have dulled a well,
If This Medicine Does net Satisfactorily
Benefit You
Practising physicians making a spe-
cialty of strmaoh tl'oubles are .really
responsible for the formula from
which Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets ate
made. We have simply profited by
the experience of experts.
Onraxperience with Rexall Dyspep-
sia Tablets leads ns to believe theta to
be an excellent remedy for the relief
of acute indigestion and chronic dys-
pepsia. Their ingredients are sooth-
ing and healing to the inflamed mem-
tirades 0f the stomach. They are rich
in pepsin, one of the greatestdigestive
aids known to medicine. The relief
they afford is almost immediate.
Their use with persistency and regu-
larity fol' a short tittle' helps to bring
abort a cessation of the pains caused
by stomach disorders,
1 Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets aid to in-
sure healthy appetite, aid digestion,
and p10010te nutrition. As evidence
of our sincere faith in Rexall "Dyspep-
sia Tablets, we ask you to try thein at
our risk. If they do not give you en-
tire setisfactinn, we will return von
the money yon paid us for them, with-
out question of .fo, manly. They
eowe in three sizes, prices 25 cents,
50 cents, and $1.00. Remember, you
can obtain there only at our store-
The Rexall Store. F. rt. Smith.
Thee 1'
eo es
p Column
stable, well, Sm., and 2 acres of choice
land for ante in the Southerly art of 13rus-
I nine furtltar parttontars apply�toCF15•fiao5t,'BrFi,H-
WARM FOR SALE, -The undersigned offers
ter sale Ida 101.I ecru farm, being -Lot 27,'
Con. 11. Croy township. VI,ere are about 80.
acres under cultivation and 5 acres of hard-
wood bush ; good building,., book barn well,
windmill, &o.; 234 miles. from church ; X mile
from school • and 234 :Wive from postofilee,.
Possession on March 1st. For further.partico-
lnrs amply on the premises or Qranbrooit P. 0.
to CHAS. LOVE. Prop, Phone 2012 20.5
FA1tM FOR SALE, -Being $55 of Lots 64 and
60, Lion. 1, Alorrin On the farm there Is a
good frame house, 22 x 0Uy� ; kitchen 18 x 221 ;
woodshed 23x60; barn 88x80; etrxw shed 80x4U:
lean 16x82; atone wall with good stabling ; two:
never -int ling wells and , good orchard. The
farm Is In n good state- of cultivation, Deed
may be seen and tonna learned en npullontioit
2641 Jamestown P. 0.
dereigned offers his line 200 Hare farm, he,
ing Lots 17 std 18, (Jun. 6, Grey township Rav-
en 00., for Hale or if 005 disposed of. would rent
to good tenant Thee are 100 acres cleared,
balance bush and pasture land. Good build•
imp, cement silo, fences, orchard drilled well,
&o , on premises; Only 35 mita to selool
and 234 to Ethnl village. Posyessioa could be
given at once if sold or next Spring in- lensing,
For further particulars ns to price, terms and
conditions apply to J.1. WELSH, Prop
19-tf Phone 4118 Ethel P. 0.
CARD! FOR BALE,—Toe undersigned offsrs
his ane farm const+ting of about 186 sores,
adjoining the town of Clinton for sae. The
farm in in a good state of cultivation, and. hes
good buildings, brick house, bank barn, driv-
ing house, pigpen, etc;, all comparatively new.
A first-class your orchard containing all
kinds of fruits and al'o smell fruits. The
desirable well
For furtd heriparticulai s apply
on the premises or address
18.11 JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton.
RAMS FOR BALE -The undersigned has 8
para bred Sheorling Leicester Rtuns Por
axle, Lot 17, Uon, 0, Grey CDONt111. They
are fins ones. 130BT, L. DIaDONALD,
12-tf Oranbrook P, 0,
100 A0RE8 OF LAND for sale, 1X miles
North. of Sealorth.. Good clay loan.
all cleared and under cultivation. Bank barn,
cement doors, large frame hause,newly paint,
ed ; good wells et barn and house ; buildings
and fences in excellent repair: 'Ari ideal home
eheap.th, p1ply MMisp) SUSIE GOVSINLOOKi
FARM EOR SALE,—Being Lot 20, Coln. 14,
agree, all clew el, 0,, township,
is about
house, bank barn with hog pen combined; and
a new power mill for pumping, grinding, &e,•
also good hearingoroller. ,citlo&ySpys, Lund
is in extra good state of cultivation, having
been propped light and large stook of both
lege and cattle fed on it for years Farm is
situated 55 moles from school and a miles from
Walton ll. P. R. station, For further Particu-
lar, write J. R. HAMILTON, Walton P. 0., or
apply on the premises. 4(1,tf
FA POR 855.111 bei,ig Lab 19, On. i2.
h Grxy'lownship,eontundng IW ns'as; 135
atoey frame house 211x09 ft.; Ititaho,, 10x24•
MONTREAL w' . l'■�r+p good rrxninharn, 40x82, ei otenn sOobIlug{ lj
Tl \ ES fgood wails • xfl eeeded to grnxs except 20 xm'ee;
•i lU xcrea in linafi; orchard; 2� miles from O. P,
Canada's Best
Metropolitan and National
Strong and Courageous
The Tab' %neis' on trial; t$1,O0
lessor rat, thaw &Slane,
The • Weekly Wim d
Canadian Homestead an lsisl f
regular tate, eee goiter
Irbil rates w offered to NNW
a --or those he whose home.
ther Mitten nae been take. regularly
Ya.For t leak y.
las nr - that Is Ranee it
Wonderfully n
y Enia ed
and Improved
das mtat�' le s.1af doubled, the lin
1 t elurch f6/wiat Payor amens
t ibegia.
im lu
k tbeaboniti tsind Cupful' blew
moo NZ rear Mate. Matte ante M.
flet They woad doe .afby 1 , ..:
PciaterkreMMI M n - M them rang
Mnend be tiec.11haeeed by t1lti
itgt et
pap""t In wit r
t0u arts the announcement te.ienf moat 1bd
teemed viten sanding the subscription.
10M1ff TPOINFALrh lir sole, Pebihmere,
'WLtf..u' sleek Reetreai,;,..
H mt • n state of cultivation. -For
further particular, apply to ALE%ANgER
BARRON, Oran brook, P. 0. 18.4.
Telephone 2818.
'FARMS FOR SALE -.Being 000 4 con. 11,
mud Lot 6,Uon. 18, Grey '1'ownshltl, Rnro1,
Oo. On these farms are good buildings, well
tented and drained, also good orchards ; men.
ty of water ; nearly all seeded to Kings and in
a 88cod state of cultivation. Both are elope to
NC 1001 and to the Village of Brussels. They
will be sold cheap and on easy terms of pay.
went. Apply on the premises.
8-tf .IAS. SOTZ, Brussels P. 0.
FR ft FOR SALE. -The undersigned offers
for sale his 1/10 Imre Parry being 3,4i Lot
20, Con, e, lblorrie township, Burnt Co.05
acres cleared. There is a comfortable house,
new hank barn, orchard, drilled well, &o 234
Miles South of Breiswels. Possession first of
March, 1012. For further paa•tlaulare, as to
Mice, terms, Atte, apply on the premises or.
Brussels P. 0, to 1'i. BEA Al, Prop. • 8-4
W111 d
sea of
A IDlizahoEh street, Bn•ue5eld nt:186D,Cstgr haat;
bargain, in order tosecufe quick sale. Key:
may be had from PA r..1. Leckie. For fnrlh5r
particularssee Mr, Leckie or write the under -
abated. J. H, CAMERON,
10 Jt, George St., London.
FARM FOR SASE, -The (00 acre fare, be.
ing thep roporty of the late Peter McNeil,
Lot 28, 1.14-r
Ter, o offered for sale 11y rho.
Undersigned. wolnod. T -ed, On the
res of tl there
5004well timbered. On rho form there in
good bank barn, large delving shed awl a coop
t lehouse, Plane In good condition and
well fenced, , For further rhrticniars poly to
JAS. A,'enNAuk or ,7A, 21' 8.10NAIR. Itseo
e eorx, Urnnbrook P, 0,. on°'F, B. HUpU'T, Rrus..
until - 74f
FOR SALE, being Southhalf Lot 2t,
Con. 4, Morris township, lliu•on•Oo., con.
talning 100 aeros mora nr less, On the prem-
toae is e frame hoose, bank barn, good (well ;rel,
well. Windmill, d,nitl
&o, A 11 olonroexarpt Only 7
Au acre
Hale I
o I .mi
aMiles bout Brneeris, dames do nPPull whu,tlr�
and sheet 5111101'111.1 58540,) dawn ,1501
terms and other tnfarnIalion apply 01, 1110
premloea or if writing Brew -els P 0, PI,0n..
121 Or F, S. Scott, Btvt0,eln,
114 A, L. KM}, Pro111•iotor,
Regulnu Monthly' Horse Faits will be
held this•seasou its follows :-
THURSDAY, Y, P1713, 1, 1912
F1113. 29, 1912
APRIL 4, 1012
Leading Local and Outside Buyers
will be present.
• Stands for .ill that is modermin
• I3usin(Ss Training. A. chitin of +
+ Seven Colleges in leading towns •
• and cities. Two Thousand stn-
• dente in our Colleges and 7'1w ,e ,p,
Study iast. yt'ai'. WVetrain from• •
4•. Len to twenty studi'rits foe evel'y eT•
• one trained by Must srlinole. ,
+ There's 0 r 5.0,0,, It is freely •
ad /11i 550(1 that 0urgraduates get
• best positions, and the dernand •.
+ in, them is seven" times the
• supply. Exclusive right for On. •
• 111rinof the Pannus 131155 book
t• I(eepin Sys tom. You may study.
at home, o• paetly at hone and et
• finish at theCollege. A13uelness ,p
Etlutatioi pays a dividend every
trey of yOut• life.
Winter Term From Jan. •
2nd, 1912 .1.
• Call or write for particulars. ,+ -
Spotton Businass College
Chas. W. 13w•naa, Pi•h,olpnl •
••••••• •+•+•+•+•+••••••F••••
at the
tiectric light Plaint
Will Run Every
Week Day
from this date and attend to all.
ortlets with promptness and
care. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Flour and Feed always
on hand for sale.
Care lave prepared to install
Eleatic Light in hnnles 0r pub-
lie buildings. Ask about one
tale, anti terms, A -1 service
pro in Ned.
Jno, Patterson, Mgr.
••••••••••••••••••••0 44♦0
To Machinery Users
and Farmers
i, ns-s'�-yTTT
The New Machine hep of the •
j is now reedy for business, and, a
♦ with good illacltiueeyand Skilled •
• Mechanics, we are in la position •
•• to attend Co your mend 1 0
• ly land at re(tsonablcr rates. •
mpt ••
2 • 11 you will let us know your
wail will give yon hottest
• advie0 1111(1 help if connected
with :whin y.
i Give its a trial end, by Humin
s to 13rlassels, save Ghee land motley ;e
for yourselves, at
• Mill Street BrU39e S